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Best wishes for Uttarayana of 2009

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Dear friends,

Best wishes for Uttarayana of 2009!

Uttarayana Day, known as Winter Solstice in English language, is a unique

Hindu festival --- like the Summer Solstice (Dakshinayana) and the two

Ayanaas i.e. Vernal and autumnal Equinox, known as Vasanta Sampat and

Hemanta Sampat respectively.


All these festivals, as per the Puranas. are said to yield thousand-fold

results if charities are bestowed during their punya-kala or other

puja/japa/archana is conducted/performed during that period.

Unfortunately, because of our fatal infatuation with predictive gimmicks,

which some people call " Vedic astrology " , we have gone completely out of

touch with these universal geographic and religious phenomena.


Uttarayana Day is also known as Makar Sankranti as per all the siddhantas,

including the Surya Siddhanta, and all the Puranas, including the Bhagavata,

Vishnu and Vishnu-dharmotarapurana etc.


The exact timing of Uttaryana for 2009 is 17 hrs. 47 mts UT/GMT which

corresponds to 23 hrs. 17 mts. IST of December 21, 2009. Those desirous of

doing Tantrika kriyas at the exact moment can start doing so around 23 hrs.

IST and continue for about an hour, though the snana-dhyana etc. of

Uttarayana will be on December 22 right from the dawn.


It is the same Uttarayana that was and must be known as Makaradi-snana in UP

and Bihar etc.; Shishira Sankranti in Kashmir and Makar Sankranti for the

whole of India. It is also the start of the Vedic month Tapah and solar

Magha apart from Shishira Ritu.


There is no other Makar Sankranti either as per the Siddhantas or Puranas,

not to speak of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha since Makar etc. rashis,

being imaginary divisions, are conspicuous by their absence from those


Anybody, however, can celebrate any Sankranti on any day, since India is the

largest democracy in the world and every body has his/her " religious

freedom " even to celebrate any imaginary sankranti!


The so called Dhanurmasa, which is an anathema for marriages etc. as per

muhurta shastras, also ends actually on December 21 itself, instead of

January 15, when " almighty " Lahiri Dharniumasa will end!

With regards,

A K Kaul




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When a planet (including the LIGHTS!) transgresses (NO NO I do not mean in the

sense that famous golfer 'TIGER WOODS' told the world of his fans after ONLY

Mars remained debilitated -- the planet is unsure! Whether it enters a sign as

an infant or aged, crossing the sandhi is a moment of trepidation and



Yet it does cause celeberations! Like a Marriage! The Bride (Planet) crosses the

threshold and suddenly Her Reality changes! She is not a daughter no more but

becomes transformed into a Daughter-In-Law! At least in the older times, oh 30

years or earlier (and from what I hear, even these days!), the abused becomes

the abuser, the blessed becomes the Mother!


When a planet (bahu) crosses the 'threshold' and enters a sign in transit, what

is happening in the fourth thereform may hold an important signal! And the

'10th' secondarily.


When I was a lot younger, we had a teacher who taught us Botany! A very

energetic and motivated person who used to take us on field trips and posed

questions and challenges at us and then let us go out and explore for the

answer! The first couple of times were difficult, for some of us 'Fissiddies'

but consistently -- when we returned with a " catch " or 'not' -- he congratulated

us! All he wanted us to learn was to not be afraid of exploration and not lazily

keel over and ask him to spoon-feed us!


Even if Darwin were to be your *scriptural* teacher, he would not have a clue as

to what an NMR/MRI is, or 'BPHS' for that matter! ;-)


Each sankranti is perhaps like a marriage, figuratively! The marriage is

short-lasting even in terms of human scale. Or simple like a chapter in a book

that can only hold TWELVE!






, " jyotirved " <jyotirved wrote:


> Dear friends,

> Best wishes for Uttarayana of 2009!

> Uttarayana Day, known as Winter Solstice in English language, is a unique

> Hindu festival --- like the Summer Solstice (Dakshinayana) and the two

> Ayanaas i.e. Vernal and autumnal Equinox, known as Vasanta Sampat and

> Hemanta Sampat respectively.


