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lineage pattern in kalachakra

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Chapter eleven


Lineage cycle


When I was young before I took to astrology use to believe in words of Norman

Vincent peale, dale carenegie, napoleon hill. I use think that just hard work

and  talent can help to go places. One can become what one wants.. As the wheel

of life moved, when astrology become full time profession and the up and down of

life helped to appreciate karma, lineage karma and the eternal wisdom of India.

There is nothing wrong in concepts, ideas and models of the western concepts of

hard work success etc. it has a very limited application. As one evolves one

come to the point of higher understanding then these ideas get expanded evolved.

What iam sharing is the insight. I have paid heavy price in my life. People who

are close to me will understand what Iam trying to communicate.


There are two types of lineage. One is positive lineage. the following broad

based pattern will be seen. Some of the pattern need not be seen in some

lineage. Mostly 80-90% of the pattern will fit in.  In this elderly people will

live long. Marriage and  child birth will happen in time, most of them will

have male children, families in terms of functions like marriage child birth

will be helpful for each other, there will be exchange of money ideas and

contacts, the elders punya will be guiding source of light.. Money earned will

be saved multiplied, houses and  vehicle will come easily, education will be

good, people will have very good values, most of them will be interested in god

religion and higher principle of consciousness, Dana will be high.


In the negative lineages fighting will be common, the cooperation among family

members will be lowest, fights in functions  will be common, elders will die

early, many people will have one parents or some of them will be chronic dieases

like mental illness, marriage and child birth will be late and some of them will

not get married or will not have children, most of them will have girl child,

education and teenage problem will be common, elders will be restless oldage

filled with pain power struggle will children, money will wasted and spending on

illness court case will be common. Many people will not have proper jobs and

those who proper jobs will not have children or marriage.


One does not require any brilliance or extra ordinary ability to be moderately

successful . if one is up ward cycle in lineage a person will be successful.

That is why in many lineages people are naturally successful and in some

lineages person have problem.


Generally a lineage can be taken as a team. Some people work in marriage, some

people work in education, some people work in spiritual side, some people work

in the health side.


For example iam good in astrology. In my mothers side many people have basically

good knowledge in astrology. My grand father and grand mothers paternal and

maternal side is very spiritual. They did not make huge amount of money.they did

pooja did japa and generally lead life of spiritual success. This means they

worked for spiritual side of lineage. One of uncle is a school head master . his

work has helped many people to get educated in the lineage. I know a family were

every one is post graduate the grand father build a school.


This is very crucial aspect forgotten by the so called success gurus. Who failed

to understand no matter what ever hard work some people put they will never make

that kind of money. For example dhirubai ambanis make more money than most

people. Just that system favors them and many people work for them so that they

make money. Ancestors must have been blessed by the saints..


Billionaires or millionaires are born. They are not made, if they are made it is

due to punya of the ancestors. Most people are sincere and work very hard . why

donot they make money like nandan nilekani or naryana moorthy?


Naryana moorthy parents and ancestors must have done some very good punya in

there life. If life is viewed as whole then many puzzles answer look very easy.

One needs higher perception to understand it.


For example take the family of kamal hasan many people are actors, actress

writers and directors. In the same way take the case of most industrial houses

most of there family members are business men.


There is ascension cycle, dissension cycle and middle cycle. To give example my

grand mother build the current house but she did not enjoy fully. I did not put

money or help in building the house. I enjoy the full house with out working for

it. My grand mother was in ascension cycle and iam in middle cycle were all

benefit is passed on with out me working for it.


Some family members can pull down the energy of the lineage by fighting

bickering or acting abusively. Learn to bless them. Pray for them. This will

stop the energy from moving downward.


I have seen many people boasting that they have done all evils and they get away

with it. This is because the lineage good karma protects them. They action will

affect the lineage .


Some people can destroy the good punya. They can screw up the lineage money by

taking bribes fraud and  cheat. They can get away with it because the lineage

karma protects them. Eventually they will  pay for there deeds to gain higher

understanding.some people are so wicked they get away with it because of there

lineage good punya.




