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Yogas to become Astrologer!

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************ IMPORTANT - MAIL ************


I had elaborated the typical combinations of `GURU-CHANDAL' Yoga and conditions

when Ju use to leave its good characteristics and becomes wicked and its

influence get reflected in speech (2'nd house and its trines) and religious

thoughts (ninth house and its trines).


Elaborated points are very correct in now-a-days spirituality, where

spirituality starts with corrupting Vaidiki Culture and Religion not only Vaidik

but any religion.


Combination which we see in ancient classics for predictive techniques,

basically lead person to highest spiritualism, Bhakti and to highest level of

intuition not to the current degraded astrology.


So now-a-days we find YOGAS, as elaborated by me, to become astrologers.


(I know maximum persons, birth details who are on internet and I have found that

modern YOGAs for being astrologer fits well on them)


Jatak Parijata – Chapter - 2 – Shloka 26


It says Ju and Ve are significators of Brahmins (I am not talking of Brahmins by

caste, I am saying by values)


Jatak Parijata – Chapter - 3 – Shloka 9


Ju makes tree (Native), fruit-bearing


Ju leaves its characteristics when goes in retrogression or becomes debilitated

or use to be with Ra or goes 5'th or 9'th from Ra.


I don't have to tell, Are the characteristics of Ra and Ju opposite according to



BPHS has clearly said (I don't remember Shloka number) that 2'nd house use to

show capability of giving predictions (Not astrological consultation, only

prediction, there is difference between both things), 9'th house is the house of



So I have taken the influence on 2'nd and 9'th and their trines with Ra and Ju

(Bad Jupiter) just to get to know about current corrupt astrologers and their

basic characteristics.


Astrology is Vedanga ……


In Jatak Parijata, author have said Ju is KARAKA of VEDAS and Vaidik tradition

and astrology as VEDANGA (I will search that particular Shloka and will provide

for sure), when Ju becomes wicked (being in retrogression or debilitated or goes

5'th or 9'th to Ra) then pathetic habits use to develop in native just to snatch

money from hands of ppl in the name of God or they show that I am God and my

research in any subject is best and follow it. I also have seen that the ppl who

use to have elaborated points, abuse religion and Vaidik tradition (just by

showing that they have read all VEDAS and they are God though they even don't

know even ABCD of any religion) and sham in disguise that they are spiritual and

show through Videos and audios, that hear me, I am spiritual.


Recent Great Giants, who have been connected with religion, have no combination

which I have elaborated.




Ma Anandmayi

Ma Sharda

Aurbindo Ghosh

Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Swami Vivekanand

Mahavaidya Shivan

Karpatri Maharaj

Swami Srila Prabhupada

Swami Sivananda

Swami RamaKrishna Paramhansha

Swami RamTirtha

Chaitanya Maha Prabhu


Swami RamaKrishna Paramhansha has been exceptional case as his Sun has finished

the negative aspect as being in Lagna. (In my view his details are not correct,

which are hand to hand, as those birth details doesn't not smell correct

according to my analysis)


(Jataka Parijata – Chapter 2 – Shloka 73,74)


I don't know much about him, but I think for some time he would have been

indulged in astrology, but Su (Lagna) and in trines of it Ju and Sa, led him to

Bhakti and he would have never been indulged in astrology which is running

around us just to snatch money and cry for it (Chandra Swami style) ….


I am sure that if any of the person from above list would have come to the

internet on forums then some abusers group who have the habit to abuse all,

would have abused them also. And those persons are having same points in their

horoscope which I have elaborated.


Above ppl were having knowledge of astronomy but they were not astrologers, they

spread the spirituality and Vaidik tradition.


When Nehruji was arrested then Nehru Family went to Ma Anadmayi then she didn't

say, show me Pandit Nehru's horoscope, let me see the current dasha(Ha Ha Ha

Ha), but she said let me perform Yagya with Vaidik rituals and she gifted

beautifull flower to Smt Indira Gandhi (Source Wikipedia).


Maa Anandmayi is not having a single inch of elaborated points in D-1 and D-60.


Interesting thing the combinations which I have elaborated are also in Sai Baba

… His Ra is deb in 9'th and he has big house (temple) to live, Mithuna(Gemini)

Rashi represents temple (Bhrigu Nadi), interesting thing Ra is over there in

Gemini and in 9'th house, and what Ra does in 9'th all know… Ju is also

debilitated and he shams that he is God and he has been caught many times in

doing some manipulation, Videos are on You-Tube, see the reality on your own.


I hope that I have put correct points and Ra's influence should be reduced in

between astrologers so that true Ju could shine.


Ju – Vaidik Culture

Ra – Corrupt foreign influence



Prashant Pandey


PS1:- I will write more beautifully when I will place word `ADVOCATE' before my

name, it will take some more months. Keep waiting!


PS2:- I dont support any yoga which i had elaborated though those could be

correct in materialistic world.


************** THE END ****************


Indian_Astrology_Group_Daily_Digest , " prashant "

<praspandey wrote:


Dear Shri Anthonyji,


Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

(Those are only my researches)


A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same house and Ra

is just before of Ju

B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if its

debilitation is getting canceled out.

C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely in problems)

means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is in

retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house, 6'th house and

10'th house)

F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated or exalted in

4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of 4-10'th house.

G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in Lagna)

H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.


If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give aspect to

second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best astrologer like Chandra



My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may become

successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth astrologer if you

take astrology as profession.


Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group just write

articles and articles and write books. And in articles write like this, this is

my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits of those researches.


My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with opposite sex ppl and

sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for trapping a

bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.


Hope this much helps!!!



Prashant Pandey


PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned astrologer, you

will find those principles very very correct.


Indian_Astrology_Group_Daily_Digest , anthony_goiche@@



> Hello Mr Prashant,


> Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull astrologers.


> TX,

> Anthony



--- End forwarded message ---

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And if larger numbers are what one is after, there is the Japanese Yen, Italian

Lira, Mexican peso and probably other currencies!


What has not changed over centuries, perhaps is the capacity of the stomach!

What it takes to fill it! Although stomachs have been known to stretch to fit

the greed!


Hence the pot-bellied pandaas!




, Ajitkumar Benadi <ajitbenadi wrote:


> Now- a- days almost every astrologer could be a millionaire in terms of Rs.

When you know that a small apartment in remote suburb of Mumbai costs 20 or 30

lacs, being a millionaire is not a big thing. Some of the richest astrologers

are, V K Choudhury, Arun Bansal, R G Krishnan, Beju Daruwalla and Chakrapani

Ullal. Mahendra Sharma, is probabaly the richest astrologer. His charges are

500$ for 25minutes consultation.


> Rgds






> ________________________________

> gopalakrishna <gopi_b927


> Fri, January 8, 2010 11:36:39 AM

> Re: Yogas to become Astrologer!



> Hi,Marg

> it is DESTINY for sure....

> _gopi.

> , " Marg " <margie9@ > wrote:

> >

> > Hi Prashant

> > Perhaps someone could e mail me privately with the name

> then........ .although all I can say is it must have been in his destiny

> for that to happen?

