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Young Ascetic Dr. Madan Mohan Das : Astro Sketch

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Dr. Madan Mohan Das is an young ascetic whom I met today in

International book fair organized by NBT, Indita at Pragati Maindan New



Before taking reclusion he was pursuing his medical education in Mumbai,

that he continued to complete after the initiation and joining Bhakti

Vedant Mission.


He had some interest in Jyotish, Our meeting is a dramatic one, I was

looking for some manuscripts on methods of ancient astrologers for

measuring distance among stars and calculating planetary motions, wanted

to know their instruments my search is continued to discover who

revealed precession of equinox in indian astronomy.


Well, I happen to came across an obsolete work of Parashara, The

Parashara Samhita, It's not on Astrology, It's on Sri Hanuman Ji's life

and work It also covers tantrik prayogas as well as kundalini awakening

prayogas using Hanuman Mantras. From astrological point of view, the

classic mentiones use of Kurma chakra and Nakschatras in order to find

suitable time and place for Sadhana. perhapse this is the oldest

reference to Kurma chakra in ancient literature of India.


Asrology suffers from lack of authentic cases for both validation and

bulding of theories. I was quick to collect young ascetic Dr Madan Mohan

Das, he is born on 25 March 1969, around 3pm in Chennai (Madras), India,

he said that 1-2 minutes difference in birth time is possible.


Birth Chart (Lagna)



His lagna is Karka and nakshatra is Ashlesha, Ashlesha nakschatra is

very typical in astrology, students should have an apt for understanding

the functional attributes of this nakschatra, The nakschatra denotes

psychic sheath of native, Connected to kundalini's entwined status under

the karmic venum, Those who get Ashlesha in trikona (1,5,9) houses can

have a drive for Kundalini's awakening, awakening means having

capability for involution with given sharp intellect that can pierce

through the karmic venum which didn't permit the awakening in previous

birth. mostly the karmic venum is related to lust and Jealousy ,One has

to cross over in order to enkindle the fire, after enkindling, how one

progresses depends on the rest of the chart.


In sanskrit, Ashlesha is derived from the term " Ahi " , Ahi means Snake or

Naga, Yogi Aurobindo is born with Ashlesha nakschatra in his lagna and

enkindled the divine fire which ultimately led him to Savitri, The

elementary interest of Aurobindo was given a stroke by a vision of Swami

Vivekananda that he had in Alipore jail, Our young ascetic found a

similar sensational divine calling when he visited a Vishnu temple in

Mumbai, those day's he was coming out of the ignorence of Haru's period,

It was begining of Jup-Jup period in his life in year of 1990. He felt

Lord vishnu who sits on SeshNaga is calling him in his service and he

has to rinse his karma in order to find a selter under the feet of Lord



I have got Ashlesha in my 5'th house and I got similar divine stroke for

enkindling mu kundalini in a hanuman temple, I felt compassionate lord

hanuman ji has penetgrated his power in my Agya Chakra tearing off the

my astral body loaded with previous karma.


This young ascetic has got his 9'th lord Jup conjunct Ketu in 3rd house,

Both Ketu and Jup are in same UttaraPhalguni Nakschatra, Uttaraphalguni

is related to dissolution of ego and Maya, once it's dissolved a serene

personality comes out, Uttaraphalguni is fiery and fixed, denotes

perpetual process of karmic cleanliness, conjunction of Ketu and Jup in

this nakschhatra in same navamsa meena navamsa of virgo is the cause for

commencement of karmic cleanliness of this young doctor, Now let's

understand Why lord vishnu initiated this process for him, Indian

classics says If 12'th lord Merc goes to 8'th house, one worships Lord

Vishnu, His lagna lord moon is in the 12'th house, and 12'th lord is

placed in 8'th house, This combination of soumya grahas indicate him to

be an object of Lord's Visnu's blessings.


His 5'th lord Mars is placed in 5'th house only, occupies Jestha

nakschatra and Dhanu navamsa, this made him an outstanding student with

sharp technical inclination.