> All these festivals, as per the Puranas. are said to yield thousand-fold

> results if charities are bestowed during their punya-kala or other

> puja/japa/archana is conducted/performed during that period.

> Unfortunately, because of our fatal infatuation with predictive gimmicks,

> which some people call " Vedic astrology " , we have gone completely out of

> touch with these universal geographic and religious phenomena.


> Uttarayana Day is also known as Makar Sankranti as per all the siddhantas,

> including the Surya Siddhanta, and all the Puranas, including the Bhagavata,

> Vishnu and Vishnu-dharmotarapurana etc.


> The exact timing of Uttaryana for 2009 is 17 hrs. 47 mts UT/GMT which

> corresponds to 23 hrs. 17 mts. IST of December 21, 2009. Those desirous of

> doing Tantrika kriyas at the exact moment can start doing so around 23 hrs.

> IST and continue for about an hour, though the snana-dhyana etc. of

> Uttarayana will be on December 22 right from the dawn.


> It is the same Uttarayana that was and must be known as Makaradi-snana in UP

> and Bihar etc.; Shishira Sankranti in Kashmir and Makar Sankranti for the

> whole of India. It is also the start of the Vedic month Tapah and solar

> Magha apart from Shishira Ritu.


> There is no other Makar Sankranti either as per the Siddhantas or Puranas,

> not to speak of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha since Makar etc. rashis,

> being imaginary divisions, are conspicuous by their absence from those

> works.

> Anybody, however, can celebrate any Sankranti on any day, since India is the

> largest democracy in the world and every body has his/her " religious

> freedom " even to celebrate any imaginary sankranti!


> The so called Dhanurmasa, which is an anathema for marriages etc. as per

> muhurta shastras, also ends actually on December 21 itself, instead of

> January 15, when " almighty " Lahiri Dharniumasa will end!

> With regards,

> A K Kaul




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HinduCalendar , " Krishen " <jyotirved wrote:



Shri Hari Malla ji,

Jai Shri Ram!

<Sayan phenomenon as Brahmaji was already discussed with you but you

seem to keep on forgetting it.Brauhmaji as sitting atop meru parbat(pole

star) as the top of earth axis is the proof that Brahmaji is linked to

sayan phenomenon.We have to consider, polar, solar and lunar phenomenons

as Brahmaji, Vishnuji and Shivaji respectively. For detail discussions

you should show sufficient interest in this matter. But before every

thing how much have you learnt about the Purush from our various

shastras? may I know?>


You are wasting everybody's time by linking Brahmaji to so called sayana

and Vishnuji to so called nirayana and so on!

There is a limit to everything, even peddling non-sense! But you seem to

be deliberately trying everybody's patience.

As such, I am not going to allow any of your posts on this forum from

now onwards nor will I reply any of your posts in any other forum.

Jai Shri Ram!

A K Kaul

HinduCalendar , " hari " harimalla@ wrote:


> Dear shri Kaulji,

> Namaskar! I am using the word sayan to mean tropical and nirayan to

mean sidereal.When I say sayan uttarayan I am meaning Poush 6( 21st

December) and when I say nirayan uttrayan as of date it is makar

sankranti(14 jan) but proposed to be reformed to Dhanu sankranti.

> Although uttarayan in the strict sense is a georaphical phenomenon,it

is our vedic culture to link it to both sidereal solar postiion and

lunar sukla pratipada or purnima position.You know how makar sankranti

is tied up with uttarayan although it is only the position of the sun

with respect to the star.My understnding is not the tropical

interpretation as you claim it to be against the practice. Makar is

sidereal for me as is generally understand.

> The practise of nirayan celebration is quite enough to prove that

sayan is prohibited. Purush is linked to nirayan sankrantis since our

adhimases are controlled by the nirayan sankrantis.I do not like to

interpret wrongly what is already in practise.