> > best wishes

> >

> > M

> > -

> > prashant

> >

> > Thursday, January 07, 2010 3:24 PM

> > Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> >

> >

> > < I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer

> who is a millionaire? >

> >

> > 12'th house represents bed pleasure, when Mo sits there then natives

> partner get changed if other combinations give supports to it.

> >

> > One well-known astrologer is having debilitated Ra in 4'th and Mo in

> 12'th ie 9'th to 4'th.

> >

> > Debilitated Ra in 4'th gives native big house if correct transits

> and Vim Dasha runs.

> >

> > When Ra was transiting over his Natal Ra, his partner got changed,

> he remarried with new partner, and that Lady (to whom he got married) is

> from well-known millionaire family of India.

> >

> > At the same time when Ra was transiting over his natal Ra, he

> (astrologer) was under Me's Vimshottari dasha and it was sitting in 6'th

> of being lord of 7'th between Su and Mars most malefic planets.

> >

> > That astrologer is having big empires and big schools of astrology

> all over the world(in max countries).

> >

> > Lady's parental property was estimated to be in millions.

> >

> > I don't have to tell who HE is ??

> >

> > I don't have good relations with him and had some fights in past so

> I can not bring his name over here.

> >

> > He is well known person and everybody knows about him.

> >

> > Regs,

> > Prashant Pandey

> >

> > , " Marg " margie9@ wrote:

> > >

> > > I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

> says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and

> for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

> > > I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer

> who is a millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are

> millionaires please?

> > > -

> > > Manoj Chandran

> > >

> > > Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Prashant Ji,

> > >

> > > Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer "

> or a " Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> > > I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I

> should quit my day job :)

> > >

> > > I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I

> believe your points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > -Manoj

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > prashant praspandey@

> > >

> > > Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> > > Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > >

> > >

> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> " prashant " <praspandey@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Shri Anthonyji,

> > >

> > > Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> > > (Those are only my researches)

> > >

> > > A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same

> house and Ra is just before of Ju

> > > B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if

> its debilitation is getting canceled out.

> > > C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely

> in problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> > > D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is

> in retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> > > E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house,

> 6'th house and 10'th house)

> > > F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated

> or exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of

> 4-10'th house.

> > > G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in

> Lagna)

> > > H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.

> > >

> > > If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give

> aspect to second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best

> astrologer like Chandra Swami.

> > >

> > > My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may

> become successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth

> astrologer if you take astrology as profession.

> > >

> > > Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group

> just write articles and articles and write books. And in articles write

> like this, " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get

> fruits of those researches. "

> > >

> > > My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with

> opposite sex ppl and sometimes person become millionaire just by

> trapping a BIRD and for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are

> married or unmarried.

> > >

> > > Hope this much helps!!!

> > >

> > > Regs,

> > > Prashant Pandey

> > >

> > > PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned

> astrologer, you will find those principles very very correct.

> > >

> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hello Mr Prashant,

> > > >

> > > > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull

> astrologers.

> > > >

> > > > TX,

> > > > Anthony

> > > >

> > >

> > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > >

> > >

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Dear Utkal Ji, Prashant Ji,


Are you both suggesting that the several " Good/Successful/Famous " astrologers

that Prashant Ji says " satisfy " his yogas are not some how not " Real "

astrologers but magically people are shoveling money at them, even though they

are not " Good " . Do you think it is this easy to fool people these days?


I am only talking about astrologers here, not about " Saints " or " God Men " . Let

us not mix the two categories (unless you expect Astrologers to rise up the the

level of Yogis).










Utkal Panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi


Fri, January 8, 2010 2:15:55 PM

Re: Re: Yogas to become Astrologer!






Prashant posted a funny mail highlighting worst yogas, yogas that lead to

corruption in astrology and spirituality, strange, Rahu is the karaka for

corruption ... how it can make a good astrologer ?


Rahu leads to confusion, it's misdirected, If somebody gets Rahu in angles or

triangles, may not have power of judgement, w'd sound sweet and friendly but

reality w'd remain different.





Earlier, we saw that Rahu makes good politicians, so, if somebody does

astrology the way politicians do social service, he can have success in

business of astrology, this is the reason some rahu influenced personalities are

seen in astrology ... kaliyuga effect !!


Strength of Sun and Jup in chart gives capability to read what God has approved

for one's life, Merc gives skill, Pls check how Merc, Jup, Sun are placed in

your's horoscope, however, it also depends on remaining horoscope.





____________ _________ _________ __

gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 >


Fri, January 8, 2010 4:06:39 PM

Re: Yogas to become Astrologer!




it is DESTINY for sure....


, " Marg " <margie9 > wrote:


> Hi Prashant

> Perhaps someone could e mail me privately with the name

then........ .although all I can say is it must have been in his destiny

for that to happen?

> best wishes


> M

> -

> prashant


> Thursday, January 07, 2010 3:24 PM

> Yogas to become Astrologer!




> < I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer

who is a millionaire? >


> 12'th house represents bed pleasure, when Mo sits there then natives

partner get changed if other combinations give supports to it.


> One well-known astrologer is having debilitated Ra in 4'th and Mo in

12'th ie 9'th to 4'th.


> Debilitated Ra in 4'th gives native big house if correct transits

and Vim Dasha runs.


> When Ra was transiting over his Natal Ra, his partner got changed,

he remarried with new partner, and that Lady (to whom he got married) is

from well-known millionaire family of India.


> At the same time when Ra was transiting over his natal Ra, he

(astrologer) was under Me's Vimshottari dasha and it was sitting in 6'th

of being lord of 7'th between Su and Mars most malefic planets.


> That astrologer is having big empires and big schools of astrology

all over the world(in max countries).


> Lady's parental property was estimated to be in millions.


> I don't have to tell who HE is ??


> I don't have good relations with him and had some fights in past so

I can not bring his name over here.


> He is well known person and everybody knows about him.


> Regs,

> Prashant Pandey


> , " Marg " margie9@ wrote:

> >

> > I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and

for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

> > I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer

who is a millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are

millionaires please?

> > -

> > Manoj Chandran

> >

> > Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant Ji,

> >

> > Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer "

or a " Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> > I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I

should quit my day job :)

> >

> > I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I

believe your points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.

> >

> > Regards,

> > -Manoj

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > prashant praspandey@

> >

> > Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> > Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> >

> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" prashant " <praspandey@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Anthonyji,

> >

> > Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> > (Those are only my researches)

> >

> > A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same

house and Ra is just before of Ju

> > B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if

its debilitation is getting canceled out.

> > C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely

in problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> > D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is

in retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> > E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house,

6'th house and 10'th house)

> > F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated

or exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of

4-10'th house.

> > G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in


> > H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.

> >

> > If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give

aspect to second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best

astrologer like Chandra Swami.

> >

> > My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may

become successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth

astrologer if you take astrology as profession.

