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Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

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Namaste friends,


> Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami Vivekanadajee,

> I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than wasting

> any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)


You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the teachings of

Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of Ramakrishna " compiled

by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in my view).


However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of interest

to astrologers.


* * *


Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying that

he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons for

6:33 am.


The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he was born

before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books sounds like a

rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely change to

Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji should have

9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th.

However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained

with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and give

credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on thumbrules and

not-so-deep knowledge.


For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on Sg

lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related to

divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another day.


(1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a powerful,

charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

(2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

(3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I pointed

out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


(4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with Cp

lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


(5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

(6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn and

Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!). This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

(7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

(8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it is

conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

(9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared based

on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He was

indeed a leader of men.

(10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there, the 10th

lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can show one

who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna with Mars

in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows mother.

Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury being

aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-Ketu on

the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.


* * *


BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda's words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak



Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent person

cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide to throw

light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain in the

dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may sometimes

focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself later.

Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda had was

probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately always.

At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni vrata,

while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed demons,

while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and rishis

come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may change

from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and wrong

may change from place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has

a specific job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a

different time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts

on astrology if he were back here today.


Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone posted a

quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did not get

time then to do so.


Best regards,



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> Namaste Lalit and others,


> Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda's book ( " God Lived With Them: Life

Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was gratefully

using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish research. I am

aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.


> However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda's birthtime is his

biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda). That is a

more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a

few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.


> Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually thinks

he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.


> Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.


> * * *


> > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > appealing to you.


> Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who wonder

whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what really

distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few mails

referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.


> /message/3651


> I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between the

way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with that yogi,

which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi actually

satisfied the skeptic in me.


> /message/3481


> * * *


> I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.


> Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see in

your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails. My

friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit wrote:


> > It's a day that

> > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> >

> > This was third time,I visited

> > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> >

> > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > to your followers.

> >

> > The great divine mother has finally

> > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > When God is with a person, he can

> > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > end.

> >

> > It's said that - " Jin

> > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> >

> > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > appealing to you.

> >

> > regards,

> > Lalit Mishra.

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Yes, I made several incorrect predictions and also several correct predictions,

publicly and privately. I do not deny it. If you scroll down, you'll see that I

wrote in the original mail to Lalit/Utkal:


" I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on Jyotish

for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to an IIT.

I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose and poetry

almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years that I am

slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.


Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see in your

writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails. "


* * *


How can you expect from someone who is " slowly finding his bearings " to be

perfect always? However, if we ask everyone who made wrong predictions to shut

up, nobody will really be able to speak!


I have made mistakes and will make in future. But, at the end of it all, if I

help people understand some things better and if I can throw light on some

simple and replicable methods suitable for our times, my purpose will have been



* * *


I never said 6th house shows mantra. I do take the 5th house for mantra. I said

the 8th house shows sadhana and 6th house, being the 11th from it, shows siddhi

or obtaining the fruits of sadhana. I gave some examples before.


* * *


Astrologically speaking, yes, malefics do aspect my Jupiter. But so do Mercury

and Venus. I will prolong this unnecessary, uncalled for and intrustive

discussion only because there are some technical points here that are worth



Using Parasara's rules for quantification of aspects based on longitudes, aspect

of Mars (26Ar42) on my Jupiter (9Li46) is a 43.5% aspect. Aspect of Rahu

(18Le08) on my Jupiter is a 72.1% aspect. Aspect of Saturn (15Ar06) on my

Jupiter is a 82.2% aspect (BTW, Saturn is also the 5th lord).


On the other hand, aspect of Mercury (3Ar08) on my Jupiter is a 94.4% aspect and

aspect of Venus (7Ar55) on my Jupiter is a 98.4% aspect. Clearly, aspects of 9th

lord Venus and 10th lord Mercury dominate over the other aspects.


Unfortunately, people do not evaluate aspects correctly and jump to wrong

conclusions based on approximate sign-only reckoning, though Parasara gave clear

formulas for quantification.


* * *


Well, I did argue with my guru Pt Sanjay Rath on technical matters several

times. Also, I did point out that he seems to be mixing up parampara knowledge

with a lot of his own ideas that are not well-researched, without a proper

acknowledgement. I also pointed out one explicit example where he lied in print

regarding one particular idea being from parampara. Whether these things count

as " abuses " or not is arguable, but one thing is certain - I never swayed from

truth. One's dharma towards guru may sometimes clash with one's dharma towards

truth, towards others and towards the subject itself. After all, it was Lord

Krishna who asked Arjuna to attack and kill his gurus.


In any case, my abuses, sins and transgressions are a matter between me, my

Mother and my spiritual guru and should not concern others. My spiritual guru is

fully aware of and guiding me in my Jyotish activities. I have surrendered to

him and to my Mother who guides me through him. Others need not worry about me.


Best regards,



Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

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, Astro Talk <astro.talk wrote:


> Dear Narashimha,

> Â

> You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any how that

BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had shown.

> Â

> And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> Â

> But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.

> Â

> After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.

> Â

> Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology like you say

6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon is associated by

Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.


> So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND'S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> Â

> Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is being

aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also abused your GUrus

because of same reason.

> Â

> Regards,

> Pawan Maurya


> --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Namaste friends,


> > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami Vivekanadajee,

> > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than wasting

> > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)


> You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the teachings

of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of Ramakrishna "

compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in my view).


> However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.


> * * *


> Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying that

he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons for

6:33 am.


> The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he was

born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books sounds

like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely change to

Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji should have

9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th.

However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained

with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and give

credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on thumbrules and

not-so-deep knowledge.


> For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on Sg

lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related to

divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another day.


> (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

> (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

> (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


> (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with Cp

lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


> (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

> (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn and

Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

> (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it is

conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared based

on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He was

indeed a leader of men.

> (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there, the

10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-

Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.


> * * *


> BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak



> Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent person

cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide to throw

light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain in the

dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may sometimes

focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself later.

Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda had was

probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately always.

At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni vrata,

while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed demons,

while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and rishis

come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may change

from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and wrong

may change from

> place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific

job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different

time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on

astrology if he were back here today.


> Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone posted

a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did not get

time then to do so.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> > Namaste Lalit and others,

> >

> > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:

Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> >

> > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his

biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That is a

more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a

few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.

> >

> > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually thinks

he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> >

> > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > appealing to you.

> >

> > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> >

> > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> >

> > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with that yogi,

which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi actually

satisfied the skeptic in me.

> >

> > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.

> >

> > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see in

your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails. My

friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> >

> > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > > It's a day that

> > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > >

> > > This was third time,I visited

> > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > >

> > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > to your followers.

> > >

> > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > end.

> > >

> > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > >

> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > appealing to you.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > > Lalit Mishra.

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Dear Nandi,


I am again amused at your posting ….


See points as below:-


// Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows a

very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had. //


Everybody using DOB as 12'th Jan 1863, now see your logic for Vivekanand being

majestic personality.


12'th Jan 1863 was Monday.


// Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny world

we live in-:) //


Narashimha was talking of the birth details based on Swami Nikhilanand's works.

But he was not aware that in later works, Swami Nikhilanand wrote Swamijis

details as 6:49AM, ie after Sun-Rise as pointed out by Mr Rohini Ranjan and Mr

Utkal Panigrahi.


Now, Narashimha is abusing Swami Nikhilanands works, as he always does because

Pawan pointed about his BAD JUPITER.


// AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most


criterion for same.


I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

not have a vargottama AK in meena. //


It looks that, your basics are quite loose.


Kindly read BPHS chapter 35 shloka number 2-8.


And also read Jaimini Sutra, chapter first second quarter.


// Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does not

talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of sanyasa

yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


You said the same and raise the point of Mo being in drekkana of Sa.


I am again pasting your wordings…



When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's






Go and read other classics also like Jataka Parijata, Saravali, Phaladeepika,

Bhavartha Ratnakar also instead of BPHS only just to get the point about Mo in

Navamsha of Sa.



Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma

Sarada did not have that combination, Lahiri Baba did not have it. //


Good to see that you are also having birth details of other persons like you do

have Swamiji's 6:33, wrong one.


From where you have downloaded documents for the just to get details of those

ppl, SJC ??


Here, Historians dont know era of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but they know chart

of Krsna.


In Jyotish Vidya, one ITEM even provided chart of Jesus in the name of B V



Lahiri was also Baba for you??



// Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does notÂ

talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of sanyasa

yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


I am amused at your above points.


Except D-9 all charts have not counted on same level to D-1, BPHS says same,

atleast read one time some classics.


Download more articles from internet.


// So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying the

D1. //


But you gave one point of Ve's direct drishti on 7'th as one criterion to Fix

D-1. Now you are retracting from your raised points.


For Dhanu lagna, go and see Ju is giving direct drishti on 5'th(For having

progeny) and 7'th(spouse).


// Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house inÂ

order for it to manifest sanyansa. //


Materialistic desires come from 7'th house also and for Makara Lagna, Cancer

would be seventh house and Mo being lord of 7'th, would be in Drekkana of Saturn

and in D-1 Mo with Sa. Now judge the point of Sanyasa from this point of view.


// Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not

have rasi dristi Sir. //


But you wrote yourself following lines…


Venus will have direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent

combination for




// With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination. //


On this earth all leonine ppl don't use to have Sun in lagna.


// Parashara mentiones vargas upto Vimsamsa //


Are you saying right ??


// Thank you for the compliments-;). //


Again compliments for so beautifull mail!


Appreciation !



Vikash Kohli


Rama Naama Satya Hai..

Rama Naama Satya Hai..

Rama Naama Satya Hai..

Rama Naama Satya Hai..


, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 wrote:




> Dear Vishal,


> Please check some answers below.


> Regards

> Rajarshi




> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


> --- On Fri, 12/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 wrote:



> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38

> Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Friday, 12 February, 2010, 3:30 PM







> Dear Nandi OX (Bael),


> I am happy to get your response but have a look at following points which you

wrote :-

> I am sure you would be happy, that is precisely why I responded-;)


> **********

> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.

> **********


> Here we are trying to fix D-1 but it is good to see that you even can tell us

about Vimsamsa of Swami Vivekanand. Wonderfull !!!,


> Exactly. A chart rectification often needs checking up various

vargas. Further, I did not speak of " rectification " of Vimsamsa, but rather,

that to understand if a person can attain Moksha or not, a rasi chart maybe

insufficient. There must some reason why Parashara mentiones vargas upto

Vimsamsa and says one must look at Vimsamsa for the sake of " upasana " . So your

claims that a mere 12th house in the rasi chart is sufficient to decide if the

chart can belong to a person like Vivekananda, is shallow, to put it

midly. Your knowledge or the lack of it cannot be the parameter for judgement

of chart rectifications, don't you think so?

> **********

> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably

> **********


> Again same point.


> Same from my side too.


> I am amused to see that you even know about his Vimsamsa chart. I think you

are the best astrologer to fix birth timing even upto minutes and seconds.

Appreciation !


> Thank you for the compliments-;).  As I said, your lack of knowledge is not a

parameter for everyone.  Also, to merely look at a rasi chart and suggest such

and such indicates Moksha, in my humble opinion, is foolishness of the first

order. There are hundreds of charts will beautiful 12th house in rasi, who are

nowhere close to spirituality, leave aside moksha.


> For moksha there are many criterions but we dont know the lagna of him as we

are fixing it, so we have to remain stick to D-1,


> In that case we should not jump to the conclusion that a good 12th house in D1

is enough to indicate moksha. That is all I have been trying to say.



> AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most

imp criterion for same.


> I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

not have a vargottama AK in meena. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,

Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma Sarada did not have that combination,

Lahiri Baba did not have it. What good is a principle that does not work in

the charts of most of the famous self realized saints? 


> So I think you don’t have to tell many criterions for Moksha as I am well

read of classics not of handful but many.


> I am not doubting your knowledge of scriptures-;).




> ************

> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's


> ***********


> Go and check the position of Mo in D-3 for both birth timings(though 4 timings

are being circulated and 3 of them of Makara Lagna) about which ppl are talking.

I am amazed to see that instead of Bhava posn of Mo in D-3 you are talking of

Mo's position in a Rashi in a D-3 !


> Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of

sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas.




> Do you know how much time Moon will take to change its position from one Rashi

of D-3 to another Rashi of D-3.


> Irrelevant.



> So now apply your own point ie *****moon in shani's drekkana**** * for other

birth timing also. You will find that Mo is also in same Rashi ie of Sa.



> Excellent. Therefore it shows he was ment to be a sanyasi one way or the

other. So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1.


> ************ ******

> That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th house

from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for


> ************ ******


> Why you dont apply Rashi drishti of Ve on 7'th house if we take Makara as



> Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not

have rasi dristi Sir. Also Makar rasi will never have rasi drsiti on karkat.

Also I don't think you understood what I wrote. I already mentioned that Venus

can have " graha drisit " on 7th house IF we take Makara lagna


> I think it doesnt suit you well to distort the truth so you didnt write about

it instead you wrote Rashi Drishti of Sa+Mo on seventh.


> [:D] Learn more-:) Please do not consider your lack of understanding to be a

paramter of jyotish knowledge or of the English language.


> If we take Makara as Lagna will Ve give Rashi aspect on 7’th ??


> Once again, Makara cannot have " rasi dristi " on 7th house.


> If we take makara as lagna, then Mo will become lord of seventh and now see

its occupation in D-3 and it is in Saturn's Rashi which you wrote.


> Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house in order

for it to manifest sanyansa.


> And i have already shown that for both birth timings Moon will remain in same

Rashi in D-3 that is of Sa which clearly shows denial of mariage according to

D-3 concept but for Makara Lagna.


> Not for Makara lagna, but for both lagnas, IF the D-3 position of moon does

not change from saturnine house. For Makara lagna, VENUS gives GRAHA DRISTI ON

7TH HOUSE. Understood?


> You wrote point related to Mo's position in D-3 but dont want to take makara

lagna which will clearly give you Mo as lord of seventh and denial of marriage

by D-3 as Mo in Saturns’ dreskkana.


> Once again, for ONE specific combination of sanyasa Yoga to work moon must

be in conjuction with shani and in shani's drekkan or navamsa. It need not be

associated with 7th house or lord. Secondly, a person wil venus and merc in

lagna has a different kind of personality with a person with sun in a friendly

lagna for sun.


> Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny world

we live in-:) 


> TX

> Vishal Kohli







> Keep chanting that more, it may eventually help you to reduce your ego -:)



> --- On Thu, 2/11/10, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


> rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Thursday, February 11, 2010, 1:03 PM




> Dear VIshal,


> Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.


> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.


> Iccha mrityu is something so high up that normal jyotish analysis of basic

12th house etc are not sufficient. Infact most of us in this forum do have the

necessary level of jyotish expertise to predict from a chart if a person can

acquire iccha mrityu or not.


> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards



> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably.


> Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows a

very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had.


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination.


> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.


> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of




> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's

drekkana. That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th

house from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for



> -Regards

>  Rajarshi





> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


> --- On Wed, 10/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 > wrote:


> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 >

> Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 6:42 PM




> Dear Folks,

> I think this issue of fixing lagna of Swamiji is very interestng and it

attracted me to give my inputs.


> I would like to shed some light over Makar Lagna Chart and Dhanur Lagna Chart

of Swami Ji.


> Most important thing to see in his chart is the study of 12'th house -


> If one take Dhanu as lagna then 12'th house is very much afflicted -


> 1) 12'th house is having Rahu


> 2) Sa is giving aspect over it in 12'th.


> 3) Ma is giving aspect over 12'th house.


> Three malefics aspecting 12'th house, now one may imagine about the 'Iccha

Mrityu' of Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.


> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards



> Ancient classics dont support from above points that this should be

horoscope(Dhanu Lagna) of one great Swami.


> If one take Makar Lagna :-


> 1) 12'th would be having Su, so he wander around the world.


> 2) Lord of 12'th, Jupiter and it goes to tenth and it aspects 2'nd house, nice

yoga for ' Iccha Mrityu' and for learning of VEDAS and also to teach the whole

word the same as it not only covers

> 12'th 2'nd and 10'th.


> 3) In 10'th Ju of Tula, helps one person to teach VEDAS and such person doesnt

lie as it aspects 2'nd house(but it is also direct so it is nice) and same Ju is

lord of 12'th and Ju is placed in Tula.


> Ancient scriptures says that when Ju or Mo use to be in Tula person use to be

learned man of VEDAS and Ju should be also in 1, 4, 7 and 10.


> Swami ji was never inclined towards SEX and MARRIAGE all know very well.


> But following points doesnt support that Swamiji should have Dhanu Lagna -


> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.


> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of







> tx

> Vishal Kohli


> --- On Tue, 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> Re: Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> , vedic astrology

> Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 6:31 PM




> Namaste " Lalit/Utkal " ,


> Reagrding the authenticity:


> Swami Nikhilananda, who wrote " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " , was a

Ramakrishna Mutt monk who was initiated by Sarada Mata herself! He spent time

with Swami Brahmananada, Swami Saradananda, Swami Premananda and other direct

disciples of Ramakrishna and also with M (Mahendranath Gupta), who recorded the

gospel of Ramakrishna. He had direct access to many people with first-hand

association with Swami Vivekananda. On the other hand, Swami Chetanananda who

wrote the book on the sixteen disciples came much later. He was associated with

the Mutt from 1950 and was initiated in 1960, several generations later. While

Swami Nikhilananda' s book is a biogrpahy of Vivekananda, Swami Chetanananda' s

book is about 16 disciples and it is questionable how much attention he paid to

Swamiji's birthtime.


> Regarding LMT, of course a birthtime in 1860s would be in LMT as there was no

IST. There is nothing " artificial " about it. The birthtime of 6:33 am LMT has

been taken by all well-known astrologers who wrote about Swamiji until now. You

did not know that IST was not in use then, you made the mistake of taking IST

instead of LMT, you got Makara lagna, you got convinced that that is correct and

are now trying to somehow prove you are right. Unfortunately, so much bandwidth

and so much of people's time is being wasted in this exercise.


> I will ignore the rest of your tall claims and " my lollipop is bigger than

yours " exercises.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> ---- Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

> > Dear Brother Narsimha,

> >

> > You should think of attributes of makar lagna - great desciples,

> > strong physic etc -

> >

> > Then go for review of kind of physic - Hanuman Ji (offcourse

> > mythological chart) Srila Prabhupad, Gautam Gambhir etc got.

> >

> > Even if you make swami ji's horoscope with birth time 6.33 am, you get

> > makar lagna only but then you and many others starts saying local time

> > should be taken with that time, all the manual efforts for making

> > artificial dhanu lagna for swami ji.

> >

> > Why such a flip flop ?

> >

> > It's seen that all those who dont get god's vision and spiritual

> > experience resort to saying it's hallucination or illusion. What's

> > your elligibility for saying a thing that never happend in your life.

> >

> > You should know that god himself came to me, i saw him with open eyes

> > not in imaginary meditation, this is another revealation for those who

> > are curious, there is no place for any doubt if you are at feet of

> > god.

> >

> > Pls accept the divine urge and do yourself a precise comperative study

> > of both makar lagna vs dhanu lagna chart and find answer for you.

> >

> > Physical achievments have no significance in divine life, Swami

> > Vivekananda was only a BA if you find academic qualification so

> > important.

> >

> > There is no way no evidence to put question mark on authenticity of

> > biography's published in 'god lived with them' by Sri Ram Krishna

> > mission in order to make he world aware of life of top selected

> > desciples by thakur ramkrishna paramhansha, otherwise, world wd never

> > come to know about latu and others.

> >

> > You simply passed an imaginary comment on authenticity, better, if you

> > do correspondance with president and secretary of mission to find

> > answers, such a deflection is unfair.

> >

> > I trust mother divine and thakur for you people to show light and

> > suggest you people to be honest and open for truth, otherwise, no

> > enlightenment.

> >

> > It's said in spirituality - 'pratistha sukari vistha'.

> >

> > We get god's love and a recognition that he gives, we don't bother how

> > world looks at us.

> >

> > Swami Vivekanada was badly criticized by narrow minded hath dharmi

> > pakhandi pandits in his life time, Swami Dayananda was given poison,

> > so, where I m counted, but, We are true, truth and mother's love is

> > our strength.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Lalit/Utkal

> >

> > On 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> > > Namaste Lalit and others,

> > >

> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:

> > > Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

> > > gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting


> > > research.

> > >

> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his

> > > biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That


> > > a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and

> > > says " a few minutes before sunrise " .

> > >

> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually


> > > he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> > >

> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

> > > Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

> > > egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > >> appealing to you.

> > >

> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

> > > wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and


> > > really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A

> > > few mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> > >

> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

> > > the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

> > > gives a small account of a few of my experiences

> > > with that yogi, which proved some things to me:

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

> > > Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who


> > > to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit

> > > prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last

> > > 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of


> > >

> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see


> > > your writings, I am quite amazed by the pride, arrogance and


> > > you exhibit in your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

> > >

> > >> Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com>

> > >> Divine Revealation : Swami Vivekananda' s Birth Time & Lagna !!

> > >> " Deepak Bisaria " <deepakbisaria@ .co. in>, knrastro (AT) hotmail (DOT)


> > >> kn_rao , " Prashant Kumar G B " <gbp_kumar >,

> > >> " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashek h ar (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, " Narasimha P.V.R.

Rao "

> > >> <pvr108 >, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > >> Cc: " aavesh t " <aavesh_s (AT) (DOT) co.in>, jyotishi55 (AT) gmail (DOT) com, " Ajitkumar

> > >> Benadi " <ajitbenadi>, praspandey (AT) (DOT) co.in, " Mee Shuba

Vela "

> > >> <pkgoteti >

> > >> Saturday, February 6, 2010, 1:38 PM

> > >> It's a day that

> > >> Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > >> that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > >> finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > >> Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > >>

> > >> This was third time,I visited

> > >> Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > >> was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > >> Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > >> another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > >> they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > >> Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > >> provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > >> got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > >> condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > >> my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > >> It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > >> RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > >> Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > >>

> > >> Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > >> saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > >> Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > >> Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > >> w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > >> couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > >> to your followers.

> > >>

> > >> The great divine mother has finally

> > >> taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > >> dharmi narrow minded world.

> > >> When God is with a person, he can

> > >> face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > >> you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > >> correct themselves however they are free at their

> > >> end.

> > >>

> > >> It's said that - " Jin

> > >> Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > >> Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > >>

> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > >> appealing to you.

> > >>

> > >> regards,

> > >> Lalit Mishra.



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All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from him.


Read all the biographies of Swami Vivekananda.







, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 wrote:


> Namaste,


> Though it was for Narasimha, I could not help but reply since this is a public



> And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD



> You mean to say you have never made a wrong prediction in your life? Funny

logic you guys have. Show me one astrologer who has NEVER made a wrong

prediction. If you say you have never made a wrong prediction, I will say either

you don't know astrology to even go and try to predict anything, or you are a

plain liar.



> So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.


> Can you or someone from your camp kindly provide the link to this forum which

shows that Nikhilananda's second work " rectified " the timing? I am curious to

know. The link that was provided does not work.



> In another mail it was claimed both the times 6:33 and 6:47 are before

sunrise. The panchang for that day shows the sunrise to have happened exactly at

6:47. Therefore, 6:47 is not before sunrise but exactly at sunrise. Whereas the

biography says Vivekananda was born " before sunrise " .


> So instead of writting so long long garbage


> If you feel what he wrote is garbage why have you been responding for so long?

Or maybe any idea that is alingned to your idea is garbage for you? Another most

interesting thing I observed is that " makar lagna " camp take to abusing and

using foul language at the drop of a hat. Maybe they feel lack of manners is

something to be proud of. Probably they do not understand the word " civil

discourse " . That two people can chose to disagree without being abusing/uncivil

must be an alien idea to these people.


> Pawan Maurya, disagree but in a civil manner. If others start using harsh

langauge things can get really ugly.


> -Regards

>  Rajarshi


> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


> --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Astro Talk <astro.talk wrote:



> Astro Talk <astro.talk

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 1:25 PM







> Dear Narashimha,


> You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any how that

BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had shown.


> And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD



> But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.


> After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.


> Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology like you say

6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon is associated by

Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.


> So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.


> Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is being

aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also abused your GUrus

because of same reason.


> Regards,

> Pawan Maurya


> --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> JyotishWritings

> Cc: , vedic astrology

> Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 4:42 AM




> Namaste friends,


> > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami Vivekanadajee,

> > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than wasting

> > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)


> You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the teachings

of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of Ramakrishna "

compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in my view).


> However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.


> * * *


> Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying that

he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons for

6:33 am.


> The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he was

born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books sounds

like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely change to

Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji should have

9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th.

However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained

with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and give

credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on thumbrules and

not-so-deep knowledge.


> For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on Sg

lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related to

divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another day.


> (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

> (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

> (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


> (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with Cp

lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


> (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

> (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn and

Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

> (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it is

conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared based

on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He was

indeed a leader of men.

> (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there, the

10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-

Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.


> * * *


> BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak



> Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent person

cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide to throw

light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain in the

dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may sometimes

focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself later.

Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda had was

probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately always.

At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni vrata,

while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed demons,

while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and rishis

come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may change

from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and wrong

may change from

> place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific

job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different

time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on

astrology if he were back here today.


> Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone posted

a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did not get

time then to do so.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > Namaste Lalit and others,

> >

> > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:

Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> >

> > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his

biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That is a

more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a

few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.

> >

> > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually thinks

he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> >

> > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > appealing to you.

> >

> > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> >

> > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> >

> > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with that yogi,

which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi actually

satisfied the skeptic in me.

> >

> > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.

> >

> > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see in

your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails. My

friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> >

> > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > > It's a day that

> > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > >

> > > This was third time,I visited

> > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > >

> > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > to your followers.

> > >

> > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > end.

> > >

> > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > >

> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > appealing to you.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > > Lalit Mishra.


> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

http://in.. com/



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Dear ones,

there is always a problem of fixing lagna for any SINCERE

astrologer.Apart from many, one main problem in it is BT as we all

agree.his problem increases manifold when the time noted is/was


giving SANDHI LAGNA(end/begining degrees of a sign).Apart from other

things the CLOCK TIME


which was/is noted itself could be fast/slow.Who could verify that

specially later on!!?

so it is always possible for any SANDHI LAGNA to change this way

or that way.There is no


point in arguing about this.My humble opinion is if we are really

interested/sincere Let us check


both lagnas with the available tools/data and come to our own conclusion

at the same time


respecting other's view point as well.Any sandhi lagna could change

whether it is swami ji,guru ji or babaji or any common ji!!!.....

Love and regards,


, gopal krishna goel <g.k.goel




> Dear SIr,

> Sun rise on Jan 12 , 1863 was 6.46.43 according to Calcutta local

> time.

> In those days !ST was not in use.


> G. K. Goel




> address: L-409 Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110076


> tel: 011-26943689, 011-41403352,


> mobile: 09350311433






> utkal.panigrahi

> Tue, 16 Feb 2010 06:33:25 +0000

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time























Dear Brother Narshimha,




> Question is why you are putting incorrect misleading reasoning to

members -




> Review -




> Both 6.49 am and 6.33 am is time before sunrise that day. Why you are

leaving one while advocating another.




> What weightage Parashara gave to D9, D10, D20, D30 in terms of rupa ,

refer to that before presenting these D charts as independent charts and

even more important charts than the natal lagna chart.




> Why writing in misleading manner, come forward and post a comperative

study using both the lagna giving shlokas from classics in your support,

do not air your opinion only justifying to your incorrect approach that

has no ground.




> Well, as you have circulated dozens of researches based on incorrect

lagna and time, wd be difficult for you to correct yourself, well





> You are comfortably overlooking the fact that there is no birth time

like 6.33 am, Refer to scanned copy of Yug Nayak Vivekananda,

encyclopedic biography of swami ji, this is already sent to you.




> Rohini Ranjan ji has already gaven details in JR group how incorrect

6.33 pm circulated which several people took as 6.33 am assuming a typo.

6.33 pm was published in 1908's AM by somebody and 6.33 pm is used in

notable horoscope by BV Raman.




> I also gave a history referring to Devakinandan Singh who learn

astrology in 1898 and written that dhanu lagna kundali is wrong in his

book published in 1934, he was among those first people who got makar

lagna kundali.




> You can very well check swami ji's healthy physic with mild obesity

and his face, sun in lagna give rather slender physic, you can refer to

classics, sun gives sharp pointed nose etc, if you look at his

photographs you wd find his nose is flat, look at his beautiful black

hairs and remember venus in lagna in meena navamsa, when jup is in

venusian sign in 10th.




> Do not ignore leadership given by ruchaka mahapurush yoga in makar

lagna kundali, in 4th which receives jup's aspect from 10th, this

defines purpose of life.




> Most important is timing of his death, wd you take pains to elaborte

resons by quoting shlokas from classics.




> That's open for you.




> Utkal.


> , Narasimha PVR Rao pvr@ wrote:


> >


> > Namaste friends,


> >


> > > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami



> > > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than



> > > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)


> >


> > You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the

teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of

Ramakrishna " compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami

Vivekananda in my view).


> >


> > However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be

of interest to astrologers.


> >


> > * * *


> >


> > Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails

saying that he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not

have such reasons for 6:33 am.


> >


> > The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that

he was born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day

books sounds like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna

would barely change to Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably

thought that Swamiji should have 9th and 10th lords in lagna giving

Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th. However, his dhaarmik,

fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained with Sun in

the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and

give credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on

thumbrules and not-so-deep knowledge.


> >


> > For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief

points on Sg lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise

principles related to divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I

will keep them for another day.


> >


> > (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows

a powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).


> > (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery



> > (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house

reckoning I pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That

shows someone adept at meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also

shows a good sadhaka with detachment.s


> > (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th

house with Cp lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8

chara karaka method I shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is

also in the first house. AK and PK together or separately in 1st/5th

houses is a great raja yoga and shows many followers. He was indeed the

most famous from his group and had great following.


> > (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a

close conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa.

That is not conducive to good marital life.


> > (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality.

Saturn and Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I

defined based on Parasara's teachings and am using divisional

longitudes), showing an ascetic. The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house

showing a fiery leader dedicated to dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord

Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord Jupiter (within less than

one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!). This very powerful raja

yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy the 3rd

house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.


> > (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict

lagna. Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children.

Afflicted 1st and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord

of rasi chart (Mars) is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in

D-7. Again, it does not support having progeny.


> > (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes

and it is conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.


> > (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I

shared based on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives

Ruchaka yoga. He was indeed a leader of men.


> > (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From

there, the 10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in

the 9th house can show one who is practical and progressive in religion

and dharma. Gemini lagna with Mars in it shows a disciplined

rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows mother. Lagna lord with Ketu

shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury being aspected by Sun and

Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-Ketu on the 8th

house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.


> >


> > * * *


> >


> > BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda's words and birthtimes, it may

be interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for

the weak minds.


> >


> > Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and

eloquent person cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition.

One may decide to throw light on one side of a coin and the other side

of the coin may remain in the dark. A passionate and strong personality

like Swami Vivekananda may sometimes focus strongly on one aspect at a

time and seem to contradict himself later. Though I have no doubt that

the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda had was probably perfect,

spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately always. At the end,

it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni vrata, while

Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed

demons, while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When

gods and rishis come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their

teachings may change from one incarnation to another depending on

desa-kaala-paatra. Right and wrong may change from place to place and

time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific job to do when

he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different time

compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on

astrology if he were back here today.


> >


> > Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when

someone posted a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several

months back and did not get time then to do so.


> >


> > Best regards,


> > Narasimha


> > -------------------------


> > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,


> > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


> > http://www.VedicAstrologer.org


> > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFilms.org


> > Spirituality:


> > Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings


> > -------------------------


> >


> > > Namaste Lalit and others,


> > >


> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda's book ( " God Lived

With Them: Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri

Ramakrishna " ). I was gratefully using some valuable data in that book

for an interesting Jyotish research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as

the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.


