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Practical Demonstration of Multiple Dasas (for Shyamasundara)

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Dear Narasimha,




Your analysis is very educative. I guess this is the chart of Shyamasundara


himself. The description fits him well. Please note Rahu's presence in the 10th,

which is

also A2, and has argala on Moon and AL. Some similar things are there in D-9.


In D-60 Moon is 9th lord in 12th, and gives Argala on Guu-Candala yoga in 12th.

There are

some interesting points confirming both the strengths and weaknesses indicated

by you.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer








> Jaya Jaya Jagannatha

> Namaste Shyamasundara Prabhu,


> Thank you for your mail and the challenge therein. I must clarify that I

> am not an expert in using multiple dasas. I am a student who is still

> trying to learn. But, even as my knowledge is incomplete, I passionately

> share my limited knowledge with fellow students. My understanding of the

> fascinating subject of Jyotish is still evolving.


> Nevertheless I will try to demonstrate the use of multiple dasas as you

> asked. I hope I can satisfy you and other scholars on the lists.


> > As you can see I am only now getting a chance to comment on

> > something you

> > wrote almost 2 weeks ago. On December 8th you wrote:


> I too have many things to do, but I free up time when something comes up

> that can potentially benefit tens or hundreds of people as opposed to just

> one or two.


> > This sounds very intriguing and could lead to some very interesting

> > areas

> > of

> > research. May I ask some questions?

> >

> > 1) Is there any sastra pramana to corroborate this theory? Or, is

> > this

> > theory extrapolated from general principles? (I have no problem with

> > the

> > later as long as they don't conflict with accepted axioms.)


> The latter. And, I don't think there is a conflict.


> > 2) Satyacarya has stated that the Nakshatra hosting the Lagna should

> > be

> > taken as Janma Nakshatra for Udu Dasa if the Lagna is stronger than

> > Candra.

> > What happens to this theory if Satyacarya's principle where to be

> > followed?


> Vimsottari dasa, whether started from Moon or lagna, is based on

> *nakshatras*. Rasi dasas are based on *rasis*. Kalachakra dasa is based on

> *navamsas*. Rasis, nakshatras and navamsas are three totally different

> divisions of the zodiac. The nature of a dasa depends on which division of

> the zodiac it is rooted in! THAT is my point. I may not have been careful

> with the wording.


> Rasi division is ruled by Sun and nakshatra division is ruled by Moon.


> > 3) I mean, it sounds nice but how does it work? What is the

> > difference between

> > the " mind " and the " inner spirit of the mind? " What is the practical

> > use of

> > it? It is starting to sound a bit too " new-age " for me. So please

> > destroy

> > my

> > doubts in this matter and show me how I can use this to be a better

> > astrologer. Which leads to...


> I can only try.


> Suppose a political leader becomes the Prime Minister of a country.

> Suppose he is enjoying great power. Then that is what his relevant rasi

> dasas are expected to show. Narayana dasas show the effort one puts in and

> the situations one faces, in various areas of life. Sudasa ruled by

> Lakshmi shows the prosperity and well-being experienced by oneself in

> various areas of life.


> Rasis are ruled by Sun, while Nakshatras are ruled by Moon. So nakshatras

> show the planetary factors functioning at the mental level. The PM in the

> above example may be *feeling* very powerful and that is what his

> Vimsottari dasa will show then. Of course, *often* there is a direct

> correspondence between the situations faced by one and what one feels.


> This PM may beget power due to a good rasi dasa and feel powerful due to a

> good Vimsottari dasa, but, if he has an unfavorable Kalachakra dasa, he

> may still feel a void. For example, if he had to break his ideology to win

> power or if he felt as if he missed something, he will not be comfortable

> deep inside, depite feeling powerful and enjoying the trappings of power.

> Navamsa shows the pursuit of dharma and the sense of connectedness. As KCD

> is rooted in navamsa, the best things to see in it are the motivation one

> has and the sense of connectedness one experiences.


> I think my comments on the example you gave will make this clearer. So

> just read on.