> >

> > Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group

just write articles and articles and write books. And in articles write

like this, " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get

fruits of those researches. "

> >

> > My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with

opposite sex ppl and sometimes person become millionaire just by

trapping a BIRD and for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are

married or unmarried.

> >

> > Hope this much helps!!!

> >

> > Regs,

> > Prashant Pandey

> >

> > PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned

astrologer, you will find those principles very very correct.

> >

> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> > >

> > > Hello Mr Prashant,

> > >

> > > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull


> > >

> > > TX,

> > > Anthony

> > >

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> >

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Dear Manoj jee,


Astrologers, whether good or successful or both are not judged by what

astro-combinations they have in their horoscopes, but what they have done for

astrology and/or for the nativities they have served and advised positively,

whether done publicly or privately!


As far as the combinations or other sensationalism is concerned, those are

'flavours' of icecreme that change over the years! If one were to collect all

the articles, messages and whatnot from classics to the most recent article

written and published, the combinations would be found to be different and

somewhat 'sliding'! Like a 'moving average' in actuarial domain!


One thing about rahu (to make this posting astrology-related so that it does not

get moderated for irrelevance ;-)) -- It is well-accepted that Rahu does not

have a fixed attribute, since it can serve as the 'fall-guy', one who can assume

the role of the sign, nakshatra or the planet it is associated with! This is why

when we do all these occupational and other 'researches' we find rahu getting

involved in all those departments! The KEY factor in those situations would be

to not just stay focussed on rahu but knowing its 'flexibility' and ability to

'fit-in' the critical thing becomes the determination of the role that rahu was

playing in those horoscopes!


After all, even going by *classics*, rahu-ketu (Swarbhanu) did manage to work

with and sit with Devas and even received the Amrita! Until the two lighted ones

illuminated (pun intended!) the ALL-KNOWING DEVAS! ;-)




, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:


> Dear Utkal Ji, Prashant Ji,


> Are you both suggesting that the several " Good/Successful/Famous " astrologers

that Prashant Ji says " satisfy " his yogas are not some how not " Real "

astrologers but magically people are shoveling money at them, even though they

are not " Good " . Do you think it is this easy to fool people these days?


> I am only talking about astrologers here, not about " Saints " or " God Men " . Let

us not mix the two categories (unless you expect Astrologers to rise up the the

level of Yogis).


> Regards,

>  -Manoj






> ________________________________

> Utkal Panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi


> Fri, January 8, 2010 2:15:55 PM

> Re: Re: Yogas to become Astrologer!



> Hi,



> Prashant posted a funny mail highlighting worst yogas, yogas that lead to

corruption in astrology and spirituality, strange, Rahu is the karaka for

corruption ... how it can make a good astrologer ?


> Rahu leads to confusion, it's misdirected, If somebody gets Rahu in angles or

triangles, may not have power of judgement, w'd sound sweet and friendly but

reality w'd remain different.


> :)



> Earlier, we saw that Rahu makes good politicians, so, if somebody does

astrology the way politicians do social service, he can have success in

business of astrology, this is the reason some rahu influenced personalities are

seen in astrology ... kaliyuga effect !!


> Strength of Sun and Jup in chart gives capability to read what God has

approved for one's life, Merc gives skill, Pls check how Merc, Jup, Sun are

placed in your's horoscope, however, it also depends on remaining horoscope.


> Utkal.



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 >


> Fri, January 8, 2010 4:06:39 PM

> Re: Yogas to become Astrologer!



> Hi,Marg

> it is DESTINY for sure....

> _gopi.

> , " Marg " <margie9@ > wrote:

> >

> > Hi Prashant

> > Perhaps someone could e mail me privately with the name

> then........ .although all I can say is it must have been in his destiny

> for that to happen?

> > best wishes

> >

> > M

> > -

> > prashant

> >

> > Thursday, January 07, 2010 3:24 PM

> > Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> >

> >

> > < I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer

> who is a millionaire? >

> >

> > 12'th house represents bed pleasure, when Mo sits there then natives

> partner get changed if other combinations give supports to it.

> >

> > One well-known astrologer is having debilitated Ra in 4'th and Mo in

> 12'th ie 9'th to 4'th.

> >

> > Debilitated Ra in 4'th gives native big house if correct transits

> and Vim Dasha runs.

> >

> > When Ra was transiting over his Natal Ra, his partner got changed,

> he remarried with new partner, and that Lady (to whom he got married) is

> from well-known millionaire family of India.

> >

> > At the same time when Ra was transiting over his natal Ra, he

> (astrologer) was under Me's Vimshottari dasha and it was sitting in 6'th

> of being lord of 7'th between Su and Mars most malefic planets.

> >

> > That astrologer is having big empires and big schools of astrology

> all over the world(in max countries).

> >

> > Lady's parental property was estimated to be in millions.

> >

> > I don't have to tell who HE is ??

> >

> > I don't have good relations with him and had some fights in past so

> I can not bring his name over here.

> >

> > He is well known person and everybody knows about him.

> >

> > Regs,

> > Prashant Pandey

> >

> > , " Marg " margie9@ wrote:

> > >

> > > I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

> says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and

> for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

> > > I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer

> who is a millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are

> millionaires please?

> > > -

> > > Manoj Chandran

> > >

> > > Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Prashant Ji,

> > >

> > > Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer "

> or a " Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> > > I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I

> should quit my day job :)

> > >

> > > I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I

> believe your points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > -Manoj

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > prashant praspandey@

> > >

> > > Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> > > Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > >

> > >

> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> " prashant " <praspandey@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Shri Anthonyji,

> > >

> > > Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> > > (Those are only my researches)

> > >

> > > A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same

> house and Ra is just before of Ju

> > > B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if

> its debilitation is getting canceled out.

> > > C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely

> in problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> > > D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is

> in retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> > > E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house,

> 6'th house and 10'th house)

> > > F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated

> or exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of

> 4-10'th house.

> > > G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in

> Lagna)

> > > H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.

> > >

> > > If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give

> aspect to second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best

> astrologer like Chandra Swami.

> > >

> > > My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may

> become successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth

> astrologer if you take astrology as profession.

> > >

> > > Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group

> just write articles and articles and write books. And in articles write

> like this, " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get

> fruits of those researches. "

> > >

> > > My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with

> opposite sex ppl and sometimes person become millionaire just by

> trapping a BIRD and for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are

> married or unmarried.

> > >

> > > Hope this much helps!!!

> > >

> > > Regs,

> > > Prashant Pandey

> > >

> > > PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned

> astrologer, you will find those principles very very correct.

> > >

> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hello Mr Prashant,

> > > >

> > > > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull

> astrologers.

> > > >

> > > > TX,

> > > > Anthony

> > > >

> > >

> > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > >

> > >

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Share on other sites


just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles for astrologers


1. combination of 9L with Ke

2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or aspect of Ju on it

 the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits, eigth house is

" occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.



--- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:



Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj

Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM









I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does not practice for a fee

though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that Astrology is an easy way to meet

a lot of people and hence opportunity to marry into fortunes. However, I did

not get the " whether you are married or unmarried " part myself.






