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Upadesa Sutras

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Dear Frank,

My answers are as under: Neither of the calculations given by you are correct. Please redo the exercise and send it to me for a check.

Best Wishes,

Sanjay Rath




Sanjay Rath

Wednesday, July 07, 1999 8:57 AM

Upadesa Sutras


Namaste Sanjay...

I am currently reading Sri Jamini's sutras via your translation and hope you could assist me in a few places.

1. Chapter One, Qtr 1 - 1.1.26 disucusses a dasa system and how to calculate... is this the beginning of explaining the Narayan dasa that is described on page 205?

S.RATH: No, you are mistaking the NIRYANA SHOOLA DASA as you have misread NIRYANA for Narayana. The discussion in the first Chapter of the Jaimini Sutra is for the Phalita Dasa General rules and these are applicable to almost all Phalita Dasa including Narayana, Chara, Yogardha etc.


2. The Narayan Shoola Dasa is another name for Narayan dasa system?

S.RATH: No, you are mistaking the NIRYANA SHOOLA DASA as you have misread NIRYANA for Narayana.


3. Obtaining Sri Lagna ( pg. 215) - the arc traversed by Chandra in the birth constillation should be divided by 13degrees 20 min. - I will assume that the traversed arc is longitudinal from Aries at 0 degrees?

S.RATH: No, the basic point is that the Nakshatra length of 13 Deg 20' is equated to the Bha-Chakra of 360 Deg. The Sutra Reads "TARA-ARK-AMSE MANDA-ADYO DASESHAH". Here Tara means constellation or Nakshatra of 13Deg 20min. Arka refers to the 12 Suns or Aditya and the 12 signs and amsa means portion. Hence TARAARKAMSE means the ONE-TWELFTH PORTION of a NAKSHATRA. This is 1.1111 Deg in length.

Example given by you: The Moon is in Taurus 16 Deg 33 Min. in Rohini Star.

Now, Rohini Star begins at Taurus 10 Deg. Thus, the distance (Long) traversed by the Moon in Rohini is 6 Deg 33 Min. (i.e. 16-33' Minus 10-00). Now 6 Deg 33 Min = 6x60' + 33 =393 Min.

Divide this by 800 (because 13 Deg 20 Min= 13x60' +20'= 800 Min) and multiply by 360 Deg.

Thus, 393/800 x 360Deg = 176.85 Deg = 176 Deg 51 Min.

This has to be added to the Lagna Sphuta (Longitude of the Ascendant) to arrive at the SHRI LAGNA.

In my chart Chandra is in Rohini or 46 degrees 33 min from 0 Aries, or 16 degrees 33 min Taurus...which one do I choose?

Calc #1: Absolute Degrees traversed by Chandra

46 degrees 33 min / 13D20M = 3.49125

3.49125 X 12 = 41D53M42S = 1 sign 11D53M42S

Add to Lagna ( 8D7M2Scorpio) = 50D00M44S Subtract: 50D00M44 - ( 30D00M00S - 8D7M2S which is the remaining degrees in Scorpio)= 21D52M58S Sagittarius for Sri Lagna

Do You argree? or:

Calc #2: Relative degrees traversed by Chandra in Taurus:

16D33M / 13D20M = 1.24124

1.24124 X 12 = 14.895 = 14D53M41.57S

Add to Lagna = 14D53M41.57S + 8D7M2S = 23D00M43.57S this puts Sri Lagna in Scorpio

Birth data if needed to check assumptions or to gather data:

Time: 15:23 CST

Location: 41N54M10S 87W40M25S ( this is around Chicago; I use exact coord. when available)

Birth day 17th of July 1952


I have a great interest to really comprehend Narayan Dasa... Also have a great interest in Kalacharka Dasa systems - as I read Narasimha Rao's pager from his Summer workshop May of 1998. Any elp or direction you can offer is appreciated.


Been reading your book Crux of Vedic Astrology plus many others and am having limited results ( compared to what I desire) in comprehending and apply all the techniques.

