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patterns of how death will happen - kalachakra

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Chapter five – death and it sequence in kalachakra



Mothers death


Many people felt there heart felt condolences towards my mother. Some of them

were sarcastic saying that did u know death was coming? Only god knows some one

death etc Did u know astrological that death was coming to her?these dialogues

was said for the sake of hurting me proving point  showing how limited human

being iam. Which is very good because it helps me to control my   pride and

develop humility.


In the book aghori vimalananda  written by robbert svoboda predicts that his 

father was going to die. It happens exactly at the end of year in dec 31st. it

leaves lot of mystery with out knowing how death can be predicted. It can be

done with short long and medium term indicators. Any way I have strange ways 

of knowing death was arriving iam writing this piece so that knowledge can be

systemized and used even by lay man.



I met swamiji shanthananda of vasista guha along with my wife in ramana ashram

who said that he was going die . my wife started crying . she feeling for her


for meditation I went to ramana ashram were bhagawan ramana stayed in mortal

coil.  I  got clear indications of death. I went back and told him that he 

will not die. True to my words which came  to lord grace he is still lives

after 7 years. May he live long to serve many people..



For example my aunt who is father own sister came to my house. She said this

might last time iam came to see you. Then after few days she fell ill and was

diagnosed with cancer. My father was leaving to meet his sister. I told  him

donot waste ur time ur sister is going to die . donot take bring her to Chennai.

He got so angry and was very abusive towards me. Nothing wrong . just that he

did  not understand what I under stood.


I went to  a Bengali friend house and met there mother in law. She said some

thing which was  in coherent I told my friend that her mother in law will die

with in few months she was healthy suddenly she passed away with in three



There are other indications which are given in scriptures which mostly 99.99% of

people can not understand employ or use by common people. For example they say

eyes will roll up , when the close ears they can not hear sound . these are for

very sensitive people who are not gross and have certain values in life for them



When a person is about to leave the world first three things will happen




They will meet people who they love a lot.



Normally they will go to places which are connected to love or child hood.


For example my grand mother went to her  native village after 40 years.. She

stayed for 10 days came back to my house fell ill and passed away.


There was friend of mine who name of surendar. His grand mother was  about

taken for native  village. I told his mother donot send her she will not come 

back. She died with in few days.


I heard a man who meet all his children and grand children and told that he is

going to die and passed away.



They will finish all duty responsibility in there life


There was friend of mine name is puspendra his father died after finishing his

last sister marriage,


In that many will leave the earthly abode if they donot have main

responsibility. my mother had her  68 birth day she meet many of friends and

relatives . it was not a birth day celebration it was fare well arranged by my

wife with out knowing how her  time  was using her to bid good bye.




The secondary indications are as follows.


They will lack taste in food.most of them will stop eating few days before





My grand mother, mother every one stopped eating almost one week before the



They will have lose motions or bowels will get cleaned.




They had regular bowel moment. My mother passed motions huge quanity for her 

food eating before 4 hours.


One of friend went to bath room shat and then came out and passed away.


My father went to hair cut , had then had bath in bath room came out and passed



The swara will flow in one nostril


I met a old man my wife friend father in law. He was very sick. I taught him

pranayama. He said to me that breath does not change from one nostril to other.

Iam grateful for he gave the first hint of the swara yoga.


When death will come closer  the breathing will become harder. It is as if the

breath is pressed to come  out of the lungs.


If they are sensitive they will see the other world some what vaguely.




For example my mother started complaining of a man who came and disturbed her.

She started images from the other side. She was seeing agents of death very

clearly one week before her death.she was terrfied.


Normally most higher soul pray to be passed away


My father did 108 poojas and passed away


My mother before her death day requested “ god take me away soon “.


,most souls even if they are lower in nature will know about death.


I have known many elderly people will pray to taken  off.


The other indications of death


There will be lot of bitterness in there  life. Whom they love will leave them.

For example my friend latha father in law loved his sons. Due to financial

problem that son has leave him.  He lost will to live


,my father lost his mother few months who was pillar of strength. The great

dasaratha dies after the departure of rama. The great dhidrsta dies after the

death of duryodana.


For one of the big astrologer by name vidwan v lakshmana whose was consulted

by  mgr ex chief minister of tamil nadu died once his son in law passed away

with in few dats


handing over ceremony –


they will find one successors. My father met me near  the north west stair case

and said u have take care of ur brother. I told him that how ever he is problem

I will take care.


My mother said closer to death when new rental clients had came  she said “ u

will take care here after u are all responsible.



People who execute will arrive.


Before my mother death my aunty came. She has never stayed in our house easily

last  25 years. Every time she came and stayed my mother conditioned worsened.

The more I did  not want to come more she came. In fact I told my student

jayashree that my aunty has come to execute death. She has never called up or

come after that even once, I stooped prevented my aunt coming after the month of

june. My mother passed away In dec 2009.


For  father and grand mother =  there was  one maid servant and another one

boy both left very close to death of my grand mother and father.


Time indicators for death


Dogs will cry before one month or one week before the  death. It will eerie

sound which will abnormal for the dogs. This I have seen for my mother and grand

mother father.


U will meet people exactly who  have Same problems. For example before my

father I met a man who did not have who passed away suddenly . I use to go to

temple with this man. It stopped after my father death even once  I have not

gone for last 4  years.


Before I mother passed away I met ramakrishnan who is nice person. When I was

eating in a hotel along with his friend  I knew that same problem will come for

me. His mother has leg problems and she passed away few years ago.