> > >


> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda's birthtime

is his biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami

Nikhilananda). That is a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book

clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a few minutes before sunrise " . Please

note that IST was not is use at that time and clearly the time is local

mean time.


> > >


> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone

actually thinks he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain

common sense to me.


> > >


> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and

not Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an

obsessed and egoistic mind cannot find truth.


> > >


> > > * * *


> > >


> > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had


> > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am


> > > > appealing to you.


> > >


> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to

those who wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a

hallucination and what really distinguishes the two and what is the goal

of spiritual sadhana. A few mails referred within that mail cover topics

related to visions.


> > >


> > > /message/3651


> > >


> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference

between the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481

of gives a small account of a few of my

experiences with that yogi, which proved some things to me. Anyone can

make claims, but this yogi actually satisfied the skeptic in me.


> > >


> > > /message/3481


> > >


> > > * * *


> > >


> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very

hard on Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent

person who went to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can

understand Sanskrit prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet,

it is only in the last 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in

this knowledge of rishis.


> > >


> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge

I see in your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in

your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!


> > >


> > > Best regards,


> > > Narasimha


> > >


> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@> wrote:


> > >


> > > > It's a day that


> > > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know


> > > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for


> > > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,


> > > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.


> > > >


> > > > This was third time,I visited


> > > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I


> > > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's


> > > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit


> > > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,


> > > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of


> > > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will


> > > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi


> > > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a


> > > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and


> > > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -


> > > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri


> > > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of


> > > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.


> > > >


> > > > Animately, he brought out the book, I


> > > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,


> > > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -


> > > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I


> > > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and


> > > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time


> > > > to your followers.


> > > >


> > > > The great divine mother has finally


> > > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath


> > > > dharmi narrow minded world.


> > > > When God is with a person, he can


> > > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to


> > > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd


> > > > correct themselves however they are free at their


> > > > end.


> > > >


> > > > It's said that - " Jin


> > > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah


> > > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .


> > > >


> > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had


> > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am


> > > > appealing to you.


> > > >


> > > > regards,


> > > > Lalit Mishra.


> >














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Dear Vishal,


Kindly check some more answers. Good to see your respond back.







Rama Naama Satya Hai..


--- On Tue, 16/2/10, vkohli38 <vkohli38 wrote:



vkohli38 <vkohli38

Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 10:17 PM







Dear Nandi,


I am again amused at your posting ….


See points as below:-


// Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows a

very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had. //


Everybody using DOB as 12'th Jan 1863, now see your logic for Vivekanand being

majestic personality.



12'th Jan 1863 was Monday.

He was born " before sunrise " .  Sunrise happened at 6:47 am.  Vedic day does

not change at midnight, in case you did not know.

// Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny


we live in-:) //


Narashimha was talking of the birth details based on Swami Nikhilanand' s works.

But he was not aware that in later works, Swami Nikhilanand wrote Swamijis

details as 6:49AM, ie after Sun-Rise as pointed out by Mr Rohini Ranjan and Mr

Utkal Panigrahi.

If you follow the mails properly I had been asking people to provide a link to

the scanned copy of any of his later works, but none was provided. Instead it

was said such has been sent to such and such people.  Also, Swami Nikhilananda

mentioned about Vivekananda being born before sunrise. If I take your

proposition that Vivekananda was born at 6:47, that is exactly at sunrise, NOT

before sunrise.  See the dichotomy?



Now, Narashimha is abusing Swami Nikhilanands works, as he always does because

Pawan pointed about his BAD JUPITER.


Abusing? Do you understand english? Infact the only abuses I have seen till now

has come from you and your friends.


// AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most


criterion for same.


I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

not have a vargottama AK in meena. //


It looks that, your basics are quite loose.


And I can see your " god gifted " basics! Right. LOL.


Kindly read BPHS chapter 35 shloka number 2-8.



Sure. Please mention which translation are you refer to.


And also read Jaimini Sutra, chapter first second quarter.


Please mention whose interpretation of the same? Every body seems to have

interpretated it to suit their conditionings.



// Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of sanyasa

yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


You said the same and raise the point of Mo being in drekkana of Sa.


I am again pasting your wordings…


When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's



And where did I mention Bhava here? Now I am seriously doubtful of your

comprehension skills! Drekkan is not bhava. It is a varga. Know the difference

between the two?


Go and read other classics also like Jataka Parijata, Saravali, Phaladeepika,

Bhavartha Ratnakar also instead of BPHS only just to get the point about Mo in

Navamsha of Sa.

Thank you for the advise-;)




Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma

Sarada did not have that combination, Lahiri Baba did not have it. //


Good to see that you are also having birth details of other persons like you do

have Swamiji's 6:33, wrong one.


Sure I do. As I said, do not consider your knowledge or the lack of it to be a

parameter for the world of jyotish. You maybe ignorant, but the whole world is

not so, I hope you understand that dear friend:) The birth details of all these

people are available easily for anyone curious to know.


From where you have downloaded documents for the just to get details of those

ppl, SJC ??


If you can " read books " , and " biographies " you can easily find them. For the

nth time, your knowing or not knowing something is hardly a paramter in the

world of jyotish. :)


Here, Historians dont know era of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but they know chart

of Krsna.


Ramakrishna and his people were born in the last 200 years, not 2000

years. Your sweeping generalizations cannot hide your ignorance! Eveyrthing

about Ramakrishna's life is well recorded. Kindly read.



hen he talks of sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


I am amused at your above points.


I am sure you would be. As this conversatoin progresses, both you and I will

find more cause for mutual amusement, I am sure.


Except D-9 all charts have not counted on same level to D-1, BPHS says same,

atleast read one time some classics.


But Parashara mentions very clearly about different varga charts and what they

should be used for. It is as simple as that.



Download more articles from internet.


Is that what you do? :)


// So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying the

D1. //


But you gave one point of Ve's direct drishti on 7'th as one criterion to Fix

D-1. Now you are retracting from your raised points.


What retracting? I said if lagna is Makara, Venus will aspect 7th house. Is this

simple thing so difficult for you to understand?


For Dhanu lagna, go and see Ju is giving direct drishti on 5'th(For having

progeny) and 7'th(spouse) .


For 6.33, his varga charts do not support children or spouse as well. As I said

right at the beginning, for recitification a look at the Varga charts can be

very useful, of course, IF you know how to use them that is.


// Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house inÂ

order for it to manifest sanyansa. //


Materialistic desires come from 7'th house also and for Makara Lagna, Cancer

would be seventh house and Mo being lord of 7'th, would be in Drekkana of Saturn

and in D-1 Mo with Sa. Now judge the point of Sanyasa from this point of view.


I have already explained this point in the previous mail about how one specific

combination of sanyasa yoga does not need any asociation with the 7th lord or



it of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not have rasi

dristi Sir. //


But you wrote yourself following lines…


Venus will have direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent

combination for



Before going into dristis, do you understand the difference between Rasi dristi

and graha dristi? Please read up.


// With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination. //


On this earth all leonine ppl don't use to have Sun in lagna.


If we are given a choice between two charts, where one has sun in dhanu (mitra

rasi) lagna and venus + merc in makar lagna and asked who would have a more

majestic personaltiy, anyone who knows even basic jyotish would say dhanu



// Parashara mentiones vargas upto Vimsamsa //


Are you saying right ??


Why don't you read you BPHS and find out for youself. He mentiones vargas

including shastyamsas as well, which (d60) he says, can be used to judge



// Thank you for the compliments- ;). //


Again compliments for so beautifull mail!


Appreciation !


Mine as well. Don't take things personally, debate with a free mind:)



Vikash Kohli


Rama Naama Satya Hai..

Rama Naama Satya Hai..

Rama Naama Satya Hai..

Rama Naama Satya Hai..



Good to see you chanting it!




, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...> wrote:




> Dear Vishal,


> Please check some answers below.


> Regards

> Rajarshi




> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


> --- On Fri, 12/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38@.. .> wrote:



> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38@.. .>

> Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Friday, 12 February, 2010, 3:30 PM







> Dear Nandi OX (Bael),


> I am happy to get your response but have a look at following points which you

wrote :-

> I am sure you would be happy, that is precisely why I responded-;)


> **********

> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.

> **********


> Here we are trying to fix D-1 but it is good to see that you even can tell us

about Vimsamsa of Swami Vivekanand. Wonderfull !!!,


> Exactly. A chart rectification often needs checking up various

vargas. Further, I did not speak of " rectification " of Vimsamsa, but rather,

that to understand if a person can attain Moksha or not, a rasi chart maybe

insufficient.  There must some reason why Parashara mentiones vargas upto

Vimsamsa and says one must look at Vimsamsa for the sake of " upasana " .

So your claims that a mere 12th house in the rasi chart is sufficient to

decide if the chart can belong to a person like Vivekananda, is shallow, to put

it midly. Your knowledge or the lack of it cannot be the parameter for

judgement of chart rectifications, don't you think so?

> **********

> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably

> **********


> Again same point.


> Same from my side too.


> I am amused to see that you even know about his Vimsamsa chart. I think you

are the best astrologer to fix birth timing even upto minutes and seconds.

Appreciation !


> Thank you for the compliments- ;).  As I said, your lack of knowledge is

not a parameter for everyone.  Also, to merely look at a rasi chart and

suggest such and such indicates Moksha, in my humble opinion, is foolishness of

the first order. There are hundreds of charts will beautiful 12th house in rasi,

who are nowhere close to spirituality, leave aside moksha.


> For moksha there are many criterions but we dont know the lagna of him as we

are fixing it, so we have to remain stick to D-1,


> In that case we should not jump to the conclusion that a good 12th house in D1

is enough to indicate moksha. That is all I have been trying to say.



> AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most

imp criterion for same.


> I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

not have a vargottama AK in meena. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,

Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma Sarada did not have that combination,

Lahiri Baba did not have it. What good is a principle that does not work

in the charts of most of the famous self realized saints? 


> So I think you don’t have to tell many criterions for Moksha as I am

well read of classics not of handful but many.


> I am not doubting your knowledge of scriptures-; ).




> ************

> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's


> ***********


> Go and check the position of Mo in D-3 for both birth timings(though 4 timings

are being circulated and 3 of them of Makara Lagna) about which ppl are talking.

I am amazed to see that instead of Bhava posn of Mo in D-3 you are talking of

Mo's position in a Rashi in a D-3 !


> Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of

sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas.




> Do you know how much time Moon will take to change its position from one Rashi

of D-3 to another Rashi of D-3.


> Irrelevant.



> So now apply your own point ie *****moon in shani's drekkana**** * for other

birth timing also. You will find that Mo is also in same Rashi ie of Sa.



> Excellent. Therefore it shows he was ment to be a sanyasi one way or the

other. So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1.


> ************ ******

> That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th house

from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for


> ************ ******


> Why you dont apply Rashi drishti of Ve on 7'th house if we take Makara as



> Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not

have rasi dristi Sir. Also Makar rasi will never have rasi drsiti on

karkat. Also I don't think you understood what I wrote. I already mentioned that

Venus can have " graha drisit " on 7th house IF we take Makara lagna


> I think it doesnt suit you well to distort the truth so you didnt write about

it instead you wrote Rashi Drishti of Sa+Mo on seventh.


> [:D] Learn more-:) Please do not consider your lack of understanding to

be a paramter of jyotish knowledge or of the English language.


> If we take Makara as Lagna will Ve give Rashi aspect on 7’th ??


> Once again, Makara cannot have " rasi dristi " on 7th house.


> If we take makara as lagna, then Mo will become lord of seventh and now see

its occupation in D-3 and it is in Saturn's Rashi which you wrote.


> Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house

in order for it to manifest sanyansa.


> And i have already shown that for both birth timings Moon will remain in same

Rashi in D-3 that is of Sa which clearly shows denial of mariage according to

D-3 concept but for Makara Lagna.


> Not for Makara lagna, but for both lagnas, IF the D-3 position of moon does

not change from saturnine house. For Makara lagna, VENUS gives GRAHA DRISTI ON

7TH HOUSE. Understood?


> You wrote point related to Mo's position in D-3 but dont want to take makara

lagna which will clearly give you Mo as lord of seventh and denial of marriage

by D-3 as Mo in Saturns’ dreskkana.


> Once again, for ONE specific combination of sanyasa Yoga to work moon

must be in conjuction with shani and in shani's drekkan or navamsa. It need not

be associated with 7th house or lord. Secondly, a person wil venus and merc

in lagna has a different kind of personality with a person with sun in a

friendly lagna for sun.


> Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny

world we live in-:) 


> TX

> Vishal Kohli







> Keep chanting that more, it may eventually help you to reduce your ego -:)



> --- On Thu, 2/11/10, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ . co.in> wrote:


> rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ . co.in>

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Thursday, February 11, 2010, 1:03 PM




> Dear VIshal,


> Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.


> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.


> Iccha mrityu is something so high up that normal jyotish analysis of basic

12th house etc are not sufficient. Infact most of us in this forum do have the

necessary level of jyotish expertise to predict from a chart if a person can

acquire iccha mrityu or not.


> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards



> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably.


> Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows a

very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had.


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination.


> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.


> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of




> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's

drekkana. That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th

house from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for



> -Regards

>  Rajarshi





> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


> --- On Wed, 10/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 > wrote:


> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 >

> Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 6:42 PM




> Dear Folks,

> I think this issue of fixing lagna of Swamiji is very interestng and it

attracted me to give my inputs.


> I would like to shed some light over Makar Lagna Chart and Dhanur Lagna Chart

of Swami Ji.


> Most important thing to see in his chart is the study of 12'th house -


> If one take Dhanu as lagna then 12'th house is very much afflicted -


> 1) 12'th house is having Rahu


> 2) Sa is giving aspect over it in 12'th.


> 3) Ma is giving aspect over 12'th house.


> Three malefics aspecting 12'th house, now one may imagine about the 'Iccha

Mrityu' of Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.


> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards



> Ancient classics dont support from above points that this should be

horoscope(Dhanu Lagna) of one great Swami.


> If one take Makar Lagna :-


> 1) 12'th would be having Su, so he wander around the world.


> 2) Lord of 12'th, Jupiter and it goes to tenth and it aspects 2'nd house, nice

yoga for ' Iccha Mrityu' and for learning of VEDAS and also to teach the whole

word the same as it not only covers

> 12'th 2'nd and 10'th.


> 3) In 10'th Ju of Tula, helps one person to teach VEDAS and such person doesnt

lie as it aspects 2'nd house(but it is also direct so it is nice) and same Ju is

lord of 12'th and Ju is placed in Tula.


> Ancient scriptures says that when Ju or Mo use to be in Tula person use to be

learned man of VEDAS and Ju should be also in 1, 4, 7 and 10.


> Swami ji was never inclined towards SEX and MARRIAGE all know very well.


> But following points doesnt support that Swamiji should have Dhanu Lagna -


> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.


> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of







> tx

> Vishal Kohli


> --- On Tue, 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> Re: Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> , vedic astrology

> Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 6:31 PM




> Namaste " Lalit/Utkal " ,


> Reagrding the authenticity:


> Swami Nikhilananda, who wrote " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " , was a

Ramakrishna Mutt monk who was initiated by Sarada Mata herself! He spent time

with Swami Brahmananada, Swami Saradananda, Swami Premananda and other direct

disciples of Ramakrishna and also with M (Mahendranath Gupta), who recorded the

gospel of Ramakrishna. He had direct access to many people with first-hand

association with Swami Vivekananda. On the other hand, Swami Chetanananda who

wrote the book on the sixteen disciples came much later. He was associated with

the Mutt from 1950 and was initiated in 1960, several generations later. While

Swami Nikhilananda' s book is a biogrpahy of Vivekananda, Swami Chetanananda' s

book is about 16 disciples and it is questionable how much attention he paid to

Swamiji's birthtime.


> Regarding LMT, of course a birthtime in 1860s would be in LMT as there was no

IST. There is nothing " artificial " about it. The birthtime of 6:33 am LMT has

been taken by all well-known astrologers who wrote about Swamiji until now. You

did not know that IST was not in use then, you made the mistake of taking IST

instead of LMT, you got Makara lagna, you got convinced that that is correct and

are now trying to somehow prove you are right. Unfortunately, so much bandwidth

and so much of people's time is being wasted in this exercise.


> I will ignore the rest of your tall claims and " my lollipop is bigger than

yours " exercises.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> ---- Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

> > Dear Brother Narsimha,

> >

> > You should think of attributes of makar lagna - great desciples,

> > strong physic etc -

> >

> > Then go for review of kind of physic - Hanuman Ji (offcourse

> > mythological chart) Srila Prabhupad, Gautam Gambhir etc got.

> >

> > Even if you make swami ji's horoscope with birth time 6.33 am, you get

> > makar lagna only but then you and many others starts saying local time

> > should be taken with that time, all the manual efforts for making

> > artificial dhanu lagna for swami ji.

> >

> > Why such a flip flop ?

> >

> > It's seen that all those who dont get god's vision and spiritual

> > experience resort to saying it's hallucination or illusion. What's

> > your elligibility for saying a thing that never happend in your life.

> >

> > You should know that god himself came to me, i saw him with open eyes

> > not in imaginary meditation, this is another revealation for those who

> > are curious, there is no place for any doubt if you are at feet of

> > god.

> >

> > Pls accept the divine urge and do yourself a precise comperative study

> > of both makar lagna vs dhanu lagna chart and find answer for you.

> >

> > Physical achievments have no significance in divine life, Swami

> > Vivekananda was only a BA if you find academic qualification so

> > important.

> >

> > There is no way no evidence to put question mark on authenticity of

> > biography's published in 'god lived with them' by Sri Ram Krishna

> > mission in order to make he world aware of life of top selected

> > desciples by thakur ramkrishna paramhansha, otherwise, world wd never

> > come to know about latu and others.

> >

> > You simply passed an imaginary comment on authenticity, better, if you

> > do correspondance with president and secretary of mission to find

> > answers, such a deflection is unfair.

> >

> > I trust mother divine and thakur for you people to show light and

> > suggest you people to be honest and open for truth, otherwise, no

> > enlightenment.

> >

> > It's said in spirituality - 'pratistha sukari vistha'.

> >

> > We get god's love and a recognition that he gives, we don't bother how

> > world looks at us.

> >

> > Swami Vivekanada was badly criticized by narrow minded hath dharmi

> > pakhandi pandits in his life time, Swami Dayananda was given poison,

> > so, where I m counted, but, We are true, truth and mother's love is

> > our strength.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Lalit/Utkal

> >

> > On 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> > > Namaste Lalit and others,

> > >

> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:

> > > Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

> > > gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting


> > > research.

> > >

> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his

> > > biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That


> > > a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and

> > > says " a few minutes before sunrise " .

> > >

> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually


> > > he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> > >

> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

> > > Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

> > > egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > >> appealing to you.

> > >

> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

> > > wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and


> > > really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A

> > > few mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> > >

> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

> > > the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

> > > gives a small account of a few of my experiences

> > > with that yogi, which proved some things to me:

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

> > > Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who


> > > to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit

> > > prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last

> > > 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of


> > >

> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see


> > > your writings, I am quite amazed by the pride, arrogance and


> > > you exhibit in your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

> > >

> > >> Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com>

> > >> Divine Revealation : Swami Vivekananda' s Birth Time & Lagna !!

> > >> " Deepak Bisaria " <deepakbisaria@ .co. in>, knrastro (AT) hotmail (DOT)


> > >> kn_rao , " Prashant Kumar G B " <gbp_kumar >,

> > >> " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashek h ar (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, " Narasimha P.V.R.

Rao "

> > >> <pvr108 >, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > >> Cc: " aavesh t " <aavesh_s (AT) (DOT) co.in>, jyotishi55 (AT) gmail (DOT) com, " Ajitkumar

> > >> Benadi " <ajitbenadi>, praspandey (AT) (DOT) co.in, " Mee Shuba

Vela "

> > >> <pkgoteti >

> > >> Saturday, February 6, 2010, 1:38 PM

> > >> It's a day that

> > >> Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > >> that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > >> finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > >> Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > >>

> > >> This was third time,I visited

> > >> Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > >> was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > >> Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > >> another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > >> they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > >> Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > >> provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > >> got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > >> condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > >> my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > >> It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > >> RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > >> Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > >>

> > >> Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > >> saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > >> Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > >> Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > >> w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > >> couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > >> to your followers.

> > >>

> > >> The great divine mother has finally

> > >> taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > >> dharmi narrow minded world.

> > >> When God is with a person, he can

> > >> face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > >> you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > >> correct themselves however they are free at their

> > >> end.

> > >>

> > >> It's said that - " Jin

> > >> Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > >> Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > >>

> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > >> appealing to you.

> > >>

> > >> regards,

> > >> Lalit Mishra.



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> All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from him.


What " evidences " ? What did you give me? Even if you did, why should I be

distributing your so-called " evidences " to others?


All I have seen is a *broken* link to a supposed second book of Nikhilananda,

which I could not access, and a lot of supposed astrological analysis that makes

zero sense to me and does not show someone who knows astrology that well.


* * *


As I have said, a time of 6:49 am seems artificially rectified by an astrologer

who perhaps thought Swamiji must be Makara lagna, as lagna barely changes to

Makara at 6:49 am. I and others have given good reasons why the original

recorded time makes far more sense than the time rectified by someone whose

credentials we do not know.


* * *


Internet is a boon as well as a curse for the refinement of our knowledge of

Jyotish. We can share ideas and knowledge fast and collaborate effectively. That

is the boon of internet.


At the same time, the anonymous and free-for-all nature of internet allows for

total novices who only know the very basics, names of some classics and some

technical terms here and there, to act aggressively and confidently and put up a

*freak show* side by side with scholarly dissemination by learned people. Such

freak shows not only attract people's attention, but possibly waste a generation

of talented young people. This is the curse of internet.


* * *


If you turn on any Indian TV channel, you can see so many so-called " talent

shows " these days where overconfident young people brought up without exposure

to a virtue called humility put up a fake show of talent and get cocky and

abusive to others to the cheers of onlookers. I guess what we see on Jyotish

lists is a spillover from what we see in the popular media in India today. This

is the nature of the times we live in.


Best regards,



Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

" Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFilms.org


Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings



, " utkal.panigrahi " <utkal.panigrahi



> Nandy,


> All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from him.


> Read all the biographies of Swami Vivekananda.


> Utkal.


> , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste,

> > Â

> > Though it was for Narasimha, I could not help but reply since this is a

public forum.

> > Â

> > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> >

> > You mean to say you have never made a wrong prediction in your life? Funny

logic you guys have. Show me one astrologer who has NEVER made a wrong

prediction. If you say you have never made a wrong prediction, I will say either

you don't know astrology to even go and try to predict anything, or you are a

plain liar.

> > Â

> > Â

> > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> > Â

> > Can you or someone from your camp kindly provide the link to this forum

which shows that Nikhilananda's second work " rectified " the timing? I am curious

to know. The link that was provided does not work.

> > Â

> > Â

> > In another mail it was claimed both the times 6:33 and 6:47 are before

sunrise. The panchang for that day shows the sunrise to have happened exactly at

6:47. Therefore, 6:47 is not before sunrise but exactly at sunrise. Whereas the

biography says Vivekananda was born " before sunrise " .

> > Â

> > So instead of writting so long long garbage

> > Â

> > If you feel what he wrote is garbage why have you been responding for so

long? Or maybe any idea that is alingned to your idea is garbage for you?

Another most interesting thing I observed is that " makar lagna " camp take to

abusing and using foul language at the drop of a hat. Maybe they feel lack of

manners is something to be proud of. Probably they do not understand the word

" civil discourse " . That two people can chose to disagree without being

abusing/uncivil must be an alien idea to these people.

> > Â

> > Pawan Maurya, disagree but in a civil manner. If others start using harsh

langauge things can get really ugly.

> > Â

> > -Regards

> > Â Rajarshi

> > Â

> > Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> >

> > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Astro Talk <astro.talk@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Astro Talk <astro.talk@>

> > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> >

> > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 1:25 PM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Narashimha,

> > Â

> > You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any how that

BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had shown.

> > Â

> > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> > Â

> > But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.

> > Â

> > After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.

> > Â

> > Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology like you say

6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon is associated by

Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.

> >

> > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> > Â

> > Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is being

aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also abused your GUrus

because of same reason.

> > Â

> > Regards,

> > Pawan Maurya

> >

> > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> >

> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> > JyotishWritings

> > Cc: , vedic astrology

> > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 4:42 AM

> >

> > Â

> >

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami


> > > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than wasting

> > > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)

> >

> > You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the

teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of

Ramakrishna " compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in

my view).

> >

> > However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying

that he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons

for 6:33 am.

> >

> > The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he was

born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books sounds

like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely change to

Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji should have

9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th.

However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained

with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and give

credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on thumbrules and

not-so-deep knowledge.

> >

> > For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on Sg

lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related to

divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another day.

> >

> > (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

> > (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

> > (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


> > (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with

Cp lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


> > (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

> > (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn

and Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> > (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

> > (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it is

conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> > (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared

based on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He

was indeed a leader of men.

> > (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there, the

10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-

Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak


> >

> > Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent

person cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide

to throw light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain

in the dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may

sometimes focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself

later. Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda

had was probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately

always. At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni

vrata, while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed

demons, while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and

rishis come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may

change from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and

wrong may change from

> > place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific

job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different

time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on

astrology if he were back here today.

> >

> > Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone

posted a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did

not get time then to do so.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > > Namaste Lalit and others,

> > >

> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:

Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> > >

> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his

biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That is a

more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a

few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.

> > >

> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually

thinks he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> > >

> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > appealing to you.

> > >

> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> > >

> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with that yogi,

which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi actually

satisfied the skeptic in me.

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.

> > >

> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see

in your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails.

My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > > It's a day that

> > > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > > >

> > > > This was third time,I visited

> > > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > > >

> > > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > > to your followers.

> > > >

> > > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > > end.

> > > >

> > > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > > >

> > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > appealing to you.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > > Lalit Mishra.

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Dear Friends,

In my opinion we should discuss the issue of birth time of swamiji in detached


rather dividing ourselves in two camps - for or against,

Some savants are even using harsh language against each other.

This should be avoided at all costs.

Swami Nikhilananda has given birth time 6.33 AM earlier and then he revised

it in biography to 6.49AM.He has not given the reasons for change.

In those days , standard time was not introduced and every big city was

using local time. This was the one reason that Topo-centric longitudes were used

in those days.

Swami Vivekanand 's birth Ista in Ghats is not mentioned by any authority , as


it is difficult to ascertain recorded time of his birth.

Let assume for a minute that his Lagna is Sagittarius.

!. Then Atmakarka Vargottama Sun will be in Lagna.

2. If his birth time is little before Sun rise , ruling Day will

be Sunday ruled by Sun itself.

3.(a) All LP, DP,and UP will fall in 9th house.2nd house from it

is occupied by Moon and Saturn and aspected by Ketu by

planetary aspect and Sun by sign aspect.

(b)In Navamsa chart Scorpio is rising with Jupiter

And Atmakarka Vargottama Sun in 2nd house.

© From Lagna Ketu is in 6th house and from Lagnapada

Three benefics in 3rd and 6th houses.

All these combinations made him a saint.It is not necessary all saints

should have these combinations. There are many other combinations for

saint hood.


As regards classics , BPHS , Jaimini Sutra , Satya Jatakam, Brihat Jatak,

Saravali , Bhavarth Ratnakar, Ladhu and Madhya Parasari, Laghu Jatak.

Sarvarth Chintamani , Jatak Parijat , Jatak Tatwa,Hora Sara,Jatak Bharan,

Jatak Des Marg and other classics down the line add to our knowledge

ans do not contradict each other.


If I have said any thing which is not according to the liking of any member

of this site , kindly try to forgive me.


With all humility at my command and with respect and regards to all,


G. K. Goel




address: L-409 Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110076


tel: 011-26943689, 011-41403352,


mobile: 09350311433







Tue, 16 Feb 2010 16:47:10 +0000

Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time





























Dear Nandi,




I am again amused at your posting ….




See points as below:-




// Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows a

very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had. //




Everybody using DOB as 12'th Jan 1863, now see your logic for Vivekanand being

majestic personality.




12'th Jan 1863 was Monday.




// Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny world


we live in-:) //




Narashimha was talking of the birth details based on Swami Nikhilanand's works.

But he was not aware that in later works, Swami Nikhilanand wrote Swamijis

details as 6:49AM, ie after Sun-Rise as pointed out by Mr Rohini Ranjan and Mr

Utkal Panigrahi.




Now, Narashimha is abusing Swami Nikhilanands works, as he always does because

Pawan pointed about his BAD JUPITER.




// AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most



criterion for same.




I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do


not have a vargottama AK in meena. //




It looks that, your basics are quite loose.




Kindly read BPHS chapter 35 shloka number 2-8.




And also read Jaimini Sutra, chapter first second quarter.




// Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does not

talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of sanyasa

yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //




You said the same and raise the point of Mo being in drekkana of Sa.




I am again pasting your wordings…




When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's





Go and read other classics also like Jataka Parijata, Saravali, Phaladeepika,

Bhavartha Ratnakar also instead of BPHS only just to get the point about Mo in

Navamsha of Sa.






Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma

Sarada did not have that combination, Lahiri Baba did not have it. //




Good to see that you are also having birth details of other persons like you do

have Swamiji's 6:33, wrong one.




From where you have downloaded documents for the just to get details of those

ppl, SJC ??




Here, Historians dont know era of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but they know chart

of Krsna.




In Jyotish Vidya, one ITEM even provided chart of Jesus in the name of B V





Lahiri was also Baba for you??




// Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does notÂ

talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of sanyasa

yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //




I am amused at your above points.




Except D-9 all charts have not counted on same level to D-1, BPHS says same,

atleast read one time some classics.




Download more articles from internet.




// So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying the

D1. //




But you gave one point of Ve's direct drishti on 7'th as one criterion to Fix

D-1. Now you are retracting from your raised points.




For Dhanu lagna, go and see Ju is giving direct drishti on 5'th(For having

progeny) and 7'th(spouse).




// Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house inÂ

order for it to manifest sanyansa. //




Materialistic desires come from 7'th house also and for Makara Lagna, Cancer

would be seventh house and Mo being lord of 7'th, would be in Drekkana of Saturn

and in D-1 Mo with Sa. Now judge the point of Sanyasa from this point of view.




// Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not

have rasi dristi Sir. //




But you wrote yourself following lines…




Venus will have direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent

combination for






// With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a


" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination. //




On this earth all leonine ppl don't use to have Sun in lagna.




// Parashara mentiones vargas upto Vimsamsa //




Are you saying right ??




// Thank you for the compliments-;). //




Again compliments for so beautifull mail!




Appreciation !






Vikash Kohli




Rama Naama Satya Hai..


Rama Naama Satya Hai..


Rama Naama Satya Hai..


Rama Naama Satya Hai..




, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 wrote:








> Dear Vishal,


> Â


> Please check some answers below.


> Â


> Regards


> Rajarshi








> Rama Naama Satya Hai..




> --- On Fri, 12/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 wrote:






> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38


> Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time




> Friday, 12 February, 2010, 3:30 PM






> Â








> Dear Nandi OX (Bael),


> Â


> I am happy to get your response but have a look at following points which you

wrote :-


> I am sure you would be happy, that is precisely why I responded-;)


> Â


> **********


> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.


