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remedial measure and kalachakra

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Chapter seven

Remedial measure- does i

t work  ?


Many people ask me the question whether remedial measure will work ? these are

very intellectual people who believe that what ever one is destined will happen.

At the most astrologer can predict it.


There is second set of people who believe that remedial measure will work. For

any thing and every things if one does pooja, pariharam or remedial measure will



Let me take the middle view. Remedial measure will work immediately if the karma

is very thin. If the karma is very thick then many sets of different remedial

measure need to be done for clearing the karma.


For example some people do mantra for babies And they immediately conceive this

is because there karma is thin. I know some one who has done 5 times santhana

gopalakrishnan pooja yet the problem was not solved.


The next logical question is find  out whether karma is thin or thick/


There are many ways to find out . let me explain few methods which will be easy

to understand and use it daily life


In the horoscope were ever rahu and ketu is there that place has karmic

problems. Whenever rahu and ketu is associated with many planets then also those

planets have strong problems. For example with mars rahu or ketu will trigger

problem of sibling rivalry. With venus problems in marriage


Second method- normally karma is thin if they do remedial measure of homam is

done even once then problem will be cleared


Third method


Normally these people are sensitive receptiove kind in words respectful towards

people generally humble and will have clean life


People who have karma will thick will be insensitive in words opposing un kind

in criticism over expectation like to argue fight snub and will not repent for

the mistakes.


Fourth method.


Lineage of people who have karma thin will be in ascension cycle which means

most people will be married will have children good job etc.


People who have thick karma will have lot of unmarried people, many of them will

not have children poor in education. Fighting and differences will be common.



How to avoid negative karma


The best way is nitya pooja and second method is nitya temple. This is one of

the best method to keep the forces of negative karma. Many people will find it

difficult to go to daily temple. At least weekly once go to temple and secondly

have pooja or prayer for 5 minutes which will help a lot.

Second method is to say sorry whenever u hurt people in words. Say sorry this is

best method to reduce the impact of the negative karma.


How does the remedial measure work


In work internally and externally. Internally it calms the emotional body ,

brighten the  mental body, opens the third eye, calms the senses and makes u

aware of the mistakes problems we are creating with the  situation and people.


For example some one has office problem he light lamp for rahu and ketu . what

happens atleast the person will not escalate the problem with boss or fellow

men. He will be in calmer state in dealing with people and also will be in

control of his emotions .


The second way it works externally. It clears the energy so karya siddies will

happen, it will cut un wanted links create good links, make a person be away

from certain places and objects which triggers the negative karma.


For example one person wants to successful in interview and does prayer for the

lord ganesa.  The person will easily clear the interview.


There fore remedial measure will work on various level. Depending on where the

energy is needed


First on the mind level, emotional level then only it will work in physical

level. That is why when one does remedial measure mind will immediately feel

peaceful calm and will in positive state of mind.


Many of people who work on remedial measure are not aware of this simple

principle that remedial measure will work on internal level first before it

starts working on other levels.


The second problems is when the karma Is thick lineage wise block need to be

cleared. Then only the family block can be cleared. For example if more than 3

generation people have lecuo derma then it will lot more tougher to clear the

karma. There fore one has to work continuously to clear the negative karma in

long standing manner,


Basically the charka gets cleaned koshas get purified that is impact of remedial

measure. When one looks the world as energy field then it is easy to solve many

mystery of life.


The usage of ugra devata in pariharam


I generally donot prefer for the ugra devata. The main reason one needs to be

emotionally very calm to deal with it other wise karma will amplify. For example

some one does for durga and goes and curses the people then his words will have

power. So one need to take the vow of silence or compassion when one does ugra

devata. Energy is high that is why many people like it.


Secondly ugra devata works in following areas winning over enemies, competition,

sports, court cases, debts , problems in health. In terms of debts people will

not come and trouble you. It will not solve the debt problem.


The other areas ugra devata is cutting link with the people and stambhana of

people. For example if some one is opposing in the office then the person might

not go and complain against you.


I always believe in loving kindness, most of time in work in my favor, for

example some one used a bagala muki mantra against me,. it was very intense

attack. It was in night and was unable to sleep. I did not want to get in

psychic warfare because it was pointless. I went to the person in night and gave

some thing what the person had asked yet  I have not given for some time.