Any suggestions to an organized path to mastering Jyotish?


If you have an extra moment can you comment on Lakshmi and Sudasa Vrata - it's always a joy to hear about various puja's an homam....


thank you,


p.s. I am on the GJ list and see you writings on a regular basis...

Santi,Frank+ fschmidt

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 11/20/2000 1:31:14 AM Eastern Standard Time,

agoodman writes:


Namaste Al,


Let me see if I can answer these questions for you!


> In addition to my questions on Hora and Drekkana, i have a few (so far)

> other Jaimini questions


> 1. I've seen references in Sanjay's books to " Vriddha Karika " which I

> believe means " old book " , correct me if I'm wrong. Are any of these old

> books still around and available?


Give me the page(s) where you saw the reference. I believe I have as much

sanskrit as you have!!!


> 2. In " Upadesa Sutras " (1.1.4 - 1.1.9) argalas are well explained. I

> understand that argala means intervention and I realize how they are formed

> and how they are obstructed. But what is the qualitative difference between

> an aspect and an argala? How do I for example read a sign (house)

> differently if it gets an argala from Mars than if it gets an aspect from

> Mars?


A planet or house in the 2nd, 4th and 11th houses from a house causes primary

argala on it. Let's give some examples to clarify this and hopefully I will

be able to explain the difference between argala and aspects for you


The 4th house stands for education. So, based on the above definition of

primary argala, the 5th, 7th and 2nd houses have argala on the 4th. So

intelligence (5th), position in society and interaction with others (7th),

and character/money (2nd) all intervene in one's education. If Jupiter or

Mercury are well placed in the 5th, they will give intelligence and a good

mind. We saw that planets in the 5th have argala on the 4th, so Jupiter or

Mercury, planets that give knowledge and intelligence, will benefically

intervene in 4th house affairs because of subhargala or benefic intervention.

Malefics in the 5th will have papargala on the 4th and will not be beneficial

for education as they will cause dullness in the mind.


Also, planets in the 5th (children), 2nd (family life/finances) and 7th

(spouse) have argala on the 4th (sukha/comforts/happiness) and influence the

home life of the native.


Another example: Malefics in the 8th house have subhargala on the 6th house

of enemies and are said to cause Dustamaran Yoga (bad death to the native -

see COVA) as they give courage and strength to the enemy. During the Narayana

dasa of signs having malefics in the 8th house, one is defeated by enemies

and runs into debts and troubles because of the subhargala on the 6th.


Also, planets in the 8th intervene in the affairs of the spouse (7th) and can

give bad results to the spouse, as the 8th house has argala on the 7th house.


> 3. I realize that the chara karakas as defined in " Upadesa Sutras " 1.1.11


> 1.1.19 are based on degrees traversed in their signs and are different for

> every chart while the sthira karakas are constant (Sun for father, Moon for

> mother etc.). Both seem to focus on significant people in the natives life.

> What I'm not sure of is the distinction between sthira karakas and

> naisargika karakas. Are the naisargika karakas indications other than


> such as character traits, parts of the body etc. i.e., the 2nd house for

> accumulated wealth and speech, the 3rd for your own efforts and short

> journeys?


Charakarakas are the temporary significators and they show people who play a

role in one's sustenance in our path through this world. They are ruled by

Vishnu as He is the sustainer. Since the very purpose of our path in this

world is to attain moksha, Ketu is not included in the CharaKaraka scheme. He

is the goal of sustenance.


SthiraKarakas are the fixed significators and they are ruled by Shiva, the

god of destruction and death. So Sthira Karakas should be used to judge the

longevity, disease, troubles of the particular persons.


Naisargika Karakas are the natural significators of the houses and show

everything that exists. They are ruled by Brahma as they show everything that

exists in Brahma's creation. They are the same for all horoscopes. They are

the karakas for the twelve bhavas: Sun (1), Jupiter (2), Mars (3), Moon &

Mercury (4), Jupiter (5), Saturn & Mars (6), Venus (7), Saturn (8), Sun &

Jupiter (9), Jupiter, Sun, Mercury & Saturn (10), Jupiter (11), Saturn (12).


