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Books On Religion & Philosophy (Vol. 2)

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Books On Religion & Philosophy -Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism & Christanity (Books A to L)

Published under our Imprint Sri Satguru Publications in Bibliotheca Indo Buddhica & Sri Garib Das Oriental Series.



1. Abhisamayalankara Prajna Paramita Upadesa Sastra-The Work of Boddhisattva Maitreya/ Eds. Th. Stcherbatsky, E. Obermiller, US$ 13

2. Advaitamoda: A Study of Advaita & Visist Advaita/ Tr. & Comm. In English by Michael Comans, US$ 40

3. Advaitasiddhi of Madhusudan Saraswati/ Trans. Ganganath Jha, US$ 23

4. Advaitasiddhi-A Critical Study/ K. Maheswaran Nair, US$ 14

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I- Introduction, II- Saiva & Sakta Agamas, III- Vaikhanasa Agamas, IV- Pancaratragama, V- Devyagama, VI- Alaya & Aradhana, VII- Preparation for Puja, VIII- Mudras in Puja, IX- Consecration, X- Nityarcana, XI- Utsavas, XII- Source Book

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14. Analysis of Kanjur/ Alexander Csoma de Koros, Preface by ProfessorJ.W.De Jong, US$ 26

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48. Buddhism in South India/ DC. Ahir, US$ 13

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79. Concept of Upasana: Worship in Sanskrit Literature/ Rajani S. Patki, US$ 30

80. Concept of Vac in the Vedic Literature/ Pratibha M.Pingle, US$ 33

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83. Critique of Sabda: Based on Visvanath's Bhasapariccheda/ Ashok Kumar Goswami, US$ 30

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100. Dictionary of Buddhist Proper Terms/ Chizen Akanuma. US$ 50

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133. Foundational Standpoint of Madhyamaka Philosophy/ M. Gadjin Nagao, Tr. John P. Keenan, **

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136. Freedom Through Inner Renunciation: Sankara's Philosophy in a New Light/ Roger Marcaurelle, **

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139. Further Dialogues of Buddha/ Lord Chalmers, (2 Vols.), (Set) US$ 40

140. Ganapati-Song of the Self/ John A. Grimes, **

141. Ganesh-Studies of an Asian God/ Robert Brown, **

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171. How Master Mou Removes our Doubts/ John P Keenan, **

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185. Indian Studies: Volume in Honour of Edwad James Rapson/ Ed. J. Rloch, J. Charpenter and R.L. Turner, US$ 16

186. Indian Studies-Selected Papers of Gustav Roth/ Ed. Heinz Bechert, US$ 100

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189. Induction, Probability and Skepticism/ D.P. Chattopadhyaya, **

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191. Inscriptions of Achyutaraya's Time/ Assisted by G.A. Narayan Ed. V. Vijayaraghvacharya, US$ 40

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194. Inscriptions of Sadasivaraya's Time/ Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya, US$ 40

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196. Inscriptions of Venkatapatiraya's Time- Part-I/ Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya, US$ 40

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198. Intentionality and Verbal Understanding/ Ed. V.N. Jha, US$ 8

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200. Invariable Concomitance in Navya-Nyaya/ Toshihiro Wada, US$ 40

201. Jaina Logic & Epistemology/ Ed. V.N. Jha, US$ 20

202. Jaina Sutras -Translated from Prakrit/ Hermann Jacobi, 2 Vols, (Set) US$ 40

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204. Jataka Mala or a Garland of Birth Stories/ Marie Musaeus Higgins, US$ 26

205. Jewelry of Scriptures By Buston/ Translated by Tibetan by E. Obermiller, US$ 16

206. Jewels of the Doctrine- Stories of the Saddharma Ratnavaliya of Dharmasena Thera/Tr. Ranjini Obeyesekera, **

207. Jnaneshvar: The Life and Works of the Celebrated Thirteenth Century Indian Mystic Poet/ S. Abhayananda, **

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236. Logic of Knowledge Base- A Nyaya Reader for Designing Computational Lexicon/ K.C. Dash, US$ 10

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238. Lokayata- A Critical Study/ Shubhada A. Joshi, US$ 24

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240. Lotus Sutra/ Translated by Burton Smith, **

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:46 PM

Digest Number 284


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