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My Words To Astrologers !!

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Dear Astrologers,


You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then

the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more

effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of



Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is

required for construction of new and better structure.


India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's

fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country

people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This

heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at



Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and

innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,

Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the

invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of

Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally

respected as Newton.


I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to

work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we

should remain open for further developments.


I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also

respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's

contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I

wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other

shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they

contributed, instead of making them mythological character.


There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can

learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,

medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4

yrs ?


In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR

Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book

didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and

respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar

Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.


I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on

buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places

out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am

wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or

drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.


I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,

particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a

astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty

in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown

things that I w'd certainly share with you all.


I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give

new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.


I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so

perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose

horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares

tell Astrology is not a science ?


My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share

with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow

them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use

their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.


I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of

astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I

validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I

also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on

spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.


You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda's birth chart is

incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to

meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that

these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust

was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school

and articals, It was more projection then reality.


Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming

days he kept posting articals on political affairs.


PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in

between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda's chart to Jyoish Group and

other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior

? I was surprised at this behavior.


Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find

great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.


I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do

astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share

with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.


What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their

own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,

Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in

your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help

you in real life ?


Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that

every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what

comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to

overcome your's doubts.


After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,

New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune

to this.






























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