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Request for Ashtaka Varga Resouces

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Dear Raghu,

You can go through the book : Ashtakavarga by Shri Chandulal S.Patel and C.R.Subrahmanya Aiyar published by Sagar Publications,New Delhi.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008 wrote:





Om Krishna Guru


Namaste All,


I would like to study a bit more deeper on "Ashtaka Varga" and its applications in Natal and Prashna.


In this process, I would like to get some available Books & Literature. So may I request you to please write to me either in the list or privately, the books which you think are good for my study.


If possible, also provide me the Title of the Book, Author, Year of publication and publisher details with where I may get them.


Thanks for your help in advance.


RegardsRaghunatha Rao



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||om namo bhagavate vasudevaya||



Dear Raghunathji,


The original two books on Ashtakvarga books are the



1. The Ashtakvarga Maha Nibandha by Mukund Daivaignya

2. AshtakVarga by PS Shastri.


These two books contains many sanskrit verses and are

original texts. The English translations are avialble

with CSS, Varanasi.


I think these two books will help you a lot.




Dewavrat Buit

--- Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008 wrote:


> Om Krishna Guru


> Namaste Gordon Ji,


> Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am familiar with

> Krushna Ji's KAS

> technique.


> I do not have those two books suggested by you and I

> will try to get

> them soon.


> I am still looking for some more suggested books on

> this area.

> So that I can have a detailed study and understand

> various authors

> point of view on this subject.


> Request you all to please write to me when you have

> a chance.


> Regards

> Raghunatha Rao


> sohamsa , GWBrennan@a...

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Raghu

> >

> > If you have not already visited this site go to

> > _http://www.sageasita.com/krushna/_

> (http://www.sageasita.com/krushna/)

> >

> > Also you should read the book Dots of Destiny by

> Vinay Aditya.

> There is

> > also Ashtakavarga by Mehta, Sharma & Prasad;

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Gordon

> >











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||om namo bhagavate vasudevaya||


Dear shi Raghunathji,


The best oroginal books are the following:


1. Ashtakvarga Maha Nibandha by Mukund Daivaignya

2. Ashtakvarga by P.S.Shastri

3. Ashtakvarga by CS Patel


All the three books are available with CSS Varanasi.


If you do not get these bokks please write me.




Dewavrat Buit


--- Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008 wrote:


> Om Krishna Guru


> Namaste All,


> I would like to study a bit more deeper on " Ashtaka

> Varga " and its applications in Natal and Prashna.


> In this process, I would like to get some available

> Books & Literature. So may I request you to please

> write to me either in the list or privately, the

> books which you think are good for my study.


> If possible, also provide me the Title of the Book,

> Author, Year of publication and publisher details

> with where I may get them.


> Thanks for your help in advance.


> Regards

> Raghunatha Rao







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I have a soft copy of the sanskrit original of Ashtakavarga

Mahanibandha, but it's all of 14 MB :(




sohamsa , dewavrat buit <dewavrat2000>



> ||om namo bhagavate vasudevaya||


> Dear shi Raghunathji,


> The best oroginal books are the following:


> 1. Ashtakvarga Maha Nibandha by Mukund Daivaignya

> 2. Ashtakvarga by P.S.Shastri

> 3. Ashtakvarga by CS Patel


> All the three books are available with CSS Varanasi.


> If you do not get these bokks please write me.


> Yours


> Dewavrat Buit


> --- Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008> wrote:


> > Om Krishna Guru

> >

> > Namaste All,

> >

> > I would like to study a bit more deeper on " Ashtaka

> > Varga " and its applications in Natal and Prashna.

> >

> > In this process, I would like to get some available

> > Books & Literature. So may I request you to please

> > write to me either in the list or privately, the

> > books which you think are good for my study.

> >

> > If possible, also provide me the Title of the Book,

> > Author, Year of publication and publisher details

> > with where I may get them.

> >

> > Thanks for your help in advance.

> >

> > Regards

> > Raghunatha Rao

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