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Yugas and tattva

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Dear Gurudev,My respecful obeisances. Jaya Jagannath!


Here are my planets in Rasi and Navamsa


Rasi Navamsa

Sun Cap Tau (Earth, Earth)

Moon Vir Tau (earth earth)

Mars Pis Vir (water, earth)

Mercury Sag Lib (Fire, Air)

Venus Cap Tau (earth, earth)

Jupiter Lib Cap (air, earth)

Saturn Ari Gem (fire, air)

Rahu Aqu Ari (air, fire)

Ketu Leo Lib (fire, air)


In Navamsa most of the planets are in the earthly signs. That's why I don't have an easy going life at all. I tend to work very hard to execute my duties (Dharmamsa) - to extent of being stubbornly overdutiful. This is very characteristic of mine and it takes me some mind control not to be obscessed about it.


Mercury AD and PD generally give results easy - writting, learning etc. During my Ra/Me AD I joined ISKCON and accepted my Spiritual Master.


Rahu PDs make me very easy to move around and begin up new undertakings.


Ketu PDs make me quite easy to perceive falsities - both within myself and around.



Saturn PDs also give results relatively easier but it it's own Saturnian way.


Your shisyaYasomatinandana das

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