Secondly I met the person and explained that I was interested in any kind of

psychic warfare. Remember it was attack of level 10. most people will go mad the

so called mantric and tantric would have run away from the place. The person who

attacked me told me that I was very good in psychic warfare. Iam still friends

with him because I believe when one fight only one person fights when u are in

ahmisa nature fights for you.


This actually solved for me the problem. I could have also indulged in psychic

attack but what is use. Ahmisa is powerful weapon I found more victory in loving

kindness. For example a dotcom I worked there was confrontation one person went

to tirchendur to pray lord murga for winning against me, I never intend to hurt

the person. Then I realized it was pointless sticking to all indication of

problem. The dot com today has so much of problems which many people are not

even aware,. Any those people who attacked me also resigned.


My student told me u donot win enemies u out grow them very fast. U use any

conflict to move in another level. This is very true of enemies. In fact I bless

people who trouble me. in course of time I have evolved very fast compared to





Remedial measure is like a circuit. When people go to through the circuit is

clears the energy. There is individual circuit and mass level circuits. There is

guru circuit and there is place circuit.


Guru is people have faith in shridi sai baba, sathya sai baba, ragahvendra

vallar etc.


Then there is place circuit like that of tirupathi, dwaraka mayai of shirdi sai,

thiruvanamalai, palani, thirunallur etc.

many people go and there problems gets cleared. Very simple when u observe

astrally great beings work from other side. They clear the energy of the people

very fast. Many people who have lot of problems donot believe in these circuits

or kind of give up these circuits. For example I know one lady who goes to

thiruvanamalai every purnima and some good happens,she need not know the logic

just that all she need to understand it works for her very well.some one who

comes from Canada goes to white field. For him seeing sai baba darshan will work

in his favor that year.


The secondly is individual circuit. Normally astrology prescribe grahama or

village devata kula devata and  some temples. There is famous chess player son

who goes to tirupathi pillyar patti and srirengam. Some one has tirupathi and

aurobindo mother.


I know some one who left aurobindo mother and has all kind of problems, when he

came back his problems gradually solved.


One need two levels of guru, the live human guru and second one is astral

powerful guru. I was also very skeptical of shridi sai when I understood he is

very big satellite who helps millions of Indians for sure.


Many people ask me do these guru do not teach mukthi gnana then ika loka sukha,

many people require energy lift there fore these great being work in situational

level and they also work in higher planes.


Ganpathi work very well in Chennai and Bombay. In terms of hauman he works very

well in many places including sanjay dutt hindi actor. For many people lakhsmi

works well. There fore according to the place u choose what remedial measure.



What attitude is have to make remedial measure work


Guru- never abuse or speak ill of person who guide you. He might not have all

the reason with human limitation accept him. Pray before u go for his connection

to work better for you. Pray that is battery work in full strength.. This is

called faith and prayer. When u pray and go to people normally the guidance

level is much higher. Pay there fees the more u bargain so much time it is going

to take time. Respect them u will richly rewarded.


How check whether some one guidance will work for you – normally keep a small

test . for example if he talks about sai baba I will believe. If I see on the

time It is indicated he is right person. When he sees me if there is no phone

call then his guidance will be correct. Normally if a person is going to click

for you interaction will be positive peaceful surprising with some amazing

insights about ur life. mostly these people will be less interested in money and

tell u about reality.


If u have ailments never speak ill of doctors.


If u have court cases never speak ill of lawyers or judges.


Nature has subtle ways. Ur own wife parents or children will support for the

remedial measure or for the cause u are fighting. When  close people oppose you

believe me  it will be very diffcult to win the battle. I know man who is

fighting a court case his wife oppose him for every thing. For him case is

dragging. He does many remedial measure and meet many people. I have thumb rule

when there is lot of fighting in the family then the remedial measure will take

time to work. It is like team work. When every one feels for you ur problem will

be solved easily. When every one oppose u then it will lot more diffcult to win

the karmic battle.


Be open to all suggestion from people . Say yes. God does not speak directly, he

speaks through people. Listen to any one who gives u any suggestion. For every

temple you visit be open for 15 days.


Do the suggestion immediately. If some one tells a temple or pooja for ur

problem go and do immediately. It is like journey many invisible links has to



Be open about ur problems. Tell every one what problem you have. U have lot more

easier guidance coming in to the life. if u plays games and act as if every

thing is hunky dory then it will take longer time to solve the problem. The

first step for remedial measure to work in confession.


