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What gem is suitable for me

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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||

Namaste Bharat Bhayia,


I was reading your message below, and would like to ask a question...you say that we never prescribe a gem for a planet in debilitation, however, should we actually do that so that the planet will come out of debilitation?... ex, for scorpio lagna jupiter is 2nd and 5th lord in 3rd house debilitated...now all things assumed constant, should we not say that the native actually install a jyotish quality yellow sapphire?


Kindly enlighten?


gaurav jain

CC: fellow students in SJC-africa list...


a message dated 2/15/2006 3:30:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, hinduastrology writes:

Namaskaar Sri SudhirFor this chart and for the current dasha, I would advise chanting ofMahamritunjya Mantra.Ruby: Sun though lagna lord is in 12th; no wonder my colosterol leveland stress increased when i worn it.Coral: Mars is also badhaka for leo ascendantsYellow Saphaire: Well Jupitor is also 8th lord so it helped myopponents rather than meDiamond: Venus is with Rahu; more litigations than reolving those.As per my understanding, never wear a gem of a dusthana lord or any graha industhana or in debilitation. This applies to both Rasi and Navamsa chart.Sun is in 12th and in 6th in Navamsa. Mars in Rahu's nakshatra and withRahu. Rahu is a great problem creator for Leo lagna. Jupiter is debilitatedin Navamsa. In one of Sri K. N. Rao's books it is suggested that 5th lord isnot conducive to the 10th house (because of 8th lordship from the 5th). I doremember reading this someplace but I may be mistaken about the author. Inany case Yellow Sapphire is no-no for you. Instead a Citrine Crystal (about1/100th the cost of a Yellow Sapphire) should be kept in the wealth box orin the left deepest corner of your house.Venus is with Rahu and it is also under Kendradhipati dosha, besides beingthe 3rd lord.Even if you were to wear a Ruby, it should have been set in Copper or Goldplated Besa Yantra and worn after requisite pujas.My advise is that no to spend anymore money on Gems and start chanting ofMahamritunjya Mantra. Please visit Lord Krishna's temple on every Wednesdayand Saturday and chant "Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya" 108 times in theTemple.Hope the above is helpful.Thanks and RegardsBharatOn 2/15/06, sudhir_panda_bbsr <sudhir_panda_bbsr wrote:>> Dear Gem experts>> I have difficulties to find a suitable gem for overall improvement of> my career and life. Some suggested me to wear ruby since i am leo> ascendant some suggested to wear coral since mars is yogakaraka, some> suggested me to use yelow saphire since jupitor is in my career house> and also the lord of 5th and some suggested me to use dimond as venus> is rasi lord. I spent lot of money to take those advice and also to> buy good quality gems. none gave me desired results rather some of> them gave trouble.> Please find my birth details below and I will appreciate it if you> could suggest a good gem for me. Here are my resons why the above gems> should not work for me. Let me know your remarks.>> Ruby: Sun though lagna lord is in 12th; no wonder my colosterol level> and stress increased when i worn it.> Coral: Mars is also badhaka for leo ascendants> Yellow Saphaire: Well Jupitor is also 8th lord so it helped my> opponents rather than me> Diamond: Venus is with Rahu; more litigations than reolving those.>> So I feel it is not appropriate to recommend a gem based on ascendant> or a yogakarak planet.>> Birth details> DOB: 15 August 1964> TOB: 7:12> POB: Bhubaneswar 85.25E, 20.15N>> thanks.> Sudhir>>>>>>>> Archives: vedic astrology>> Group info: vedic astrology/info.html>> >> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......>> >>>>

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