His 2nd lord Sun is in 9'th house, 2nd is the house denotes " Sva " or

everything that belongs to oneself, for a surrender requred to walk on

the path of spirituality, 2nd lord Sun's placement in 9'th house on

Jup's sign Meena signifying Narayana (Vishnu) is another reason that his

self or ego surrendered to lord Vishnu's feet, 9'th is the feet also,

there is a catuionary note, Rahu's presence there further shows

attraction towards external world, some learning remains, however,

Rahu's period is over in life so no serious obstacle in his life of

seclusion is seen by me, Uttarbhadrapada shows restraint, submlimated

action making a self sacrifying person.



Another area that he w'd have to overcome is signified by Sani- Sukra

conjunction in his 10'th house, debilitated Sani is though reduces the

degree of attachment to sensual pleasure, still it's being 7'th lord and

conjunction to sukra is a matter of concern that he has to cross over,

both Sani and Sukra are placed in mesha rahi's mesha navamsa and Ashwini

Nakshatra, In fact, this combination has put him into profession of

medical science , Ashwini Kumars are divine healers, I prey to god to

protect his bhakti as he once protected narad's bhakti. I bow to lord's








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if you have any desire to look at manuscripts of ancient scriptures, i have in

my possession scripture of BPHS and Jyotish Tattavam and Jyotish Bharanam, so

you are welcome any time, but please come after spending at least 20 years in

astrolgy, not before that.








utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi


Sat, January 30, 2010 12:18:01 PM

Young Ascetic Dr. Madan Mohan Das : Astro Sketch




Dr. Madan Mohan Das is an young ascetic whom I met today in

International book fair organized by NBT, Indita at Pragati Maindan New



Before taking reclusion he was pursuing his medical education in Mumbai,

that he continued to complete after the initiation and joining Bhakti

Vedant Mission.


He had some interest in Jyotish, Our meeting is a dramatic one, I was

looking for some manuscripts on methods of ancient astrologers for

measuring distance among stars and calculating planetary motions, wanted

to know their instruments my search is continued to discover who

revealed precession of equinox in indian astronomy.


Well, I happen to came across an obsolete work of Parashara, The

Parashara Samhita, It's not on Astrology, It's on Sri Hanuman Ji's life

and work It also covers tantrik prayogas as well as kundalini awakening

prayogas using Hanuman Mantras. From astrological point of view, the

classic mentiones use of Kurma chakra and Nakschatras in order to find

suitable time and place for Sadhana. perhapse this is the oldest

reference to Kurma chakra in ancient literature of India.


Asrology suffers from lack of authentic cases for both validation and

bulding of theories. I was quick to collect young ascetic Dr Madan Mohan

Das, he is born on 25 March 1969, around 3pm in Chennai (Madras), India,

he said that 1-2 minutes difference in birth time is possible.


Birth Chart (Lagna)


His lagna is Karka and nakshatra is Ashlesha, Ashlesha nakschatra is

very typical in astrology, students should have an apt for understanding

the functional attributes of this nakschatra, The nakschatra denotes

psychic sheath of native, Connected to kundalini's entwined status under

the karmic venum, Those who get Ashlesha in trikona (1,5,9) houses can

have a drive for Kundalini's awakening, awakening means having

capability for involution with given sharp intellect that can pierce

through the karmic venum which didn't permit the awakening in previous

birth. mostly the karmic venum is related to lust and Jealousy ,One has

to cross over in order to enkindle the fire, after enkindling, how one

progresses depends on the rest of the chart.


In sanskrit, Ashlesha is derived from the term " Ahi " , Ahi means Snake or

Naga, Yogi Aurobindo is born with Ashlesha nakschatra in his lagna and

enkindled the divine fire which ultimately led him to Savitri, The

elementary interest of Aurobindo was given a stroke by a vision of Swami

Vivekananda that he had in Alipore jail, Our young ascetic found a

similar sensational divine calling when he visited a Vishnu temple in

Mumbai, those day's he was coming out of the ignorence of Haru's period,

It was begining of Jup-Jup period in his life in year of 1990. He felt

Lord vishnu who sits on SeshNaga is calling him in his service and he

has to rinse his karma in order to find a selter under the feet of Lord



I have got Ashlesha in my 5'th house and I got similar divine stroke for

enkindling mu kundalini in a hanuman temple, I felt compassionate lord

hanuman ji has penetgrated his power in my Agya Chakra tearing off the

my astral body loaded with previous karma.


