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akandabaratam , " Krishen " <jyotirved wrote:


Dear friends,

Jai Shri Ram!


This " story " of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru's grandfather being " Giasuddin "

has many gaping holes:


1. Hindus did become Muslims in the past, just as some of them are doing

it even today---witness Hindu film actors and film actresses embracing

Islam openly for carnal desires and financial implications------but

Muslims did not get converted into Hindus! Some Giasu-ud-din would have

become a Hindu is an impossibility, thus!


2. Nehru is a subcaste--- a sirname-----which many Kashmiri pandit

families---quite unrelated to Pandit Nehru!---- have even today! I had

at least half a dozen Nehrus my class mates in my school and college

days in Kashmir! Does it mean that all of them are " converted

Gias-ud-dins " ?


3. Gangadhar is a Sanskrit word! It is in fact a qualitative name of

Bhagwan Shankara, who holds Ganga i.e the Ganges in His matted locks!

Our Hindu saviours do not even know that much of Sanskrit! As such,

Gangadhar is very much a Hindu name! If it is presumed that Dhar is the

sirname of some Ganga, the " scholars " presuming that must know that

Ganga is not a male name but a female name! As such, Ganga Dhar can be

some lady but not some male member of a Kashmiri Pandit family whereas

Gngadhar Nehru is very much a male and Kashmiri name with Nehru as the



4. Even about Ganga being a female name in Kashmir, I have my doubts

since Kashmiri Pandits never named their family members after the names

of some river as the Manu Smriti has prohibited it!


5. Regarding " omniscient scholars " claiming everybody and anybody who

does not agree with their views, a Muslim is nothing new to me! All

the " Vedic astrologers " call the author of thess lines, A Saraswat

Brahmin---an unadulterated Kashmiri Pandit--- who has read all the Vedas

and Puranas and Itihasas under the tutelage of a Guru---a Muslim convert

because I am spitting venom against the fraud knownn as Vedic astrology!


5. The proof of the " scholarship " of all such scholars ---- especially

" Vecdic astrologers " ---is that they read all the dharmashastras upside

down! That is why they have yet to produce any mantra from any Veda or

the Vedanga Jyotisha etc. that talks of Mesha, Vrisha tc. Rashis

vis-a-vis Mangal, Shani etc. planets, though they call such predictive

jugglery as Vedic astrology!






7. It is not only Makar Samkranti, but in fact all the festivals and

muhurtas, a halmark of Hindu culture. are beibg celebrated on wrong

days only because of the fatal infatuation of " scholars " with predictive



8. Though these scholars exhume for post-mortem such dead bodies as

were never buried---like calling Pandit Nehru the grandson of some

Muslim---but they will not see the writing on the wall that by

celebrating all their festivals on wrong days they are literally killing

their own dharma and proving the worst enemies of it themselves!


Need I say anything more?


Jai Shri Ram!


A K Kaul



akandabaratam , " Mohan Gupta " mgupta@ wrote:



> " RAJAH " TheHindu " " kingcobrahans@

> Nehru Grandfather name was Giyasuddin Gazi (mughal)



> Father of Moti Lal Nehru; The Story of Gangadhar


> This is the true story of Ganga Dhar (not Ganga Dhar Nehru), father of

Moti Lal Nehru. The adjunct 'Nehru' derived from the Persian word

> 'Nahr' meaning a canal or nullah, was adopted by Moti Lal, who, like

all members of his family, had a fascination for alien Mohammedan

> names mostly in Arabic or Persian. The adjunct 'Nehru' added a Persian

flavor to his otherwise Hindu name. That was very desirable for the

> > family, as will be explained later. Otherwise, under normal

circumstances, his name would have been Moti Lal Dhar.


> The adjoining picture of Ganga Dhar was obtained from Robert Hardy

Andrews' book titled A LAMP FOR INDIA - The Story of Madame Pandit

> (meaning Jawahar's first sister Vijay Lakshmi, alias Nan.) That book

was first published by Prentice-Hall in 1967, a long time after the

> > division of the country. But the fact on the scion of the dynasty,

namely Ganga Dhar, had been kept a secret from the Indian public,

> primarily, the Hindus.


