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Namaste Sat Siri ji,


Brilliant analysis! Is this a Dwi-janma year? I didn't know

that. That's interesting!


In the case of human beings, dwi-janma years usually bring

much pain and a figurative re-birth. This principle almost

always holds.


I have a question about how you compressed Ashtottari dasa

to the Tajaka chart. Did you take Moon's nakshatra in the

Tajaka chart and find Ashtottari dasa in the normal way

(but compressed from 108 years to 1 year)? Or, did you

progress natal Moon's nakshatra by one nakshatra per year

like in Mudda dasa (annual Vimsottari dasa)? Or did you

progress natal Moon's nakshatra by one " nakshatra block "

(giving one full dasa) per year? (Note: In the case of

Vimsottari, the last 2 approaches are equivalent, but

Ashtottari dasa is different.)


I tried all the three. But Jupiter dasa dates given by

you are months off as per each calculation. Would you mind

sharing your calculations?


Do you take Aardraadi variation or Krittikaadi? Sanjay

and many traditional astrologers prefer Aardraadi.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Dear Zoran,

> Hope you are doing well in the midst of the huge wave of


> feeling at this historic

> time of change. It looks to be successful. Varshaphal is dwi-janma

> year and perhaps this can mean important changes for

> the better, especially with involvement of Jupiter on lagna and

> lagnesh. Jupiter and Saturn are Brahma Yoga, showing

> an initiation of a new situation. They sit on Ghati Lagna, seat of

> power, in the sign of Aries bringing a new beginning. Saturn as 6


> and dispositor of Ketu shows potential for violence. Saturn is

also a

> natural karaka for the masses. But Mars is in mrityavastha and is


> in the same rashi with Saturn, and so may show the absence of


> Saturn as sixth lord being disposited by Mars which in turn is in an

> exchange with Venus could show the armed forces laying down arms and

> siding with the people.

> The ninth house deals with the entire issue of the presidency.

> Sun shows political power in the abstract, especially as


> Mars as GK and as ninth lord may show the actual body of the


> Mr. Milosevich, while Jupiter as fifth lord and lord of ninth from


> could show his popularly and properly elected successor beginning


> new administration. The chart qualifies for Astotari dasha and if


> compress that into one year Jupiter dasha runs from Sept 11 to Nov


> and so hopefully during this time the transition will be completed

> peacefully. AK is Rahu in twelfth as part of a kala sarpa yoga and

> suggests a big focus on international relations and cooperation with

> other countries. The next dasha is Rahu from 11/14 to 12/23.


> dispositor Moon with Ketu shows a 180 degree turnabout completed


> the year, with the key changes happening in Rahu dasha once the new

> administration is operating. Since Saturn is the Amatyakaraka, the

> people themselves are the VIPs bringing in the new leadership.

> In D-5 of political power Mars (Milosevich) is in an

unfortunate 1-6

> parivartana with Mercury in lagna. The uprising began 10/4 and

went on

> to 10/5. On 10/4 Mars pratyantar began in Jupiter Astotari dasa.

> Jupiter, the successor, is exalted in D-5 and accompanies AK Rahu


> the fourth, the seat of power. I wonder if the treatment accorded


> Milosevich will be somewhat lenient as Mars in D-1 is disposited by

> Venus and its Astottari nakshatra dispositor is also Venus.


> Sat Nam,

> Sat Siri Kaur

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Jaya Jaya Jagannath,


Dear Sat Siri ji,


Welcome back to the list.

I have two questions if you could kindly help me.


1. What is dwi-Janma year ? I know the meaning of terms, but is it 2nd cycle

of the varshapal or some thing else ?


2. Can we compress Ashtottari dasa in general or is it just a experiment ?


Thanks in advance.

Hare Krshna









>Namaste Sat Siri ji,


>Brilliant analysis! Is this a Dwi-janma year? I didn't know

>that. That's interesting!


>In the case of human beings, dwi-janma years usually bring

>much pain and a figurative re-birth. This principle almost

>always holds.


>I have a question about how you compressed Ashtottari dasa

>to the Tajaka chart. Did you take Moon's nakshatra in the

>Tajaka chart and find Ashtottari dasa in the normal way

>(but compressed from 108 years to 1 year)? Or, did you

>progress natal Moon's nakshatra by one nakshatra per year

>like in Mudda dasa (annual Vimsottari dasa)? Or did you

>progress natal Moon's nakshatra by one " nakshatra block "

>(giving one full dasa) per year? (Note: In the case of

>Vimsottari, the last 2 approaches are equivalent, but

>Ashtottari dasa is different.)


>I tried all the three. But Jupiter dasa dates given by

>you are months off as per each calculation. Would you mind

>sharing your calculations?


>Do you take Aardraadi variation or Krittikaadi? Sanjay

>and many traditional astrologers prefer Aardraadi.


