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On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa

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sri ganeshaya namah.


dear narasimhaji,



very excellent post. i also somehow agree karkamsa could refer to the AK

division in d-20,since we are looking for deities and since dieties are shown by



i do not understand when maharshi parasara clearly mentioned to use

D-9 only for kalatra and marraige, why do many astrologer see soo many things

from navamsa which are no where related to marriage , thus undermining the usage

/ emphasis of other vargas.


just wanted to understand , if 12th from AK in D-20 is unoccupied , should we

see grahas having rasi dristi on this sign ? or should we see which planets

associate with lord of 12th from AK?



chandan s sabarwal.




vedic astrology , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr wrote:


> Namaste,


> I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats,

though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa

that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and

focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used

in that formula.


> * * *


> In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.


> The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which amsa

or division is Parasara referring to?


> Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .


> If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.


> * * *


> People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.


> Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is

alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa). Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with

me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata and tried to justify it

alluding to things from Ramakrishna's childhood. He also said that Tara

(Jupiter) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar

temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the material world).


> Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and

Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars

owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or

Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.


> For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns

and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at



> * * *


> If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?


> * * *


> I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one

special point when Rahu is AK.


> Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.


> Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if

Rahu is AK.


> * * *


> Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will

stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.


> In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th

house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together

with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows

taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra

devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali

would fall in.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar,

owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also

aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him

is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as

the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.


> See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!


> Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who

was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora,

India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn

aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.


> In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected

by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his

surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.


> In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya), AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury

and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through

devotion to Vishnu.


> In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is

Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara

emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will

take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership.

Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and

realized Self.


> In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The

12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized



> Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru),

the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The

strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation

sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.


> Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi

in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.


> In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa),

steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly

served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without

fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual

experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When

Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after

that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.


> In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.


> * * *


> You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some

suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is

important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly,

Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is

meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the

specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying

factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees

without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!


> There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara

faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting

more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are

verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great

spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org





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Dear Narasimha, namaste...


You say that:





> If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

> based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

> anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is

> seen from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa

> *must* be referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.











Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of

Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and

see Deity from there ?


> .



regards, Medh




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I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats,

though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa

that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and

focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used

in that formula.


* * *


In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.


The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which amsa

or division is Parasara referring to?


Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .


If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped based

on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be anything

other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen from D-20.

So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be referring

to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.


* * *


People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to people.

However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a deity

come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them. There are

several examples and I will share a few here.


Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is

alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa). Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with

me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata and tried to justify it

alluding to things from Ramakrishna's childhood. He also said that Tara

(Jupiter) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar

temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the material world).


Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.


In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and

Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.


In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars

owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or

Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.


For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns

and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at



* * *


If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who succeeded

by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and how well

can we guide people?


* * *


I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one

special point when Rahu is AK.


Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara taught

that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala of *Rahu

and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively, as Rahu

and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd house from

him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from the longitude

of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of Mars is 2nd

house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from Rahu's

longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the evaluation of

chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in sign from 30

deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.


Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if

Rahu is AK.


* * *


Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will

stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.


In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th house

counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together with

Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows taamasik

deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra devatas. Out

of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali would fall in.


In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar,

owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also

aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.


In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him is

Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as the

above two charts is seen, which makes sense.


See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!


Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who was

a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora,

India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn

aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.


In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected

by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his

surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.


In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya), AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury

and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through

devotion to Vishnu.


In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is

Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara

emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will

take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership.

Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and

realized Self.


In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The

12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized



Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru),

the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The

strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation

sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.


Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi in

D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.


In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa),

steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly

served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without

fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual

experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When

Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after

that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.


In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.


* * *


You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some

suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is

important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly,

Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is

meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the

specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying

factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees

without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!


There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara

faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting

more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are

verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great

spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org





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Om Gurave Namah


Namasthe Narasimha Garu


Can you help me "See the forest" regarding Ishta Devatha in my Chart.


August 10, 1972 6:33 PM Bangalore, India

Chart is also attached.

AK is Rahu, so taking anti zodiacally in D20

its Vrishabha with Vakri Budha, having DRishti from Vakri Guru.


So what is the Ishta Devatha?


1. Mahalakshmi

2. Krishna







--- On Wed, 9/16/09, Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr wrote:

Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr On Seeing Deities from the 12th from KarakamsasjcBoston , sohamsa , vedic astrology Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 8:47 PM


Namaste, I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used in that formula. * * * In the chapter called "kaarakaamsa phala" in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Gouri. The term "kaarakaamsa" means "AK's amsa". Amsa only means division. Which amsa or division is Parasara referring to? Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa

by default, there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself, Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He clearly said "upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake", meaning "the knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20". If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped based on the 12th house from AK in an "amsa", can the amsa in question be anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be referring to D-20 by "amsa" and *not* D-9 as people normally take. * * * People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of

a deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them. There are several examples and I will share a few here. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa' s AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa) . Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata and tried to justify it alluding to things from Ramakrishna' s childhood. He also said that Tara (Jupiter) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar temple was called "Bhava Taarini" (one who makes one cross the material world).

Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi (a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission. That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect. In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by mother Kaali. In the case of Swami Vivekananda,

AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata. For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at Arunachalam. * * * If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who succeeded by surrendering to a

specific deity, what good are our principles and how well can we guide people? * * * I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one special point when Rahu is AK. Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively, as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from Rahu's longitude

must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy. Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if Rahu is AK. * * * Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest. In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu

is in Cp in D-20. The 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows taamasik deities such as Durga ("taamasIm durgaaM", said Parasara) and ugra devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali would fall in. In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar, owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine. In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.


See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20! Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora, India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was indeed a Vaishnava. In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu. In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of Ramanujacharya) , AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by

Mercury and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through devotion to Vishnu. In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership. Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and realized Self. In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized Self. Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru) , the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The strongest influence there is

that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi. Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and making good progress towards realization. In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa) , steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When Ramakrishna said, "I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after that", he withdrew his

request and said he was then not interested in any experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude in D-20. In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and "Self-Realization Fellowship" and author of "Autobiography of a Yogi"), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva, but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example. Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.


* * * You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly, Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise! There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be

helpful in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain theoretical and their utility questionable. Best regards,Narasimha------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homamDo Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpanaSpirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdomFree Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Narasimha,You say that Parasara states planets in the 12th from 'Karakamsa' show the Ishta Devata.>Parasara mentioned the deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha.Though in many of the examples you give you ignore the planet placed there and favour the lord of the sign. Another time you prefer the aspect of some grahas due to the involvement of Ketu and then on other occasions do not take this as relevant.For example:Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?) who is dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).And a couple of

additions:Sai baba - Jupiter AK - exalted Mercury in the 12th, and aspected by Rahu, Ketu, Mars, and Saturn.Aurobindo - Saturn AK no planets in the 12th in D20. Venus is the lord and is the only planet that aspects.Could you explain this inconsistency. It seems you are just highlighting certain elements and ignoring others to support your hypothesis.Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here refer to D6? I'm just trying to follow your logic.Regards,MichalNarasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvrsjcBoston ; sohamsa ; vedic astrology Sent: Thursday, 17 September, 2009 3:47:39 PM On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa




Namaste, I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used in that formula. * * * In the chapter called "kaarakaamsa phala" in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Gouri. The term "kaarakaamsa" means "AK's amsa". Amsa only means division. Which amsa or division is Parasara referring to? Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default, there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself, Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He clearly said "upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake", meaning "the knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20". If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped based on the 12th house from AK in an "amsa", can the amsa in question be anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be referring to D-20 by "amsa" and *not* D-9 as people normally take. * * * People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them. There are several examples and I will share a few here. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa' s AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa) . Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata and tried to justify it alluding to things from Ramakrishna' s childhood. He also said that Tara (Jupiter) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar temple was called "Bhava Taarini" (one who makes one cross the material world).

Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi (a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission. That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect. In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by mother Kaali. In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata. For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at Arunachalam. * * * If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and how well can we guide people? * * * I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one special point when Rahu is AK. Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively, as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy. Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if Rahu is AK. * * * Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest. In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows taamasik deities such as Durga ("taamasIm durgaaM", said Parasara) and ugra devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali would fall in. In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar, owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine. In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.


See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20! Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora, India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was indeed a Vaishnava. In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu. In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of Ramanujacharya) , AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through devotion to Vishnu. In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership. Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and realized Self. In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized Self. Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru) , the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi. Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and making good progress towards realization. In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa) , steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When Ramakrishna said, "I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after that", he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude in D-20. In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and "Self-Realization Fellowship" and author of "Autobiography of a Yogi"), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva, but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example. Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.


* * * You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly, Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise! There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain theoretical and their utility questionable. Best regards,Narasimha------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homamDo Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpanaSpirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdomFree Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------


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Dear Narasimha, namaste...You say that: -----------------------------

 If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.----------------------------Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and see Deity from there ?


..regards, Medh

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Reply to Michal Dziwulski:


> Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is

aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.


> Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?) who is

dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.


> Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).


As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the 12th

*house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not taking an

entire sign as a house. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata and Srila

Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th house from

AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to Ketu and I

am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu link. I

mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I took the aspect on

empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.


> Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble

> from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any

> division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here

> refer to D6?


Well, if " amsa " always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas and

list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different

division based on the matters under discussion. The " master key " is given at the

beginning itself.


Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether amsa

means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.


Reply to Medha Raja:


> Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of

> Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and

> see Deity from there ?


Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently takes

Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the

maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his

teachings in such a way that an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly

left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.


I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one coherent

method. I have to reject some opinions.


My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I am

able to convince myself based on practical testing.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



> Namaste,


> I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats,

though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa

that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and

focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used

in that formula.


> * * *


> In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.


> The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which amsa

or division is Parasara referring to?


> Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .


> If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.


> * * *


> People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.


> Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is

alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa). Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with

me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata and tried to justify it

alluding to things from Ramakrishna's childhood. He also said that Tara

(Jupiter) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar

temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the material world).


> Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and

Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars

owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or

Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.


> For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns

and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at



> * * *


> If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?


> * * *


> I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one

special point when Rahu is AK.


> Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.


> Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if

Rahu is AK.


> * * *


> Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will

stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.


> In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th

house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together

with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows

taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra

devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali

would fall in.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar,

owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also

aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him

is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as

the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.


> See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!


> Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who

was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora,

India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn

aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.


> In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected

by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his

surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.


> In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya), AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury

and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through

devotion to Vishnu.


> In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is

Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara

emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will

take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership.

Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and

realized Self.


> In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The

12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized



> Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru),

the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The

strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation

sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.


> Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi

in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.


> In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa),

steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly

served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without

fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual

experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When

Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after

that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.


> In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.


> * * *


> You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some

suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is

important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly,

Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is

meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the

specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying

factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees

without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!


> There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara

faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting

more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are

verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great

spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

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Reply to Michal Dziwulski:


> Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is

aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.


> Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?) who is

dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.


> Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).


As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the 12th

*house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not taking an

entire sign as a house. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata and Srila

Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th house from

AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to Ketu and I

am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu link. I

mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I took the aspect on

empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.


> Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble

> from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any

> division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here

> refer to D6?


Well, if " amsa " always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas and

list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different

division based on the matters under discussion. The " master key " is given at the

beginning itself.


Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether amsa

means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.


Reply to Medha Raja:


> Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of

> Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and

> see Deity from there ?


Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently takes

Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the

maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his

teachings in such a way that an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly

left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.


I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one coherent

method. I have to reject some opinions.


My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I am

able to convince myself based on practical testing.


Best regards,



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Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



> Namaste,


> I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats,

though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa

that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and

focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used

in that formula.


> * * *


> In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.


> The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which amsa

or division is Parasara referring to?


> Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .


> If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.


> * * *


> People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.


> Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is

alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa). Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with

me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata and tried to justify it

alluding to things from Ramakrishna's childhood. He also said that Tara

(Jupiter) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar

temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the material world).


> Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and

Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars

owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or

Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.


> For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns

and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at



> * * *


> If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?