> It is now quite clear, as you will soon see, that Ganga Dhar was an

assumed name. The man we now know as the paternal grandfather of Jawahar

Lal (son of Moti Lal) was in reality a sunni Mohammedan; in fact he was

a Mogul nobleman. The important question is why did he then adopt a

Hindu kafir's name? In this case a Kashmiri Brahmin's name?


> The reason has been explained in our previous article titled More on

the Nehru Dynasty on our web-site http://www.swordoftruth.com not too

> long ago. The accompanying picture featured was the same one that

Jawahar Lal had referred to when he wrote in his autobigraphy that he

> had seen a picture of his grandfather Ganga Dhar which protrayed him

as a Mogul nobleman. Krishna Hutheesing (Jawahar's second sister) had

> also mentioned in her memoirs, that their grandfather Ganga Dhar was

the city Kotwal of Delhi (an important post) prior to 1857's uprising.

> Bahadur Shah Zafar was still the sultan of Delhi. It was extremely

unlikely that he would hire a Hindu for that very important post.


> > Apparently, some investigations had been made on this count (please

see Mahdi Husain's Bahadur Shah II and the war of 1857 in Delhi - 1987

> edition) but no one could discover Ganga Dhar's name as the Kotwal of

Delhi. Well, how could they? Ganga Dhar's real name then was

> > Ghiyasuddin Ghazi (or something like that) which had been quietly

changed to his new Hindu name, just before the English forces entered

> the city. The sultan had replaced the earlier Kotwal as well as the

City Governor Mirza Maniruddin. The latter had been dismissed by

> Bahadur Shah Zafar on charges of spying for the English. The Naib

Kotwal, a subordinate officer, was a Hindu; his name was Bhao Singh.

> > And another Hindu, one Sri Kashinath was the thanedar of the Lahori

Gate area of Delhi. Their names were found in the records but Ganga

> Dhar was missing. Be that as it may, the fact remains that Ganga Dhar

indeed was the grandfather of Jawahar and Krishna Hutheesingh.


> And how did he look like? Ganga Dhar had a thick beard which would put

even Pakistani president Tarar's beard to shame! Ganga Dhar's thick

> moustache extended beyond his ears. He used to wear a Mogul cap and

had in his both hands a long sword. Does that look like a Kashmiri

> > Brahmin? No, not at all!


> The Muslim Grandfather of Jawaharlal Nehru


> Ghiyasuddin Ghazi (the word means 'kafir-killer') looked exactly like

a sunni Mogul. Don't they say: 'If it looks like a duck, walks like a

> duck and quacks like a duck, well, then it IS a duck.' The same was

the case with Ganga Dhar, the Kashmiri Brahmin alias Ghiyasuddin Ghazi

> the sunni Mogul. Only this vital information had been kept a secret

from the Hindus of India, like so many other secrets of the family!

> >

> Our readers! If you can, please read up all references made in the

memoirs of Jawahar Lal and Krishna Hutheesingh on Ganga Dhar. True to

> the last whisker, the picture portrayed on our web-site, does

represent a Mogul nobleman, so proudly mentioned by both the brother

> and the sister. The element of secrecy crept in when it became clear

that the Nehrus' Mogul ancestry, if made known to India's Hindu

> public, might spell trouble for the forthcoming 'reign'. The 'Hindu by

accident' got wise to the fact and acted as if he was indeed, son of a

> Kshmiri Brahmin, Moti Lal Nehru by name.

> Now, why was it at all necessary for Ghiyasuddin Ghazi to change his

name to Ganga Dhar? Dhar is a well-known Kashmiri Hindu surname. Many

> of these 'Dhars' were forced converted into Islam; their names were

then changed to 'Dar' just to distance themselves from the Hindu

> 'Dhar'. The smart Moti Lal added the Persian epithet 'Nehru' thus

making the name sound even more 'un-Hindu'.


