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Chronology of events in Sadguru Sai Baba's Life

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Om Gurave Namah Namaste Svayambu ji, Thanks for the wonderful links and the exhaustive chronology. But I feel that there is a typo where it is mentioned that Baba first arrived at Shirdi when he was 19 yrs old. In 1854, shouldn't he be 16 yrs old? Secondly, Tatya's illness before Baba's death & his miraculous recovery coinciding with Baba's samadhi was not mentioned at all in the timeline. I am sure Sourav's wish is more than fulfilled:--)) Regards, Lakshmi svayambu <svayambu wrote: Dear Gurus: The following links contain the detailed timeline of events in Sadguru Sai Baba's life. Hope it helps. http://www.saileelas.org/magazines/SAILEELA/janfeb1992.doc http://saibabaofshirdi.tripod.com/pdf/timeline.PDF Pranaams. Svayambu

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