> **********


> Â


> Here we are trying to fix D-1 but it is good to see that you even can tell us

about Vimsamsa of Swami Vivekanand. Wonderfull !!!,


> Â


> Exactly. A chart rectification often needs checking up various vargas.Â

Further, I did not speak of " rectification " of Vimsamsa, but rather, that to

understand if a person can attain Moksha or not, a rasi chart maybe

insufficient. There must some reason why Parashara mentiones vargas upto

Vimsamsa and says one must look at Vimsamsa for the sake of " upasana " . So your

claims that a mere 12th house in the rasi chart is sufficient to decide if the

chart can belong to a person like Vivekananda, is shallow, to put it midly.Â

Your knowledge or the lack of it cannot be the parameter for judgement of chart

rectifications, don't you think so?


> **********


> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably


> **********


> Â


> Again same point.


> Â


> Same from my side too.




> IÂ am amused to see that you even know about his Vimsamsa chart. I think you

are the best astrologer to fix birth timing even upto minutes and seconds.

Appreciation !


> Â


> Thank you for the compliments-;). As I said, your lack of knowledge is not a

parameter for everyone. Also, to merely look at a rasi chart and suggest such

and such indicates Moksha, in my humble opinion, is foolishness of the first

order. There are hundreds of charts will beautiful 12th house in rasi, who are

nowhere close to spirituality, leave aside moksha.




> For moksha there are many criterions but we dont know the lagna of him as we

are fixing it, so we have to remain stick to D-1,


> Â


> In that case we should not jump to the conclusion that a good 12th house in D1

is enough to indicate moksha. That is all I have been trying to say.


> Â


> Â


> AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most

imp criterion for same.


> Â


> I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

not have a vargottama AK in meena. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,

Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma Sarada did not have that combination,

Lahiri Baba did not have it. What good is a principle that does not work in

the charts of most of the famous self realized saints?Â


> Â


> So I think you don’t have to tell many criterions for Moksha as I am well

read of classics not of handful but many.


> Â


> I am not doubting your knowledge of scriptures-;).


> Â






> ************


> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's



> ***********


> Â


> Go and check the position of Mo in D-3 for both birth timings(though 4 timings

are being circulated and 3 of them of Makara Lagna) about which ppl are talking.

I am amazed to see that instead of Bhava posn of Mo in D-3 you are talking of

Mo's position in a Rashi in a D-3 !


> Â


> Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does notÂ

talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of sanyasa

yoga along with parivrajaka yogas.


> Â




> Â


> Do you know how much time Moon will take to change its position from one Rashi

of D-3 to another Rashi of D-3.


> Â


> Irrelevant.




> Â


> So now apply your own point ie *****moon in shani's drekkana**** * for other

birth timing also. You will find that Mo is also in same Rashi ie of Sa.


> Â


> Â


> Excellent. Therefore it shows he was ment to be a sanyasi one way or the

other. So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1.


> Â


> ************ ******


> That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th house

from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


> Â


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for



> ************ ******


> Â


> Why you dont apply Rashi drishti of Ve on 7'th house if we take Makara as



> Â


> Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not

have rasi dristi Sir. Also Makar rasi will never have rasi drsiti on karkat.

Also I don't think you understood what I wrote. I already mentioned that Venus

can have " graha drisit " on 7th house IF we take Makara lagna


> Â


> I think it doesnt suit you well to distort the truth so you didnt write about

it instead you wrote Rashi Drishti of Sa+Mo on seventh.


> Â


> [:D] Learn more-:) Please do not consider your lack of understanding to be a

paramter of jyotish knowledge or of the English language.


> Â


> If we take Makara as Lagna will Ve give Rashi aspect on 7’th ??


> Â


> Once again, Makara cannot have " rasi dristi " on 7th house.


> Â


> If we take makara as lagna, then Mo will become lord of seventh and now see

its occupation in D-3 and it is in Saturn's Rashi which you wrote.


> Â


> Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house in order

for it to manifest sanyansa.


> Â


> And i have already shown that for both birth timings Moon will remain in same

Rashi in D-3 that is of Sa which clearly shows denial of mariage according to

D-3 concept but for Makara Lagna.


> Â


> Not for Makara lagna, but for both lagnas, IF the D-3 position of moon does

not change from saturnine house. For Makara lagna, VENUS gives GRAHA DRISTI ON

7TH HOUSE. Understood?




> You wrote point related to Mo's position in D-3 but dont want to take makara

lagna which will clearly give you Mo as lord of seventh and denial of marriage

by D-3 as Mo in Saturns’ dreskkana.


> Â


> Once again, for ONE specific combination of sanyasa Yoga to work moon must

be in conjuction with shani and in shani's drekkan or navamsa. It need not be

associated with 7th house or lord. Secondly, a person wil venus and merc in

lagna has a different kind of personality with a person with sun in a friendly

lagna for sun.


> Â


> Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny world

we live in-:)Â




> TX


> Vishal Kohli


> Â










> Â


> Keep chanting that more, it may eventually help you to reduce your ego -:)


> Â




> --- On Thu, 2/11/10, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:




> rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 (AT) (DOT) co.in>


> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time




> Thursday, February 11, 2010, 1:03 PM




> Â




> Dear VIshal,


> Â


> Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji


> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.


> Â


> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.


> Â


> Iccha mrityu is something so high up that normal jyotish analysis of basic

12th house etc are not sufficient. Infact most of us in this forum do have the

necessary level of jyotish expertise to predict from a chart if a person can

acquire iccha mrityu or not.




> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards



> Â


> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably.


> Â


> Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows a

very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had.


> Â


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination.


> Â


> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


> Â


> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.




> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of



> Â


> Â


> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's

drekkana. That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th

house from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


> Â


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for



> Â


> -Regards


> Â Rajarshi


> Â


> Â


> Â




> Rama Naama Satya Hai..




> --- On Wed, 10/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 > wrote:




> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 >


> Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time




> Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 6:42 PM




> Â




> Dear Folks,


> I think this issue of fixing lagna of Swamiji is very interestng and it

attracted me to give my inputs.




> I would like to shed some light over Makar Lagna Chart and Dhanur Lagna Chart

of Swami Ji.




> Most important thing to see in his chart is the study of 12'th house -




> If one take Dhanu as lagna then 12'th house is very much afflicted -




> 1) 12'th house is having Rahu




> 2) Sa is giving aspect over it in 12'th.




> 3) Ma is giving aspect over 12'th house.




> Three malefics aspecting 12'th house, now one may imagine about the 'Iccha

Mrityu' of Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji


> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.




> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards





> Ancient classics dont support from above points that this should be

horoscope(Dhanu Lagna) of one great Swami.




> If one take Makar Lagna :-




> 1) 12'th would be having Su, so he wander around the world.




> 2) Lord of 12'th, Jupiter and it goes to tenth and it aspects 2'nd house, nice

yoga for ' Iccha Mrityu' and for learning of VEDAS and also to teach the whole

word the same as it not only covers


> 12'th 2'nd and 10'th.




> 3) In 10'th Ju of Tula, helps one person to teach VEDAS and such person doesnt

lie as it aspects 2'nd house(but it is also direct so it is nice) and same Ju is

lord of 12'th and Ju is placed in Tula.




> Ancient scriptures says that when Ju or Mo use to be in Tula person use to be

learned man of VEDAS and Ju should be also in 1, 4, 7 and 10.


> Â


> Swami ji was never inclined towards SEX and MARRIAGE all know very well.


> Â


> But following points doesnt support that Swamiji should have Dhanu Lagna -


> Â


> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


> Â


> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.




> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of









> Â


> tx


> Vishal Kohli




> --- On Tue, 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:




> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>


> Re: Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> , vedic astrology


> Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 6:31 PM




> Â




> Namaste " Lalit/Utkal " ,




> Reagrding the authenticity:




> Swami Nikhilananda, who wrote " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " , was a

Ramakrishna Mutt monk who was initiated by Sarada Mata herself! He spent time

with Swami Brahmananada, Swami Saradananda, Swami Premananda and other direct

disciples of Ramakrishna and also with M (Mahendranath Gupta), who recorded the

gospel of Ramakrishna. He had direct access to many people with first-hand

association with Swami Vivekananda. On the other hand, Swami Chetanananda who

wrote the book on the sixteen disciples came much later. He was associated with

the Mutt from 1950 and was initiated in 1960, several generations later. While

Swami Nikhilananda' s book is a biogrpahy of Vivekananda, Swami Chetanananda' s

book is about 16 disciples and it is questionable how much attention he paid to

Swamiji's birthtime.




> Regarding LMT, of course a birthtime in 1860s would be in LMT as there was no

IST. There is nothing " artificial " about it. The birthtime of 6:33 am LMT has

been taken by all well-known astrologers who wrote about Swamiji until now. You

did not know that IST was not in use then, you made the mistake of taking IST

instead of LMT, you got Makara lagna, you got convinced that that is correct and

are now trying to somehow prove you are right. Unfortunately, so much bandwidth

and so much of people's time is being wasted in this exercise.




> I will ignore the rest of your tall claims and " my lollipop is bigger than

yours " exercises.




> Best regards,


> Narasimha


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,


> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


> http://www.VedicAst rologer.org


> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org


> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom


> Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -




> ---- Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:


> > Dear Brother Narsimha,


> >


> > You should think of attributes of makar lagna - great desciples,


> > strong physic etc -


> >


> > Then go for review of kind of physic - Hanuman Ji (offcourse


> > mythological chart) Srila Prabhupad, Gautam Gambhir etc got.


> >


> > Even if you make swami ji's horoscope with birth time 6.33 am, you get


> > makar lagna only but then you and many others starts saying local time


> > should be taken with that time, all the manual efforts for making


> > artificial dhanu lagna for swami ji.


> >


> > Why such a flip flop ?


> >


> > It's seen that all those who dont get god's vision and spiritual


> > experience resort to saying it's hallucination or illusion. What's


> > your elligibility for saying a thing that never happend in your life.


> >


> > You should know that god himself came to me, i saw him with open eyes


> > not in imaginary meditation, this is another revealation for those who


> > are curious, there is no place for any doubt if you are at feet of


> > god.


> >


> > Pls accept the divine urge and do yourself a precise comperative study


> > of both makar lagna vs dhanu lagna chart and find answer for you.


> >


> > Physical achievments have no significance in divine life, Swami


> > Vivekananda was only a BA if you find academic qualification so


> > important.


> >


> > There is no way no evidence to put question mark on authenticity of


> > biography's published in 'god lived with them' by Sri Ram Krishna


> > mission in order to make he world aware of life of top selected


> > desciples by thakur ramkrishna paramhansha, otherwise, world wd never


> > come to know about latu and others.


> >


> > You simply passed an imaginary comment on authenticity, better, if you


> > do correspondance with president and secretary of mission to find


> > answers, such a deflection is unfair.


> >


> > I trust mother divine and thakur for you people to show light and


> > suggest you people to be honest and open for truth, otherwise, no


> > enlightenment.


> >


> > It's said in spirituality - 'pratistha sukari vistha'.


> >


> > We get god's love and a recognition that he gives, we don't bother how


> > world looks at us.


> >


> > Swami Vivekanada was badly criticized by narrow minded hath dharmi


> > pakhandi pandits in his life time, Swami Dayananda was given poison,


> > so, where I m counted, but, We are true, truth and mother's love is


> > our strength.


> >


> > Regards,


> > Lalit/Utkal


> >


> > On 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


> > > Namaste Lalit and others,


> > >


> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:


> > > Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was


> > > gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting



> > > research.


> > >


> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his


> > > biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That



> > > a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and


> > > says " a few minutes before sunrise " .


> > >


> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually



> > > he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.


> > >


> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not


> > > Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and


> > > egoistic mind cannot find truth.


> > >


> > > * * *


> > >


> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had


> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am


> > >> appealing to you.


> > >


> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who


> > > wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and



> > > really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A


> > > few mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.


> > >


> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651


> > >


> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between


> > > the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of


> > > gives a small account of a few of my experiences


> > > with that yogi, which proved some things to me:


> > >


> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481


> > >


> > > * * *


> > >


> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on


> > > Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who



> > > to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit


> > > prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last


> > > 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of



> > >


> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see



> > > your writings, I am quite amazed by the pride, arrogance and



> > > you exhibit in your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!


> > >


> > > Best regards,


> > > Narasimha


> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,


> > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org


> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org


> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom


> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings


> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > >


> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:


> > >


> > >> Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com>


> > >> Divine Revealation : Swami Vivekananda' s Birth Time & Lagna !!


> > >> " Deepak Bisaria " <deepakbisaria@ .co. in>, knrastro (AT) hotmail (DOT)



> > >> kn_rao , " Prashant Kumar G B " <gbp_kumar >,


> > >> " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashek h ar (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, " Narasimha P.V.R.

Rao "


> > >> <pvr108 >, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>


> > >> Cc: " aavesh t " <aavesh_s (AT) (DOT) co.in>, jyotishi55 (AT) gmail (DOT) com, " Ajitkumar


> > >> Benadi " <ajitbenadi>, praspandey (AT) (DOT) co.in, " Mee Shuba

Vela "


> > >> <pkgoteti >


> > >> Saturday, February 6, 2010, 1:38 PM


> > >> It's a day that


> > >> Jyotish world should always remember, people should know


> > >> that God not only helped me but approved my effort for


> > >> finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,


> > >> Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.


> > >>


> > >> This was third time,I visited


> > >> Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I


> > >> was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's


> > >> Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit


> > >> another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,


> > >> they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of


> > >> Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will


> > >> provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi


> > >> got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a


> > >> condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and


> > >> my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -


> > >> It's known, It's known and published by Sri


> > >> RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of


> > >> Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.


> > >>


> > >> Animately, he brought out the book, I


> > >> saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,


> > >> Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -


> > >> Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I


> > >> w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and


> > >> couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time


> > >> to your followers.


> > >>


> > >> The great divine mother has finally


> > >> taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath


> > >> dharmi narrow minded world.


> > >> When God is with a person, he can


> > >> face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to


> > >> you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd


> > >> correct themselves however they are free at their


> > >> end.


> > >>


> > >> It's said that - " Jin


> > >> Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah


> > >> Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .


> > >>


> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had


> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am


> > >> appealing to you.


> > >>


> > >> regards,


> > >> Lalit Mishra.





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--- On Wed, 2/17/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:



Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr

[vedic astrology] Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

, vedic astrology

Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 4:00 PM









> All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from him.


What " evidences " ? What did you give me? Even if you did, why should I be

distributing your so-called " evidences " to others?


All I have seen is a *broken* link to a supposed second book of Nikhilananda,

which I could not access, and a lot of supposed astrological analysis that makes

zero sense to me and does not show someone who knows astrology that well.


* * *


As I have said, a time of 6:49 am seems artificially rectified by an astrologer

who perhaps thought Swamiji must be Makara lagna, as lagna barely changes to

Makara at 6:49 am. I and others have given good reasons why the original

recorded time makes far more sense than the time rectified by someone whose

credentials we do not know.


* * *


Internet is a boon as well as a curse for the refinement of our knowledge of

Jyotish. We can share ideas and knowledge fast and collaborate effectively. That

is the boon of internet.


At the same time, the anonymous and free-for-all nature of internet allows for

total novices who only know the very basics, names of some classics and some

technical terms here and there, to act aggressively and confidently and put up a

*freak show* side by side with scholarly dissemination by learned people. Such

freak shows not only attract people's attention, but possibly waste a generation

of talented young people. This is the curse of internet.


* * *


If you turn on any Indian TV channel, you can see so many so-called " talent

shows " these days where overconfident young people brought up without exposure

to a virtue called humility put up a fake show of talent and get cocky and

abusive to others to the cheers of onlookers. I guess what we see on Jyotish

lists is a spillover from what we see in the popular media in India today. This

is the nature of the times we live in.


Best regards,


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

" Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


, " utkal.panigrahi " <utkal.panigrahi@ ...>



> Nandy,


> All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from him.


> Read all the biographies of Swami Vivekananda.


> Utkal.


> , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ > wrote:

> >

> > Namaste,

> > Â

> > Though it was for Narasimha, I could not help but reply since this is a

public forum.

> > Â

> > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> >

> > You mean to say you have never made a wrong prediction in your life? Funny

logic you guys have. Show me one astrologer who has NEVER made a wrong

prediction. If you say you have never made a wrong prediction, I will say either

you don't know astrology to even go and try to predict anything, or you are a

plain liar.

> > Â

> > Â

> > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> > Â

> > Can you or someone from your camp kindly provide the link to this forum

which shows that Nikhilananda' s second work " rectified " the timing? I am

curious to know. The link that was provided does not work.

> > Â

> > Â

> > In another mail it was claimed both the times 6:33 and 6:47 are before

sunrise. The panchang for that day shows the sunrise to have happened exactly at

6:47. Therefore, 6:47 is not before sunrise but exactly at sunrise. Whereas the

biography says Vivekananda was born " before sunrise " .

> > Â

> > So instead of writting so long long garbage

> > Â

> > If you feel what he wrote is garbage why have you been responding for so

long? Or maybe any idea that is alingned to your idea is garbage for you?

Another most interesting thing I observed is that " makar lagna " camp take to

abusing and using foul language at the drop of a hat. Maybe they feel lack of

manners is something to be proud of. Probably they do not understand the word

" civil discourse " . That two people can chose to disagree without being

abusing/uncivil must be an alien idea to these people.

> > Â

> > Pawan Maurya, disagree but in a civil manner. If others start using harsh

langauge things can get really ugly.

> > Â

> > -Regards

> > Â Rajarshi

> > Â

> > Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> >

> > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Astro Talk <astro.talk@ > wrote:

> >

> >

> > Astro Talk <astro.talk@ >

> > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> >

> > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 1:25 PM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Narashimha,

> > Â

> > You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any how that

BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had shown.

> > Â

> > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> > Â

> > But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.

> > Â

> > After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.

> > Â

> > Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology like you say

6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon is associated by

Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.

> >

> > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> > Â

> > Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is being

aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also abused your GUrus

because of same reason.

> > Â

> > Regards,

> > Pawan Maurya

> >

> > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> >

> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> > JyotishWritings

> > Cc: , vedic astrology

> > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 4:42 AM

> >

> > Â

> >

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami


> > > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than wasting

> > > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)

> >

> > You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the

teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of

Ramakrishna " compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in

my view).

> >

> > However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying

that he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons

for 6:33 am.

> >

> > The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he was

born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books sounds

like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely change to

Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji should have

9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th.

However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained

with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and give

credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on thumbrules and

not-so-deep knowledge.

> >

> > For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on Sg

lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related to

divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another day.

> >

> > (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

> > (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

> > (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


> > (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with

Cp lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


> > (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

> > (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn

and Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> > (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

> > (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it is

conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> > (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared

based on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He

was indeed a leader of men.

> > (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there, the

10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-

Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak


> >

> > Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent

person cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide

to throw light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain

in the dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may

sometimes focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself

later. Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda

had was probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately

always. At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni

vrata, while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed

demons, while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and

rishis come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may

change from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and

wrong may change from

> > place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific

job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different

time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on

astrology if he were back here today.

> >

> > Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone

posted a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did

not get time then to do so.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > > Namaste Lalit and others,

> > >

> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:

Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> > >

> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his

biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That is a

more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a

few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.

> > >

> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually

thinks he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> > >

> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > appealing to you.

> > >

> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> > >

> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with that yogi,

which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi actually

satisfied the skeptic in me.

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.

> > >

> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see

in your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails.

My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > > It's a day that

> > > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > > >

> > > > This was third time,I visited

> > > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > > >

> > > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > > to your followers.

> > > >

> > > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > > end.

> > > >

> > > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > > >

> > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > appealing to you.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > > Lalit Mishra.













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> giving SANDHI LAGNA(end/begining degrees of a sign).Apart from other

> things the CLOCK TIME


> which was/is noted itself could be fast/slow.Who could verify that

> specially later on!!?

> so it is always possible for any SANDHI LAGNA to change this way

> or that way. 






Thanks for inviting ppl to give their views, so i wi=ould like to take

opportunity to express my views.


I read one biography of Swami Vivekanand, in which one author said that

Vivekanand took birth in morning after Sun Rise.


I dont remember authors name, i will search that biography and will let ppl know

about author's name.


I am right now in France away from my home town New York so i will give call at

my home and will let ppl know about it.


warmest regards,

Nupur Bansal 


--- On Wed, 17/2/10, gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 wrote:



gopalakrishna <gopi_b927

Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


Wednesday, 17 February, 2010, 6:56 AM







Dear ones,

there is always a problem of fixing lagna for any SINCERE

astrologer.Apart from many, one main problem in it is BT as we all

agree.his problem increases manifold when the time noted is/was


giving SANDHI LAGNA(end/begining degrees of a sign).Apart from other

things the CLOCK TIME


which was/is noted itself could be fast/slow.Who could verify that

specially later on!!?

so it is always possible for any SANDHI LAGNA to change this way

or that way.There is no


point in arguing about this.My humble opinion is if we are really

interested/sincere Let us check


both lagnas with the available tools/data and come to our own conclusion

at the same time


respecting other's view point as well.Any sandhi lagna could change

whether it is swami ji,guru ji or babaji or any common ji!!!.....

Love and regards,


, gopal krishna goel <g.k.goel@.. .>




> Dear SIr,

> Sun rise on Jan 12 , 1863 was 6.46.43 according to Calcutta local

> time.

> In those days !ST was not in use.


> G. K. Goel




> address: L-409 Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110076


> tel: 011-26943689, 011-41403352,


> mobile: 09350311433






> utkal.panigrahi@ ...

> Tue, 16 Feb 2010 06:33:25 +0000

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time























Dear Brother Narshimha,




> Question is why you are putting incorrect misleading reasoning to

members -




> Review -




> Both 6.49 am and 6.33 am is time before sunrise that day. Why you are

leaving one while advocating another.




> What weightage Parashara gave to D9, D10, D20, D30 in terms of rupa ,

refer to that before presenting these D charts as independent charts and

even more important charts than the natal lagna chart.




> Why writing in misleading manner, come forward and post a comperative

study using both the lagna giving shlokas from classics in your support,

do not air your opinion only justifying to your incorrect approach that

has no ground.




> Well, as you have circulated dozens of researches based on incorrect

lagna and time, wd be difficult for you to correct yourself, well





> You are comfortably overlooking the fact that there is no birth time

like 6.33 am, Refer to scanned copy of Yug Nayak Vivekananda,

encyclopedic biography of swami ji, this is already sent to you.




> Rohini Ranjan ji has already gaven details in JR group how incorrect

6.33 pm circulated which several people took as 6.33 am assuming a typo.

6.33 pm was published in 1908's AM by somebody and 6.33 pm is used in

notable horoscope by BV Raman.




> I also gave a history referring to Devakinandan Singh who learn

astrology in 1898 and written that dhanu lagna kundali is wrong in his

book published in 1934, he was among those first people who got makar

lagna kundali.




> You can very well check swami ji's healthy physic with mild obesity

and his face, sun in lagna give rather slender physic, you can refer to

classics, sun gives sharp pointed nose etc, if you look at his

photographs you wd find his nose is flat, look at his beautiful black

hairs and remember venus in lagna in meena navamsa, when jup is in

venusian sign in 10th.




> Do not ignore leadership given by ruchaka mahapurush yoga in makar

lagna kundali, in 4th which receives jup's aspect from 10th, this

defines purpose of life.




> Most important is timing of his death, wd you take pains to elaborte

resons by quoting shlokas from classics.




> That's open for you.




> Utkal.


> , Narasimha PVR Rao pvr@ wrote:


> >


> > Namaste friends,


> >


> > > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami



> > > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than



> > > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)


> >


> > You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the

teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of

Ramakrishna " compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami

Vivekananda in my view).


> >


> > However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be

of interest to astrologers.


> >


> > * * *


> >


> > Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails

saying that he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not

have such reasons for 6:33 am.


> >


> > The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that

he was born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day

books sounds like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna

would barely change to Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably

thought that Swamiji should have 9th and 10th lords in lagna giving

Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th. However, his dhaarmik,

fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained with Sun in

the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and

give credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on

thumbrules and not-so-deep knowledge.


> >


> > For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief

points on Sg lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise

principles related to divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I

will keep them for another day.


> >


> > (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows

a powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).


> > (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery



> > (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house

reckoning I pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That

shows someone adept at meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also

shows a good sadhaka with detachment.s


> > (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th

house with Cp lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8

chara karaka method I shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is

also in the first house. AK and PK together or separately in 1st/5th

houses is a great raja yoga and shows many followers. He was indeed the

most famous from his group and had great following.


> > (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a

close conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa.

That is not conducive to good marital life.


> > (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality.

Saturn and Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I

defined based on Parasara's teachings and am using divisional

longitudes), showing an ascetic. The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house

showing a fiery leader dedicated to dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord

Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord Jupiter (within less than

one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This very powerful raja

yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy the 3rd

house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.


> > (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict

lagna. Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children.

Afflicted 1st and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord

of rasi chart (Mars) is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in

D-7. Again, it does not support having progeny.


> > (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes

and it is conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.


> > (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I

shared based on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives

Ruchaka yoga. He was indeed a leader of men.


> > (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From

there, the 10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in

the 9th house can show one who is practical and progressive in religion

and dharma. Gemini lagna with Mars in it shows a disciplined

rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows mother. Lagna lord with Ketu

shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury being aspected by Sun and

Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu- Ketu on the 8th

house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.


> >


> > * * *


> >


> > BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may

be interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for

the weak minds.


> >


> > Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and

eloquent person cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition.

One may decide to throw light on one side of a coin and the other side

of the coin may remain in the dark. A passionate and strong personality

like Swami Vivekananda may sometimes focus strongly on one aspect at a

time and seem to contradict himself later. Though I have no doubt that

the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda had was probably perfect,

spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately always. At the end,

it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni vrata, while

Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed

demons, while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When

gods and rishis come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their

teachings may change from one incarnation to another depending on

desa-kaala-paatra. Right and wrong may change from place to place and

time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific job to do when

he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different time

compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on

astrology if he were back here today.


> >


> > Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when

someone posted a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several

months back and did not get time then to do so.


> >


> > Best regards,


> > Narasimha


> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,


> > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


> > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org


> > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org


> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom


> > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings


> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> >


> > > Namaste Lalit and others,


> > >


> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived

With Them: Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri

Ramakrishna " ). I was gratefully using some valuable data in that book

for an interesting Jyotish research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as

the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.


> > >


> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime

is his biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami

Nikhilananda) . That is a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book

clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a few minutes before sunrise " . Please

note that IST was not is use at that time and clearly the time is local

mean time.


> > >


> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone

actually thinks he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain

common sense to me.


> > >


> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and

not Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an

obsessed and egoistic mind cannot find truth.


> > >


> > > * * *


> > >


> > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had


> > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am


> > > > appealing to you.


> > >


> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to

those who wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a

hallucination and what really distinguishes the two and what is the goal

of spiritual sadhana. A few mails referred within that mail cover topics

related to visions.


> > >


> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651


> > >


> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference

between the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481

of gives a small account of a few of my

experiences with that yogi, which proved some things to me. Anyone can

make claims, but this yogi actually satisfied the skeptic in me.


> > >


> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481


> > >


> > > * * *


> > >


> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very

hard on Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent

person who went to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can

understand Sanskrit prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet,

it is only in the last 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in

this knowledge of rishis.


> > >


> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge

I see in your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in

your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!


> > >


> > > Best regards,


> > > Narasimha


> > >


> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ > wrote:


> > >


> > > > It's a day that


> > > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know


> > > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for


> > > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,


> > > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.


> > > >


> > > > This was third time,I visited


> > > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I


> > > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's


> > > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit


> > > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,


> > > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of


> > > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will


> > > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi


> > > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a


> > > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and


> > > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -


> > > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri


> > > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of


> > > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.


> > > >


> > > > Animately, he brought out the book, I


> > > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,


> > > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -


> > > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I


> > > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and


> > > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time


> > > > to your followers.


> > > >


> > > > The great divine mother has finally


> > > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath


> > > > dharmi narrow minded world.


> > > > When God is with a person, he can


> > > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to


> > > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd


> > > > correct themselves however they are free at their


> > > > end.


> > > >


> > > > It's said that - " Jin


> > > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah


> > > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .


> > > >


> > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had


> > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am


> > > > appealing to you.


> > > >


> > > > regards,


> > > > Lalit Mishra.


> >













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Did you collect scanned pages from PV Narsimha, first get them, read all

biographies including the one written by rolland romain, swami chetananda and

encyclopedic biography YUGNAYAK VIVEKANANDA which is in 3 volumes including

those two biographies written by swami nikhilananda, in his 2nd book when he

gave 6.49 am as birth time, no other question stands.


Nobody including PV Narsimha wd suggest you that Swami Ji's day of birth is

sunday and sunday prolonged upto 6.33 or 6.49 am.


Get those scanned pages first.


On Wed Feb 17th, 2010 2:27 AM EST rajarshi nandy wrote:


>Dear Vishal,


>Kindly check some more answers. Good to see your respond back.



> Rajarshi




>Rama Naama Satya Hai..


>--- On Tue, 16/2/10, vkohli38 <vkohli38 wrote:



>vkohli38 <vkohli38

> Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


>Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 10:17 PM







>Dear Nandi,


>I am again amused at your posting ….


>See points as below:-


>// Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows

a very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had. //


>Everybody using DOB as 12'th Jan 1863, now see your logic for Vivekanand being

majestic personality.



>12'th Jan 1863 was Monday.

>He was born " before sunrise " .  Sunrise happened at 6:47 am.  Vedic day does

not change at midnight, in case you did not know.

>// Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny


>we live in-:) //


>Narashimha was talking of the birth details based on Swami Nikhilanand' s

works. But he was not aware that in later works, Swami Nikhilanand wrote

Swamijis details as 6:49AM, ie after Sun-Rise as pointed out by Mr Rohini Ranjan

and Mr Utkal Panigrahi.

>If you follow the mails properly I had been asking people to provide a link to

the scanned copy of any of his later works, but none was provided. Instead it

was said such has been sent to such and such people.  Also, Swami Nikhilananda

mentioned about Vivekananda being born before sunrise. If I take your

proposition that Vivekananda was born at 6:47, that is exactly at sunrise, NOT

before sunrise.  See the dichotomy?



>Now, Narashimha is abusing Swami Nikhilanands works, as he always does because

Pawan pointed about his BAD JUPITER.


>Abusing? Do you understand english? Infact the only abuses I have seen till now

has come from you and your friends.


>// AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most


>criterion for same.


>I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

>not have a vargottama AK in meena. //


>It looks that, your basics are quite loose.


>And I can see your " god gifted " basics! Right. LOL.


>Kindly read BPHS chapter 35 shloka number 2-8.



>Sure. Please mention which translation are you refer to.


>And also read Jaimini Sutra, chapter first second quarter.


>Please mention whose interpretation of the same? Every body seems to have

interpretated it to suit their conditionings.



>// Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of sanyasa

yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


>You said the same and raise the point of Mo being in drekkana of Sa.


>I am again pasting your wordings…


>When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's



>And where did I mention Bhava here? Now I am seriously doubtful of your

comprehension skills! Drekkan is not bhava. It is a varga. Know the difference

between the two?


>Go and read other classics also like Jataka Parijata, Saravali, Phaladeepika,

Bhavartha Ratnakar also instead of BPHS only just to get the point about Mo in

Navamsha of Sa.

>Thank you for the advise-;)




>Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma

Sarada did not have that combination, Lahiri Baba did not have it. //


>Good to see that you are also having birth details of other persons like you do

have Swamiji's 6:33, wrong one.


>Sure I do. As I said, do not consider your knowledge or the lack of it to be a

parameter for the world of jyotish. You maybe ignorant, but the whole world is

not so, I hope you understand that dear friend:) The birth details of all these

people are available easily for anyone curious to know.


>From where you have downloaded documents for the just to get details of those

ppl, SJC ??


>If you can " read books " , and " biographies " you can easily find them. For the

nth time, your knowing or not knowing something is hardly a paramter in the

world of jyotish. :)


>Here, Historians dont know era of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but they know chart

of Krsna.