____________ _________ _________ __

Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>


Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!



I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for

trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer who is a

millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are millionaires please?


Manoj Chandran


Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


Dear Prashant Ji,


Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer " or a " Succesful

Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I should quit my day

job :)


I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I believe your

points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.





____________ _________ _________ __

prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>


Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " prashant "

<praspandey@ ...> wrote:


Dear Shri Anthonyji,


Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

(Those are only my researches)


A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same house and Ra

is just before of Ju

B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if its

debilitation is getting canceled out.

C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely in problems)

means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is in

retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house, 6'th house and

10'th house)

F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated or exalted in

4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of 4-10'th house.

G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in Lagna)

H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.


If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give aspect to

second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best astrologer like Chandra



My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may become

successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth astrologer if you

take astrology as profession.


Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group just write

articles and articles and write books. And in articles write like this, " This is

my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits of those researches. "


My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with opposite sex ppl and

sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for trapping a

bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.


Hope this much helps!!!



Prashant Pandey


PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned astrologer, you

will find those principles very very correct.


Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, anthony_goiche@ @



> Hello Mr Prashant,


> Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull astrologers.


> TX,

> Anthony



--- End forwarded message ---



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Archana jee,


Do you know of any examples? KN Rao jee mostly provided examples to substantiate

his claims!


He is a great Human being and we are all the better for having known him in one

way or another!


Please convey my respects to him! :-)




, archana roy <roy_archana wrote:


> hi

> just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles for astrologers


> 1. combination of 9L with Ke

> 2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

> 3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or aspect of Ju on


>  the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits, eigth house is

" occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.



> --- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:



> Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM







> Marg,


> I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does not practice for a

fee though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that Astrology is an easy way to

meet a lot of people and hence opportunity to marry into fortunes. However, I

did not get the " whether you are married or unmarried " part myself.


> Regards,

>  -Manoj



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>


> Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!



> I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for

trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

> I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer who is a

millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are millionaires please?

> -

> Manoj Chandran


> Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Dear Prashant Ji,


> Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer " or a

" Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I should quit my

day job :)


> I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I believe your

points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.


> Regards,

> -Manoj


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>


> Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " prashant "

<praspandey@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Shri Anthonyji,


> Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> (Those are only my researches)


> A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same house and

Ra is just before of Ju

> B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if its

debilitation is getting canceled out.

> C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely in problems)

means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is in

retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house, 6'th house and

10'th house)

> F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated or exalted

in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of 4-10'th house.

> G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in Lagna)

> H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.


> If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give aspect to

second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best astrologer like Chandra



> My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may become

successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth astrologer if you

take astrology as profession.


> Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group just write

articles and articles and write books. And in articles write like this, " This is

my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits of those researches. "


> My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with opposite sex ppl

and sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for trapping

a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.


> Hope this much helps!!!


> Regs,

> Prashant Pandey


> PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned astrologer,

you will find those principles very very correct.


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, anthony_goiche@

@ wrote:

> >

> > Hello Mr Prashant,

> >

> > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull astrologers.

> >

> > TX,

> > Anthony

> >


> --- End forwarded message ---



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Hi all,


There is another proven principle in addition to KNR principles:


Jupiter should be 5th from the Moon. If Mercury is 5th from Jupiter also,

then it is very clear that person will have the discrimination and ability

to predict. Thus, Jupiter ,Mercury and Moon will be 5th from each other

with count starting with Jupiter.



Bipul Pathak


On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 6:51 PM, archana roy <roy_archanawrote:




> hi

> just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles for

> astrologers are

> 1. combination of 9L with Ke

> 2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

> 3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or aspect of Ju

> on it

> the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits, eigth house is

> " occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.


> --- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran


> wrote:


> Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj<chandran_manoj%40>

> >

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> <%40>

> Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM




> Marg,


> I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does not practice for a

> fee though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that Astrology is an easy way

> to meet a lot of people and hence opportunity to marry into fortunes.

> However, I did not get the " whether you are married or unmarried " part

> myself.


> Regards,

> -Manoj



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>


> Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!



> I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

> says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for

> trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

> I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer who is a

> millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are millionaires

> please?

> -

> Manoj Chandran


> Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Dear Prashant Ji,


> Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer " or a

> " Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I should quit

> my day job :)


> I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I believe your

> points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.


> Regards,

> -Manoj


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>


> Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " prashant "

> <praspandey@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Shri Anthonyji,


> Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> (Those are only my researches)


> A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same house

> and Ra is just before of Ju

> B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if its

> debilitation is getting canceled out.

> C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely in

> problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is in

> retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house, 6'th house

> and 10'th house)

> F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated or

> exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of 4-10'th

> house.

> G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in Lagna)

> H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.


> If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give aspect to

> second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best astrologer like

> Chandra Swami.


> My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may become

> successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth astrologer if

> you take astrology as profession.


> Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group just write

> articles and articles and write books. And in articles write like this,

> " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits of those

> researches. "


> My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with opposite sex ppl

> and sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for

> trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.


> Hope this much helps!!!


> Regs,

> Prashant Pandey


> PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned astrologer,

> you will find those principles very very correct.


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> >

> > Hello Mr Prashant,

> >

> > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull astrologers.

> >

> > TX,

> > Anthony

> >


> --- End forwarded message ---



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Dear Bipul jee,


Pray tell us -- will all of these individuals who have been declared jyotishis

based on their planets:


Become Jyotishis without studying Jyotish and through hard work and dedication?


If hard work is still involved, then why wait around for some Jyotishi to tell

you that you are destined to be a Jyotishi?


Just do it, instead of waiting around too long! :-)




, Bipul Pathak <bipul.pathak wrote:


> Hi all,


> There is another proven principle in addition to KNR principles:


> Jupiter should be 5th from the Moon. If Mercury is 5th from Jupiter also,

> then it is very clear that person will have the discrimination and ability

> to predict. Thus, Jupiter ,Mercury and Moon will be 5th from each other

> with count starting with Jupiter.


> Regards,

> Bipul Pathak


> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 6:51 PM, archana roy <roy_archanawrote:


> >

> >

> > hi

> > just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles for

> > astrologers are

> > 1. combination of 9L with Ke

> > 2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

> > 3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or aspect of Ju

> > on it

> > the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits, eigth house is

> > " occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.

> >

> > --- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran


> > wrote:

> >

> > Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj<chandran_manoj%40>

> > >

> > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > <%40>

> > Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM

> >

> >

> >

> > Marg,

> >

> > I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does not practice for a

> > fee though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that Astrology is an easy way

> > to meet a lot of people and hence opportunity to marry into fortunes.

> > However, I did not get the " whether you are married or unmarried " part

> > myself.

> >

> > Regards,

> > -Manoj

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>

> >

> > Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

> > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> >

> > I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

> > says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for

> > trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

> > I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer who is a

> > millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are millionaires

> > please?

> > -

> > Manoj Chandran

> >

> > Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> > Dear Prashant Ji,

> >

> > Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer " or a

> > " Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> > I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I should quit

> > my day job :)

> >

> > I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I believe your

> > points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.

