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Assignment on lesson 8A

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Dear Gauranga and Sanjay Prabhus and others,



here are my attemptions of asignments of lesson 8 about Vimshotari dasa.

Please, check if everything is all right and if there is need for some correction or comment, please do so.

Thank you.


1) Calculate the Vimshotari dasa from a) the Moon, b) Lagna, c) Utpanna Star, d) Kshema Star and e) Adhana Star in your chart and try to explain at least three important events with dates.


My birth datas: 28. July 1969, 9:20 PM, time zone +1, 13E51, 44N52. My chart is attached.

a) Vimshotari dasa calculated from the position of the Moon;

Moon is on 8ÿ18´ Capricorn. Nakshatra is Uttara Ashada which is ruled by Sun. Formula which is given in lesson /Dasa balance = Dasa period x (1-((M-N)/13ÿ20´))/ gives the length of remaining Sun's dasa as 9 months, 11 days, 6 hours and 15 minutes.

So, order of dasas;

Sun - 28. July 1969. - 9. May 1970.

Moon - 9.May 1970. - 9.May 1980.

Mars - 9.May 1980. - 9.May 1987.

Rahu - 9.May 1987 - 9.May 2005.

Jupiter - 9.May 2005. - 9.May 2021.

Saturn - 9.May 2021. - 9.May 2040.

Mercury - 9.May 2040. - 9.May 2057.

Ketu - 9.May 2057 - 9.May 2064.

Venus - 9.May 2064 - 9.May 2084.


b) Vimshotari dasa from Lagna:

Lagna is on 27ÿ20´ Aquarius, nakshatra is Purva Badhrapad, ruler is Jupiter.

Length of Jupiter dasa is 7 years, 2 months and 13 days.

So, dasas are like this:


Jupiter - 28. July 1969. - 11. Oct 1976.

Saturn - 11. Oct 1976. - 11. Oct 1995.

Mercury - 11. Oct 1995. - 11. Oct 2012.

Ketu - 11. Oct 2012. - 11.Oct 2019.

Venus- 11.Oct 2019. - 11.Oct 2039.

Sun - 11.Oct 2039. - 11.Oct 2045.

Moon - 11.Oct 2045 - 11.Oct 2055.

Mars - 11. Oct 2055. - 11.Oct 2062.

Rahu - 11.Oct 2062. - 11. Oct 2080.


c) Vimshotari dasa from Utpanna nakshatra (5th star from Moon):

5th star from the Moon is Purva Badhrapad. Ruler is Jupiter so dasas starts from Jupiter dasa. Remaining length for first Jupiter dasa is 2 years, 14 days, 14 hours and 23 minutes.


Jupiter - 28. July 1969. - 11.Aug 1971.

Saturn - 11.Aug 1971. - 11. Aug 1990.

Mercury - 11.Aug 1990. - 11.Aug 2007.

Ketu - 11.Aug 2007. 11.Aug 2014.

Venus - 11.Aug 2014. - 11.Aug 2034.

Sun - 11.Aug 2034. - 11.Aug 2040.

Moon - 11.Aug 2040. - 11.Aug 2050.

Mars - 11.Aug 2050. - 11.Aug 2057.

Rahu - 11.Aug 2057. - 11.Aug 2075.


d) Vimshotari dasa from Kshema nakshatra (4th nakshatra from Moon):

Nakshatra is Shatabisha and ruler is Rahu. Dasa balance is 2 years, 3 months, 17 days, 16 hours and 12 minutes.


Rahu dasa - 28. July 1969. - 14. Nov 1971.

Jupiter - 14.Nov 1971. - 14.Nov 1988.

Saturn - 14.Nov 1988. - 14.Nov 2007.

Mercury - 14.Nov 2007. - 14.Nov 2034.

Ketu - 14.Nov 2034. - 14.Nov 2041.

Venus - 14.Nov 2041. - 14.Nov 2061.

Sun - 14.Nov 2061. - 14.Nov 2067.

Moon - 14.Nov 2067. - 14.Nov 2077.

Mars - 14.Nov 2077. - 14.Nov 2084.


e) Vimshotari dasa from Adhana nakshatra (8th nakshatra from Moon):

Nakshatra is Ashwini ruled by Ketu. Dasa balance for first, Ketu dasa is:

10 months, 25 days, 18 hours and 17 minutes.


Ketu - 28.July 1969. - 22.Jun 1970

Venus - 22.Jun 1970 - 22.Jun 1990

Sun - 22.Jun 1990 - 22.Jun 1996.

Moon - 22.Jun 1996. - 22.Jun 2006.

Mars - 22.Jun 2006. - 22.Jun 2013.

Rahu - 22.Jun 2013. - 22.Jun 2031.