> * * *


> I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one

special point when Rahu is AK.


> Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.


> Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if

Rahu is AK.


> * * *


> Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will

stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.


> In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th

house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together

with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows

taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra

devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali

would fall in.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar,

owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also

aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him

is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as

the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.


> See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!


> Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who

was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora,

India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn

aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.


> In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected

by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his

surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.


> In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya), AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury

and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through

devotion to Vishnu.


> In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is

Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara

emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will

take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership.

Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and

realized Self.


> In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The

12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized



> Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru),

the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The

strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation

sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.


> Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi

in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.


> In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa),

steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly

served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without

fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual

experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When

Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after

that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.


> In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.


> * * *


> You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some

suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is

important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly,

Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is

meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the

specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying

factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees

without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!


> There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara

faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting

more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are

verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great

spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

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Beautiful sharing, Narasimha!!





vedic astrology , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr wrote:


> Namaste,


> I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats,

though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa

that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and

focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used

in that formula.


> * * *


> In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.


> The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which amsa

or division is Parasara referring to?


> Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .


> If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.


> * * *


> People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.


> Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is

alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa). Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with

me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata and tried to justify it

alluding to things from Ramakrishna's childhood. He also said that Tara

(Jupiter) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar

temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the material world).


> Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and

Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars

owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or

Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.


> For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns

and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at



> * * *


> If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?


> * * *


> I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one

special point when Rahu is AK.


> Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.


> Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if

Rahu is AK.


> * * *


> Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will

stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.


> In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th

house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together

with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows

taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra

devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali

would fall in.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar,

owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also

aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him

is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as

the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.


> See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!


> Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who

was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora,

India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn

aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.


> In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected

by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his

surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.


> In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya), AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury

and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through

devotion to Vishnu.


> In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is

Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara

emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will

take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership.

Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and

realized Self.


> In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The

12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized



> Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru),

the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The

strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation

sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.


> Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi

in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.


> In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa),

steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly

served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without

fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual

experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When

Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after

that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.


> In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.


> * * *


> You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some

suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is

important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly,

Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is

meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the

specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying

factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees

without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!


> There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara

faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting

more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are

verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great

spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

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> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org





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Dear Narasimhaji,

While what you say sounds compelling, you know that Rahu and Ketu are always

together in D-20. Did Parasara have verses that gave distinct results for Rahu

and for Ketu in 12th from AK? Why would he do so if he knew for certain that

they'll always be together? Please explain in detail. At least in one

translation I have:


" If Ketu is in the 12th from Karak & #257; & #324; & #347;, receiving a Drishti from a

malefic, or is there yuti with a malefic, one will not attain full

enlightenment. "


Clearly, he is talking about worship and spiritual practices here. So he must be

talking about D-20 according to your rules of inference. So, no one can ever

attain enlightenment, since if Ketu is there, so must Rahu..






> In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.


> The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which amsa

or division is Parasara referring to?


> Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .


> If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.


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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),A couple more questions/comments below [*]Regards,MichalNarasimha PVR Rao <pvrsohamsa ; sjcBoston ; vedic astrology ; Sent: Friday, 18 September, 2009 3:53:17 AM Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa





Reply to Michal Dziwulski:


> Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.


> Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?) who is dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.


> Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).


As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the 12th *house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not taking an entire sign as a house.[*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider both signs. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata and Srila Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th house from AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to Ketu and I am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu link. I mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I took the aspect on empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.[*] Yes I saw that. what about other examples

such as that of Aurobindo that you haven't included. there are many spiritual people out there - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this formula doesn't work for?

> Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble

> from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any

> division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here

> refer to D6?


Well, if "amsa" always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas and list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different division based on the matters under discussion. The "master key" is given at the beginning itself.

[*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa as the most important division. It can mean other amsa if specifically mentioned.

Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether amsa means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.


Reply to Medha Raja:


> Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of

> Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and

> see Deity from there ?


Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently takes Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his teachings in such a way that an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.


I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one coherent method. I have to reject some opinions.


My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I am able to convince myself based on practical testing.


Best regards,


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

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Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> Namaste,


> I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used in that formula.


> * * *


> In the chapter called "kaarakaamsa phala" in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.


> The term "kaarakaamsa" means "AK's amsa". Amsa only means division. Which amsa or division is Parasara referring to?


> Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default, there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself, Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He clearly said "upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake", meaning "the knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20".


> If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped based on the 12th house from AK in an "amsa", can the amsa in question be anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be referring to D-20 by "amsa" and *not* D-9 as people normally take.


> * * *


> People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them. There are several examples and I will share a few here.


> Ramakrishna Paramahamsa' s AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa) . Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata and tried to justify it alluding to things from Ramakrishna' s childhood. He also said that Tara (Jupiter) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar temple was called "Bhava Taarini" (one who makes one cross the material world).


> Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi (a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission. That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by mother Kaali.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.


> For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at Arunachalam.


> * * *


> If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and how well can we guide people?


> * * *


> I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one special point when Rahu is AK.


> Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively, as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.


> Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if Rahu is AK.


> * * *


> Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.


> In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows taamasik deities such as Durga ("taamasIm durgaaM", said Parasara) and ugra devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali would fall in.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar, owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.


> See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!


> Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora, India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was indeed a Vaishnava.


> In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.


> In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of Ramanujacharya) , AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through devotion to Vishnu.


> In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership. Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and realized Self.


> In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized Self.


> Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru) , the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.


> Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and making good progress towards realization.


> In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa) , steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When Ramakrishna said, "I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after that", he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude in D-20.


> In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and "Self-Realization Fellowship" and author of "Autobiography of a Yogi"), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva, but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example. Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.


> * * *


> You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly, Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!


> There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain theoretical and their utility questionable.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha




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Narasimha jee,


What happens if there are 2 grahas are in 12th from AK(Sat)?

AK doing a parivartana with PK (Jup) in D20 AND

Raasi Lagna lord (sun) joins D20 lagna lord (Jup) conjoin there.


chart details - March 5th 69, 18.11PM, Vizianagaram?


thank you



vedic astrology , Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Namaste,


> Reply to Michal Dziwulski:


> > Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is

aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.

> >

> > Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?) who is

dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.

> >

> > Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).


> As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the 12th

*house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not taking an

entire sign as a house. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata and Srila

Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th house from

AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to Ketu and I

am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu link. I

mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I took the aspect on

empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.


> > Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble

> > from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any

> > division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here

> > refer to D6?


> Well, if " amsa " always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas and

list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different

division based on the matters under discussion. The " master key " is given at the

beginning itself.


> Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether

amsa means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.


> Reply to Medha Raja:


> > Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of

> > Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and

> > see Deity from there ?


> Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently

takes Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the

maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his

teachings in such a way that an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly

left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.


> I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one

coherent method. I have to reject some opinions.


> My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I am

able to convince myself based on practical testing.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



> > Namaste,

> >

> > I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual

greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on

sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building

blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building

block used in that formula.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.

> >

> > The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which

amsa or division is Parasara referring to?

> >

> > Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .

> >

> > If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.

> >

> > Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi)

is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa). Pt Sanjay Rath once argued

with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata and tried to justify

it alluding to things from Ramakrishna's childhood. He also said that Tara

(Jupiter) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar

temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the material world).

> >

> > Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars

and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and

Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha

or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.

> >

> > For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus

owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one

special point when Rahu is AK.

> >

> > Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.

> >

> > Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu,

if Rahu is AK.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I

will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.

> >

> > In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th

house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together

with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows

taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra

devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali

would fall in.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar,

owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also

aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him

is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as

the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.

> >

> > See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!

> >

> > Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who

was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora,

India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn

aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.

> >

> > In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him

reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and

aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through

his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya), AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury

and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through

devotion to Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him

is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara

emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will

take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership.

Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and

realized Self.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized


> >

> > Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST,

Thiruvaiyaru), the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from

it reckoned anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other

planets. The strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's

exaltation sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.

> >

> > Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in

Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa),

steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly

served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without

fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual

experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When

Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after

that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.

> >

> > In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some

suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is

important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly,

Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is

meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the

specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying

factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees

without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!

> >

> > There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to

Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful

in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one

uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made

great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha


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Namaste Guruji,


Its really a eye opener topic...it would really help us finding our ISTA



Could you please explain whether we follow the same rule on finding PALAN-KARTA,







vedic astrology , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr wrote:


> Namaste,


> I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats,

though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa

that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and

focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used

in that formula.


> * * *


> In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.


> The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which amsa

or division is Parasara referring to?


> Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .


> If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.


> * * *


> People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.


> Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is

alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa). Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with

me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata and tried to justify it

alluding to things from Ramakrishna's childhood. He also said that Tara

(Jupiter) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar

temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the material world).


> Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and

Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars

owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or

Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.


> For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns

and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at



> * * *


> If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?


> * * *


> I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one

special point when Rahu is AK.


> Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.


> Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if

Rahu is AK.


> * * *


> Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will

stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.


> In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th

house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together

with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows

taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra

devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali

would fall in.


> In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar,

owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also

aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.


> In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him

is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as

the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.


> See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!


> Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who

was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora,

India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn

aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.


> In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected

by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his

surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.


> In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya), AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury

and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through

devotion to Vishnu.


> In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is

Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara

emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will

take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership.

Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and

realized Self.


> In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The

12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized



> Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru),

the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The

strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation

sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.


> Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi

in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.


> In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa),

steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly

served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without

fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual

experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When

Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after

that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.


> In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.


> * * *


> You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some

suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is

important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly,

Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is

meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the

specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying

factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees

without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!


> There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara

faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting

more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are

verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great

spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org





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There is a peculiar situation regarding ISTA DEVATA, in my D20 chart, 12th from

atmakaraka(Mercury) is Gemini, there is no aspect on Gemini, so Atmakaraka

signifies my ISTA-DEVATA too, is it true?


how it could be possible! How could a single planet signifies atma as well as






vedic astrology , " biswa108 " <biswa1975 wrote:


> Namaste Guruji,


> Its really a eye opener topic...it would really help us finding our ISTA



> Could you please explain whether we follow the same rule on finding



> regards,

> Biswajit



> vedic astrology , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual

greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on

sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building

blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building

block used in that formula.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.

> >

> > The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which

amsa or division is Parasara referring to?

> >

> > Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .

> >

> > If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.

> >

> > Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi)

is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa). Pt Sanjay Rath once argued

with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata and tried to justify

it alluding to things from Ramakrishna's childhood. He also said that Tara

(Jupiter) is Ramakrishna's ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar

temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the material world).

> >

> > Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars

and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and

Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha

or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.

> >

> > For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus

owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one

special point when Rahu is AK.

> >

> > Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.

> >

> > Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu,

if Rahu is AK.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I

will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.

> >

> > In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th

house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together

with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows

taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra

devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali

would fall in.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar,

owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also

aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him

is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as

the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.

> >

> > See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!

> >

> > Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who

was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora,

India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn

aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.

> >

> > In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him

reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and

aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through

his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya), AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury

and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through

devotion to Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him

is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara

emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will

take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership.

Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and

realized Self.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized


> >

> > Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST,

Thiruvaiyaru), the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from

it reckoned anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other

planets. The strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's

exaltation sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.

> >

> > Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in

Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa),

steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly

served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without

fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual

experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When

Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after

that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.

> >

> > In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some

suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is

important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly,

Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is

meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the

specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying

factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees

without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!

> >

> > There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to

Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful

in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one

uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made

great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> >

> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> > Spirituality:

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Namaste Michal,


> Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),


Of course, anyone can address me that way.


> what about other examples such as that of Aurobindo that you

> haven't included. there are many spiritual people out there

> - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work

> in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this

> formula doesn't work for?


