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Sudarsana Chakra Dasa and Muntha

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Dear Bhola,


> Thanks for Narashima's enlightening posts on Muntha. I

> have a question. When we cast Tajaka chart for native's

> new year and count Muntha, is it number of years elapsed

> or running (elapsed years+1)in that year?(Of course

> dividing it by 12 and rejecting the quotient and taking

> the remainder)? Again counting muntha is always from natal

> Lagna? (Some suggestion were that strongest of the Lagna,

> Moon and Sun). Again what is the basis of casting monthly

> charts? Pls enlighten.


If the native is starting nth year, then muntha is in the nth house

from natal lagna (after subtracting multiples of 12, of course).


If somebody with Cancer lagna finishes 46 years and starts the 47th

year, muntha for the coming year is in the 47th house, i.e. 47-

36=11th house, from natal lagna. So muntha of the 47th year's annual

chart is in Taurus (11th from Cancer).


Muntha as defined in standard texts is based on natal lagna only.


However, when we note that muntha is nothing but the dasa rasi of

Sudarsana chakra dasa and Sudarsana chakra dasa should be reckoned

from all the three references, we can take a different muntha from

lagna, Moon and Sun. Taking the strongest reference is only a

simplification. At the end, I am giving some information about

Sudarsana chakra dasa.


The basis behind monthly chart must be the antardasas of Sudarsana

chakra dasa.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



Sudarsana Chakra Dasa


Parasara taught about Sudarsana chakra, in which houses are found

from all the three references - lagna, Moon and Sun. Though many

maharshis taught houses from only lagna, Parasara said, bhava chakra

must be read from all the three. If we want to know about one'a

career, for example, we must look at the 10th from lagna, Moon and

Sun. Parasara added that one reference may be sufficient when two or

three of these are together, but all the three must be considered

when they are all in different signs.


Sudarsana Chakra dasa (SC dasa) always starts from 1st house (from

each reference) at birth and progresses at the rate of 1 rasi per

year in the regular zodiacal direction. If one has lagna in D-n in

Le, the corresponding SC dasa belongs to Le in 1st year of life, Vi

in 2nd year, Li in 3rd year and so on. After 12 years, same dasas



Antardasas in each dasa start from dasa rasi and progress in the

regular zodiacal order at the rate of one rasi per *month*.

Pratyantardasas are found accordingly and they progress at the rate

of 1 rasi per 60 hours (2.5 days).


Results during a dasa or antardasa are found by looking at the

planetary position at *the beginning* of the dasa or antardasa.

Parasara explicitly taught this.


Malefics in the 3rd/6th houses from dasa/antardasa rasi give victory.

In 11th house, all planets give gains. In other houses, malefics give

setbacks related to the house. Benefics save one in the area ruled by

the houses occupied by them. In particular, they give excellent

results when in quadrants or trines or 8th. Position of dasa rasi's

lord from dasa rasi is also important.


Using these rules, we should judge the positions of planets w.r.t.

dasa rasi at the beginning of a dasa.


The above is what Parasara taught. It maps very well to Tajaka

charts. Tajaka annual chart is nothing but the dasa pravesh (period

commencement) chart of SC dasa. Tajaka monthly chart is nothing but

the antardasa pravesh chart. Tajaka hora chart (2.5-day chart) is

nothing but the pratyantardasa pravesh chart. Muntha in Tajaka annual

charts is nothing but the SC dasa rasi from lagna. By correlating

Parasara's explicit teachings on Sudarsana Chakra dasa and the what

the tradition teaches about Tajaka charts, I conclude that the two

have strong links and made some modifications accordingly in the

computation of muntha in divisional charts and monthly charts.

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