> > 4) Please give us a practical example of it in action using the

> > following

> > birth details:

> >

> > Male, born Oct 14, 1953 @ 18:27 CST in Washington Missouri (MO)

> > 91w01,

> > 38n33,

> >

> > Lagna Mesha 21:46

> > Ravi Kanya 28:11

> > Candra Dhanus 17:22

> > Kuja Simha 25:51

> > Buddha Tula 20:58

> > Guru Mithuna 03:18

> > Sukra Kanya 02:21

> > Sani Tula 05:54

> > Rahu Makara 06:03

> > Ketu Kataka 06:03

> >

> > I am particularly interested in the period from September 26, 1983

> > to

> > present but with special interest in 1986-92. Based on your

> > statements

> > above

> > can you write a few paragraphs describing his life from the vantage

> > point

> > of

> > his mind, changing situations faced by the physical self, and

> > inner

> > spirit

> > of one's mind? How would these be different?


> > You have specified that Drig Dasa is for timing religious and

> > spiritual

> > life. Can you give us a practical example based on the same chart

> > above.

> >

> > Also, what are the other Dasas that have special uses and what are

> > those

> > uses? I beg to remain...


> I will now try to make some comments on what may have happened to this

> native in the last 2 decades, based on multiple dasas. It should be borne

> in mind that (1) I am not infallible and my understanding is still

> evolving, and, (2) I haven't done any birthtime rectification as you

> haven't given any life events. I am going to ASSUME that the birthtime is

> accurate. If what I write makes no sense, please give me some life events

> and I will try to rectify the birthtime.


> I will not go deep in any dasa, as the purpose here is to demonstrate how

> multiple dasas can give insights on various aspects of one's life in their

> own way.


> First, a comment based on the natal chart: This native has 5 planets are

> in Prakaasana avastha (bright and glowing state) and two kendra lords in

> Gopuramsa. The native must be a blessed soul. Nearly exact aspect of 3rd

> lord Mercury on lagna suggests an eloquent scholar. Lagna being in Aries

> and Mars being in fiery signs in many vargas suggests an aggressive and

> enterprising person with ego and fire.


> (1) Narayana dasa of rasi chart:


> Li: 1953-10-14 (18:27:00) - 1963-10-15 (08:04:54)

> Sc: 1963-10-15 (08:04:54) - 1972-10-14 (15:25:53)

> Sg: 1972-10-14 (15:25:53) - 1978-10-15 (04:15:01)

> Cp: 1978-10-15 (04:15:01) - 1982-10-15 (04:57:22)

> Aq: 1982-10-15 (04:57:22) - 1987-10-15 (11:47:09)

> Pi: 1987-10-15 (11:47:09) - 1996-10-14 (19:05:30)

> Ar: 1996-10-14 (19:05:30) - 2000-10-14 (19:45:59)

> Ta: 2000-10-14 (19:45:59) - 2003-10-15 (14:10:26)


> As dasas started from the 7th house, the 7th from dasa rasi should be

> taken as lagna during a dasa.


> In Cp dasa (78-82), lagna is Cn. Lagna has spiritual Ketu in a watery

> sign. The native may have led a spiritual lifestyle. Lagna lord Moon is in

> Sg (9th of natural zodiac), aspected by Jupiter, and that strengthens the

> indications for a religious and dharmik lifestyle. The 9th lord Jupiter is

> in 12th. That also indicates religious activities and a possible stay in a

> hermitage. Of course, 9th lord in 12th can also give foreign stay.


> In Aq dasa (82-87), Le becomes lagna. Lagna has yogakaraka Mars in a fiery

> sign. So the native may have been very aggressive, bold and enterprising

> during this dasa. In ashtakavarga cast with Leo as lagna, Ge has the

> highest score (35) and Jupiter has 7. So some gains and friendships (11th)

> related to higher knowledge (Jupiter) are suggested. Mercury in 3rd shows

> some creative Mercurian work like writing or journalism.


> In Pi dasa (87-96), Vi becomes lagna. From Vi, the 10th house of

> profession has Jupiter. This suggests teaching or astrology or some other

> noble work. Lagna and 10th lord Mercury has raja yoga with 5th lord in

> 2nd. This strongly suggests very good progress as an astrologer. As the

> natal chart also shows promise as an astrologer, probably the native is an

> astrologer. If he indeed is an astrologer, he may have made a lot of

> progress in Pi dasa. Exaltation of 6th lord, his affliction of lagna lord

> and placement of 12th lord in lagna suggests some health problems,

> especially vaata related. Viparita raja yoga by Mars in 12th shows

> excellent success after some hard work. The enterprise shown in previous

> dasa may have paid off. Ketu in 11th shows making gains from things

> related to spirituality or foreign sources. Debilitation of 9th lord Venus

> in lagna may shows falling apart with guru or a passionate guru-like

> figure.