> The English army, quite unlike the Hindu army, was made of a different

material. While Hindus let the defeated enemy go free (like Prithviraj

> Chauhan had done and then regretted), the English were after each and

every Mogul. They were shooting down all Mohammedans for fear of

> facing another claimant to the Delhi throne. Panic and fear ran like

wildfire among the Moguls. There was nowhere to flee. The city had

> been surrounded by the 'firangi' forces and their allies, the Sikhs >

and the Gurkhas. It was then that the wily Mohammedans came up with

> the brilliant idea of name-changing. Ghiyasuddin became Ganga Dhar,

almost like Yusuf Khan who had become Dilip Kumar, many years later.


> Delhi was ransacked. All residents (both Hindus and Mohammedans) had

to leave and take shelter under tents set up by the 'firangis' outside

> city ramparts. For full two months they remained there in the tents >

(like the Kashmiri Hindu refugees do today). During this time, the

> English searched thoroughly each vacated home and discovered immense

wealth, which was, by the rules of the game, confiscated by the new

> rulers. A month later, the Hindus were asked to return to their homes.

The Mohammedans were allowed to return even later.


> In the aftermath, many Mohammedans fled to nearby cities not yet fully

under the control of the English. Agra was such a city. It still had

> considerable Mogul influence. And Jawahar's Mogul grandfather Ganga

Dhar, with his entire family, left for Agra. How do we know that?

> Jawahar states in his own autobiography that on their way to Agra, the

English troops detained Ganga Dhar's family. Ganga Dhar told them that

> they were not Mohammedans but Kashmiri Hindus. Jawahar explains in his

> autobigraphy that the primary reason for the detention was their Mogul

> features. The Kashmiri Hindus looked very much like Mohammedans from

Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and so on. And behold the English let Ganga

> Dhar and his family go to Agra. The rest is history.


> > [Afterword: The unbecoming fascination of the Nehrus for alien

Mohammedan connections persisted even beyond the Mogul roots. Please

> read up K.N. Rao's 'The Nehru Dynasty', Chapter XXIII. Reference is

made there to Indira's (falsely described as the wife of Parsi Firoz

> Gandhi when he was no such thing; he was a pure and simple sunni

Mohammedan whose father Nawab Khan was a liquor supplier of Allahabad)

> letters in the publication Two Alone, Two Together (letters between

Indira Gandhi and Jawahar Lal Nehru) edited by Sonia Gandhi. The

> publishers of this book were London's Hoddard and Stoughton. In that

book is featured a letter by Indira to her father, Jawahar and it says:


> " Some months ago when I was at Metheran, Masi (aunt) wrote saying that

she had heard from some Parsis that it was written in their ancient

> book that a Hindu of high family would marry into a Parsi family

(here, a 'Hindu of high family' is Indira and 'Parsi' is Firoz, son of

> sunni Nawab Khan) and their son would do great things - religious

reform and so on. Masi asked me to inquire into the matter but it

> quite slipped my mind. Last evening my mother in law (meaning Nawab

Khan's so called Parsi wife, converted to islam at the time of her

> > nikaah) came in a state of great excitement. She had also heard

something of the sort, a slightly different version. According to her,

> the son was the reincarnation of the Shah Behram of Persia.


> " Baby's (meaning Rajiv Gandhi's) patri (horoscope) has arrived. I am

enclosing it. It is written in Gujarati but I suppose you will be able

> > to get it read. I am enclosing an English translation of the

jyotishi's remarks. I am sending all this registered - please do the

> same when you return it. The good thing about it is supposed to be

that there are five planets in one house, " and so on.


> Quite clearly, the Nehrus could oscillate from the Mogul to the

Persian at will as long as the roots appeared to be Mohammedan, alien

> > or home made, and farther removed from indigenous roots the better.

