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#2 Badhakesh

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||| Hare Rama Krishna |||


Dear Swee and List Members, Namaskaar.


Here are 2 freely available links on the subject:







Best wishes,



|| Namah Shivaaya ||




, " Swee Chan " <swee10101> wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha




> Dear List,


> Namaste




> Here are some SJC notes I've found on Badhakesh.




> Love,


> Swee








> When Jupiter is Badhaka lord and not placed in Trik Sthana , person is

> troubled by progeny / pupil etc. Badhakesh is like Ganesha

(vighneshwara ).

> On Badhaka day pray lord Ganesha for smooth functioning. Any planet in

> Badhaka place can take one to Ganeshji. A malefic planet in Badhaka


> can be terrible. A benefic there is good. For Badhaka sthanas donot

do Ugra

> Puja; always do shanty Puja.


> Sign in Badhaka house shows the place of trouble. Badhaka lord

> shows the person causing trouble. Planets in Badhaka house show real

> influence.


> LL always behaves like Mars -- it gives strong body etc.

9L always

> behaves like Vishnu. If AK is with Mars ( who is Badhakesh) -- not very

> happy in life - worship Krishna.


> Prasna Marga cites additional notes on 'Houses of Harm' or badhak

sthana as

> given in Table V-2.





> Table V2




> Sign



> House of Harm



> All Movable Sign


> Aquarius



> Leo / Virgo / Scorpio / Sagittarius


> Scorpio



> Capricorn


> Taurus



> Gemini/Pisces


> Sagittarius




> In this method, the quadrants of the house of harm can also be harmful.

> This is based on the principle of Paraspara Karaka i.e. doing each


> job when the planets / signs are placed in mutual quadrants.








> The wrath of the deity is to be judged based on various factors. As

> indicated, the 12th house from the Atmakaraka is the place of the

Devata and

> it is from the 12th house from the Badhakesh that the past life

history of

> maintenance of the deity is to be deciphered. If the Badhakesh in an

> average place and afflicted, and if a Malefic planet is placed in

the 12th

> house from the Badhakesh, the indications are that the worshipped

image has

> been mutilated. This brings the wrath of the deity signified by the

> Badhakesh. Depending on the malefic planet / Upagraha involved, the

> following can be inferred.




> 1. If Gulika / Rahu: Indicates a curse of the Serpent deity or

the cause

> of the curse being a serpent such as serpent having touched the

image of the

> deity has made it impure.


> 2. It Saturn: Pollution / dirt on the image / temple.

> 3. If Mars: Disputes / bad management of worship / image / temple etc.




> The fault leading to the wrath of the deity can be narrowed down as

> follows:-


> Depending on the placement of the Badhakesh


> If the Badhakesh is in Lagna and associates with evil planets, then

it is

> the idol, which has been mutilated. If Mars aspects / joins Badhakesh:

> breaking idol, image or any sacred object associated with the deity. A

> fresh idol has to be installed in a temple. If Saturn, Gulika or Rahu

> associate, pollution and dirt have made the idol impure. If Sun


> then it is due to birds.


> If the Badhakesh is in the fourth house, then the temple is either

broken /

> dilapidated (Mars affliction) and needs repairs, or has been

forgotten or

> unclean (Saturn / Rahu) and needs to be sanctified.




> If the Badhakesh is in the 2nd or 11th house, then the deity's

wealth has

> been stolen or misappropriated. This property is Dhatu (Inanimate


> Moola (grains, trees, lands etc.) or Jeeva (Men, Animals etc.)

depending on

> the Lagna as being movable, fixed or dual if unoccupied.




> If a planet occupies Lagna, then Mercury and Jupiter signify Jeeva,

Sun &

> Venus signify Moola and the others (Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu) signify

> Dhatu. Similarly, the stars reckoned from Aswini are in the order

of Dhatu,

> Moola & Jeeva.


> Similarly, inferences can be made from the other houses.




> Depending on the Lord of the sign occupied by Badhakesh, the Tatwa


> signified shall indicate the following:




> Element


> Remedy



> 1.


> Sun/Mars


> Agni (Fire)


> Lamp, Candle



> 2.


> Venus/Moon


> Jala (Water)


> Milk, Ghee, Sweetmeats etc.



> 3.


> Mercury


> Prithvi (Earth)


> Sandalwood Paste, Perfumed Oils etc.



> 4.


> Jupiter


> Akash (Ether)


> Flowers, Garland, Chanting Mantras



> 5.