> >

> > Regards,

> > -Manoj

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>

> >

> > Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> > Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " prashant "

> > <praspandey@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Anthonyji,

> >

> > Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> > (Those are only my researches)

> >

> > A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same house

> > and Ra is just before of Ju

> > B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if its

> > debilitation is getting canceled out.

> > C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely in

> > problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> > D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is in

> > retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> > E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house, 6'th house

> > and 10'th house)

> > F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated or

> > exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of 4-10'th

> > house.

> > G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in Lagna)

> > H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.

> >

> > If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give aspect to

> > second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best astrologer like

> > Chandra Swami.

> >

> > My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may become

> > successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth astrologer if

> > you take astrology as profession.

> >

> > Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group just write

> > articles and articles and write books. And in articles write like this,

> > " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits of those

> > researches. "

> >

> > My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with opposite sex ppl

> > and sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for

> > trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.

> >

> > Hope this much helps!!!

> >

> > Regs,

> > Prashant Pandey

> >

> > PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned astrologer,

> > you will find those principles very very correct.

> >

> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> > anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> > >

> > > Hello Mr Prashant,

> > >

> > > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull astrologers.

> > >

> > > TX,

> > > Anthony

> > >

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> >

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Thank you Archana ji for reminding...



, archana roy <roy_archana



> hi

> just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles for

astrologers are

> 1. combination of 9L with Ke

> 2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

> 3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or aspect of

Ju on it

> Â the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits, eigth

house is " occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.



> --- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran chandran_manoj wrote:



> Manoj Chandran chandran_manoj

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM



> Â




> Marg,


> I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does notÂ

practice for a fee though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that

Astrology is an easy way to meet a lot of people and hence opportunity

to marry into fortunes. However, I did not get the " whether you are

married or unmarried " part myself.

> Â

> Regards,

> Â -Manoj

> Â


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Marg margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>


> Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Â

> I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and

for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

> I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer who is

a millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are millionaires


> -

> Manoj Chandran


> Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Dear Prashant Ji,


> Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer " or a

" Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I should

quit my day job :)


> I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I believe

your points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.


> Regards,

> -Manoj


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>


> Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" prashant " <praspandey@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Shri Anthonyji,


> Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> (Those are only my researches)


> A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same

house and Ra is just before of Ju

> B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if its

debilitation is getting canceled out.

> C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely in

problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is in

retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house, 6'th

house and 10'th house)

> F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated or

exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of

4-10'th house.

> G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in


> H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.


> If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give

aspect to second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best

astrologer like Chandra Swami.


> My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may become

successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth astrologer

if you take astrology as profession.


> Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group just

write articles and articles and write books. And in articles write like

this, " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits

of those researches. "


> My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with opposite

sex ppl and sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD

and for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.


> Hope this much helps!!!


> Regs,

> Prashant Pandey


> PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned

astrologer, you will find those principles very very correct.


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> >

> > Hello Mr Prashant,

> >

> > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull


> >

> > TX,

> > Anthony

> >


> --- End forwarded message ---



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Hi Archana

Thanks for the input

Mr Rao also tells us that the dasa of the fifth Lord is also a good time to

study astrology




archana roy

Friday, January 15, 2010 1:21 PM

Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!





just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles for astrologers


1. combination of 9L with Ke

2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or aspect of Ju on


the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits, eigth house is

" occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.


--- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:


Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj

Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM






I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does not practice for a fee

though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that Astrology is an easy way to meet

a lot of people and hence opportunity to marry into fortunes. However, I did not

get the " whether you are married or unmarried " part myself.






____________ _________ _________ __

Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>

Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!



I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for

trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer who is a

millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are millionaires please?


Manoj Chandran

Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


Dear Prashant Ji,


Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer " or a

" Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I should quit my

day job :)


I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I believe your

points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.





____________ _________ _________ __

prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>

Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " prashant "

<praspandey@ ...> wrote:


Dear Shri Anthonyji,


Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

(Those are only my researches)


A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same house and

Ra is just before of Ju

B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if its

debilitation is getting canceled out.

C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely in problems)

means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is in

retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house, 6'th house and

10'th house)

F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated or exalted

in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of 4-10'th house.

G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in Lagna)

H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.


If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give aspect to

second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best astrologer like Chandra



My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may become

successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth astrologer if you

take astrology as profession.


Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group just write

articles and articles and write books. And in articles write like this, " This is

my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits of those researches. "


My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with opposite sex ppl

and sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for trapping

a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.


Hope this much helps!!!



Prashant Pandey


PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned astrologer,

you will find those principles very very correct.


Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, anthony_goiche@

@ wrote:


> Hello Mr Prashant,


> Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull astrologers.


> TX,

> Anthony



--- End forwarded message ---


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This reply was accidentally delivered to my private email instead of this group

that it was intended for, hence forwarding it here with my reply below the

quoted (email address edited to conform to forum practice)



Re: Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!þ

Bipul Pathak (bipul.p)

You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk

16 January 2010 08:34AM



As per my little understanding, if hard work alone makes you achieve, then a

large population would have been achievers. If you are trying to be astrologer

by studying and hard work, but not getting anywhere, there is no harm in knowing

if you can be an astrologer or not.

In reality, those who are supposed to become astrologers, the work they put in

does not look hard to them. But those who say they are putting in hard work....I

have doubts they ever become astrologers.


Pardon me if I have views at variance with others.



Bipul Pathak




Bipul jee,


The answer is simple. Certainly everyone cannot become a neurosurgeon just with

hard work! They would have to really want to be one and would need to then study

for it and work long and hard hours and so on. In the making of an astrologer,

too, the first component is the SEED which is the attraction towards astrology,

the intense desire to want to understand and know her. But looking back one

would see that it had been more HARD and LONG work and much less of other

things. At least the ones I have known, met, interviewed by telephone or over

the internet, etc -- in the last 30-40 years or so.


I can only go with what my experience has shown me :-)













, " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani wrote:


> Dear Bipul jee,


> Pray tell us -- will all of these individuals who have been declared jyotishis

based on their planets:


> Become Jyotishis without studying Jyotish and through hard work and



> If hard work is still involved, then why wait around for some Jyotishi to tell

you that you are destined to be a Jyotishi?


> Just do it, instead of waiting around too long! :-)


> Rohiniranjan


> , Bipul Pathak <bipul.pathak@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > There is another proven principle in addition to KNR principles:

> >

> > Jupiter should be 5th from the Moon. If Mercury is 5th from Jupiter also,

> > then it is very clear that person will have the discrimination and ability

> > to predict. Thus, Jupiter ,Mercury and Moon will be 5th from each other

> > with count starting with Jupiter.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Bipul Pathak

> >

> > On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 6:51 PM, archana roy <roy_archana@>wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > hi

> > > just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles for

> > > astrologers are

> > > 1. combination of 9L with Ke

> > > 2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

> > > 3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or aspect of Ju

> > > on it

> > > the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits, eigth house is

> > > " occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.

