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HinduCalendar , " Krishen " <jyotirved wrote:



Shri Hari Malla ji,

Jai Shri Ram!


< Here you are completely in the dark! Sorry, but when you know that

makar sankranti is celebrated on the nirayan date every year,how have

you conjured up this fanstastic concept? Why are you blind to the

practice? Or do you think they have been mislead in the middle ages? if so then

is there any proof of this sudden change?>


I suggest you keep up your crusade for a so called nirayana rashichakra!

I am sure you will succeed sooner than later---Not that you are going on the

right track, but becasue you have concieved the most uselss and

imaginary ayanamsha! And the more incorrect an ayanamsha is, the more

correct the predictions of " Vedic astrologers " are then!

As such, you ask all the " Vedic astrologers " the world over that they

must experiment with your ayanamsha! I am sure they will find

predictions coming correct more as per your ayanamsha than Lahiri or

Ramana or Muladhara, since all those ayanamshas do have a semblance of

some rational basis, whereas yours is an entirely imaginary one!

My best wishes for the success of your imaginary ayanamsha, in the fieled of

anti-vedic " Vedic astrology " .

Jai Shri Ram!

A K Kaul


HinduCalendar , " hari " <harimalla@> wrote:


> parvasudhar2065 , " hari " harimalla@ wrote:


> Dear shri Kaulji,

> Namaskar! I am proud that you are so worried about calendar reform.You

are certainly a very good man for the worry of your dharma. but let me

tell you just worry is not enough. Firstly we should understand that our

dharma is perfect in itself. Then try to find where it has gone wrong.

Then solve only that part which has gone wrong.When we treat a disease

if we produce many more diseases along with the treatment of one

disease, we are going to fail many many times.


> <That is why I am asking everybody to give his/her opinion! And all

that I am getting is innumerable mails from Shri Hari Malla, which make

neither head nor tail, since he just wants to put the Hindu community

out of the frying pan into fire!>


> The hindu calendar reform will never make head or tail to you if you

do not understand your own system.Please know that the vedic system is

coordinative and not purely sayan aa you keep on repeating.

> Why are you not serious in what I am saying, that you have missed the

whole vedic system,if you think it is purely sayan like the gregorian?

Please try to revise your concepts.


> <Thus, if we have to use Rashis for Hindu calendar, they have to be so

called sayana rashis, though there were no rashis in the Vedas or the

VJ etc., >


> Here you are completely in the dark! Sorry, but when you know that

makar sankranti is celebrated on the nirayan date every year,how have

you conjured up this fanstastic concept? Why are you blind to the

practice? Or do you think they have been mislead in the middle ages? if

so then is there any proof of this sudden change?


> <What is equally problematic about calendar making is the position of

nakshatras! Do we take them of equal division or of unequal division? >

> Here also you seem to create a non existing disease in trying to cure

an old disease.When each nakshyatra represents the travel of the moon

every day, why do you want them to be unequal? Please accept things as

they are and not bring all sorts of excuses to criticise the existing




> <Regarding, Preeti, Vishkumbha, Ayushman etc. yogas, I would again

request the members to give their views. We do not find any mention of

them in any of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha or Atharva Jyotisha

etc. >

> Never mind! if it is in the practice, let them continue.Do not try to

create only new things, let the traditions go as they are.Do you know

anything about the purush? I think yoga means the experience of the

purush.This is the highest goal of vedic astronomy.Have you heard of the

earth moon bary center, which I think is the purush as confirmed by

dharma shastras.It has been mentioned as the Amsa purush in Surya

sidhanta.In dharma shastras the lunar orbital center is the Purush.Thus

there are 12 purush or adityas in the 12 lunar months of the year. The

Purush have direct connection with the sun although it is the cener of

the lunar orbit.

> If we take the nakshyatriya months of 27 days,we accoordigly have the

> varius yogas in relation to them.Thus in your attempt to be vedic you

may be wiping out the highest development of the vedas.



> <they are more interested in preserving the sanctity of Lahiri or

Ramana or Chandra Hari Ayanamsha than arriving at Truth and nothing but

Truth! >

> The truth is that our system is sidereal in the first place.Please

read the view of Balagangadhar Tilak and other nirayan wallas as quoted

by SB Dixit in his Bharatiya jyotish.Please note their version that

motions of the sun and the moon should be measured with respect to the

unmoving objects like the stars and not with respect to another moving

concept like the seasons.