>Ramakrishna and his people were born in the last 200 years, not 2000

years. Your sweeping generalizations cannot hide your ignorance! Eveyrthing

about Ramakrishna's life is well recorded. Kindly read.



>hen he talks of sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


>I am amused at your above points.


>I am sure you would be. As this conversatoin progresses, both you and I will

find more cause for mutual amusement, I am sure.


>Except D-9 all charts have not counted on same level to D-1, BPHS says same,

atleast read one time some classics.


>But Parashara mentions very clearly about different varga charts and what they

should be used for. It is as simple as that.



>Download more articles from internet.


>Is that what you do? :)


>// So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1. //


>But you gave one point of Ve's direct drishti on 7'th as one criterion to Fix

D-1. Now you are retracting from your raised points.


>What retracting? I said if lagna is Makara, Venus will aspect 7th house. Is

this simple thing so difficult for you to understand?


>For Dhanu lagna, go and see Ju is giving direct drishti on 5'th(For having

progeny) and 7'th(spouse) .


>For 6.33, his varga charts do not support children or spouse as well. As I

said right at the beginning, for recitification a look at the Varga charts can

be very useful, of course, IF you know how to use them that is.


>// Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house inÂ

order for it to manifest sanyansa. //


>Materialistic desires come from 7'th house also and for Makara Lagna, Cancer

would be seventh house and Mo being lord of 7'th, would be in Drekkana of Saturn

and in D-1 Mo with Sa. Now judge the point of Sanyasa from this point of view.


>I have already explained this point in the previous mail about how one specific

combination of sanyasa yoga does not need any asociation with the 7th lord or



>it of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not have rasi

dristi Sir. //


>But you wrote yourself following lines…


>Venus will have direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent

combination for



>Before going into dristis, do you understand the difference between Rasi dristi

and graha dristi? Please read up.


>// With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

> " leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination. //


>On this earth all leonine ppl don't use to have Sun in lagna.


>If we are given a choice between two charts, where one has sun in dhanu (mitra

rasi) lagna and venus + merc in makar lagna and asked who would have a more

majestic personaltiy, anyone who knows even basic jyotish would say dhanu



>// Parashara mentiones vargas upto Vimsamsa //


>Are you saying right ??


>Why don't you read you BPHS and find out for youself. He mentiones vargas

including shastyamsas as well, which (d60) he says, can be used to judge



>// Thank you for the compliments- ;). //


>Again compliments for so beautifull mail!


>Appreciation !


>Mine as well. Don't take things personally, debate with a free mind:)



>Vikash Kohli


>Rama Naama Satya Hai..

>Rama Naama Satya Hai..

>Rama Naama Satya Hai..

>Rama Naama Satya Hai..



>Good to see you chanting it!




>, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...> wrote:




>> Dear Vishal,


>> Please check some answers below.


>> Regards

>> Rajarshi




>> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


>> --- On Fri, 12/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38@.. .> wrote:



>> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38@.. .>

>> Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


>> Friday, 12 February, 2010, 3:30 PM







>> Dear Nandi OX (Bael),


>> I am happy to get your response but have a look at following points which you

wrote :-

>> I am sure you would be happy, that is precisely why I responded-;)


>> **********

>> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.

>> **********


>> Here we are trying to fix D-1 but it is good to see that you even can tell us

about Vimsamsa of Swami Vivekanand. Wonderfull !!!,


>> Exactly. A chart rectification often needs checking up various

vargas. Further, I did not speak of " rectification " of Vimsamsa, but rather,

that to understand if a person can attain Moksha or not, a rasi chart maybe

insufficient.  There must some reason why Parashara mentiones vargas upto

Vimsamsa and says one must look at Vimsamsa for the sake of " upasana " .

So your claims that a mere 12th house in the rasi chart is sufficient to

decide if the chart can belong to a person like Vivekananda, is shallow, to put

it midly. Your knowledge or the lack of it cannot be the parameter for

judgement of chart rectifications, don't you think so?

>> **********

>> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably

>> **********


>> Again same point.


>> Same from my side too.


>> I am amused to see that you even know about his Vimsamsa chart. I think

you are the best astrologer to fix birth timing even upto minutes and seconds.

Appreciation !


>> Thank you for the compliments- ;).  As I said, your lack of knowledge is

not a parameter for everyone.  Also, to merely look at a rasi chart and

suggest such and such indicates Moksha, in my humble opinion, is foolishness of

the first order. There are hundreds of charts will beautiful 12th house in rasi,

who are nowhere close to spirituality, leave aside moksha.


>> For moksha there are many criterions but we dont know the lagna of him as we

are fixing it, so we have to remain stick to D-1,


>> In that case we should not jump to the conclusion that a good 12th house in

D1 is enough to indicate moksha. That is all I have been trying to say.



>> AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most

imp criterion for same.


>> I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

not have a vargottama AK in meena. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,

Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma Sarada did not have that combination,

Lahiri Baba did not have it. What good is a principle that does not work

in the charts of most of the famous self realized saints? 


>> So I think you don’t have to tell many criterions for Moksha as I am

well read of classics not of handful but many.


>> I am not doubting your knowledge of scriptures-; ).




>> ************

>> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's


>> ***********


>> Go and check the position of Mo in D-3 for both birth timings(though 4

timings are being circulated and 3 of them of Makara Lagna) about which ppl are

talking. I am amazed to see that instead of Bhava posn of Mo in D-3 you are

talking of Mo's position in a Rashi in a D-3 !


>> Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of

sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas.




>> Do you know how much time Moon will take to change its position from one

Rashi of D-3 to another Rashi of D-3.


>> Irrelevant.



>> So now apply your own point ie *****moon in shani's drekkana**** * for other

birth timing also. You will find that Mo is also in same Rashi ie of Sa.



>> Excellent. Therefore it shows he was ment to be a sanyasi one way or the

other. So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1.


>> ************ ******

>> That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th house

from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


>> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for


>> ************ ******


>> Why you dont apply Rashi drishti of Ve on 7'th house if we take Makara as



>> Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do

not have rasi dristi Sir. Also Makar rasi will never have rasi drsiti

on karkat. Also I don't think you understood what I wrote. I already mentioned

that Venus can have " graha drisit " on 7th house IF we take Makara lagna


>> I think it doesnt suit you well to distort the truth so you didnt write about

it instead you wrote Rashi Drishti of Sa+Mo on seventh.


>> [:D] Learn more-:) Please do not consider your lack of understanding to

be a paramter of jyotish knowledge or of the English language.


>> If we take Makara as Lagna will Ve give Rashi aspect on 7’th ??


>> Once again, Makara cannot have " rasi dristi " on 7th house.


>> If we take makara as lagna, then Mo will become lord of seventh and now see

its occupation in D-3 and it is in Saturn's Rashi which you wrote.


>> Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house

in order for it to manifest sanyansa.


>> And i have already shown that for both birth timings Moon will remain in same

Rashi in D-3 that is of Sa which clearly shows denial of mariage according to

D-3 concept but for Makara Lagna.


>> Not for Makara lagna, but for both lagnas, IF the D-3 position of moon does

not change from saturnine house. For Makara lagna, VENUS gives GRAHA DRISTI ON

7TH HOUSE. Understood?


>> You wrote point related to Mo's position in D-3 but dont want to take makara

lagna which will clearly give you Mo as lord of seventh and denial of marriage

by D-3 as Mo in Saturns’ dreskkana.


>> Once again, for ONE specific combination of sanyasa Yoga to work

moon must be in conjuction with shani and in shani's drekkan or navamsa. It need

not be associated with 7th house or lord. Secondly, a person wil venus and

merc in lagna has a different kind of personality with a person with sun in a

friendly lagna for sun.


>> Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny

world we live in-:) 


>> TX

>> Vishal Kohli







>> Keep chanting that more, it may eventually help you to reduce your ego -:)



>> --- On Thu, 2/11/10, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ . co.in> wrote:


>> rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ . co.in>

>> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


>> Thursday, February 11, 2010, 1:03 PM




>> Dear VIshal,


>> Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

>> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.


>> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.


>> Iccha mrityu is something so high up that normal jyotish analysis of basic

12th house etc are not sufficient. Infact most of us in this forum do have the

necessary level of jyotish expertise to predict from a chart if a person can

acquire iccha mrityu or not.


>> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards



>> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably.


>> Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows a

very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had.


>> With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination.


>> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


>> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.


>> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of




>> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's

drekkana. That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th

house from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


>> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for



>> -Regards

>>  Rajarshi





>> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


>> --- On Wed, 10/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 > wrote:


>> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 >

>> Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


>> Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 6:42 PM




>> Dear Folks,

>> I think this issue of fixing lagna of Swamiji is very interestng and it

attracted me to give my inputs.


>> I would like to shed some light over Makar Lagna Chart and Dhanur Lagna Chart

of Swami Ji.


>> Most important thing to see in his chart is the study of 12'th house -


>> If one take Dhanu as lagna then 12'th house is very much afflicted -


>> 1) 12'th house is having Rahu


>> 2) Sa is giving aspect over it in 12'th.


>> 3) Ma is giving aspect over 12'th house.


>> Three malefics aspecting 12'th house, now one may imagine about the 'Iccha

Mrityu' of Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

>> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.


>> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards



>> Ancient classics dont support from above points that this should be

horoscope(Dhanu Lagna) of one great Swami.


>> If one take Makar Lagna :-


>> 1) 12'th would be having Su, so he wander around the world.


>> 2) Lord of 12'th, Jupiter and it goes to tenth and it aspects 2'nd house,

nice yoga for ' Iccha Mrityu' and for learning of VEDAS and also to teach the

whole word the same as it not only covers

>> 12'th 2'nd and 10'th.


>> 3) In 10'th Ju of Tula, helps one person to teach VEDAS and such person

doesnt lie as it aspects 2'nd house(but it is also direct so it is nice) and

same Ju is lord of 12'th and Ju is placed in Tula.


>> Ancient scriptures says that when Ju or Mo use to be in Tula person use to be

learned man of VEDAS and Ju should be also in 1, 4, 7 and 10.


>> Swami ji was never inclined towards SEX and MARRIAGE all know very well.


>> But following points doesnt support that Swamiji should have Dhanu Lagna -


>> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


>> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.


>> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of







>> tx

>> Vishal Kohli


>> --- On Tue, 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


>> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

>> Re: Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth


>> , vedic astrology

>> Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 6:31 PM




>> Namaste " Lalit/Utkal " ,


>> Reagrding the authenticity:


>> Swami Nikhilananda, who wrote " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " , was a

Ramakrishna Mutt monk who was initiated by Sarada Mata herself! He spent time

with Swami Brahmananada, Swami Saradananda, Swami Premananda and other direct

disciples of Ramakrishna and also with M (Mahendranath Gupta), who recorded the

gospel of Ramakrishna. He had direct access to many people with first-hand

association with Swami Vivekananda. On the other hand, Swami Chetanananda who

wrote the book on the sixteen disciples came much later. He was associated with

the Mutt from 1950 and was initiated in 1960, several generations later. While

Swami Nikhilananda' s book is a biogrpahy of Vivekananda, Swami Chetanananda' s

book is about 16 disciples and it is questionable how much attention he paid to

Swamiji's birthtime.


>> Regarding LMT, of course a birthtime in 1860s would be in LMT as there was no

IST. There is nothing " artificial " about it. The birthtime of 6:33 am LMT has

been taken by all well-known astrologers who wrote about Swamiji until now. You

did not know that IST was not in use then, you made the mistake of taking IST

instead of LMT, you got Makara lagna, you got convinced that that is correct and

are now trying to somehow prove you are right. Unfortunately, so much bandwidth

and so much of people's time is being wasted in this exercise.


>> I will ignore the rest of your tall claims and " my lollipop is bigger than

yours " exercises.


>> Best regards,

>> Narasimha

>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

>> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

>> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

>> http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

>> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

>> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

>> Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


>> ---- Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

>> > Dear Brother Narsimha,

>> >

>> > You should think of attributes of makar lagna - great desciples,

>> > strong physic etc -

>> >

>> > Then go for review of kind of physic - Hanuman Ji (offcourse

>> > mythological chart) Srila Prabhupad, Gautam Gambhir etc got.

>> >

>> > Even if you make swami ji's horoscope with birth time 6.33 am, you get

>> > makar lagna only but then you and many others starts saying local time

>> > should be taken with that time, all the manual efforts for making

>> > artificial dhanu lagna for swami ji.

>> >

>> > Why such a flip flop ?

>> >

>> > It's seen that all those who dont get god's vision and spiritual

>> > experience resort to saying it's hallucination or illusion. What's

>> > your elligibility for saying a thing that never happend in your life.

>> >

>> > You should know that god himself came to me, i saw him with open eyes

>> > not in imaginary meditation, this is another revealation for those who

>> > are curious, there is no place for any doubt if you are at feet of

>> > god.

>> >

>> > Pls accept the divine urge and do yourself a precise comperative study

>> > of both makar lagna vs dhanu lagna chart and find answer for you.

>> >

>> > Physical achievments have no significance in divine life, Swami

>> > Vivekananda was only a BA if you find academic qualification so

>> > important.

>> >

>> > There is no way no evidence to put question mark on authenticity of

>> > biography's published in 'god lived with them' by Sri Ram Krishna

>> > mission in order to make he world aware of life of top selected

>> > desciples by thakur ramkrishna paramhansha, otherwise, world wd never

>> > come to know about latu and others.

>> >

>> > You simply passed an imaginary comment on authenticity, better, if you

>> > do correspondance with president and secretary of mission to find

>> > answers, such a deflection is unfair.

>> >

>> > I trust mother divine and thakur for you people to show light and

>> > suggest you people to be honest and open for truth, otherwise, no

>> > enlightenment.

>> >

>> > It's said in spirituality - 'pratistha sukari vistha'.

>> >

>> > We get god's love and a recognition that he gives, we don't bother how

>> > world looks at us.

>> >

>> > Swami Vivekanada was badly criticized by narrow minded hath dharmi

>> > pakhandi pandits in his life time, Swami Dayananda was given poison,

>> > so, where I m counted, but, We are true, truth and mother's love is

>> > our strength.

>> >

>> > Regards,

>> > Lalit/Utkal

>> >

>> > On 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

>> > > Namaste Lalit and others,

>> > >

>> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With


>> > > Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

>> > > gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting


>> > > research.

>> > >

>> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is


>> > > biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That


>> > > a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and

>> > > says " a few minutes before sunrise " .

>> > >

>> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually


>> > > he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

>> > >

>> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

>> > > Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

>> > > egoistic mind cannot find truth.

>> > >

>> > > * * *

>> > >

>> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

>> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

>> > >> appealing to you.

>> > >

>> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

>> > > wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and


>> > > really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A

>> > > few mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

>> > >

>> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

>> > >

>> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference


>> > > the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

>> > > gives a small account of a few of my experiences

>> > > with that yogi, which proved some things to me:

>> > >

>> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

>> > >

>> > > * * *

>> > >

>> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

>> > > Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who


>> > > to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand


>> > > prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last

>> > > 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of


>> > >

>> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see


>> > > your writings, I am quite amazed by the pride, arrogance and


>> > > you exhibit in your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

>> > >

>> > > Best regards,

>> > > Narasimha

>> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

>> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

>> > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

>> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

>> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

>> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

>> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

>> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

>> > >

>> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

>> > >

>> > >> Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com>

>> > >> Divine Revealation : Swami Vivekananda' s Birth Time & Lagna !!

>> > >> " Deepak Bisaria " <deepakbisaria@ .co. in>, knrastro (AT) hotmail (DOT)


>> > >> kn_rao , " Prashant Kumar G B " <gbp_kumar >,

>> > >> " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashek h ar (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, " Narasimha P.V.R.

Rao "

>> > >> <pvr108 >, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

>> > >> Cc: " aavesh t " <aavesh_s (AT) (DOT) co.in>, jyotishi55 (AT) gmail (DOT) com,

" Ajitkumar

>> > >> Benadi " <ajitbenadi>, praspandey (AT) (DOT) co.in, " Mee Shuba

Vela "

>> > >> <pkgoteti >

>> > >> Saturday, February 6, 2010, 1:38 PM

>> > >> It's a day that

>> > >> Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

>> > >> that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

>> > >> finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

>> > >> Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

>> > >>

>> > >> This was third time,I visited

>> > >> Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

>> > >> was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

>> > >> Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

>> > >> another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

>> > >> they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

>> > >> Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

>> > >> provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

>> > >> got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

>> > >> condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

>> > >> my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

>> > >> It's known, It's known and published by Sri

>> > >> RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

>> > >> Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

>> > >>

>> > >> Animately, he brought out the book, I

>> > >> saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

>> > >> Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

>> > >> Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

>> > >> w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

>> > >> couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

>> > >> to your followers.

>> > >>

>> > >> The great divine mother has finally

>> > >> taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

>> > >> dharmi narrow minded world.

>> > >> When God is with a person, he can

>> > >> face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

>> > >> you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

>> > >> correct themselves however they are free at their

>> > >> end.

>> > >>

>> > >> It's said that - " Jin

>> > >> Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

>> > >> Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

>> > >>

>> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

>> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

>> > >> appealing to you.

>> > >>

>> > >> regards,

>> > >> Lalit Mishra.



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A good mail after a long time. Which talks of astrology.


Those who talk of astrology and simply do not understand that placement of

Venus/Mercury in Lagna and placement of Sun in Lagna would make a difference in

personality of a person. Please note, I am not talking about the kind of nose or

similar things a person would have then because only on this basis things cannot

be generalised.


On the day of death of Swami's father, the date given by Utkal in one of his

longish mails, 25th Feb 1884, Swami Vivekananda would have been passing through

Rahu/Merc. Rahu in the 12th house and Mercury 10th lord shows it clearly. In

case of Capricorn lagna, Rahu would still be in 12th from Sun but change of

lordship of Mercury would make a great difference.


On 31-5-1893, when he went out for first voyage, the dasha would have been

Jupiter/Jupiter which qualifies for taking him abroad from both Saggi/Capri

lagnas. Here again the aspect of Mars on Jupiter, signifies the purpose for

which he was travelling out. Capricorn ascendant doesnt show clearly show the

purpose and hence doesnt qualify for the purpose.


From Saggitarius, Mars (fifth lord) in the fifth house, aspected by Jupiter,

gives him the kind of knowledge that he had. Try working out that knowledge with

unaspected Ketu in the fifth house from Capricorn lagna.


On 1st May, 1897, in the dasha of Jupiter/Mercury, he founded the Ramakrishna

Matha. Dasha of Lagna lord and 10th lord for Saggitarius Ascendant and dasha of

3rd and 12th lord and 6th and 9th lord for Capricorn ascendant. Upto the members

to see which dasha works for this event.


On 4th July, 1902, in dasha of Jupiter/Venus, he breathed his last. A sad day

indeed because a Lion like him would have roared and set right many wolves. Now

it is again for members to decide whether you would get a Lion with Sun in Lagna

or Ven/Merc in Lagna. Again whether you would get an eloquent speaker with

Venus/Mercury in second house or Saturn as second lord would provide you with

that kind of speech. Though Jupiter would be aspecting second house then.



















gopal krishna goel <g.k.goel


Cc: astro-health-remedies

Wed, February 17, 2010 1:38:11 PM

RE: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time



Dear Friends,

In my opinion we should discuss the issue of birth time of swamiji in detached


rather dividing ourselves in two camps - for or against,

Some savants are even using harsh language against each other.

This should be avoided at all costs.

Swami Nikhilananda has given birth time 6.33 AM earlier and then he revised

it in biography to 6.49AM.He has not given the reasons for change.

In those days , standard time was not introduced and every big city was

using local time. This was the one reason that Topo-centric longitudes were used

in those days.

Swami Vivekanand 's birth Ista in Ghats is not mentioned by any authority , as


it is difficult to ascertain recorded time of his birth.

Let assume for a minute that his Lagna is Sagittarius.

!. Then Atmakarka Vargottama Sun will be in Lagna.

2. If his birth time is little before Sun rise , ruling Day will

  be Sunday ruled by Sun itself.

3.(a) All LP, DP,and UP will fall in 9th house.2nd house from it

    is occupied by Moon and Saturn and aspected by Ketu by

    planetary aspect and Sun by sign aspect. 

    (b)In Navamsa chart Scorpio is rising with Jupiter

        And Atmakarka Vargottama Sun in 2nd house.

    © From Lagna Ketu is in 6th house and from Lagnapada

          Three benefics in 3rd and 6th houses.

    All these combinations made him a saint.It is not necessary all saints

    should have these combinations. There  are many other combinations for

saint hood.


  As regards classics , BPHS , Jaimini Sutra , Satya Jatakam, Brihat Jatak,

  Saravali , Bhavarth Ratnakar, Ladhu and Madhya Parasari, Laghu Jatak.

  Sarvarth Chintamani , Jatak Parijat , Jatak Tatwa,Hora Sara,Jatak Bharan,

  Jatak Des Marg and other classics down the line add to our knowledge

  ans do not contradict each other.


  If I have said any thing which is not according to the liking of any member

  of this site , kindly try to forgive me.


  With all humility at my command and with respect and regards to all,


G. K. Goel




address: L-409 Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110076


tel:        011-26943689, 011-41403352,


mobile:  09350311433







Tue, 16 Feb 2010 16:47:10 +0000

Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time





























      Dear Nandi,




I am again amused at your posting ….




See points as below:-




// Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows a

very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had. //




Everybody using DOB as 12'th Jan 1863, now see your logic for Vivekanand being

majestic personality.




12'th Jan 1863 was Monday.




// Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny world


we live in-:) //




Narashimha was talking of the birth details based on Swami Nikhilanand's works.

But he was not aware that in later works, Swami Nikhilanand wrote Swamijis

details as 6:49AM, ie after Sun-Rise as pointed out by Mr Rohini Ranjan and Mr

Utkal Panigrahi.




Now, Narashimha is abusing Swami Nikhilanands works, as he always does because

Pawan pointed about his BAD JUPITER.




// AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most



criterion for same.




I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do


not have a vargottama AK in meena.  //




It looks that, your basics are quite loose.




Kindly read BPHS chapter 35 shloka number 2-8.




And also read Jaimini Sutra, chapter first second quarter.




// Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of sanyasa

yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //




You said the same and raise the point of Mo being in drekkana of Sa.




I am again pasting your wordings…




When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's





Go and read other classics also like Jataka Parijata, Saravali, Phaladeepika,

Bhavartha Ratnakar also instead of BPHS only just to get the point about Mo in

Navamsha of Sa.






Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma

Sarada did not have that combination, Lahiri Baba did not have it. //




Good to see that you are also having birth details of other persons like you do

have Swamiji's 6:33, wrong one.




From where you have downloaded documents for the just to get details of those

ppl, SJC ??




Here, Historians dont know era of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but they know chart

of Krsna.




In Jyotish Vidya, one ITEM even provided chart of Jesus in the name of B V





Lahiri was also Baba for you??




// Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of

sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //




I am amused at your above points.




Except D-9 all charts have not counted on same level to D-1, BPHS says same,

atleast read one time some classics.




Download more articles from internet.




// So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying the

D1. //




But you gave one point of Ve's direct drishti on 7'th as one criterion to Fix

D-1. Now you are retracting from your raised points.




For Dhanu lagna, go and see Ju is giving direct drishti on 5'th(For having

progeny) and 7'th(spouse).




// Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house inÂ

order for it to manifest sanyansa. //




Materialistic desires come from 7'th house also and for Makara Lagna, Cancer

would be seventh house and Mo being lord of 7'th, would be in Drekkana of Saturn

and in D-1 Mo with Sa. Now judge the point of Sanyasa from this point of view.




// Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not

have rasi dristi Sir. //




But you wrote yourself following lines…




Venus will have direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent

combination for






// With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a


" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination. //




On this earth all leonine ppl don't use to have Sun in lagna.




// Parashara mentiones vargas upto Vimsamsa //




Are you saying right ??




// Thank you for the compliments-;). //




Again compliments for so beautifull mail!




Appreciation !






Vikash Kohli




Rama Naama Satya Hai..


Rama Naama Satya Hai..


Rama Naama Satya Hai..


Rama Naama Satya Hai..




, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 wrote:








> Dear Vishal,


> Â


> Please check some answers below.


> Â


> Regards


> Rajarshi








> Rama Naama Satya Hai..




> --- On Fri, 12/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 wrote:






> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38


> Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time




> Friday, 12 February, 2010, 3:30 PM














> Dear Nandi OX (Bael),


> Â


> I am happy to get your response but have a look at following points which you

wrote :-


> I am sure you would be happy, that is precisely why I responded-;)


> Â


> **********


> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.


> **********


> Â


> Here we are trying to fix D-1 but it is good to see that you even can tell us

about Vimsamsa of Swami Vivekanand. Wonderfull !!!,


> Â


> Exactly. A chart rectification often needs checking up various vargas.Â

Further, I did not speak of " rectification " of Vimsamsa, but rather, that to

understand if a person can attain Moksha or not, a rasi chart maybe

insufficient. There must some reason why Parashara mentiones vargas upto

Vimsamsa and says one must look at Vimsamsa for the sake of " upasana " . So your

claims that a mere 12th house in the rasi chart is sufficient to decide if the

chart can belong to a person like Vivekananda, is shallow, to put it midly.Â

Your knowledge or the lack of it cannot be the parameter for judgement of chart

rectifications, don't you think so?


> **********


> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably


> **********


> Â


> Again same point.


> Â


> Same from my side too.




> IÂ am amused to see that you even know about his Vimsamsa chart. I think you

are the best astrologer to fix birth timing even upto minutes and seconds.

Appreciation !


> Â


> Thank you for the compliments-;).  As I said, your lack of knowledge is not

a parameter for everyone.  Also, to merely look at a rasi chart and suggest

such and such indicates Moksha, in my humble opinion, is foolishness of the

first order. There are hundreds of charts will beautiful 12th house in rasi, who

are nowhere close to spirituality, leave aside moksha.




> For moksha there are many criterions but we dont know the lagna of him as we

are fixing it, so we have to remain stick to D-1,


> Â


> In that case we should not jump to the conclusion that a good 12th house in D1

is enough to indicate moksha. That is all I have been trying to say.


> Â


> Â


> AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most

imp criterion for same.


> Â


> I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

not have a vargottama AK in meena. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,

Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma Sarada did not have that combination,

Lahiri Baba did not have it. What good is a principle that does not work in

the charts of most of the famous self realized saints?Â


> Â


> So I think you don’t have to tell many criterions for Moksha as I am

well read of classics not of handful but many.


> Â


> I am not doubting your knowledge of scriptures-;).


> Â






> ************


> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's



> ***********


> Â


> Go and check the position of Mo in D-3 for both birth timings(though 4 timings

are being circulated and 3 of them of Makara Lagna) about which ppl are talking.

I am amazed to see that instead of Bhava posn of Mo in D-3 you are talking of

Mo's position in a Rashi in a D-3 !


> Â


> Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of

sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas.


> Â




> Â


> Do you know how much time Moon will take to change its position from one Rashi

of D-3 to another Rashi of D-3.


> Â


> Irrelevant.




> Â


> So now apply your own point ie *****moon in shani's drekkana**** * for other

birth timing also. You will find that Mo is also in same Rashi ie of Sa.


> Â


> Â


> Excellent. Therefore it shows he was ment to be a sanyasi one way or the

other. So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1.


> Â


> ************ ******


> That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th house

from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


> Â


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for



> ************ ******


> Â


> Why you dont apply Rashi drishti of Ve on 7'th house if we take Makara as



> Â


> Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not

have rasi dristi Sir. Also Makar rasi will never have rasi drsiti on

karkat. Also I don't think you understood what I wrote. I already mentioned that

Venus can have " graha drisit " on 7th house IF we take Makara lagna


> Â


> I think it doesnt suit you well to distort the truth so you didnt write about

it instead you wrote Rashi Drishti of Sa+Mo on seventh.


> Â


> [:D] Learn more-:) Please do not consider your lack of understanding to be a

paramter of jyotish knowledge or of the English language.


> Â


> If we take Makara as Lagna will Ve give Rashi aspect on 7’th ??


> Â


> Once again, Makara cannot have " rasi dristi " on 7th house.


> Â


> If we take makara as lagna, then Mo will become lord of seventh and now see

its occupation in D-3 and it is in Saturn's Rashi which you wrote.


> Â


> Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house inÂ

order for it to manifest sanyansa.


> Â


> And i have already shown that for both birth timings Moon will remain in same

Rashi in D-3 that is of Sa which clearly shows denial of mariage according to

D-3 concept but for Makara Lagna.


> Â


> Not for Makara lagna, but for both lagnas, IF the D-3 position of moon does

not change from saturnine house. For Makara lagna, VENUS gives GRAHA DRISTI ON

7TH HOUSE. Understood?




> You wrote point related to Mo's position in D-3 but dont want to take makara

lagna which will clearly give you Mo as lord of seventh and denial of marriage

by D-3 as Mo in Saturns’ dreskkana.


> Â


> Once again, for ONE specific combination of sanyasa Yoga to work moon

must be in conjuction with shani and in shani's drekkan or navamsa. It need not

be associated with 7th house or lord. Secondly, a person wil venus and merc in

lagna has a different kind of personality with a person with sun in a friendly

lagna for sun.


> Â


> Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny world

we live in-:)Â




> TX


> Vishal Kohli


> Â










> Â


> Keep chanting that more, it may eventually help you to reduce your ego -:)


> Â




> --- On Thu, 2/11/10, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:




> rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 (AT) (DOT) co.in>


> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time




> Thursday, February 11, 2010, 1:03 PM








> Dear VIshal,


> Â


> Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji


> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.


> Â


> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.


> Â


> Iccha mrityu is something so high up that normal jyotish analysis of basic

12th house etc are not sufficient. Infact most of us in this forum do have the

necessary level of jyotish expertise to predict from a chart if a person can

acquire iccha mrityu or not.




> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards



> Â


> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably.


> Â


> Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows a

very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had.


> Â


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination.


> Â


> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


> Â


> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.




> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of



> Â


> Â


> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's

drekkana. That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th

house from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


> Â


> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for



> Â


> -Regards


> Â Rajarshi


> Â


> Â


> Â




> Rama Naama Satya Hai..




> --- On Wed, 10/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 > wrote:




> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 >


> Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time




> Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 6:42 PM








> Dear Folks,


> I think this issue of fixing lagna of Swamiji is very interestng and it

attracted me to give my inputs.




> I would like to shed some light over Makar Lagna Chart and Dhanur Lagna Chart

of Swami Ji.




> Most important thing to see in his chart is the study of 12'th house -




> If one take Dhanu as lagna then 12'th house is very much afflicted -




> 1) 12'th house is having Rahu




> 2) Sa is giving aspect over it in 12'th.




> 3) Ma is giving aspect over 12'th house.




> Three malefics aspecting 12'th house, now one may imagine about the 'Iccha

Mrityu' of Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji


> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.




> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards





> Ancient classics dont support from above points that this should be

horoscope(Dhanu Lagna) of one great Swami.




> If one take Makar Lagna :-




> 1) 12'th would be having Su, so he wander around the world.




> 2) Lord of 12'th, Jupiter and it goes to tenth and it aspects 2'nd house, nice

yoga for ' Iccha Mrityu' and for learning of VEDAS and also to teach the whole

word the same as it not only covers


> 12'th 2'nd and 10'th.




> 3) In 10'th Ju of Tula, helps one person to teach VEDAS and such person doesnt

lie as it aspects 2'nd house(but it is also direct so it is nice) and same Ju is

lord of 12'th and Ju is placed in Tula.




> Ancient scriptures says that when Ju or Mo use to be in Tula person use to be

learned man of VEDAS and Ju should be also in 1, 4, 7 and 10.


