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Should i go to abroad for my specialisation

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Hare Rama Krishna Respected Gurujans and learned members, Pranaam, I am at a very crucial point of my career and very confused what to do?I have completed my M.B.B.S and at present is wondering what to do next.I was preparing for my post graduation entrance and then got an matrimony offer from new york.Till now i have not given them any positive sign but i am in dilemma what to do.Kindly help me with the best option.Attaching mine and the girls chart along with this mail.

Seeking early blessings. Regards. Hare Rama Krishna

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om namo bhagavate vasudevayaDear Paul

Get married...it will be good for you, as it is for everyone else. We grow with responsibilityWith best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, Indiahttp://srath.com, +91-11-25717162* * *



Dr. Paul


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:37 PM

Should i go to abroad for my specialisation



Hare Rama Krishna

Respected Gurujans and learned members,


I am at a very crucial point of my career and very confused what to do?I have completed my M.B.B.S and at present is wondering what to do next.I was preparing for my post graduation entrance and then got an matrimony offer from new york.Till now i have not given them any positive sign but i am in dilemma what to do.Kindly help me with the best option.Attaching mine and the girls chart along with this mail.

Seeking early blessings.


Hare Rama Krishna



FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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Hare Rama Krsna Respected guru ji, Pranaam, Your words are like a pleasent blessing to me.But i have some fears that would i be able to have a good and spiritual married life?Will it increase my dharma?as my chart does not seems to be favourable for a happy married life(seventh lord is in 12th,second from UL is Ra,Me,Su and Venus is in tenth house in gemini(UL)..Is this girl right for me?I was in a relation from2001-2004 which broke up in a great distress though with my faith in god i survived the phase(eventually these events and my guruji brought me much closer to god).Now i fear to fall in relation as they have not given me pleasure in any

way.Only thing that i know for sure is that god never leave us alone. Guruji please guide me. I need your blessings.Please have a look over attached charts. Warm Regards and Respect Hare Rama Krsna Guru jiSanjay Rath <guruji wrote: om namo bhagavate vasudevayaDear Paul Get married...it will be good for you, as it is for everyone else. We grow with responsibilityWith best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, Indiahttp://srath.com, +91-11-25717162* * * - Dr. Paul sohamsa Sent:

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:37 PM Should i go to abroad for my specialisation Hare Rama Krishna Respected Gurujans and learned members, Pranaam, I am at a very crucial point of my career and very confused what to do?I have completed my M.B.B.S and at present is wondering what to do next.I was preparing for my post graduation entrance and then got an matrimony offer from new york.Till now

i have not given them any positive sign but i am in dilemma what to do.Kindly help me with the best option.Attaching mine and the girls chart along with this mail. Seeking early blessings. Regards. Hare Rama Krishna FareChase - Search multiple

travel sites in one click.

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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