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There are no Mangal, Shanir etc. planets in the Vedas!

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Dear Astroveda,


Jai Shri Ram!


< I am pasting below translation of 4 Mantras related to Angirasas(Future

Mars) from Samveda >

Regarding the meaning of doubtful Sanskrit words, I always consult

" shabdakalpadrumah " . It is the ultimate authority since it gives all the

required references also. It is a work of five vols. published by Rashtriya

Sanskrit Samsthan, 56-57A, Institutional Area, Janakppuri, New Delhi, and is

priced extremely low, perhaps less than Rs. 2000. There is another work

named " Vachaspatyam " by Vachaspati Mishra, the famous commentator on

Brahma-Sutra. That work also has been published by the same institution.

That was out of stock for some time and maybe it is available now.


The meaning of " Angira " as given is Shabdakalpadruma is, " munivisheshah.

sai chai brahmano mukhajjatah. tasya bharya kardama muni kanya shradhha.

putrah utathya.... " which means, " A particular munih, who was born from the

mouth of Brahma. His wife was named shradha, who was the daughter of

kardama munih.... "


Amarakosha has given the synonyms of Mars as, “angarakah kujo bhaumo

lohitango maheesutah”. There is no mention of Angirasa in these synonyms

either. In fact, Amarkosha has not included the word angiarasa in the kosha

at all! Maybe some people are confusing Angarakah as Angirasa!


As per Monier-Williams, “Angirasa---an enemy of Vishunu in his incarnation

of Parshurama”, whereas “Angiras is the name of a Rishi, author of the hymns

of RV, ix, of a code of laws and of a treatise on astronomy; he is

considered as one of the seven r ishis of the first manvantara”.

Monier-Williams has said further, “In astronomy he is the planet Jupiter

(and not Mars!) and a star in Ursa Major”. He has, however, not given any

references for the same. And it is a moot point as to how someone can be

the planet Brihaspati and also a star in a far off constellation



According to Monier-Williams again, “Angiras are the priests who by using

the magical formulae of the Atharva Veda, protect the sacrifice against the

effects of inauspicious accidents”.


" Venah " .. " prajapatih, iti unadikoshah. prithurajapita yatha markandeye. deva

visheshah iti nighantuh. ....venah kantah etat sanjyo madyamasthano

devah...tadbahashye sayanah. yajnyah iti nighantuh. medhavee it nighantuh.

....venah kamaneeyo medhave va " .


Thus Venah is a synonym of prajapatih as per unadikoshah. Vena was the

father of Prithu, since as per the Puranas, he was a very wicked king and

was killed by curse of brahmins. They then churned his body out of which

king Prithu is said to have emerged. It is said that Prithivi was named

after king Prithu. Venah is a name of a deva as per Sayana Acharya. Venah

also means intelligent as per nighantu " .


According to Monier-Williams, “Venah---name of a divine being of teh middle

region. Also applied to sun, prajapatih and a gandharva. The name of a

rjarshi or royal rishih said to have perished through irreligious conduct

and want of submissiveness to Brahmins., founder of the race of nishadas and



Thus Venah has absolutely nothing to do with the dead and wandering body

known as planet Venus in Greco-Chaldean astrology, which some people embrace

these days as “Vedic jyotish”.


Brihaspati: It is the famous Devta, who is prayed to at every function in

the following two shantipathah


“svasti na indro vridhashravah, svasti no poosha vishva-vedah, svasti nas

tarkshyo arishta nemih, svasti no brihaspatir dadatu”.


Here Brihaspati has been clubbed with Indira, the king of gods, Poosha, the

omniscient, Garuda, the “trouble shooter”,


In the following mantra also, Brihaspati has been clubbed with Mitrah,

Varunah, Aryama, and Vishnu.


“sham no mitrah sham varunah, sham no bhavatu aryama. Sham no indro

brihaspatir, shamno vishnur urkramah”


Thus it is one the deities of the Vedas and has nothing to do with the

Greek/Babylonian planet Jupiter, who has been hugged by “Vedic jyotishis” as

“devanam guruh birhaspatih”.