> Â


> Swami ji was never inclined towards SEX and MARRIAGE all know very well.


> Â


> But following points doesnt support that Swamiji should have Dhanu Lagna -


> Â


> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


> Â


> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.




> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of









> Â


> tx


> Vishal Kohli




> --- On Tue, 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:




> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>


> Re: Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> , vedic astrology


> Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 6:31 PM








> Namaste " Lalit/Utkal " ,




> Reagrding the authenticity:




> Swami Nikhilananda, who wrote " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " , was a

Ramakrishna Mutt monk who was initiated by Sarada Mata herself! He spent time

with Swami Brahmananada, Swami Saradananda, Swami Premananda and other direct

disciples of Ramakrishna and also with M (Mahendranath Gupta), who recorded the

gospel of Ramakrishna. He had direct access to many people with first-hand

association with Swami Vivekananda. On the other hand, Swami Chetanananda who

wrote the book on the sixteen disciples came much later. He was associated with

the Mutt from 1950 and was initiated in 1960, several generations later. While

Swami Nikhilananda' s book is a biogrpahy of Vivekananda, Swami Chetanananda' s

book is about 16 disciples and it is questionable how much attention he paid to

Swamiji's birthtime.




> Regarding LMT, of course a birthtime in 1860s would be in LMT as there was no

IST. There is nothing " artificial " about it. The birthtime of 6:33 am LMT has

been taken by all well-known astrologers who wrote about Swamiji until now. You

did not know that IST was not in use then, you made the mistake of taking IST

instead of LMT, you got Makara lagna, you got convinced that that is correct and

are now trying to somehow prove you are right. Unfortunately, so much bandwidth

and so much of people's time is being wasted in this exercise.




> I will ignore the rest of your tall claims and " my lollipop is bigger than

yours " exercises.




> Best regards,


> Narasimha


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,


> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


> http://www.VedicAst rologer.org


> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org


> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom


> Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -




> ---- Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:


> > Dear Brother Narsimha,


> >


> > You should think of attributes of makar lagna - great desciples,


> > strong physic etc -


> >


> > Then go for review of kind of physic - Hanuman Ji (offcourse


> > mythological chart) Srila Prabhupad, Gautam Gambhir etc got.


> >


> > Even if you make swami ji's horoscope with birth time 6.33 am, you get


> > makar lagna only but then you and many others starts saying local time


> > should be taken with that time, all the manual efforts for making


> > artificial dhanu lagna for swami ji.


> >


> > Why such a flip flop ?


> >


> > It's seen that all those who dont get god's vision and spiritual


> > experience resort to saying it's hallucination or illusion. What's


> > your elligibility for saying a thing that never happend in your life.


> >


> > You should know that god himself came to me, i saw him with open eyes


> > not in imaginary meditation, this is another revealation for those who


> > are curious, there is no place for any doubt if you are at feet of


> > god.


> >


> > Pls accept the divine urge and do yourself a precise comperative study


> > of both makar lagna vs dhanu lagna chart and find answer for you.


> >


> > Physical achievments have no significance in divine life, Swami


> > Vivekananda was only a BA if you find academic qualification so


> > important.


> >


> > There is no way no evidence to put question mark on authenticity of


> > biography's published in 'god lived with them' by Sri Ram Krishna


> > mission in order to make he world aware of life of top selected


> > desciples by thakur ramkrishna paramhansha, otherwise, world wd never


> > come to know about latu and others.


> >


> > You simply passed an imaginary comment on authenticity, better, if you


> > do correspondance with president and secretary of mission to find


> > answers, such a deflection is unfair.


> >


> > I trust mother divine and thakur for you people to show light and


> > suggest you people to be honest and open for truth, otherwise, no


> > enlightenment.


> >


> > It's said in spirituality - 'pratistha sukari vistha'.


> >


> > We get god's love and a recognition that he gives, we don't bother how


> > world looks at us.


> >


> > Swami Vivekanada was badly criticized by narrow minded hath dharmi


> > pakhandi pandits in his life time, Swami Dayananda was given poison,


> > so, where I m counted, but, We are true, truth and mother's love is


> > our strength.


> >


> > Regards,


> > Lalit/Utkal


> >


> > On 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


> > > Namaste Lalit and others,


> > >


> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:


> > > Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was


> > > gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting



> > > research.


> > >


> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his


> > > biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That



> > > a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and


> > > says " a few minutes before sunrise " .


> > >


> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually



> > > he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.


> > >


> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not


> > > Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and


> > > egoistic mind cannot find truth.


> > >


> > > * * *


> > >


> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had


> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am


> > >> appealing to you.


> > >


> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who


> > > wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and



> > > really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A


> > > few mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.


> > >


> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651


> > >


> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between


> > > the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of


> > > gives a small account of a few of my experiences


> > > with that yogi, which proved some things to me:


> > >


> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481


> > >


> > > * * *


> > >


> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on


> > > Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who



> > > to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit


> > > prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last


> > > 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of



> > >


> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see



> > > your writings, I am quite amazed by the pride, arrogance and



> > > you exhibit in your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!


> > >


> > > Best regards,


> > > Narasimha


> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,


> > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org


> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org


> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom


> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings


> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > >


> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:


> > >


> > >> Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com>


> > >> Divine Revealation : Swami Vivekananda' s Birth Time & Lagna !!


> > >> " Deepak Bisaria " <deepakbisaria@ .co. in>, knrastro (AT) hotmail (DOT)



> > >> kn_rao , " Prashant Kumar G B " <gbp_kumar >,


> > >> " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashek h ar (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, " Narasimha P.V.R.

Rao "


> > >> <pvr108 >, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>


> > >> Cc: " aavesh t " <aavesh_s (AT) (DOT) co.in>, jyotishi55 (AT) gmail (DOT) com, " Ajitkumar


> > >> Benadi " <ajitbenadi>, praspandey (AT) (DOT) co.in, " Mee Shuba

Vela "


> > >> <pkgoteti >


> > >> Saturday, February 6, 2010, 1:38 PM


> > >> It's a day that


> > >> Jyotish world should always remember, people should know


> > >> that God not only helped me but approved my effort for


> > >> finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,


> > >> Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.


> > >>


> > >> This was third time,I visited


> > >> Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I


> > >> was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's


> > >> Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit


> > >> another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,


> > >> they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of


> > >> Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will


> > >> provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi


> > >> got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a


> > >> condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and


> > >> my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -


> > >> It's known, It's known and published by Sri


> > >> RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of


> > >> Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.


> > >>


> > >> Animately, he brought out the book, I


> > >> saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,


> > >> Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -


> > >> Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I


> > >> w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and


> > >> couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time


> > >> to your followers.


> > >>


> > >> The great divine mother has finally


> > >> taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath


> > >> dharmi narrow minded world.


> > >> When God is with a person, he can


> > >> face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to


> > >> you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd


> > >> correct themselves however they are free at their


> > >> end.


> > >>


> > >> It's said that - " Jin


> > >> Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah


> > >> Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .


> > >>


> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had


> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am


> > >> appealing to you.


> > >>


> > >> regards,


> > >> Lalit Mishra.





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Gopi Ji,


As you are not born with dhanu lagna rather born with scorpio as you said in

other group, Your nose is not sharp or pointed.


With sun in lagna baldness is obvious for you, had there be Venus in lagna you

could have good amt of hairs.


Swami ji doesnt get sun in his makar lagna rather gets venus in lagna, therefore

he had beautiful hairs.


Hope it helps you.


On Tue Feb 16th, 2010 10:37 AM EST gopal krishna goel wrote:



>Dear SIr,

>Sun rise on Jan 12 , 1863 was 6.46.43 according to Calcutta local


>In those days !ST was not in use.


>G. K. Goel




>address: L-409 Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110076


>tel: 011-26943689, 011-41403352,


>mobile: 09350311433







>Tue, 16 Feb 2010 06:33:25 +0000

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time























Dear Brother Narshimha,




>Question is why you are putting incorrect misleading reasoning to members -




>Review -




>Both 6.49 am and 6.33 am is time before sunrise that day. Why you are leaving

one while advocating another.




>What weightage Parashara gave to D9, D10, D20, D30 in terms of rupa , refer to

that before presenting these D charts as independent charts and even more

important charts than the natal lagna chart.




>Why writing in misleading manner, come forward and post a comperative study

using both the lagna giving shlokas from classics in your support, do not air

your opinion only justifying to your incorrect approach that has no ground.




>Well, as you have circulated dozens of researches based on incorrect lagna and

time, wd be difficult for you to correct yourself, well understood.




>You are comfortably overlooking the fact that there is no birth time like 6.33

am, Refer to scanned copy of Yug Nayak Vivekananda, encyclopedic biography of

swami ji, this is already sent to you.




>Rohini Ranjan ji has already gaven details in JR group how incorrect 6.33 pm

circulated which several people took as 6.33 am assuming a typo. 6.33 pm was

published in 1908's AM by somebody and 6.33 pm is used in notable horoscope by

BV Raman.




>I also gave a history referring to Devakinandan Singh who learn astrology in

1898 and written that dhanu lagna kundali is wrong in his book published in

1934, he was among those first people who got makar lagna kundali.




>You can very well check swami ji's healthy physic with mild obesity and his

face, sun in lagna give rather slender physic, you can refer to classics, sun

gives sharp pointed nose etc, if you look at his photographs you wd find his

nose is flat, look at his beautiful black hairs and remember venus in lagna in

meena navamsa, when jup is in venusian sign in 10th.




>Do not ignore leadership given by ruchaka mahapurush yoga in makar lagna

kundali, in 4th which receives jup's aspect from 10th, this defines purpose of





>Most important is timing of his death, wd you take pains to elaborte resons by

quoting shlokas from classics.




>That's open for you.






> , Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:




>> Namaste friends,




>> > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami



>> > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than wasting


>> > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)




>> You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the teachings

of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of Ramakrishna "

compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in my view).




>> However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.




>> * * *




>> Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying

that he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons

for 6:33 am.




>> The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he was

born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books sounds

like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely change to

Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji should have

9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th.

However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained

with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and give

credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on thumbrules and

not-so-deep knowledge.




>> For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on Sg

lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related to

divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another day.




>> (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).


>> (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.


>> (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with



>> (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with Cp

lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great



>> (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.


>> (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn

and Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!). This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.


>> (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.


>> (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it is

conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.


>> (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared

based on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He

was indeed a leader of men.


>> (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there, the

10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion.

Saturn-Rahu-Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities

and sadhana.




>> * * *




>> BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda's words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak





>> Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent

person cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide

to throw light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain

in the dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may

sometimes focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself

later. Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda

had was probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately

always. At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni

vrata, while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed

demons, while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and

rishis come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may

change from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and

wrong may change from

place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific job

to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different time

compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on astrology if

he were back here today.




>> Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone

posted a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did

not get time then to do so.




>> Best regards,


>> Narasimha


>> -------------------------


>> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,


>> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


>> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org


>> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFilms.org


>> Spirituality:


>> Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings


>> -------------------------




>> > Namaste Lalit and others,


>> >


>> > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda's book ( " God Lived With Them:

Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.


>> >


>> > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda's birthtime is his

biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda). That is a

more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a

few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.


>> >


>> > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually

thinks he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.


>> >


>> > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.


>> >


>> > * * *


>> >


>> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had


>> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am


>> > > appealing to you.


>> >


>> > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.


>> >


>> > /message/3651


>> >


>> > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with that yogi,

which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi actually

satisfied the skeptic in me.


>> >


>> > /message/3481


>> >


>> > * * *


>> >


>> > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.


>> >


>> > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see in

your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails. My

friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!


>> >


>> > Best regards,


>> > Narasimha


>> >


>> > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@> wrote:


>> >


>> > > It's a day that


>> > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know


>> > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for


>> > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,


>> > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.


>> > >


>> > > This was third time,I visited


>> > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I


>> > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's


>> > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit


>> > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,


>> > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of


>> > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will


>> > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi


>> > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a


>> > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and


>> > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -


>> > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri


>> > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of


>> > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.


>> > >


>> > > Animately, he brought out the book, I


>> > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,


>> > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -


>> > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I


>> > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and


>> > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time


>> > > to your followers.


>> > >


>> > > The great divine mother has finally


>> > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath


>> > > dharmi narrow minded world.


>> > > When God is with a person, he can


>> > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to


>> > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd


>> > > correct themselves however they are free at their


>> > > end.


>> > >


>> > > It's said that - " Jin


>> > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah


>> > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .


>> > >


>> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had


>> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am


>> > > appealing to you.


>> > >


>> > > regards,


>> > > Lalit Mishra.






















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If you are presenting a case in public and then claiming I have provided such

and such evidence to such and such person in private, does it make sense?


Why should I take it from anyone. You presented the case, you provide the

evidence. Or else discuss in private with people whom you have sent private








Rama Naama Satya Hai..


--- On Wed, 17/2/10, utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi wrote:



utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi

Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


Wednesday, 17 February, 2010, 10:09 AM









All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from him.


Read all the biographies of Swami Vivekananda.




, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...> wrote:


> Namaste,


> Though it was for Narasimha, I could not help but reply since this is a public



> And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD



> You mean to say you have never made a wrong prediction in your life? Funny

logic you guys have. Show me one astrologer who has NEVER made a wrong

prediction. If you say you have never made a wrong prediction, I will say either

you don't know astrology to even go and try to predict anything, or you are a

plain liar.



> So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.


> Can you or someone from your camp kindly provide the link to this forum which

shows that Nikhilananda' s second work " rectified " the timing? I am curious to

know. The link that was provided does not work.



> In another mail it was claimed both the times 6:33 and 6:47 are before

sunrise. The panchang for that day shows the sunrise to have happened exactly at

6:47. Therefore, 6:47 is not before sunrise but exactly at sunrise. Whereas the

biography says Vivekananda was born " before sunrise " .


> So instead of writting so long long garbage


> If you feel what he wrote is garbage why have you been responding for so long?

Or maybe any idea that is alingned to your idea is garbage for you? Another most

interesting thing I observed is that " makar lagna " camp take to abusing and

using foul language at the drop of a hat. Maybe they feel lack of manners is

something to be proud of. Probably they do not understand the word " civil

discourse " . That two people can chose to disagree without being

abusing/uncivil must be an alien idea to these people.


> Pawan Maurya, disagree but in a civil manner. If others start using harsh

langauge things can get really ugly.


> -Regards

>  Rajarshi


> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


> --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Astro Talk <astro.talk@ ...> wrote:



> Astro Talk <astro.talk@ ...>

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 1:25 PM







> Dear Narashimha,


> You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any how that

BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had shown.


> And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD



> But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.


> After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.


> Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology like you say

6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon is associated by

Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.


> So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.


> Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is being

aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also abused your GUrus

because of same reason.


> Regards,

> Pawan Maurya


> --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> JyotishWritings

> Cc: , vedic astrology

> Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 4:42 AM




> Namaste friends,


> > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami Vivekanadajee,

> > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than wasting

> > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)


> You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the teachings

of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of Ramakrishna "

compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in my view).


> However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.


> * * *


> Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying that

he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons for

6:33 am.


> The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he was

born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books sounds

like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely change to

Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji should have

9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th.

However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained

with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and give

credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on thumbrules and

not-so-deep knowledge.


> For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on Sg

lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related to

divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another day.


> (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

> (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

> (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


> (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with Cp

lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


> (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

> (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn and

Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

> (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it is

conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared based

on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He was

indeed a leader of men.

> (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there, the

10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-

Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.


> * * *


> BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak



> Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent person

cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide to throw

light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain in the

dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may sometimes

focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself later.

Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda had was

probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately always.

At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni vrata,

while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed demons,

while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and rishis

come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may change

from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and wrong

may change from

> place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific

job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different

time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on

astrology if he were back here today.


> Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone posted

a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did not get

time then to do so.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > Namaste Lalit and others,

> >

> > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:

Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> >

> > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his

biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That is a

more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a

few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.

> >

> > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually thinks

he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> >

> > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > appealing to you.

> >

> > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> >

> > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> >

> > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with that yogi,

which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi actually

satisfied the skeptic in me.

> >

> > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.

> >

> > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see in

your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails. My

friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> >

> > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > > It's a day that

> > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > >

> > > This was third time,I visited

> > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > >

> > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > to your followers.

> > >

> > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > end.

> > >

> > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > >

> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > appealing to you.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > > Lalit Mishra.


> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

http://in.. com/



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// Mine as well. Don't take things personally, debate with a free mind:) //


Nandy Sahab, I am not taking things personally.


Now i would like to stop myself from replying you as it looks that you are

getting too much hurt.


// Vedic day does not change at midnight, in case you did not know.//


Kindly let me know VERSE number from any of the 4 VEDAS in which there is talk

of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc etc…


// Sure. Please mention which translation are you referring to.


Please mention whose interpretation of the same? Every body seems to have

interpretated it to suit their conditionings. //


But Rajarshi Sahab, Kindly refer to copies of BPHS by G C Sharma and Jaimini

Upadesha Sutra by Mr Sanjay Rath and both copies of those classics are endorsed

by SJC itself.


You will get to know that i am saying right !


Kindly read Chapter 35 Shlokas from 2-8.(BPHS)


Kindly read first chapter, Second quarter of Jaimini Sutra.


You will get the point that i am saying right about AK or Swamsha being in

pisces and also kindly read about lord of 12'th house from both basic classics

for final emancipation.


4'th and 12'th have been talked for Moksha in classics.


Narashimha, raised point from Swami Nikhilanad's biography but when ppl are

showing second biography by Swami Nikhilanand then why he is not accepting the



Swami Nikhlanand ji has written in second biography (corrected himself) that

Swamiji was having 6:49 AM as birth timing after Sun Rise.


Kindly go to 'Jyotish Remedies' or Vedic Astrologyandhealing' group and check

scanned copy from files section, put by Mr Rohiniranjan and Mr Utkal.


Good bye !



Vishal Kohli



, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 wrote:


> Dear Vishal,


> Kindly check some more answers. Good to see your respond back.


> -Regards

>  Rajarshi




> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


> --- On Tue, 16/2/10, vkohli38 <vkohli38 wrote:



> vkohli38 <vkohli38

> Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 10:17 PM







> Dear Nandi,


> I am again amused at your posting ….


> See points as below:-


> // Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows

a very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had. //


> Everybody using DOB as 12'th Jan 1863, now see your logic for Vivekanand being

majestic personality.



> 12'th Jan 1863 was Monday.

> He was born " before sunrise " .  Sunrise happened at 6:47 am.  Vedic day does

not change at midnight, in case you did not know.

> // Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and

majestic personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and

observation of Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic

personality trait I mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being

" untruthful " . Funny world

> we live in-:) //


> Narashimha was talking of the birth details based on Swami Nikhilanand' s

works. But he was not aware that in later works, Swami Nikhilanand wrote

Swamijis details as 6:49AM, ie after Sun-Rise as pointed out by Mr Rohini Ranjan

and Mr Utkal Panigrahi.

> If you follow the mails properly I had been asking people to provide a link to

the scanned copy of any of his later works, but none was provided. Instead it

was said such has been sent to such and such people.  Also, Swami Nikhilananda

mentioned about Vivekananda being born before sunrise. If I take your

proposition that Vivekananda was born at 6:47, that is exactly at sunrise, NOT

before sunrise.  See the dichotomy?



> Now, Narashimha is abusing Swami Nikhilanands works, as he always does because

Pawan pointed about his BAD JUPITER.


> Abusing? Do you understand english? Infact the only abuses I have seen till

now has come from you and your friends.


> // AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the

most imp

> criterion for same.


> I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

> not have a vargottama AK in meena. //


> It looks that, your basics are quite loose.


> And I can see your " god gifted " basics! Right. LOL.


> Kindly read BPHS chapter 35 shloka number 2-8.



> Sure. Please mention which translation are you refer to.


> And also read Jaimini Sutra, chapter first second quarter.


> Please mention whose interpretation of the same? Every body seems to have

interpretated it to suit their conditionings.



> // Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of sanyasa

yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


> You said the same and raise the point of Mo being in drekkana of Sa.


> I am again pasting your wordings…


> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's



> And where did I mention Bhava here? Now I am seriously doubtful of your

comprehension skills! Drekkan is not bhava. It is a varga. Know the difference

between the two?


> Go and read other classics also like Jataka Parijata, Saravali, Phaladeepika,

Bhavartha Ratnakar also instead of BPHS only just to get the point about Mo in

Navamsha of Sa.

> Thank you for the advise-;)



> //

> Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,Vivekanada himself did not have it,

Ma Sarada did not have that combination, Lahiri Baba did not have it. //


> Good to see that you are also having birth details of other persons like you

do have Swamiji's 6:33, wrong one.


> Sure I do. As I said, do not consider your knowledge or the lack of it to be a

parameter for the world of jyotish. You maybe ignorant, but the whole world is

not so, I hope you understand that dear friend:) The birth details of all these

people are available easily for anyone curious to know.


> From where you have downloaded documents for the just to get details of those

ppl, SJC ??


> If you can " read books " , and " biographies " you can easily find them. For the

nth time, your knowing or not knowing something is hardly a paramter in the

world of jyotish. :)


> Here, Historians dont know era of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but they know

chart of Krsna.


> Ramakrishna and his people were born in the last 200 years, not 2000

years. Your sweeping generalizations cannot hide your ignorance! Eveyrthing

about Ramakrishna's life is well recorded. Kindly read.



> hen he talks of sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


> I am amused at your above points.


> I am sure you would be. As this conversatoin progresses, both you and I will

find more cause for mutual amusement, I am sure.


> Except D-9 all charts have not counted on same level to D-1, BPHS says same,

atleast read one time some classics.


> But Parashara mentions very clearly about different varga charts and what they

should be used for. It is as simple as that.



> Download more articles from internet.


> Is that what you do? :)


> // So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1. //


> But you gave one point of Ve's direct drishti on 7'th as one criterion to Fix

D-1. Now you are retracting from your raised points.


> What retracting? I said if lagna is Makara, Venus will aspect 7th house. Is

this simple thing so difficult for you to understand?


> For Dhanu lagna, go and see Ju is giving direct drishti on 5'th(For having

progeny) and 7'th(spouse) .


> For 6.33, his varga charts do not support children or spouse as well. As I

said right at the beginning, for recitification a look at the Varga charts can

be very useful, of course, IF you know how to use them that is.


> // Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house inÂ

order for it to manifest sanyansa. //


> Materialistic desires come from 7'th house also and for Makara Lagna, Cancer

would be seventh house and Mo being lord of 7'th, would be in Drekkana of Saturn

and in D-1 Mo with Sa. Now judge the point of Sanyasa from this point of view.


> I have already explained this point in the previous mail about how one

specific combination of sanyasa yoga does not need any asociation with the 7th

lord or house.


> it of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not have

rasi dristi Sir. //


> But you wrote yourself following lines…


> Venus will have direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent

combination for

> marriage.


> Before going into dristis, do you understand the difference between Rasi

dristi and graha dristi? Please read up.


> // With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

> " leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination. //


> On this earth all leonine ppl don't use to have Sun in lagna.


> If we are given a choice between two charts, where one has sun in dhanu (mitra

rasi) lagna and venus + merc in makar lagna and asked who would have a more

majestic personaltiy, anyone who knows even basic jyotish would say dhanu



> // Parashara mentiones vargas upto Vimsamsa //


> Are you saying right ??


> Why don't you read you BPHS and find out for youself. He mentiones vargas

including shastyamsas as well, which (d60) he says, can be used to judge



> // Thank you for the compliments- ;). //


> Again compliments for so beautifull mail!


> Appreciation !


> Mine as well. Don't take things personally, debate with a free mind:)


> TX,

> Vikash Kohli


> Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> Rama Naama Satya Hai..



> Good to see you chanting it!




> , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Vishal,

> >  

> > Please check some answers below.

> >  

> > Regards

> > Rajarshi

> >

> >

> >

> > Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> >

> > --- On Fri, 12/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38@ .> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vishal Kohli <vkohli38@ .>

> > Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> >

> > Friday, 12 February, 2010, 3:30 PM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Nandi OX (Bael),

> >  

> > I am happy to get your response but have a look at following points which

you wrote :-

> > I am sure you would be happy, that is precisely why I responded-;)

> >  

> > **********

> > Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.

> > **********

> >  

> > Here we are trying to fix D-1 but it is good to see that you even can tell

us about Vimsamsa of Swami Vivekanand. Wonderfull !!!,

> >  

> > Exactly. A chart rectification often needs checking up various

vargas. Further, I did not speak of " rectification " of Vimsamsa, but rather,

that to understand if a person can attain Moksha or not, a rasi chart maybe

insufficient.  There must some reason why Parashara mentiones vargas upto

Vimsamsa and says one must look at Vimsamsa for the sake of " upasana " .

So your claims that a mere 12th house in the rasi chart is sufficient to

decide if the chart can belong to a person like Vivekananda, is shallow, to put

it midly. Your knowledge or the lack of it cannot be the parameter for

judgement of chart rectifications, don't you think so?

> > **********

> > Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably

> > **********

> >  

> > Again same point.

> >  

> > Same from my side too.

> >

> > I am amused to see that you even know about his Vimsamsa chart. I think

you are the best astrologer to fix birth timing even upto minutes and seconds.

Appreciation !

> >  

> > Thank you for the compliments- ;).  As I said, your lack of knowledge is

not a parameter for everyone.  Also, to merely look at a rasi chart and

suggest such and such indicates Moksha, in my humble opinion, is foolishness of

the first order. There are hundreds of charts will beautiful 12th house in rasi,

who are nowhere close to spirituality, leave aside moksha.

> >

> > For moksha there are many criterions but we dont know the lagna of him as we

are fixing it, so we have to remain stick to D-1,

> >  

> > In that case we should not jump to the conclusion that a good 12th house in

D1 is enough to indicate moksha. That is all I have been trying to say.

> >  

> >  

> > AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the

most imp criterion for same.

> >  

> > I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha

do not have a vargottama AK in meena. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,

Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma Sarada did not have that combination,

Lahiri Baba did not have it. What good is a principle that does not work

in the charts of most of the famous self realized saints? 

> >  

> > So I think you don’t have to tell many criterions for Moksha as I am

well read of classics not of handful but many.

> >  

> > I am not doubting your knowledge of scriptures-; ).

> >  

> >

> >

> > ************

> > When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's


> > ***********

> >  

> > Go and check the position of Mo in D-3 for both birth timings(though 4

timings are being circulated and 3 of them of Makara Lagna) about which ppl are

talking. I am amazed to see that instead of Bhava posn of Mo in D-3 you are

talking of Mo's position in a Rashi in a D-3 !

> >  

> > Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of

sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas.

> >  

> >

> >  

> > Do you know how much time Moon will take to change its position from one

Rashi of D-3 to another Rashi of D-3.

> >  

> > Irrelevant.

> >

> >  

> > So now apply your own point ie *****moon in shani's drekkana**** * for other

birth timing also. You will find that Mo is also in same Rashi ie of Sa.

> >  

> >  

> > Excellent. Therefore it shows he was ment to be a sanyasi one way or the

other. So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1.

> >  

> > ************ ******

> > That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th house

from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.

> >  

> > With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for


> > ************ ******

> >  

> > Why you dont apply Rashi drishti of Ve on 7'th house if we take Makara as


> >  

> > Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do

not have rasi dristi Sir. Also Makar rasi will never have rasi drsiti

on karkat. Also I don't think you understood what I wrote. I already mentioned

that Venus can have " graha drisit " on 7th house IF we take Makara lagna

> >  

> > I think it doesnt suit you well to distort the truth so you didnt write

about it instead you wrote Rashi Drishti of Sa+Mo on seventh.

> >  

> > [:D] Learn more-:) Please do not consider your lack of understanding to

be a paramter of jyotish knowledge or of the English language.

> >  

> > If we take Makara as Lagna will Ve give Rashi aspect on 7’th ??

> >  

> > Once again, Makara cannot have " rasi dristi " on 7th house.

> >  

> > If we take makara as lagna, then Mo will become lord of seventh and now see

its occupation in D-3 and it is in Saturn's Rashi which you wrote.

> >  

> > Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house

in order for it to manifest sanyansa.

> >  

> > And i have already shown that for both birth timings Moon will remain in

same Rashi in D-3 that is of Sa which clearly shows denial of mariage

according to D-3 concept but for Makara Lagna.

> >  

> > Not for Makara lagna, but for both lagnas, IF the D-3 position of moon does

not change from saturnine house. For Makara lagna, VENUS gives GRAHA DRISTI ON

7TH HOUSE. Understood?

> >

> > You wrote point related to Mo's position in D-3 but dont want to take makara

lagna which will clearly give you Mo as lord of seventh and denial of marriage

by D-3 as Mo in Saturns’ dreskkana.

> >  

> > Once again, for ONE specific combination of sanyasa Yoga to work

moon must be in conjuction with shani and in shani's drekkan or navamsa. It need

not be associated with 7th house or lord. Secondly, a person wil venus and

merc in lagna has a different kind of personality with a person with sun in a

friendly lagna for sun.

> >  

> > Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny

world we live in-:) 

> >

> > TX

> > Vishal Kohli

> >  





> >  

> > Keep chanting that more, it may eventually help you to reduce your ego -:)

> >  

> >

> > --- On Thu, 2/11/10, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ . co.in> wrote:

> >

> > rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ . co.in>

> > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> >

> > Thursday, February 11, 2010, 1:03 PM

> >

> >  

> >

> > Dear VIshal,

> >  

> > Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

> > to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.

> >  

> > Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.

> >  

> > Iccha mrityu is something so high up that normal jyotish analysis of basic

12th house etc are not sufficient. Infact most of us in this forum do have the

necessary level of jyotish expertise to predict from a chart if a person can

acquire iccha mrityu or not.

> >

> > Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards


> >  

> > Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably.

> >  

> > Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows

a very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had.

> >  

> > With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination.

> >  

> > If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.

> >  

> > And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral

but it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it

shows he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.

> >

> > But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial

of mariage.

> >  

> >  

> > When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's

drekkana. That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th

house from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.

> >  

> > With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for


> >  

> > -Regards

> >  Rajarshi

> >  

> >  

> >  

> >

> > Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> >

> > --- On Wed, 10/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 > wrote:

> >

> > Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 >

> > Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> >

> > Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 6:42 PM

> >

> >  

> >

> > Dear Folks,

> > I think this issue of fixing lagna of Swamiji is very interestng and it

attracted me to give my inputs.

> >

> > I would like to shed some light over Makar Lagna Chart and Dhanur Lagna

Chart of Swami Ji.

> >

> > Most important thing to see in his chart is the study of 12'th house -

> >

> > If one take Dhanu as lagna then 12'th house is very much afflicted -

> >

> > 1) 12'th house is having Rahu

> >

> > 2) Sa is giving aspect over it in 12'th.

> >

> > 3) Ma is giving aspect over 12'th house.

> >

> > Three malefics aspecting 12'th house, now one may imagine about the 'Iccha

Mrityu' of Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

> > to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.

> >

> > Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards


> >

> > Ancient classics dont support from above points that this should be

horoscope(Dhanu Lagna) of one great Swami.

> >

> > If one take Makar Lagna :-

> >

> > 1) 12'th would be having Su, so he wander around the world.

> >

> > 2) Lord of 12'th, Jupiter and it goes to tenth and it aspects 2'nd house,

nice yoga for ' Iccha Mrityu' and for learning of VEDAS and also to teach the

whole word the same as it not only covers

> > 12'th 2'nd and 10'th.

> >

> > 3) In 10'th Ju of Tula, helps one person to teach VEDAS and such person

doesnt lie as it aspects 2'nd house(but it is also direct so it is nice) and

same Ju is lord of 12'th and Ju is placed in Tula.

> >

> > Ancient scriptures says that when Ju or Mo use to be in Tula person use to

be learned man of VEDAS and Ju should be also in 1, 4, 7 and 10.

