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Birth Time rectification

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Birth time rectification is a process where an Astrologer wanted to adjust

the time of an individual to his known principles , but every one while

doing so forget that , he had limited knowledge and what he is doing may be

wrong to the principles he yet had to learn.


In my life time I had done and used various methods , including Tatawa

theory, KP's Ruling planet method etc. the draw back of KP methods are that

you want to fit in the Nakashtra based principles to the known happenings of

an individual. And surely it is Ayansha based one, one using different

Ayanasha will claim that this time is correct or that time is correct .


I prefer therefore the theory of Gunas of nature, the cause of human birth

is Rajoguna, the Satoguna is the cause of Deva birth and Tamogunas cause the

birth of Animals. Everything which can be seen through naked eyes or could

be felt through senses is because of Brahm the supreme ; the stability of

elements is also due to this. Hindus believes in 36 Crores Devtas , but if

you can consider the maximum possible combinations out of 109 Elements

these could be much more, for our ease we divide it to Five Elements namely

Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth, these works in the whole Universe and

are cause of several minute organs in our body; for how much time they are

available to a Jiva is in their knowledge after which they seize their power

from that Jiva ,so these are controlled by Satwaguna; they can not atain

Jivan Mukta position, so it is said in our scriptures that the human birth

is the only one where one can transform to other kinds. And no other type of

formation can give you Jivan Mukta position.


I consider that Male are born under Fire and Earth elements and Female take

births under Air and Water element.


Akash being hollow /expansion cause no births.


Air element is element of service, touch, love etc, whereas water is

liquidity, enjoyment, adaptability etc. The females born under Male elements

are tough to handle , where as male born under female elements , becomes

soft and kind.


My method of rectification(not mine exactly) had no alliance with Ayanasha,

rather it can be used to check the viability of Aynasha if it work well or



As given in Jhora , I do not find 6.33 birth time possible for human beings

on that day, rather with Rajoguni Air element I will fix it to 6.34 AM,

born with fiery element sign but with Prana in Air element , he did not

strived for Moksha , but was touched by the poor state of many Indians and

prayed to the God to take several birhs again in India to serve the mankind.

A feminine quality had given height to his male fire to work for Man kind,

the Ketu being his sub lord representing Venus as well as Moon the lord of

8thin 10th house , is again in the house of service, connecting 6th and 8th

it shows his interest in hidden things; Ketu is taking all the positive

energy from Jupiter as well as Sun which is transformed through Mars into

Ketu and Ketu is transforming it into Moon the 8th lord in 10th.


You people use the depositor of a planet , but the depositor of Star is

more powerful than that of sign, Sun deposited to Jupiter and Jupiter

through his star position in Mars star transform its energies into Ketu

star .Mars is hardly having any safety from Jupiter , because Jupiter had

good control over 5th and 9th position but is affected from his 7th placed

planet, an old man had no interest or can not guard his wife, this is for

Moon to relish it.


And if you see the sub lords of all the 12 Cusps these are

Ketu/jup/ketu/Jupiter Ketu and Jupiter. An KP astrologer will say oh,

wonderful all the chart had complete control of Ketu and Jupiter only


This is really a wonderful position, it shows that at the time I rectified

a Giant Guru took birth at Calcutta who ruled through his Saffron Flag over

the Globe. Such birth was not possible anywhere else . I bow my head to the

toughts of such a great soul and thanks to all those who put my thoughts to

this great Son of India.


With Best wishes,


Inder Jit Sahni







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