For example chief minister karuna nidi of tamil nadu who is very strong atheist

and does not believe in god or in higher existence will find it very difficult

in life to understand the esoteric knowledge. In fact entire lineage will have

problem with subtler reality of life. Of course one does not understand and

lives in ignorance every thing looks hunky dory. They have money power fame

every thing going good but religion spirituality higher truth will be denied for

long time to the lineage members. He has spolit the marriage cycle by marrying

many times etc.


If one views esoterically then his crown charka will be small. Spiritual cord

will be thin like a wire.



Some people can destroy the good punya. They can screw up the lineage money by

taking bribes fraud and  cheat. They can get away with it because the lineage

karma protects them. Eventually they will  pay for there deeds to gain higher

understanding. some people are so wicked they get away with it because of there

lineage good punya.



For example Afghanistan sell opium and also fights the whole world. Women refuse

to marry terrorist so they are forcing women to marry. They also have fight with

whole  world. There is highest infant morality death in the world. Education is

very low though they are high in certain facet of religious value.


If one sees the history of Afghanistan they looted India many times the ghoris

ghaznis balbans etc. now if u see Afghanistan is so poor they have to do harm to

make money. See in the same way the arab country only desert yet there are rich.

Marriage cycle in Afghanistan is screwed up. There is lot of homo sexuality

because the afghans  use to rape the women when the entered the town or village

after the battle. In fact the famous rajput princess padmini who was wife of

rana sanga  did sati which means  jumped in to the fire when the armies of the

afghan king  allaudin khiiji entered in to mewar, effectively the wheel life of

life grinds. Just that god has to bless every one with higher understanding.


America sub prime is due to curse of the many mothers who children must have due

to mindless battle in iraq.


How did I come to insights. Some one asked me why u pray so much I said many

life has bigger problems than urs that is reason. I have every kind of prayer to

have child, most temple I have vsisited, use to do prayer every day for the

baby, whomever I gave mantra or did pooja had children. With out elaborating I

exceeded my levels and capacity in the prayer for the baby.

I prayed so much to have baby. Really prayed so hard. Then one day this insight

came like a flash of lighting. My paternal grand father one was lawyer and other

side one was jailer. I think it sums up what kind of karma must have been done.

My brother is schizophrenia, we use to have so much fighting among family

members, many of the ladies are divorced some of son in law  committed suicide

, many people donot live as husband and wife.many of them donot have children.

Cursing boasting is common theme during religious function. My uncle 70 marriage

was boycotted by  his brother and sister.


If u read the article please pray for me to have child. Though I have adopted

baby girl who is very sweet may my own story be inspiration for greater

understanding and travel the path of good karma. Donot feel sorry for me . when

u go to the temple please pray for me to have a son of my own.


This is written in 11 th day of my mothers death.


Thanks for reading. I dedicate this merit to my family for birth of son and also

solving the issue of  birth of children



Chapter 12


By Chennai Based Indian Astrologer K.B.Gopalakrishnan

19th APRIL ,2009 12:43PM

Many lineages good karma gets destroyed because of many reasons. This is due to

murder and rape which are the main reason and the other one is the curses of the

many people. Some people borrow money and do not repay it. I know a man who died

leaving his sons with debts. They did not pay back. everyone in their house has

problems in work. Some of them have indulge in negative activities to make



For example the mughal dynasty’s fall was due to the heinous act committed by

Aurangzeb. He cut the head of Guru Tej Bahadur and so many Sikh and Hindu holy

men which lead to rebellion and ill will. He must have got curses from so many

people. Shivaji had Samaratha Ram Das, Tukaram and one more guru who were much

callipered. They blessed him to establish the Hindu raj.

Many people in political power kill their enemies. They get away with it because

of their power etc. slowly the law of karma takes over and their children

suffer. I have seen the elders who find someone responsible to carry on the

family duties and responsibilities. This is a subtle way of handing over


Killing of snakes for clearing the land or grabbing land from innocent people

can lead to these problems. Rape or forcing women to have sex can have problems

in the long run for the lineage.