<> Please let me know how Brihaspati have been used in VJ...>




There is no mention of Brihaspati in the VJ.


Thus as seen above, Angirasa and Venah and Brihaspati are not inanimate

wandering bodies but are Vedic munis or deities etc.


We can thus safely conclude that there are no Mangal, Shukra and Shani etc.

planets in the Vedas, or the VJ etc.


< My point is VEDIC ppl were knowing about the planets and information of

those planets went to Mesopotamia and Babylonia through AVESTA and than to

Egypt and GREECE...>


It has become a fad these days to claim that even the useless and most

unreliable “art of predictions” also was expounded by the Vedic seers to

start with and then it went to other countries! We are doing actually the

greatest injustice to the Vedic Seers by attributing such non-sense to them.


< And on the same theme archaeologist have found some tablets(basically in

the region of Assyrian) in Babylonia related to astrology.>


Thank God, they found it in Babylonia and not in India! I would have to

hang my head in shame then if the real Vamadevas had also been practicing

predictive gimmicks in the name of “Vedic astrology”. As on date, I can

proudly claim that I belong to a race of Rishis who never had any faith in

such fads as phalita-jyotisha or hasta-samudrika etc.

Jai Shri Ram


A K Kaul










Indian_Astrology_Group_Daily_Digest , Astro.Vedas@@



> Dear Shri Kaulji,


> I am pasting below translation of 4 Mantras related to Angirasas(Future

Mars) from Samveda :-





> Hence have these men gone up on high and mounted to the heights of heaven:

> On! conquer on the path by which Angirasas travelled to the skies!


> So, Angiras, we make thee strong with fuel and with holy oil.

> Blaze high, thou youngest of the Gods!


> O Agni, the Angirasas discovered thee what time thou layest hidden,

fleeing back from wood to wood.

> Thou by attrition art produced as conquering might, and men, O Angiras,

call thee the Son of Strength.


> What is the praise wherewith, O God, Angiras, Agni, Son of Strength,

> We, after thine own wish and thought,






> My point is VEDIC ppl were knowing about the planets and information of

those planets went to Mesopotamia and Babylonia through AVESTA and than to

Egypt and GREECE...


> All things have reached over there from here related to astronomy than how

there could be discontinuity on this point.


> I didnt say that it was being used for ASTROLOGY in VEDIC days but yes

they were observing those planets in the sky might be for the VEDIC YAJNA,,,

And they have also attributed some characteristics to them which were copied

on the same theme for astrology...


> And on the same theme archaeologist have found some tablets(basically in

the region of Assyrian) in Babylonia related to astrology.


> Astro.Vedas



> Indian_Astrology_Group_Daily_Digest , " Krishen "

jyotirved@ wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Astroveda,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > < If you need VERSE numbers from VEDAS, let me know...>

> >

> > Pl. do so. In fact, if you ponder on the meaning of those mantras

> > yourself, you will find the answeres to your questions that the meaning

> > of the words Angirasas etc. was never in the sense of planets like

> > Mangal and Shani etc.

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram.

> >

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >

> > Indian_Astrology_Group_Daily_Digest , Astro Vedas

> > <astro.vedas@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Some more questions to you :-

> > > Â

> > > What were Angirasas(Mars), Vena(Venus), Brihaspati(Jupiter) in

> > VEDAS.??

> > > Â

> > > If you need VERSE numbers from VEDAS, let me know...

> > > Â

> > > You say that we were not giving attention to planets in VEDIC

> > period....Than could you please let me know than what was the use of

> > Angirasas in VERSES....

> > > Â

> > > How Vena have been used in VEDAS...

> > > Â

> > > Please let me know how Brihaspati have been used in VJ....

> > > Â

> > > Please also let us know the characteristics of all those,

> > Angirasas(Mars), Vena(Venus), Brihaspati(Jupiter) in VEDAS...

> > > Â

> > > Astro.Vedas

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Fri, 11/6/09, Astro Vedas astro.vedas@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Astro Vedas astro.vedas@

> > > Re: [ind. & West. Astrology] Rashis were sayana in eleventh

> > century India also!









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