Yogakarakas are the wealth significators.


> 4. Chapter I, Quarter II of " Upadesha Sutras " gives the meanings of

> navamsas but still leaves me uncertain about the distinction between

> Karakamsa and Swamsa. I understand that Karakamsa is the navamsa of the

> Atmakaraka in the navamsa chart. The terms Karakamsa and Swamsa seem to be

> used interchangably as if they mean the same thing. However the


> on pp 30-1 and p 59 are not clear. Are they the same? Other writers use


> terms differently.


Yes, some other writers use it differently but it is not clear to me either

how Sanjay is using it in Upadesa Sutras. I will inquire!





> Al



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Namaste Al,


In addition to the explanation given by Mr.Brendan, please go to the following Varahamihira file section and download these two files, which deals about argala, aspect and karkamasa, swamsa. Regarding, various Karaka, one file will be uploaded by Gurudeva soon.







Solai Kannan


Bpfeeley [bpfeeley]Thursday, November 23, 2000 9:54 AMagoodman; varahamihira Subject: [sri Guru] Re: Upadesa SutrasIn a message dated 11/20/2000 1:31:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, agoodman writes:Namaste Al,Let me see if I can answer these questions for you!> In addition to my questions on Hora and Drekkana, i have a few (so far)> other Jaimini questions> > 1. I've seen references in Sanjay's books to "Vriddha Karika" which I> believe means "old book", correct me if I'm wrong. Are any of these old> books still around and available?Give me the page(s) where you saw the reference. I believe I have as much sanskrit as you have!!!> 2. In "Upadesa Sutras" (1.1.4 - 1.1.9) argalas are well explained. I> understand that argala means intervention and I realize how they are formed> and how they are obstructed. But what is the qualitative difference between> an aspect and an argala? How do I for example read a sign (house)> differently if it gets an argala from Mars than if it gets an aspect from> Mars?A planet or house in the 2nd, 4th and 11th houses from a house causes primary argala on it. Let's give some examples to clarify this and hopefully I will be able to explain the difference between argala and aspects for youThe 4th house stands for education. So, based on the above definition of primary argala, the 5th, 7th and 2nd houses have argala on the 4th. So intelligence (5th), position in society and interaction with others (7th), and character/money (2nd) all intervene in one's education. If Jupiter or Mercury are well placed in the 5th, they will give intelligence and a good mind. We saw that planets in the 5th have argala on the 4th, so Jupiter or Mercury, planets that give knowledge and intelligence, will benefically intervene in 4th house affairs because of subhargala or benefic intervention. Malefics in the 5th will have papargala on the 4th and will not be beneficial for education as they will cause dullness in the mind.Also, planets in the 5th (children), 2nd (family life/finances) and 7th (spouse) have argala on the 4th (sukha/comforts/happiness) and influence the home life of the native.Another example: Malefics in the 8th house have subhargala on the 6th house of enemies and are said to cause Dustamaran Yoga (bad death to the native - see COVA) as they give courage and strength to the enemy. During the Narayana dasa of signs having malefics in the 8th house, one is defeated by enemies and runs into debts and troubles because of the subhargala on the 6th.Also, planets in the 8th intervene in the affairs of the spouse (7th) and can give bad results to the spouse, as the 8th house has argala on the 7th house.> 3. I realize that the chara karakas as defined in "Upadesa Sutras" 1.1.11 -> 1.1.19 are based on degrees traversed in their signs and are different for> every chart while the sthira karakas are constant (Sun for father, Moon for> mother etc.). Both seem to focus on significant people in the natives life.> What I'm not sure of is the distinction between sthira karakas and> naisargika karakas. Are the naisargika karakas indications other than people> such as character traits, parts of the body etc. i.e., the 2nd house for> accumulated wealth and speech, the 3rd for your own efforts and short> journeys?Charakarakas are the temporary significators and they show people who play a role in one's sustenance in our path through this world. They are ruled by Vishnu as He is the sustainer. Since the very purpose of our path in this world is to attain moksha, Ketu is not included in the CharaKaraka scheme. He is the goal of sustenance.SthiraKarakas are the fixed significators and they are ruled by Shiva, the god of destruction and death. So Sthira Karakas should be used to judge the longevity, disease, troubles of the particular persons. Naisargika Karakas are the natural significators of the houses and show everything that exists. They are ruled by Brahma as they show everything that exists in Brahma's creation. They are the same for all horoscopes. They are the karakas for the twelve bhavas: Sun (1), Jupiter (2), Mars (3), Moon & Mercury (4), Jupiter (5), Saturn & Mars (6), Venus (7), Saturn (8), Sun & Jupiter (9), Jupiter, Sun, Mercury & Saturn (10), Jupiter (11), Saturn (12).Yogakarakas are the wealth significators.> 4. Chapter I, Quarter II of "Upadesha Sutras" gives the meanings of> navamsas but still leaves me uncertain about the distinction between> Karakamsa and Swamsa. I understand that Karakamsa is the navamsa of the> Atmakaraka in the navamsa chart. The terms Karakamsa and Swamsa seem to be> used interchangably as if they mean the same thing. However the explanations> on pp 30-1 and p 59 are not clear. Are they the same? Other writers use these> terms differently.Yes, some other writers use it differently but it is not clear to me either how Sanjay is using it in Upadesa Sutras. I will inquire!Regards,Brendan > Al > OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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Dear Rema,


