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[Jagannath] Transcript of ISKCON Reading part 3

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At 10. 4. 2000 22:45:00, you wrote:


>>The purpose of a spiritual

>>organization which is

>>considered to be the

>>reincarnation of the Visva

>>Vaisnava Rja Sabha is to

>>convert materalists into

>>devotees. At the time whien

>>Srila Prabhupada left Gaudiya

>>Math behind it was clear that

>>the leaders of Gaudiya Math

>>were negaging not in preaching

>>but in grossly violating their

>>guru's instruction to form a

>>GBC and electing two acharyas

>>instead, which split the whole

>>Gaudiya Math and all of their

>>energy went into fighting over

>>properties and money instead

>>of preaching. This was the

>>institution that Prabhupada

>>left for fulfilling the order

>>of his guru. No one of Gaudiya

>>Math was either successful or

>>willing to preach to western

>>materialists. So he did it,

>>and see the success. Now the

>>Gaudiya Math became enlivened,

>>and all like BV Puri,

>>Tripurari and Narayan Maharaja

>>are doing nothing more than

>>seducing the people that were

>>made devotees by ISKCON. Who

>>introduced you to Krishna

>>consciousness: ISKCON or

>>Gaudiya Math? They are all

>>very expert in giving " higher

>>tattvas " than those taught in

>>ISKCON. But where is their

>>preaching? show me the

>>numbers! How many peolpe were

>>made devotees by the Gaudiya

>>Math withiut their contact

>>with ISKCON? Licking

>>Prabhupada's plate is veri

>>easy, but getting your own si

>>much more difficult.

>>There are countless millions

>>of materialists out there. Why

>>Narayan Maharaja and co. don,t

>>preach to them? Why does he

>>preach to ISKCON,s devotees,

>>senior men, Prabhupada,s

>>disciples, and torns them away

>>from their own family? I have

>>seen three cases like this in

>>one year. He.s just

>>systematically diminishing the

>>disciples, faith in their own

>>gurus, and even reinitiates

>>them, which is totaly against

>>any Vaishnava ettiquette and

>>the law of the Parampara. By

>>the way Prabhupada's

>>godbrothers did the same with

>>his disciples in the early



>>So what are you talking about?

>>If they don't need ISKCON,

>>fine, let them preach to

>>whomever they want, but not to

>>our people. Then who cares?

>>But no, they are always

>>engaged in gossiping about

>>ISKCON, finding fault with the

>>leaders, and praising

>>Prabhupada to look authentic.

>>This is the business of

>>jackals, not human beings.

>>You'd better read the story of

>>Sankhasura. He's the demon

>>representing the anartha of

>>seducing other,s followers.

>>All these big gurus should do

>>so and honstly find out

>>whether they are after

>>followers or not.


>>I'm sorry for my words but I

>>won,t tolerate silently

>>throwing mud on ISKCON all the



>> Yours, Gauranga das



>Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatah


>Well, in my case I was brought to spiritual life by my aunt that was trying to

follow Maheshwarananda(Is curently in Italy married). I read first yoga book

when I


>six and became vegetarian when 6 or 9 even though my parents were strictly

against it. Read Bhagavatam 1st canto and Raja vidya when I was 10 or


>like that, and liked reading Maheshwarananda's books. That was what brought me

to spiritual life. In Iskcon at the very beggining of my Jup-Sat it came to me

>practicaly. But I did not took initiation there and what do you want? Let me



>But, I do understand your concerns. It does happen. Except for

SiddhaSwarupananda's mission they generally except ISKCON people, and except for

some like

>Srila Bhakti Vallabha Tirtha Maharaja, they reinitiate them(in his Math it is

forbidden). Yeah, but it usually happenes this way. Person in ISKCON gets


>with somebody or something happens to her and that approaches Narayana MJ for

example and he excepts her and then she contiues speaking nonsense


>what happened to her. I speak from personal experience with a woman. When you

get couple of people like that and then they came to some " misionnary " idea

>to " save " their older friends what hapens is problems. I do not agree to that,

and that's what I say. And I do that way. Its better to preach to new people.


>we're gonna publish some books now so we can do that. To whom you are gonna

preach if you have nothing? But to those you knew.


>But as far, ultimately it goes, it boils down to whether guru has got real

connection to Krishna or not, and I see Puri Maharaja as bonafide. And he's got



>of 20 temples in India that he manifested by his own Sakti and preaching. And

believe me, he is much criticised outside also, because he did not get diksa


>Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, rather Harinama only. But I believe in the power of

the holy name. And him.

>What happens in Italy is another story. There are some people that were in

Iskcon and don't wanna be there any more and came to Puri Maharaja and he

>accepted them. For me that's mercy. He also said on one videotaped lecture that

he does not believe in officiating Acarya. That Acarya should be self-effulgent.

>Swarupa Damodara and some others visited him and he told them that. And I never

heard him speaking bad about Iskcon. Heard negative statements from


>but not from him.


>As you know he was allowed by ISKCON to preach but not to initiate. And when he

started to initiate he was forbidden. But what do you expect from an Acarya

>but to give the holy name to others. They could have thought of that first,

before letting him preach there. I mean it simply strikes the eye. He must have



>when he was approached by others. Who can forbid an Acarya to initiate.


>That's my personal stance.


>I understand your points, and value them to a degree,







Just to add. Anybody can leave a guru if he percieves that following him is

gonna lead him in a hell. Like for example if he lives with a 8 woman in his

harem of a

temple. It happened to one Gaudiya Matha preacher I heard. And if he leaves him

for that I have no problems with that be he initiated or not, in ISKCON or

Gaudiya Matha, or whtever. Or if something analogous happen.

If things are not violated that way, well, then, everybody has god his

conscience and intelligence to do what he feels right. So let them do. Everybody

carries his

own karma. But when people start speaking nonsense about somebody I do not have

to listen to that and I had a lot to listen of that in my last 2 years of deb


over jup from both sides, one that was spreading rumors about one guru and

saying extremely deragotary low, untrue words, and another that was responding


less that human way. And am fed up with that. If you want you state your viewes

again you state them but in a nice way.


And one coment about Siddha's mission. What I meant was that they preach mostly

to non ISKCON people, that is general public, and that is their policy.


Hare Krishna,








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