> <I would also request the members that my views are not at all

sacrosanct. They are subject to peer review since we have to arrive at

Truth and nothing but Truth.>

> I am happy to hear that. But you only say so,and never try to

understand when truth is brought before you.Kindly analyse the verse of

vedanga jyotish when it says, 'when the sun and the moon are together in

dhanistha nakshyatra, the five year yuga, the month of maagha, tapa

sukla pratipada and uttarayan start together.' Do you not find the

sidereal( sun in dhanistha) and the tropical (tapa sukla and uttarayan)

concepts coordinated by the lunar tithi of maagha sukla pratipada.If you

have not got the coordinative message from it then please analyse it

more carefully.Also refer to the file section of parvasudhar where the

document 'Coordinative system is the only vedic sytem.' is discussed.

> Thank you.

> Regards,

> Hari Malla


> HinduCalendar , " jyotirved " <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> > Shri T. V. Sivaraman ji,

> > Jai Shri Ram,

> >

> > It is a fascinating piece you have posted.

> >

> > In the Yoga-Vasishtha there is a discussion between Shri Ram and his

Guru Vasishtha where the former asked that if Parabrahman is beyond

words and reasoning and cannot be attained by shastras, why were we

having all the shastras around. Vasishtha narrated a story to Him of a

miser who lost a " kauri " and started searching for it. The miser kept

on searching for the same day and night continuously through the whole

jungle for several days without food and water The miser ultimately

found a " Chintamani " ---a gem supposed to yield all the desired results!

> >

> > Vasishtha explained to Shri Ram that if that miser had not kept on

looking for the " kauri " and ransacked the whole jungle for the same, he

would never have got " Chintamani " . He explained further that by looking

for " kauris " in the shasstras, people with a burning desire ultimately

realize the Supreme!

> >

> > It is a similar story about calendar reform! What is a useless and

unrelated activity according to you, and several other members, about

the date of Valmiki Ramayana or the Mahabharata or my tirade against

" Vedic astrology " is in fact a real quest---brain storming---for the

real Vedic-cum-Pauranic calendar! It is in fact a Clarion Call to the

entire Hindu community that they must come out of their fatal

infatuation with " Vedic astrology " and look for the real Vedic festivals


> >

> > You might have observed it for yourself that every body is

criticizing the efforts in a highly derisive manner, instead of giving

some constructive suggestions. That is just because ninety-nine percent

of Hindu population (Hindu Civilization!) comprises " Vedic jyotishis "

and ninety-nine per cent of those jyotishis are so called nirayana-walas

and ninety-nine per cent of those nirayana-walas are Lahiriwalas!

> >

> > Because there is a direct conflict between Mesha etc. Rashis,

especially the so called nirayana rashis, and the Vedic calendar, " Vedic

astrologers " are making every effort to scuttle my efforts by calling me

a " Christian " and " Proselytizing " and so on. They even take shelter

behind " parokshya-professor " like Arjuna took behind Shikhandi who was

actually a straw as compared to Bhishma!

> >

> > Hindu jyotishis have been using so called sayana rashis in India at

the time of Alberuni's visit in tenth century, and that is evident from

Bhatotpala's comments also that in Kashmir as well, Sayana planetary

longitudes were used for predictive astrology as well as calendar

making, after Munjala's Laghumanasa had become popular.

> > That sayana Rashis were used as per agamas also as is clear from

Tantraloka, wherein Acharya Abhinavagupta has talked of Mesha Sanrkanti

as day being equal to night and so on! (Pl. see BVB6.doc) and

Abhinavagupta was around in eleventh century AD.

> >

> > Thus, if we have to use Rashis for Hindu calendar, they have to be

so called sayana rashis, though there were no rashis in the Vedas or

the VJ etc., in spite of " parokshya professor's " claims to the contrary!

But Sayana rashis is an anathema to " Vedic astrologers " . If a miniscule

number of people have accepted the sayana rashis for Vedic calendar,

they are doing so only because they are experimenting with so called

sayana rashis with predictive gimmicks and that is why they call " Sayana

jyotish " as the " real Vedic jyotish " like some overseas Pondicherrywalas

and their shishyas etc. They have actually no faith in the Vedic

calendar but all they are intested in is making " correct predictions

form (sayana instead of nirayana) rashis " !

> > But the problem with those sayana rashis is that they cannot be

linked to Ashvini, Bharni etc. nakshatras at all, though as per

Alberuni's India, he has given proofs that nakshatras were clubbed with

Sayana rashis in his period!

> > But then that is wrong and we cannot continue to do that because no

nakshatra falls in any namesake division if we take sayana rashis

vis-a-vis nakshatras.