> > >

> > > --- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran


> > > wrote:

> > >

> > > Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@<chandran_manoj%40>

> > > >

> > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > > <%40>

> > > Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Marg,

> > >

> > > I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does not practice for a

> > > fee though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that Astrology is an easy


> > > to meet a lot of people and hence opportunity to marry into fortunes.

> > > However, I did not get the " whether you are married or unmarried " part

> > > myself.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > -Manoj

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>

> > >

> > > Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

> > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > >

> > >

> > > I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

> > > says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for

> > > trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

> > > I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer who is a

> > > millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are millionaires

> > > please?

> > > -

> > > Manoj Chandran

> > >

> > > Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > >

> > > Dear Prashant Ji,

> > >

> > > Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer " or a

> > > " Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> > > I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I should quit

> > > my day job :)

> > >

> > > I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I believe


> > > points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > -Manoj

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>

> > >

> > > Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> > > Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > >

> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " prashant "

> > > <praspandey@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Shri Anthonyji,

> > >

> > > Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> > > (Those are only my researches)

> > >

> > > A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same house

> > > and Ra is just before of Ju

> > > B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if its

> > > debilitation is getting canceled out.

> > > C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely in

> > > problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> > > D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is in

> > > retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> > > E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house, 6'th house

> > > and 10'th house)

> > > F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated or

> > > exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of


> > > house.

> > > G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in Lagna)

> > > H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.

> > >

> > > If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give aspect


> > > second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best astrologer like

> > > Chandra Swami.

> > >

> > > My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may become

> > > successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth astrologer


> > > you take astrology as profession.

> > >

> > > Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group just write

> > > articles and articles and write books. And in articles write like this,

> > > " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits of those

> > > researches. "

> > >

> > > My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with opposite sex


> > > and sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and for

> > > trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.

> > >

> > > Hope this much helps!!!

> > >

> > > Regs,

> > > Prashant Pandey

> > >

> > > PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned


> > > you will find those principles very very correct.

> > >

> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> > > anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hello Mr Prashant,

> > > >

> > > > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull astrologers.

> > > >

> > > > TX,

> > > > Anthony

> > > >

> > >

> > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > >

> > >

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Share on other sites

Bipul ji,

well, you said it.I for one agree with it totally and also with my own

experience.But i dont have the combination you mentioned and have what

K.N.R JI proved......(atleast some of them if not all)..

Love and regards,


, " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani



> This reply was accidentally delivered to my private email instead of

this group that it was intended for, hence forwarding it here with my

reply below the quoted (email address edited to conform to forum



> *********************************************

> Re: Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!þ

> Bipul Pathak (bipul.p)

> You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk

> 16 January 2010 08:34AM

> jyotish_


> As per my little understanding, if hard work alone makes you achieve,

then a large population would have been achievers. If you are trying to

be astrologer by studying and hard work, but not getting anywhere, there

is no harm in knowing if you can be an astrologer or not.

> In reality, those who are supposed to become astrologers, the work

they put in does not look hard to them. But those who say they are

putting in hard work....I have doubts they ever become astrologers.


> Pardon me if I have views at variance with others.


> Regards,

> Bipul Pathak

> *********************************************



> Bipul jee,


> The answer is simple. Certainly everyone cannot become a neurosurgeon

just with hard work! They would have to really want to be one and would

need to then study for it and work long and hard hours and so on. In the

making of an astrologer, too, the first component is the SEED which is

the attraction towards astrology, the intense desire to want to

understand and know her. But looking back one would see that it had been

more HARD and LONG work and much less of other things. At least the ones

I have known, met, interviewed by telephone or over the internet, etc --

in the last 30-40 years or so.


> I can only go with what my experience has shown me :-)


> Regards,


> Rohiniranjan



, " rohinicrystal " jyotish_vani@


> >

> > Dear Bipul jee,

> >

> > Pray tell us -- will all of these individuals who have been declared

jyotishis based on their planets:

> >

> > Become Jyotishis without studying Jyotish and through hard work and


> >

> > If hard work is still involved, then why wait around for some

Jyotishi to tell you that you are destined to be a Jyotishi?

> >

> > Just do it, instead of waiting around too long! :-)

> >

> > Rohiniranjan

> >

> > , Bipul Pathak <bipul.pathak@>


> > >

> > > Hi all,

> > >

> > > There is another proven principle in addition to KNR principles:

> > >

> > > Jupiter should be 5th from the Moon. If Mercury is 5th from

Jupiter also,

> > > then it is very clear that person will have the discrimination and


> > > to predict. Thus, Jupiter ,Mercury and Moon will be 5th from each


> > > with count starting with Jupiter.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Bipul Pathak

> > >

> > > On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 6:51 PM, archana roy <roy_archana@>wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > hi

> > > > just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles


> > > > astrologers are

> > > > 1. combination of 9L with Ke

> > > > 2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

> > > > 3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or

aspect of Ju

> > > > on it

> > > > the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits,

eigth house is

> > > > " occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.

> > > >

> > > > --- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran


> > > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Manoj Chandran


> > > > >

> > > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > > >


> > > > Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Marg,

> > > >

> > > > I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does not

practice for a

> > > > fee though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that Astrology is

an easy way

> > > > to meet a lot of people and hence opportunity to marry into


> > > > However, I did not get the " whether you are married or

unmarried " part

> > > > myself.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > > -Manoj

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > Marg margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>

> > > >

> > > > Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

> > > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me?


> > > > says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a

BIRD and for

> > > > trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or


> > > > I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer

who is a

> > > > millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are


> > > > please?

> > > > -

> > > > Manoj Chandran

> > > >

> > > > Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> > > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > > >

> > > > Dear Prashant Ji,

> > > >

> > > > Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer "

or a

> > > > " Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> > > > I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I

should quit

> > > > my day job :)

> > > >

> > > > I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I

believe your

> > > > points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > > -Manoj

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>

> > > >

> > > > Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> > > > Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > > >

> > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" prashant "

> > > > <praspandey@ ...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Shri Anthonyji,

> > > >

> > > > Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> > > > (Those are only my researches)

> > > >

> > > > A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in

same house

> > > > and Ra is just before of Ju

> > > > B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter

if its

> > > > debilitation is getting canceled out.

> > > > C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely


> > > > problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> > > > D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it

is in

> > > > retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> > > > E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house,

6'th house

> > > > and 10'th house)

> > > > F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is

debilitated or

> > > > exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in

axis of 4-10'th

> > > > house.

> > > > G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or

in Lagna)

> > > > H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.

> > > >

> > > > If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or

give aspect to

> > > > second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best

astrologer like

> > > > Chandra Swami.

> > > >

> > > > My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may


> > > > successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth

astrologer if

> > > > you take astrology as profession.

> > > >

> > > > Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group

just write

> > > > articles and articles and write books. And in articles write

like this,

> > > > " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits

of those

> > > > researches. "

> > > >

> > > > My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with

opposite sex ppl

> > > > and sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD

and for

> > > > trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.

> > > >

> > > > Hope this much helps!!!

