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Tatwa- My Understandings

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Hare Rama Krishna


Namasthe Gurudeva and all,


Please find my understanding about Tatwa- Pancha Maha Bhuta- and new answers for the lesson 11.

I am looking for all yours valuable comments on this and rectify my self.



Tatva is the nature of principle elements exist every thing and any thing in this universe. These elements are Agni- (fire or energy), Jala (watery- Apo), Vayu (Gas or airy), Prithivi ( Solid or Patavi) and Akash (Vacum).

What ever the nature of the physical existence every thing consist of the above 4 tatwa (Agni,Jala,Vavu and Pritivi) and everything generally predominating one of the above tatva.


*If we take physical human body we know we can see and touch it as it mainly consist of pritivi and Jala tatva. Bones are with less Jala Tatva and more Pritivi tatva when muscles are more jala thatva and pritivi tatva comparatively. Energy need to be circulated in the body and for this purpose Jala tatva is added and result is blood.




* Fire consist of lot of energy- Agni tatwa. This enegy can melt a strong piece of metal which pre dominate pritivi tatva. When it combine with vayu tatva it can expand every where such as flame. Almost every thing are consist of this Agni tatva- energy and we take this energy to our body as food. A fruit is consist of lot of Jala and pritivi tatwa and combined energy as only energy cannot sustain as energy. If we take some Petrol, the energy is combined with Jala Tatva, and without this combination, Petrol cannot flow.


*If we take wind, it is predominating vayu tatwa.Since, almost absence of Jala and Pritivi tatwa we cannot see or touch it. But we know Hydrygen is lighter than Carbon Dioxide. This is conforming that GASES too having less Pritivi and Jala tatva. Carbon dioxide is consisting Carbon and Oxygen. Carbon is an element in Pritivi tatva. When Vayu tatva mixed with Energy (Agni tatwa) results will be WIND.



*If we take a big Rock or stone it is mainly consist of Pritivi tatwa and less Jala tatwa.We cannot alter the shape of this rock unless added more Jala Tatva. In fact it must have Vayu tatva and Agni tatwa too, but predominating tatwa is Pritivi Tatva.


* The main difference of the Jala tatwa is, it exist without a shape. To have a shape it must be mixed with Pritivi tatwa. It make a bondage within pritivi tatva and without having jala tatwa no any thing can flow, no any thing can be flexible. So nature of the Jala tatwa is mildness. If we take some clay (pritivi Tatva), we need add some water(Jala Tatwa) to make a Pot. Without combine this two tatwa together non of the physical object exist in this world. Jala tatwa is the only source that neutralize and well mach with pritivi tatwa and combination with this two together make an object. What ever the object is it must consist of lesser Vayu and Agni tatwa too for sustain.


Now, Let's study this Agni tatwa again. This can be understand as ENERGY. All living things must have energy to sustain. This energy is the main thing that sustain other living and non living bodies in this word. In fact, this energy is protect and sustain the world. This energy come as food or what ever, what is the source of this energy. It is Sun, and without having Sun there will be no any type of energy in this universe. So sun is the protector and sustainer of the universe, same as Lord VISHNU protect and sustain the universe. This is the Dharma, and this is indicating by Agni trine in the Zodiac.

Aries belong to Mars, which predominate lot of energy, is the 1st house of zodiac with movable qualities gives rise to Sun and hence; Sun crowned here to create the energy to sustain and protect. Same as Sri Rama blessed with lot of energy to stabilize Dharma in the world with the help of Hanumanji.

Fixed and Dwiswaba trines to this Leo and Sagittarius too having fiery tatwa, indicate Sun's strength and blessings from dharma, and lords of this 3 signs are very best friends.


Jala tatwa is indicating by 4th and trines to it, 8th and 12th. There is no end or start to this tatwa unless mixed with pritivi tatwa. This is like ocean and indicate end-less and depth. There is no limit to think and though bring the knowledge of self realization to breck the bondage of soul and mana. So this tatwa indicate Moksha. 4th or the Cancer is the Mana where this end-less thought comes out and in fact it is movable and indicate the creation of Mind. The mistic Scorpio may be indicate suffering as per thought and Dual Pisces with Satvik guna with this Jala tatwa indicate the end of the cycle- Moksha. Again lords of this trines Moon, Kethu and Jupiter are very good friends, and strength of them could give rise to the native in Moksha. Jupiter in Cancer indicate the thought for dharma and this is the place Jupiter become strong.


Quality of the Vayu tatwa is ever changing. Since there is no physical nature Vayu tatva can not stay at a point. This is indicate by Kama trine and the desires of of human. Disires are creating in Libra as it is a Brahmastana and it is consist of Rajas guna. fullfiled desires are the fixed trine to Libra while imbalance of disire is Gemini indicate ever changing.


Arta trine indicate by Capricorn and trines to it. This is Pritivi tatwa and Bhumi Karaka Mars is strong here. This is indicate the earth and disires for material improvements. The nature of the Pritivi tatva is remaining as it is until modified by other otatva. Selfish nature and worrying about own things. Final results will be material improvemnts by work (6th) and save.(2nd)


Now How can we see the predominating Tatwa of as chart ?


This is indicating by the Tatva of the strong planet in the Brahma stana, as brahma stana are the places with creative ability. Natural brahma stanas are all movable rasi while perticuler chart, it becomes the all 4 kendra.

If there is no planet in strenght in Brahma stana, this is indicating by the lagna it self. Aries indicate Agni tatva unless modified it any of the other tatwa predominate by other Kendra. For example if Saturn is in 10th for Aries predominating tatwa is Vayu, while Jupiter is in 4th can predominate Akasa tatwa.



Sri Rama born in Cancer lagna, tatva is Jala. But strong Sun and Mars modified this tatva and predominated Agni tatva.


Ex 2.

Our Gurudeva Sanjyji born in Pisces with Jala Tatva. But Jupiter in the lagna modyfied this the Akasha tatwa.(please corect me if I am wrong)


Hence, presence of Mahapurusha yoga only can modified the natural tatwa of the lagna.


This canot be seen from any other lagna such as Aruda lagna, Paka lagna etc., as these lagna not indicate true self of the nature. It can be seen with other lagna only if Maha Purusa yoga presence from the natural birth sign.



Ex 3

Native born in 03.03.1962- Say gemini 25.00 deg.


Lagna is Gemini and Kendra are unoccupyed. So Vayu tatva indicate.

Paka Lagna is Capricorn with Mars and Saturn in it. So Ruckaka yoga and Sasa yoga in the paka lagna.

This is never going to activate as no Maha purusa yoga in any places other than BRAHMA STANA from Lagna, Since Brahma stana are the responsible for creation.





This is all for now. thanks for your time.


Your- sishya



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