May we ask what great things did Rajiv do, other than stealing the

> Bofors money and jeopardizing the lives of our jawans by supplying

them with inferior canon? And what reform was she talking about other

> than legalizing polygamy among the Mohammedans of India and granting

them special privileges to talaaq their womenfolk, sans alimony? No

> doubt Indira would not move against the fornication-prone Pakistani

ruffians when they were shooting down unarmed Bengali Hindu civilians.

> Some three millions were thus decimated but she had not even lifted a

finger until the uproar inside the country became literally

> uncontrollable. Then again, she let go the 93,000 Pakistani soldiers

scot free without exacting a quid pro quo from the enemy. Neither did

> she ask for the trial of Tikka Khan. And during that time, our jawans

captured by the Paki army on the western front, were summarily shot in

> prisons, against the Geneva regulations. Is it surprising that in

Europe today one can purchase picture post cards of Hari Mandir Temple

> with a comment on the back that Indira had secretly become Mohammedan

and that is why she had chosen the Gurpurnima day (when the temple was

> choc a bloc with women and children) to shoot the pilgrims down, in

thousands. And when the 93,000 Pakis left for their home, they had put

> on weight, were well-dressed and so on. She was some musalmanani of

great piety although out of fear for divulging her Islamic roots, she

> had refused to visit the Kaaba as desired by the Saudi Royal family.

> Since when the Saudis have taken to inviting non-Mohammedans to visit



> Let us not be impressed by the 'five planets' and all such 'bakwaas'.

What really happened is in front of our eyes, is this. In a country

> where they would not even hurt a chicken, there were not one, not two

but three assassinations in quick succession. And all three were

> Gandhis. One was shot by a Hindu, the second was turned into pulp by

two Sikhs and the third was pulverized by a Catholic lady of Tamil

> extraction. In the mean time, the bastard son of Mohammad Yunus (still

the custodian of the Netaji Papers), Sanjay aka Sanjiv, killed himself

> in that plane accident. And the 'sarkari chacha' had died of syphilis,

which apparently he had contracted in a local dhaba from a glass of

> drinking water! Well! Who will believe that? What really happened can

only be described as divine dispensation to preserve and protect our

> 'dharma rajya' of Bharat, that the Congress and the secularists along

with the Mohammedan traitors were bent upon destroying for good!



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Shri Mohan Guptaji,


In your post, in order to prove that the grandfather of Pandit Jawahar

Lal Nehru was actually a Muslim named Giyasuddin Gazi, you had said,

" [Afterword: The unbecoming fascination of the Nehrus for alien

Mohammedan connections persisted even beyond the Mogul roots. Please

read up K.N. Rao's 'The Nehru Dynasty', Chapter XXIII.... "


It appears Shri Rao has changed his mind now and declared Pandit Jawahar

Lal Nehru a Kashmiri Pandit, with the result that people like you are

caught on the wrong foot!


This is what Shri Rao has said in his article of June 4, 2009, in

Journal of Astrology





Jai Shri Ram!


AK Kaul



******* **********************




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<akandabaratam/article.php?category_id=1 & a\

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d=216> [Tell a Friend]


& type=articles> [images/tr.gif] KN RAO 4 June 2009, 8:26

PM ...........

Nehru was a Kashmiri pandit, His uncle Bansidhar Nehru was a Sanskrit

scholar and an astrologer. His father Motilal Nehru depended on the

court astrologer of the state of Khetri for the horoscopes of his

family. (see my book, the Nehru Dynasty) Those horoscopes were used for

all those important occasions when Hindus take astrological approval for

their decisions, mainly marriage. It was on this ground, astrological

basis, that Kamla Nehru, the non-English knowing Kashmiri beauty from

Sitaram Bazar. Delhi, was chosen for the European Jawaharlal Nehru who

never went to an Indian school in India and had no Indian classmates.




