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mantras over the airwaves?

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Om Brihaspataye Namah


Dear Gurvi,



Thankyou for your reply.


You mention that Diksha happens in many ways. Is it still considered

as a diksha even though a person does not know Rishi, Chanda and

Devata of the mantra?


In my opinion, I think they should have not broadcast these mantras

over the airways, but rather played some bhajans in worship of the

Presiding Deity of the Temple.


Jaya Radha Damodhara





, Swee Chan <swee wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Bivash,

> Namaste


> You have answered the question yourself. The " recitation over the

> air " is the gist. Lord Chaitanya says that by chanting His Holy


> loudly so others who hear it are also washed off their sins.

> But this is different in the gesture of chanting a mantra over the

> air which basically " initiates " the person hearing it. Diksha


> in many ways. In the Ananda Ramayana, we also get the gist of

> different dikshas - by looking, through the mind, direct etc.


> love,


> Swee



> On 14 Oct 2008, at 08:01, Bivash Ramroop wrote:


> > Om Brihaspataye Namah

> >

> > Dear Gurvi,

> > Hare Krishna

> >

> > Thankyou for refreshing my memory. I have found the mantras that


> > sent to us.

> >

> > The reason I asked about these mantras, is because to have them

> > recited over the air (especially since it was my radio station


> > was broadcasting this) seems meaningless to the public.

> >

> > No explanation was given, and I had to deduce from what a speaker


> > saying about abishekum etc that they were installing NavaGraha

> > Deities.

> >

> > The temple was the Gramma Devi Alayam Temple.

> >

> > Jaya Radha Damodara

> > -B

> >

> > , Swee Chan <swee@> wrote:

> >>

> >> Jaya Jagannatha

> >>

> >> Dear Bivash,

> >> Namaste

> >>

> >> I've given you all the gayatris as suggested in Padma Purana.

> > Please

> >> search for it as I have spent a lot of time searching for them in

> > the

> >> vedas etc. and have them sent it to this list. I'm afraid you

> > cannot

> >> upload to the files because of some settings that Bipin has done.

> >>

> >> These gayatris are suggested as in Padma P, for the person in

> > times

> >> of strife due to their malfeasance - either in their activated

> > dasas

> >> or during time of distress due to negative transits including

> > charity

> >> of gemstones etc.

> >>

> >> My guess is that the gayatris you've heard on the radio requires

> >> initiations. It's my guess only, because I'm " given " gayatris of

> >> deities.

> >>

> >> love,

> >>

> >> Swee

> >>

> >>

> >> On 13 Oct 2008, at 08:26, Bivash Ramroop wrote:

> >>

> >>> Om Brihaspataye Namah

> >>>

> >>> Dear enlightened members,

> >>> Hare Krishna

> >>>

> >>> Yesterday I caught the end part of a live broadcast from a South

> >>> African Temple that had a NavaGraha deity installation ceremony.

> >>>

> >>> I caught the end part of the mantras as they were being recited

> >>> live on

> >>> air.

> >>>

> >>> I remember them as being:

> >>>

> >>> " tano buddha prachodayat " and one being " tano ketu prachodayat "

> >>>

> >>> Does anyone know where these installation mantras can be found?

> >>>

> >>> Jaya Sita Raam

> >>> Bivash

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> ---

> >>>

> >>>

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