This young ascetic has got his 9'th lord Jup conjunct Ketu in 3rd house,

Both Ketu and Jup are in same UttaraPhalguni Nakschatra, Uttaraphalguni

is related to dissolution of ego and Maya, once it's dissolved a serene

personality comes out, Uttaraphalguni is fiery and fixed, denotes

perpetual process of karmic cleanliness, conjunction of Ketu and Jup in

this nakschhatra in same navamsa meena navamsa of virgo is the cause for

commencement of karmic cleanliness of this young doctor, Now let's

understand Why lord vishnu initiated this process for him, Indian

classics says If 12'th lord Merc goes to 8'th house, one worships Lord

Vishnu, His lagna lord moon is in the 12'th house, and 12'th lord is

placed in 8'th house, This combination of soumya grahas indicate him to

be an object of Lord's Visnu's blessings.


His 5'th lord Mars is placed in 5'th house only, occupies Jestha

nakschatra and Dhanu navamsa, this made him an outstanding student with

sharp technical inclination.


His 2nd lord Sun is in 9'th house, 2nd is the house denotes " Sva " or

everything that belongs to oneself, for a surrender requred to walk on

the path of spirituality, 2nd lord Sun's placement in 9'th house on

Jup's sign Meena signifying Narayana (Vishnu) is another reason that his

self or ego surrendered to lord Vishnu's feet, 9'th is the feet also,

there is a catuionary note, Rahu's presence there further shows

attraction towards external world, some learning remains, however,

Rahu's period is over in life so no serious obstacle in his life of

seclusion is seen by me, Uttarbhadrapada shows restraint, submlimated

action making a self sacrifying person.


Another area that he w'd have to overcome is signified by Sani- Sukra

conjunction in his 10'th house, debilitated Sani is though reduces the

degree of attachment to sensual pleasure, still it's being 7'th lord and

conjunction to sukra is a matter of concern that he has to cross over,

both Sani and Sukra are placed in mesha rahi's mesha navamsa and Ashwini

Nakshatra, In fact, this combination has put him into profession of

medical science , Ashwini Kumars are divine healers, I prey to god to

protect his bhakti as he once protected narad's bhakti. I bow to lord's




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Desist ..


, Manoj Kumar <mouji99 wrote:


> if you have any desire to look at manuscripts of ancient scriptures, i have in

my possession scripture of BPHS and Jyotish Tattavam and Jyotish Bharanam, so

you are welcome any time, but please come after spending at least 20 years in

astrolgy, not before that.


> manoj





> ________________________________

> utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi


> Sat, January 30, 2010 12:18:01 PM

> Young Ascetic Dr. Madan Mohan Das : Astro Sketch




> Dr. Madan Mohan Das is an young ascetic whom I met today in

> International book fair organized by NBT, Indita at Pragati Maindan New

> Delhi.


> Before taking reclusion he was pursuing his medical education in Mumbai,

> that he continued to complete after the initiation and joining Bhakti

> Vedant Mission.


> He had some interest in Jyotish, Our meeting is a dramatic one, I was

> looking for some manuscripts on methods of ancient astrologers for

> measuring distance among stars and calculating planetary motions, wanted

> to know their instruments my search is continued to discover who

> revealed precession of equinox in indian astronomy.


> Well, I happen to came across an obsolete work of Parashara, The

> Parashara Samhita, It's not on Astrology, It's on Sri Hanuman Ji's life

> and work It also covers tantrik prayogas as well as kundalini awakening

> prayogas using Hanuman Mantras. From astrological point of view, the

> classic mentiones use of Kurma chakra and Nakschatras in order to find

> suitable time and place for Sadhana. perhapse this is the oldest

> reference to Kurma chakra in ancient literature of India.


> Asrology suffers from lack of authentic cases for both validation and

> bulding of theories. I was quick to collect young ascetic Dr Madan Mohan

> Das, he is born on 25 March 1969, around 3pm in Chennai (Madras), India,

> he said that 1-2 minutes difference in birth time is possible.