> > We thus fall back again to so called nirayana rashis! But that

again is not possible since not only cannot the nakshatra divisions be

accommodated in respective nirayana rashi division either, we also have

the festivals completely delinked from the seasonal festivals and

instead of Pauranic Makar or Mesha or any other Sankranti, all we are

doing is celebrating Lahiri Makar and Kumbha etc. Sankrantis!

> > What is equally problematic about calendar making is the position of

nakshatras! Do we take them of equal division or of unequal division?

What is the starting point of nakshatras? Which is the starting

nakshatra and why? The Junction stars of nakshatras--do they have some

real connection with the nakshatras of their respective names or were

they also an invention by Maya the mlechha, since prior to the Surya

Sidhanta, we do not have any records that we had the present junction

stars for nakshatras! The Vedas do tell us about different nakshatras,

like " kirittikasu agnim adadeeta " but we do not know from which Star

Krittika division started and why during the Vedic time.

> > If the Junction Stars are really aligned to nakshatras, how do we

account for Chitra and Swati stars having a distance of less than half a

degree and that of Svati and Vishakha about 21 degrees and so on? Did

the Vedic seers really name the respective nakshatra divisions on the

basis of the present nomenclature of junction stars or did they follow

some other method?

> >

> > All these are very inconvenient and terse questions. But then we

have to find answers to all of them. And we could have expected some

solution from " Vedic astrologers " since they must be the real pundits in

this field, but then they are more interested in preserving the sanctity

of Lahiri or Ramana or Chandra Hari Ayanamsha than arriving at Truth and

nothing but Truth!

> >

> > That is why I am asking everybody to give his/her opinion! And all

that I am getting is innumerable mails from Shri Hari Malla, which make

neither head nor tail, since he just wants to put the Hindu community

out of the frying pan into fire! Instead of Lahiri and Ramana and

Chandra Hari mess, Shri Hari Mall wants the Hindu community to fall into

Hari Malla mess!

> >

> > In view of the above, I have decided to continue with uploading the

list of festivals of correct dates before the start of next year, on the

basis of the Vedic months Madhu, Madhava etc., which may be clubbed with

Pauranic (instead of Lahiri or Ramaana etc.!) Mina Sanrkanti and so on.

People may erroneously call them sayana rashis, but they are only a stop

gap arrangement---till the general public gets weaned from them.

> > Regarding nakshatras, I will request every member to give his/her

opinion, so that we can make some real progress in that direction also.

> > Weekdays are neither Sayana nor nirayana! There is no controversy,

even if they have been imported from overseas! We can continue to use

them -- from one sunrise to next sunrise in India.

> > Regarding, Preeti, Vishkumbha, Ayushman etc. yogas, I would again

request the members to give their views. We do not find any mention of

them in any of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha or Atharva Jyotisha


> >

> > I would also request the members that my views are not at all

sacrosanct. They are subject to peer review since we have to arrive at

Truth and nothing but Truth.

> > With regards,

> > A K Kaul

> > HinduCalendar , SIVA EXPORIUM <sivaexpo@>


> > >

> >

> > Namasthe to all friends:

> >

> >

> >

> > Being member of half a dozen I spend around two hours a

day reading mails,

> >

> > especially in the Hindu calendar, Hindu civilization and iyer123

> >

> >

> >

> > As I laid my limbs on my bed and slept away the other day, I had a

terrible dream, may be

> >

> > around early morning... I felt engulfed by a dark hot matter which

sucked me into a tunnel.

> >

> > Soon I found light at the other end and landed in a what appeared as

a wrestler's arena.

> >

> > Only a couple of competitors were there.

> >

> >

> >

> > All our festivals are celebrated on wrong dates and I want to bring

back the vedic style

> >

> > around, a divine voice echoed. Imported things have no place here

added the voice.

> >

> >

> >

> > A charlatan suddenly appeared on the scene. Noting is imported he

averred; all are only

> >

> > evolved here in the course of time. If that be the case why don't

you call days as one two

> >

> > three and four instead of Sunday, Monday etc and why then seven

days in a week,

> >

> > why not fifteen?

> >

> >

> >

> > This is a necessary evil said the divine one.

> >

> >

> >

> > But Rasis are definitely imported and there is no Mesha, Rishaba

etc in the vedas and

> >

> > come what may I will not allow that. So too, no other planets like

Mangal, Sani, etc except

> >

> > sun and moon -- uttered the untiring.

> >

> >

> >

> > Just then Ahura Mazda appeared " Ashem Vohu Vashistem asti; Ushtã

asti; Ushtã ahmãi;

> >

> > Hyat ashãi1; Vahishtãi ashem. " (Righteousness is the best

good and it is happiness.