Donot worry about money. Many of the remedies will work if lose money. The

greater  u spend money  it will lessen the burden of karma. This principle is

exploited by many people .


Remember results are important donot waste time. Donot hang on just move on..

Normally it does not click one or two times move  on. Some one will click for

for some situation then there will be series of  failure then move on. Donot

hang on,.


Karma is thick it is long journey karma is thin one or two people will solve the



Donot waste time in talking philosophy. It is beautiful when most of worldly

duties responsibility is fulfilled. For hungry man food is god. there fore

remedial measure can be point of growth for soul. Some souls like milarepa use

worldly problem to jump of in to spiritual life.


Thank them if  u problems  get solved. Secondly note down the people who

clicked for you. The same circuit can be used once again.



Keep ur mouth tight. Underplay ur ability over play ur problems. Complain to

relatives. Even if there is a progress confess to people as  if u have long way

to go. The more complain easier for remedial measure to work. More one boast

less one will be successful.


Keep remedial measure circuit. Donot tell it to people. The more u leak out the

less u will be successful. It will difficult to do repetition. Be secretive it

will be easier for u make it work.



Fastest technique to make remedial measure work.


Cut of negative people. Whom u interact is what u become. If u want get married

move with people who are married. Avoid bachelors divorcees. If u want to be

healthy move with healthy people. If u donot cut negative people it will be long

time before one recover itself. This is one of the longest journey for the

people.many people want to get married but keep hanging on old lover out of

habit then how they will get married? Let go people is very diffcult. But do it

u will see very fast results.


How will know u are closer to solving the problem


If one has cancer then he will see people who have been cured of cancer.then the

person will get cured.  If one is getting married he will see attend many

marriages, when one is going have baby then he will see interact with many

pregnant women,.



 For what problems spending money will work


For health related problem money spending will work miracles.


For work related problems giving food will work


For marriage problems blessing will work


For children playing with children or pregnant ladies is best


For court cases ugra devata will work.


For mental clarity of problem using loving kindness will work.


For conflicts with people short term means ugra devata for long term loving




To become rich support many people with food clothing and shelter.


For getting work ganapthi will work very well.l


Question to ask on remedial measure


Is there is progress In remedial measure


Do I require single guidance or multiple one


Do I require single remedies or multiple remedy


Do I require spend money or not ?


Can I do it or other should do it ?


Iam being humble and kind ?


Have I cut off negative people?


Iam peaceful calm day by day ?


Iam thankful for all good things?



Specialist in remedial measure


Many of the kerela namboodori or mantric make the client  believes that they

can solve any problem, this has basically misunderstanding


giving relief

a sense of relaxation

solving a situation or situation coming in to control.

over coming problematic person


For example one person has one crore debts. He wants debtor to avoid chasing

him. One can do a pooja which can put hold on these people for one month to 5

months. My friend shankar was affected by debts. I took to a man who put a

kavacha on him. He had less problem due to the problem. In fact person did not

trouble for some time.over coming problematic person.


If some one wants bail or wants to avoid arrest then one can give mantra which

can make it happen. There was man who called up from Nepal stating that he would

arrested. I gave him a mantra and slipped out of the police. This is solving the



For example one can mahalakshmi mantra and can manifest money this is giving a

sense of relaxation one can not solve his complete debt problems.


Normally for marriage and child birth problems can be solved. For other

temporary relief relaxation or pushing next level or releasing the block can be



Many problems can be solved by common sense and being sensible in approach.


Some people specialize in negative remedial measure using ugra devata. For

example they will help in problems related to  court cases debts and dieases.

They will not help in other areas.


For example for me I am subha person. I help people in marriage ,child birth,

work ,money, house ,foreign travel.


Just like cardiology or rheumatology some people are good in certain kind of

problems. For example I know a person who is too good in the rahu and ketu

pariharam even iam not very good like him. He has certain niyama which make him

work wonder with his clients.


There fore choose wisely. For some people gems will work wonder one who venus

exalted and moon well place. For person venus is weak and moon is neecha it will

never work. There fore name change or gems can be used if karma is thin. If it

is thick then only mantra pooja temple will work very well.