> Birth Chart (Lagna)


> His lagna is Karka and nakshatra is Ashlesha, Ashlesha nakschatra is

> very typical in astrology, students should have an apt for understanding

> the functional attributes of this nakschatra, The nakschatra denotes

> psychic sheath of native, Connected to kundalini's entwined status under

> the karmic venum, Those who get Ashlesha in trikona (1,5,9) houses can

> have a drive for Kundalini's awakening, awakening means having

> capability for involution with given sharp intellect that can pierce

> through the karmic venum which didn't permit the awakening in previous

> birth. mostly the karmic venum is related to lust and Jealousy ,One has

> to cross over in order to enkindle the fire, after enkindling, how one

> progresses depends on the rest of the chart.


> In sanskrit, Ashlesha is derived from the term " Ahi " , Ahi means Snake or

> Naga, Yogi Aurobindo is born with Ashlesha nakschatra in his lagna and

> enkindled the divine fire which ultimately led him to Savitri, The

> elementary interest of Aurobindo was given a stroke by a vision of Swami

> Vivekananda that he had in Alipore jail, Our young ascetic found a

> similar sensational divine calling when he visited a Vishnu temple in

> Mumbai, those day's he was coming out of the ignorence of Haru's period,

> It was begining of Jup-Jup period in his life in year of 1990. He felt

> Lord vishnu who sits on SeshNaga is calling him in his service and he

> has to rinse his karma in order to find a selter under the feet of Lord

> Vishnu.


> I have got Ashlesha in my 5'th house and I got similar divine stroke for

> enkindling mu kundalini in a hanuman temple, I felt compassionate lord

> hanuman ji has penetgrated his power in my Agya Chakra tearing off the

> my astral body loaded with previous karma.


> This young ascetic has got his 9'th lord Jup conjunct Ketu in 3rd house,

> Both Ketu and Jup are in same UttaraPhalguni Nakschatra, Uttaraphalguni

> is related to dissolution of ego and Maya, once it's dissolved a serene

> personality comes out, Uttaraphalguni is fiery and fixed, denotes

> perpetual process of karmic cleanliness, conjunction of Ketu and Jup in

> this nakschhatra in same navamsa meena navamsa of virgo is the cause for

> commencement of karmic cleanliness of this young doctor, Now let's

> understand Why lord vishnu initiated this process for him, Indian

> classics says If 12'th lord Merc goes to 8'th house, one worships Lord

> Vishnu, His lagna lord moon is in the 12'th house, and 12'th lord is

> placed in 8'th house, This combination of soumya grahas indicate him to

> be an object of Lord's Visnu's blessings.


> His 5'th lord Mars is placed in 5'th house only, occupies Jestha

> nakschatra and Dhanu navamsa, this made him an outstanding student with

> sharp technical inclination.


> His 2nd lord Sun is in 9'th house, 2nd is the house denotes " Sva " or

> everything that belongs to oneself, for a surrender requred to walk on

> the path of spirituality, 2nd lord Sun's placement in 9'th house on

> Jup's sign Meena signifying Narayana (Vishnu) is another reason that his

> self or ego surrendered to lord Vishnu's feet, 9'th is the feet also,

> there is a catuionary note, Rahu's presence there further shows

> attraction towards external world, some learning remains, however,

> Rahu's period is over in life so no serious obstacle in his life of

> seclusion is seen by me, Uttarbhadrapada shows restraint, submlimated

> action making a self sacrifying person.


> Another area that he w'd have to overcome is signified by Sani- Sukra

> conjunction in his 10'th house, debilitated Sani is though reduces the

> degree of attachment to sensual pleasure, still it's being 7'th lord and

> conjunction to sukra is a matter of concern that he has to cross over,

> both Sani and Sukra are placed in mesha rahi's mesha navamsa and Ashwini

> Nakshatra, In fact, this combination has put him into profession of

> medical science , Ashwini Kumars are divine healers, I prey to god to

> protect his bhakti as he once protected narad's bhakti. I bow to lord's

> feet.



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A question was raised a month ago, how to see the troop movements in mundane

charts, so far no reply.


You have news papers and access to net. You can write anything and escape.



C.S. Ravindramani.