>May Jupiter's light shine on us,



>> Dear Zoran,

>> Hope you are doing well in the midst of the huge wave of


>> feeling at this historic

>> time of change. It looks to be successful. Varshaphal is dwi-janma

>> year and perhaps this can mean important changes for

>> the better, especially with involvement of Jupiter on lagna and

>> lagnesh. Jupiter and Saturn are Brahma Yoga, showing

>> an initiation of a new situation. They sit on Ghati Lagna, seat of

>> power, in the sign of Aries bringing a new beginning. Saturn as 6


>> and dispositor of Ketu shows potential for violence. Saturn is

>also a

>> natural karaka for the masses. But Mars is in mrityavastha and is


>> in the same rashi with Saturn, and so may show the absence of


>> Saturn as sixth lord being disposited by Mars which in turn is in an

>> exchange with Venus could show the armed forces laying down arms and

>> siding with the people.

>> The ninth house deals with the entire issue of the presidency.

>> Sun shows political power in the abstract, especially as


>> Mars as GK and as ninth lord may show the actual body of the


>> Mr. Milosevich, while Jupiter as fifth lord and lord of ninth from


>> could show his popularly and properly elected successor beginning


>> new administration. The chart qualifies for Astotari dasha and if


>> compress that into one year Jupiter dasha runs from Sept 11 to Nov


>> and so hopefully during this time the transition will be completed

>> peacefully. AK is Rahu in twelfth as part of a kala sarpa yoga and

>> suggests a big focus on international relations and cooperation with

>> other countries. The next dasha is Rahu from 11/14 to 12/23.


>> dispositor Moon with Ketu shows a 180 degree turnabout completed


>> the year, with the key changes happening in Rahu dasha once the new

>> administration is operating. Since Saturn is the Amatyakaraka, the

>> people themselves are the VIPs bringing in the new leadership.

>> In D-5 of political power Mars (Milosevich) is in an

>unfortunate 1-6

>> parivartana with Mercury in lagna. The uprising began 10/4 and

>went on

>> to 10/5. On 10/4 Mars pratyantar began in Jupiter Astotari dasa.

>> Jupiter, the successor, is exalted in D-5 and accompanies AK Rahu


>> the fourth, the seat of power. I wonder if the treatment accorded


>> Milosevich will be somewhat lenient as Mars in D-1 is disposited by

>> Venus and its Astottari nakshatra dispositor is also Venus.


>> Sat Nam,

>> Sat Siri Kaur





>Archive: varahamihira

>Info: varahamihira/info.html



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Dear Jyotisha Friends,

It has been very exciting in here for the past few days. The events took a


turn, which was very sudden, intense, and went down suddenly as well. The


nature of Rahu.Yugoslavia has a new President, who is very cultured,


mild-natured, nation-loving, the kind of President we are all proud. At the


the transition is taking place, and new spirit of enthusiasm, and literally

re-birth is

floating in the air...(Dwi-janma year indeed) My friend, who is a western


reminded me of my prediction a year ago.. I told her that in


the change would come, and the President Milosevic would step down. I am at


moment amazed how I made such a prediction using Rashi and Navamsa Chart


Perhaps, a lucky guess, but on the other hand I had strong reasons for my




TAUGHT US(even though I wasn't official member of SJVC then) :

" Rahu is a strong and sudden transformation, while chandra is change. Rahu

is in 9th

house from sun, and in natural pada of the 9th house, so the destiny and


would suffer change. Rahu sits in arudha lagna and indicates a sudden change

of country

image.Rahu is in labhaamsa(navamsa of 11th house) so even in debilitation it

would have

to bring some gains and success. WHY CHANDRA ANTARA? My reasons were


" ...Chandra sits in 7th house that would influence the change in

international image, and

country relations. Chandra is in yuti with lord of 9th and 4th house

Mangal(yog karak) and will

be strongly influenced by it. So some happiness would have to be there.

Chandra has argal

over 9th house and surya/shukra. So there has to be definitely change within

Rulership, since

venus rules10th house and surya indicates rulers. Chandra is in

shashatmsa(navamsa of the 6th

house, so the relationships with enemies/sanctions would have to change.

Chandra holds guru

exaltation sign in navamsa, so guru would be active, apart from it aspects

chandra in Gajkeshari

Yoga. The transit influence starting in chandra antara(rahu-ketu transitting

their opposite places)

gave me reassurance that evil result of debilitated nodes in chart of

Yugoslavia,would considerably

lessen. I picked pratyantara of rahu, since chandra is in rahu naksahtra,

and rahu is in trines to lagnesh

and lagna. So it came true.. Such a wisdom in Sanjay teaching..

I have noticed more than once, that the very first examination of the chart,

gives me the clearest

insight.This has proved to be so again.Why? I can't say

The point is that the principles explained by Maharishis have proven again

and again, of course

with the help of the proper Guru. May Lord Jagannath keep illuminating

Sanjay's mind, and the minds

of all jyotishas here at SJVC.

Best wishes,


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