In the case of Aurobindo, AK is Mercury with Lahiri but it is Saturn with

Jagannatha ayanamsa. I prefer Jagannatha ayanamsa and take Saturn. The 12th

house from AK in D-20 is empty. It is owned and aspected by Venus in an own

sign. Venus according to Parasara shows Mahalakshmi. If you take the

all-pervading Savitaa as a form of Narayana (Surya Narayana), then Saavitri is a

form of Mahalakshmi. Out of the three female deities mentioned by Parasara (Moon

- Gouri, Venus - Mahalakshmi, Rahu - Durga), Saavitri is closest to Mahalakshmi.

Aurobindo was guided by Mother Saavitri (shakti of Savitaa).


There is a specific dasa taught by Parasara, which seems to point out in several

examples the key periods in spiritual life when computed in D-20. I may write

about that dasa with examples later. As per that dasa, it was indeed Venus dasa

that saw his spiritual awakening and rapid progress.


I demonstrated using people who I reasonably believe to have had a high level of

spiritual realization with the blessings of a deity. If you think there is

someone else who fits the bill, you can send me the birthdata.


> [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates

> Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?


There may be several more *related* things to be seen from navamsa. But, people

of today may be seeing from navamsa a lot more than they should. If Parasara

said vehicle is seen from D-16 and one sees it from D-9, or if Parasara said

upaasanaa is seen from D-20 and one sees it from D-9, we clearly have a problem.


> And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa

> as the most important division. It can mean other amsa if

> specifically mentioned.


Why is navamsa " the most important division " ?


In vimsopaka bala of dasa varga, navamsa has a score of 1.5/20 to shashtyamsa's

5/20. In vimsopaka bala of shodasa varga, navamsa has a score of 3/20 to

shashtyamsa's 4/20. If anything, shahstyamsa is " the most important division "

after rasi. Shall we say that amsa means shashtyamsa unless specifically



Given that Parasara almost never specifically mentioned an amsa and only said

" amsa " almost everywhere, your interpretation suggests that all other amsas are

pretty much not used anywhere and only navamsa is used everywhere.


Having listed out the matters to be seen from different amsas at the onset,

Parasara need not clarify every time which amsa he is talking about.


> [*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How

> do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK

> is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you

> define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider

> both signs.


My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN, HL, GL,

AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference extends from

21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to 21Cn34. The third

house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on. Finally, the 12th house extends

from 21Ar34 to 21Ta34.


[Note: This was inferred from Parasara's teachings on bhava-based aspects of

planets. When he taught how to quantify a planet's aspects on various points, he

taught adding 25% to the score between 90 deg to 120 deg from a planet, if that

planet is Mars. He taught adding 50% to the score between 120 deg to 150 deg

from a planet, if that planet is Jupiter. And so on. Adding 25% to the score

means taking the aspect on 4th house to be full instead of 3/4th because it is

Mars. Adding 50% to the score means taking the aspect on 5th house to be full

instead of half because it is Jupiter. This shows that 90 deg-120 deg from a

planet is the 4th house from it and 120 deg-150 deg from a planet is the 5th

house from it. This approach is also consistent with the teaching that 7th-12th

houses are visible and 1st-6th houses are invisible. In the normal method used

by people, 1st and 7th houses are partially visible and partially invisible.]


In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude as I said

and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at 26Le56. In D-20, he

is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as the

12th house from AK in D-20.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


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Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa , Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),


> A couple more questions/comments below [*]


> Regards,

> Michal


> ________________________________

> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr

> sohamsa ; sjcBoston ;

vedic astrology ;

> Friday, 18 September, 2009 3:53:17 AM

> Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa



> Namaste,


> Reply to Michal Dziwulski:


> > Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is

aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.

> >

> > Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?) who is

dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.

> >

> > Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).


> As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the 12th

*house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not taking an

entire sign as a house.[*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How

do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK is placed in but

under what basis? If this is how you define 'vyayasthana' then we should be

able to consider both signs. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata and

Srila Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th house

from AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to Ketu

and I am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu link. I

mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I took the aspect on

empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.[*] Yes I saw that. what about other

examples such as that of Aurobindo that you haven't included. there are many

spiritual people out there

> - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work in all the ones

you checked? What about the charts this formula doesn't work for?

> > Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble

> > from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any

> > division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here

> > refer to D6?


> Well, if " amsa " always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas and

list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different

division based on the matters under discussion. The " master key " is given at the

beginning itself.

> [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates Navamsa with

wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?

> And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa as the most

important division. It can mean other amsa if specifically mentioned.

> Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether

amsa means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.


> Reply to Medha Raja:


> > Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of

> > Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and

> > see Deity from there ?


> Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently

takes Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the

maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his

teachings in such a way that an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly

left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.


> I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one

coherent method. I have to reject some opinions.


> My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I am

able to convince myself based on practical testing.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > Namaste,

> >

> > I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual

greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on

sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building

blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building

block used in that formula.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.

> >

> > The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which

amsa or division is Parasara referring to?

> >

> > Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .

> >

> > If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.

> >

> > Ramakrishna Paramahamsa' s AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi)

is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa) . Pt Sanjay Rath once argued

with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata and tried to justify

it alluding to things from Ramakrishna' s childhood. He also said that Tara

(Jupiter) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at

Dakshineshwar temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the

material world).

> >

> > Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars

and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and

Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha

or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.

> >

> > For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus

owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one

special point when Rahu is AK.

> >

> > Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.

> >

> > Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu,

if Rahu is AK.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I

will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.

> >

> > In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th

house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together

with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows

taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra

devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali

would fall in.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar,

owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also

aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him

is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as

the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.

> >

> > See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!

> >

> > Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who

was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora,

India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn

aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.

> >

> > In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him

reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and

aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through

his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya) , AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by

Mercury and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far,

through devotion to Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him

is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara

emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will

take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership.

Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and

realized Self.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized


> >

> > Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru)

, the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The

strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation

sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.

> >

> > Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in

Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa)

, steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He

constantly served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics

everyday without fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some

spiritual experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples.

When Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me

after that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.

> >

> > In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some

suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is

important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly,

Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is

meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the

specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying

factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees

without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!

> >

> > There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to

Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful

in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one

uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made

great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

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Namaste Michal,


> Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),


Of course, anyone can address me that way.


> what about other examples such as that of Aurobindo that you

> haven't included. there are many spiritual people out there

> - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work

> in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this

> formula doesn't work for?


In the case of Aurobindo, AK is Mercury with Lahiri but it is Saturn with

Jagannatha ayanamsa. I prefer Jagannatha ayanamsa and take Saturn. The 12th

house from AK in D-20 is empty. It is owned and aspected by Venus in an own

sign. Venus according to Parasara shows Mahalakshmi. If you take the

all-pervading Savitaa as a form of Narayana (Surya Narayana), then Saavitri is a

form of Mahalakshmi. Out of the three female deities mentioned by Parasara (Moon

- Gouri, Venus - Mahalakshmi, Rahu - Durga), Saavitri is closest to Mahalakshmi.

Aurobindo was guided by Mother Saavitri (shakti of Savitaa).


There is a specific dasa taught by Parasara, which seems to point out in several

examples the key periods in spiritual life when computed in D-20. I may write

about that dasa with examples later. As per that dasa, it was indeed Venus dasa

that saw his spiritual awakening and rapid progress.


I demonstrated using people who I reasonably believe to have had a high level of

spiritual realization with the blessings of a deity. If you think there is

someone else who fits the bill, you can send me the birthdata.


> [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates

> Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?


There may be several more *related* things to be seen from navamsa. But, people

of today may be seeing from navamsa a lot more than they should. If Parasara

said vehicle is seen from D-16 and one sees it from D-9, or if Parasara said

upaasanaa is seen from D-20 and one sees it from D-9, we clearly have a problem.


> And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa

> as the most important division. It can mean other amsa if

> specifically mentioned.


Why is navamsa " the most important division " ?


In vimsopaka bala of dasa varga, navamsa has a score of 1.5/20 to shashtyamsa's

5/20. In vimsopaka bala of shodasa varga, navamsa has a score of 3/20 to

shashtyamsa's 4/20. If anything, shahstyamsa is " the most important division "

after rasi. Shall we say that amsa means shashtyamsa unless specifically



Given that Parasara almost never specifically mentioned an amsa and only said

" amsa " almost everywhere, your interpretation suggests that all other amsas are

pretty much not used anywhere and only navamsa is used everywhere.


Having listed out the matters to be seen from different amsas at the onset,

Parasara need not clarify every time which amsa he is talking about.


> [*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How

> do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK

> is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you

> define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider

> both signs.


My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN, HL, GL,

AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference extends from

21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to 21Cn34. The third

house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on. Finally, the 12th house extends

from 21Ar34 to 21Ta34.


[Note: This was inferred from Parasara's teachings on bhava-based aspects of

planets. When he taught how to quantify a planet's aspects on various points, he

taught adding 25% to the score between 90 deg to 120 deg from a planet, if that

planet is Mars. He taught adding 50% to the score between 120 deg to 150 deg

from a planet, if that planet is Jupiter. And so on. Adding 25% to the score

means taking the aspect on 4th house to be full instead of 3/4th because it is

Mars. Adding 50% to the score means taking the aspect on 5th house to be full

instead of half because it is Jupiter. This shows that 90 deg-120 deg from a

planet is the 4th house from it and 120 deg-150 deg from a planet is the 5th

house from it. This approach is also consistent with the teaching that 7th-12th

houses are visible and 1st-6th houses are invisible. In the normal method used

by people, 1st and 7th houses are partially visible and partially invisible.]


In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude as I said

and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at 26Le56. In D-20, he

is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as the

12th house from AK in D-20.


Best regards,



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sohamsa , Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),


> A couple more questions/comments below [*]


> Regards,

> Michal


> ________________________________

> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr

> sohamsa ; sjcBoston ;

vedic astrology ;

> Friday, 18 September, 2009 3:53:17 AM

> Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa



> Namaste,


> Reply to Michal Dziwulski:


> > Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is

aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.

> >

> > Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?) who is

dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.

> >

> > Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).


> As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the 12th

*house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not taking an

entire sign as a house.[*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How

do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK is placed in but

under what basis? If this is how you define 'vyayasthana' then we should be

able to consider both signs. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata and

Srila Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th house

from AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to Ketu

and I am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu link. I

mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I took the aspect on

empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.[*] Yes I saw that. what about other

examples such as that of Aurobindo that you haven't included. there are many

spiritual people out there

> - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work in all the ones

you checked? What about the charts this formula doesn't work for?

> > Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble

> > from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any

> > division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here

> > refer to D6?


> Well, if " amsa " always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas and

list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different

division based on the matters under discussion. The " master key " is given at the

beginning itself.

> [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates Navamsa with

wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?

> And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa as the most

important division. It can mean other amsa if specifically mentioned.

> Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether

amsa means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.


> Reply to Medha Raja:


> > Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of

> > Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and

> > see Deity from there ?


> Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently

takes Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the

maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his

teachings in such a way that an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly

left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.


> I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one

coherent method. I have to reject some opinions.


> My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I am

able to convince myself based on practical testing.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > Namaste,

> >

> > I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual

greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on

sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building

blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building

block used in that formula.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.

> >

> > The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which

amsa or division is Parasara referring to?

> >

> > Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default,

there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself,

Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He

clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning " the

knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .

> >

> > If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.

> >

> > Ramakrishna Paramahamsa' s AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi)

is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa) . Pt Sanjay Rath once argued

with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata and tried to justify

it alluding to things from Ramakrishna' s childhood. He also said that Tara

(Jupiter) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at

Dakshineshwar temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the

material world).

> >

> > Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars

and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and

Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha

or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.

> >

> > For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus

owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one

special point when Rahu is AK.

> >

> > Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.

> >

> > Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu,

if Rahu is AK.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I

will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.

> >

> > In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th

house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together

with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows

taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra

devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali

would fall in.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar,

owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also

aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him

is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as

the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.

> >

> > See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!

> >

> > Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who

was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora,

India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn

aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.

> >

> > In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him

reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and

aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through

his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya) , AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by

Mercury and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far,

through devotion to Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him

is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara

emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will

take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership.

Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and

realized Self.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized


> >

> > Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru)

, the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned

anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The

strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation

sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.