Your son has an interesting horoscope.


Lagna lord's situation in 8th in retrogression is usually

undesirable. However, Saturn is in Prakasana avastha and

lagna lord in Prakasana avastha usually gives a lot of



With the 2nd house being very active and the 2nd lords

being in 8th, we normally do not predict long life. But

retrograde Saturn is the planet in 8th and that ensures

long life. Retrograde Saturn in 8th gives a very long

life of responsibilities (which will be discharged with

a positive spirit due to Prakasana avastha). The rule of

3 pairs also suggests long life. So don't worry on that.


Lagna lord's situation in 8th can give poverty and

misfortune. BUT here the 8th house only 21 rekhas in SAV.

The strongest houses in SAV are 11th (39), 10th (35) and

4th (32). This clearly shows gains and a successful

career and comforts. If the 8th house had too many rekhas,

I would've been concerned. But now I am not.


You said your son doesn't take much interest in poojas.

Well, I expect him to change in 2008-2015. Kalachakra dasa

is based on the navamsa of Moon and it is very useful in

deciding when one's attitude changes. KCD of the rasi

containing Rahu and Ketu in D-20 invariably makes one

religious. (To what extent? That depends on the chart.)

During the KCD dasa of Ar, your son will become religious.


Exalted Mars in Sabha avastha in lagna makes one very

entrprising. I am sure he will be successful.


Situation of Saturn and rahu in the 6th from AL ensures

material success.


Blessings to your son,


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Hare Rama Krishna,


> Pranam to the Gurus and learned members,


> I understand having malefics in 8 is very bad,

> particularly if it is with the first lord.

> My son has his 1st and 2nd lord in 8 with Rahu. He

> has two mahapurusha yogas, Will Hamsa yoga Jupiter in

> 7 aspecting 1 be enough protection?

> He also has Ruchaka yoga Mars in 1?

> I am very much worried about him, will any of you

> learned scholars look into his chart and give me some

> guidance.

> I every day chant Mrityujaya mantra for his sake. I

> have tried to make him do it himself, but he is at an

> age,doesnt take too much interest in that.


> His birth details:

> Feb- 16- 79

> 6.15 am

> Hyderabad

> 78 E 30

> 17 N 20


> I will be grateful for any input,


> Thanks in advance,

> Rema

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