" In my letter to Indu I suggested to her to ask you to get a proper

horoscope made by competent person. Such permanent record of the date

and the time of birth are desirable. As for the time, I suppose the

proper solar time should be mentioned and not the artificial time which

is being used outside now. War time is at least an hour ahead of the

normal time " (Nehru's letters to his sister-edited with an introduction

by Krishna Hutheesing-Faber and Faber,24 Russel Square, London).



" Betty no doubt will take necessary steps to have a 'Janmapatri " (

Hindi) made. This should be done for that is our traditional way to

record the exact date and time of birth, the date according to Samvat

Calendar, as far as I can make it out is Bhadrapad 2-Samvat 2001, or put

it differently second day of the bright half of the Moon in the month of

Bhadra Samvat 2001. Betty writes time of birth was 8.11 a.m. But what

time? The time observed now is war time which is at least one hour

ahead of normal time, possibly more. It is thus the artificial time and

not the real time, according to which Moon should be when Sun is highest

in the heaven...... Letter No.77


akandabaratam , " Mohan Gupta " <mgupta wrote:


" RAJAH " TheHindu " " <kingcobrahans Nehru Grandfather

name was Giyasuddin Gazi (mughal)

Father of Moti Lal Nehru; The Story of Gangadhar


This is the true story of Ganga Dhar (not Ganga Dhar Nehru), father of

Moti Lal Nehru. The adjunct 'Nehru' derived from the Persian word

'Nahr' meaning a canal or nullah, was adopted by Moti Lal, who, like

all members of his family, had a fascination for alien Mohammedan

names mostly in Arabic or Persian. The adjunct 'Nehru' added a Persian

flavor to his otherwise Hindu name. That was very desirable for the

> family, as will be explained later. Otherwise, under normal

circumstances, his name would have been Moti Lal Dhar.


The adjoining picture of Ganga Dhar was obtained from Robert Hardy

Andrews' book titled A LAMP FOR INDIA - The Story of Madame Pandit

(meaning Jawahar's first sister Vijay Lakshmi, alias Nan.) That book

was first published by Prentice-Hall in 1967, a long time after the

> division of the country. But the fact on the scion of the dynasty,

namely Ganga Dhar, had been kept a secret from the Indian public,

primarily, the Hindus.


It is now quite clear, as you will soon see, that Ganga Dhar was an

assumed name. The man we now know as the paternal grandfather of Jawahar

Lal (son of Moti Lal) was in reality a sunni Mohammedan; in fact he was

a Mogul nobleman. The important question is why did he then adopt a

Hindu kafir's name? In this case a Kashmiri Brahmin's name?


The reason has been explained in our previous article titled More on

the Nehru Dynasty on our web-site http://www.swordoftruth.com not too

long ago. The accompanying picture featured was the same one that

Jawahar Lal had referred to when he wrote in his autobigraphy that he

had seen a picture of his grandfather Ganga Dhar which protrayed him

as a Mogul nobleman. Krishna Hutheesing (Jawahar's second sister) had

also mentioned in her memoirs, that their grandfather Ganga Dhar was

the city Kotwal of Delhi (an important post) prior to 1857's uprising.

Bahadur Shah Zafar was still the sultan of Delhi. It was extremely

unlikely that he would hire a Hindu for that very important post.


> Apparently, some investigations had been made on this count (please

see Mahdi Husain's Bahadur Shah II and the war of 1857 in Delhi - 1987

edition) but no one could discover Ganga Dhar's name as the Kotwal of

Delhi. Well, how could they? Ganga Dhar's real name then was

> Ghiyasuddin Ghazi (or something like that) which had been quietly

changed to his new Hindu name, just before the English forces entered

the city. The sultan had replaced the earlier Kotwal as well as the

City Governor Mirza Maniruddin. The latter had been dismissed by

Bahadur Shah Zafar on charges of spying for the English. The Naib

Kotwal, a subordinate officer, was a Hindu; his name was Bhao Singh.

> And another Hindu, one Sri Kashinath was the thanedar of the Lahori

Gate area of Delhi. Their names were found in the records but Ganga

Dhar was missing. Be that as it may, the fact remains that Ganga Dhar

indeed was the grandfather of Jawahar and Krishna Hutheesingh.