Normally 1, 3, 5 ,7 generations, the karma passes through. What good deed is

done by father is enjoyed by his grand children. For example what I do will

affect my grand children the most. What my grandfather did will affect me the

most. The skipping of karma from one generation to another blinds many people to

the real working of law of karma,


Every 5th generation ancestors will be born once again. That is why three pindas

are kept and then one more person who is doing the karma. It totals up to four-

for father, grandfather, great grandfather sharadda is done. The person and his

children total to 5 generation. Therefore this person’s grand children will be

his great great grandfather or great great grandmother. If we keep

every generation as 50 years which means 50 x 5 which is equal to 250 years.. So

once in 250 years a person gets a birth plus or minus years in some cases for

one to get the birth. I heard a bizarre story which is true. One lady’s

husband was very sick. She prayed and her dead father appeared in the dream. He

said “sorry. Mistake was done. He will recoverâ€. Within few days the husband

recovered and someone died in their lineage.


Many a times these things are not seen. People look at it from their perspective

as success and failure. If one looks at the bigger picture of vamsa then many

puzzles and problems will be revealed very easily. The same patterns can be seen

in kula, gotra, varna, jati, race and desa etc. For example mayawati’s success

is success of the jati. She reaps and enjoys the hard work of many people who

sacrificed and worked for the dalit cause in many ways. Ambedkar is a fine

example of working for cause yet did not reap the benefit. It is not that she is

intelligent, cunning etc but the karmic energy was build up the generation of

lower caste people. In fact some of them would have dreamt of learning vedas

which is now possible politically in Tamilnadu where lower caste are taught

Vedas by the upper caste. It would have been dreams of many lower caste people

to be the ruler one day. The democracy as a model is reflecting. I have seen

many Brahmins having

problems in work though they are good in communication, talent and

intelligence. This is due to the jati which suffer due to negative karma of



Finally these patterns get repeated even in the spiritual lineages. Some great

men give birth to a lineage which lasts for 1000s of years. For example Adi

Shankara started the dasanami order of the lineage. The great naropa blessed the

great marpa and said “you will give birth to a spiritual lineage. This will be

like a great river which will benefit many sentient beingsâ€.


There can be great super star in the lineage and also people who create a bad

name. If one sees the lineage in Varanasi they lack spiritual depth and power.

This is because more time is used for marketing and pulling up their egos than

doing sincere practice. Some of them combine with politician to gain great

respect, fame and money from people.


In kanchi lineage the great jayaendra saraswathi could command such a respect

from many people whereas his successors find it difficult to hold the energy. He

got mixed up with some politician who in turn created lot of problems for him in

the end. for example Dayanand Saraswathi who is the guru of Rajini Kanth created

so many students who in turn taught adviatha every were. He is the founder of

great lineage in adviatha philosophy. The great bhagwan nityananda has swami

muktananda as his successor. Then there was the guru mayi. This is a spiritual

lineage. Even in ramdas ashram, they do not have super stars like ramdas but

people whose conducts are excellent like that of mother krishna bai. Swami

sachiananda and swami muktanada have done excellent work.


The great Jain’s have the tirthankaras which is a spiritual lineage.. Even to

get qualified at this level is very tough. The great Buddhist had the kagyu

lineage which is average now. Imagine 5 generation after milarepa had guru who

had all kind of siddies. When more than 5 generation of people are very

spiritual, then a great spiritual being is born. Bhagwan Ramana ancestors must

have been very spiritual. They would have done so much of punya to have great

spiritual genius born in to their lineage. Normal human perception is to look

people individually. If one gets the vision of unity one will see these people

as team. Then these insights are very easy.


Like cricket or football teams of the world. vamasa is a team. different

families work for the vamasa, different vamasas work for kula, different kulas

work for the gotra, different gortas work for the jati, different jaties work

for the varana , different varanas work for the religion, different religion

work for the desa, different desas work for the continents, different continents

work for whole world, and this goes on and on.










By Chennai Based Indian Astrologer K.B.Gopalakrishnan

19th APRIL ,2009 12:43PM


Some pattern keeps repeating in every lineage. Many people gave me live examples

and I was extremely shocked at these patterns that could be so easily



Lineage rising star- a good example is the current chief minister of Tamilnadu.

He came to power with that all the family members become successful one way or

the other. The whole DMK party serves this family. This is very example of one

man rising in the lineage. The entire vamsa gets benefited. In fact this can be

seen in ambani’s life also. He became rich and entire clan got lifted. Another

example is that of Nehru who came to power. In fact his father was a successful

lawyer who promoted him extensively. When he came to power people who were part

of lineage etc got elevated.


