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Pranam Gurudeva,


*Ohm Gurave Namah*


In BPHS, the 8th chapter, " Divisional Consideration " is one of the

fascinating chapters. There are a lot of secret information hidden in it.


1. First, Sage Parasara explains about the 16 divisions and their usage or

signification. Then, he tells about the house signification in brief.

Thirdly, he mentions that for a special issue or problem, the concerned

signifactor planet has to be considered as the lagna and the chart has to be

analised from there. So, combining all these three, I think what Parasara

intended to tell us is, for a specific issue, combine all these three. For

example, to deal about the children, we should take the Saptamsa and in

Saptamsa, 5th house from Jupiter will clearly tell about the children. Is my

understanding correct?


2. We know, in Trimsamsa, the Signs ruled by Sun and Moon are not taken into

account. In addition as per the 16th sloka in this chapter, the planets Sun

and Moon are also should not be considered. That means, wherever, Sun is

there in Trimshamsa, we have to consider as Mars and wherever Moon is there,

we have to consider as Venus. Is it correct? If it is correct, in Vimshopka

strength, do we have to consider the Sun and Moon in Trimshamsa or not?


3. In Vimshopaka strength, why should there be different Varga groups for

consideration, why not one set? If it is only for the sack of calculating

Strength, more logically we should consider all the divisions, so

shodasavarga is enough. Then, what is the need for different groups? What is

the significance of these different groups, like, Shadvarga, Saptavarga,

Dasavarga and Shodasavarga? The same question applies to the Vaiseshikaamsa



When we find the Vimshopakabala for a planet say Venus, what it means if its

strength is 'x' w.r.t Shadvarga, 'y' w.r.t Dasavarga and so on.


So, it is clear that there must be some specific meaning attached to these

groups of divisions. If for example, Sadvarga refers to Bhandhu or family,

then if a planet is strong, say has 18 vimshopaka bala, then that planet is

capable of giving good results w.r.t to family and w.r.t to the divisions in

the Sadvarga. So, this must be the reason for having different vargas. My

question is What these different varga groups signify and really mean?


I was trying to correlate the meaning based on the divisions included in the

vargas. But, with my limited knowledge, I failed, because of the various

non-homogeneous divisions included in those groups. In addition, the

weightage also varies from group to group. In Sadvarga, Navamsa is given

importance next to Rasi chart, in Saptavarga, Dwadasmsa is given importance

next to Rasi. Whereas, in Dasavarga and Shodasavarga, Shastiamsa is given

the top weightage.


Kindly, tell us the significance of these different vargas and its

applicability with respect to the Vimshopaka strength and Vaiseshikamsa.


4. In the same chapter, (BPHS, by GC.Sharma) the explanation for the

Temporal friendship is considered from the Rasi chart. But, what I feel is,

when we are considering the exaltation and ownership with respect to the

concerned divisional chart, similarly, the temporal friendship also to be

considered w.r.t to the concerned divisional chart. Is my thinking correct?


5. The sloka 28-29, tells that the planets in 7th house from the Sun gets

full strength and planets close to Sun gets no strength. For this the

explanation is given as Combustion. But, from your explanations for the

Chitrapaksha ayanmsa and the reason for selecting the 1st or 7th house for

the rasi dasa, I think, when the planets are 180 degree away from Sun, the

Vimshopaka strength arrived must be multiplied by 1. If a planet has the

same degree of Sun, then the Vimshopaka strength must be multiplied by '0'.

For in between planets the fraction between 1 and 0 has to be multiplied.


Parasara gives other factors to be considered along with vimshopaka, in the

beginning. But, he after explaining in detail in slokas 28-29, again he

reiterates in slokas 30-32 that the sunrise and sunset should be considered

along with the Vimshopaka strength. So, I strongly feel that multiplying the

Vimshopakabala with 1 or 0 or a fraction between 0 and 1 is a must. Is it



6. What I can't understand is the translation given for slokas 9-12. " ...the

strength of the planet is full when he is situated in his exaltation sign or

in his own sign, he is bereft of strength when he is situated in a house

seventh from it. The strength of the planets having lordships over two signs

is to be known accordingly to their situation in the signs.... "


Here, the seventh house means what? For the two sign lords, we have to take

male sign for male planet and female sign for female planet. OK. For

example, for Mars, Aries should be considered with full strength and Libra

with no strength. Then, how the exaltation and debilitation will be handled?

So, here the confusion is the exaltation sign. Please clarify.


As I feel that there is so much treasure lying in this chapter, I request

you to correct my understanding and enlighten us in this regard.



Your sisya

Solai Kannan



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