> >  

> > Swami ji was never inclined towards SEX and MARRIAGE all know very well.

> >  

> > But following points doesnt support that Swamiji should have Dhanu Lagna -

> >  

> > If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.

> >  

> > And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral

but it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it

shows he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.

> >

> > But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial

of mariage.

> >




> >  

> > tx

> > Vishal Kohli

> >

> > --- On Tue, 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> >

> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > Re: Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth


> > , vedic astrology

> > Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 6:31 PM

> >

> >  

> >

> > Namaste " Lalit/Utkal " ,

> >

> > Reagrding the authenticity:

> >

> > Swami Nikhilananda, who wrote " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " , was a

Ramakrishna Mutt monk who was initiated by Sarada Mata herself! He spent time

with Swami Brahmananada, Swami Saradananda, Swami Premananda and other direct

disciples of Ramakrishna and also with M (Mahendranath Gupta), who recorded the

gospel of Ramakrishna. He had direct access to many people with first-hand

association with Swami Vivekananda. On the other hand, Swami Chetanananda who

wrote the book on the sixteen disciples came much later. He was associated with

the Mutt from 1950 and was initiated in 1960, several generations later. While

Swami Nikhilananda' s book is a biogrpahy of Vivekananda, Swami Chetanananda' s

book is about 16 disciples and it is questionable how much attention he paid to

Swamiji's birthtime.

> >

> > Regarding LMT, of course a birthtime in 1860s would be in LMT as there was

no IST. There is nothing " artificial " about it. The birthtime of 6:33 am LMT has

been taken by all well-known astrologers who wrote about Swamiji until now. You

did not know that IST was not in use then, you made the mistake of taking IST

instead of LMT, you got Makara lagna, you got convinced that that is correct and

are now trying to somehow prove you are right. Unfortunately, so much bandwidth

and so much of people's time is being wasted in this exercise.

> >

> > I will ignore the rest of your tall claims and " my lollipop is bigger than

yours " exercises.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > ---- Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

> > > Dear Brother Narsimha,

> > >

> > > You should think of attributes of makar lagna - great desciples,

> > > strong physic etc -

> > >

> > > Then go for review of kind of physic - Hanuman Ji (offcourse

> > > mythological chart) Srila Prabhupad, Gautam Gambhir etc got.

> > >

> > > Even if you make swami ji's horoscope with birth time 6.33 am, you get

> > > makar lagna only but then you and many others starts saying local time

> > > should be taken with that time, all the manual efforts for making

> > > artificial dhanu lagna for swami ji.

> > >

> > > Why such a flip flop ?

> > >

> > > It's seen that all those who dont get god's vision and spiritual

> > > experience resort to saying it's hallucination or illusion. What's

> > > your elligibility for saying a thing that never happend in your life.

> > >

> > > You should know that god himself came to me, i saw him with open eyes

> > > not in imaginary meditation, this is another revealation for those who

> > > are curious, there is no place for any doubt if you are at feet of

> > > god.

> > >

> > > Pls accept the divine urge and do yourself a precise comperative study

> > > of both makar lagna vs dhanu lagna chart and find answer for you.

> > >

> > > Physical achievments have no significance in divine life, Swami

> > > Vivekananda was only a BA if you find academic qualification so

> > > important.

> > >

> > > There is no way no evidence to put question mark on authenticity of

> > > biography's published in 'god lived with them' by Sri Ram Krishna

> > > mission in order to make he world aware of life of top selected

> > > desciples by thakur ramkrishna paramhansha, otherwise, world wd never

> > > come to know about latu and others.

> > >

> > > You simply passed an imaginary comment on authenticity, better, if you

> > > do correspondance with president and secretary of mission to find

> > > answers, such a deflection is unfair.

> > >

> > > I trust mother divine and thakur for you people to show light and

> > > suggest you people to be honest and open for truth, otherwise, no

> > > enlightenment.

> > >

> > > It's said in spirituality - 'pratistha sukari vistha'.

> > >

> > > We get god's love and a recognition that he gives, we don't bother how

> > > world looks at us.

> > >

> > > Swami Vivekanada was badly criticized by narrow minded hath dharmi

> > > pakhandi pandits in his life time, Swami Dayananda was given poison,

> > > so, where I m counted, but, We are true, truth and mother's love is

> > > our strength.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Lalit/Utkal

> > >

> > > On 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> > > > Namaste Lalit and others,

> > > >

> > > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With


> > > > Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

> > > > gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting


> > > > research.

> > > >

> > > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is


> > > > biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) .

That is

> > > > a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am


> > > > says " a few minutes before sunrise " .

> > > >

> > > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually


> > > > he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> > > >

> > > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

> > > > Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed


> > > > egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > >> appealing to you.

> > > >

> > > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

> > > > wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and


> > > > really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana.


> > > > few mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> > > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> > > >

> > > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference


> > > > the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

> > > > gives a small account of a few of my experiences

> > > > with that yogi, which proved some things to me:

> > > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

> > > > Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who


> > > > to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand


> > > > prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the


> > > > 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of


> > > >

> > > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see


> > > > your writings, I am quite amazed by the pride, arrogance and


> > > > you exhibit in your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> > > >

> > > > Best regards,

> > > > Narasimha

> > > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >> Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com>

> > > >> Divine Revealation : Swami Vivekananda' s Birth Time & Lagna


> > > >> " Deepak Bisaria " <deepakbisaria@ .co. in>, knrastro (AT) hotmail (DOT)


> > > >> kn_rao , " Prashant Kumar G B " <gbp_kumar >,

> > > >> " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashek h ar (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, " Narasimha

P.V.R. Rao "

> > > >> <pvr108 >, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > > >> Cc: " aavesh t " <aavesh_s (AT) (DOT) co.in>, jyotishi55 (AT) gmail (DOT) com,

" Ajitkumar

> > > >> Benadi " <ajitbenadi>, praspandey (AT) (DOT) co.in, " Mee Shuba

Vela "

> > > >> <pkgoteti >

> > > >> Saturday, February 6, 2010, 1:38 PM

> > > >> It's a day that

> > > >> Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > >> that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > >> finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > >> Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > > >>

> > > >> This was third time,I visited

> > > >> Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > >> was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > >> Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > >> another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > >> they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > >> Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > >> provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > >> got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > >> condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > >> my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > >> It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > >> RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > >> Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > > >>

> > > >> Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > >> saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > >> Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > >> Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > >> w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > >> couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > >> to your followers.

> > > >>

> > > >> The great divine mother has finally

> > > >> taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > >> dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > >> When God is with a person, he can

> > > >> face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > >> you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > >> correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > >> end.

> > > >>

> > > >> It's said that - " Jin

> > > >> Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > >> Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > > >>

> > > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > >> appealing to you.

> > > >>

> > > >> regards,

> > > >> Lalit Mishra.

> >

> >

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Did you collect scanned pages from PV Narsimha,


Why on earth should I get it from anyone other than you, when you are the

one making the claim in a public forum? Odd! You make a claim in a forum, then

say for evidence ask such and such person!


 first get them, read all biographies including the one written by rolland

romain, swami chetananda and encyclopedic biography YUGNAYAK VIVEKANANDA which

is in 3 volumes including those two biographies written by swami nikhilananda,

in his 2nd book when he gave 6.49 am as birth time, no other question stands.


Actually a LOT of question still stands which I have not yet touched upon in

this discussion. I was just getting warmed up!-:)


Nobody including PV Narsimha wd suggest you that Swami Ji's day of birth is

sunday and sunday prolonged upto 6.33 or 6.49 am.


When did sunday end? Midnight? Maybe for people with western sense of day

divisions. Normally, most astrologers consider the start of a day from sunrise

not midnight. The sunrise happened on 6.47 LST Calcutta on that day.In a forum

of jyotishis, one should be technically correct.  


Get those scanned pages first.


Why don't you sent it here to the forum?





Rama Naama Satya Hai..


--- On Wed, 17/2/10, Utkal Panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi wrote:



Utkal Panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi

Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


Wednesday, 17 February, 2010, 3:49 PM









Did you collect scanned pages from PV Narsimha, first get them, read all

biographies including the one written by rolland romain, swami chetananda and

encyclopedic biography YUGNAYAK VIVEKANANDA which is in 3 volumes including

those two biographies written by swami nikhilananda, in his 2nd book when he

gave 6.49 am as birth time, no other question stands.


Nobody including PV Narsimha wd suggest you that Swami Ji's day of birth is

sunday and sunday prolonged upto 6.33 or 6.49 am.


Get those scanned pages first.


On Wed Feb 17th, 2010 2:27 AM EST rajarshi nandy wrote:


>Dear Vishal,


>Kindly check some more answers. Good to see your respond back.



> Rajarshi




>Rama Naama Satya Hai..


>--- On Tue, 16/2/10, vkohli38 <vkohli38 > wrote:



>vkohli38 <vkohli38 >

> Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


>Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 10:17 PM







>Dear Nandi,


>I am again amused at your posting ….


>See points as below:-


>// Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows

a very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had. //


>Everybody using DOB as 12'th Jan 1863, now see your logic for Vivekanand being

majestic personality.



>12'th Jan 1863 was Monday.

>He was born " before sunrise " .  Sunrise happened at 6:47 am.  Vedic day does

not change at midnight, in case you did not know.

>// Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny


>we live in-:) //


>Narashimha was talking of the birth details based on Swami Nikhilanand' s

works. But he was not aware that in later works, Swami Nikhilanand wrote

Swamijis details as 6:49AM, ie after Sun-Rise as pointed out by Mr Rohini Ranjan

and Mr Utkal Panigrahi.

>If you follow the mails properly I had been asking people to provide a link to

the scanned copy of any of his later works, but none was provided. Instead it

was said such has been sent to such and such people.  Also, Swami Nikhilananda

mentioned about Vivekananda being born before sunrise. If I take your

proposition that Vivekananda was born at 6:47, that is exactly at sunrise, NOT

before sunrise.  See the dichotomy?



>Now, Narashimha is abusing Swami Nikhilanands works, as he always does because

Pawan pointed about his BAD JUPITER.


>Abusing? Do you understand english? Infact the only abuses I have seen till now

has come from you and your friends.


>// AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most


>criterion for same.


>I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

>not have a vargottama AK in meena. //


>It looks that, your basics are quite loose.


>And I can see your " god gifted " basics! Right. LOL.


>Kindly read BPHS chapter 35 shloka number 2-8.



>Sure. Please mention which translation are you refer to.


>And also read Jaimini Sutra, chapter first second quarter.


>Please mention whose interpretation of the same? Every body seems to have

interpretated it to suit their conditionings.



>// Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of sanyasa

yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


>You said the same and raise the point of Mo being in drekkana of Sa.


>I am again pasting your wordings…


>When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's



>And where did I mention Bhava here? Now I am seriously doubtful of your

comprehension skills! Drekkan is not bhava. It is a varga. Know the difference

between the two?


>Go and read other classics also like Jataka Parijata, Saravali, Phaladeepika,

Bhavartha Ratnakar also instead of BPHS only just to get the point about Mo in

Navamsha of Sa.

>Thank you for the advise-;)




>Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma

Sarada did not have that combination, Lahiri Baba did not have it. //


>Good to see that you are also having birth details of other persons like you do

have Swamiji's 6:33, wrong one.


>Sure I do. As I said, do not consider your knowledge or the lack of it to be a

parameter for the world of jyotish. You maybe ignorant, but the whole world is

not so, I hope you understand that dear friend:) The birth details of all these

people are available easily for anyone curious to know.


>From where you have downloaded documents for the just to get details of those

ppl, SJC ??


>If you can " read books " , and " biographies " you can easily find them. For the

nth time, your knowing or not knowing something is hardly a paramter in the

world of jyotish. :)


>Here, Historians dont know era of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but they know chart

of Krsna.


>Ramakrishna and his people were born in the last 200 years, not 2000

years. Your sweeping generalizations  cannot hide your ignorance! Eveyrthing

about Ramakrishna' s life is well recorded. Kindly read.



>hen he talks of sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


>I am amused at your above points.


>I am sure you would be. As this conversatoin progresses, both you and I will

find more cause for mutual amusement, I am sure.


>Except D-9 all charts have not counted on same level to D-1, BPHS says same,

atleast read one time some classics.


>But Parashara mentions very clearly about different varga charts and what they

should be used for. It is as simple as that.



>Download more articles from internet.


>Is that what you do? :)


>// So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1. //


>But you gave one point of Ve's direct drishti on 7'th as one criterion to Fix

D-1. Now you are retracting from your raised points.


>What retracting? I said if lagna is Makara, Venus will aspect 7th house. Is

this simple thing so difficult for you to understand?


>For Dhanu lagna, go and see Ju is giving direct drishti on 5'th(For having

progeny) and 7'th(spouse) .


>For 6.33, his varga charts do not support children or spouse as well. As I

said right at the beginning, for recitification a look at the Varga charts can

be very useful, of course, IF you know how to use them that is.


>// Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house inÂ

order for it to manifest sanyansa. //


>Materialistic desires come from 7'th house also and for Makara Lagna, Cancer

would be seventh house and Mo being lord of 7'th, would be in Drekkana of Saturn

and in D-1 Mo with Sa. Now judge the point of Sanyasa from this point of view.


>I have already explained this point in the previous mail about how one specific

combination of sanyasa yoga does not need any asociation with the 7th lord or



>it of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not have rasi

dristi Sir. //


>But you wrote yourself following lines…


>Venus will have direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent

combination for



>Before going into dristis, do you understand the difference between Rasi dristi

and graha dristi? Please read up.


>// With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

> " leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination. //


>On this earth all leonine ppl don't use to have Sun in lagna.


>If we are given a choice between two charts, where one has sun in dhanu (mitra

rasi) lagna and venus + merc in makar lagna and asked who would have a more

majestic personaltiy, anyone who knows even basic jyotish would say dhanu



>// Parashara mentiones vargas upto Vimsamsa //


>Are you saying right ??


>Why don't you read you BPHS and find out for youself. He mentiones vargas

including shastyamsas as well, which (d60) he says, can be used to judge



>// Thank you for the compliments- ;). //


>Again compliments for so beautifull mail!


>Appreciation !


>Mine as well. Don't take things personally, debate with a free mind:)



>Vikash Kohli


>Rama Naama Satya Hai..

>Rama Naama Satya Hai..

>Rama Naama Satya Hai..

>Rama Naama Satya Hai..



>Good to see you chanting it!




>, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...> wrote:




>> Dear Vishal,


>> Please check some answers below.


>> Regards

>> Rajarshi




>> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


>> --- On Fri, 12/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38@.. .> wrote:



>> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38@.. .>

>> Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


>> Friday, 12 February, 2010, 3:30 PM







>> Dear Nandi OX (Bael),


>> I am happy to get your response but have a look at following points which you

wrote :-

>> I am sure you would be happy, that is precisely why I responded-;)


>> **********

>> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.

>> **********


>> Here we are trying to fix D-1 but it is good to see that you even can tell us

about Vimsamsa of Swami Vivekanand. Wonderfull !!!,


>> Exactly. A chart rectification often needs checking up various

vargas. Further, I did not speak of " rectification " of Vimsamsa, but rather,

that to understand if a person can attain Moksha or not, a rasi chart maybe

insufficient.  There must some reason why Parashara mentiones vargas upto

Vimsamsa and says one must look at Vimsamsa for the sake of " upasana " .

So your claims that a mere 12th house in the rasi chart is sufficient to

decide if the chart can belong to a person like Vivekananda, is shallow, to put

it midly. Your knowledge or the lack of it cannot be the parameter for

judgement of chart rectifications, don't you think so?

>> **********

>> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably

>> **********


>> Again same point.


>> Same from my side too.


>> I am amused to see that you even know about his Vimsamsa chart. I think

you are the best astrologer to fix birth timing even upto minutes and seconds.

Appreciation !


>> Thank you for the compliments- ;).  As I said, your lack of knowledge is

not a parameter for everyone.  Also, to merely look at a rasi chart and

suggest such and such indicates Moksha, in my humble opinion, is foolishness of

the first order. There are hundreds of charts will beautiful 12th house in rasi,

who are nowhere close to spirituality, leave aside moksha.


>> For moksha there are many criterions but we dont know the lagna of him as we

are fixing it, so we have to remain stick to D-1,


>> In that case we should not jump to the conclusion that a good 12th house in

D1 is enough to indicate moksha. That is all I have been trying to say.



>> AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the most

imp criterion for same.


>> I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

not have a vargottama AK in meena. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,

Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma Sarada did not have that combination,

Lahiri Baba did not have it. What good is a principle that does not work

in the charts of most of the famous self realized saints? 


>> So I think you don’t have to tell many criterions for Moksha as I am

well read of classics not of handful but many.


>> I am not doubting your knowledge of scriptures-; ).




>> ************

>> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's


>> ***********


>> Go and check the position of Mo in D-3 for both birth timings(though 4

timings are being circulated and 3 of them of Makara Lagna) about which ppl are

talking. I am amazed to see that instead of Bhava posn of Mo in D-3 you are

talking of Mo's position in a Rashi in a D-3 !


>> Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara does

not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of

sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas.




>> Do you know how much time Moon will take to change its position from one

Rashi of D-3 to another Rashi of D-3.


>> Irrelevant.



>> So now apply your own point ie *****moon in shani's drekkana**** * for other

birth timing also. You will find that Mo is also in same Rashi ie of Sa.



>> Excellent. Therefore it shows he was ment to be a sanyasi one way or the

other. So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1.


>> ************ ******

>> That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th house

from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


>> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for


>> ************ ******


>> Why you dont apply Rashi drishti of Ve on 7'th house if we take Makara as



>> Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do

not have rasi dristi Sir. Also Makar rasi will never have rasi drsiti

on karkat. Also I don't think you understood what I wrote. I already mentioned

that Venus can have " graha drisit " on 7th house IF we take Makara lagna


>> I think it doesnt suit you well to distort the truth so you didnt write about

it instead you wrote Rashi Drishti of Sa+Mo on seventh.


>> [:D] Learn more-:) Please do not consider your lack of understanding to

be a paramter of jyotish knowledge or of the English language.


>> If we take Makara as Lagna will Ve give Rashi aspect on 7’th ??


>> Once again, Makara cannot have " rasi dristi " on 7th house.


>> If we take makara as lagna, then Mo will become lord of seventh and now see

its occupation in D-3 and it is in Saturn's Rashi which you wrote.


>> Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house

in order for it to manifest sanyansa.


>> And i have already shown that for both birth timings Moon will remain in same

Rashi in D-3 that is of Sa which clearly shows denial of mariage according to

D-3 concept but for Makara Lagna.


>> Not for Makara lagna, but for both lagnas, IF the D-3 position of moon does

not change from saturnine house. For Makara lagna, VENUS gives GRAHA DRISTI ON

7TH HOUSE. Understood?


>> You wrote point related to Mo's position in D-3 but dont want to take makara

lagna which will clearly give you Mo as lord of seventh and denial of marriage

by D-3 as Mo in Saturns’ dreskkana.


>> Once again, for ONE specific combination of sanyasa Yoga to work

moon must be in conjuction with shani and in shani's drekkan or navamsa. It need

not be associated with 7th house or lord. Secondly, a person wil venus and

merc in lagna has a different kind of personality with a person with sun in a

friendly lagna for sun.


>> Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny

world we live in-:) 


>> TX

>> Vishal Kohli







>> Keep chanting that more, it may eventually help you to reduce your ego -:)



>> --- On Thu, 2/11/10, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ . co.in> wrote:


>> rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ . co.in>

>> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


>> Thursday, February 11, 2010, 1:03 PM




>> Dear VIshal,


>> Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

>> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.


>> Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.


>> Iccha mrityu is something so high up that normal jyotish analysis of basic

12th house etc are not sufficient. Infact most of us in this forum do have the

necessary level of jyotish expertise to predict from a chart if a person can

acquire iccha mrityu or not.


>> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards



>> Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably.


>> Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows a

very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had.


>> With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination.


>> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


>> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.


>> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of




>> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's

drekkana. That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th

house from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.


>> With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for



>> -Regards

>>  Rajarshi





>> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


>> --- On Wed, 10/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 > wrote:


>> Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 >

>> Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


>> Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 6:42 PM




>> Dear Folks,

>> I think this issue of fixing lagna of Swamiji is very interestng and it

attracted me to give my inputs.


>> I would like to shed some light over Makar Lagna Chart and Dhanur Lagna Chart

of Swami Ji.


>> Most important thing to see in his chart is the study of 12'th house -


>> If one take Dhanu as lagna then 12'th house is very much afflicted -


>> 1) 12'th house is having Rahu


>> 2) Sa is giving aspect over it in 12'th.


>> 3) Ma is giving aspect over 12'th house.


>> Three malefics aspecting 12'th house, now one may imagine about the 'Iccha

Mrityu' of Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

>> to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.


>> Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards



>> Ancient classics dont support from above points that this should be

horoscope(Dhanu Lagna) of one great Swami.


>> If one take Makar Lagna :-


>> 1) 12'th would be having Su, so he wander around the world.


>> 2) Lord of 12'th, Jupiter and it goes to tenth and it aspects 2'nd house,

nice yoga for ' Iccha Mrityu' and for learning of VEDAS and also to teach the

whole word the same as it not only covers

>> 12'th 2'nd and 10'th.


>> 3) In 10'th Ju of Tula, helps one person to teach VEDAS and such person

doesnt lie as it aspects 2'nd house(but it is also direct so it is nice) and

same Ju is lord of 12'th and Ju is placed in Tula.


>> Ancient scriptures says that when Ju or Mo use to be in Tula person use to be

learned man of VEDAS and Ju should be also in 1, 4, 7 and 10.


>> Swami ji was never inclined towards SEX and MARRIAGE all know very well.


>> But following points doesnt support that Swamiji should have Dhanu Lagna -


>> If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.


>> And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral but

it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it shows

he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.


>> But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial of







>> tx

>> Vishal Kohli


>> --- On Tue, 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


>> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

>> Re: Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth


>> , vedic astrology

>> Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 6:31 PM




>> Namaste " Lalit/Utkal " ,


>> Reagrding the authenticity:


>> Swami Nikhilananda, who wrote " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " , was a

Ramakrishna Mutt monk who was initiated by Sarada Mata herself! He spent time

with Swami Brahmananada, Swami Saradananda, Swami Premananda and other direct

disciples of Ramakrishna and also with M (Mahendranath Gupta), who recorded the

gospel of Ramakrishna. He had direct access to many people with first-hand

association with Swami Vivekananda. On the other hand, Swami Chetanananda who

wrote the book on the sixteen disciples came much later. He was associated with

the Mutt from 1950 and was initiated in 1960, several generations later. While

Swami Nikhilananda' s book is a biogrpahy of Vivekananda, Swami Chetanananda' s

book is about 16 disciples and it is questionable how much attention he paid to

Swamiji's birthtime.


>> Regarding LMT, of course a birthtime in 1860s would be in LMT as there was no

IST. There is nothing " artificial " about it. The birthtime of 6:33 am LMT has

been taken by all well-known astrologers who wrote about Swamiji until now. You

did not know that IST was not in use then, you made the mistake of taking IST

instead of LMT, you got Makara lagna, you got convinced that that is correct and

are now trying to somehow prove you are right. Unfortunately, so much bandwidth

and so much of people's time is being wasted in this exercise.


>> I will ignore the rest of your tall claims and " my lollipop is bigger than

yours " exercises.


>> Best regards,

>> Narasimha

>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

>> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

>> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

>> http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

>> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

>> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

>> Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


>> ---- Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

>> > Dear Brother Narsimha,

>> >

>> > You should think of attributes of makar lagna - great desciples,

>> > strong physic etc -

>> >

>> > Then go for review of kind of physic - Hanuman Ji (offcourse

>> > mythological chart) Srila Prabhupad, Gautam Gambhir etc got.

>> >

>> > Even if you make swami ji's horoscope with birth time 6.33 am, you get

>> > makar lagna only but then you and many others starts saying local time

>> > should be taken with that time, all the manual efforts for making

>> > artificial dhanu lagna for swami ji.

>> >

>> > Why such a flip flop ?

>> >

>> > It's seen that all those who dont get god's vision and spiritual

>> > experience resort to saying it's hallucination or illusion. What's

>> > your elligibility for saying a thing that never happend in your life.

>> >

>> > You should know that god himself came to me, i saw him with open eyes

>> > not in imaginary meditation, this is another revealation for those who

>> > are curious, there is no place for any doubt if you are at feet of

>> > god.

>> >

>> > Pls accept the divine urge and do yourself a precise comperative study

>> > of both makar lagna vs dhanu lagna chart and find answer for you.

>> >

>> > Physical achievments have no significance in divine life, Swami

>> > Vivekananda was only a BA if you find academic qualification so

>> > important.

>> >

>> > There is no way no evidence to put question mark on authenticity of

>> > biography's published in 'god lived with them' by Sri Ram Krishna

>> > mission in order to make he world aware of life of top selected

>> > desciples by thakur ramkrishna paramhansha, otherwise, world wd never

>> > come to know about latu and others.

>> >

>> > You simply passed an imaginary comment on authenticity, better, if you

>> > do correspondance with president and secretary of mission to find

>> > answers, such a deflection is unfair.

>> >

>> > I trust mother divine and thakur for you people to show light and

>> > suggest you people to be honest and open for truth, otherwise, no

>> > enlightenment.

>> >

>> > It's said in spirituality - 'pratistha sukari vistha'.

>> >

>> > We get god's love and a recognition that he gives, we don't bother how

>> > world looks at us.

>> >

>> > Swami Vivekanada was badly criticized by narrow minded hath dharmi

>> > pakhandi pandits in his life time, Swami Dayananda was given poison,

>> > so, where I m counted, but, We are true, truth and mother's love is

>> > our strength.

>> >

>> > Regards,

>> > Lalit/Utkal

>> >

>> > On 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

>> > > Namaste Lalit and others,

>> > >

>> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With


>> > > Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

>> > > gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting


>> > > research.

>> > >

>> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is


>> > > biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That


>> > > a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and

>> > > says " a few minutes before sunrise " .

>> > >

>> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually


>> > > he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

>> > >

>> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

>> > > Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

>> > > egoistic mind cannot find truth.

>> > >

>> > > * * *

>> > >

>> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

>> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

>> > >> appealing to you.

>> > >

>> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

>> > > wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and


>> > > really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A

>> > > few mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

>> > >

>> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

>> > >

>> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference


>> > > the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

>> > > gives a small account of a few of my experiences

>> > > with that yogi, which proved some things to me:

>> > >

>> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

>> > >

>> > > * * *

>> > >

>> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

>> > > Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who


>> > > to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand


>> > > prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last

>> > > 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of


>> > >

>> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see


>> > > your writings, I am quite amazed by the pride, arrogance and


>> > > you exhibit in your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

>> > >

>> > > Best regards,

>> > > Narasimha

>> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

>> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

>> > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

>> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

>> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

>> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

>> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

>> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

>> > >

>> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

>> > >

>> > >> Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com>

>> > >> Divine Revealation : Swami Vivekananda' s Birth Time & Lagna !!

>> > >> " Deepak Bisaria " <deepakbisaria@ .co. in>, knrastro (AT) hotmail (DOT)


>> > >> kn_rao , " Prashant Kumar G B " <gbp_kumar >,

>> > >> " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashek h ar (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, " Narasimha P.V.R.

Rao "

>> > >> <pvr108 >, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

>> > >> Cc: " aavesh t " <aavesh_s (AT) (DOT) co.in>, jyotishi55 (AT) gmail (DOT) com,

" Ajitkumar

>> > >> Benadi " <ajitbenadi>, praspandey (AT) (DOT) co.in, " Mee Shuba

Vela "

>> > >> <pkgoteti >

>> > >> Saturday, February 6, 2010, 1:38 PM

>> > >> It's a day that

>> > >> Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

>> > >> that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

>> > >> finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

>> > >> Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

>> > >>

>> > >> This was third time,I visited

>> > >> Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

>> > >> was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

>> > >> Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

>> > >> another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

>> > >> they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

>> > >> Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

>> > >> provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

>> > >> got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

>> > >> condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

>> > >> my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

>> > >> It's known, It's known and published by Sri

>> > >> RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

>> > >> Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

>> > >>

>> > >> Animately, he brought out the book, I

>> > >> saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

>> > >> Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

>> > >> Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

>> > >> w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

>> > >> couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

>> > >> to your followers.

>> > >>

>> > >> The great divine mother has finally

>> > >> taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

>> > >> dharmi narrow minded world.

>> > >> When God is with a person, he can

>> > >> face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

>> > >> you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

>> > >> correct themselves however they are free at their

>> > >> end.

>> > >>

>> > >> It's said that - " Jin

>> > >> Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

>> > >> Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

>> > >>

>> > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

>> > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

>> > >> appealing to you.

>> > >>

>> > >> regards,

>> > >> Lalit Mishra.



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Dear(est) Vishal Kohli,


Nandy Sahab, I am not taking things personally.


Thank you!



Now i would like to stop myself from replying you as it looks that you are

getting too much hurt.


Not really, but whatever makes you happy:)


Kindly let me know VERSE number from any of the 4 VEDAS in which there is talk

of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc etc…


I am sure there arn't any in the Vedas. However, the word vedic denotes a genre.

Just like you would not find mention of the chara karakas or specific xyz yogas

in any of the Vedas and yet the use of the term vedic astrology. Getting the



Sunrise starts the day in the parlance of jyotish. Not midnight.



But Rajarshi Sahab, Kindly refer to copies of BPHS by G C Sharma and Jaimini

Upadesha Sutra by Mr Sanjay Rath and both copies of those classics are endorsed

by SJC itself.


You seem to be very hooked on to SJC! Good for them;)



You will get the point that i am saying right about AK or Swamsha being in

pisces and also kindly read about lord of 12'th house from both basic classics

for final emancipation.


Correct, however, this begs the question of what is " swamsha " which will open up

another can of worms. Is it really the Navamsa? I am not sure. Most astrologers

tend to think it maybe the navamsa, but that again opens up another can of worms

because then the specific form of the deity guiding an individual, in cases of

famous saints often do not match up! The 12th, they say is important from the

" swamsha " in order to check moksha. Not the 12th house from Lagna in rasi chart.

Anyway, swamsha is a different topic. Either way, my basic point was, a rasi

chart is not sufficient to judge whether a person may attain Moksha or not still




One more point.


Anyway, I have one genuine question here. In the very first mail it was said

that the first authentic biography of Vivekanada was in Bengali and mentioned

no birth time as such since it was unknown. Then how did anyone arrive at 6:33

or even 6:49 suddenly? What evidence did did Swami Nikhilananda come across that

fixed his mind first on 6:33 and then on 6:49, suddenly (assuming that he

rectified it)?


Possibly some astrologer tried to fix a birth time for Vivekanada and that was

taken and noted in books later on. This may or maynot be correct.  This

indicates that rather than relying on a birth time mentioned in books, it is

better to sit and match his life events with specific dates to find a more

plausible choice of lagna. Give it a thought.


Good bye !







Rama Naama Satya Hai..


--- On Wed, 17/2/10, vkohli38 <vkohli38 wrote:



vkohli38 <vkohli38

Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


Wednesday, 17 February, 2010, 6:37 PM







// Mine as well. Don't take things personally, debate with a free mind:) //


Nandy Sahab, I am not taking things personally.


Now i would like to stop myself from replying you as it looks that you are

getting too much hurt.


// Vedic day does not change at midnight, in case you did not know.//


Kindly let me know VERSE number from any of the 4 VEDAS in which there is talk

of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc etc…


// Sure. Please mention which translation are you referring to.


Please mention whose interpretation of the same? Every body seems to have

interpretated it to suit their conditionings. //


But Rajarshi Sahab, Kindly refer to copies of BPHS by G C Sharma and Jaimini

Upadesha Sutra by Mr Sanjay Rath and both copies of those classics are endorsed

by SJC itself.