And how did he look like? Ganga Dhar had a thick beard which would put

even Pakistani president Tarar's beard to shame! Ganga Dhar's thick

moustache extended beyond his ears. He used to wear a Mogul cap and

had in his both hands a long sword. Does that look like a Kashmiri

> Brahmin? No, not at all!


The Muslim Grandfather of Jawaharlal Nehru


Ghiyasuddin Ghazi (the word means 'kafir-killer') looked exactly like a

sunni Mogul. Don't they say: 'If it looks like a duck, walks like a

duck and quacks like a duck, well, then it IS a duck.' The same was

the case with Ganga Dhar, the Kashmiri Brahmin alias Ghiyasuddin Ghazi

the sunni Mogul. Only this vital information had been kept a secret

from the Hindus of India, like so many other secrets of the family!


Our readers! If you can, please read up all references made in the

memoirs of Jawahar Lal and Krishna Hutheesingh on Ganga Dhar. True to

the last whisker, the picture portrayed on our web-site, does

represent a Mogul nobleman, so proudly mentioned by both the brother

and the sister. The element of secrecy crept in when it became clear

that the Nehrus' Mogul ancestry, if made known to India's Hindu

public, might spell trouble for the forthcoming 'reign'. The 'Hindu by

accident' got wise to the fact and acted as if he was indeed, son of a

Kshmiri Brahmin, Moti Lal Nehru by name.

Now, why was it at all necessary for Ghiyasuddin Ghazi to change his

name to Ganga Dhar? Dhar is a well-known Kashmiri Hindu surname. Many

of these 'Dhars' were forced converted into Islam; their names were

then changed to 'Dar' just to distance themselves from the Hindu

'Dhar'. The smart Moti Lal added the Persian epithet 'Nehru' thus

making the name sound even more 'un-Hindu'.


The English army, quite unlike the Hindu army, was made of a different

material. While Hindus let the defeated enemy go free (like Prithviraj

Chauhan had done and then regretted), the English were after each and

every Mogul. They were shooting down all Mohammedans for fear of

facing another claimant to the Delhi throne. Panic and fear ran like

wildfire among the Moguls. There was nowhere to flee. The city had

been surrounded by the 'firangi' forces and their allies, the Sikhs >

and the Gurkhas. It was then that the wily Mohammedans came up with

the brilliant idea of name-changing. Ghiyasuddin became Ganga Dhar,

almost like Yusuf Khan who had become Dilip Kumar, many years later.


Delhi was ransacked. All residents (both Hindus and Mohammedans) had to

leave and take shelter under tents set up by the 'firangis' outside

city ramparts. For full two months they remained there in the tents >

(like the Kashmiri Hindu refugees do today). During this time, the

English searched thoroughly each vacated home and discovered immense

wealth, which was, by the rules of the game, confiscated by the new

rulers. A month later, the Hindus were asked to return to their homes.

The Mohammedans were allowed to return even later.


In the aftermath, many Mohammedans fled to nearby cities not yet fully

under the control of the English. Agra was such a city. It still had

considerable Mogul influence. And Jawahar's Mogul grandfather Ganga

Dhar, with his entire family, left for Agra. How do we know that?

Jawahar states in his own autobiography that on their way to Agra, the

English troops detained Ganga Dhar's family. Ganga Dhar told them that

they were not Mohammedans but Kashmiri Hindus. Jawahar explains in his

> autobigraphy that the primary reason for the detention was their Mogul

features. The Kashmiri Hindus looked very much like Mohammedans from

Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and so on. And behold the English let Ganga

Dhar and his family go to Agra. The rest is history.