> Sayan phenomenon as Brahmaji was already discussed with you but you

seem to keep on forgetting it.Brauhmaji as sitting atop meru parbat(pole

star) as the top of earth axis is the proof that Brahmaji is linked to

sayan phenomenon.We have to consider, polar, solar and lunar phenomenons

as Brahmaji, Vishnuji and Shivaji respectively. For detail discussions

you should show sufficient interest in this matter. But before every

thing how much have you learnt about the Purush from our various

shastras? may I know?

> Sayan nirayan confusion is not created by me. You like to evade it

even when stalwarts like SB Dixit and Balagangadhar Tilak seriously talk

about it. Why do you try to evade this matter? Is your concept about it

not clear? Just by throwing the rashis you do not throw away the sayan

\nirayan concepts. It also applies to nakshaytras too. Are the words

sidereal and tropical not valid concepts? Are you still under the

impreseions that the stars are neither sidereal (or nirayan) nor


> Our shatras are nirayan coordinated with sayan or tropical concepts in

the general sense.Thus it says uttaryan starts from makar sankranti.If

makar sankranti is tropical or sayan, as you imagine, then why is the

practice sidereal? Do you ever give your attention to this fact?

> Trying to import Gregorain concepts, you try to twist things to your

own meanings. In doing so you even forget the practise.

> So please be practically oriented. Thank you,

> Hari Malla


> HinduCalendar , " Krishen " <jyotirved@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Shri Hari Mallaji,

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > < We propose to celebrate nirayan uttaryan sankranti on solar Poush

> > 1st(sankranti) since the shastras prohibit celebration of sayan

> > sankranti>

> >

> > 1. Uttarayana is neither Sayana nor nirayana! It is a geographic

> > phenomenon and is unaffected even by precession! As such, why make


> > confusion worst confounded by " inventing " nirayana or sayana


> > or dakshinayana etc. phenomena?

> >

> > 2. You have said that the shastras prohibit celebration of sayana

> > sanrkanti. Pl. quote the original Sanskrit sholkas with their

> > translation, since to the best of my knowledge, you are making a

fool of

> > everybody with such statements because of your ulterior motives.

> >

> > <We prefer to stick to the age old tradition of not worshipping

> > Brahmaji, which would be the case if we celebrated the sayan


> > as you are proposing.>

> >

> > This sayana-nirayana confusion is being created by you! The

> > siddhantarkas and the Puranas had no such confusion! For them, Makar

> > Sankranti was the shortest day of the year and therefore Uttarayana


> > It is for people like you to call it some nirayana or sayana

> > phenoemenon.

> >

> > Pl. also quot the shlokas with their English translation that talk


> > Sayana phenomena as " Brahmaji " and nirayana ones as some other


> >

> > <If you read the dharma shastras you will note that the lunar months

> > having the nirayan solar sankrantis contain the Purusha.Purusha is


> > considered with respect to the sayan sankrantis. Hope you understand


> > basis of our shastras.>

> >

> > You are making statements through your hat without having read any

> > documents like BVB6, 1999b etc. Or maybe you are deliberately


> > them since you have a madate to thrust down everybody's throat some

> > imaginary nirayana uttarayana which you want to club with some


> > Purnima1st Pausha.

> >

> > With every post, you are, in fact, keeping your ulterior motives


> > the public all the more.

> >

> > Keep it up.

> >

> > Jai Shri Ram!

> >

> > A K Kaul

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > HinduCalendar , " hari " <harimalla@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Shri Kaulji,

> > > Best wishies for your sayan uttaryan sankranti!

> > > We propose to celebrate nirayan uttaryan sankranti on solar Poush

> > 1st(sankranti) since the shastras prohibit celebration of sayan

> > sankranti. Nirayan poush sankranti is Dec 16th. This will remain as


> > for about 15-1600 years. But as you say we have to name this also as

> > Makar sankranti,the sayan way, although it is presently known as


> > sankranti. This is to support the opinions of sayanbadis like you

and SB

> > Dixit, although you like to call yourself neither sayan nor nirayan,


> > throwing away the rashis.

> > > The proposed lunar maagha snana started from Mrigasira purnima


> > full moon of December) which fell this year on 2nd of December but


> > fall next year towards the end of December. Since December 21 is the

> > actual shortest day,the proposed lunar shortest day maagha snana,


> > Mrigasira purnima, will go both before and after this date, since


> > fullmoon fluctuates over the whole month of December, from Dec. 1 to

> > Dec.31.