> >

> > Happiness is to him who is righteous for the sake of the best

righteousness -- Righteousness

> >

> > is truth ( The Veda's - Ritam cha satyam cha tapaso adi jayate ).

If these are imported were

> >

> > not the exporters also part of you? Was not the Chaldean Marduk

your Indra? Is not apsu

> >

> > ( Chaldean abzu ) a Sanskrit word for watery abyss ?

> >

> > Uru-ashi is Chaldean for waters of the night --- your celestial

nymph Urvasi ( ap-sara ) .

> >

> > Vedic and all these cultures originated from an Artic home. Are

we not part of your Vedic

> >

> > heritage ? Ahura exclaimed.

> >

> >

> >

> > Are you not today importing from NASA, Switzerland your planetary

charts? Is not your

> >

> > computing system imported? , the charlatan asked again. Why do you

fight on a name?

> >

> > What does it matter to the heavens if you call your imaginary thirty

degrees as mesh ,

> >

> > vrishabha or madhu or madhava. Will man on the street know what

Madhu and

> >

> > Madhava are? They are as alien as what the imported are to you.

> >

> >

> >

> > Just then a thundering voice was heard and a mlecha descendent on

the arena. Why

> >

> > do you flay me day in and day out? I was ordained to propound

astronomy and

> >

> > also architecture around the world. My Siddhartha was placed for

your beneficial

> >

> > use, ages ago, and if there was any flaw you have only to improve on

it and not to

> >

> > find fault with me now. It is not my fault that you have not

corrected your calendar

> >

> > for precession of the equinoxes. Your lethargy was the cause.

> >

> >

> >

> > You, mlecha, are the cause of all the trouble now; the ayanamsas are

also a humbug,

> >

> > the divine scolded him again. The entire country is intoxicated with

the lahari of

> >

> > a Lihiri, he lamented.

> >

> >

> >

> > Just then, a rocket landed from Sriharikotta. . Hari Om where is

the starting point.

> >

> > It must be a coordinated one and not anything else is acceptable to

me. A long

> >

> > drawn out malla yuddha was on stage..

> >

> >

> >

> > Let us leave it at that, Sani is changing the house; let us

urgently cast the horoscopes of

> >

> > bhagawan Ram and Krisha. They are waiting on the line to see our


> >

> > for the next year, some one was heard saying.

> >

> >

> >

> > A whole array of the planets shouted from heaven. Where we not


> >

> > in your vedas? Why do you deny us. Are we only acid fuming,


> >

> > desolate waste, and matter no grass to the earthlings? What when

the Atharvan

> >

> > worshiped us " divi chara griha " were we not inclusive ? Then why do

you go

> >

> > after the stars that are far far away from us and bother about their


> >

> >

> >

> > Some one was heard saying that you imported the 28 stars also from


> >

> > Then you are net importer only-- just like for consumer goods also


> >

> >

> >

> > The mlecha warned of what is going to happen on the doomsday 13


> >

> > he propounded in long count calendar, that lay just a couple of

years ahead,

> >

> > on the winter solstice day of December 21, 2012. Earth quakes,


> >

> > continental shifts, wobbling of the earth, change of poles, etc.


> >

> > communication systems will be destroyed; solar flares will swallow a


> >

> > chunk of humanity, the planets will be forced to change their

courses -- a horrible

> >

> > list of things to come -- not so far off.

> >

> >

> >

> > We have heard of predictions in the past. Only Vedic astrologers are

capable of

> >

> > predicting correct events from wrong data, the wise voice averred.

> >

> >

> >

> > Yes, said the Mlecha; if the above predictions go wrong at least,

will you agree

> >

> > that my siddanatha is correct?

> >

> >

> >

> > Will you correct your calendar before this date and return to your


> >

> > prescription or dissolve in the disaster ?

> >

> >

> >

> > Just then a bearded bard from Bengal flashed on the scene:

> >

> >

> >

> > Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;

> >

> > Where knowledge is free;

> >

> > Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow

> >

> > domestic walls;

> >

> > Where words come out from the depth of truth;

> >

> > Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;

> >

> > Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the

> >

> > dreary desert sand of dead habit;

> >

> > Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and


> >

> > Into that heaven of freedom, let my country awake.

> >

> >

> >

> > Do not build domestic walls to the heavens. The heavens belong to

the entire

> >

> > world and there is no import or export. What is familiar please take

as it is,

> >

> > but correct your calendar, the bard seemed to counsel.

> >

> >

> >

> > Just then on the arena's bill board some one pasted a notice. A new

Vedic calendar was that,

> >

> > unfolded by a darsini. Will it save the times .Ke sara sara.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > T.V.Sivaraman

> >


> --- End forwarded message ---



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