> (2) Moola dasa:


> Sun: 1953-10-14 (18:27:00) - 1958-10-15 (01:13:12)

> Ven: 1958-10-15 (01:13:12) - 1978-10-15 (04:15:01)

> Moo: 1978-10-15 (04:15:01) - 1983-10-15 (11:06:54)

> Jup: 1983-10-15 (11:06:54) - 1993-10-15 (00:31:32)

> Sat: 1993-10-15 (00:31:32) - 2007-10-15 (14:44:42)


> While Narayana dasa shows the changing environment and the efforts put in

> by the native, Moola dasa taught by Varahamihira and Kalyana Verma shows

> the *root cause* (moola = root) of what happens in one's life. It shows

> how actions of the past life bring events of this life.


> Let us take Jupiter dasa during 1983-1993. Jupiter is the 9th and 12th

> lord and shows religious activities. He is in the 3rd house in

> intellectual Gemini, showing intellectual communications. He is exalted in

> 9th in D-10 (chart of activities in society), showing dharmik activities.

> He is in 10th in D-24 (chart of knowledge), showing a prominent role in

> society (10th) in the field of knowledge (D-24).


> More than all, we should look at D-60 when judging Moola dasa, as D-60

> shows past life. IF this D-60 is correct, lagna is in Sc and Jupiter is in

> 2nd in moolatrikona with debilitated Rahu. Jupiter in 2nd in Sg strongly

> suggests an astrologer. The native was probably an astrologer in past

> life. Knowledge of one life will easily come in the next. If this D-60 is

> correct, knowledge of astrology (or other fine traditional subjects)

> should have come easily Jupiter's Moola dasa.


> Jupiter, though strong, has Guru-Chandala yoga in D-60 and the native may

> have fallen off with his guru in past life or otherwise displeased guru.

> So it has to be paid back in Jupiter's Moola dasa in this life. It can

> happen in many ways. For example, the native may have faced a great

> difficulty in finding his guru or gone through troubles to please his guru

> (in this life).


> In D-60, Jupiter in Sg is in 12th from AL, showing noble expenditure in

> past life. So Jupiter's Moola dasa in this life (83-93) should be good for

> finances. Finances may have come easily for any noble tasks taken up by

> the native (as a payback for what he did in past life).


> The previous Moon dasa (1978-1983) may have shown him his dharma. In D-60,

> Moon is 9th lord in 12th, suggesting spirituality. It is said that the

> dharma followed by one saves one ( " dharmo rakshati rakshitah " ). Planets

> showing the dharma followed in past life will, in this life, show the

> right direction to one and put one on the right track. They make one

> fortunate. So the native may have found his/her direction in life during

> 1978-1983.


> Note: I have gone overboard with readings from D-60 and these can easily

> be wrong, if lagna changes by a little. Even if this is wrong, this can

> serve as an example.


> Rasi and other divisional charts play a key role in deciding the results

> given by planets. But D-60 is the final decider. Moola dasa is brilliant

> there.


> (3) Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa:


> Ven: 1951-10-27 (02:15:23) - 1958-05-23 (02:15:23)

> Sun: 1958-05-23 (02:15:23) - 1960-05-12 (02:15:23)

> Moo: 1960-05-12 (02:15:23) - 1963-08-25 (02:15:23)

> Mar: 1963-08-25 (02:15:23) - 1965-12-12 (02:15:23)

> Rah: 1965-12-12 (02:15:23) - 1971-11-11 (02:15:23)

> Jup: 1971-11-11 (02:15:23) - 1977-02-12 (02:15:23)

> Sat: 1977-02-12 (02:15:23) - 1983-05-12 (02:15:23)

> Mer: 1983-05-12 (02:15:23) - 1988-12-11 (02:15:23)

> Ket: 1988-12-11 (02:15:23) - 1991-03-31 (02:15:23)

> Ven: 1991-03-31 (02:15:23) - 1997-10-25 (02:15:23)

> Sun: 1997-10-25 (02:15:23) - 1999-10-15 (02:15:23)


> Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa shows the progression of janma nakshatra in one's

> life, just as Narayana dasa shows the progression of lagna in one's life.