U will feel hear see about the death in subtle ways


In some way most people will attend  or pass or see some kind  of death ritual

which will make them uncomfortable.


I went to by a sapling for wife. We got stuck near  kilpauk cementry it took

near 10 minutes to start the bike with out much reason.


Place- my mother was lying down in near the western door. Exactly the place her

leg problems started. I told her not to lie down when problems started

aggravating she shifted to north eastern room. Till she was there was no



We shifted from upstairs to down stairs. I told my wife t shift our bed room to

south west. I was out at that time. The maid servant went and told that bed

was  big there fore it was advised by my  mother to  shift the bed  room to

south west, with in 20 days she passed away. Then she shifted to the exactly

closer to the western door were she had intial problems.  North west in my

house will never get activated. It started getting activated. 


Hour of death.



Three people in my house passed in north west grand father, father and mother.


Grand mother moter and father passed away in the night.


Father mother close to 8 o clock.


Final men


In the both case the final person who left the  place after seeing them are

black man who is from different caste high check bone. Description of Saturn.



They will die close to the person whom they love the most. For example my father

in my lap and mother when all of us were together. My grand mother near my wife.

Latha father in law died as soon he saw son  who came  abroad,


prayer routine for completely disturbed.



I could not go to tirupati, my kula devata or any big temple. In fact my

One lady came and told me that u are holding soul back so stop praying for my



Another time when I was praying for grand mother putting the maha mritunajaya

yantr and the mantra I was asked to stop before final days of death.


This  article is not written out of  pompousness. I met a man in adayar were

swami shanthananda  was staying . he  said  that death could never predicted.

I told it could be done much before hand if one knows swara yoga.


Those who walk will made to lie down those lie down will not be allowed to move

those who talk will made silent .


For example my mother went through these phases of death.  Walking then she

stopped walking, then only sitting in the bed, then she was only lying even that

she could not move.


Some  souls pray half  away process and escape it.


 I have seen many doctors nurses who have dealt with death regularly know this

death indicators not all of them atleast some of them.



When u meet a  so called ghreva wearing saint or people who  are so called

sanaysi or old people or people who have problems with sickness  who make

statement such a god knows only death it shows  there level of ignorance.


Respect them for there level of understanding.  share them this article because

god is kind compassionate.  A mortal ordinary can be such clear indications of

death  which can be useful to many people.  They just need to pray that is



Mark my words god gives every soul to prepare for there death.


Two people found  out my level of understanding in subtle ways. Mahesh ramani

my friend asked me during the funeral  of  ur  mother you looked so composed

how come?


Then another person barabara who said how can u help at this hour? My mother was

admitted in hospital before her death. I just smiled.


Yes I miss my mother I know that I will meet in bardo or subtle world  many

times after this. Yes iam grateful for her . will I miss her ? do I still love

her ? yes love is god. Iam grateful to her for many things. She was first

teacher first love but when the fare well time comes even this has to go because

like the great milarepa sings



All worldy pursuits have but one unavoidable

and inevitable end, which is sorrow:

acquistions end in dispersion;

buildings, in destruction;

meetings, in separation;

births, in death.

Knowing this, one should, from the very first,

renounce acquisition and heaping up,

and building, and meeting; and, faithful to the commands

of an eminent guru, set about realizing the Truth

People will die in cluster  in lineages . there is lineage pattern in the way

people die. One pattern in my lineage. people will have problems in there legs .

I shall talk on patterns  of dying in lineages at some point when great naryana

wants to me write once again.



I dedicate this article. Any one who read the article have knowledge of death.


the following sequence will happen in terms of death.


feeling- will get hurt by others people actions. especially people who are very

close to them.


will feel meaningless.


all duties are over.


will like visit the native place or the place he loved most.


will visit people or see people who are close.


will lose friends and close relatives.


will like say sorry for what he has done.


will like to take account of ones own living . writing bio graphy etc.


will get award or reward which has been thirsting for number of year



will feel intense thirst to leave life.


will go some sequence of temple which he will pray to die.


many people want him to die and they will say behind his back.


living will not be contrubuting to any one.


there will intense pain of diease.whihc will make him plead god to take him or



slowly the motion will be curtailed were the person will be inside four walls of

the house, then only bed and then no moment and then pass away. this is one of

the sequence.


will do some thing very diffrent from core of personality. my grand mother

started eating with every one she had eaten like that to my memory.




why a person live


he will be having problems which has to solved./


some deep desire like that of grand child marriage etc.


will find many problems to solve.


existence in meaningful for many people.


will be useful to many people in society.


he /she can not find sucessor to solve the problems


will not visit his native place/.


will still wait for some people to meet.


will not have drastic change in habits.


will not want to die.


will have deep desire to live.


other people want him to live. like mgr who was prayed by every obne to be



how the close people will perceive the death.


they will hear death news


break down of objects or  electricity.


change of bed for the ailing people.


they will attend some kind of funeral.


for example father death means they go to some one father death.


they will see ambulance number or presit connected with it.


tehy will have felt sense taht some one is going to die.


tehy will be dicussing on some one death and how one should prepare for death.


they will visit cremation ground,hopsitals place of death.


they will also be away or near to a person depending on the karma.

in a strange coincidence way.


they will sudeen influx of money or some one will give them.


there will be some travel to some holy places for it will take time for them

travel for long time/






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