> > > >

> > > > Regs,

> > > > Prashant Pandey

> > > >

> > > > PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned


> > > > you will find those principles very very correct.

> > > >

> > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> > > > anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello Mr Prashant,

> > > > >

> > > > > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull


> > > > >

> > > > > TX,

> > > > > Anthony

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > >

> > > >

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" K.N. Rao Jee " is absolutely the greatest 'Wake-up Alarm' for modern Jyotishis

in India and elsewhere in the world, Gopi_jee! It is sad that he stopped posting

on this forum which he once blessed profusely, many years ago.


GREAT -- even for those who could only watch him and his teachings from a

" distance " !


When the Sun arises -- it is impossible to accept that the Night is around no

more, at least for the day!




, " gopalakrishna " <gopi_b927 wrote:


> Bipul ji,

> well, you said it.I for one agree with it totally and also with my own

> experience.But i dont have the combination you mentioned and have what

> K.N.R JI proved......(atleast some of them if not all)..

> Love and regards,

> gopi.

> , " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani@>

> wrote:

> >

> > This reply was accidentally delivered to my private email instead of

> this group that it was intended for, hence forwarding it here with my

> reply below the quoted (email address edited to conform to forum

> practice)

> >

> > *********************************************

> > Re: Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!þ

> > Bipul Pathak (bipul.p)

> > You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk

> > 16 January 2010 08:34AM

> > jyotish_

> >

> > As per my little understanding, if hard work alone makes you achieve,

> then a large population would have been achievers. If you are trying to

> be astrologer by studying and hard work, but not getting anywhere, there

> is no harm in knowing if you can be an astrologer or not.

> > In reality, those who are supposed to become astrologers, the work

> they put in does not look hard to them. But those who say they are

> putting in hard work....I have doubts they ever become astrologers.

> >

> > Pardon me if I have views at variance with others.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Bipul Pathak

> > *********************************************


> >

> > Bipul jee,

> >

> > The answer is simple. Certainly everyone cannot become a neurosurgeon

> just with hard work! They would have to really want to be one and would

> need to then study for it and work long and hard hours and so on. In the

> making of an astrologer, too, the first component is the SEED which is

> the attraction towards astrology, the intense desire to want to

> understand and know her. But looking back one would see that it had been

> more HARD and LONG work and much less of other things. At least the ones

> I have known, met, interviewed by telephone or over the internet, etc --

> in the last 30-40 years or so.

> >

> > I can only go with what my experience has shown me :-)

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Rohiniranjan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " rohinicrystal " jyotish_vani@

> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Bipul jee,

> > >

> > > Pray tell us -- will all of these individuals who have been declared

> jyotishis based on their planets:

> > >

> > > Become Jyotishis without studying Jyotish and through hard work and

> dedication?

> > >

> > > If hard work is still involved, then why wait around for some

> Jyotishi to tell you that you are destined to be a Jyotishi?

> > >

> > > Just do it, instead of waiting around too long! :-)

> > >

> > > Rohiniranjan

> > >

> > > , Bipul Pathak <bipul.pathak@>

> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hi all,

> > > >

> > > > There is another proven principle in addition to KNR principles:

> > > >

> > > > Jupiter should be 5th from the Moon. If Mercury is 5th from

> Jupiter also,

> > > > then it is very clear that person will have the discrimination and

> ability

> > > > to predict. Thus, Jupiter ,Mercury and Moon will be 5th from each

> other

> > > > with count starting with Jupiter.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > > Bipul Pathak

> > > >

> > > > On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 6:51 PM, archana roy <roy_archana@>wrote:

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > hi

> > > > > just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles

> for

> > > > > astrologers are

> > > > > 1. combination of 9L with Ke

> > > > > 2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

> > > > > 3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or

> aspect of Ju

> > > > > on it

> > > > > the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits,

> eigth house is

> > > > > " occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran

> <chandran_manoj@<chandran_manoj%40>>

> > > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Manoj Chandran

> <chandran_manoj@<chandran_manoj%40>

> > > > > >

> > > > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > > > >

> <%40>

> > > > > Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Marg,

> > > > >

> > > > > I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does not

> practice for a

> > > > > fee though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that Astrology is

> an easy way

> > > > > to meet a lot of people and hence opportunity to marry into

> fortunes.

> > > > > However, I did not get the " whether you are married or

> unmarried " part

> > > > > myself.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > > -Manoj

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > Marg margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>

> > > > >

> > > > > Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

> > > > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me?

> Prashant

> > > > > says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a

> BIRD and for

> > > > > trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or

> unmarried.''

> > > > > I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer

> who is a

> > > > > millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are

> millionaires

> > > > > please?

> > > > > -

> > > > > Manoj Chandran

> > > > >

> > > > > Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> > > > > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Prashant Ji,

> > > > >

> > > > > Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer "

> or a

> > > > > " Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> > > > > I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I

> should quit

> > > > > my day job :)

> > > > >

> > > > > I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I

> believe your

> > > > > points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > > -Manoj

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>

> > > > >

> > > > > Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> > > > > Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> > > > >

> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> " prashant "

> > > > > <praspandey@ ...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Shri Anthonyji,

> > > > >

> > > > > Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> > > > > (Those are only my researches)

> > > > >

> > > > > A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in

> same house

> > > > > and Ra is just before of Ju

> > > > > B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter

> if its

> > > > > debilitation is getting canceled out.

> > > > > C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely

> in

> > > > > problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> > > > > D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it

> is in

> > > > > retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> > > > > E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house,

> 6'th house

> > > > > and 10'th house)

> > > > > F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is

> debilitated or

> > > > > exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in

> axis of 4-10'th

> > > > > house.

> > > > > G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or

> in Lagna)

> > > > > H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.

> > > > >

> > > > > If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or

> give aspect to

> > > > > second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best

> astrologer like

> > > > > Chandra Swami.

> > > > >

> > > > > My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may

> become

> > > > > successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth

> astrologer if

> > > > > you take astrology as profession.

> > > > >

> > > > > Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group

> just write

> > > > > articles and articles and write books. And in articles write

> like this,

> > > > > " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits

> of those

> > > > > researches. "

> > > > >

> > > > > My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with

> opposite sex ppl

> > > > > and sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD

> and for

> > > > > trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.

> > > > >

> > > > > Hope this much helps!!!

> > > > >

> > > > > Regs,

> > > > > Prashant Pandey

> > > > >

> > > > > PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned

> astrologer,

> > > > > you will find those principles very very correct.

> > > > >

> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> > > > > anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hello Mr Prashant,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull

> astrologers.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > TX,

> > > > > > Anthony

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Hi Archana ji,

9thL is divine and when 9L conjuncts ketu who is Moksha karaka

astrologer becomes Divine astrologer who is called DIVAGJNA in

sanskrit.K.N.R ji knows it whether he mentioned or not.Just a passing



, archana roy <roy_archana



> hi

> just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles for

astrologers are

> 1. combination of 9L with Ke

> 2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

> 3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or aspect of

Ju on it

> Â the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits, eigth

house is " occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.