> > > Thus the traditional nirayan solar sankranti and lunar full moons


> > be the celebration date for uttarayan, which keeps on changing its

> > abslute steller location from year to year. We prefer to stick to


> > age old tradition of not worshipping Brahmaji, which would be the


> > if we celebrated the sayan sankranti, as you are proposing.

> > > So my request for you too, to follow the age old vedic tradition


> > not go against it.

> > > If you read the dharma shastras you will note that the lunar


> > having the nirayan solar sankrantis contain the Purusha.Purusha is


> > considered with respect to the sayan sankrantis. Hope you understand


> > basis of our shastras.

> > > Thank you and regards,

> > >

> > >

> > > HinduCalendar , " jyotirved " jyotirved@


> > > >

> > > > Dear friends,

> > > > Best wishes for Uttarayana of 2009!

> > > > Uttarayana Day, known as Winter Solstice in English language, is


> > unique

> > > > Hindu festival --- like the Summer Solstice (Dakshinayana) and


> > two

> > > > Ayanaas i.e. Vernal and autumnal Equinox, known as Vasanta


> > and

> > > > Hemanta Sampat respectively.

> > > >

> > > > All these festivals, as per the Puranas. are said to yield

> > thousand-fold

> > > > results if charities are bestowed during their punya-kala or


> > > > puja/japa/archana is conducted/performed during that period.

> > > > Unfortunately, because of our fatal infatuation with predictive

> > gimmicks,

> > > > which some people call " Vedic astrology " , we have gone


> > out of

> > > > touch with these universal geographic and religious phenomena.

> > > >

> > > > Uttarayana Day is also known as Makar Sankranti as per all the

> > siddhantas,

> > > > including the Surya Siddhanta, and all the Puranas, including


> > Bhagavata,

> > > > Vishnu and Vishnu-dharmotarapurana etc.

> > > >

> > > > The exact timing of Uttaryana for 2009 is 17 hrs. 47 mts UT/GMT

> > which

> > > > corresponds to 23 hrs. 17 mts. IST of December 21, 2009. Those

> > desirous of

> > > > doing Tantrika kriyas at the exact moment can start doing so


> > 23 hrs.

> > > > IST and continue for about an hour, though the snana-dhyana etc.


> > > > Uttarayana will be on December 22 right from the dawn.

> > > >

> > > > It is the same Uttarayana that was and must be known as

> > Makaradi-snana in UP

> > > > and Bihar etc.; Shishira Sankranti in Kashmir and Makar


> > for the

> > > > whole of India. It is also the start of the Vedic month Tapah


> > solar

> > > > Magha apart from Shishira Ritu.

> > > >

> > > > There is no other Makar Sankranti either as per the Siddhantas


> > Puranas,

> > > > not to speak of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha since Makar


> > rashis,

> > > > being imaginary divisions, are conspicuous by their absence from

> > those

> > > > works.

> > > > Anybody, however, can celebrate any Sankranti on any day, since

> > India is the

> > > > largest democracy in the world and every body has his/her

" religious

> > > > freedom " even to celebrate any imaginary sankranti!

> > > >

> > > > The so called Dhanurmasa, which is an anathema for marriages

etc. as

> > per

> > > > muhurta shastras, also ends actually on December 21 itself,


> > of

> > > > January 15, when " almighty " Lahiri Dharniumasa will end!

> > > > With regards,

> > > > A K Kaul

> > > >

> > >

> >



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HinduCalendar , " hari " <harimalla wrote:


Dear shri Kaulji,

Namaskar! I am using the word sayan to mean tropical and nirayan to mean

sidereal.When I say sayan uttarayan I am meaning Poush 6( 21st December) and

when I say nirayan uttrayan as of date it is makar sankranti(14 jan) but

proposed to be reformed to Dhanu sankranti.