> Saturn


> Vayu (Air)


> Dhoop, Dress, Ornaments etc.








> In case it is inferred that there is ample evidence of the wrath of the

> deity, then the remedy should be suggested based on the placement

of the

> Badhakesh in different houses from Lagna as given in Table V-3 and the

> planet associated as given in Table V-5.




> Table V-4 : Badhak in House






> House



> Remedy






> Posture


> Transliteration



> Translation



> 1.



> Standing


> Pratbimbadana


> Gift of idol or picture



> 2.



> Riding


> Japa


> Mantra Japa



> 3.



> Sitting


> Pooja


> Worship



> 4.



> Sleeping


> Dhama


> Renovation of temple



> 5.



> Standing


> Santarpana


> Presentation of oil/gifts, clothes etc.



> 6.



> Wailing


> Prathikaran Bali


> Remedial offerings & dedication



> 7.



> Dancing


> Nritya


> Dances to be performed for deity



> 8.



> Sleeping


> Bhoota Bali or Pooja


> Worship of the Tatwa



> 9.



> Standing


> Devopsana


> Worship of Dharma Devata



> 10.



> Crawling


> Danti-Skanda Bail or Pooja


> Bali Karma or Pooja for Ganesha (or Subramanya Kartikeya)



> 11.



> Sitting


> Tarpana


> Ritual offerings & Dedication



> 12.



> Sleeping


> Gitam-Vadya


> No affliction (But music & song may be offered)

Table V-5 Obstruction by Planets




> Planet/



> Dispositor



> Remedy






> Transliteration



> Translation



> Sun



> Devaradhana


> Worship of deity



> Moon



> Sankhabhishek & Dana


> Abhishek using a donation of rice & water



> Mars



> Deepa Samarpan & Havan


> Illumination & Fire sacrifice



> Mercury



> Nritya Karma


> Arranging festivals & dances for the deity



> Jupiter



> Dwija Bhojanam


> Service & feeding of Brahmins, priests & learned persons; offering


> etc.



> Venus



> Rogasyamannayannam Predeyam


> Feeding the public and sick people



> Saturn



> Neechanamnadanam


> Feeding the poor and oppressed persons

Wrath of Sarpra Deva



> Rahu in 4, 6, 7 8, 10, 12 house requires propitiation. If Rahu is


> in any way with Badhakesh, these remedial measures are compulsory. If

> Jupiter associates with the Badhakesh and is placed in a Dusthana and if

> Rahu is a quadrant from Jupiter, then the curse is from superior or


> serpents.




> If Gulika is in quadrants instead of Rahu, then these are inferior


> If the Sun associates with Rahu, then the serpents are beneficial and

> essential and essentially intent in long term good, while the Moon

> associating with Rahu shows evil-minded serpents intent on causing


> The following remedies have been prescribed in the Prasna Marga and


> traditional texts:




> 1) Rahu in 6th, 8th, 10th or Badhak House: Sarpa Bali

as per

> prescribed texts.


> 2) Rahu in 4th House: Installation of image of Sarpa


> or dedicate a Chitra Kuta stone.


> 3) Rahu in 12th House: Music & singing.


> 4) Rahu in fist house: Sprinkling milk (Tharpana) over the

> abode of serpents or over an image of the Snake God (Nagaraja /

Vasuki) in a

> temple.


> 5) Rahu in seventh House: Dancing and devotional songs.


> 6) Rahu in dual sign: dedicate a small serpent made of

gold or

> copper (symbolic of the body snakes killed)


> 7) Rahu in movable sign: small eggs of gold or silver be

> offered (symbolic of the broken eggs of the snakes)


> 8) Rahu in fixed sign: Plant trees (Symbolic of the


> of the destroyed ant hills and abodes of the serpents








> The Badhak sign should be Aries / Scorpio (indicating the anger/fire of

> mars) to show the presence of a curse. The Sun (natural significator of

> father) should be in this Badhak sign in Rasi or Navamsa to show

the curse

> of father: Similarly, the Moon (natural significator of mother)

should be

> in the aforementioned Badhak sign to show the curse of Mother.




> The Badhakesh associated with Leo & with Mars/Saturn shows the anger /

> sorrow of the father or some paternal elder respectively. The Badhakesh

> associated with Cancer & with Mars / Saturn shows the anger /

sorrow of the

> mother or some maternal elder respectively.