Some people work in lower level; they will help their family, relatives and many

members of their clan. I know a man who had seven children. He settled his

children. He helped his brother’s and sister’s family before his death. Many

people came for his death. These people lift the lineage to the next level of

education or prosperity or success.

Lineage destroyer- These people destroy the good karma of the lineage. There are

some variations in the pattern. They get married, lose job towards the birth of

the first child and never went back to the job. Their spouse or parents or

someone in the lineage will support them. All these people will talk big

philosophy and hate people within the lineage. Generally these people cannot get

along with their relatives. Variation in this pattern as follows

Some people need not get married but they will not have job. Sometimes they may

have huge debts. Sometime strong vices like drinks etc.


Basically they will not make money. They will hate their close relatives.

Generally they have disturbed speech and mood. Many of them have bad habits.


Some people do it with marriage. They get married two or more times. They have

severe problems due to the marriage and children. They do heinous crimes like

rape etc and they get away with it whereas the whole lineage will suffer due to



I heard one story were a lady got married to someone second time. She drove away

the first wife’s son away. She had children and all the children suffered

financial problems. Her grand children have marriage problems or conception



Lineage lifter- these people will be strong in god, worship and temple. They

will have basic interest in religion and philosophy. These people will pray and

will stop the negative cycle. My grandmother use to pray for her son’s

welfare. She brought all her children in extreme poverty with less support. The

reason for her success is strong prayer. Another example is actor Govinda’s

mother who had strong prayer. He became a star and then she died. There was a

lady whose husband was working in film studio. She used to pray and bless her

children. Both her son become financially very successful. Normally these roles

are taken up by ladies. Sometimes it can be done by men also.


Humayun in lineage – these people reap and enjoy the success of previous

generation. His father Babur was very successful and humayun enjoyed his

father’s momentum of success. Though humayun had vices people around shielded

him from harsh reality. For example the Indira Gandhi family enjoyed the success

of Rajiv. Rajiv gandhi enjoyed his mother success etc. in general these people

will have good job, money etc. they will not be strong in religion and generally

they will not abuse people. Soft in speech and character, they may work in

important position which will add to their good karma. Another example is T. N.

Seshan, ex-election commissioner.


Each of these people work in for one aspect of life. For example a business man

had built schools. His entire lineage had so many people as graduates, post

graduates and doctors. Many of them left the business and many of them had

become teachers and professors.


The weakest link in the lineage- some people are the weakest link in family

karma. When something negative is about to happen or someone act negatively they

tend suffer the most. This is common in people who are without jobs or have some

health problems. Their health problems will fluctuate when someone performs

negative karma or negative action in the family.


The strongest link in the lineage will tend to enjoy all the good benefit. Any

good someone does these people will enjoy the most. Any negative action or karma

does not affect them at all. They will have money, house, good health and

generally good career. I know a person who has a good wife, girl who is

artistically talented, makes money and has son which is rarity in lineage were

most of his people have female offspring’s only.


The mixed ones – they are the most difficult people of the lineage. They do

many good things and at the same time they tend to do most negative things. For

example owner of saravana bhavan did lot of good to the temples. He also tried

to get married to a very young girl and murdered her husband. He has done so

much good and also destroyed the marriage cycle of the lineage. His grand

children will have terrible repercussion for no reason.


And then there are elderly people who tend to be negative, sarcastic, angry and

hurt people in their old age. In fact first half of life would have been

difficult the second one would have been good and in the third half of life they

will create so much of problems. They will be stubborn, adamant and create most

of the problems. These people have least karmic understanding.. They think they

are successful in many aspect of life so they think they are great and everyone

should pay respect for them.


Many families have the 30 years cycle. First thirty years they would have had

difficult time the next thirty years they will have very good time.


Alternative generation creates problems – for example Babur was good and then

humayun was problematic. Akbar was excellent then Jahangir had problems. Shah

jahan was ok and Aurangzeb was very problematic.


This can be seen in middle income families where the father would have suffered

in poverty and worked hard to build his children. Children will go abroad make

money and their children will have horrible character and will not even study



Ordinary people in lineage – these people do not add to good or negative

karma. They simply maintain status quo. They will get married and have children.

Generally children will be successful. These people fit in to the gap between

lineage lifter and lineage destroyer.














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