> Let me just take second Venus dasa during 1991-1997 as an example. This is

> really Bharani nakshatra's dasa. Taking Bharani as the progressed janma

> nakshatra, karma nakshatra (10th star - professional activities) is Poorva

> Phalguni. It is a raajasik nakshatra. It is occupied by Mars, lord of

> kshema tara (from Bharani). So the native is likely perform activities in

> society with passion and enterprise. This dasa may have infused a dose of

> energy, passion and enterprise in his activities. Janma tara in Bharani

> shows some attraction to wealth and luxury.


> In the next dasa of Sun (Krittika) during 1997-1999, parama mitra tara

> lord Venus in karma nakshatra (Uttara Phalguni) shows passion and savvy

> exhibited in professional activities. Rahu in Uttarashadha (aadhaana

> nakshatra - 19th) suggests anxiety and discomfort despite professional

> success.


> During Mars dasa (2003-2005), Mrigasira becomes janma nakshatra and karma

> nakshatra Chitra has Sun and Saturn. The native may get involved in some

> political wrangling then.


> We can give many readings like this, but the best results are obtained by

> taking transits in nakshatras into consideration.


> (4) Vimsottari dasa:


> Ven: 1947-11-19 (17:52:11) - 1967-08-06 (17:52:11)

> Sun: 1967-08-06 (17:52:11) - 1973-07-05 (17:52:11)

> Moo: 1973-07-05 (17:52:11) - 1983-05-14 (17:52:11)

> Mar: 1983-05-14 (17:52:11) - 1990-04-07 (17:52:11)

> Rah: 1990-04-07 (17:52:11) - 2008-01-03 (17:52:11)


> Let us take Rahu dasa during 1990-2008. A planet in Prakasana avastha

> (bright/glowing state) in 10th house in rasi chart brings light to one's

> activities in society. Especially, the results for Rahu in Prakasana

> avastha include prosperity in foreign places or prosperity through unusual

> things, wealth, virtuous acts and eminence in a king's court. During Rahu

> dasa, the native may have been involved in electronics, religion or occult

> subjects and earned eminence, recognition from authorities and wealth. Sun

> is an important reference when judging career and Rahu is in 5th from him.

> This also supports some eminence. In D-10, Rahu owns Ravi lagna and

> occupies 9th. This shows activities of religion.


> We said that Vimsottari dasa shows events in life from the mind's

> perspective. What do we mean by eminence and religious activities etc?


> Well, basically the native is likely *feel* the way we described above. He

> feels as though he is prospering and gaining eminence and recognition. If

> he feels that way, it is probably true to some extent atleast. In that

> sense, Vimsottari dasa shows what happens in one's life.


> In D-24, Rahu is 2nd lord and occupies 11th from lagna, showing gains in

> knowledge. With the sign containing him (Sc) being the 8th rasi of natural

> zodiac, the native gains in occult and hidden knowledge. Being in arudha

> lagna, he gives status as a learned man. Of course, this being Vimsottari

> dasa, the correct way of saying it is that the native *feels* that he is

> gaining in occult/hidden knowledge and becoming known as a learned man.


> His feelings aside, his true knowledge and reputation is seen in Narayana

> dasa of D-24.


> (5) Narayana dasa of D-24:


> Li: 1953-10-14 (18:27:00) - 1963-10-15 (08:04:54)

> Sc: 1963-10-15 (08:04:54) - 1968-10-14 (14:52:56)

> Sg: 1968-10-14 (14:52:56) - 1978-10-15 (04:15:01)

> Cp: 1978-10-15 (04:15:01) - 1979-10-15 (10:30:38)

> Aq: 1979-10-15 (10:30:38) - 1982-10-15 (04:57:22)

> Pi: 1982-10-15 (04:57:22) - 1987-10-15 (11:47:09)

> Ar: 1987-10-15 (11:47:09) - 1999-10-15 (13:30:28)

> Ta: 1999-10-15 (13:30:28) - 2002-10-15 (07:53:07)


> Narayana dasa of D-24 shows the evolution of one's learning.


> The 2nd, 5th and 8th houses are important for astrological knowledge.

> Jupiter and Mercury are natural significators. Aq is the 2nd house and it

> is aspected by Jupiter. Mercury is the 9th lord and represents teacher in

> this D-24. His association with Saturn and strong argala on Aq shows a

> strong influence by a guru in one's learning. So the native may have made

> excellent progress in astrology in 1979-1982 and learned directly from a

> Mercurian guru. Aries dasa during 1987-1999 shows some technical learning.

