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Roswell transit chart

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Dear Jyotisha,




I won't reproduce the transit chart here once more, please find in the archives. Ascendant is Aquarius (which is the symbol of the whole New Age movement and also the Lagna for Kali yuga if I'm not mistaken). Ascendant lord Rahu is naturally exalted in the 4th house of vehicles, closely conjuncting Mars (applying aspect). Thus the Paka Lagna and Arudha Lagna are also there, concentrationg the atention on the 4th house. Taurus indicates hills and forests which could be the place for the spacecraft crush. Rahu indicates mechanical devices and Mars indicates fire. There are also many analogies applicable kile fuel and pison etc. for the two planets. Saturn and retrograde Mercury from A4 aspect Taurus. Retrograde Mercury may indicate the technical disturbance tha caused the accident. Also the Parivartana between Moon and Saturn are itneresting, as both are significators of foreign things, and Moon in 12th may indicate visitors from outer space in the spacecraft, as 12th and 1st house are both ruled by Saturn. The Atmakaraka is retrograde Jupiter in the 9th. So the spacecraft srush may be the result of some kind of divine punidhment or curse (Jupiter aspected by malefics). The staff of the craft must have lost their lives as Arudha and Paka Lagna were involved and rceiving the aspect form the above said planets in the 3rd from it.


Navamsa has a four-planet combination in the 4th house includong Mars and Rahu from the 4th in Rasi. Moon is lord of A4 and Sun is lord of 9th house for long distance travel. Both lords of 12th house (Mars and Ketu) aspect the Lagna. Badhakesh from the 4th is retrograde Mercury in the 9th (flight navigation problems may be indicated).


D-16 Lagna is Scorpio having naturally exalted Ketu there and deb. 4th lord Rahu. A4 is in a Marak house, and has retro Merc. and Jupiter. Lagna lord Mars conjoins 12th lord Venus indicating a ship from outer space. I won't go into higher D-charts, as we don't have so accurate timing.


But I think that the transot chart fully reveal the possibility of a spacecraft from another planet crashing at the spot, while its staff was killed, and a big fire was produced. The astonished people are seen from the Moon in 12th house. Please comment whether you agree or not.



Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer <gauranga Jyotish Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839








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