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Dear Sanjayji,

Thank you for your answer.

I see.I thought that you might have had the

materials prepared.I have loads of materials but

unfortunately in serbian language.What should I do?

It will take a lot of time to translate it.(I am currently

preparing for the translation of COVA/Jaimini sutram.)

To cut a long story short,here are some themes from materials>

1.Astronomical aspect of jyotish

2.Graha/rashi/bhava karakatwas

3.Avastas(baaladhi,lajitadhi,sayanadhi etc)




7.Yogas etc

I have some written materials (handwritting in English)which I shouldn't

disclose.However,I think I could scan it and send it to you,so that I could

prepare some lessons based on those materials if you agree,without disclosing


the materials themselves.

Siebelt Mayer has done a great work.He was cautious enough not to


all the knowledge in the courses for the time being.He knew that some


would misuse those materials to promote themselves not the knowledge.

BTW.How do you know Sieblet Mayer?

What do you actually think about the jyotish knowledge of his?

He is I think the only westerner in the TM movement to get the jyotish

title: " Shastri " What I like about his knowledge is the way he teaches it.

Very sistematic.However if one wishes to gain complete knowledge he should

completely oblige himself to the movement.At present,I have not found myself

in that role.Being dhanu lagna,I am a kind of a freelancer.I prefer studying

jyotish in

place such as SJVC,more silent and selective.Actually,you are among rare persons


who has so far met all my critaria for jyotish guru.I am very grateful to you

for that.

I also do have complete confidence in your guidence and advice.Thus,please tell


what I should do in further promotion of knowledge.

Your sisya



Sanjay Rath wrote:




> Dear Zoran & Zavisa,

> Be rest assured that I am working hard on this. Narasimha is also adding

> his bit. We are already doing the lessons called " Rath's Lectures " and this

> lesson on Moola Dasa was to evive the sleeping class ...to show you all the

> extent to which we have to study, and MOOLA DASA is one of the easy dasa's.

> We have a long way to go together.


> Sarat is working very hard of the lectures and I shall be ever grateful to

> him for his sincerity. If there is one person who has fulfilled every small

> desire of mine without grumbling and has put in all effort, it is Sarat.



> HOROSCOPES AND GUIDING SO MANY PEOPLE. He has become very popular in the

> Govt offices and outside as well in a very very short time.


> In case you wish to send any material, please send it to Sarat & me first.

> Let me see what Siebelt Meyer has done.


> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath


> -

> Zoran Radosavljevic <satya

> <varahamihira >

> Wednesday, April 19, 2000 0542 S Rath

> [Jagannath] Zavisa's posting and SJVC syllabus


> > Dear Zavisa,

> > Eventhough,we can communicate in the same language,I am writting this in

> English,

> > looking forward to hear Sanjay's opinion on this.

> > Unlike you,I have passed a basic training,but would also like to hear

> from Sanjay

> > about his plans to establish some bases in the shape of a book or some

> basic

> > carriculum.Anyway,I saw syllabus in SJVC.Where is it thought?It

> wouldn't do

> > harm if we all passed through it,no matter of our basical knowledge.

> > TO Zavisa:

> > P.Adrian Kezele has taken very qualified Jyotish Course in TM

> movement.He

> > obviously broke the rules,and published some course materials in his

> book in

> > Croatian language.I've got the book,and you can gain very solid bases

> from studying

> > it.Apart from that I posses all the knowledge he is giving on

> courses,so I'll gladly

> > teach you the same,free of charge if you wish.If Sanjay comes up with

> a better solution

> > (like inthe form of SJVC syllabus) then it is even better.

> > With best regards,

> > Zoran

> >

> > > JAy Gurudev,

> > >

> > > I have to write on this as I am a complete beginner. I have recieved no

> training in jyotish

> > > anywhere and I can really feel this gap. It does not bother me much

> since I do not live of

> > > jyotish, rather learn it in my leasure time so to speak and as an

> interest and avoid reading

> > > horoscopes anyway as I do not consider myself qualified for that, and as

> such do not like to

> > > interfere in peoples lives, even though they all the times ask me

> questions, even Hrishikesh

> > > Maharaja. So I need to recieve some basic training somewhere and if I do

> not get it here I'll

> > > have to go to Adrian Predrag Kezele. He is only one enough qualified to

> learn astrology from

> > > here. But I do not like his prices, otherwise I would have already gone

> there.

> > >

> > > You should specify what do you want from your SJVC. Prabhupada had

> things specified for his

> > > society, Puri Maharaja has got for his, Bhaktisiddhnata has got,

> everybody has got. So You

> > > should also make something so people can know. If you expect begginers

> you should do something

> > > for that, if not then you should say so. Or recommend some books at

> least. As I see it now, and

> > > as I would have expected all will be allowed so you should, gradually,

> make some ajustments in

> > > this regard. Also from cultural point of view if you accept westerners.

> I have been dabbling

> > > with eastern philosophy for all of my short life and yet I have so much

> trouble accepting

> > > authority as it is done in Vedic culture and many other things. I see it

> when people relate to

> > > Puri Maharaja also. Such a different concepts in life. Its not easy to

> ajust. Many cannot do

> > > that and then they go away, even though they are interested.

> > >

> > > so some views,

> > >

> > > yours sisya,

> > >

> > > Zavisa

> > >


> > > Archive: varahamihira

> > > Info: varahamihira/info.html

> >

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