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Dear Friend,


Following Post Conference Workshops are organized 18th, 19th, 20th &

21st February'2008.


Post conference work shops


Workshop no. 1(A) : Bio-Geometry and Radsethsia


Speaker : Dr. Ibrahim Karim from Egypt


Dates : 18-02-2008 and 19-02-2008


Timings : 9:00 to 13:30 hrs & 14:15 to 18:30 hrs.


Today buildings are being designed in various shapes and forms, but

we must know, how these shapes effect the physical and mental health

of a person? Dr. Ibrahim Karim did research on this for more than 35

years and named this science `Bio-Geometry'. Bio-Geometry means the

influence of radiation of energies from various shapes and forms on

life. Design of house have positive and negative effects on the

inhabitants. These energies can be measured by " Radsethesia " .


Every cell in the body radiates a specific frequency. There is

variation in frequency of a sick organ and healthy organ. This

phenomena has been used by Dr Karim in preparing equipments which

changes the environment as well as frequency of sick organ making it

healthy and improving immune system. Dr Karim will throw light and

demonstrate in the workshop on the above subject.


Workshop no. 1(b) : Energy Scanning


Speaker : Dr. Thornton Streetor


Dates : 18-02-2008 and 19-02-2008


Timings : 9:00 to 13:30 hrs & 14:15 to 18:30 hrs.


We have electromagnetic fields around us. These energy fields are

nonmaterial, and they are associated with human emotions or thoughts

as forms of energy. Every living organism has a special structure – a

bio-energy field. The bio-energy field of human beings consists of

subtle bodies with their energetic potentials, and which gives

strength and power to the biological field. These fields are called

human Aura. Energetic potential depends on the conditions of physical

and psychic health along with cosmic factors.


This aura is also called ethric body and scientists have made it

possible to photograph through Digital energy scanning. Symptoms of

diseases developing is physical body effects human Aura. In energy

scanning method, energy of environment, body and buildings are

scanned. Various density of these energy whether positive or negative

can be seen in form of various colours on computer. All the

obstructions developed due to deseases and aggressions in environment

are detected and analysed on computer. Training for this science will

be given in this workshop.


Workshop no. 2 : Balancing environmental and Human energy by



Speaker : Prof. Dame Dr. Meher Master Moose



Date : 18-02-2008 and 19-02-2008


Timing : 9:00 to 13:30 hrs & 14:15 to 18:30 hrs.


Whole universe is surrounded by Electro-Magnetic Waves. Colours are

also part of the same spectrum. Various colours have their own unique

effect on environment and human both. Aura of man and material is

also depicted in colours of spectrum. How environmental and human

energy can be balance by colours will be demonstrated by proof. Dame

Dr. Meher Master Moose, President, Zorostrian College and eminent

scientist in the field of colour therapy.


Workshop no. 3 : Building Biology including measurement of

electromagnetic fields, air quality and building materials radiation.


Dates : 20-02-2008 and 21-02-2008


Timing : 9:00 to 13:30 hrs & 14:15 to 18:30hrs.


Building Biology and ecology science was researched and developed by

German scientists. Building Biologic deals with effect of Building on

users and ecology deals with effect of surrounding on Building and

confirms the principles of Indian Vastu science. Number of

instruments have been developed for measurement of natural and built

energies, Geomagnetometer for earth radiations, Elerginco for Air

quality, Rad-alert for Building materials etc. The workshop will

guide on the modern techniques being used for knowing physical

environment around us and measures to be taken for healthy

environment required for survival of human beings. Eminent speaker

and expert in the field will take this workshop.


Workshop no. 4 : Training on Lecher Antenna and Balancing Bio-

energies, Vastu corrections.


Dates : 20-02-2008 and 21-02-2008


Timings : 9:00 to 13:00 hrs & 14:15 to 18:30 hrs.


Lecher Antenna is an important instrument for Vastu, Feng Shui

Practitioners and Doctors. Lecher antenna is a vital tool in finding

out energies prevailing in environment, on earth i.e. Hartman and

Curry grids, radiation from earth and negative energies given out by

construction materials like stones, steel and synthetic materials. It

also helps in finding effects in energy level in building, after

Vastu corrections and use of various equipments deployed for

neutralizing or changing negative energy to positive. Similarly this

training is also important for Doctors and environmentalist in

finding physical disorders in human energies and harmonizing it with

the environment i.e. balancing Bio-energies. Training on use of other

instruments like Bio-feedback energy testing instrument, Red alert,

Acmopol etc. will also be given. Expert in the field will take this




i) Each workshop is designed for approx. 20 participants.

Admission will be on first come first serve basis.


ii) Fee for the workshop is Rs. 10,000/- for Indian participants

and USD 350 for Foreign participants for each workshop. If any

participant wants to attend two workshop, then the fee will be Rs.

16,000/- (Foreign participation USD 750).


iii) A discount of Rs. 1,000/- to IVVRF Member and Rs. 500/- to IVS

(I) Members will be provided (only one discount).


iv) The above fee includes lecture notes, other hand outs, lunch

& Tea at the venue and transport for field visits.





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