Jupiter - 22.Jun 2031. - 22.Jun 2047.

Saturn - 22.Jun 2047. - 22.Jun 2066.

Mercury - 22.Jun 2066. - 22.Jun 2087.


So, 3 events in my life which we can determine with Vimshotari dasas are:

1) September/0ctober 1989 I moved from my birth place where I lived until then. I moved in neighboring state Slovenia and lived there for next 10 years.

2) Jan 1993 I joined the ISKCON ashram.

3) Jul 1999 I began to seriously take interest in Jyotish.


1) September 1989 was Rahu/Rahu in Vimshotari dasa. It was beginning of Rahu dasa. Rahu is Atmakaraka and is ruler of lagna, so, he will surely give some changes in the life. Rahu also give contact with strangers, foreign places and travel and staying far away from home. During my residing in foreign place I discovered spiritual knowledge of India and begin to dedicating my life to studying and practicing spiritual path of bhakti-yoga. Rahu is Atmakaraka so he gives all these things.

In Dasa from lagna it was Saturn/Moon. Saturn is ruler of 12th house from which we can see separation from home. Saturn is also co-ruler of lagna. In 12th house Moon is posited.

Dasa from Utpanna nakshatra was again Saturn/Jupiter.

Dasa from Kshema nakshatra was Saturn/Saturn.

Dasa from Adhana nakshatra was Venus/Ketu. Venus is ruler of 4th house which means home.

So this dasa can bring some changes in significance's in 4th house.


2) Vimshotari dasa from Moon: Rahu/Jupiter. Rahu is AK and Jupiter is graha which brings religiosity, interest in spiritual knowledge, acceptance of spiritual master etc, etc. Jupiter is posited in 8th house - interest in secret knowledge, spirituality, esoteria...

Dasa from lagna was Saturn/Mars. Saturn can bring some isolation or separation (like in the case of living in ashram or some sort of monastery) or detachment, because he is also ruler of 12th house and co-ruler of lagna. Mars is posited in his own sign (Scorpio) in 10th house. Mars is fiery planet of activity and passion and Scorpio is sign of mysticism.

Dasa from Utpanna nakshatra; Mercury/Mercury. Mercury is ruler of 5th house (learning, knowledge, spiritual master ...) , and 8th house.

Dasa from Kshema nakshatra: Saturn/Mercury.

Dasa from Adhana nakshatra; Sun/Rahu.


3) Vimshotari dasa from Moon; Rahu/Ketu - Ketu is posited in 8th house from which we can see also interest in occult studies (astrology also) and is conjoined Jupiter in the sign of Mercury (Virgo).

Dasa from lagna; Mercury/Ketu, Mercury- ruler of 5th and 8th and Ketu in 8th with Jupiter.

Dasa from Utpanna nakshatra; Mercury/Moon. Moon is dispositor of Mercury (6th house).

Dasa from Kshema nakshatra; Saturn/Venus. Venus is in 5th house in sign of Mercury (Gemini).

Dasa from Adhana nakshatra; Moon/Rahu.


2) Female born on 26. November 1946 at 6:55 AM IST at 77E35; 12N59. Calculate the Dasa and antardasa.


Dasas begins with Ketu dasa. Ketu dasa balance is 4 years, 2 months, 22 days, 13 hours and 57 minutes.

Dasa and antardasa order:


Dasa Antardasa


Ketu Mars 26.Nov 1946 - 17.Jan 1947.

Rahu till - 4.Feb 1948.

Jupiter - 20. Jan. 1949.

Saturn - 1.Mar 1950.

Mercury - 28.Feb 1951.


Venus Venus 28.Feb 1951 - 28.Jun 1954.

Sun - 28.Jun 1955.

Moon - 28.Feb 1957.

Mars - 28.Apr 1958.

Rahu - 28.Apr 1961.

Jupiter - 28.Dec 1963.

Saturn - 28.Feb 1967.

Mercury - 28.Dec 1969.

Ketu - 28.Feb 1971.


Sun Sun 28.Feb 1971. - 17.Jun 1971.

Moon - 17.Dec 1971.

Mars - 23.Apr 1972.

Rahu - 19.Mar 1973.

Jupiter - 7.Jan 1974.

Saturn - 17.Dec 1974.

Mercury - 23.Oct 1975.

Ketu - 28.Feb 1976.

Venus - 28.Feb 1977.


Moon Moon 28.Feb 1977. - 28.Dec 1977.

Mars - 28.Jul 1978.

Rahu - 28.Jan 1980.

Jupiter - 28.May 1981

Saturn - 28.Dec 1982.

Mercury - 28.May 1984.

Ketu - 28.Dec 1984.

Venus - 28.Aug 1986.

