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book on kalachakra part one

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chapter one


Who will become millionaires


I use to read scores of books to find out how to make money. In fact many of the

spiritual books on money written by new age authors was helpful in search till I

came to the kalachakra


Remember if u want to be a millionaire then u should have millionaire as

friends. If u want a billionaire then have billionaires as the friend


For example warren buffet has friend called billgates both are billionaire


This is a simple logic when u have understand. Workhard  having honesty takes u

little place in life but to become very rich one should have friends who are



I was amazed and checked many people life. many people who become successful in

pharma were friends.


There fore when some one ask me whether some one will become rich. I simply find

out there friends whether they will become rich or average.


The same logic can be applied for business. Successful business men will have

successful business men as friends.


People who are in to business when have friends who are working for other.

eventually one will change mostly business men will become working men.


Many a time family members or relatives become the role model or helper to

become a business men.










every thing has pattern in the universe. once we understand this it will be very

easy to deal with many things, people have patterns. just like tree blooms in a

season and gives fruit in a season. man has also has pattern. every event in

life marriage work death birth of child have a pattern. if one third eye is open

a person will be able to see this patterns. of course many people knows

unconsiously and say it as sentinment. i have written this book with the

principle idea man has pattern what are different pattern which appears in my

observation. we can correlate this patterns in the astrological chart or

numerological theory also. i have reached in some area using astrological


Of course it will be very offensive to rationalist. To my detractors who

constantly criticize me because of there jealousy. This principle will be

remembered long time to come. Be open. Finally dead men and old men are

worshipped in astrology , any one who is young is always condemned in astrology.

in movies old men are never bothered and people are receptive to young men. Any

this is also a pattern.

Many people will say It is already there Indian scriputer. To my knowledge no

Indian scriptures directly talks on this. There is lot of hints that is all.


Why astrologer should meditate-


The greatest truth can not  be understood by a ordinary mind. To have an extra

ordinary higher mind  ,to open up the greater facility like intuition which the

great patanjali calls in pratiba  one need to meditate. This is one of the

biggest problem of astrologer . they try to look at astrology as a scientific

pursuit which is ok at the beginning but then it is esoteric science. The rules

of the games are very different from the normal intellectual pursuits. One will

become adapt expert skillful due to the meditation.other methods like chanting

pooja homam or any path can be taken . As long one prays god one can understand

the mysteries of this universe.


How is future is known –


Future is known in different ways. This itself is confusion for ordinary mind

which does not meditate deeply. There is individual mind and there is universal

mind or the mind of parabrahma. To give example is satellite is the universal

mind the individual mind is receiving stations of the earth.


One needs to tune in to universal mind to understand the mystery of the

universe. when the individual mind get fused with the universal mind all

knowingness happen. The great siddhas buddhas yogis arhata experience this state

all the time. They need to change there mind frequency to understand any thing

in the universe. There understanding is complete holistic and multidimensional.


This multidimensional cannot be completely expresses in words. It will require

volumes of papers and billons of words to explain. This can not be comprehended

by ordinary mind.


Understanding on any subject comes as flashes and it is  partial slowly these

becomes theory, techniques ,idea, subject in the common world. The ordinary mind

sees one side or few sides of the big picture. The so called research ,analysis

is  a slow method of opening to universal mind.


Learning is channeling the universal mind or the mind of god. Every thing need

to know or every thing which need to be understood is  there in universal mind.


Great yogis are able to do it at will with less effort. opening there mind to

universal they can receive any information. This is called trikala siddhies. .

The common mind which is possessed by normal people take time to open up. That

is what they wait for inspiration mood which happens when the conscious mind

grips loosens up.














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