> >

> > Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in

Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa)

, steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He

constantly served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics

everyday without fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some

spiritual experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples.

When Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me

after that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.

> >

> > In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some

suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is

important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly,

Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is

meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the

specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying

factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees

without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!

> >

> > There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to

Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful

in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one

uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made

great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Narasimha,Thank you for your points. Do you consider Aurobindos darshan of Krishna as significant? In Navamsa exalted Moon aspects 12th from karakakamsha. Planets aspecting lead one to the Ishta Devata, who, is seen from the lord - in this case Venus. His spiritual journey began with this realisation.Why is navamsa "the most important division"?I don't know. Why do we have 9 grahas? 9 primary numbers? Why is the decimal system based on this? Who gave 9 this importance? Why are Jupiter and Sun karakas of the 9th house? Why is the Sun our father, our Atma, Jupiter our spiritual father? What is fortune really, and why is it to be seen from navamsa? Fortune is learning the true meaning of things - everything else is ashes no matter what anyone tells you. It is a good question Narasimha.My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN,

HL, GL, AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference

extends from 21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to

21Cn34. The third house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on.

Finally, the 12th house extends from 21Ar34 to 21Ta34.Yes, and I understood it then.In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude

as I said and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at

26Le56. In D-20, he is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am

taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as the 12th house from AK in D-20.So, as I asked before - this 12th house you are calculating spans over two rasi. What is the basis of taking one lord over the other to show Ishta Devata? In the case of Sharada Mata should we take Mars as ruler of Aries or Venus as the ruler of Taurus to show the Ishta Devata and why?Regards,Michal

Narasimha PVR Rao <pvrsohamsa ; vedic astrology ; Sent: Saturday, 19 September, 2009 9:32:04 AM Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa



Namaste Michal,


> Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),


Of course, anyone can address me that way.


> what about other examples such as that of Aurobindo that you

> haven't included. there are many spiritual people out there

> - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work

> in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this

> formula doesn't work for?


In the case of Aurobindo, AK is Mercury with Lahiri but it is Saturn with Jagannatha ayanamsa. I prefer Jagannatha ayanamsa and take Saturn. The 12th house from AK in D-20 is empty. It is owned and aspected by Venus in an own sign. Venus according to Parasara shows Mahalakshmi. If you take the all-pervading Savitaa as a form of Narayana (Surya Narayana), then Saavitri is a form of Mahalakshmi. Out of the three female deities mentioned by Parasara (Moon - Gouri, Venus - Mahalakshmi, Rahu - Durga), Saavitri is closest to Mahalakshmi. Aurobindo was guided by Mother Saavitri (shakti of Savitaa).


There is a specific dasa taught by Parasara, which seems to point out in several examples the key periods in spiritual life when computed in D-20. I may write about that dasa with examples later. As per that dasa, it was indeed Venus dasa that saw his spiritual awakening and rapid progress.


I demonstrated using people who I reasonably believe to have had a high level of spiritual realization with the blessings of a deity. If you think there is someone else who fits the bill, you can send me the birthdata.


> [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates

> Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?


There may be several more *related* things to be seen from navamsa. But, people of today may be seeing from navamsa a lot more than they should. If Parasara said vehicle is seen from D-16 and one sees it from D-9, or if Parasara said upaasanaa is seen from D-20 and one sees it from D-9, we clearly have a problem.


> And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa

> as the most important division. It can mean other amsa if

> specifically mentioned.


Why is navamsa "the most important division"?


In vimsopaka bala of dasa varga, navamsa has a score of 1.5/20 to shashtyamsa' s 5/20. In vimsopaka bala of shodasa varga, navamsa has a score of 3/20 to shashtyamsa' s 4/20. If anything, shahstyamsa is "the most important division" after rasi. Shall we say that amsa means shashtyamsa unless specifically mentioned?


Given that Parasara almost never specifically mentioned an amsa and only said "amsa" almost everywhere, your interpretation suggests that all other amsas are pretty much not used anywhere and only navamsa is used everywhere.


Having listed out the matters to be seen from different amsas at the onset, Parasara need not clarify every time which amsa he is talking about.


> [*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How

> do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK

> is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you

> define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider

> both signs.


My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN, HL, GL, AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference extends from 21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to 21Cn34. The third house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on. Finally, the 12th house extends from 21Ar34 to 21Ta34.


[Note: This was inferred from Parasara's teachings on bhava-based aspects of planets. When he taught how to quantify a planet's aspects on various points, he taught adding 25% to the score between 90 deg to 120 deg from a planet, if that planet is Mars. He taught adding 50% to the score between 120 deg to 150 deg from a planet, if that planet is Jupiter. And so on. Adding 25% to the score means taking the aspect on 4th house to be full instead of 3/4th because it is Mars. Adding 50% to the score means taking the aspect on 5th house to be full instead of half because it is Jupiter. This shows that 90 deg-120 deg from a planet is the 4th house from it and 120 deg-150 deg from a planet is the 5th house from it. This approach is also consistent with the teaching that 7th-12th houses are visible and 1st-6th houses are invisible. In the normal method used by people, 1st and 7th houses are partially visible and partially invisible.]


In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude as I said and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at 26Le56. In D-20, he is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as the 12th house from AK in D-20.


Best regards,


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...> wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),


> A couple more questions/comments below [*]


> Regards,

> Michal


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr

> sohamsa@ .com; sjcBoston@grou ps.com; vedic astrology;

> Friday, 18 September, 2009 3:53:17 AM

> Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa



> Namaste,


> Reply to Michal Dziwulski:


> > Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.

> >

> > Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?) who is dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.

> >

> > Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).


> As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the 12th *house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not taking an entire sign as a house.[*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider both signs. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata and Srila Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th house from AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to Ketu and I am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu link. I mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I took the aspect on empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.[*] Yes I saw that. what about other examples such as that of Aurobindo that you haven't included. there are many spiritual people out


> - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this formula doesn't work for?

> > Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble

> > from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any

> > division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here

> > refer to D6?


> Well, if "amsa" always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas and list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different division based on the matters under discussion. The "master key" is given at the beginning itself.

> [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?

> And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa as the most important division. It can mean other amsa if specifically mentioned.

> Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether amsa means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.


> Reply to Medha Raja:


> > Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of

> > Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and

> > see Deity from there ?


> Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently takes Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his teachings in such a way that an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.


> I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one coherent method. I have to reject some opinions.


> My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I am able to convince myself based on practical testing.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > Namaste,

> >

> > I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used in that formula.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > In the chapter called "kaarakaamsa phala" in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.

> >

> > The term "kaarakaamsa" means "AK's amsa". Amsa only means division. Which amsa or division is Parasara referring to?

> >

> > Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default, there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself, Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He clearly said "upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake", meaning "the knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20".

> >

> > If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped based on the 12th house from AK in an "amsa", can the amsa in question be anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be referring to D-20 by "amsa" and *not* D-9 as people normally take.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them. There are several examples and I will share a few here.

> >

> > Ramakrishna Paramahamsa' s AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa) . Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata and tried to justify it alluding to things from Ramakrishna' s childhood. He also said that Tara (Jupiter) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar temple was called "Bhava Taarini" (one who makes one cross the material world).

> >

> > Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi (a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission. That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by mother Kaali.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.

> >

> > For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at Arunachalam.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and how well can we guide people?

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one special point when Rahu is AK.

> >

> > Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively, as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.

> >

> > Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if Rahu is AK.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.

> >

> > In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows taamasik deities such as Durga ("taamasIm durgaaM", said Parasara) and ugra devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali would fall in.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar, owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.

> >

> > See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!

> >

> > Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora, India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was indeed a Vaishnava.

> >

> > In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of Ramanujacharya) , AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through devotion to Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership. Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and realized Self.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized Self.

> >

> > Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru) , the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.

> >

> > Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and making good progress towards realization.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa) , steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When Ramakrishna said, "I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after that", he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude in D-20.

> >

> > In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and "Self-Realization Fellowship" and author of "Autobiography of a Yogi"), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva, but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example. Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly, Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!

> >

> > There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain theoretical and their utility questionable.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha




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Dear Narasimhayou wrote"There may be several more *related* things to be seen from navamsa. But, people of today may be seeing from navamsa a lot more than they should. If Parasara said vehicle is seen from D-16 and one sees it from D-9, or if Parasara said upaasanaa is seen from D-20 and one sees it from D-9, we clearly have a problem"This point

raised by you is an excellent one but many scholars and practioniors of astrology are not accepting for whatever reasonGoing by the same logici want to refer from the book compiled by your students of SJC boston classes(palanivelu for this particular case).I assume your students have represented your teaching

correctly in their intrepretationThe Quote reads as follows"To see where the spouse will come from, check the 7th lord fromVe in D1/D9. (ex: if the 7th lord from Ve is located in the 11th,may be a friend referred the spouse)"My understanding as per your teachins is 7th lord from venus in Rasi can be ignored as we have a seperate chart for marriage given by Parasara

muni.Since Navamsa is the most important division(here for marriage),7th lord from Venus in Navamsa must be given due importance than for the 7th L from Venus in Rasi chart.Obviously more often that not 7th lord from venus will fall in different houses in Rasi and navamsaFor example ,if 7th lord from venus falls in 3rd house of Rasi chartIF 7th lord from venus in navamsa falls in 12th house of Navamsa chartWhich one of the above will you conisder or advise us to consider for this case and for all such cases in generality?Would love to hear your views on the sameThanksVishnu--- On Fri, 9/18/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsasohamsa , vedic astrology, Date: Friday, September 18, 2009, 9:32 PM



Namaste Michal,


> Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),


Of course, anyone can address me that way.


> what about other examples such as that of Aurobindo that you

> haven't included. there are many spiritual people out there

> - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work

> in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this

> formula doesn't work for?


In the case of Aurobindo, AK is Mercury with Lahiri but it is Saturn with Jagannatha ayanamsa. I prefer Jagannatha ayanamsa and take Saturn. The 12th house from AK in D-20 is empty. It is owned and aspected by Venus in an own sign. Venus according to Parasara shows Mahalakshmi. If you take the all-pervading Savitaa as a form of Narayana (Surya Narayana), then Saavitri is a form of Mahalakshmi. Out of the three female deities mentioned by Parasara (Moon - Gouri, Venus - Mahalakshmi, Rahu - Durga), Saavitri is closest to Mahalakshmi. Aurobindo was guided by Mother Saavitri (shakti of Savitaa).


There is a specific dasa taught by Parasara, which seems to point out in several examples the key periods in spiritual life when computed in D-20. I may write about that dasa with examples later. As per that dasa, it was indeed Venus dasa that saw his spiritual awakening and rapid progress.


I demonstrated using people who I reasonably believe to have had a high level of spiritual realization with the blessings of a deity. If you think there is someone else who fits the bill, you can send me the birthdata.


> [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates

> Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?


There may be several more *related* things to be seen from navamsa. But, people of today may be seeing from navamsa a lot more than they should. If Parasara said vehicle is seen from D-16 and one sees it from D-9, or if Parasara said upaasanaa is seen from D-20 and one sees it from D-9, we clearly have a problem.


> And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa

> as the most important division. It can mean other amsa if

> specifically mentioned.


Why is navamsa "the most important division"?


In vimsopaka bala of dasa varga, navamsa has a score of 1.5/20 to shashtyamsa' s 5/20. In vimsopaka bala of shodasa varga, navamsa has a score of 3/20 to shashtyamsa' s 4/20. If anything, shahstyamsa is "the most important division" after rasi. Shall we say that amsa means shashtyamsa unless specifically mentioned?


Given that Parasara almost never specifically mentioned an amsa and only said "amsa" almost everywhere, your interpretation suggests that all other amsas are pretty much not used anywhere and only navamsa is used everywhere.


Having listed out the matters to be seen from different amsas at the onset, Parasara need not clarify every time which amsa he is talking about.


> [*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How

> do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK

> is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you

> define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider

> both signs.


My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN, HL, GL, AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference extends from 21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to 21Cn34. The third house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on. Finally, the 12th house extends from 21Ar34 to 21Ta34.