> Aries has Mars and it is the 6th from AL (arudha lagna)! Strong malefics

> in 3rd and 6th from AL show victory and increase of status. So Ar dasa

> must've brought a lot of reputation and status to the native as a learned

> person.


> (6) Kalachakra dasa:


> Sg: 1945-02-06 (08:35:19) - 1954-12-16 (08:35:19)

> Ar: 1954-12-16 (08:35:19) - 1961-11-09 (08:35:19)

> Ta: 1961-11-09 (08:35:19) - 1977-08-17 (08:35:19)

> Ge: 1977-08-17 (08:35:19) - 1986-07-01 (08:35:19)

> Cn: 1986-07-01 (08:35:19) - 2007-03-13 (08:35:19)


> Let us take Cn dasa as an example (1986-2007). Cn is the 9th house of duty

> (dharma) in D-10 (chart of activities) and the 10th house of activities in

> D-9 (chart of dharma). It has exalted Jupiter in D-10. In D-9

> ashtakavarga, it has 35 rekhas and very strong. So Cn dasa is likely to

> make the native discharge duties in society and play a prominent role in

> the establishment of dharma in society. The native must be very dharmik

> during 1986-2007.


> Based on Vimsottari dasa and Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa, we saw that the

> native may be attracted to wealth in this period and pursue raajasik ways.

> We saw that he/she may be enterprising, passionate and exhibit some savvy

> in professional activities. However, what Kalachakra dasa of Cn shows is

> that there is a dharmik motivation and a deep sense of duty behind the

> native's activities in society during this period! Raajasik passion to

> succeed and to make money lives alongside a sattwik sense of dharma. The

> two are two totally different things. One comes from nakshatras and the

> other from navamsas.


> I hope the distinction between what exactly Vimsottari dasa and Kalachakra

> dasa can show, based on being rooted in nakshatra and navamsa

> respectively, is somewhat clear now.


> > Shyamasundara Dasa

> >

> > PS Please forward to .


> I forwarded yesterday itself. Please forward my mail to your group(s).


> BTW, I haven't written such long mails in a while. I hope there were some

> list members who benefited from this analysis and the subtle points in it!


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha











> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......





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  • 2 weeks later...

Namaste Shyamasundara Prabhu,

I was looking forward to your feedback and thank you for finally giving

some feedback.

Thank you very much for taking so much trouble to

answer my sincere query.

My request was sincere, so I am glad that you have made this attempt.

Though you used words like "war" in your email to Sanjay and me, I viewed

this as a healthy conversation. By default, I assumed that your request

was sincere. I am glad that you were satisfied to some extent.

(2) I haven't done any birthtime rectification as


> haven't given any life events. I am going to ASSUME that the

birth time


> accurate. If what I write makes no sense, please give me some

life events

> and I will try to rectify the birth time.

I can understand your dilemma but if I had given some life events it


have tinged your reading. The birth time was reported to me as being

according to the birth certificate from hospital records. I should

have also

stipulated that it was not my chart as it seems that you may have thought


Honestly, looking at the chart, I thought this chart belonged to either

you or an associate of yours. I thought it belonged to someone within ISKCON.

That is what I said on varahamihira list when Gauranga Das said it could

be your chart.

I did not assume that this was necessarily your chart.

the back of your mind that it was my chart. Other

comments I have seen on

your text seem to indicate that some also think it is my chart. But

I can

assure you that it is not my chart as you will soon see.

Thank you for the assurance.

I hope this brief description of his life is of some

help to you. Based on

it you may feel the need to make some minor adjustment to the lagna


to match the life. But considering that it is from hospital records

I would

be skeptical of wholesale and radical changes.

Any comments and clarifications on this would be


Well, I see that there are some matches and some mismatches between what

I expected and what you clarified. Thank you for the feedback. I could

refine some vargas better based on the feedback.

However, strong bandhana yogas must be present in rasi chart based on

your feedback. I do not really see them, probably due to my limited knowledge.

So I am not confident enough with this chart to do birthtime rectification

and make further comments.

I hope that I could answer your sincere question to some extent atleast.

PS Though you were kind enough to exhaustively analyze

the chart above I had

also asked two other questions which were left in the cold because

of the

other question. Could you kindly answer them now? Here they are again:

"You have specified that Drig Dasa is for timing religious and spiritual

life. Can you give us a practical example based on the same chart above.