Ascension cycle in karma release


If the remedy is working. Then following will happen


Situation will be easy


One thing will lead to another were finally solution is seen


What ever problem u have it can solved easily to next level


There is fear and doubts which can over come and will surprise many people.


One will maintain pooja and temple circuit easily.


One will also have gradual relexation tight situation’


problematic people leave


right people who help will get connected


once own conduct will be positive and pleasant.


One will have enough money to solve the problem.


Environment and circumstance will be favorable,


Karya siddie will become better


One is in decension cycle


Following will happen


One will over confident


Will pick up fight with people


Close people will not wish high


Will not confess or accept the problems


One step to lead multiple complications


Correctly maintain niyama or temple will not be there


One will lose faith in remedy


No guru or will be connected with guru


One will be delay difficult obstacle even for small things


One will not acknowledged or appreciate people who will help them.


Talk big things fails in plans


Execution will be a big problem.


Waste lot of time in talking


Can not follow temple circuits


Will have problems in terms of money


Will not try to change the conduct


Get linked with people who will aggravate the problem


Seeks short cut solution


Abuse people or get angry with people who help them.


Will act as if they are guru to every one


Will not say sorry .


Addicted to substance or negative routine.


Will believe in gambling or extreme steps.


Karmic relationship.


Remember it is that one or two relationship which creates so much of problem.

The relationship with parents is very important. If they donot wish well there

will be problems. Usually the past life relationship will be one or two which

creates a problem.


Normally these people become relatives or people who can not be parted. Normally

the relationship will be tensed up, disturbed. They will keep on nagging

fighting, disturbing ur mood. Normally it will be very cyclic. They will appear

in important moments in life, they will be friendly, it will be love hate

relationship. Neither u can get along fully nor fully keep away from them. They

generally donot wish u well when u tell good things to them it will manifest

when u complain they will happy. This is like psychic warfare .many people get

in to the problem. One of my friends was cheated to tune of 60 lakhs he landed

up in a big mess. He could never  recover.


There fore just like ramanya one single trigger like kayikeyi or surpanka is

enough to create a mess


When u can not get along with a person. Just shut up walk out donot advice, be

kind in words, be affectionate in words even if it acting, donot advise u will

get in more problems. What ever help u do donot expect gratefulness..


Remember if it become mother or father or sibling use loving kindness sadhana

other wise it is diffcult for them,.



Close people wishes will dissolve the karma.


Check about people reaction to problems. If many people feel happy u are coming

out the problem then it will be easy. If many people feel disturbed then coming

out of the problem will take longer. Many people tend to abusive towards other.

Mostly to wife and children. Husband and wife keep on fighting.


I know a person who did not have children. His parents never bothered, in fact

mother use to curse that he should not have children. She never prayed, went and

told every one why he will not have  children. What ever attempts she never

blessed whole heartedly. When the ivf was conducted instead of keeping it secret

she advertised to the whole world. Of course mother acting like enemy is very

rare but this person prayer never worked. It just went to kill effect of psychic

jamming created by the mother.


When ur problems are not solved. Check the people around you. Are they feeling

happy or unhappy will tell u whether u will solve the problem. Most people who

close down the business will have problems from close people like wife and



People who lose in stock market have similar pattern.


How will be problem be solved


First the attitude will change


Speech will change


Then the situation will be favorable


Then people will become favorable


Then the environment and circumstances will be favorable


Cyclically good things will happen.


What is the purpose of life


Younger days western spiritual concepts use to fascinate me. one of the

important concept was the soul purpose. I use to ask myself and probably landed

up in astrology due to that. I realize soul purpose is very easy to find out.


Some people are meant to take care of  family members


Some people are meant to take care of lineage.


Some people are meant to take care of kula , gotra varana jati and desa


People who work for society will have successful family life. generally there

duty responsibility will be easily fulfilled. Many of them will get married have

male children and every event will happen so smooth easy that hardly effort is

required. See the life of lk advani or p chidbraman, there good karma is

excellent there fore they donot have  problem in there family area.


People who have problems with finance education etc or some kind of disable

child or negative health are meant to take care of that problem. The area you

have problem is soul calling. If family is having problems and u are solving is

then that is soul purpose.


