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Upadesa Sutras

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Hare Rama Krishna,


Pranam to the Gurus and learned members,


I understand having malefics in 8 is very bad,

particularly if it is with the first lord.

My son has his 1st and 2nd lord in 8 with Rahu. He

has two mahapurusha yogas, Will Hamsa yoga Jupiter in

7 aspecting 1 be enough protection?

He also has Ruchaka yoga Mars in 1?

I am very much worried about him, will any of you

learned scholars look into his chart and give me some


I every day chant Mrityujaya mantra for his sake. I

have tried to make him do it himself, but he is at an

age,doesnt take too much interest in that.


His birth details:

Feb- 16- 79

6.15 am


78 E 30

17 N 20


I will be grateful for any input,


Thanks in advance,




--- Bpfeeley wrote:

> In a message dated 11/20/2000 1:31:14 AM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> agoodman writes:


> Namaste Al,


> Let me see if I can answer these questions for you!


> > In addition to my questions on Hora and Drekkana,

> i have a few (so far)

> > other Jaimini questions

> >

> > 1. I've seen references in Sanjay's books to

> " Vriddha Karika " which I

> > believe means " old book " , correct me if I'm

> wrong. Are any of these old

> > books still around and available?


> Give me the page(s) where you saw the reference. I

> believe I have as much

> sanskrit as you have!!!


> > 2. In " Upadesa Sutras " (1.1.4 - 1.1.9) argalas

> are well explained. I

> > understand that argala means intervention and I

> realize how they are formed

> > and how they are obstructed. But what is the

> qualitative difference between

> > an aspect and an argala? How do I for example

> read a sign (house)

> > differently if it gets an argala from Mars than

> if it gets an aspect from

> > Mars?


> A planet or house in the 2nd, 4th and 11th houses

> from a house causes primary

> argala on it. Let's give some examples to clarify

> this and hopefully I will

> be able to explain the difference between argala and

> aspects for you


> The 4th house stands for education. So, based on the

> above definition of

> primary argala, the 5th, 7th and 2nd houses have

> argala on the 4th. So

> intelligence (5th), position in society and

> interaction with others (7th),

> and character/money (2nd) all intervene in one's

> education. If Jupiter or

> Mercury are well placed in the 5th, they will give

> intelligence and a good

> mind. We saw that planets in the 5th have argala on

> the 4th, so Jupiter or

> Mercury, planets that give knowledge and

> intelligence, will benefically

> intervene in 4th house affairs because of subhargala

> or benefic intervention.

> Malefics in the 5th will have papargala on the 4th

> and will not be beneficial

> for education as they will cause dullness in the

> mind.


> Also, planets in the 5th (children), 2nd (family

> life/finances) and 7th

> (spouse) have argala on the 4th

> (sukha/comforts/happiness) and influence the

> home life of the native.


> Another example: Malefics in the 8th house have

> subhargala on the 6th house

> of enemies and are said to cause Dustamaran Yoga

> (bad death to the native -

> see COVA) as they give courage and strength to the

> enemy. During the Narayana

> dasa of signs having malefics in the 8th house, one

> is defeated by enemies

> and runs into debts and troubles because of the

> subhargala on the 6th.


> Also, planets in the 8th intervene in the affairs of

> the spouse (7th) and can

> give bad results to the spouse, as the 8th house has

> argala on the 7th house.


> > 3. I realize that the chara karakas as defined

> in " Upadesa Sutras " 1.1.11

> -

> > 1.1.19 are based on degrees traversed in their

> signs and are different for

> > every chart while the sthira karakas are constant

> (Sun for father, Moon for

> > mother etc.). Both seem to focus on significant

> people in the natives life.

> > What I'm not sure of is the distinction between

> sthira karakas and

> > naisargika karakas. Are the naisargika karakas

> indications other than

> people

> > such as character traits, parts of the body etc.

> i.e., the 2nd house for

> > accumulated wealth and speech, the 3rd for your

> own efforts and short

> > journeys?


> Charakarakas are the temporary significators and

> they show people who play a

> role in one's sustenance in our path through this

> world. They are ruled by

> Vishnu as He is the sustainer. Since the very

> purpose of our path in this

> world is to attain moksha, Ketu is not included in

> the CharaKaraka scheme. He

> is the goal of sustenance.


> SthiraKarakas are the fixed significators and they

> are ruled by Shiva, the

> god of destruction and death. So Sthira Karakas

> should be used to judge the

> longevity, disease, troubles of the particular

> persons.


> Naisargika Karakas are the natural significators of

> the houses and show

> everything that exists. They are ruled by Brahma as

> they show everything that

> exists in Brahma's creation. They are the same for

> all horoscopes. They are

> the karakas for the twelve bhavas: Sun (1), Jupiter

> (2), Mars (3), Moon &

> Mercury (4), Jupiter (5), Saturn & Mars (6), Venus

> (7), Saturn (8), Sun &

> Jupiter (9), Jupiter, Sun, Mercury & Saturn (10),

> Jupiter (11), Saturn (12).


> Yogakarakas are the wealth significators.


> > 4. Chapter I, Quarter II of " Upadesha Sutras "

> gives the meanings of

> > navamsas but still leaves me uncertain about the

> distinction between

> > Karakamsa and Swamsa. I understand that Karakamsa

> is the navamsa of the

> > Atmakaraka in the navamsa chart. The terms

> Karakamsa and Swamsa seem to be

> > used interchangably as if they mean the same

> thing. However the

> explanations

> > on pp 30-1 and p 59 are not clear. Are they the

> same? Other writers use

> these

> > terms differently.


> Yes, some other writers use it differently but it is

> not clear to me either

> how Sanjay is using it in Upadesa Sutras. I will

> inquire!


> Regards,

> Brendan


> > Al


> >





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