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can my friend become bussinesman

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Namaste Guru Ji's Sadar Pranaam, Here are details of my room mate who has high and innovative plans in his mind and planning to start some bussiness , The details are: Sex:Male Date of Birth:10 June 1977 Time of Birth:10:10pm Place of Birth :Thane , Maharshtra , India Which line should he choose for his bussiness and first of all , is bussiness in his chart or is he going to be in service line?? I dont know why he loves so much watching TV , i am also studying subject what makes him so attractive to TV , I am sure that Mars in 4th , so he loves media or Tv as such Is he manglik??i guess he is , Guru Jis what you say?? This is good friend of mine , he is bit lazy , i feel he is good procastinator , i thing he shouldnt keep low aims , currenlty working as a cashier he is happy i told him look beyond vision and make hay while sun shines Respected Guru jis , your comment on this chart would be really great. Thanking you in advance. Best Wishes, JLSend instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.

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