> --- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran chandran_manoj wrote:



> Manoj Chandran chandran_manoj

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM



> Â




> Marg,


> I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does notÂ

practice for a fee though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that

Astrology is an easy way to meet a lot of people and hence opportunity

to marry into fortunes. However, I did not get the " whether you are

married or unmarried " part myself.

> Â

> Regards,

> Â -Manoj

> Â


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Marg margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>


> Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Â

> I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and

for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

> I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer who is

a millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are millionaires


> -

> Manoj Chandran


> Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Dear Prashant Ji,


> Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer " or a

" Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I should

quit my day job :)


> I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I believe

your points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.


> Regards,

> -Manoj


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>


> Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" prashant " <praspandey@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Shri Anthonyji,


> Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> (Those are only my researches)


> A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same

house and Ra is just before of Ju

> B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if its

debilitation is getting canceled out.

> C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely in

problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is in

retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house, 6'th

house and 10'th house)

> F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated or

exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of

4-10'th house.

> G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in


> H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.


> If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give

aspect to second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best

astrologer like Chandra Swami.


> My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may become

successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth astrologer

if you take astrology as profession.


> Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group just

write articles and articles and write books. And in articles write like

this, " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits

of those researches. "


> My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with opposite

sex ppl and sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD

and for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.


> Hope this much helps!!!


> Regs,

> Prashant Pandey


> PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned

astrologer, you will find those principles very very correct.


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> >

> > Hello Mr Prashant,

> >

> > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull


> >

> > TX,

> > Anthony

> >


> --- End forwarded message ---



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Dear Archana ji,

thanks.I also read most of his books.

//Sa in 3rd 5th and 9th gives detached views//

I also found sat in 2nd as well with an asp of jup.


, archana roy <roy_archana



> dear gopalkrishnaji,

> thank you.

> I just quoted from his book

> raoji also says that

> Ju, Ke and Me combination in any house is good.

> He also says that his guruji said that Ju should be untainted.

> His guruji condemned Ra -Ju, saying that guru chandal yoga formation

gave a case of misreadings and if aspected by malefics Sa or Ma case of

extreme guru chandal yoga

> Sa in 3rd 5th and 9th gives detached views


> --- On Tue, 19/1/10, gopalakrishna gopi_b927 wrote:



> gopalakrishna gopi_b927

> Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!


> Tuesday, 19 January, 2010, 2:40 PM



> Â




> Hi Archana ji,

> 9thL is divine and when 9L conjuncts ketu who is Moksha karaka

> astrologer becomes Divine astrologer who is called DIVAGJNA in

> sanskrit.K.N. R ji knows it whether he mentioned or not.Just a passing

> thought...

> -gopi.

> , archana roy <roy_archana@ ...>

> wrote:

> >

> > hi

> > just wanted to share with you what K.N. Rao proven principles for

> astrologers are

> > 1. combination of 9L with Ke

> > 2. Ke in 8th H aspected by Ju or with a benefic, preferably Me.

> > 3.Ke in the 4th H with conjunction of 5 or 9 L or with Ju or aspect


> Ju on it

> > Â the fourth house is moksha good for astrological pursuits,


> house is " occult " which enlarges ones astrological vision.

> >

> >

> > --- On Thu, 7/1/10, Manoj Chandran chandran_manoj@ ... wrote:

> >

> >

> > Manoj Chandran chandran_manoj@ ...

> > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> > Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 9:05 PM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> > Marg,

> >

> > I know one millionaire who is a decent Astrologer (does


> practice for a fee though). I think Prashant Ji is indicating that

> Astrology is an easy way to meet a lot of people and hence opportunity

> to marry into fortunes. However, I did not get the " whether you


> married or unmarried " part myself.

> > Â

> > Regards,

> > Â -Manoj

> > Â

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Marg margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>

> >

> > Thu, January 7, 2010 2:20:09 AM

> > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> > Â

> > I find it an interesting study, but one thing puzzles me? Prashant

> says:''sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a BIRD and

> for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or unmarried.''

> > I must lead a sheltered life for I don't know of any astrologer who


> a millionaire? Could someone tell me which astrologers are


> please?

> > -

> > Manoj Chandran

> >

> > Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:48 PM

> > Re: Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> > Dear Prashant Ji,

> >

> > Very interesting combinations. Are these for a " Good Astrologer " or


> " Succesful Astrologer (Monetarily) " or both?

> > I have 5 out of 8 combinations in my chart, so wondering if I should

> quit my day job :)

> >

> > I checked the charts of two very good Astrologers I know and I


> your points are worth noting. Thanks for sharing.

> >

> > Regards,

> > -Manoj

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > prashant <praspandey@ . co.in>

> >

> > Tue, January 5, 2010 9:00:11 AM

> > Fwd: Yogas to become Astrologer!

> >

> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> " prashant " <praspandey@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Anthonyji,

> >

> > Some points for becoming good astrologer are as below:-

> > (Those are only my researches)

> >

> > A) Ju should be 5'th or 9'th to Ra, it is best if both are in same

> house and Ra is just before of Ju

> > B) Ju should be debilitated in 5'th or 9'th, it doesn't matter if


> debilitation is getting canceled out.

> > C) It is best if Ju in 6'th or 12'th( means Ju should completely in

> problems) means Poojari should be in 6'th or 12'th

> > D) Ju should be in retrogression in any house, it is best if it is


> retrogression in second, 5'th or 9'th

> > E) Rahu should be in trines to second house (ie in 2'nd house, 6'th

> house and 10'th house)

> > F) Rahu should be in 4'th or 10'th it is best if it is debilitated


> exalted in 4'th or 10'th house or in simple word if it is in axis of

> 4-10'th house.

> > G) Rahu should be in trines to 9'th house (ie in 9'th, 5'th or in

> Lagna)

> > H) Ju should be in complete aspect of dire malefic planets.

> >

> > If apart of above combinations if Sa and Ma are in second or give

> aspect to second then ohh my god, one can become one of the best

> astrologer like Chandra Swami.

> >

> > My friend if you have any of the above combination then you may


> successful astrologer otherwise you will remain hand-to-mouth


> if you take astrology as profession.

> >

> > Always remember one thing, never come to any quiz in any group just

> write articles and articles and write books. And in articles write


> this, " This is my research, and I am not concerned who will get fruits

> of those researches. "

> >

> > My friend, Jyotish is the best way to come in contact with opposite

> sex ppl and sometimes person become millionaire just by trapping a


> and for trapping a bird, it doesn't matter you are married or


> >

> > Hope this much helps!!!

> >

> > Regs,

> > Prashant Pandey

> >

> > PS :- Please apply my above principles on any chart of renowned

> astrologer, you will find those principles very very correct.

> >

> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> anthony_goiche@ @ wrote:

> > >

> > > Hello Mr Prashant,

> > >

> > > Could you please elaborate the yogas to become successfull

> astrologers.

> > >

> > > TX,

> > > Anthony

> > >

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> >

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