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[Jagannath] Why this lull?

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Dear Gurudev,

My respecful obeisances. Jaya Jagannath!


" Aham smrtir jnanam apohanam ca " - Krishna is the source of all knowledge. Offering my humble respects to my Gurus, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, I will try to answer some of the questions.


Q1: As a begining let us list these years and the placement of Jupiter foreach year. I hope all attempt this exercise.

Narasimha gave the list of samvatsaras. He starts the list with Prabhava and it is explained that this system started at the time of the Emperor Shaalivahana who started the Shaka years. At that time there was the Prabhava samvatsara in progress. So Varahamihira and others accepted this system.


In the original Siddhantas the cycle starts from Vijaya samvatsara at the beginning of Kali-yuga. Here is the list with correct numbering:

1. Vijaya

2. Jaya

3. Manmatha

4. Durmukha

5. Hemalamba

6. Vilamba

7. Vikari

8. Sharbari

9. Plava

10. Shubha Krita

11. Shobhana

12. Krodhi

13. Vishvavasu

14. Parabhava

15. Pamvanga

16. Keelaka

17. Saumya

18. Sadharana

19. Virodha-Krita

20. Paridhavi

21. Pramadi

22. Ananda

23. Rakshasa

24. Anala (Nala)

25. Pingala

26. Kaal Yukta

27. Siddarthi

28. Raudra

29. Durmati

30. Dundubhi

31 Rudhirodgari

32. Raktaksha

33. Krodhana

34. Kshaya

35. Prabhava

36. Vibhava

37. SHukla

38. Pramoda

39. Prajapati

40. Angira

41. Shrimukha

42. Bhava

43. Yuva

44. Dhaata

45. Ishvara

46. Bahudhanya

47. Pramathi

48. Vikrama

49. Vrasha

50. Chitrabhanu

51. Subhanu

52. Tarana

53. Parthiva

54. Vyaya

55. Sarvajita

56. Sarvadhari

57. Virodhi

58. Vikrati

59. Khara

60. Nandana


Q2: How many such cycles have passed since the begining of Kali Yuga and howmany cycles are there in Kali Yuga?


In Kali-yuga there are totally 7,200 of such cycles 60 years each. Each Samvatsara starts at Mesha Madhyama Sankrati. According to the standart dating of Kali-yuga we are finishing the 85th cycle. The next Samvatasara Vijaya starts on 29 April, 2000 (please correct me if I correctly understood Madhyama Sankrati being the middle of the sign and not the begining)


QUESTION: It looks very strange in the light of what you wrote about the Chakras.


1) You wrote that the Mahachakra starts with the next cycle. It would be natural if Kali-yuga started with a begiining of Mahachakra. But then each succeeding Mahachakra would start at the multiples of 20. This means that the present Mahachakra would start at 1700 A.D. I don't see anything like Krta-chakra starting at that time.


2) Another alternative would be that that the Kali-yuga beginning date is wrong and it should be shifted either 300 years ahead or 900 years behind. Then what was the authority upon which the later jyotish-pandits ascribed the Kali-yuga starting point to 3,102 B.D? What would be the proof of it's starting at some other year?


3) The third alternative is that the Chakra calculations are made with some other reference points. Then what is that? In which shastras is the chakra system described as it is not appear to be a common knowledge?


Q3: How many cycles in Dwapara, Treta and Krita Yuga?


Dwapara: 14,400, Treta - 21,600,. Krita: 28,800Q4: How to differentiate between an Avaroha and Aaroha cycle?

According to the logic of day and night, Aaroha should have odd numbers, and Avaroha - even.


QUESTION: Again strange - if we are completing the 85th cycle from the beginning of Kali-yuga, then we should be on the Aaroha cycle which is the opposite to what you wrote. If the previous contradiction is reconciled then this will be also automatically reconciled. Can you please explain where do these Aaroha and Avaroha divisions come from and what exactly they mean.


Q5: Then tell me the Jovian year in which you were born and the predictionsgiven by the texts for this year of YOUR birth and also, Why thesepredictions were given for that year (Please add your Rasi chart for thispurpose).


My birth date is 28 January, 1970. At that time the 30th Samvatsara named Dundubhi was running. Here is it's general description (Jataka Bharnam).


" If ther is the Samvatsara of Dumdubhi at the time of birth, the native is always a recepient of honour from the King, is endowed with elephant, horse, lands and gold and is the lover of dance and songs. "


At that time the planetary position was:


Jupiter: Libra, 11:44

Saturn: Aries, 09:10


Saturn and Jupiter are in Sama-saptaka. Saturn is in military Aries, debilitation sign, but being aspected (and in samasaptaka) by Jupiter it gives dignity to a person, makes him a responsible and reliable leader, invocing honour of a King. Saturn under Jupiter's benefic influence gives royal animals - elephant and horse, as well as lands and gold as the wealth in general. Jupiter in Libra makes the native a lover of dance and songs - though under Saturn's influence it should not be over sensuous. I can add only that Saturn's aspect on Jupiter in LIbra should make the native very just and sober.


QUESTION. Well, it is always flattering to identify with something good (Krishna save). Unfortunately other combinantions in my chart spoil this fine picture. To which extent will these descriptions should be applied?


Your shishya,

Yasomatinandana das

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