Although uttarayan in the strict sense is a georaphical phenomenon,it is our

vedic culture to link it to both sidereal solar postiion and lunar sukla

pratipada or purnima position.You know how makar sankranti is tied up with

uttarayan although it is only the position of the sun with respect to the

star.My understnding is not the tropical interpretation as you claim it to be

against the practice. Makar is sidereal for me as is generally understand.

The practise of nirayan celebration is quite enough to prove that sayan is

prohibited. Purush is linked to nirayan sankrantis since our adhimases are

controlled by the nirayan sankrantis.I do not like to interpret wrongly what is

already in practise.

Sayan phenomenon as Brahmaji was already discussed with you but you seem to keep

on forgetting it.Brauhmaji as sitting atop meru parbat(pole star) as the top of

earth axis is the proof that Brahmaji is linked to sayan phenomenon.We have to

consider, polar, solar and lunar phenomenons as Brahmaji, Vishnuji and Shivaji

respectively. For detail discussions you should show sufficient interest in this

matter. But before every thing how much have you learnt about the Purush from

our various shastras? may I know?

Sayan nirayan confusion is not created by me. You like to evade it even when

stalwarts like SB Dixit and Balagangadhar Tilak seriously talk about it. Why do

you try to evade this matter? Is your concept about it not clear? Just by

throwing the rashis you do not throw away the sayan \nirayan concepts. It also

applies to nakshaytras too. Are the words sidereal and tropical not valid

concepts? Are you still under the impreseions that the stars are neither

sidereal (or nirayan) nor tropical?

Our shatras are nirayan coordinated with sayan or tropical concepts in the

general sense.Thus it says uttaryan starts from makar sankranti.If makar

sankranti is tropical or sayan, as you imagine, then why is the practice

sidereal? Do you ever give your attention to this fact?

Trying to import Gregorain concepts, you try to twist things to your own

meanings. In doing so you even forget the practise.

So please be practically oriented. Thank you,

Hari Malla


HinduCalendar , " Krishen " <jyotirved@> wrote:




> Shri Hari Mallaji,


> Jai Shri Ram!


> < We propose to celebrate nirayan uttaryan sankranti on solar Poush

> 1st(sankranti) since the shastras prohibit celebration of sayan

> sankranti>


> 1. Uttarayana is neither Sayana nor nirayana! It is a geographic

> phenomenon and is unaffected even by precession! As such, why make the

> confusion worst confounded by " inventing " nirayana or sayana uttarayana

> or dakshinayana etc. phenomena?


> 2. You have said that the shastras prohibit celebration of sayana

> sanrkanti. Pl. quote the original Sanskrit sholkas with their

> translation, since to the best of my knowledge, you are making a fool of

> everybody with such statements because of your ulterior motives.


> <We prefer to stick to the age old tradition of not worshipping

> Brahmaji, which would be the case if we celebrated the sayan sankranti,

> as you are proposing.>


> This sayana-nirayana confusion is being created by you! The

> siddhantarkas and the Puranas had no such confusion! For them, Makar

> Sankranti was the shortest day of the year and therefore Uttarayana Day.

> It is for people like you to call it some nirayana or sayana

> phenoemenon.


> Pl. also quot the shlokas with their English translation that talk of

> Sayana phenomena as " Brahmaji " and nirayana ones as some other Deity.


> <If you read the dharma shastras you will note that the lunar months

> having the nirayan solar sankrantis contain the Purusha.Purusha is not

> considered with respect to the sayan sankrantis. Hope you understand the

> basis of our shastras.>


> You are making statements through your hat without having read any

> documents like BVB6, 1999b etc. Or maybe you are deliberately ignoring

> them since you have a madate to thrust down everybody's throat some

> imaginary nirayana uttarayana which you want to club with some Pausha

> Purnima1st Pausha.


> With every post, you are, in fact, keeping your ulterior motives before

> the public all the more.


> Keep it up.


> Jai Shri Ram!


> A K Kaul


HinduCalendar , " hari " <harimalla@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Kaulji,

> > Best wishies for your sayan uttaryan sankranti!