On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 9:51 PM, Manoj Kumar <mouji99 wrote:




> if you have any desire to look at manuscripts of ancient scriptures, i have

> in my possession scripture of BPHS and Jyotish Tattavam and Jyotish

> Bharanam, so you are welcome any time, but please come after spending at

> least 20 years in astrolgy, not before that.


> manoj


> ________________________________

> utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi<utkal.panigrahi%40>

> >

> <%40>

> Sat, January 30, 2010 12:18:01 PM

> Young Ascetic Dr. Madan Mohan Das : Astro Sketch




> Dr. Madan Mohan Das is an young ascetic whom I met today in

> International book fair organized by NBT, Indita at Pragati Maindan New

> Delhi.


> Before taking reclusion he was pursuing his medical education in Mumbai,

> that he continued to complete after the initiation and joining Bhakti

> Vedant Mission.


> He had some interest in Jyotish, Our meeting is a dramatic one, I was

> looking for some manuscripts on methods of ancient astrologers for

> measuring distance among stars and calculating planetary motions, wanted

> to know their instruments my search is continued to discover who

> revealed precession of equinox in indian astronomy.


> Well, I happen to came across an obsolete work of Parashara, The

> Parashara Samhita, It's not on Astrology, It's on Sri Hanuman Ji's life

> and work It also covers tantrik prayogas as well as kundalini awakening

> prayogas using Hanuman Mantras. From astrological point of view, the

> classic mentiones use of Kurma chakra and Nakschatras in order to find

> suitable time and place for Sadhana. perhapse this is the oldest

> reference to Kurma chakra in ancient literature of India.


> Asrology suffers from lack of authentic cases for both validation and

> bulding of theories. I was quick to collect young ascetic Dr Madan Mohan

> Das, he is born on 25 March 1969, around 3pm in Chennai (Madras), India,

> he said that 1-2 minutes difference in birth time is possible.


> Birth Chart (Lagna)


> His lagna is Karka and nakshatra is Ashlesha, Ashlesha nakschatra is

> very typical in astrology, students should have an apt for understanding

> the functional attributes of this nakschatra, The nakschatra denotes

> psychic sheath of native, Connected to kundalini's entwined status under

> the karmic venum, Those who get Ashlesha in trikona (1,5,9) houses can

> have a drive for Kundalini's awakening, awakening means having

> capability for involution with given sharp intellect that can pierce

> through the karmic venum which didn't permit the awakening in previous

> birth. mostly the karmic venum is related to lust and Jealousy ,One has

> to cross over in order to enkindle the fire, after enkindling, how one

> progresses depends on the rest of the chart.


> In sanskrit, Ashlesha is derived from the term " Ahi " , Ahi means Snake or

> Naga, Yogi Aurobindo is born with Ashlesha nakschatra in his lagna and

> enkindled the divine fire which ultimately led him to Savitri, The

> elementary interest of Aurobindo was given a stroke by a vision of Swami

> Vivekananda that he had in Alipore jail, Our young ascetic found a

> similar sensational divine calling when he visited a Vishnu temple in

> Mumbai, those day's he was coming out of the ignorence of Haru's period,

> It was begining of Jup-Jup period in his life in year of 1990. He felt

> Lord vishnu who sits on SeshNaga is calling him in his service and he

> has to rinse his karma in order to find a selter under the feet of Lord

> Vishnu.


> I have got Ashlesha in my 5'th house and I got similar divine stroke for

> enkindling mu kundalini in a hanuman temple, I felt compassionate lord

> hanuman ji has penetgrated his power in my Agya Chakra tearing off the

> my astral body loaded with previous karma.


> This young ascetic has got his 9'th lord Jup conjunct Ketu in 3rd house,

> Both Ketu and Jup are in same UttaraPhalguni Nakschatra, Uttaraphalguni

> is related to dissolution of ego and Maya, once it's dissolved a serene

> personality comes out, Uttaraphalguni is fiery and fixed, denotes

> perpetual process of karmic cleanliness, conjunction of Ketu and Jup in

> this nakschhatra in same navamsa meena navamsa of virgo is the cause for

> commencement of karmic cleanliness of this young doctor, Now let's

> understand Why lord vishnu initiated this process for him, Indian

> classics says If 12'th lord Merc goes to 8'th house, one worships Lord

> Vishnu, His lagna lord moon is in the 12'th house, and 12'th lord is

> placed in 8'th house, This combination of soumya grahas indicate him to

> be an object of Lord's Visnu's blessings.