> [Afterword: The unbecoming fascination of the Nehrus for alien

Mohammedan connections persisted even beyond the Mogul roots. Please

read up K.N. Rao's 'The Nehru Dynasty', Chapter XXIII. Reference is

made there to Indira's (falsely described as the wife of Parsi Firoz

Gandhi when he was no such thing; he was a pure and simple sunni

Mohammedan whose father Nawab Khan was a liquor supplier of Allahabad)

letters in the publication Two Alone, Two Together (letters between

Indira Gandhi and Jawahar Lal Nehru) edited by Sonia Gandhi. The

publishers of this book were London's Hoddard and Stoughton. In that

book is featured a letter by Indira to her father, Jawahar and it says:


" Some months ago when I was at Metheran, Masi (aunt) wrote saying that

she had heard from some Parsis that it was written in their ancient

book that a Hindu of high family would marry into a Parsi family

(here, a 'Hindu of high family' is Indira and 'Parsi' is Firoz, son of

sunni Nawab Khan) and their son would do great things - religious

reform and so on. Masi asked me to inquire into the matter but it

quite slipped my mind. Last evening my mother in law (meaning Nawab

Khan's so called Parsi wife, converted to islam at the time of her

> nikaah) came in a state of great excitement. She had also heard

something of the sort, a slightly different version. According to her,

the son was the reincarnation of the Shah Behram of Persia.


" Baby's (meaning Rajiv Gandhi's) patri (horoscope) has arrived. I am

enclosing it. It is written in Gujarati but I suppose you will be able

> to get it read. I am enclosing an English translation of the

jyotishi's remarks. I am sending all this registered - please do the

same when you return it. The good thing about it is supposed to be

that there are five planets in one house, " and so on.


Quite clearly, the Nehrus could oscillate from the Mogul to the Persian

at will as long as the roots appeared to be Mohammedan, alien

> or home made, and farther removed from indigenous roots the better.

May we ask what great things did Rajiv do, other than stealing the

Bofors money and jeopardizing the lives of our jawans by supplying

them with inferior canon? And what reform was she talking about other

than legalizing polygamy among the Mohammedans of India and granting

them special privileges to talaaq their womenfolk, sans alimony? No

doubt Indira would not move against the fornication-prone Pakistani

ruffians when they were shooting down unarmed Bengali Hindu civilians.

Some three millions were thus decimated but she had not even lifted a

finger until the uproar inside the country became literally

uncontrollable. Then again, she let go the 93,000 Pakistani soldiers

scot free without exacting a quid pro quo from the enemy. Neither did

she ask for the trial of Tikka Khan. And during that time, our jawans

captured by the Paki army on the western front, were summarily shot in

prisons, against the Geneva regulations. Is it surprising that in

Europe today one can purchase picture post cards of Hari Mandir Temple

with a comment on the back that Indira had secretly become Mohammedan

and that is why she had chosen the Gurpurnima day (when the temple was

choc a bloc with women and children) to shoot the pilgrims down, in

thousands. And when the 93,000 Pakis left for their home, they had put

on weight, were well-dressed and so on. She was some musalmanani of

great piety although out of fear for divulging her Islamic roots, she

had refused to visit the Kaaba as desired by the Saudi Royal family.

Since when the Saudis have taken to inviting non-Mohammedans to visit


Let us not be impressed by the 'five planets' and all such 'bakwaas'.

What really happened is in front of our eyes, is this. In a country

where they would not even hurt a chicken, there were not one, not two

but three assassinations in quick succession. And all three were

Gandhis. One was shot by a Hindu, the second was turned into pulp by

two Sikhs and the third was pulverized by a Catholic lady of Tamil

extraction. In the mean time, the bastard son of Mohammad Yunus (still

the custodian of the Netaji Papers), Sanjay aka Sanjiv, killed himself

in that plane accident. And the 'sarkari chacha' had died of syphilis,

which apparently he had contracted in a local dhaba from a glass of

drinking water! Well! Who will believe that? What really happened can

only be described as divine dispensation to preserve and protect our

'dharma rajya' of Bharat, that the Congress and the secularists along

with the Mohammedan traitors were bent upon destroying for good!





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