[Note: This was inferred from Parasara's teachings on bhava-based aspects of planets. When he taught how to quantify a planet's aspects on various points, he taught adding 25% to the score between 90 deg to 120 deg from a planet, if that planet is Mars. He taught adding 50% to the score between 120 deg to 150 deg from a planet, if that planet is Jupiter. And so on. Adding 25% to the score means taking the aspect on 4th house to be full instead of 3/4th because it is Mars. Adding 50% to the score means taking the aspect on 5th house to be full instead of half because it is Jupiter. This shows that 90 deg-120 deg from a planet is the 4th house from it and 120 deg-150 deg from a planet is the 5th house from it. This approach is also consistent with the teaching that 7th-12th houses are visible and 1st-6th houses are invisible. In the normal method used by people, 1st and 7th houses are partially visible and partially invisible.]


In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude as I said and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at 26Le56. In D-20, he is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as the 12th house from AK in D-20.


Best regards,


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...> wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),


> A couple more questions/comments below [*]


> Regards,

> Michal


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr

> sohamsa@ .com; sjcBoston@grou ps.com; vedic astrology;

> Friday, 18 September, 2009 3:53:17 AM

> Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa



> Namaste,


> Reply to Michal Dziwulski:


> > Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.

> >

> > Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?) who is dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.

> >

> > Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).


> As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the 12th *house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not taking an entire sign as a house.[*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider both signs. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata and Srila Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th house from AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to Ketu and I am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu link. I mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I took the aspect on empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.[*] Yes I saw that. what about other examples such as that of Aurobindo that you haven't included. there are many spiritual people out


> - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this formula doesn't work for?

> > Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble

> > from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any

> > division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here

> > refer to D6?


> Well, if "amsa" always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas and list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different division based on the matters under discussion. The "master key" is given at the beginning itself.

> [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?

> And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa as the most important division. It can mean other amsa if specifically mentioned.

> Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether amsa means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.


> Reply to Medha Raja:


> > Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of

> > Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and

> > see Deity from there ?


> Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently takes Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his teachings in such a way that an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.


> I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one coherent method. I have to reject some opinions.


> My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I am able to convince myself based on practical testing.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > Namaste,

> >

> > I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used in that formula.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > In the chapter called "kaarakaamsa phala" in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.

> >

> > The term "kaarakaamsa" means "AK's amsa". Amsa only means division. Which amsa or division is Parasara referring to?

> >

> > Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default, there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself, Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He clearly said "upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake", meaning "the knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20".

> >

> > If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped based on the 12th house from AK in an "amsa", can the amsa in question be anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be referring to D-20 by "amsa" and *not* D-9 as people normally take.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them. There are several examples and I will share a few here.

> >

> > Ramakrishna Paramahamsa' s AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa) . Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata and tried to justify it alluding to things from Ramakrishna' s childhood. He also said that Tara (Jupiter) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar temple was called "Bhava Taarini" (one who makes one cross the material world).

> >

> > Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi (a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission. That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by mother Kaali.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.

> >

> > For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at Arunachalam.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and how well can we guide people?

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one special point when Rahu is AK.

> >

> > Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them.. Parasara taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively, as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.

> >

> > Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if Rahu is AK.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.

> >

> > In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows taamasik deities such as Durga ("taamasIm durgaaM", said Parasara) and ugra devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali would fall in.

> >

> > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar, owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from him is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.

> >

> > See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!

> >

> > Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora, India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only Saturn aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was indeed a Vaishnava.

> >

> > In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of Ramanujacharya) , AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through devotion to Vishnu.

> >

> > In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership. Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and realized Self.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized Self.

> >

> > Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru) , the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.

> >

> > Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and making good progress towards realization.

> >

> > In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa) , steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He constantly served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When Ramakrishna said, "I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after that", he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude in D-20.

> >

> > In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and "Self-Realization Fellowship" and author of "Autobiography of a Yogi"), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva, but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example. Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly, Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going into trees without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!

> >

> > There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain theoretical and their utility questionable.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

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> Thank you for your points. Do you consider Aurobindos

> darshan of Krishna as significant?


Yes, it is a significant event.


Vishnu is seen from Mercury as per Parasara. Here Mercury is at 19Pi07 in D-20.

AK Saturn is at 19Sc59 in D-20. There is a very close 3/4th aspect of Mercury on

the cusp of the 12th house from AK. This could explain the experience.


> So, as I asked before - this 12th house you are calculating

> spans over two rasi. What is the basis of taking one lord

> over the other to show Ishta Devata?


If a reference is at 21Ta34, then the first house begins at 21Ta34 and ends at

21Ge34. The cusp of the first house is at 21Ta34. That is where the power of the

house is concentrated at. A planet is more and more away from 21Ta34, its

influence on the house becomes less and less. Parasara mentioned that the

strength of a house is seen by looking at the strengths of the two signs

containing it, but, he never mentioned taking lords of two rasis as house lords.

Thus, I take the lord of the sign where the house begins.


Just as a person who controls the door to a room is seen as the controller for

the room, the planet owning the beginning point of a house is the owner of the



Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa , Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Narasimha,


> Thank you for your points. Do you consider Aurobindos darshan of Krishna as

significant? In Navamsa exalted Moon aspects 12th from karakakamsha. Planets

aspecting lead one to the Ishta Devata, who, is seen from the lord - in this

case Venus. His spiritual journey began with this realisation.


> Why is navamsa " the most important division " ?


> I don't know. Why do we have 9 grahas? 9 primary numbers? Why is the

decimal system based on this? Who gave 9 this importance? Why are Jupiter and

Sun karakas of the 9th house? Why is the Sun our father, our Atma, Jupiter our

spiritual father? What is fortune really, and why is it to be seen from

navamsa? Fortune is learning the true meaning of things - everything else is

ashes no matter what anyone tells you. It is a good question Narasimha.



> My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN,

> HL, GL, AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference

> extends from 21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to

> 21Cn34. The third house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on.

> Finally, the 12th house extends from 21Ar34 to 21Ta34.


> Yes, and I understood it then.


> In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude

> as I said and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at

> 26Le56. In D-20, he is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am

> taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as the 12th house from AK in D-20.


> So, as I asked before - this 12th house you are calculating spans over two

rasi. What is the basis of taking one lord over the other to show Ishta Devata?

In the case of Sharada Mata should we take Mars as ruler of Aries or Venus as

the ruler of Taurus to show the Ishta Devata and why?


> Regards,

> Michal



> ________________________________

> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr

> sohamsa ; vedic astrology ;


> Saturday, 19 September, 2009 9:32:04 AM

> Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa



> Namaste Michal,


> > Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),


> Of course, anyone can address me that way.


> > what about other examples such as that of Aurobindo that you

> > haven't included. there are many spiritual people out there

> > - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work

> > in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this

> > formula doesn't work for?


> In the case of Aurobindo, AK is Mercury with Lahiri but it is Saturn with

Jagannatha ayanamsa. I prefer Jagannatha ayanamsa and take Saturn. The 12th

house from AK in D-20 is empty. It is owned and aspected by Venus in an own

sign. Venus according to Parasara shows Mahalakshmi. If you take the

all-pervading Savitaa as a form of Narayana (Surya Narayana), then Saavitri is a

form of Mahalakshmi. Out of the three female deities mentioned by Parasara (Moon

- Gouri, Venus - Mahalakshmi, Rahu - Durga), Saavitri is closest to Mahalakshmi.

Aurobindo was guided by Mother Saavitri (shakti of Savitaa).


> There is a specific dasa taught by Parasara, which seems to point out in

several examples the key periods in spiritual life when computed in D-20. I may

write about that dasa with examples later. As per that dasa, it was indeed Venus

dasa that saw his spiritual awakening and rapid progress.


> I demonstrated using people who I reasonably believe to have had a high level

of spiritual realization with the blessings of a deity. If you think there is

someone else who fits the bill, you can send me the birthdata.


> > [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates

> > Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?


> There may be several more *related* things to be seen from navamsa. But,

people of today may be seeing from navamsa a lot more than they should. If

Parasara said vehicle is seen from D-16 and one sees it from D-9, or if Parasara

said upaasanaa is seen from D-20 and one sees it from D-9, we clearly have a



> > And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa

> > as the most important division. It can mean other amsa if

> > specifically mentioned.


> Why is navamsa " the most important division " ?


> In vimsopaka bala of dasa varga, navamsa has a score of 1.5/20 to shashtyamsa'

s 5/20. In vimsopaka bala of shodasa varga, navamsa has a score of 3/20 to

shashtyamsa' s 4/20. If anything, shahstyamsa is " the most important division "

after rasi. Shall we say that amsa means shashtyamsa unless specifically



> Given that Parasara almost never specifically mentioned an amsa and only said

" amsa " almost everywhere, your interpretation suggests that all other amsas are

pretty much not used anywhere and only navamsa is used everywhere.


> Having listed out the matters to be seen from different amsas at the onset,

Parasara need not clarify every time which amsa he is talking about.


> > [*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How

> > do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK

> > is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you

> > define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider

> > both signs.


> My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN, HL, GL,

AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference extends from

21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to 21Cn34. The third

house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on. Finally, the 12th house extends

from 21Ar34 to 21Ta34.


> [Note: This was inferred from Parasara's teachings on bhava-based aspects of

planets. When he taught how to quantify a planet's aspects on various points, he

taught adding 25% to the score between 90 deg to 120 deg from a planet, if that

planet is Mars. He taught adding 50% to the score between 120 deg to 150 deg

from a planet, if that planet is Jupiter. And so on. Adding 25% to the score

means taking the aspect on 4th house to be full instead of 3/4th because it is

Mars. Adding 50% to the score means taking the aspect on 5th house to be full

instead of half because it is Jupiter. This shows that 90 deg-120 deg from a

planet is the 4th house from it and 120 deg-150 deg from a planet is the 5th

house from it. This approach is also consistent with the teaching that 7th-12th

houses are visible and 1st-6th houses are invisible. In the normal method used

by people, 1st and 7th houses are partially visible and partially invisible.]


> In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude as I

said and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at 26Le56. In D-20,

he is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as

the 12th house from AK in D-20.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Hare Rama Krsna ||

> >

> > Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),

> >

> > A couple more questions/comments below [*]

> >

> > Regards,

> > Michal

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr@>

> > sohamsa@ .com; sjcBoston@grou ps.com; vedic astrology@

. com;

> > Friday, 18 September, 2009 3:53:17 AM

> > Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa

> >

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > Reply to Michal Dziwulski:

> >

> > > Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is

aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.

> > >

> > > Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?) who

is dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.

> > >

> > > Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).

> >

> > As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the

12th *house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not

taking an entire sign as a house.[*] So then two signs can be involved in this

span? How do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK is placed

in but under what basis? If this is how you define 'vyayasthana' then we should

be able to consider both signs. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata

and Srila Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th

house from AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to

Ketu and I am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu

link. I mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I took the aspect

on empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.[*] Yes I saw that. what about other

examples such as that of Aurobindo that you haven't included. there are many

spiritual people out

> there

> > - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work in all the ones

you checked? What about the charts this formula doesn't work for?

> > > Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble

> > > from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any

> > > division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here

> > > refer to D6?

> >

> > Well, if " amsa " always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas and

list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different

division based on the matters under discussion. The " master key " is given at the

beginning itself.

> > [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates Navamsa with

wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?

> > And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa as the most

important division. It can mean other amsa if specifically mentioned.

> > Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether

amsa means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.

> >

> > Reply to Medha Raja:

> >

> > > Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion


> > > Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and

> > > see Deity from there ?

> >

> > Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently

takes Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the

maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his

teachings in such a way that an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly

left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.

> >

> > I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one

coherent method. I have to reject some opinions.

> >

> > My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I

am able to convince myself based on practical testing.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual

greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on

sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building

blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building

block used in that formula.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.

> > >

> > > The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division. Which

amsa or division is Parasara referring to?

> > >

> > > Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by

default, there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset

itself, Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes.

He clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning

" the knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .

> > >

> > > If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are worshipped

based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in question be

anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen

from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be

referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally take.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.