You will get to know that i am saying right !


Kindly read Chapter 35 Shlokas from 2-8.(BPHS)


Kindly read first chapter, Second quarter of Jaimini Sutra.


You will get the point that i am saying right about AK or Swamsha being in

pisces and also kindly read about lord of 12'th house from both basic classics

for final emancipation.


4'th and 12'th have been talked for Moksha in classics.


Narashimha, raised point from Swami Nikhilanad's biography but when ppl are

showing second biography by Swami Nikhilanand then why he is not accepting the



Swami Nikhlanand ji has written in second biography (corrected himself) that

Swamiji was having 6:49 AM as birth timing after Sun Rise.


Kindly go to 'Jyotish Remedies' or Vedic Astrologyandhe aling' group and check

scanned copy from files section, put by Mr Rohiniranjan and Mr Utkal.


Good bye !



Vishal Kohli


, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Vishal,


> Kindly check some more answers. Good to see your respond back.


> -Regards

>  Rajarshi




> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


> --- On Tue, 16/2/10, vkohli38 <vkohli38@.. .> wrote:



> vkohli38 <vkohli38@.. .>

> Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 10:17 PM







> Dear Nandi,


> I am again amused at your posting ….


> See points as below:-


> // Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows

a very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had. //


> Everybody using DOB as 12'th Jan 1863, now see your logic for Vivekanand being

majestic personality.



> 12'th Jan 1863 was Monday.

> He was born " before sunrise " .  Sunrise happened at 6:47 am.  Vedic day

does not change at midnight, in case you did not know.

> // Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and

majestic personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and

observation of Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic

personality trait I mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being

" untruthful " . Funny world

> we live in-:) //


> Narashimha was talking of the birth details based on Swami Nikhilanand' s

works. But he was not aware that in later works, Swami Nikhilanand wrote

Swamijis details as 6:49AM, ie after Sun-Rise as pointed out by Mr Rohini Ranjan

and Mr Utkal Panigrahi.

> If you follow the mails properly I had been asking people to provide a link to

the scanned copy of any of his later works, but none was provided. Instead it

was said such has been sent to such and such people.  Also, Swami

Nikhilananda mentioned about Vivekananda being born before sunrise. If I take

your proposition that Vivekananda was born at 6:47, that is exactly at sunrise,

NOT before sunrise.  See the dichotomy?



> Now, Narashimha is abusing Swami Nikhilanands works, as he always does because

Pawan pointed about his BAD JUPITER.


> Abusing? Do you understand english? Infact the only abuses I have seen till

now has come from you and your friends.


> // AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of the

most imp

> criterion for same.


> I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha do

> not have a vargottama AK in meena. //


> It looks that, your basics are quite loose.


> And I can see your " god gifted " basics! Right. LOL.


> Kindly read BPHS chapter 35 shloka number 2-8.



> Sure. Please mention which translation are you refer to.


> And also read Jaimini Sutra, chapter first second quarter.


> Please mention whose interpretation of the same? Every body seems to have

interpretated it to suit their conditionings.



> // Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara

does not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he talks of

sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


> You said the same and raise the point of Mo being in drekkana of Sa.


> I am again pasting your wordings…


> When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's



> And where did I mention Bhava here? Now I am seriously doubtful of your

comprehension skills! Drekkan is not bhava. It is a varga. Know the difference

between the two?


> Go and read other classics also like Jataka Parijata, Saravali, Phaladeepika,

Bhavartha Ratnakar also instead of BPHS only just to get the point about Mo in

Navamsha of Sa.

> Thank you for the advise-;)



> //

> Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,Vivekanada himself did not have

it, Ma Sarada did not have that combination, Lahiri Baba did not have it.



> Good to see that you are also having birth details of other persons like you

do have Swamiji's 6:33, wrong one.


> Sure I do. As I said, do not consider your knowledge or the lack of it to be a

parameter for the world of jyotish. You maybe ignorant, but the whole world is

not so, I hope you understand that dear friend:) The birth details of all these

people are available easily for anyone curious to know.


> From where you have downloaded documents for the just to get details of those

ppl, SJC ??


> If you can " read books " , and " biographies " you can easily find them. For

the nth time, your knowing or not knowing something is hardly a paramter in the

world of jyotish. :)


> Here, Historians dont know era of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but they know

chart of Krsna.


> Ramakrishna and his people were born in the last 200 years, not 2000

years. Your sweeping generalizations  cannot hide your ignorance!

Eveyrthing about Ramakrishna' s life is well recorded. Kindly read.



> hen he talks of sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas. //


> I am amused at your above points.


> I am sure you would be. As this conversatoin progresses, both you and I will

find more cause for mutual amusement, I am sure.


> Except D-9 all charts have not counted on same level to D-1, BPHS says same,

atleast read one time some classics.


> But Parashara mentions very clearly about different varga charts and what they

should be used for. It is as simple as that.



> Download more articles from internet.


> Is that what you do? :)


> // So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for judging or rectifying

the D1. //


> But you gave one point of Ve's direct drishti on 7'th as one criterion to Fix

D-1. Now you are retracting from your raised points.


> What retracting? I said if lagna is Makara, Venus will aspect 7th house. Is

this simple thing so difficult for you to understand?


> For Dhanu lagna, go and see Ju is giving direct drishti on 5'th(For having

progeny) and 7'th(spouse) .


> For 6.33, his varga charts do not support children or spouse as well. As I

said right at the beginning, for recitification a look at the Varga charts can

be very useful, of course, IF you know how to use them that is.


> // Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house

in order for it to manifest sanyansa. //


> Materialistic desires come from 7'th house also and for Makara Lagna, Cancer

would be seventh house and Mo being lord of 7'th, would be in Drekkana of Saturn

and in D-1 Mo with Sa. Now judge the point of Sanyasa from this point of view.


> I have already explained this point in the previous mail about how one

specific combination of sanyasa yoga does not need any asociation with the 7th

lord or house.


> it of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets do not have

rasi dristi Sir. //


> But you wrote yourself following lines…


> Venus will have direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent

combination for

> marriage.


> Before going into dristis, do you understand the difference between Rasi

dristi and graha dristi? Please read up.


> // With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

> " leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination. //


> On this earth all leonine ppl don't use to have Sun in lagna.


> If we are given a choice between two charts, where one has sun in dhanu (mitra

rasi) lagna and venus + merc in makar lagna and asked who would have a more

majestic personaltiy, anyone who knows even basic jyotish would say dhanu



> // Parashara mentiones vargas upto Vimsamsa //


> Are you saying right ??


> Why don't you read you BPHS and find out for youself. He mentiones vargas

including shastyamsas as well, which (d60) he says, can be used to judge



> // Thank you for the compliments- ;). //


> Again compliments for so beautifull mail!


> Appreciation !


> Mine as well. Don't take things personally, debate with a free mind:)


> TX,

> Vikash Kohli


> Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> Rama Naama Satya Hai..



> Good to see you chanting it!




> , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Vishal,

> >  

> > Please check some answers below.

> >  

> > Regards

> > Rajarshi

> >

> >

> >

> > Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> >

> > --- On Fri, 12/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38@ .> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vishal Kohli <vkohli38@ .>

> > Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> >

> > Friday, 12 February, 2010, 3:30 PM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Nandi OX (Bael),

> >  

> > I am happy to get your response but have a look at following points which

you wrote :-

> > I am sure you would be happy, that is precisely why I


> >  

> > **********

> > Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.

> > **********

> >  

> > Here we are trying to fix D-1 but it is good to see that you even can tell

us about Vimsamsa of Swami Vivekanand. Wonderfull !!!,

> >  

> > Exactly. A chart rectification often needs checking up various

vargas. Further, I did not speak of " rectification " of Vimsamsa, but

rather, that to understand if a person can attain Moksha or not, a rasi

chart maybe insufficient.  There must some reason why Parashara

mentiones vargas upto Vimsamsa and says one must look at Vimsamsa for the sake

of " upasana " . So your claims that a mere 12th house in the rasi

chart is sufficient to decide if the chart can belong to a person like

Vivekananda, is shallow, to put it midly. Your knowledge or the lack of

it cannot be the parameter for judgement of chart rectifications, don't you

think so?

> > **********

> > Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably

> > **********

> >  

> > Again same point.

> >  

> > Same from my side too.

> >

> > I am amused to see that you even know about his Vimsamsa chart. I

think you are the best astrologer to fix birth timing even upto minutes and

seconds. Appreciation !

> >  

> > Thank you for the compliments- ;).  As I said, your lack of

knowledge is not a parameter for everyone.  Also, to merely look at a

rasi chart and suggest such and such indicates Moksha, in my humble opinion, is

foolishness of the first order. There are hundreds of charts will beautiful 12th

house in rasi, who are nowhere close to spirituality, leave aside moksha.

> >

> > For moksha there are many criterions but we dont know the lagna of him as we

are fixing it, so we have to remain stick to D-1,

> >  

> > In that case we should not jump to the conclusion that a good 12th house in

D1 is enough to indicate moksha. That is all I have been trying to say.

> >  

> >  

> > AK being Rashi Vargottama in Pisces in D-1 and D-9 is also one of

the most imp criterion for same.

> >  

> > I don't think so. A majority of spiritual giants, who have attained Moksha

do not have a vargottama AK in meena. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa did not have it,

Vivekanada himself did not have it, Ma Sarada did not have that

combination, Lahiri Baba did not have it. What good is a

principle that does not work in the charts of most of the famous self realized


> >  

> > So I think you don’t have to tell many criterions for

Moksha as I am well read of classics not of handful but many.

> >  

> > I am not doubting your knowledge of scriptures-; ).

> >  

> >

> >

> > ************

> > When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's


> > ***********

> >  

> > Go and check the position of Mo in D-3 for both birth timings(though 4

timings are being circulated and 3 of them of Makara Lagna) about which ppl are

talking. I am amazed to see that instead of Bhava posn of Mo in D-3 you are

talking of Mo's position in a Rashi in a D-3 !

> >  

> > Why should bhava position be taken? Because you think so? Parashara

does not talk about bhava chakra chart of drekkan or navamsa when he

talks of sanyasa yoga along with parivrajaka yogas.

> >  

> >

> >  

> > Do you know how much time Moon will take to change its position from one

Rashi of D-3 to another Rashi of D-3.

> >  

> > Irrelevant.

> >

> >  

> > So now apply your own point ie *****moon in shani's drekkana**** * for other

birth timing also. You will find that Mo is also in same Rashi ie of Sa.

> >  

> >  

> > Excellent. Therefore it shows he was ment to be a sanyasi one way

or the other. So we cannot use lack of marriage as a criteria for

judging or rectifying the D1.

> >  

> > ************ ******

> > That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th house

from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.

> >  

> > With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for


> > ************ ******

> >  

> > Why you dont apply Rashi drishti of Ve on 7'th house if we take Makara as


> >  

> > Rasi drsit of Venus?! Rasi drsiti is of one rasi to another. Planets

do not have rasi dristi Sir. Also Makar rasi will never

have rasi drsiti on karkat. Also I don't think you understood what I wrote. I

already mentioned that Venus can have " graha drisit " on 7th house IF we take

Makara lagna

> >  

> > I think it doesnt suit you well to distort the truth so you didnt write

about it instead you wrote Rashi Drishti of Sa+Mo on seventh.

> >  

> > [:D] Learn more-:) Please do not consider your lack of understanding to

be a paramter of jyotish knowledge or of the English language.

> >  

> > If we take Makara as Lagna will Ve give Rashi aspect on

7’th ??

> >  

> > Once again, Makara cannot have " rasi dristi " on 7th house.

> >  

> > If we take makara as lagna, then Mo will become lord of seventh and now see

its occupation in D-3 and it is in Saturn's Rashi which you wrote.

> >  

> > Sanyasa yogas do not mention that moon has be connected to 7th house

in order for it to manifest sanyansa.

> >  

> > And i have already shown that for both birth timings Moon will remain in

same Rashi in D-3 that is of Sa which clearly shows denial of mariage

according to D-3 concept but for Makara Lagna.

> >  

> > Not for Makara lagna, but for both lagnas, IF the D-3 position of moon does

not change from saturnine house. For Makara lagna, VENUS gives GRAHA DRISTI ON

7TH HOUSE. Understood?

> >

> > You wrote point related to Mo's position in D-3 but dont want to take makara

lagna which will clearly give you Mo as lord of seventh and denial of marriage

by D-3 as Mo in Saturns’ dreskkana.

> >  

> > Once again, for ONE specific combination of sanyasa

Yoga to work moon must be in conjuction with shani and in shani's drekkan or

navamsa. It need not be associated with 7th house or lord. Secondly, a

person wil venus and merc in lagna has a different kind of personality with a

person with sun in a friendly lagna for sun.

> >  

> > Any standard biography of Swamiji speaks of his leadship skills and majestic

personality. For more read Josephine Macleods interactions and observation of

Swami Vivekanada. You seem to have ignored the basic personality trait I

mentioned in the last mail and yet accused me of being " untruthful " . Funny

world we live in-:) 

> >

> > TX

> > Vishal Kohli

> >  





> >  

> > Keep chanting that more, it may eventually help you to reduce your ego -:)

> >  

> >

> > --- On Thu, 2/11/10, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ . co.in> wrote:

> >

> > rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ . co.in>

> > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> >

> > Thursday, February 11, 2010, 1:03 PM

> >

> >  

> >

> > Dear VIshal,

> >  

> > Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

> > to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.

> >  

> > Only 12th house in rasi chart is never a complete indication of something so

powerful as Moksha. One has to see Vimsamsa. I have seen people with excellent

12th houses who are million miles away from spirituality or any moksha.

> >  

> > Iccha mrityu is something so high up that normal jyotish analysis of basic

12th house etc are not sufficient. Infact most of us in this forum do have the

necessary level of jyotish expertise to predict from a chart if a person can

acquire iccha mrityu or not.

> >

> > Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards


> >  

> > Moksha is not only 12th house in Rasi. It also included Vimsamsa and other

factors probably.

> >  

> > Whereas with Dhanu lagna, and sun in it (born on a sunday, Ak is Sun) shows

a very majestic personality, exactly like Swami Vivekanada had.

> >  

> > With Makara lagna he will have venus and merc in lagna, which cannot make a

" leonine " personality by any stretch of imagination.

> >  

> > If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.

> >  

> > And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral

but it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it

shows he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.

> >

> > But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial

of mariage.

> >  

> >  

> > When a person has sanyasa yogas in chart, marriage indications get cancelled

out. He has a very powerful sanyasa yoga. Shani with moon, and moon in shani's

drekkana. That saturn moon combination in kanya has rasi dristi on mithun (7th

house from Dhanu), thus further negating any desire for marriage.

> >  

> > With Makara lagna he will have venus and mercury in lagna. Venus will have

direct dristi on his 7th house and that is a more potent combination for


> >  

> > -Regards

> >  Rajarshi

> >  

> >  

> >  

> >

> > Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> >

> > --- On Wed, 10/2/10, Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 > wrote:

> >

> > Vishal Kohli <vkohli38 >

> > Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> >

> > Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 6:42 PM

> >

> >  

> >

> > Dear Folks,

> > I think this issue of fixing lagna of Swamiji is very interestng and it

attracted me to give my inputs.

> >

> > I would like to shed some light over Makar Lagna Chart and Dhanur Lagna

Chart of Swami Ji.

> >

> > Most important thing to see in his chart is the study of 12'th house -

> >

> > If one take Dhanu as lagna then 12'th house is very much afflicted -

> >

> > 1) 12'th house is having Rahu

> >

> > 2) Sa is giving aspect over it in 12'th.

> >

> > 3) Ma is giving aspect over 12'th house.

> >

> > Three malefics aspecting 12'th house, now one may imagine about the 'Iccha

Mrityu' of Swami Viveka Nanad means it would have impossible for Swamiji

> > to get inclined for Moksha if he would have Dhanu Lagna.

> >

> > Lord of 12'th, Ma again malefic and in strenth so again 12'th house very

malefic.Ancient classics doesnt support this as good for inclination towards


> >

> > Ancient classics dont support from above points that this should be

horoscope(Dhanu Lagna) of one great Swami.

> >

> > If one take Makar Lagna :-

> >

> > 1) 12'th would be having Su, so he wander around the world.

> >

> > 2) Lord of 12'th, Jupiter and it goes to tenth and it aspects 2'nd house,

nice yoga for ' Iccha Mrityu' and for learning of VEDAS and also to teach the

whole word the same as it not only covers

> > 12'th 2'nd and 10'th.

> >

> > 3) In 10'th Ju of Tula, helps one person to teach VEDAS and such person

doesnt lie as it aspects 2'nd house(but it is also direct so it is nice) and

same Ju is lord of 12'th and Ju is placed in Tula.

> >

> > Ancient scriptures says that when Ju or Mo use to be in Tula person use to

be learned man of VEDAS and Ju should be also in 1, 4, 7 and 10.

> >  

> > Swami ji was never inclined towards SEX and MARRIAGE all know very well.

> >  

> > But following points doesnt support that Swamiji should have Dhanu Lagna -

> >  

> > If we take Dhanu Lagna then 7'th lord is with Ve so it supports marriage.

> >  

> > And Ra is in 12'th so it supports that he should be high class of immoral

but it was not like that.But in case of Makar Lagna, Ra will go to 11'th, it

shows he should have many foreign friends and he was having many.

> >

> > But if we take Makar Lagna then 7'th lord Mo is with Sa so it shows denial

of mariage.

> >




> >  

> > tx

> > Vishal Kohli

> >

> > --- On Tue, 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> >

> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > Re: Divine Revealation - Swami Vivkananda's Birth


> > , vedic astrology

> > Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 6:31 PM

> >

> >  

> >

> > Namaste " Lalit/Utkal " ,

> >

> > Reagrding the authenticity:

> >

> > Swami Nikhilananda, who wrote " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " , was a

Ramakrishna Mutt monk who was initiated by Sarada Mata herself! He spent time

with Swami Brahmananada, Swami Saradananda, Swami Premananda and other direct

disciples of Ramakrishna and also with M (Mahendranath Gupta), who recorded the

gospel of Ramakrishna. He had direct access to many people with first-hand

association with Swami Vivekananda. On the other hand, Swami Chetanananda who

wrote the book on the sixteen disciples came much later. He was associated with

the Mutt from 1950 and was initiated in 1960, several generations later. While

Swami Nikhilananda' s book is a biogrpahy of Vivekananda, Swami Chetanananda' s

book is about 16 disciples and it is questionable how much attention he paid to

Swamiji's birthtime.

> >

> > Regarding LMT, of course a birthtime in 1860s would be in LMT as there was

no IST. There is nothing " artificial " about it. The birthtime of 6:33 am LMT has

been taken by all well-known astrologers who wrote about Swamiji until now. You

did not know that IST was not in use then, you made the mistake of taking IST

instead of LMT, you got Makara lagna, you got convinced that that is correct and

are now trying to somehow prove you are right. Unfortunately, so much bandwidth

and so much of people's time is being wasted in this exercise.

> >

> > I will ignore the rest of your tall claims and " my lollipop is bigger than

yours " exercises.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > ---- Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

> > > Dear Brother Narsimha,

> > >

> > > You should think of attributes of makar lagna - great desciples,

> > > strong physic etc -

> > >

> > > Then go for review of kind of physic - Hanuman Ji (offcourse

> > > mythological chart) Srila Prabhupad, Gautam Gambhir etc got.

> > >

> > > Even if you make swami ji's horoscope with birth time 6.33 am, you get

> > > makar lagna only but then you and many others starts saying local time

> > > should be taken with that time, all the manual efforts for making

> > > artificial dhanu lagna for swami ji.

> > >

> > > Why such a flip flop ?

> > >

> > > It's seen that all those who dont get god's vision and spiritual

> > > experience resort to saying it's hallucination or illusion. What's

> > > your elligibility for saying a thing that never happend in your life.

> > >

> > > You should know that god himself came to me, i saw him with open eyes

> > > not in imaginary meditation, this is another revealation for those who

> > > are curious, there is no place for any doubt if you are at feet of

> > > god.

> > >

> > > Pls accept the divine urge and do yourself a precise comperative study

> > > of both makar lagna vs dhanu lagna chart and find answer for you.

> > >

> > > Physical achievments have no significance in divine life, Swami

> > > Vivekananda was only a BA if you find academic qualification so

> > > important.

> > >

> > > There is no way no evidence to put question mark on authenticity of

> > > biography's published in 'god lived with them' by Sri Ram Krishna

> > > mission in order to make he world aware of life of top selected

> > > desciples by thakur ramkrishna paramhansha, otherwise, world wd never

> > > come to know about latu and others.

> > >

> > > You simply passed an imaginary comment on authenticity, better, if you

> > > do correspondance with president and secretary of mission to find

> > > answers, such a deflection is unfair.

> > >

> > > I trust mother divine and thakur for you people to show light and

> > > suggest you people to be honest and open for truth, otherwise, no

> > > enlightenment.

> > >

> > > It's said in spirituality - 'pratistha sukari vistha'.

> > >

> > > We get god's love and a recognition that he gives, we don't bother how

> > > world looks at us.

> > >

> > > Swami Vivekanada was badly criticized by narrow minded hath dharmi

> > > pakhandi pandits in his life time, Swami Dayananda was given poison,

> > > so, where I m counted, but, We are true, truth and mother's love is

> > > our strength.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Lalit/Utkal

> > >

> > > On 2/9/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> > > > Namaste Lalit and others,

> > > >

> > > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With


> > > > Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

> > > > gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting


> > > > research.

> > > >

> > > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is


> > > > biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) .

That is

> > > > a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am


> > > > says " a few minutes before sunrise " .

> > > >

> > > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually


> > > > he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> > > >

> > > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

> > > > Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed


> > > > egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > >> appealing to you.

> > > >

> > > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

> > > > wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and


> > > > really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana.


> > > > few mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> > > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> > > >

> > > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference


> > > > the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

> > > > gives a small account of a few of my experiences

> > > > with that yogi, which proved some things to me:

> > > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

> > > > Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who


> > > > to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand


> > > > prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the


> > > > 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of


> > > >

> > > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see


> > > > your writings, I am quite amazed by the pride, arrogance and


> > > > you exhibit in your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> > > >

> > > > Best regards,

> > > > Narasimha

> > > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >> Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ gmail.com>

> > > >> Divine Revealation : Swami Vivekananda' s Birth Time & Lagna


> > > >> " Deepak Bisaria " <deepakbisaria@ .co. in>, knrastro (AT) hotmail (DOT)


> > > >> kn_rao , " Prashant Kumar G B " <gbp_kumar >,

> > > >> " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashek h ar (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, " Narasimha

P.V.R. Rao "

> > > >> <pvr108 >, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > > >> Cc: " aavesh t " <aavesh_s (AT) (DOT) co.in>, jyotishi55 (AT) gmail (DOT) com,

" Ajitkumar

> > > >> Benadi " <ajitbenadi>, praspandey (AT) (DOT) co.in, " Mee Shuba

Vela "

> > > >> <pkgoteti >

> > > >> Saturday, February 6, 2010, 1:38 PM

> > > >> It's a day that

> > > >> Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > >> that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > >> finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > >> Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > > >>

> > > >> This was third time,I visited

> > > >> Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > >> was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > >> Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > >> another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > >> they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > >> Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > >> provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > >> got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > >> condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > >> my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > >> It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > >> RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > >> Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > > >>

> > > >> Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > >> saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > >> Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > >> Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > >> w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > >> couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > >> to your followers.

> > > >>

> > > >> The great divine mother has finally

> > > >> taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > >> dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > >> When God is with a person, he can

> > > >> face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > >> you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > >> correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > >> end.

> > > >>

> > > >> It's said that - " Jin

> > > >> Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > >> Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > > >>

> > > >> None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > >> got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > >> appealing to you.

> > > >>

> > > >> regards,

> > > >> Lalit Mishra.

> >

> >

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Dear Rajarshi Nandy ji,


Utkal's reply would be : ye apun ke istyle ka mamla hai......


welcome to the group of nuisance makers.......










rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14


Wed, February 17, 2010 3:09:29 AM

Re: Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time





If you are presenting a case in public and then claiming I have provided such

and such evidence to such and such person in private, does it make sense?


Why should I take it from anyone. You presented the case, you provide the

evidence. Or else discuss in private with people whom you have sent private






Rama Naama Satya Hai..


--- On Wed, 17/2/10, utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi@ > wrote:


utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi@ >

Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


Wednesday, 17 February, 2010, 10:09 AM






All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from him.


Read all the biographies of Swami Vivekananda.




, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...> wrote:


> Namaste,


> Though it was for Narasimha, I could not help but reply since this is a public



> And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD



> You mean to say you have never made a wrong prediction in your life? Funny

logic you guys have. Show me one astrologer who has NEVER made a wrong

prediction. If you say you have never made a wrong prediction, I will say either

you don't know astrology to even go and try to predict anything, or you are a

plain liar.



> So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.


> Can you or someone from your camp kindly provide the link to this forum which

shows that Nikhilananda' s second work " rectified " the timing? I am curious to

know. The link that was provided does not work.



> In another mail it was claimed both the times 6:33 and 6:47 are before

sunrise. The panchang for that day shows the sunrise to have happened exactly at

6:47. Therefore, 6:47 is not before sunrise but exactly at sunrise. Whereas the

biography says Vivekananda was born " before sunrise " .


> So instead of writting so long long garbage


> If you feel what he wrote is garbage why have you been responding for so long?

Or maybe any idea that is alingned to your idea is garbage for you? Another most

interesting thing I observed is that " makar lagna " camp take to abusing and

using foul language at the drop of a hat. Maybe they feel lack of manners is

something to be proud of. Probably they do not understand the word " civil

discourse " . That two people can chose to disagree without being

abusing/uncivil must be an alien idea to these people.


> Pawan Maurya, disagree but in a civil manner. If others start using harsh

langauge things can get really ugly.


> -Regards

>  Rajarshi


> Rama Naama Satya Hai..


> --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Astro Talk <astro.talk@ ...> wrote:



> Astro Talk <astro.talk@ ...>

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time


> Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 1:25 PM







> Dear Narashimha,


> You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any how that

BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had shown.


> And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD



> But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.


> After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.


> Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology like you say

6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon is associated by

Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.


> So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.


> Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is being

aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also abused your GUrus

because of same reason.


> Regards,

> Pawan Maurya


> --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> JyotishWritings

> Cc: , vedic astrology

> Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 4:42 AM




> Namaste friends,


> > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami Vivekanadajee,

> > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than wasting

> > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)


> You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the teachings

of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of Ramakrishna "

compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in my view).


> However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.


> * * *


> Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying that

he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons for

6:33 am.


> The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he was

born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books sounds

like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely change to

Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji should have

9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th.

However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained

with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and give

credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on thumbrules and

not-so-deep knowledge.


> For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on Sg

lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related to

divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another day.


> (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

> (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

> (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


> (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with Cp

lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


> (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

> (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn and

Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

> (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it is

conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared based

on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He was

indeed a leader of men.

> (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there, the

10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-

Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.


> * * *


> BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak



> Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent person

cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide to throw

light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain in the

dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may sometimes

focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself later.

Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda had was

probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately always.

At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni vrata,

while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed demons,

while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and rishis

come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may change

from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and wrong

may change from

> place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific

job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different

time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on

astrology if he were back here today.


> Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone posted

a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did not get

time then to do so.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > Namaste Lalit and others,

> >

> > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:

Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> >

> > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his

biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That is a

more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a

few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.

> >

> > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually thinks

he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> >

> > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > appealing to you.

> >

> > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> >

> > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> >

> > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with that yogi,

which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi actually

satisfied the skeptic in me.

> >

> > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.

> >

> > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see in

your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails. My

friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> >

> > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > > It's a day that

> > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > >

> > > This was third time,I visited

> > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > >

> > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > to your followers.

> > >

> > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > end.

> > >

> > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > >

> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > appealing to you.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > > Lalit Mishra.


> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

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//As you are not born with dhanu lagna rather born with scorpio as you

said in other group, Your nose is not sharp or pointed. //

My lagna is neither sag nor sco and i never said a word about my lagna

in any group!!!?....My birth details are available in this group and it

was discussed also.....I have onlyONE ID in groups.....

// Hope it helps you. //

It does not help at all but confuses since i dont understand what you


My question was totally different.


, Utkal Panigrahi

<utkal.panigrahi wrote:


> Gopi Ji,


> As you are not born with dhanu lagna rather born with scorpio as you

said in other group, Your nose is not sharp or pointed.


> With sun in lagna baldness is obvious for you, had there be Venus in

lagna you could have good amt of hairs.


> Swami ji doesnt get sun in his makar lagna rather gets venus in lagna,

therefore he had beautiful hairs.


> Hope it helps you.


> On Tue Feb 16th, 2010 10:37 AM EST gopal krishna goel wrote:


> >

> >Dear SIr,

> >Sun rise on Jan 12 , 1863 was 6.46.43 according to Calcutta local

> >time.

> >In those days !ST was not in use.

> >

> >G. K. Goel

> >

> >

> >

> >address: L-409 Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110076

> >

> >tel: 011-26943689, 011-41403352,

> >

> >mobile: 09350311433

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >utkal.panigrahi

> >Tue, 16 Feb 2010 06:33:25 +0000

> > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Brother Narshimha,

> >

> >

> >

> >Question is why you are putting incorrect misleading reasoning to

members -

> >

> >

> >

> >Review -

> >

> >

> >

> >Both 6.49 am and 6.33 am is time before sunrise that day. Why you are

leaving one while advocating another.

> >

> >

> >

> >What weightage Parashara gave to D9, D10, D20, D30 in terms of rupa ,

refer to that before presenting these D charts as independent charts and

even more important charts than the natal lagna chart.

> >

> >

> >

> >Why writing in misleading manner, come forward and post a comperative

study using both the lagna giving shlokas from classics in your support,

do not air your opinion only justifying to your incorrect approach that

has no ground.

> >

> >

> >

> >Well, as you have circulated dozens of researches based on incorrect

lagna and time, wd be difficult for you to correct yourself, well


> >

> >

> >

> >You are comfortably overlooking the fact that there is no birth time

like 6.33 am, Refer to scanned copy of Yug Nayak Vivekananda,

encyclopedic biography of swami ji, this is already sent to you.

> >

> >

> >

> >Rohini Ranjan ji has already gaven details in JR group how incorrect

6.33 pm circulated which several people took as 6.33 am assuming a typo.

6.33 pm was published in 1908's AM by somebody and 6.33 pm is used in

notable horoscope by BV Raman.

> >

> >

> >

> >I also gave a history referring to Devakinandan Singh who learn

astrology in 1898 and written that dhanu lagna kundali is wrong in his

book published in 1934, he was among those first people who got makar

lagna kundali.

> >

> >

> >

> >You can very well check swami ji's healthy physic with mild obesity

and his face, sun in lagna give rather slender physic, you can refer to

classics, sun gives sharp pointed nose etc, if you look at his

photographs you wd find his nose is flat, look at his beautiful black

hairs and remember venus in lagna in meena navamsa, when jup is in

venusian sign in 10th.

> >

> >

> >

> >Do not ignore leadership given by ruchaka mahapurush yoga in makar

lagna kundali, in 4th which receives jup's aspect from 10th, this

defines purpose of life.

> >

> >

> >

> >Most important is timing of his death, wd you take pains to elaborte

resons by quoting shlokas from classics.

> >

> >

> >

> >That's open for you.

> >

> >

> >

> >Utkal.

> >

> > , Narasimha PVR Rao pvr@ wrote:

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Namaste friends,

> >

> >>

> >

> >> > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami


> >

> >> > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather

than wasting

> >

> >> > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)

> >

> >>

> >

> >> You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the

teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of

Ramakrishna " compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami

Vivekananda in my view).