Sun - 28.Feb 1987.


Mars Mars 28.Feb 1987. - 25.Jul 1987.

Rahu - 18.Aug 1988.

Jupiter - 19.Jul 1989.

Saturn - 28.Aug 1990.

Mercury - 25.Aug 1991.

Ketu - 22.Jan 1992.

Venus - 22.Mar 1992.

Sun - 28.Jul 1993.

Moon - 28.Feb 1994.


Rahu Rahu 28.Feb 1994. - 10.Nov 1996.

Jupiter - 4.Apr 1999.

Saturn - 10.Feb 2002.

Mercury - 28.Aug 2004.

Ketu - 16.Sep 2005.

Venus - 16.Sep 2008.

Sun - 10.Aug 2009.

Moon - 10.Feb 2011.

Mars - 28.Feb 2012.


Jupiter Jupiter 28.Feb 2012. - 16.Apr 2014.

Saturn - 28.Oct 2016.

Mercury - 4.Feb 2019.

Ketu - 10.Jan 2020.

Venus - 10.Sep 2022.

Sun - 28.Jun 2023.

Moon - 28.Oct 2024.

Mars - 4.Oct 2025.

Rahu - 28.Feb 2028.


Saturn Saturn 28.Feb 2028. - 1.Mar 2031.

Mercury - 10.Nov 2033.

Ketu - 19.Dec 2034.

Venus - 19.Feb 2038.

Sun - 1.Feb 2039.

Moon - 1.Sep 2040.

Mars - 10.Oct 2041

Rahu - 16.Aug 2044.

Jupiter - 28.Feb 2047.


Mercury Mercury 28.Feb 2047. - 25.Jul 2049.

Ketu - 22.Jul 2050.

Venus - 22.May 2053.

Sun - 28.Mar 2054.

Moon - 28.Aug 2055.

Mars - 25.Aug 2056.

Rahu - 13.Mar 2059.

Jupiter - 19.Jun 2061.

Saturn - 28.Feb 2064.


3) Female born on 25 October 1977; 2:05 PM IST, Delhi, India. Calculate her dasa ans indicate the date of marriage.


Native is born in Revati nakshatra ruled by Mercury. Dasa balance for Mercury dasa is 13 years, 2 months, 11 days, 15 hours and 4 minutes.


Order of dasa is like this:


Mercury - 25.Oct 1977 - 6.Jan 1991.

Ketu - 6.Jan 1998.

Venus - 6.Jan 2018.

Sun - 6.Jan 2024.

Moon - 6.Jan 2034.

Mars - 6.Jan 2041.

Rahu - 6.Jan 2059.

Jupiter - 6.Jan 2075.

Saturn - 6.Jan 2094.


Date of marriage; it will probably take place in Ketu mahadasa (Ketu is conjoined with Moon, ruler of 7th house and they both aspect Upapada) and Saturn antardasa (Saturn is Darapada, ruler of lagna in rasi, and ruler of 7th in Navamsha). So, timing is ; from 10.Dec 1995 to 19.jan1997.


4) Female born on 4. September 1971 at 12:54 PM, zone 5:00 West; 77W03, 12S03. Does she have fortune in her birth place? If so why, and if not why not. When did she join a spiritual organization (try to indicate the organization) and where is she likely to settle in her life?


First, I will calculate the dasas:


Rahu dasa - 4.Sep 1971 - 28.Apr 1982.

Jupiter - - 28.Apr 1998.

Saturn - - 28.Apr 2017.

Mercury - - 28.Apr 2034.

Ketu - - 28.Apr 2041.

Venus - - 28.Apr 2061.

Sun - - 28.Apr 2067.

Moon - - 28.Apr 2077.

Mars - - 28.Apr 2084.


I suppose that native will not have so many happiness in home or birth place. Ruler of 4th house from which we can see happiness in home is Jupiter which is also ruler of lagna and is posited in 12th house (this position can bring separation from home or birth place). His dispositor is exalted Mars. Jupiter is under aspect of all malefics (Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu). There is no aspect from any benefic. So, situation at home can be pretty tense. Jupiter's connection with exalted Mars can bring excellent results and because of it's specific position Jupiter will bring spiritual gain. Sun in his own sign in 9th house conjoined with Atmakaraka Venus and Mercury will probably in his period give some extraordinary events. So, native may come in contact or join some spiritual society in period of Jupiter mahadasa and Sun or Venus antardasa - from 10.Mar 1990 to 28.Aug 1993.

In navamsha 12th house from AK is Virgo with Sun in it, with aspect of Rahu, Ketu and Mars. Mercury means Vishnu (and he is strongest) and Sun is Lord Rama. Moon is in trines in Vimsamsa which can mean Krishna bhakta.

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