> > >

> > > Ramakrishna Paramahamsa' s AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun

(Raama/Maatangi) is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa) . Pt Sanjay

Rath once argued with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata and

tried to justify it alluding to things from Ramakrishna' s childhood. He also

said that Tara (Jupiter) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata, because the Kaali idol

at Dakshineshwar temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the

material world).

> > >

> > > Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.

> > >

> > > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars

and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or

Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by

mother Kaali.

> > >

> > > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and

Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha

or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw

Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and

derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl

Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has

saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly

guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.

> > >

> > > For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus

owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at


> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is

one special point when Rahu is AK.

> > >

> > > Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.

> > >

> > > Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu,

if Rahu is AK.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I

will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.

> > >

> > > In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th

house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together

with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows

taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and ugra

devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali

would fall in.

> > >

> > > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is

Ar, owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu

also aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.

> > >

> > > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from

him is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence

as the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.

> > >

> > > See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in


> > >

> > > Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,

who was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT,

Naora, India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only

Saturn aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.

> > >

> > > In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him

reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and

aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through

his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.

> > >

> > > In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya) , AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by

Mercury and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far,

through devotion to Vishnu.

> > >

> > > In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from

him is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it.

Parasara emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So,

we will take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's

ownership. Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at

Arunachalam and realized Self.

> > >

> > > In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized


> > >

> > > Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST,

Thiruvaiyaru) , the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from

it reckoned anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other

planets. The strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's

exaltation sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.

> > >

> > > Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in

Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is

aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.

> > >

> > > In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa) , steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor.

He constantly served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics

everyday without fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some

spiritual experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples.

When Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me

after that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.

> > >

> > > In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and " Self-Realization

Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20.

The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can show Shiva,

but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example.

Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to

his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from

Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of

using dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has

Jupiter, some suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said

Shiva. It is important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees.

Clearly, Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa

(D-20) is meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc).

Seeing the specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other

modifying factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going

into trees without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!

> > >

> > > There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to

Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful

in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one

uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made

great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

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Dear Narasimha




How will you find residual strength of planet in a house?


A planet 1 minute less then Lagn will be in 12th house with zero residual

strength wrt 12H but will have 100% rstrength for Lagn.

Will it not give results of Lagn?





sohamsa , " pvr108 " <pvr wrote:


> Namaste,


> > Thank you for your points. Do you consider Aurobindos

> > darshan of Krishna as significant?


> Yes, it is a significant event.


> Vishnu is seen from Mercury as per Parasara. Here Mercury is at 19Pi07 in

D-20. AK Saturn is at 19Sc59 in D-20. There is a very close 3/4th aspect of

Mercury on the cusp of the 12th house from AK. This could explain the



> > So, as I asked before - this 12th house you are calculating

> > spans over two rasi. What is the basis of taking one lord

> > over the other to show Ishta Devata?


> If a reference is at 21Ta34, then the first house begins at 21Ta34 and ends at

21Ge34. The cusp of the first house is at 21Ta34. That is where the power of the

house is concentrated at. A planet is more and more away from 21Ta34, its

influence on the house becomes less and less. Parasara mentioned that the

strength of a house is seen by looking at the strengths of the two signs

containing it, but, he never mentioned taking lords of two rasis as house lords.

Thus, I take the lord of the sign where the house begins.


> Just as a person who controls the door to a room is seen as the controller for

the room, the planet owning the beginning point of a house is the owner of the



> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



> sohamsa , Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@> wrote:

> >

> > Hare Rama Krsna ||

> >

> > Dear Narasimha,

> >

> > Thank you for your points. Do you consider Aurobindos darshan of Krishna as

significant? In Navamsa exalted Moon aspects 12th from karakakamsha. Planets

aspecting lead one to the Ishta Devata, who, is seen from the lord - in this

case Venus. His spiritual journey began with this realisation.

> >

> > Why is navamsa " the most important division " ?

> >

> > I don't know. Why do we have 9 grahas? 9 primary numbers? Why is the

decimal system based on this? Who gave 9 this importance? Why are Jupiter and

Sun karakas of the 9th house? Why is the Sun our father, our Atma, Jupiter our

spiritual father? What is fortune really, and why is it to be seen from

navamsa? Fortune is learning the true meaning of things - everything else is

ashes no matter what anyone tells you. It is a good question Narasimha.

> >

> >

> > My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN,

> > HL, GL, AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference

> > extends from 21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to

> > 21Cn34. The third house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on.

> > Finally, the 12th house extends from 21Ar34 to 21Ta34.

> >

> > Yes, and I understood it then.

> >

> > In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude

> > as I said and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at

> > 26Le56. In D-20, he is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am

> > taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as the 12th house from AK in D-20.

> >

> > So, as I asked before - this 12th house you are calculating spans over two

rasi. What is the basis of taking one lord over the other to show Ishta Devata?

In the case of Sharada Mata should we take Mars as ruler of Aries or Venus as

the ruler of Taurus to show the Ishta Devata and why?

> >

> > Regards,

> > Michal

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr@>

> > sohamsa ; vedic astrology ;


> > Saturday, 19 September, 2009 9:32:04 AM

> > Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa

> >

> >

> > Namaste Michal,

> >

> > > Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),

> >

> > Of course, anyone can address me that way.

> >

> > > what about other examples such as that of Aurobindo that you

> > > haven't included. there are many spiritual people out there

> > > - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work

> > > in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this

> > > formula doesn't work for?

> >

> > In the case of Aurobindo, AK is Mercury with Lahiri but it is Saturn with

Jagannatha ayanamsa. I prefer Jagannatha ayanamsa and take Saturn. The 12th

house from AK in D-20 is empty. It is owned and aspected by Venus in an own

sign. Venus according to Parasara shows Mahalakshmi. If you take the

all-pervading Savitaa as a form of Narayana (Surya Narayana), then Saavitri is a

form of Mahalakshmi. Out of the three female deities mentioned by Parasara (Moon

- Gouri, Venus - Mahalakshmi, Rahu - Durga), Saavitri is closest to Mahalakshmi.

Aurobindo was guided by Mother Saavitri (shakti of Savitaa).

> >

> > There is a specific dasa taught by Parasara, which seems to point out in

several examples the key periods in spiritual life when computed in D-20. I may

write about that dasa with examples later. As per that dasa, it was indeed Venus

dasa that saw his spiritual awakening and rapid progress.

> >

> > I demonstrated using people who I reasonably believe to have had a high

level of spiritual realization with the blessings of a deity. If you think there

is someone else who fits the bill, you can send me the birthdata.

> >

> > > [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates

> > > Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?

> >

> > There may be several more *related* things to be seen from navamsa. But,

people of today may be seeing from navamsa a lot more than they should. If

Parasara said vehicle is seen from D-16 and one sees it from D-9, or if Parasara

said upaasanaa is seen from D-20 and one sees it from D-9, we clearly have a


> >

> > > And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa

> > > as the most important division. It can mean other amsa if

> > > specifically mentioned.

> >

> > Why is navamsa " the most important division " ?

> >

> > In vimsopaka bala of dasa varga, navamsa has a score of 1.5/20 to

shashtyamsa' s 5/20. In vimsopaka bala of shodasa varga, navamsa has a score of

3/20 to shashtyamsa' s 4/20. If anything, shahstyamsa is " the most important

division " after rasi. Shall we say that amsa means shashtyamsa unless

specifically mentioned?

> >

> > Given that Parasara almost never specifically mentioned an amsa and only

said " amsa " almost everywhere, your interpretation suggests that all other amsas

are pretty much not used anywhere and only navamsa is used everywhere.

> >

> > Having listed out the matters to be seen from different amsas at the onset,

Parasara need not clarify every time which amsa he is talking about.

> >

> > > [*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How

> > > do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK

> > > is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you

> > > define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider

> > > both signs.

> >

> > My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN, HL,

GL, AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference extends from

21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to 21Cn34. The third

house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on. Finally, the 12th house extends

from 21Ar34 to 21Ta34.

> >

> > [Note: This was inferred from Parasara's teachings on bhava-based aspects of

planets. When he taught how to quantify a planet's aspects on various points, he

taught adding 25% to the score between 90 deg to 120 deg from a planet, if that

planet is Mars. He taught adding 50% to the score between 120 deg to 150 deg

from a planet, if that planet is Jupiter. And so on. Adding 25% to the score

means taking the aspect on 4th house to be full instead of 3/4th because it is

Mars. Adding 50% to the score means taking the aspect on 5th house to be full

instead of half because it is Jupiter. This shows that 90 deg-120 deg from a

planet is the 4th house from it and 120 deg-150 deg from a planet is the 5th

house from it. This approach is also consistent with the teaching that 7th-12th

houses are visible and 1st-6th houses are invisible. In the normal method used

by people, 1st and 7th houses are partially visible and partially invisible.]

> >

> > In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude as I

said and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at 26Le56. In D-20,

he is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as

the 12th house from AK in D-20.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hare Rama Krsna ||

> > >

> > > Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),

> > >

> > > A couple more questions/comments below [*]

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Michal

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr@>

> > > sohamsa@ .com; sjcBoston@grou ps.com; vedic astrology@

. com;

> > > Friday, 18 September, 2009 3:53:17 AM

> > > Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Reply to Michal Dziwulski:

> > >

> > > > Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is

aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.

> > > >

> > > > Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the 12th (counted in reverse?)

who is dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.

> > > >

> > > > Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).

> > >

> > > As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the

12th *house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not

taking an entire sign as a house.[*] So then two signs can be involved in this

span? How do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK is placed

in but under what basis? If this is how you define 'vyayasthana' then we should

be able to consider both signs. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata

and Srila Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th

house from AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to

Ketu and I am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu

link. I mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I took the aspect

on empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.[*] Yes I saw that. what about other

examples such as that of Aurobindo that you haven't included. there are many

spiritual people out

> > there

> > > - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work in all the

ones you checked? What about the charts this formula doesn't work for?

> > > > Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble

> > > > from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any

> > > > division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here

> > > > refer to D6?

> > >

> > > Well, if " amsa " always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas

and list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different

division based on the matters under discussion. The " master key " is given at the

beginning itself.

> > > [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates Navamsa

with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?

> > > And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa as the

most important division. It can mean other amsa if specifically mentioned.

> > > Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether

amsa means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.

> > >

> > > Reply to Medha Raja:

> > >

> > > > Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion


> > > > Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa


> > > > see Deity from there ?

> > >

> > > Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently

takes Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the

maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his

teachings in such a way that an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly

left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.

> > >

> > > I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one

coherent method. I have to reject some opinions.

> > >

> > > My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I

am able to convince myself based on practical testing.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> > > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> > > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual

greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on

sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building

blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building

block used in that formula.

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned

the deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from

AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.

> > > >

> > > > The term " kaarakaamsa " means " AK's amsa " . Amsa only means division.

Which amsa or division is Parasara referring to?

> > > >

> > > > Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by

default, there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset

itself, Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes.

He clearly said " upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake " , meaning

" the knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20 " .

> > > >

> > > > If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are

worshipped based on the 12th house from AK in an " amsa " , can the amsa in

question be anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's

upaasanaa is seen from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for

upaasanaa *must* be referring to D-20 by " amsa " and *not* D-9 as people normally


> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to

people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a

deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them.

There are several examples and I will share a few here.

> > > >

> > > > Ramakrishna Paramahamsa' s AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun

(Raama/Maatangi) is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa) . Pt Sanjay

Rath once argued with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata and

tried to justify it alluding to things from Ramakrishna' s childhood. He also

said that Tara (Jupiter) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata, because the Kaali idol

at Dakshineshwar temple was called " Bhava Taarini " (one who makes one cross the

material world).

> > > >

> > > > Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and

surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in

the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who

appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided

his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi

(a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission.

That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or

Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty.

Mars and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars

or Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated)

by mother Kaali.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th

and Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or

Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and

Chandipath. He saw Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half

of his life and derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days

that the girl Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer

visible. If one has saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the

deity is constantly guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.

> > > >

> > > > For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and

Venus owns and aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at


> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who

succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and

how well can we guide people?

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is

one special point when Rahu is AK.

> > > >

> > > > Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara

taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala

of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively,

as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd

house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from

the longitude of Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330

deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from

Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the

evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in

sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.