> >

> >>

> >

> >> However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be

of interest to astrologers.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> * * *

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails

saying that he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not

have such reasons for 6:33 am.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description

that he was born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later

day books sounds like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna

would barely change to Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably

thought that Swamiji should have 9th and 10th lords in lagna giving

Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th. However, his dhaarmik,

fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained with Sun in

the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and

give credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on

thumbrules and not-so-deep knowledge.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief

points on Sg lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise

principles related to divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I

will keep them for another day.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi

shows a powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji


> >

> >> (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery


> >

> >> (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house

reckoning I pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That

shows someone adept at meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also

shows a good sadhaka with detachment.s

> >

> >> (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th

house with Cp lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8

chara karaka method I shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is

also in the first house. AK and PK together or separately in 1st/5th

houses is a great raja yoga and shows many followers. He was indeed the

most famous from his group and had great following.

> >

> >> (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has

a close conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in

navamsa. That is not conducive to good marital life.

> >

> >> (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality.

Saturn and Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I

defined based on Parasara's teachings and am using divisional

longitudes), showing an ascetic. The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house

showing a fiery leader dedicated to dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord

Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord Jupiter (within less than

one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!). This very powerful raja

yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy the 3rd

house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> >

> >> (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict

lagna. Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children.

Afflicted 1st and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord

of rasi chart (Mars) is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in

D-7. Again, it does not support having progeny.

> >

> >> (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes

and it is conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> >

> >> (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I

shared based on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives

Ruchaka yoga. He was indeed a leader of men.

> >

> >> (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From

there, the 10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in

the 9th house can show one who is practical and progressive in religion

and dharma. Gemini lagna with Mars in it shows a disciplined

rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows mother. Lagna lord with Ketu

shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury being aspected by Sun and

Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-Ketu on the 8th

house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> * * *

> >

> >>

> >

> >> BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda's words and birthtimes, it may

be interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for

the weak minds.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and

eloquent person cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition.

One may decide to throw light on one side of a coin and the other side

of the coin may remain in the dark. A passionate and strong personality

like Swami Vivekananda may sometimes focus strongly on one aspect at a

time and seem to contradict himself later. Though I have no doubt that

the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda had was probably perfect,

spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately always. At the end,

it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni vrata, while

Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed

demons, while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When

gods and rishis come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their

teachings may change from one incarnation to another depending on

desa-kaala-paatra. Right and wrong may change from

> place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a

specific job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived

at a different time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the

same thoughts on astrology if he were back here today.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when

someone posted a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several

months back and did not get time then to do so.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Best regards,

> >

> >> Narasimha

> >

> >> -------------------------

> >

> >> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> >

> >> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> >

> >> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> >

> >> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFilms.org

> >

> >> Spirituality:

> >

> >> Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings

> >

> >> -------------------------

> >

> >>

> >

> >> > Namaste Lalit and others,

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda's book ( " God Lived

With Them: Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri

Ramakrishna " ). I was gratefully using some valuable data in that book

for an interesting Jyotish research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as

the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda's

birthtime is his biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami

Nikhilananda). That is a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book

clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a few minutes before sunrise " . Please

note that IST was not is use at that time and clearly the time is local

mean time.

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone

actually thinks he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain

common sense to me.

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and

not Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an

obsessed and egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > * * *

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> >

> >> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> >

> >> > > appealing to you.

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > Message 3651 on may be of interest to

those who wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a

hallucination and what really distinguishes the two and what is the goal

of spiritual sadhana. A few mails referred within that mail cover topics

related to visions.

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > /message/3651

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much

difference between the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does.

Message 3481 of gives a small account of a few

of my experiences with that yogi, which proved some things to me. Anyone

can make claims, but this yogi actually satisfied the skeptic in me.

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > /message/3481

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > * * *

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very

hard on Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent

person who went to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can

understand Sanskrit prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet,

it is only in the last 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in

this knowledge of rishis.

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of

knowledge I see in your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you

exhibit in your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > Best regards,

> >

> >> > Narasimha

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@> wrote:

> >

> >> >

> >

> >> > > It's a day that

> >

> >> > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> >

> >> > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> >

> >> > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> >

> >> > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> >

> >> > >

> >

> >> > > This was third time,I visited

> >

> >> > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> >

> >> > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> >

> >> > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> >

> >> > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> >

> >> > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> >

> >> > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> >

> >> > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> >

> >> > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> >

> >> > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> >

> >> > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> >

> >> > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> >

> >> > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> >

> >> > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> >

> >> > >

> >

> >> > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> >

> >> > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> >

> >> > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> >

> >> > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> >

> >> > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> >

> >> > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> >

> >> > > to your followers.

> >

> >> > >

> >

> >> > > The great divine mother has finally

> >

> >> > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> >

> >> > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> >

> >> > > When God is with a person, he can

> >

> >> > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> >

> >> > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> >

> >> > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> >

> >> > > end.

> >

> >> > >

> >

> >> > > It's said that - " Jin

> >

> >> > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> >

> >> > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> >

> >> > >

> >

> >> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> >

> >> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> >

> >> > > appealing to you.

> >

> >> > >

> >

> >> > > regards,

> >

> >> > > Lalit Mishra.

> >

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >_______________

> >Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.

> >https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969

> >

> >

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> All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from him.


What " evidences " ? What did you give me? Even if you did, why should I be

distributing your so-called " evidences " to others?


All I have seen is a *broken* link to a supposed second book of Nikhilananda,

which I could not access, and a lot of supposed astrological analysis that makes

zero sense to me and does not show someone who knows astrology that well.


* * *


As I have said, a time of 6:49 am seems artificially rectified by an astrologer

who perhaps thought Swamiji must be Makara lagna, as lagna barely changes to

Makara at 6:49 am. I and others have given good reasons why the original

recorded time makes far more sense than the time rectified by someone whose

credentials we do not know.


* * *


Internet is a boon as well as a curse for the refinement of our knowledge of

Jyotish. We can share ideas and knowledge fast and collaborate effectively. That

is the boon of internet.


At the same time, the anonymous and free-for-all nature of internet allows for

total novices who only know the very basics, names of some classics and some

technical terms here and there, to act aggressively and confidently and put up a

*freak show* side by side with scholarly dissemination by learned people. Such

freak shows not only attract people's attention, but possibly waste a generation

of talented young people. This is the curse of internet.


* * *


If you turn on any Indian TV channel, you can see so many so-called " talent

shows " these days where overconfident young people brought up without exposure

to a virtue called humility put up a fake show of talent and get cocky and

abusive to others to the cheers of onlookers. I guess what we see on Jyotish

lists is a spillover from what we see in the popular media in India today. This

is the nature of the times we live in.


Best regards,



Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

" Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFilms.org


Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings



, " utkal.panigrahi " <utkal.panigrahi



> Nandy,


> All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from him.


> Read all the biographies of Swami Vivekananda.


> Utkal.


> , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste,

> > Â

> > Though it was for Narasimha, I could not help but reply since this is a

public forum.

> > Â

> > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> >

> > You mean to say you have never made a wrong prediction in your life? Funny

logic you guys have. Show me one astrologer who has NEVER made a wrong

prediction. If you say you have never made a wrong prediction, I will say either

you don't know astrology to even go and try to predict anything, or you are a

plain liar.

> > Â

> > Â

> > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> > Â

> > Can you or someone from your camp kindly provide the link to this forum

which shows that Nikhilananda's second work " rectified " the timing? I am curious

to know. The link that was provided does not work.

> > Â

> > Â

> > In another mail it was claimed both the times 6:33 and 6:47 are before

sunrise. The panchang for that day shows the sunrise to have happened exactly at

6:47. Therefore, 6:47 is not before sunrise but exactly at sunrise. Whereas the

biography says Vivekananda was born " before sunrise " .

> > Â

> > So instead of writting so long long garbage

> > Â

> > If you feel what he wrote is garbage why have you been responding for so

long? Or maybe any idea that is alingned to your idea is garbage for you?

Another most interesting thing I observed is that " makar lagna " camp take to

abusing and using foul language at the drop of a hat. Maybe they feel lack of

manners is something to be proud of. Probably they do not understand the word

" civil discourse " . That two people can chose to disagree without being

abusing/uncivil must be an alien idea to these people.

> > Â

> > Pawan Maurya, disagree but in a civil manner. If others start using harsh

langauge things can get really ugly.

> > Â

> > -Regards

> > Â Rajarshi

> > Â

> > Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> >

> > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Astro Talk <astro.talk@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Astro Talk <astro.talk@>

> > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> >

> > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 1:25 PM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Narashimha,

> > Â

> > You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any how that

BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had shown.

> > Â

> > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> > Â

> > But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.

> > Â

> > After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.

> > Â

> > Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology like you say

6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon is associated by

Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.

> >

> > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> > Â

> > Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is being

aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also abused your GUrus

because of same reason.

> > Â

> > Regards,

> > Pawan Maurya

> >

> > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> >

> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> > JyotishWritings

> > Cc: , vedic astrology

> > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 4:42 AM

> >

> > Â

> >

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami


> > > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than wasting

> > > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)

> >

> > You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the

teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of

Ramakrishna " compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in

my view).

> >

> > However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying

that he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons

for 6:33 am.

> >

> > The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he was

born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books sounds

like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely change to

Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji should have

9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th.

However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained

with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and give

credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on thumbrules and

not-so-deep knowledge.

> >

> > For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on Sg

lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related to

divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another day.

> >

> > (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

> > (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

> > (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


> > (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with

Cp lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


> > (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

> > (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn

and Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> > (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

> > (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it is

conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> > (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared

based on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He

was indeed a leader of men.

> > (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there, the

10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-

Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak


> >

> > Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent

person cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide

to throw light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain

in the dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may

sometimes focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself

later. Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda

had was probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately

always. At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni

vrata, while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed

demons, while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and

rishis come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may

change from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and

wrong may change from

> > place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific

job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different

time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on

astrology if he were back here today.

> >

> > Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone

posted a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did

not get time then to do so.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > > Namaste Lalit and others,

> > >

> > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:

Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> > >

> > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his

biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That is a

more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a

few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.

> > >

> > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually

thinks he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> > >

> > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > appealing to you.

> > >

> > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> > >

> > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with that yogi,

which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi actually

satisfied the skeptic in me.

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.

> > >

> > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see

in your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails.

My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > > It's a day that

> > > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > > >

> > > > This was third time,I visited

> > > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > > >

> > > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > > to your followers.

> > > >

> > > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > > end.

> > > >

> > > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > > >

> > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > appealing to you.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > > Lalit Mishra.

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A Lady by name Vasanthi who was directly trained by Sri B.V>Raman once

told me that Raman ji confided to her that it is difficult to predict to

those who have Sun in lagna and one should be extremely careful while

predicting to them!!! which i share in this regard with you all.



-- In , Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Namaste,


> > All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them

from him.


> What " evidences " ? What did you give me? Even if you did, why should I

be distributing your so-called " evidences " to others?


> All I have seen is a *broken* link to a supposed second book of

Nikhilananda, which I could not access, and a lot of supposed

astrological analysis that makes zero sense to me and does not show

someone who knows astrology that well.


> * * *


> As I have said, a time of 6:49 am seems artificially rectified by an

astrologer who perhaps thought Swamiji must be Makara lagna, as lagna

barely changes to Makara at 6:49 am. I and others have given good

reasons why the original recorded time makes far more sense than the

time rectified by someone whose credentials we do not know.


> * * *


> Internet is a boon as well as a curse for the refinement of our

knowledge of Jyotish. We can share ideas and knowledge fast and

collaborate effectively. That is the boon of internet.


> At the same time, the anonymous and free-for-all nature of internet

allows for total novices who only know the very basics, names of some

classics and some technical terms here and there, to act aggressively

and confidently and put up a *freak show* side by side with scholarly

dissemination by learned people. Such freak shows not only attract

people's attention, but possibly waste a generation of talented young

people. This is the curse of internet.


> * * *


> If you turn on any Indian TV channel, you can see so many so-called

" talent shows " these days where overconfident young people brought up

without exposure to a virtue called humility put up a fake show of

talent and get cocky and abusive to others to the cheers of onlookers. I

guess what we see on Jyotish lists is a spillover from what we see in

the popular media in India today. This is the nature of the times we

live in.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -

> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFilms.org

> Spirituality:

> Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings

> -


> , " utkal.panigrahi "

utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:

> >

> > Nandy,

> >

> > All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them

from him.

> >

> > Read all the biographies of Swami Vivekananda.

> >

> > Utkal.

> >

> > , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@>


> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > > Â

> > > Though it was for Narasimha, I could not help but reply since this

is a public forum.

> > > Â

> > > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and


> > >

> > > You mean to say you have never made a wrong prediction in your

life? Funny logic you guys have. Show me one astrologer who has NEVER

made a wrong prediction. If you say you have never made a wrong

prediction, I will say either you don't know astrology to even go and

try to predict anything, or you are a plain liar.

> > > Â

> > > Â

> > > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept

SWAMI NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected

Swamijis birth details and published it to be 6:47.

> > > Â

> > > Can you or someone from your camp kindly provide the link to this

forum which shows that Nikhilananda's second work " rectified " the

timing? I am curious to know. The link that was provided does not work.

> > > Â

> > > Â

> > > In another mail it was claimed both the times 6:33 and 6:47 are

before sunrise. The panchang for that day shows the sunrise to have

happened exactly at 6:47. Therefore, 6:47 is not before sunrise but

exactly at sunrise. Whereas the biography says Vivekananda was born

" before sunrise " .

> > > Â

> > > So instead of writting so long long garbage

> > > Â

> > > If you feel what he wrote is garbage why have you been responding

for so long? Or maybe any idea that is alingned to your idea is garbage

for you? Another most interesting thing I observed is that " makar lagna "

camp take to abusing and using foul language at the drop of a hat. Maybe

they feel lack of manners is something to be proud of. Probably they do

not understand the word " civil discourse " . That two people can

chose to disagree without being abusing/uncivil must be an alien idea to

these people.

> > > Â

> > > Pawan Maurya, disagree but in a civil manner. If others start

using harsh langauge things can get really ugly.

> > > Â

> > > -Regards

> > > Â Rajarshi

> > > Â

> > > Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> > >

> > > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Astro Talk <astro.talk@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Astro Talk <astro.talk@>

> > > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> > >

> > > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 1:25 PM

> > >

> > >

> > > Â

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Narashimha,

> > > Â

> > > You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any

how that BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had


> > > Â

> > > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and


> > > Â

> > > But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.

> > > Â

> > > After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.

> > > Â

> > > Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology

like you say 6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon

is associated by Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.

> > >

> > > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept

SWAMI NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected

Swamijis birth details and published it to be 6:47.

> > > Â

> > > Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is

being aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also

abused your GUrus because of same reason.

> > > Â

> > > Regards,

> > > Pawan Maurya

> > >

> > > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> > >

> > > Narasimha PVR Rao pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> > > JyotishWritings

> > > Cc: , vedic astrology@ .


> > > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 4:42 AM

> > >

> > > Â

> > >

> > > Namaste friends,

> > >

> > > > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami


> > > > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather

than wasting

> > > > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)

> > >

> > > You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of

the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel

of Ramakrishna " compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami

Vivekananda in my view).

> > >

> > > However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always

be of interest to astrologers.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails

saying that he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not

have such reasons for 6:33 am.

> > >

> > > The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description

that he was born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later

day books sounds like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna

would barely change to Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably

thought that Swamiji should have 9th and 10th lords in lagna giving

Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th. However, his dhaarmik,

fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained with Sun in

the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and

give credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on

thumbrules and not-so-deep knowledge.

> > >

> > > For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief

points on Sg lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise

principles related to divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I

will keep them for another day.

> > >

> > > (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi

shows a powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji


> > > (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery


> > > (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house

reckoning I pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That

shows someone adept at meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also

shows a good sadhaka with detachment.s

> > > (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th

house with Cp lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8

chara karaka method I shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is

also in the first house. AK and PK together or separately in 1st/5th

houses is a great raja yoga and shows many followers. He was indeed the

most famous from his group and had great following.

> > > (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has

a close conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in

navamsa. That is not conducive to good marital life.

> > > (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal

personality. Saturn and Ketu are in the first house (I am using the

house method I defined based on Parasara's teachings and am using

divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic. The 9th lord Mars is in the

10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to dharma. In dasamsa, the

10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord Jupiter (within

less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This very

powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus

occupy the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined

based on Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it

shows an excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> > > (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict

lagna. Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children.

Afflicted 1st and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord

of rasi chart (Mars) is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in

D-7. Again, it does not support having progeny.

> > > (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes

and it is conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> > > (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I

shared based on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives

Ruchaka yoga. He was indeed a leader of men.

> > > (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From

there, the 10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in

the 9th house can show one who is practical and progressive in religion

and dharma. Gemini lagna with Mars in it shows a disciplined

rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows mother. Lagna lord with Ketu

shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury being aspected by Sun and

Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu- Ketu on the 8th

house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it

may be interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is

for the weak minds.

> > >

> > > Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and

eloquent person cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition.

One may decide to throw light on one side of a coin and the other side

of the coin may remain in the dark. A passionate and strong personality

like Swami Vivekananda may sometimes focus strongly on one aspect at a

time and seem to contradict himself later. Though I have no doubt that

the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda had was probably perfect,

spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately always. At the end,

it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni vrata, while

Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed

demons, while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When

gods and rishis come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their

teachings may change from one incarnation to another depending on

desa-kaala-paatra. Right and wrong may change from

> > > place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a

specific job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived

at a different time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the

same thoughts on astrology if he were back here today.

> > >

> > > Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when

someone posted a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several

months back and did not get time then to do so.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > >

> > > > Namaste Lalit and others,

> > > >

> > > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived

With Them: Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri

Ramakrishna " ). I was gratefully using some valuable data in that book

for an interesting Jyotish research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as

the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> > > >

> > > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s

birthtime is his biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami

Nikhilananda) . That is a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book

clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a few minutes before sunrise " . Please

note that IST was not is use at that time and clearly the time is local

mean time.

> > > >

> > > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone

actually thinks he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain

common sense to me.

> > > >

> > > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna

and not Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an

obsessed and egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > > appealing to you.

> > > >

> > > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to

those who wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a

hallucination and what really distinguishes the two and what is the goal

of spiritual sadhana. A few mails referred within that mail cover topics

related to visions.

> > > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> > > >

> > > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much

difference between the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does.

Message 3481 of gives a small account of a few

of my experiences with that yogi, which proved some things to me. Anyone

can make claims, but this yogi actually satisfied the skeptic in me.

> > > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very

hard on Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent

person who went to an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can

understand Sanskrit prose and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet,

it is only in the last 3-4 years that I am slowly finding my bearings in

this knowledge of rishis.

> > > >

> > > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of

knowledge I see in your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you

exhibit in your mails. My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> > > >

> > > > Best regards,

> > > > Narasimha

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > It's a day that

> > > > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > > > >

> > > > > This was third time,I visited

> > > > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > > > >

> > > > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > > > to your followers.

> > > > >

> > > > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > > > end.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > > > >

> > > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > > appealing to you.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards,

> > > > > Lalit Mishra.






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not quite the final evidence but just an observation, Narasimha!


Why is the same MUTH allowing such confusion to be published in the name of

Nikhilananda? Perhaps someone from Ramakrishna Ashrama should respond rather

than all of us fighting over this thread that has been going on and on and on,

ad nauseum! Don't you think so...?




where I uploaded a scan of what I have seen. Please feel free to delete it of

course -- if it does not fit the current purpose.





vedic astrology , Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Namaste,


> > All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from



> What " evidences " ? What did you give me? Even if you did, why should I be

distributing your so-called " evidences " to others?


> All I have seen is a *broken* link to a supposed second book of Nikhilananda,

which I could not access, and a lot of supposed astrological analysis that makes

zero sense to me and does not show someone who knows astrology that well.


> * * *


> As I have said, a time of 6:49 am seems artificially rectified by an

astrologer who perhaps thought Swamiji must be Makara lagna, as lagna barely

changes to Makara at 6:49 am. I and others have given good reasons why the

original recorded time makes far more sense than the time rectified by someone

whose credentials we do not know.


> * * *


> Internet is a boon as well as a curse for the refinement of our knowledge of

Jyotish. We can share ideas and knowledge fast and collaborate effectively. That

is the boon of internet.


> At the same time, the anonymous and free-for-all nature of internet allows for

total novices who only know the very basics, names of some classics and some

technical terms here and there, to act aggressively and confidently and put up a

*freak show* side by side with scholarly dissemination by learned people. Such

freak shows not only attract people's attention, but possibly waste a generation

of talented young people. This is the curse of internet.


> * * *


> If you turn on any Indian TV channel, you can see so many so-called " talent

shows " these days where overconfident young people brought up without exposure

to a virtue called humility put up a fake show of talent and get cocky and

abusive to others to the cheers of onlookers. I guess what we see on Jyotish

lists is a spillover from what we see in the popular media in India today. This

is the nature of the times we live in.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -

> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFilms.org

> Spirituality:

> Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings

> -


> , " utkal.panigrahi " <utkal.panigrahi@>


> >

> > Nandy,

> >

> > All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from


> >

> > Read all the biographies of Swami Vivekananda.

> >

> > Utkal.

> >

> > , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > > Â

> > > Though it was for Narasimha, I could not help but reply since this is a

public forum.

> > > Â

> > > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> > >

> > > You mean to say you have never made a wrong prediction in your life? Funny

logic you guys have. Show me one astrologer who has NEVER made a wrong

prediction. If you say you have never made a wrong prediction, I will say either

you don't know astrology to even go and try to predict anything, or you are a

plain liar.

> > > Â

> > > Â

> > > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> > > Â

> > > Can you or someone from your camp kindly provide the link to this forum

which shows that Nikhilananda's second work " rectified " the timing? I am curious

to know. The link that was provided does not work.

> > > Â

> > > Â

> > > In another mail it was claimed both the times 6:33 and 6:47 are before

sunrise. The panchang for that day shows the sunrise to have happened exactly at

6:47. Therefore, 6:47 is not before sunrise but exactly at sunrise. Whereas the

biography says Vivekananda was born " before sunrise " .

> > > Â

> > > So instead of writting so long long garbage

> > > Â

> > > If you feel what he wrote is garbage why have you been responding for so

long? Or maybe any idea that is alingned to your idea is garbage for you?

Another most interesting thing I observed is that " makar lagna " camp take to

abusing and using foul language at the drop of a hat. Maybe they feel lack of

manners is something to be proud of. Probably they do not understand the word

" civil discourse " . That two people can chose to disagree without being

abusing/uncivil must be an alien idea to these people.

> > > Â

> > > Pawan Maurya, disagree but in a civil manner. If others start using harsh

langauge things can get really ugly.

> > > Â

> > > -Regards

> > > Â Rajarshi

> > > Â

> > > Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> > >

> > > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Astro Talk <astro.talk@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Astro Talk <astro.talk@>

> > > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> > >

> > > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 1:25 PM

> > >

> > >

> > > Â

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Narashimha,

> > > Â

> > > You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any how that

BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had shown.

> > > Â

> > > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> > > Â

> > > But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.

> > > Â

> > > After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.

> > > Â

> > > Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology like you

say 6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon is associated by

Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.

> > >

> > > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> > > Â

> > > Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is being

aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also abused your GUrus

because of same reason.

> > > Â

> > > Regards,

> > > Pawan Maurya

> > >

> > > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> > >

> > > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> > > JyotishWritings

> > > Cc: , vedic astrology

> > > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 4:42 AM

> > >

> > > Â

> > >

> > > Namaste friends,

> > >

> > > > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami


> > > > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than


> > > > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)

> > >

> > > You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the

teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of

Ramakrishna " compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in

my view).

> > >

> > > However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying

that he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons

for 6:33 am.

> > >

> > > The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he

was born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books

sounds like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely

change to Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji

should have 9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and

Jupiter in 10th. However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is

absolutely unexplained with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna

explains that personality so brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the

original recorded time and give credence to some astrologer's rectification

possibly based on thumbrules and not-so-deep knowledge.

> > >

> > > For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on

Sg lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related

to divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another


> > >

> > > (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

> > > (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

> > > (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


> > > (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with

Cp lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


> > > (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

> > > (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn

and Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> > > (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

> > > (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it

is conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> > > (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared

based on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He

was indeed a leader of men.

> > > (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there,

the 10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-

Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak


> > >

> > > Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent

person cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide

to throw light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain

in the dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may

sometimes focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself

later. Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda

had was probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately

always. At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni

vrata, while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed

demons, while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and

rishis come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may

change from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and

wrong may change from

> > > place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a

specific job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a

different time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts

on astrology if he were back here today.

> > >

> > > Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone

posted a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did

not get time then to do so.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > >

> > > > Namaste Lalit and others,

> > > >

> > > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With

Them: Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> > > >

> > > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is

his biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That is

a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says

" a few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.

> > > >

> > > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually

thinks he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> > > >

> > > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > > appealing to you.

> > > >

> > > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> > > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> > > >

> > > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference

between the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with

that yogi, which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi

actually satisfied the skeptic in me.

> > > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.

> > > >

> > > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see

in your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails.

My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> > > >

> > > > Best regards,

> > > > Narasimha

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > It's a day that

> > > > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > > > >

> > > > > This was third time,I visited

> > > > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > > > >

> > > > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > > > to your followers.

> > > > >

> > > > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > > > end.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > > > >

> > > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > > appealing to you.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards,

> > > > > Lalit Mishra.


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, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Namaste,


> > All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from



> What " evidences " ? What did you give me? Even if you did, why should I be

distributing your so-called " evidences " to others?


> All I have seen is a *broken* link to a supposed second book of Nikhilananda,

which I could not access, and a lot of supposed astrological analysis that makes

zero sense to me and does not show someone who knows astrology that well.


> * * *


> As I have said, a time of 6:49 am seems artificially rectified by an

astrologer who perhaps thought Swamiji must be Makara lagna, as lagna barely

changes to Makara at 6:49 am. I and others have given good reasons why the

original recorded time makes far more sense than the time rectified by someone

whose credentials we do not know.


> * * *


> Internet is a boon as well as a curse for the refinement of our knowledge of

Jyotish. We can share ideas and knowledge fast and collaborate effectively. That

is the boon of internet.


> At the same time, the anonymous and free-for-all nature of internet allows for

total novices who only know the very basics, names of some classics and some

technical terms here and there, to act aggressively and confidently and put up a

*freak show* side by side with scholarly dissemination by learned people. Such

freak shows not only attract people's attention, but possibly waste a generation

of talented young people. This is the curse of internet.


> * * *


> If you turn on any Indian TV channel, you can see so many so-called " talent

shows " these days where overconfident young people brought up without exposure

to a virtue called humility put up a fake show of talent and get cocky and

abusive to others to the cheers of onlookers. I guess what we see on Jyotish

lists is a spillover from what we see in the popular media in India today. This

is the nature of the times we live in.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -

> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFilms.org

> Spirituality:

> Jyotish writings: JyotishWritings

> -


> , " utkal.panigrahi " <utkal.panigrahi@>


> >

> > Nandy,

> >

> > All the evidences are given to Narsimha, why you have not taken them from


> >

> > Read all the biographies of Swami Vivekananda.

> >

> > Utkal.

> >

> > , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > > Â

> > > Though it was for Narasimha, I could not help but reply since this is a

public forum.

> > > Â

> > > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> > >

> > > You mean to say you have never made a wrong prediction in your life? Funny

logic you guys have. Show me one astrologer who has NEVER made a wrong

prediction. If you say you have never made a wrong prediction, I will say either

you don't know astrology to even go and try to predict anything, or you are a

plain liar.

> > > Â

> > > Â

> > > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> > > Â

> > > Can you or someone from your camp kindly provide the link to this forum

which shows that Nikhilananda's second work " rectified " the timing? I am curious

to know. The link that was provided does not work.

> > > Â

> > > Â

> > > In another mail it was claimed both the times 6:33 and 6:47 are before

sunrise. The panchang for that day shows the sunrise to have happened exactly at

6:47. Therefore, 6:47 is not before sunrise but exactly at sunrise. Whereas the

biography says Vivekananda was born " before sunrise " .

> > > Â

> > > So instead of writting so long long garbage

> > > Â

> > > If you feel what he wrote is garbage why have you been responding for so

long? Or maybe any idea that is alingned to your idea is garbage for you?

Another most interesting thing I observed is that " makar lagna " camp take to

abusing and using foul language at the drop of a hat. Maybe they feel lack of

manners is something to be proud of. Probably they do not understand the word

" civil discourse " . That two people can chose to disagree without being

abusing/uncivil must be an alien idea to these people.

> > > Â

> > > Pawan Maurya, disagree but in a civil manner. If others start using harsh

langauge things can get really ugly.

> > > Â

> > > -Regards

> > > Â Rajarshi

> > > Â

> > > Rama Naama Satya Hai..

> > >

> > > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Astro Talk <astro.talk@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Astro Talk <astro.talk@>

> > > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> > >

> > > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 1:25 PM

> > >

> > >

> > > Â

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Narashimha,

> > > Â

> > > You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any how that

BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had shown.

> > > Â

> > > And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> > > Â

> > > But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.

> > > Â

> > > After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.

> > > Â

> > > Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology like you

say 6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon is associated by

Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.

> > >

> > > So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> > > Â

> > > Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is being

aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also abused your GUrus

because of same reason.

> > > Â

> > > Regards,

> > > Pawan Maurya

> > >

> > > --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> > >

> > > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > > Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time

> > > JyotishWritings

> > > Cc: , vedic astrology

> > > Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 4:42 AM

> > >

> > > Â

> > >

> > > Namaste friends,

> > >

> > > > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami


> > > > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than


> > > > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)

> > >

> > > You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the

teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of

Ramakrishna " compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in

my view).

> > >

> > > However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying

that he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons

for 6:33 am.

> > >

> > > The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he

was born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books

sounds like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely

change to Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji

should have 9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and

Jupiter in 10th. However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is

absolutely unexplained with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna

explains that personality so brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the

original recorded time and give credence to some astrologer's rectification

possibly based on thumbrules and not-so-deep knowledge.

> > >

> > > For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on

Sg lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related

to divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another


> > >

> > > (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

> > > (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

> > > (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


> > > (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with

Cp lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


> > > (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

> > > (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn

and Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> > > (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

> > > (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it

is conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> > > (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared

based on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He

was indeed a leader of men.

> > > (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there,

the 10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-

Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak


> > >

> > > Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent

person cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide

to throw light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain

in the dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may

sometimes focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself

later. Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda

had was probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately

always. At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni

vrata, while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed

demons, while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and

rishis come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may

change from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and

wrong may change from

> > > place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a

specific job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a

different time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts

on astrology if he were back here today.

> > >

> > > Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone

posted a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did

not get time then to do so.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:

> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > >

> > > > Namaste Lalit and others,

> > > >

> > > > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With

Them: Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> > > >

> > > > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is

his biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That is

a more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says

" a few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.

> > > >

> > > > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually

thinks he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> > > >

> > > > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > > appealing to you.

> > > >

> > > > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> > > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> > > >

> > > > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference

between the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with

that yogi, which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi

actually satisfied the skeptic in me.

> > > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> > > >

> > > > * * *

> > > >

> > > > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.

> > > >

> > > > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see

in your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails.

My friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> > > >

> > > > Best regards,

> > > > Narasimha

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > It's a day that

> > > > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > > > >

> > > > > This was third time,I visited

> > > > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > > > >

> > > > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > > > to your followers.

> > > > >

> > > > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > > > end.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > > > >

> > > > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > > > appealing to you.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards,

> > > > > Lalit Mishra.


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