> His 5'th lord Mars is placed in 5'th house only, occupies Jestha

> nakschatra and Dhanu navamsa, this made him an outstanding student with

> sharp technical inclination.


> His 2nd lord Sun is in 9'th house, 2nd is the house denotes " Sva " or

> everything that belongs to oneself, for a surrender requred to walk on

> the path of spirituality, 2nd lord Sun's placement in 9'th house on

> Jup's sign Meena signifying Narayana (Vishnu) is another reason that his

> self or ego surrendered to lord Vishnu's feet, 9'th is the feet also,

> there is a catuionary note, Rahu's presence there further shows

> attraction towards external world, some learning remains, however,

> Rahu's period is over in life so no serious obstacle in his life of

> seclusion is seen by me, Uttarbhadrapada shows restraint, submlimated

> action making a self sacrifying person.


> Another area that he w'd have to overcome is signified by Sani- Sukra

> conjunction in his 10'th house, debilitated Sani is though reduces the

> degree of attachment to sensual pleasure, still it's being 7'th lord and

> conjunction to sukra is a matter of concern that he has to cross over,

> both Sani and Sukra are placed in mesha rahi's mesha navamsa and Ashwini

> Nakshatra, In fact, this combination has put him into profession of

> medical science , Ashwini Kumars are divine healers, I prey to god to

> protect his bhakti as he once protected narad's bhakti. I bow to lord's

> feet.



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Hitler, from what I have heard, USED Astrologers for counter-espionage during

the WWII.


You may have to go through NAZI *scriptures* (or strictures?) to research that

further, if you are interested...!




, " C.S. Ravindramani " <ravindramani



> A question was raised a month ago, how to see the troop movements in mundane

> charts, so far no reply.


> You have news papers and access to net. You can write anything and escape.



> C.S. Ravindramani.


> On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 9:51 PM, Manoj Kumar <mouji99 wrote:


> >

> >

> > if you have any desire to look at manuscripts of ancient scriptures, i have

> > in my possession scripture of BPHS and Jyotish Tattavam and Jyotish

> > Bharanam, so you are welcome any time, but please come after spending at

> > least 20 years in astrolgy, not before that.

> >

> > manoj

> >

> > ________________________________

> > utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi<utkal.panigrahi%40>

> > >

> > <%40>

> > Sat, January 30, 2010 12:18:01 PM

> > Young Ascetic Dr. Madan Mohan Das : Astro Sketch

> >

> >

> >

> > Dr. Madan Mohan Das is an young ascetic whom I met today in

> > International book fair organized by NBT, Indita at Pragati Maindan New

> > Delhi.

> >

> > Before taking reclusion he was pursuing his medical education in Mumbai,

> > that he continued to complete after the initiation and joining Bhakti

> > Vedant Mission.

> >

> > He had some interest in Jyotish, Our meeting is a dramatic one, I was

> > looking for some manuscripts on methods of ancient astrologers for

> > measuring distance among stars and calculating planetary motions, wanted

> > to know their instruments my search is continued to discover who

> > revealed precession of equinox in indian astronomy.

> >

> > Well, I happen to came across an obsolete work of Parashara, The

> > Parashara Samhita, It's not on Astrology, It's on Sri Hanuman Ji's life

> > and work It also covers tantrik prayogas as well as kundalini awakening

> > prayogas using Hanuman Mantras. From astrological point of view, the

> > classic mentiones use of Kurma chakra and Nakschatras in order to find

> > suitable time and place for Sadhana. perhapse this is the oldest

> > reference to Kurma chakra in ancient literature of India.

> >

> > Asrology suffers from lack of authentic cases for both validation and

> > bulding of theories. I was quick to collect young ascetic Dr Madan Mohan

> > Das, he is born on 25 March 1969, around 3pm in Chennai (Madras), India,

> > he said that 1-2 minutes difference in birth time is possible.

