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BandhanYoga - to Sanjay P

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|| Hara Rama Krishna ||Dear Sri Sanjay,Namaste,



Here is my understanding,

> Maharshi Jaimini has described in his upadesha sutra about the

bandhan yoga, if any >native has planets placed in 2-12, 3-11, 4-10, 5-9

and 6-8 houses from Lagna , Arudha


I think only malefics form bandhana (constriction) yoga.

Each of the above bandhana yoga can be for different reasons,

2-12, This bandhana can be due to Bad health in hospitals, 12th is for

hospitals, 2nd is for food and wealth. When once good health is damaged

and restrictions on food happens with having to be on bed, then this

yoga happens.

3-11, 11th house is our bad habits, if 11th has malefic planets and 3rd

(the " brother " like people we be with are bad) then this yoga leads to

bad habits and one's freedom is restricted.

4-10, Due to work pressure one is bound to work. The person is occupied with work both at home and office.

5-9, This is when we think wrong (5th) and 9th(dharma gets broken), Or

when our wealth(9th) causes us to be between bad children


6-8, Is similar to 2-12 restriction where once health or one's desire(7th) may be curbed.Thank you for the explanation.What is the difference between Bandhana yoga and Papa Kartari Yoga in the case of 2-12, 6-8 placement of malefics? warm regards,Vishnu-- Om Akhanda mandalaakaaramvyaptam yena charaa charamtatpadam darsita yena tasmai sri gurave namah

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