> 6th lord in 9th house or 9th lord in 12th house or the Sun in the sixth

> shows the displeasure of father. Similarly, the 6th lord in 4th

house lord

> in 12th house or the Moon in the 6th house shows the displeasure of





> Serve your parents if they are alive. Perform Sharddh or work for some

> elderly persons in the memory of your parents if they are dead.

Mars so

> placed shows the curse or brother, Venus of spouse etc. The ritual


> Tila homa can be performed if the parent is dead.






> If the funeral ceremonies or annual rites called Shraddh of the dead

are not

> performed, then it is believed that such a dead person remains in

the form

> of a Pishacha & effects relations. The presence of Gulika / Ketu in the

> Badhak sign shows the danger. The malefic associating with Gulika

shows the

> cause of death of the Pisacha.




> If Gulika / Ketu is in any manner associated with Mars by conjunction,

> aspect or is placed in Aries or Scorpio, it shows sudden death or


> burns, weapons, small pox etc.




> If instead of Mars, the association was with Saturn, misery &

poverty may be

> the cause of death.




> Rahu associating with Gulika shows snakebite and other deadly poisons.


> Similarly, the sign occupied by Gulika / Ketu show the sex of the


> If Gulika associates with the 4th house or lord in some manner, then the

> Pisacha is related to the family, if not, then it is outside. The

> ashottaramsa (D-108) is the age of the Preta / Pisacha. Other

details can

> be learnt from standard texts. Remedies include Parvana, Sharaddh, Tila

> Homa etc. Depending on the affliction, Pooja / Mantra of Ugra Devata


> be prescribed.




> Table (For Preta Badha)






> Planet



> Female



> Male



> Mars


> Chamundi


> Kartaviyarjuna, Ugra Hanuman, Ugra Narasimha



> Saturn


> Kali


> Shasta, Ucchista Ganapati



> Rahu


> Durga


> Ugra Varaha, Sarpa Devata



> The 'evil eye' has been classified as three kids of demons. Their

names are

> always " Kamas' as the evil eyes is causes by desire (Kama).


> 1. Ranthu Kamas causes worries and is indicated by the Badhakesh in

> Lagna or associating with Lagna Lord and Gulika.

> 2. Hanuthu Kamas is intent on killing, and is seen by the association

> of the Badhakesh with the 6th or 8th house or its lord and the Lagna or

> Lagna lord. Relief comes from the aspecting benefic planet.

> 3. Bali Kamas desires some form of Bali (sacrificial offering). This

> is indicated by Rahu / Gulika is in 4th, 5th, 7th or 8th house. If

6 lord

> conjoins / aspects, the problem is due to enemy's action.




> Always look for a natural benefic planet in quadrants to the Rahu /


> or aspecting or associating with the Badhak. Gemstones of the benefic

> planet should be worn and the deities indicated should be worshipped and

> given offerings.






> Indications of black magic are:


> * Badhakesh association with 6th house or lord, or

> * 6th lord in 1st, 7th, or 12th house as Mars occupies as aspects

> Lagna.

> * Ketu is 1st, 4th, or 10th as Mars aspect Lagna.




> Position of Gulika indicates this stuff used for black magic.




> Mrityunjaya Japa, Ganapati or Tila Homa indicate the relief. The basic

> motive for black is driving the enemy away from the locality, kill

him or

> cause Lunacy. Anything can be done against him like giving him food

> (polluted) / burying material inside his house etc.








> Jupiter & 9th lord help / protect. A natural benefic in the 9th or

9th Lord

> in strength in a quadrant or Jupiter in Lagna / aspecting Lagna are

a few of

> the combinations for protection. If malefic are a quadrant to them,


> will strongly block the efficacy. The 9th Lord can also be the Lord

of 2,

> 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12 houses respectively. For example, if the 9th Lord

is also

> Lord of 2nd house then, start the remedial process by worshipping the

> Kuladevata.




> If any planet conjoined or aspected by a natural benefic or a natural

> benefic itself is in Lagna, then the person shall surely be

protected by the

> deity indicated by the planet.




> If the 9th Lord associates with the Badhak House or Badhakesh, then the

> deity he worshipped in his previous birth has been neglected, thereby

> leading to misfortune and troubles. If the 4th Lord is associated

with the

> Badhak House or Badhakesh, then it is the Gram Devata. If the 2nd Lord

> associates with the Badhak House or Badhakesh, then it is the Kula


> Advise resumption of worship immediately.


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