> > > >

> > > > Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from

Rahu, if Rahu is AK.

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I

will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of

dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to

Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun

to show Rama or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we

are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The

12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are

together with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes)

shows taamasik deities such as Durga ( " taamasIm durgaaM " , said Parasara) and

ugra devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that

Kaali would fall in.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is

Ar, owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu

also aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in D-20. The 12th from

him is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence

as the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.

> > > >

> > > > See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in


> > > >

> > > > Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,

who was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT,

Naora, India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty. Only

Saturn aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn

according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was

indeed a Vaishnava.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him

reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and

aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god through

his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of

Ramanujacharya) , AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by

Mercury and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far,

through devotion to Vishnu.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from

him is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it.

Parasara emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So,

we will take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's

ownership. Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at

Arunachalam and realized Self.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in

D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and

realized Self.

> > > >

> > > > Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST,

Thiruvaiyaru) , the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from

it reckoned anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other

planets. The strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's

exaltation sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.

> > > >

> > > > Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is

in Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona

is aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He

indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and

making good progress towards realization.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa) , steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor.

He constantly served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics

everyday without fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some

spiritual experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples.

When Ramakrishna said, " I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me

after that " , he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any

experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion

and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at

Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but

only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude

in D-20.

> > > >

> > > > In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and

" Self-Realization Fellowship " and author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " ), AK Venus

is in Ar in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes.

Jupiter can show Shiva, but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in

the above example. Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities,

but his surrender to his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru

parampara (from Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of

using dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has

Jupiter, some suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said

Shiva. It is important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees.

Clearly, Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa

(D-20) is meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc).

Seeing the specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other

modifying factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going

into trees without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!

> > > >

> > > > There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to

Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful

in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one

uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made

great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain

theoretical and their utility questionable.

> > > >

> > > > Best regards,

> > > > Narasimha


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Dear All,


Aurobindo's vision of Krishna is significant for sure, but before he say Vasudev during his time in Alipore Jail, he had already seen another deity. This is mentioned in many of his conversations with disciples etc. During the time when Lele taught Aurobindo some techniques of yoga, he started practising them earnestly. Then one day, he had gone into a Kali temple and saw a vision of Mahakali standing inside in place of the idol. Full respendent emanating golden light. Aurobindo says, it was from here that he actually started having many experiences, his practise increase, he was asked to focus his mind more on spirituality but he wanted to work directly/physically for the freedom movement. It was then that he was arrested, and made to spend quite some time in jail.


He was told that since he was not forcing himself into sadhana, therefore, he was made to do so inside a jail. In there, he had visions of Vivekanada who taught him one aspect of spiritual development. Later in life he had three visions of Ramakrishna as well.


Anyway, to pin point an istha devata for Aurobindo from his life, is difficult. He himself finally spoke about a realm beyond deities. However, after his vision of Mahakali (later he had visions of other deities too), he maintained a great deal of respect and surrenderance to the Divine mother, and spend a good deal of time writing on the aspects of the Divine Mother.





The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra--- On Mon, 21/9/09, pvr108 <pvr wrote:

pvr108 <pvr Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsasohamsa Date: Monday, 21 September, 2009, 5:02 AM

Namaste,> Thank you for your points. Do you consider Aurobindos> darshan of Krishna as significant?Yes, it is a significant event.Vishnu is seen from Mercury as per Parasara. Here Mercury is at 19Pi07 in D-20. AK Saturn is at 19Sc59 in D-20. There is a very close 3/4th aspect of Mercury on the cusp of the 12th house from AK. This could explain the experience.> So, as I asked before - this 12th house you are calculating> spans over two rasi. What is the basis of taking one lord> over the other to show Ishta Devata?If a reference is at 21Ta34, then the first house begins at 21Ta34 and ends at 21Ge34. The cusp of the first house is at 21Ta34. That is where the power of the house is concentrated at. A planet is more and more away from 21Ta34, its influence on the house becomes less and less. Parasara mentioned that the strength of a house is seen by looking at the strengths of the two

signs containing it, but, he never mentioned taking lords of two rasis as house lords. Thus, I take the lord of the sign where the house begins.Just as a person who controls the door to a room is seen as the controller for the room, the planet owning the beginning point of a house is the owner of the house.Best regards,Narasimha------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homamDo Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpanaSpirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdomFree Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...> wrote:>> Hare Rama Krsna ||> > Dear Narasimha,> > Thank you for your points. Do you consider Aurobindos darshan of Krishna as significant? In Navamsa exalted Moon aspects 12th from karakakamsha. Planets aspecting lead one to the Ishta Devata, who, is seen from the lord - in this case

Venus. His spiritual journey began with this realisation.> > Why is navamsa "the most important division"?> > I don't know. Why do we have 9 grahas? 9 primary numbers? Why is the decimal system based on this? Who gave 9 this importance? Why are Jupiter and Sun karakas of the 9th house? Why is the Sun our father, our Atma, Jupiter our spiritual father? What is fortune really, and why is it to be seen from navamsa? Fortune is learning the true meaning of things - everything else is ashes no matter what anyone tells you. It is a good question Narasimha.> > > My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN,> HL, GL, AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference> extends from 21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to> 21Cn34. The third house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on.> Finally, the 12th house extends from 21Ar34

to 21Ta34.> > Yes, and I understood it then.> > In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude> as I said and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at> 26Le56. In D-20, he is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am> taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as the 12th house from AK in D-20.> > So, as I asked before - this 12th house you are calculating spans over two rasi. What is the basis of taking one lord over the other to show Ishta Devata? In the case of Sharada Mata should we take Mars as ruler of Aries or Venus as the ruler of Taurus to show the Ishta Devata and why?> > Regards,> Michal> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr> sohamsa@ .com; vedic astrology; > Saturday, 19 September, 2009 9:32:04 AM> Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa> > > Namaste Michal,> > > Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),> > Of course, anyone can address me that way.> > > what about other examples such as that of Aurobindo that you> > haven't included. there are many spiritual people out there> > - you didn't check

the charts or did it just happen to work> > in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this> > formula doesn't work for?> > In the case of Aurobindo, AK is Mercury with Lahiri but it is Saturn with Jagannatha ayanamsa. I prefer Jagannatha ayanamsa and take Saturn. The 12th house from AK in D-20 is empty. It is owned and aspected by Venus in an own sign. Venus according to Parasara shows Mahalakshmi. If you take the all-pervading Savitaa as a form of Narayana (Surya Narayana), then Saavitri is a form of Mahalakshmi. Out of the three female deities mentioned by Parasara (Moon - Gouri, Venus - Mahalakshmi, Rahu - Durga), Saavitri is closest to Mahalakshmi. Aurobindo was guided by Mother Saavitri (shakti of Savitaa).> > There is a specific dasa taught by Parasara, which seems to point out in several examples the key periods in spiritual life when computed in D-20. I may write about that dasa with

examples later. As per that dasa, it was indeed Venus dasa that saw his spiritual awakening and rapid progress.> > I demonstrated using people who I reasonably believe to have had a high level of spiritual realization with the blessings of a deity. If you think there is someone else who fits the bill, you can send me the birthdata.> > > [*] In divisional consideration chapter Parasara simply equates> > Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?> > There may be several more *related* things to be seen from navamsa. But, people of today may be seeing from navamsa a lot more than they should. If Parasara said vehicle is seen from D-16 and one sees it from D-9, or if Parasara said upaasanaa is seen from D-20 and one sees it from D-9, we clearly have a problem.> > > And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa> > as the most important division. It

can mean other amsa if> > specifically mentioned. > > Why is navamsa "the most important division"?> > In vimsopaka bala of dasa varga, navamsa has a score of 1.5/20 to shashtyamsa' s 5/20. In vimsopaka bala of shodasa varga, navamsa has a score of 3/20 to shashtyamsa' s 4/20. If anything, shahstyamsa is "the most important division" after rasi. Shall we say that amsa means shashtyamsa unless specifically mentioned?> > Given that Parasara almost never specifically mentioned an amsa and only said "amsa" almost everywhere, your interpretation suggests that all other amsas are pretty much not used anywhere and only navamsa is used everywhere.> > Having listed out the matters to be seen from different amsas at the onset, Parasara need not clarify every time which amsa he is talking about. > > > [*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How> > do you choose

which one? You are going to omit the one AK> > is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you> > define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider> > both signs.> > My definition was mentioned earlier. If a reference (lagna, Moon, SUN, HL, GL, AK etc) is at 21Ta34, then the first house from that reference extends from 21Ta34 to 21Ge34. The second house extends from 21Ge34 to 21Cn34. The third house extends from 21Cn34 to 21Le34. And so on. Finally, the 12th house extends from 21Ar34 to 21Ta34.> > [Note: This was inferred from Parasara's teachings on bhava-based aspects of planets. When he taught how to quantify a planet's aspects on various points, he taught adding 25% to the score between 90 deg to 120 deg from a planet, if that planet is Mars. He taught adding 50% to the score between 120 deg to 150 deg from a planet, if that planet is Jupiter. And so on. Adding 25% to the score

means taking the aspect on 4th house to be full instead of 3/4th because it is Mars. Adding 50% to the score means taking the aspect on 5th house to be full instead of half because it is Jupiter. This shows that 90 deg-120 deg from a planet is the 4th house from it and 120 deg-150 deg from a planet is the 5th house from it. This approach is also consistent with the teaching that 7th-12th houses are visible and 1st-6th houses are invisible. In the normal method used by people, 1st and 7th houses are partially visible and partially invisible.]> > In order to find houses from AK, I am taking AK's divisional longitude as I said and doing the above. In Sarada Mata's chart, AK Moon is at 26Le56. In D-20, he is at 28Ta44 (i.e. towards the end of Taurus). I am taking 28Ar44-28Ta44 as the 12th house from AK in D-20.> > Best regards,> Narasimha> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -> Do a

Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -> > sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...>

wrote:> >> > Hare Rama Krsna ||> > > > Dear Narasimha (if I may address you that way),> > > > A couple more questions/comments below [*]> > > > Regards,> > Michal> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr@>> > sohamsa@ .com; sjcBoston@grou ps.com; vedic astrology; > > Friday, 18 September, 2009 3:53:17 AM> > Re: On Seeing Deities from the 12th from Karakamsa> > > > > > Namaste,> > > > Reply to Michal Dziwulski:> > > > > Sharada Ma - Moon AK and Jupiter is in the 12th from it in D20. It is aspected by Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu.> > > > > > Srila Prabhupada - Rahu AK, Jupiter in the

12th (counted in reverse?) who is dispositer of Ketu conjoined AK.> > > > > > Ramakrishna - Moon and Venus are in the 12th (counted in reverse?).> > > > As I indicated in the example of Swami Ramakrishnananda, I am taking the 12th *house* from AK in D-20 using the divisional longitude of AK. I am not taking an entire sign as a house.[*] So then two signs can be involved in this span? How do you choose which one? You are going to omit the one AK is placed in but under what basis? If this is how you define 'vyayasthana' then we should be able to consider both signs. Using that approach, one sees that Sarada Mata and Srila Prabhupada do not have Jupiter in 12th. Ramakrishna has Moon in 12th house from AK, but 12th lords join Ketu. Parasara's formulas give importance to Ketu and I am preferring a factor affecting 12th house that also has a Ketu link. I mentioned this point in Ramana Maharshi example, where I

took the aspect on empty 12th house rather than 12th lord.[*] Yes I saw that. what about other examples such as that of Aurobindo that you haven't included. there are many spiritual people out> there> > - you didn't check the charts or did it just happen to work in all the ones you checked? What about the charts this formula doesn't work for?> > > Another point I would like for you to consider - Parasara says trouble> > > from rats and cats come from 'mesaamsha'. Amsha here could be any> > > division right? As it is trouble being referred to - would amsa here> > > refer to D6?> > > > Well, if "amsa" always means navamsa, Parasara would not define 16 amsas and list the matters to be seen from each! Obviously, amsa can mean a different division based on the matters under discussion. The "master key" is given at the beginning itself.> > [*] In divisional

consideration chapter Parasara simply equates Navamsa with wife. So is that all there is to Navamsa?> > And as far as stating amsa is concerned. Amsa can mean Navamsa as the most important division. It can mean other amsa if specifically mentioned. > > Having not looked at examples of this, I do not want to comment on whether amsa means D-6 or D-30 or something else here.> > > > Reply to Medha Raja:> > > > > Does it means that you do not take into consideration at all the opinion of> > > Irangati and other jyotishas who would look into Krishna Misra Navamsa and> > > see Deity from there ?> > > > Pt Sanjay Rath takes regular navamsa. Sri Iranganti Rangacharya apparently takes Krishna Misra Navamsa as you say. If one reads Parasara *carefully* (the maharshi does not leave anything to chance or ambiguity and arranges his teachings in such a way that

an intelligent person can figure out even seemingly left out things), it clearly suggests vimsamsa.> > > > I cannot take all the contradictory opinions into account and have one coherent method. I have to reject some opinions.> > > > My approach is to give priority to Parasara's teachings, especially when I am able to convince myself based on practical testing.> > > > Best regards,> > Narasimha> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic-

wisdom> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -> > > > > Namaste,> > > > > > I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion on sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its building blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one important building block used in that formula.> > > > > > * * *>

