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patterns of kalachakra in indian mythology

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Chapter four


Indians   read mythology like ramanayana and mahabhartha for spiritual

reasons. Many people do pravchan of ramanayan.  purnanas  are patterns of life

which is written by the famous rishis as the story. Just like flowers, fruits

animals have pattern in nature  human being also  have a  pattern. One

needs  guru grace, gods grace and grace of  goddess of learning sarawathi to

understand this.

Ramanayan can be used as remedy for medicine, art ,literature ,poetry, dance,

drama,politics etc. Such array of multidimensional application is truly stunning

shows a  mark of genius . iam truly grateful for being born as a Indian with a

living tradition carried so long by our ancestors. Looking at the purnanas as

pattern of predictions for my a strology predictions looked stupendous.


Do u go in search of it or u go in search of it –

In the life of lord rama every thing came in search of him. His guru came in

search of him, marriage to  godess sita fixed by his guru, his friends came

more by accident , his enemy ravana came on his own .


In life of duryondana he went in search of every thing . the kingdom, war, the

power,  cunningness of finishing the pandava using sakuni.


In ordinary people life if one look good things like , people places would have

come in search of you that u going in search of them. I know proposal of

marriage came on there own, interviews , jobs, going abroad many things would

have come in search of them. That is the power of karma.


Example – there was a client who was very disturbed and called me from usa. He

wanted to know when he will resettle in India. I tried talking to him but he was

adamant and insisted in a clear answer. I asked him simple question did u go in

search of the job in America or it came on  it own. He was truly stunned as his

job offer for America came on it own and the second job shift also some one else

offered him the job. Then I told “ if u have change from America it will come

on it own . donot waste time “. The insight must have stunned him. He said

thanks and put down the phone. His wife called up few days later and said that

he has become very peaceful.


Remember the great astrology classic talks this as raja yogas. Maharishi

parashara talks combination of Vishnu sthana and lakshmi s\thana. Destiny is

called adhisrta that which u donot see. Dhristi means that which u see. Adhrista

means that which u donot see. If the lord is strong it will come on it own. If

the tenth lord is strong job will come on there own, 7 th lord is strong

proposal for marriage come on there own. When the lord is afflicted on need to

make effort.


When some one ask the question do I need change job or will I get a job ? ask

them whether best thing in life came on there own or they went in search 8 out

of 10 cases will say the best things in life came on there own un expected.


For example in author case 4 th lord was very strong . a plot of land came in

search of him. He did not even make an attempt. Some one asked he said yes. Most

people fail in business because they go in search of it.


Who will help you – friends /family , known or unknown people , close to ur

house or away from house.


In the case of lord rama – he got married due to his guru vishwa mithra who

took him away from his house and got him married. His father who was king never

played an significant part in that.

Take the case of war with ravana /. Some of the best rama helper were sugriva,

haumana , visbheesan were all outside people. Even though relatives was powerful

and his won brother was king he could never help from them. Of course his

brother lakshman was exception in this pattern we will deal with later.


In case of duryondana his own blood fought the battle. Sakuni was his uncle,

bheesma was his own grand uncle. In case of pandavas the lord krisha was not

there relatives.


Example I known many people get a good job or college seat due to help of

friends or un known people or people who come to there house.  Marriage

proposal many times when parents have failed and given up if they get across

with the outside people like the friends it starts clicking.


Find out who helped them this will help in easier ways. For example business

some people will be very successful only with the own people when they shift to

the friends they would lost money.


Only if the 9 th lord and 4 th lord is very good then onluy father can help. If

the 5 th lord is afflicted then that person can not help his children.




Were only be successful near the house or the away from house-


There was a clinet who called up from usa and want to get back his parents. His

4 th lord was affected.


I asked him following questions-

Did u not study in hostel he said yes?


Did u not work away from the place u studied yes?


Always u felt u  have be close to house and yet u are far away he said yes.


I said u will not come back to India. Because all along u have stayed away from

the birth place and parents it would be diffcult to come back.


See for libra lagna the 4 th lord in 6 8 12 houses. Born in one place, studied

another place and lived in another place. Working away from home.


Lord rama was born in one place, married in another place, fought the battle in

another place.


Duroyandana was born lived and died in the same place.


This is very crucial for person success were a person will be successful.


4 th lord is weak never in there own birth place away will be helpful.


7 th lord is afflicted away from wife.


9 th lord is afflicted away from parents.


What u speak will it come true- many people say they want to do this or do that.

It does not materialize. The secret it is look at the the second lord. If the

second lord is good then what they say they can implement and make it come true.

If the second lord is affected then what they say they can not do it.


One day I was traveling in train to chennai. My wife was concerned because the

ticket was in waiting list. I hope we will get the seat . I knew her second lord

was affected. I knew we were not going to  get the seat. As anticipated we did

not get the seat and went to first class.


In mythology the more duroyandana vowed to kill pandavas they survived. The more

lord rama kept quite on ravana the more he was turning victorious. So remember

the more u shout howl and fight and swear the less it will happen. Silence rule


The more are client are desperate the more it will not happen. For example there

was a lady who opposed her daughter love marriage .she howled barked etc finally

gave in to the wishes of  her daughter. Still water runs deep.




Will events in life will happen with a problem and frustration- see the chart

when rahu is associated with two or more planets, rahu with Saturn, ketu with

Jupiter, rahu and mars, ketu with mars, sun with rahu  there is bound to be



I know a chart with Jupiter ketu lot of negative karma is accumulated. They

marry twice cheat. Most of the westerners end up in India have the combination

of Saturn with rahu. All events happen with tensions and pain./


When the lord is strong event happen with minimum tensions. For example seventh

lord is very good then the event will happen lot of smoothness.


What u plan will it happen – many people seek astrology because  they want to

fulfill the desires. But many times life is other wise. Check for budha if it is

strong one own plans will be easy to materialize. If the budha is weak then the

affliction  to plan will be there. It is called law of crap . what people think

expect and want desperate never happens most of the time. Only if the intuition

is highly developed then only the plans will happen. Other wise rarely it



When lagna lord is weak in prasna chart what they think will not happen. Most

people will change the mind or situation will change that they have alter the



Should u listen to people or go according to ur own plan – natures warns

through wife or friends some time sthe guru warns. For example see the example

of ravana who was warned by several people of imminent failures. Same is the

case of duryonadna who was also warned.


When ever some one start the business ask them whether there wife is opposing or

supporting them . this will give u fair idea whether the project is going to be

successful or not. Most of time wife and family members would have been against

it. If person is not supported from family who they will be successful?


How will u grow – most people wil grow step by step in phased manner. Some one

asked me how come dhirbai ambani grew. When there is vipreeatha raja yoga people

will grow exponentially not step by step. This is rarely understood in money

making .from 10s , 100s, 1000s lakhs , crore the person will grow very few

people jump and grow in leaps and bounds.


Some one asked me will I become millionaire – I asked him how much he was

making in 1000s not in this life time. Because he does not have energy to grow

so fast. Un less the person belongs to millionaire family then only he can also

grow in that manner.



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