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Fwd (Hinducalendar):Correct date of festivals!

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Cc: ' ';

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Correcct dates of festivals in 2010-11




Shri Pathmarajah Nagalingamji,


Jai Shri Ram!


Many thanks for the New Year wishes, which started actually today,

(March 21, 2010) since the exact Vishuva was at 11-03 pm on March 20,



The word Saka calendar that you have used with the new year greetings is

actually a misnomer! It is as per the real Vedic calendar that a solar

New Year can start on any of the four cardinal days, and for the last

more than two thousand years, much before the advent of Shakas into

India, it started with the day of Vernal Equinox, whereas in the time of

the Vedanga Jyotisha, it was the Uttarayana Day that was the start of a

solar New Year.


In fact, we do not find any references to Shaka year in any astronomical

work prior to Varahamihira's works which are of about sixth century

AD! That is why I have stopped using the word Shaka calendar in the

list of festivals that I have circulated!


Now coming to your second point, " ........ common seasonal sense, a

lunisolar calendar in which leap years coincide with those of the

Gregorian calendar " .


Those are exactly the parameters of a Vedic calendar as per the Vedanga

Jyotisham! Both solar as well as synodic months have to be pegged to

seasons! There cannot be any leap year as per the VJ.


<In formulating a new Hindu calendar, we do not need to base it on any



That is the real anarchy and that is why we have Surya Siddhanta

calendar, Grahalaghava calendar, Lahiri calendar, Ramana calendar and

now even a Hari Malla calendar today! All those calendars are without

pramanas and just as per the " thinking (read whims and fancies!) " of the

respective promoters! The Vernal Equinox of 285AD against the star Spica

(Lahiri's whims and fancies!) or 390 AD being the Mesharambha bindu

(B. V. Rman's whims and fancies) or the Ayanamsha advancing and

then retreating by fifteen degrees (Hari Malla whims and fancies) and

so on! All these wh9imsical calendars are based on personal interests

and idiosyncrasies and to justify them, they quote all the prmanas

upside down! For example, till yesterday, Shri Hari Malla was saying

that Sayana is Brahma and Nirayana is Vishnu and that is why we must not

use Sayana, but now all of a sudden it has dawned on him that Sayana is

only a Gregorian creation! In other words, Brahmaji did not exist prior

to 15th century AD!


Then again, he had been shouting from housetops that there are no solar

months in the Vedanga Jyotisham and the twelve adityas that have been

referred to in the Vedas are twelve galactic centres, but now that his

ignorance was exposed, it dawned on him that there are solar months also

in the VJ and those also in the form of nirayana Mesha etc. Rashis! As

such, if you go on wishing away the pramanas, all you are going to have

is hundreds of calendars at your hands instead of a Vedic or even Hindu

calendar! And that anarchy will be because of vested interests instead

of any other reasons!


<All the pramanas are inaccurate or faulty.>


We have to go by the letter of the parameters/pramana, which are as

sound today as they were when they were formulated! E.g., as per the

seventh Mantra of the VJ, days start increasing from the Uttarayana Day,

which was the starting day of a new solar year then. Thus Uttarayana

was the shortest day of the year as per that work of around 1400 BCE.

It was so in 10000 BCE and will be so in 12030 AD. As such, the main

principles/definitions of the Vedanga Jyotisham calendar for Uttarayana

etc. are the same as those of modern astronomy, even if the methodology

for calculating that Uttarayana day as per the VJ is not as accurate as

modern astronomy!


BTW, your greetings for the new solar year that you have extended are

also as per " pramanas " (instead of anarchy!) since the day of

Vasanta Sampata (Vernal Equinox of Marhc 21, 2010) is known as Mesha

Samkranti as per all the Puranas---when the day is equal to night; the

day of Autumn Equinox is known as Tula Samkranti as per those very

Puranas---when again the day is equal to night---- and Dakshinayana Day

known as Karkata Samkranti (when the day is the longest in northern

hemispheres) and Winter Solstice i.e. Uttarayana, known as Makra

Samkranti ( the actual PONGAL in Tamilnadu!)---when the day is the

shortest in the southern hemisphere----- are said to be the Samkrantis

when one gains immense punya by performing japa and meditation etc. or

having baths in the Ganges etc. on those days. These four samkantis

are said to be thousand fold more fruitful than the ordinary samkratis

(and that also so called sayana, since Messrs Lahiri, Ramana and

Harimala etc. etc.---nirayanawalas---- did not exist even in an

embryonic stage then!). And these pramanas do have a very solid

geographical/astronomical backing as will be evident from BVB6 and 1999b

etc. papers.


That is why I go on repeating that our seers were more scientific than

all the Lahiris and Ramans and Harimalas etc. etc. put together!


Jai Shri Ram!





HinduCalendar , " Pathmarajah " <beastmy wrote:


Re: Correct dates of festivals in 2010-11




Happy New Year 1932 (Saka calendar)!


In formulating a new Hindu calendar, we do not need to base it on any

pramana, but simply on modern astronomy and common seasonal sense, a

lunisolar calendar in which leap years coincide with those of the

Gregorian calendar


All the pramanas are inaccurate or faulty.


Can we please get on with it?










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