> > We propose to celebrate nirayan uttaryan sankranti on solar Poush

> 1st(sankranti) since the shastras prohibit celebration of sayan

> sankranti. Nirayan poush sankranti is Dec 16th. This will remain as such

> for about 15-1600 years. But as you say we have to name this also as

> Makar sankranti,the sayan way, although it is presently known as Dhanu

> sankranti. This is to support the opinions of sayanbadis like you and SB

> Dixit, although you like to call yourself neither sayan nor nirayan, by

> throwing away the rashis.

> > The proposed lunar maagha snana started from Mrigasira purnima (the

> full moon of December) which fell this year on 2nd of December but will

> fall next year towards the end of December. Since December 21 is the

> actual shortest day,the proposed lunar shortest day maagha snana, namely

> Mrigasira purnima, will go both before and after this date, since this

> fullmoon fluctuates over the whole month of December, from Dec. 1 to

> Dec.31.

> > Thus the traditional nirayan solar sankranti and lunar full moons will

> be the celebration date for uttarayan, which keeps on changing its

> abslute steller location from year to year. We prefer to stick to the

> age old tradition of not worshipping Brahmaji, which would be the case

> if we celebrated the sayan sankranti, as you are proposing.

> > So my request for you too, to follow the age old vedic tradition and

> not go against it.

> > If you read the dharma shastras you will note that the lunar months

> having the nirayan solar sankrantis contain the Purusha.Purusha is not

> considered with respect to the sayan sankrantis. Hope you understand the

> basis of our shastras.

> > Thank you and regards,

> >

> >

> > HinduCalendar , " jyotirved " jyotirved@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear friends,

> > > Best wishes for Uttarayana of 2009!

> > > Uttarayana Day, known as Winter Solstice in English language, is a

> unique

> > > Hindu festival --- like the Summer Solstice (Dakshinayana) and the

> two

> > > Ayanaas i.e. Vernal and autumnal Equinox, known as Vasanta Sampat

> and

> > > Hemanta Sampat respectively.

> > >

> > > All these festivals, as per the Puranas. are said to yield

> thousand-fold

> > > results if charities are bestowed during their punya-kala or other

> > > puja/japa/archana is conducted/performed during that period.

> > > Unfortunately, because of our fatal infatuation with predictive

> gimmicks,

> > > which some people call " Vedic astrology " , we have gone completely

> out of

> > > touch with these universal geographic and religious phenomena.

> > >

> > > Uttarayana Day is also known as Makar Sankranti as per all the

> siddhantas,

> > > including the Surya Siddhanta, and all the Puranas, including the

> Bhagavata,

> > > Vishnu and Vishnu-dharmotarapurana etc.

> > >

> > > The exact timing of Uttaryana for 2009 is 17 hrs. 47 mts UT/GMT

> which

> > > corresponds to 23 hrs. 17 mts. IST of December 21, 2009. Those

> desirous of

> > > doing Tantrika kriyas at the exact moment can start doing so around

> 23 hrs.

> > > IST and continue for about an hour, though the snana-dhyana etc. of

> > > Uttarayana will be on December 22 right from the dawn.

> > >

> > > It is the same Uttarayana that was and must be known as

> Makaradi-snana in UP

> > > and Bihar etc.; Shishira Sankranti in Kashmir and Makar Sankranti

> for the

> > > whole of India. It is also the start of the Vedic month Tapah and

> solar

> > > Magha apart from Shishira Ritu.

> > >

> > > There is no other Makar Sankranti either as per the Siddhantas or

> Puranas,

> > > not to speak of the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha since Makar etc.

> rashis,

> > > being imaginary divisions, are conspicuous by their absence from

> those

> > > works.

> > > Anybody, however, can celebrate any Sankranti on any day, since

> India is the

> > > largest democracy in the world and every body has his/her " religious

> > > freedom " even to celebrate any imaginary sankranti!

> > >

> > > The so called Dhanurmasa, which is an anathema for marriages etc. as

> per

> > > muhurta shastras, also ends actually on December 21 itself, instead

> of

> > > January 15, when " almighty " Lahiri Dharniumasa will end!

> > > With regards,

> > > A K Kaul

> > >

> >



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