> > > > > In the chapter called "kaarakaamsa phala" in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.> > > > > > The term "kaarakaamsa" means "AK's amsa". Amsa only means division. Which amsa or division is Parasara referring to?> > > > > > Though people jumped to the conclusion that amsa means navaamsa by default, there is one more important thing to consider here. At the onset itself, Parasara clarified which amsas (divisions) are used for which purposes. He clearly said "upaasanaayaaH viGYaanaM saadhyaM viMshati bhaagake", meaning "the knowledge of one's worship and spiritual practices is possible in D-20".> > > > > > If, having said that at the onset, he defines which deities are

worshipped based on the 12th house from AK in an "amsa", can the amsa in question be anything other than D-20?! After all, he clearly said one's upaasanaa is seen from D-20. So the principles laid out later by Parasara for upaasanaa *must* be referring to D-20 by "amsa" and *not* D-9 as people normally take.> > > > > > * * *> > > > > > People faithfully follow tradition and suggest specific ishta devatas to people. However, had some spiritual greats who were liberated by the grace of a deity come to us, we would've probably prescribed a different deity to them. There are several examples and I will share a few here..> > > > > > Ramakrishna Paramahamsa' s AK Rahu is in Cp in D-9 and Sun (Raama/Maatangi) is alone in 12th owned by Jupiter (Vaamana/Taaraa) . Pt Sanjay Rath once argued with me that Lord Rama (Sun) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata and tried to justify it alluding to

things from Ramakrishna' s childhood. He also said that Tara (Jupiter) is Ramakrishna' s ishta devata, because the Kaali idol at Dakshineshwar temple was called "Bhava Taarini" (one who makes one cross the material world).> > > > > > Such logic is unreasonable. Bottomline is that Ramakrishna revered and surrendered to mother Kaali. He saw her in an idol, in a cat, in a flower, in the entire creation and in the light that fills the entire universe. The one who appears scary to several was a beautiful and loving mother to him and She guided his life completely and liberated him. Even before entering nirvikalpa samadhi (a state beyond forms, including the Kaali form), he asked Kaali for permission. That shows what Kaali meant to him! If Jyotish principles you use show Raama or Taaraa as his ishta devata, probably your knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.> > > > > > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is

in Sg in D-9 and Sc is empty. Mars and Ketu own it. One would've suggested Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars or Matsyavatara or Dhumavati for Ketu. Her life too was guided (and liberated) by mother Kaali.> > > > > > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Sg. Jupiter is in 12th and Mars owns it. One would've suggested Vaamana or Taaraa for Jupiter or Narasimha or Bagalamukhi for Mars. Swamiji was into Gayatri mantra and Chandipath. He saw Kaali as a girl and talked to her for most of the second half of his life and derived his energy from her. He remarked in his last few days that the girl Kaali who was around him and giving him energy was no longer visible. If one has saayujya (togetherness) of a deity while living and the deity is constantly guiding one, that definitely must be one's ishta devata.> > > > > > For Ramana Maharshi, 12th from AK Moon contains Ketu in navamsa and Venus owns and

aspects 12th. However, he obtained liberation guided by Shiva at Arunachalam.> > > > > > * * *> > > > > > If we cannot see the correct deity in the case of spiritual giants who succeeded by surrendering to a specific deity, what good are our principles and how well can we guide people?> > > > > > * * *> > > > > > I suggest going back to Parasara and using D-20 instead of D-9. There is one special point when Rahu is AK.> > > > > > Planets have argala on the 3rd, 10th and 12th houses from them. Parasara taught that these houses are counted *anti-zodiacally* when we find the argala of *Rahu and Ketu* on various signs and planets. This makes sense intuitively, as Rahu and Ketu move anti-zodiacally. What Rahu considers as the 1st or 2nd house from him would be based on his anti-zodiacal movement. If 0-30 deg from the longitude of

Mars is 1st house from Mars, 30-60 deg from the longitude of Mars is 2nd house from Mars and so on, as Parasara taught in BPHS, then 360-330 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 1st house from Rahu and 330-300 deg from Rahu's longitude must be the 2nd house from Rahu and so on. Even in the evaluation of chara karakas, Parasara mentioned subtracting Rahu's progress in sign from 30 deg and that is consistent with this entire philosophy.> > > > > > Thus, I conclude that houses should be reckoned anti-zodiacally from Rahu, if Rahu is AK.> > > > > > * * *> > > > > > Now, let us revisit previous examples. I am using Jagannatha ayanamsa. I will stick to Parasara's approach and build on it, rather than use the list of dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. For example, Sun shows Shiva according to Parasara, when influencing the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20). I will not take Sun to show Rama

or Maatangi. Instead of trying to see trees without checking if we are in the right forest, let us first focus on seeing the forest.> > > > > > In the case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, AK Rahu is in Cp in D-20. The 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq, owned by Saturn and Rahu, who are together with Ketu in Cp. As per Parasara, Rahu (and also Saturn sometimes) shows taamasik deities such as Durga ("taamasIm durgaaM", said Parasara) and ugra devatas. Out of the deities listed by Parasara, this is the group that Kaali would fall in.> > > > > > In the case of Sarada Mata, AK Moon is in Ta in D-20. The 12th house is Ar, owned by Mars. Mars is with Saturn in Aq and both aspect Ar. Rahu and Ketu also aspect it. The influence of Aq, Saturn and Rahu is coming again, like in Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Again Kaali is fine.> > > > > > In the case of Swami Vivekananda, AK Sun is in Pi in

D-20. The 12th from him is Aq containing Rahu and Ketu and Saturn owns it. Again, the same influence as the above two charts is seen, which makes sense.> > > > > > See, the three of them have the same influences on the 12th from AK in D-20!> > > > > > Just to contrast, let us take another sishya of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who was a Vaishnava. Take Swami Trigunatitananda (1865 Jan 30, 9:26 pm LMT, Naora, India). AK Jupiter is in Cn In D-20. The 12th is Ge and is empty.. Only Saturn aspects it from Vi. Mercury owns Ge. The influence of Mercury and Saturn according to Parasara shows a devotee of Vishnu. Swami Trigunatitananda was indeed a Vaishnava.> > > > > > In the case of Srila Prabhupada, AK Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini owned Mercury and aspected by Mercury. Saturn and Mercury show Vaishnavas. He realized god

through his surrender to Krishna, a form of Vishnu.> > > > > > In the case of Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami (in the parampara of Ramanujacharya) , AK Moon is in Cn in D-20. The 12th house Ge is owned by Mercury and Saturn occupies it. He has realized whatever he has realized so far, through devotion to Vishnu.> > > > > > In the case of Ramana Maharshi, AK Moon is in Aq in D-20. The 12th from him is Cp. It is empty. Jupiter with nodes in a friendly sign aspects it. Parasara emphasized connection with Ketu in his formulas for 12th from AK. So, we will take Jupiter's aspect on Cp to be more important than Saturn's ownership. Jupiter shows Shiva. Ramana Maharshi was devoted to Shiva at Arunachalam and realized Self.> > > > > > In the case of Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, AK Saturn is in Cp in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter. He too was devoted to Shiva and realized

Self.> > > > > > Take Prof. K.S. Krishnamoorthy (1908 November 1, 12:11 pm IST, Thiruvaiyaru) , the inventer of KP. His AK Rahu is in Sc in D-20. The 12th from it reckoned anti-zodiacally is Sg. Its lord Jupiter is in Sc with 4 other planets. The strongest influence there is that of Ketu. Moreover, Sg is Ketu's exaltation sign. He was devoted to Ganapathi.> > > > > > Take a person with birthdata 1968 March 19 evening, India. AK Saturn is in Vi in D-20. The 12th lord from him is in a Martian sign. Mars in moolatrikona is aspecting 12th and 12th lord. His dominating influence suggests Kartikeya. He indeed practiced a Subrahmanya mantra and had several mystical experiences and making good progress towards realization.> > > > > > In the case of Swami Ramakrishnananda (disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa) , steadfast devotion to spiritual master was the liberating factor. He

constantly served Ramakrishna when he was here and worshipped his relics everyday without fail after he left. Once he requested Ramakrishna for some spiritual experiences, seeing the experiences and ecstasy of other disciples. When Ramakrishna said, "I can do that. But you will not be able to serve me after that", he withdrew his request and said he was then not interested in any experiences! He became liberated through complete surrender, perfect devotion and tireless service to his guru. He was born on 1863 July 13 at 4:56 am LMT at Ichchapur, India. His AK Sun is in Aq in D-20. There are 3 planets in Cp, but only Jupiter is in the 12th house from Sun, based on Sun's divisional longitude in D-20.> > > > > > In the case of Paramahamsa Yogananda (of kriya yoga and "Self-Realization Fellowship" and author of "Autobiography of a Yogi"), AK Venus is in Ar in D-20. The 12th from him is owned by Jupiter, who joins nodes. Jupiter can

show Shiva, but he can also show surrender to a great guru, like in the above example. Paramahamsa Yogananda may have worshipped several deities, but his surrender to his guru Yukteshwar Maharaj (whom he met at 17) and guru parampara (from Mahavatar Babaji) is what liberated him.> > > > > > * * *> > > > > > You can see that I am sticking to the basic classification instead of using dasavataras or dasa mahavidyas. If the 12th from AK in navamsa has Jupiter, some suggest Vaamana and some suggest Taaraa, while Pararsara said Shiva. It is important to see the forest first and then try to see the trees. Clearly, Parasara's indications in BPHS show that the 12th from AK in amsa (D-20) is meant to see the forest (Shiva or Vishnu or Gouri or Kartikeya etc). Seeing the specific form of Vishnu or Shiva or Gouri etc must be from other modifying factors. I will not go into that. But, I want to emphasize that going

into trees without making sure you are in the right forest is not so wise!> > > > > > There seem to be corruptions in our current knowledge. Going back to Parasara faithfully, thinking logically and simplifying things will be helpful in getting more consistent results, in many areas. Unless the principles one uses are verified based on reliable data (e.g. charts of people who indeed made great spiritual progress by worshipping a specific deity), they just remain theoretical and their utility questionable.> > > > > > Best regards,> > > Narasimha

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  • 4 weeks later...


> I mentioned a formula that occurs commonly in the charts of spiritual

> greats, though it is not that common in regular charts. The long discussion

> on sohamsa that followed that post ignored the actual formula and its

> building blocks and focused on other things. I want to say more on one

> important building block used in that formula.


> * * *


> In the chapter called " kaarakaamsa phala " in BPHS, Parasara mentioned the

> deities worshipped based on the planets in the 12th from kaarakaamsha. For

> example, Sun in 12th from AK shows a worshipper of Shiva and Moon in 12th

> from AK shows a worshipper of Gouri.




regarding the authenticity of the Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra. Jaimini

astrology was not mentioned in any classical text and didn’t appear on

the scene until 16th century, any Jaimini astrology in BPHS is a much

later interpolation put in by someone who didn't properly understand



The article that explains can be found at http://tinyurl.com/ykq6pfr

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