For example in my family fighting was very common. It use to 3 times a day. More

common during festivals, functions during food arrival and exit for some outside

work fight use to be very common. To solve the problem I discovered the metta



I met a man who had so much of personal problem and wanted to make money dhribai

ambani. What these people forget is his family life ,children, education, there

work, was so easy smooth he could concentrate on building an empire financially.


There fore  we rise to level of karmic resistance and work hard to break it.

some people wanted to become ceo they have lot of problem in being a regional

manager. There fore this is area they are suppose to master one own life.


Bill gates must have studied art of motivating people , organizing funding in

past life itself. That is why he could climb many levels very fast. What would

taken many life times he swift passed fast.


The so called western motivational guru donot take this concept in to account. 

Many a times we aspire for levels which is much beyond the capacity., this lead

to frustration pain and agony.


The so called spiritual guru many of them took sanayas very early that is why

they could serve many people. There fore remember ur soul purpose most people

find before 30 years and life is just extension of it.


May every one who read clear there soul purpose. May I dedicated this merit to

my lineage to 16 sampath and my spiritual genius be born in this lineage.


How will be remedial measure work


Many of the great  men who have great bigger reputation name fame for gems

numerology kerela nambdoori tantrics donot know the information. The reason is

many people tend to believe those who practice astrology must be aware of all

these information and some how know all these. Some of them play con game by

saying yes yes.


When the remedial measure is right there will be karmic obstructions. If the

karma is thick there will be delay postponement accidents will be common. Some

times some people will run out of money or lose money. Some times fight will

break out among people. I know a group of relatives went to do prayers in

rameswaram after the remedial measure a huge arguments break out.


Personally went u excuete the remedial measure there will be sense of tightness

tension in general will be there.


Secondly after the remedial measure is over following will be happen


U will very tired and want to go sleep


Huge increase in appetite will be there


U  will also think of past events and people.


U will feel very angry upset and want to curse people


Donot ever curse people it i Donot ever curse people it is like throwing mud in

own face after a clean bath .


Learn to forgive or release them


U will also lose money or objects donot take is seriously it is one more load

which has lessened


One can have severe mood swings and will pick up fight with relatives or close



One will have doubts in remedial measure


There will be some new information will arrive


Cutting of links with people will happen. Allow it happen donot form new links

unless it happen on the own


U will also visit new places.


This is called as karmic churning. Negative churing require lot of deft



After remedial measure be kind in words positive in thinking as much as



Multi level healing


Many people donot have power and secondly many of them are confused or some of

them hurry to make money. These men know how to market remedial measure not even

knowing what level it will work and how much it will work


Stopping the cycle – when one does remedial measure for debts for example. One

stop the cycle escalating aggravation further. For example situations will ease

off with some extra money or some regular income will come.. This is called

stopping the cycle. For example one lady went to baba husband wanted to divorce

.. she went and pleaded for non divorce. That man did some magic and postponed

divorce. When ever case comes she goes to him. This does not mean she has healed

her problems completely.


Situation becoming calmer – one person called me up and said that he does not

have money . I asked him circumbulate the mahalakshmi temple he made some money

and situation eased off. Some minor problems situation can be eased up. This

does not person has healed the problem or has higher level of understanding

about money


Energy is cleared- in some cases the energy is cleared completely. I heard the

story of sathya sai baba who cured a patient of lecuo derma completely with in



Next link is given – for example went u do remedial measure some one comes and

tell u about a solution. Like doctor or medicine link.


Circumstances and environment become favorable- for example some one does

remedial measure for office politics new boss comes in who is favourable. Old

people will not be there. Like this the entire scenario changes for better. This

can happen with dasa and bhukthi also.


One will better mood control- I asked some one light a lamp for rahu and ketu he

said my mood has become calmer than what it used to be.


Break of link will happen -  in certain situation some people will be

aggravating the situations. There link will be cut. For example there was lady

who had disturbing neighbor who prayed . the neighbor left the place.


Many people change name or wear a gem stone and see lot of results due to change

in dasa and bhukthi which becomes favourable. I my experience marriage and to

lesser extent child birth is easy . the rest of it like clearing of all debts,

healing a diease etc is much more tougher.


Many people are not aware whether the situation person energy has healed or link

is broken or connected. They do remedial measure and donot solve there problems.


May all people who read this have profound understanding and may my vamsa

problems be solved.





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