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     Here is an article on Pranapada and Gayatri Mantra.





Pranapada and Gayatri Mantra

Posted: Apr 5th, 2009 | Comments: 0 | Views: 179 |


by Nitish Arya


This article explores the underlying unity in concept of Prana-pada and

(Savitur) Gayatri Mantra. It explains the calculation of Pranapada,

given in Jyotish text by Sage Parashara, and its impact on the spiritual

evolution of man according to Yoga principles.


To understand the Prana-pada is to appreciate the impact of Sun (Nature)

on human evolution. Remembring the words of Paramahansa Yogananda in his

famous 'Autobiography of a Yogi', the ancient rishis discovered that

man's earthly and heavenly environment, in twelve-year cycles, push him

forward on his natural path. It explains that the 6 spinal centers

(medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses)

correspond to the 12 astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man

(KalaPurusha in Jyotish). That the astral/subtle system of a human being

is interrelated with the physical sun and the twelve zodiacal signs.

This implies that movement of prana-pada in Zodiac has an

interconnection with the movement of life-force in the astral/subtle

body of man.


Prana-pada is calculated as a function of longitude of Transit Sun, time

elapsed (in ghati) since Sunrise and the Sign that Sun is transiting.

We are only concerned with the movement of Pranapada at the time of

Solar ingress into the next Sign in Zodiac. This can be understood as



1. Sun transits through a Zodiacal sign in about 30 days. While in a

sign, owing to the Guna of sign, Sun acquires a predominant Guna (i.e.

one of the three - Satva,Rajas, Tamas). Thus, Sun acquires Satva, Rajo,

Tamo gunas in Dual, Fixed, Movable signs respectively. This happens

cyclically 4 times in an year (3 Gunas x 4 = 12 signs), as there are 4

Dual, 4 Fixed and 4 Movable signs each in the Zodiac.


2. When Sun moves to next sign it acquires another Guna. Also, during

transit to another sign, it instantly pushes pranapada forward by 240

degrees ahead in the Zodiac or to the beginning of the 9th sign. Note

that with every 240 degrees movement, Guna associated with the Pranapada

(Pranapada being a reference point acquires the guna of the underlying

sign) changes. The change of Guna for Pranapada happens according to

Tamo->Rajo, Rajo->Satva, Satva->Tamo. This movement of Prana-pada has

two-fold implications:


a.) In a metaphysical sense, change of Guna activates the corresponding

channel (Nadi) in the subtle body (Chitra Nadi for Satva Guna, Vajra

Nadi for Rajo Guna, and Sushumna Nadi for Tamo Guna) since it is

accompanied with force, caused by Solar ingress into next Sign, that

instantly pushed prana-pada by 8 signs in the Zodiac. Thus, motion of

Pranapada in 3 months, acquiring three different Gunas in the process,

and activating the Tamo, Rajo and Satva Gunas in a cyclic order is an

indicator of gradual refinement of impressions (cleansing) in the astral

system of man even as Sushumna, Vajra, and Chitra Nadis are successively

finer. This establishes the importance of Solar ingress in a Sign as

causing refinement of consciousness associated with the subtle channels

of energy.


b.) Pranapada moving 240 degree or 8 signs ahead in a month, and thus 24

signs in 3 months. Putting mantra into the Zodiac, each of these 24 sign

movements is likened to an Akshara of the Savitur Gayatri mantra of 24

Akshara. Also, the Gayatri mantra is divided into three parts that are

arranged in the order of Tamo, Rajo and Satva Guna respectively*. The

relationship between Pranapada and Gayatri Mantra is underscored by the

fact that Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to Sun, that Veda-mata Gayatri is

referred to as a sister to the Sun God/Surya, and that Gayatri mantra is

recited to protect ones' Prana. Thus, the cleansing and uplifting role

of Pranapada and Gayatri mantra is clearly brought out and it can be

said that the subtle effect (on Prana) of movement of Sun in firmament

is same as recitation of Gayatri Mantra.


3. In 3 months, Prana(-pada) cleanses the subtle body impressions once,

4 times in an year and 48 times in 12 years. Since there are 49 Maruts**

in the astral body, the 49th being representative of the divine

awareness(Refer: Bhagavad Gita - Marichi among the Maruts) in

Kutastha(forehead), it is clear that the subtle body cleansing effected

by Pranapada in 12 years, brings about " slightest spiritual evolution "

in the astral brain and effects a glimpse of divine Kutastha Chetana.


Thus, the relationship between the Prana-pada and Gayatri Mantra, as

well as the role of Pranapada in progressive cleansing of human subtle

body consciousness has been explained.


* The three parts of the the tri-pad Savitur Gayatri mantra can be

understood as invocations to the three Gunas of Saguna Brahman as

follows, based on the objective of the invocation:

Tamo Guna - Tat Savitur Varenyam

Rajo Guna - Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi

Satva Guna - Dhiyo Yo NaH Prachodayat

** There are 7 principle Vayus in the Astral system of man as well as in

the Universe. These are further divided into 7 parts each giving rise to

49 Maruts or life-currents. These 49 Maruts are said to move at the

front of the chariot of Sun God as it moves through the firmament. They

are also divided amongst the 6 plexuses: medullary (1), cervical (16),

dorsal(12), lumbar(10), sacral(6), and coccygeal(4).
















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