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Shri Visnu is compared as Human-being in VEDAs !

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Dear Friends,


VEDAs definitely deals with rituals so it will talk only of rituals.


But characteristics to lord Vishnu has been attributed as a Human being.So one

may consider Lord as Idol. But definitely VEDAs deals with rituals so one may

not find excerpts like make temple and put idol and we will celebrate Pooja...

Ha Ha Ha Ha like what Evrybody's dear Dr Satya Prakash wants....Ha Ha Ha Ha....


Anyway leave that....


But plz see proofs from VEDAs...


Link is below:-




Exerpts are as below:-


2 Thou art what giveth Aditi her moisture. Thou art the

hair-tuft on the head of Vishnu. I spread thee, wool-soft,

good for Gods to sit on.


 May I to-day offer Gods unspilt butter. Let me not with

my foot offend thee, Vishnu.

Agni, may I approach thy shade abounding in store of riches.

Thou art Vishnu's mansion,


Link is below:-




Exerpts are as below:-


BODY of Agni art thou. Thee for Vishnu. Body of Soma art

thou. Thee for Vishnu. Thou art the Guest's Reception.


15 Forth through This All strode Vishnu: thrice his foot he

planted, and the whole was gathered in his footstep's dust.



Both these worlds, Vishnu, hast thou stayed asunder, and

firmly fixed the earth with pegs around it.


20 For this his mighty deed is Vishnu lauded, like some wild

beast, dread, prowling, mountain-roaming,

He within whose three wide-extended paces all living creatures

have their habitation,


21 Thou art the frontlet for the brow of Vishnu. Ye are the

corners of the mouth of Vishnu. Thou art the needle

for the work of Vishnu. Thou art the firmly-fastened knot

of Vishnu. To Vishnu thou belongest. Thee for Vishnu.


23 Fiend-killing, charm-destroying voice of Vishnu.

Here I cast out that charm of magic power which stranger

or housemate for me hath buried.


25 I sprinkle you whom Vishnu owns, killers of fiends and evil


I buy down you whom Vishnu loves, killers of fiends and

wicked charms.

I scatter you whom Vishnu loves, killers of fiends and

wicked charms.

You two whom Vishnu loves, who kill fiends and ill charms

do I lay down.

You two whom Vishnu loves, who kill fiends and ill charms

I compass round.

To Vishnu thou belongest. Ye are Vishnu's.


38 O Vishnu, stride thou widely forth, give ample room for our


Drink butter, homed in butter! Still speed on the sacrifice's

lord. All-hail!


Link is below:-




Excerpts are below :-


9. Through all this world strode Vishnu: thrice his foot he planted, and the


Was gathered in his footstep's dust.


4. Whether thou drink the Soma by Vishnu's or Trita Aptya's side,

Or with the Maruts, Indra! quaff the following drops.


1. At the Trikadrukas the great and strong enjoyed the barley-brew. With Vishnu

did he drink the pressed-out Soma juice, even as he would.

That hath so heightened him the great, the wide to do his mighty work. So did

the God attend the God, true Indu Indra who is true.












--- On Sat, 24/10/09, Dr Satya Prakash <backtocosmicroots wrote:



Dr Satya Prakash <backtocosmicroots

Re: Astrology- the Heterodox systems of

Tantra, Jina etc


Saturday, 24 October, 2009, 11:21 AM









Dear Utkal ji,


If you have found it in the Samaveda, then please give the actual reference-

hymn, verse number! Quote the verse! What's preventing you from sharing it with

others? Enlighten us.


Your other references so far have nothing to do with " MURTI " puja. And kindly

note that Vedanta (veda + anta) is the essence of the veda. Sadhana related to

any Vedantic path (be it Advaita or Dvaita or Visistadvaita) is a sadhana

belonging to the Vaidik tradition. Your advice to " begin doing some vedic

sadhana " is quite amusing, coming from a person who sounds like the champion of

the vedic path.


Unless you come up with the reference quote from the Samaveda, there is no point

in further discussion. From my side the discussion is closed. And good luck with

your studies into the Vedas. I mean it wholeheartedly.



Satya Prakash


ancient_indian_ astrology, " utkal.panigrahi "

<utkal.panigrahi@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Dr. Satyaprakash Ji,


> If the term 'Linga' is used in Samveda, then it's used, what discussion can

happen on it.


> I have found that myself, you can also find it, any body can find it. It's

there means it's there, pls read sam veda.


> Regards,

> Utkal



> ancient_indian_ astrology, " Dr Satya Prakash "

<backtocosmicroots@ > wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Utkal ji,

> >

> > >

> > > I have already said 2 times about invokation of lingyotka (shiva) >devata

in samveda. linga is a murty.

> > >

> >

> >

> > LINGA and the VEDAS! To the best of my knowledge (please correct me with

references if I am wrong) the very word " LINGA " occurs NOWHERE in the VEDA

SAMHITA, not JUST the Samaveda. In the *LATER* texts such as the Svetasvatara

Upanishad (6, 9) and Katha Upanishad (6, 8) too where the word 'linga' occurs,

it is solely used with the meaning " mark " , " sign " or " charecteristic " (and not

as 'murti'). Before you rush to misuse even this bit of information have a look

at the original verses in the Svetasvatara and Katha Upanishads. In fact in both

the contexts it is used in the negative sense to affirm that Brahman/Purusa is

devoid of any mark (alinga). So there you are. The more you write the more you

end up revealing what you DO NOT know of the Veda.

> >

> >

> > Please remember that you haven't yet given the reference to the so called

" invocation of the lingyokta devata " (as you call it) in the Samaveda.

References are required with hymn and verse numbers please!!!

> >

> >

> > Getting back to the original question, please give the ***exact reference

(hymn, verse etc)*** regarding MURTI puja or *LINGA* puja in the Samaveda so

that others too can verify. . If you cannot, kindly refrain from pontificating

about " qualified beliefs " .

> >

> >

> > Regards,

> > Satya Prakash

> >



















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