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Serious astrologers, please stop right here or if you read on, please do not

blame me for wasting your preciou$ time!!








Scribed or modified on June 30, 2008, I forget!



Teenager (let us call him 'TA' from now on...) could never shake the image of

the crazy bhikaaran off from his mind!


Even as the REALITY suddenly emerged in front of his eyes under the dim-light of

the dying kerosene lamp even though the full moon (they said moon was going to

be the closest to earth that night in like years older than the great grandpa

who was still around and coughing his way to wherever old people end up...)

helped or perhaps NOT; this blurrb he remembered as it flashed before his sharp

and young gaze!


" $wami Murabbanand ji shall be giving a sermon soon after the delightful JAM

session provided by Neokirtanists who shall entertain the mASSES by making their

guitars sing and their clarinets dance. Swamiji's pravachchan (sermon?) will be

followed by a three course prasadam distribution and will be foolowed by the

greatest of all firewalkers putting on her show: JwALATARANG! As the GREAT

yogini dances on the glowing embers (you are invited to touch in case you are

suspicious -- THE EMBERS!), you shall hear the heavenly music of the spheres as

her lotus feet touch the different embers and a different NOTE arises with each

touch! " . Either the teenager had a photographic memory (using an Infrared

camera) or it was the same story again: The <child> of God filling in the gaps

with the best possible guesses!!


It being summer and far better to be out in the open at night than the stiffling

hot indoors, TA decided to attend this *wild* party!


The huge field was filling up with all sorts of people. There must be thousands,

NO HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS! *Indoor* where he lived was about a MILLION strong

back then! A third of those escaping the heat of indoors to see this carnival in

the mellow evening outdoors of Malwa, hot in the daytime, soothing and quenching

as the night fell was not unusual. I hear now it is different. Trees and greens

all gone, the taals and talaabs and palas reduced to a muddy marshland. Anyway,

one must pay the price of progress, I suppose!


The boring bhajaan preludes done, $wamiji after his sumptuous meal was settling

in, becoming attuned to the microphone (or vice versa -- he being a 'pahunchaa

huaa' monk) and the crowd which latter was a mere blurr. Well, you see, Swamiji

always removed his contact lenses when giving a sermon. It helped with focusing

the third eye, he had revealed to TA later on (in the next chapter, not this



Swamiji spoke about Maya that evening. Maya is not Miththya, Maya is not

falsehood or untruth or delusions. Maya is illusion but only if you are ILL or

LOOSE or UN (not there, in negation of what or where you are or should be!).

SWAMIJI had a bad habit! He smoked beedis (little smoking things which had

tobacco rolled into a leaf and he smoked it publicly and had given some good

reasonings about why he did it. TA read it, but did not care so did not remember

the reason! [[Author's note: MY! How perception changes!! Beedi in those 20s or

30s or 40s and the tolerance of populace so much lower in the 60s or 70s or



So, after a long satisfying puff and a belch, $wamiji resumed, " ...


And even if you feel that you are touching your newborn child and feeling

gratefully what the Creator has given to you as a gift [[Author's note:

POSSESSION]], all you know about this bundle of joy <<PUFF>> is what you are

experiencing through your senses! SMELL, TASTE, TOUCH, HEARING and SEEING!

Through these little devices that God implanted into your nose, tongue,

fingertips, ears and eyes through being connected to your brain/mind millions of

signals and bits of information is reaching and being sorted and FIGURED OUT

<<PUFFFFF cough>>. Your reality which looks so solid and real is created by



IF ONE OF THESE servants of yours, these sensors decides to revolt, your REALITY

will change immediately. IF you were born without one of these sensors or happen

to lose them along the way, your REALITY shall change! Then why do you keep

calling what you perceive, REALITY?


Just as the sermon ended, at that point it suddenly started raining heavily!

There was a BIG collective cry of disappointment from the following! Maya or

not, there is no way NOW that the FIRESHOW can happen :-(


" Too bad! We all would have to suffer through YET another sermon, some other

time, before we get to watch the firedance of the YOGINI JwALATARANGA -- the

STAR item of the evening! " , the teenager lamented silently. Well the young lad

has time and age on his side...! He will watch HER dance!!


july 1, 2008




* Abbreviations used

TA = Teenager. Let us assume that his name is Hari Puttar (son of God)! (not to

be confused with the popular british magician with a similar sounding name!!)

[AN]= Author's Notes. I get sick each time I use sic!

$ = Swamiji

* The additional A in Shaastra used to separate it from Shastra, the former

means a procedural scientific applied discipline, the latter a weapon!





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