Also, what are the other Dasas that have special uses and what are those


I and others at SJVC wrote several articles on this and read the archives

of vedic astrology list. Go to /messages/vedic astrology

and search for "Drig Dasa" or "Drig dasa" or "Drigdasa".

In my previous mail, I forgot to illustrate Digdasa for the chart you

gave. Here are the calculations:

Drigdasa (religious and spiritual activities):

Sg: 1953-10-14 (18:27:00) - 1959-10-15 (07:27:14)

Pi: 1959-10-15 (07:27:14) - 1968-10-14 (14:52:56)

Ge: 1968-10-14 (14:52:56) - 1972-10-14 (15:25:53)

Vi: 1972-10-14 (15:25:53) - 1983-10-15 (11:06:54)

Cp: 1983-10-15 (11:06:54) - 1987-10-15 (11:47:09)

Sc: 1987-10-15 (11:47:09) - 1996-10-14 (19:05:30)

Le: 1996-10-14 (19:05:30) - 2007-10-15 (14:44:42)

You can read Pt. Sanjay Rath's book (Crux of Vedic Astrology: Timing

of Events) or my book (Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach) or the

list archives for basic rules. In the dasas of signs aspecting arudha lagna,

one may give up the maya (arudha lagna) and renounce the material world

(provided such combinations are present). Moving to a hermitage, renouncing

material comforts etc are possible in dasas aspecting AL. The first 4 dasas

for the above person aspect AL in Sg. Of these, Virgo has guru pada (arudha

of 9th) too. Debilitated Venus occupies it and he can also add to detachment

from material benefits. That is why Virgo dasa brought some level of detachment

and made him find his guru.

Also, what are the other Dasas that have special

uses and what are those


There are many dasas. I know of some. My knowledge is still evolving. Pt.

Sanjay Rath has excellent knowledge from the parampara of Sri Achyuta Dasa,

a direct disciple of Lord Chaitanya. From time to time, gurus from SJVC

share some knowledge on the lists. For more complete knowledge, one may

find a suitable guru from SJVC and learn patiently.

PPS as usual send to other

I did. Please do the same with this mail.

May Jupiter's light shine on us,



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Jaya Jaya Jagannath,

Namasthe Narasimha,


Do your book explains calculation Drig Dasa for UBAYA rasi borns ?


Or, can you or any other Guru kindly put some light on this perticuler calculation please ?









and search for " Drig Dasa " or " Drig dasa " or " Drigdasa " .

In my previous mail, I forgot to illustrate Digdasa for the chart you gave. Here are the calculations: Drigdasa (religious and spiritual activities): Sg: 1953-10-14 (18:27:00) - 1959-10-15 (07:27:14) Pi: 1959-10-15 (07:27:14) - 1968-10-14 (14:52:56) Ge: 1968-10-14 (14:52:56) - 1972-10-14 (15:25:53) Vi: 1972-10-14 (15:25:53) - 1983-10-15 (11:06:54) Cp: 1983-10-15 (11:06:54) - 1987-10-15 (11:47:09) Sc: 1987-10-15 (11:47:09) - 1996-10-14 (19:05:30) Le: 1996-10-14 (19:05:30) - 2007-10-15 (14:44:42) You can read Pt. Sanjay Rath's book (Crux of Vedic Astrology: Timing of Events) or my book (Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach) or the list archives for basic rules. In the dasas of signs aspecting arudha lagna, one may give up the maya (arudha lagna) and renounce the material world (provided such combinations are present). Moving to a hermitage, renouncing material comforts etc are possible in dasas aspecting AL. The first 4 dasas for the above person aspect AL in Sg. Of these, Virgo has guru pada (arudha of 9th) too. Debilitated Venus occupies it and he can also add to detachment from material benefits. That is why Virgo dasa brought some level of detachment and made him find his guru. Also, what are the other Dasas that have special uses and what are those uses? " There are many dasas. I know of some. My knowledge is still evolving. Pt. Sanjay Rath has excellent knowledge from the parampara of Sri Achyuta Dasa, a direct disciple of Lord Chaitanya. From time to time, gurus from SJVC share some knowledge on the lists. For more complete knowledge, one may find a suitable guru from SJVC and learn patiently. PPS as usual send to other I did. Please do the same with this mail. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha

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