> >

> > Birth Chart (Lagna)

> >

> > His lagna is Karka and nakshatra is Ashlesha, Ashlesha nakschatra is

> > very typical in astrology, students should have an apt for understanding

> > the functional attributes of this nakschatra, The nakschatra denotes

> > psychic sheath of native, Connected to kundalini's entwined status under

> > the karmic venum, Those who get Ashlesha in trikona (1,5,9) houses can

> > have a drive for Kundalini's awakening, awakening means having

> > capability for involution with given sharp intellect that can pierce

> > through the karmic venum which didn't permit the awakening in previous

> > birth. mostly the karmic venum is related to lust and Jealousy ,One has

> > to cross over in order to enkindle the fire, after enkindling, how one

> > progresses depends on the rest of the chart.

> >

> > In sanskrit, Ashlesha is derived from the term " Ahi " , Ahi means Snake or

> > Naga, Yogi Aurobindo is born with Ashlesha nakschatra in his lagna and

> > enkindled the divine fire which ultimately led him to Savitri, The

> > elementary interest of Aurobindo was given a stroke by a vision of Swami

> > Vivekananda that he had in Alipore jail, Our young ascetic found a

> > similar sensational divine calling when he visited a Vishnu temple in

> > Mumbai, those day's he was coming out of the ignorence of Haru's period,

> > It was begining of Jup-Jup period in his life in year of 1990. He felt

> > Lord vishnu who sits on SeshNaga is calling him in his service and he

> > has to rinse his karma in order to find a selter under the feet of Lord

> > Vishnu.

> >

> > I have got Ashlesha in my 5'th house and I got similar divine stroke for

> > enkindling mu kundalini in a hanuman temple, I felt compassionate lord

> > hanuman ji has penetgrated his power in my Agya Chakra tearing off the

> > my astral body loaded with previous karma.

> >

> > This young ascetic has got his 9'th lord Jup conjunct Ketu in 3rd house,

> > Both Ketu and Jup are in same UttaraPhalguni Nakschatra, Uttaraphalguni

> > is related to dissolution of ego and Maya, once it's dissolved a serene

> > personality comes out, Uttaraphalguni is fiery and fixed, denotes

> > perpetual process of karmic cleanliness, conjunction of Ketu and Jup in

> > this nakschhatra in same navamsa meena navamsa of virgo is the cause for

> > commencement of karmic cleanliness of this young doctor, Now let's

> > understand Why lord vishnu initiated this process for him, Indian

> > classics says If 12'th lord Merc goes to 8'th house, one worships Lord

> > Vishnu, His lagna lord moon is in the 12'th house, and 12'th lord is

> > placed in 8'th house, This combination of soumya grahas indicate him to

> > be an object of Lord's Visnu's blessings.

> >

> > His 5'th lord Mars is placed in 5'th house only, occupies Jestha

> > nakschatra and Dhanu navamsa, this made him an outstanding student with

> > sharp technical inclination.

> >

> > His 2nd lord Sun is in 9'th house, 2nd is the house denotes " Sva " or

> > everything that belongs to oneself, for a surrender requred to walk on

> > the path of spirituality, 2nd lord Sun's placement in 9'th house on

> > Jup's sign Meena signifying Narayana (Vishnu) is another reason that his

> > self or ego surrendered to lord Vishnu's feet, 9'th is the feet also,

> > there is a catuionary note, Rahu's presence there further shows

> > attraction towards external world, some learning remains, however,

> > Rahu's period is over in life so no serious obstacle in his life of

> > seclusion is seen by me, Uttarbhadrapada shows restraint, submlimated

> > action making a self sacrifying person.

> >

> > Another area that he w'd have to overcome is signified by Sani- Sukra

> > conjunction in his 10'th house, debilitated Sani is though reduces the

> > degree of attachment to sensual pleasure, still it's being 7'th lord and

> > conjunction to sukra is a matter of concern that he has to cross over,

> > both Sani and Sukra are placed in mesha rahi's mesha navamsa and Ashwini

> > Nakshatra, In fact, this combination has put him into profession of

> > medical science , Ashwini Kumars are divine healers, I prey to god to

> > protect his bhakti as he once protected narad's bhakti. I bow to lord's

> > feet.

> >

> >

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