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[Jagannath] Neechabhanga]

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Om Jaya Jaya Jagannatha Namamyaham

Dear Sarajit,

Absolutely right. You need to add the CHOISE factor out here in the

answer to retrogression.

Om Tat Sat

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


Sarajit Poddar <sarajit

<varahamihira >

Sunday, January 02, 2000 9:48 PM

[Jagannath] Re: [ Neechabhanga]



> Aum Guruve Namah

> Dear Gauranga,


> I am trying to answer you.


> " Gauranga Das " <gauranga wrote:


> > ------------

> > Attachment:

> > MIME Type: multipart/alternative

> > ------------




> Dear Gurudeva,


> Pranaams.


> ----------

> > Om Jaya Jaya Jagannatha Namamyaham

> > Dear Gauranga,

> > 1. Neechabhanga occurs due to the following:

> > 1.1 A dispositor of the debilitated planet in a Kendra from Lagna or



> What is the dispositor of the debilitated planet?


> The lord of the sign where the debilitated planet is polaced is the


> of the debilitated planet.



> > 1.2. The lord of the seventh from the debilitated planet in a Kendra


> > Lagna or Moon..

> > 1.3. The planet which gets exalted in the sign where the debilitated


> > is placed is in a kendra from Lagna or Moon.

> > 2. Neechabhanga maybe attained after a lot of effort if:

> > 2.1. The debilitated planet is retrograde.

> > 2.2. The sign with the debilitated planet is conjoined an exalted



> Does rule 2.1 mean also that if an exalted planet is retrograde, it will

> behave like a debilitated one?


> You cannot infer that. It only says that if the debilitated planet is also

> retrograde then it becomes very weak and hence the neechabhanga becomes

> difficult. (Correct me Gurudev if I am wrong.)


> Your shishya, Gauranga das


> Regards

> Sarajit



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