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Accurate Predictions - To Establish Jyotish Is a Science !!

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(Note : proofreading of mail is not done, If someone is more interested

in spellings, pls correct spelling mistakes and repost this mail)




Vedic Jyotish has tremendous potential to predict disasters before they

occur, we have got an edge to predict events well before they occur by

following and re-discovering true path shown by sages whereas they are

still engaged gossips and post event Jugar type misleading researches

since last 2 decades but now we are here to bring millanium shift.


As forseen on message #25770,#25892 in Jan - Feb 2010, when nobody of so

called great schools of astrology could even realize the threat of

fequent huge fire accidents, A fire that's set by Ketu.


Agents and dummy members of astro schools and other groups are out to

negate the predictions as they survive on fear that

1. people will get educated

2. their reality w'd come out in public.


Accuracy can be established in two ways - 1. Predicting obvious 2.

Predicing what's not obvious, both are equally important and difficult,

Predictions of earth quake has been recorded successfully, obviously the

scope of prediction was limited to identify pattern of reducing

intensity of disasterous earth quakes, and that prediction is of

historical importance.


That prediction underlines the capability of vedic mundane jyotish that

small or big quakes can be predicted, a single person can not do it but

if there is a team, predictioins can be made with more accuracy along

with name of the affected region or country.


I said - People, Places and Planets are connected, It's said by our

sages including Parashara, Parashara had written another scripture oon

the praise of Lord Hanuman Ji, he gave some clues in that scripture in

which he states how to identify convenient places for Sri Hanuman



Two - three day's back, I watched a news being telecasted that at some

place fire accident happend in ice, but, I missd to note down the



Well, We have seen how fire snatched 25-30 lives at Calcutta building,

Pls Note latest Fire Accidents of last 4- 5 days.


San Manuel Devstating Fire.






Mumbai Fire :







Kanpur Fire ( half a dozen fire incidents in last 5 days) :








Kanpur Fire :






Kanpur Fire :








Kanpur Fire (March,19) :




Delhi Fire :


Massive Fire In a SLUM :







Another Fire in a diff Slum :





Fire at ITO Building, New Delhi :


http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t & source=web & ct=res & cd=6 & ved=0CBMQFjAF & ur\


lls-four-children.html & rct=j & q=fire+at+delhi+IT+building & ei=TIO7S87YPMjC\

rAf2oaygBw & usg=AFQjCNHONwDKGcelBWAceyXPasoX0KZxrw

<http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t & source=web & ct=res & cd=6 & ved=0CBMQFjAF & u\


ills-four-children.html & rct=j & q=fire+at+delhi+IT+building & ei=TIO7S87YPMj\

CrAf2oaygBw & usg=AFQjCNHONwDKGcelBWAceyXPasoX0KZxrw>



Fire at RamVilas paswan's house, New Delhi.






Bangladesh Fire, 21 killed :





Afganistan Fire:

It's no bomb blast but in a celebration 6 troops are killed.










An underwater volcano erupted Wednesday morning about 5 kilometers

north-northwest of Iwo Jima (Iwo To).Interestingly, this erruptions

happend underwater, might be in indication of retro mar's in cancer,Why

I m doing predictions is to re-establish true principles of vedic

jyotish, not the Rahu but Jup predicts, key is Jup - Sun

comination,alignment, aspect or any relationship in chart.










I w'd like to mention that there also has been a Major Coal Mines Fire @

Nagpur, India as predicted in same post.







Again saying, Astrologers are loosing their opportunity to learn beause

they spend their energy in leg pulling, let's work togather to establish

reputation of jyotish as a proven science that can save the world.







, " utkal.panigrahi "

<utkal.panigrahi wrote:



It's remained continue even today, giving a striking validity to

following astrological study done yesterday.


It's continued even today


Pune Fire :








25 children injured in Pune when hydrogen cylinder is exploded


Mumbai Airport :


Iran Air Line's jet does emergency landing as rear tire bursts.


Calcutta :







5 policemen injured, 7 abducted by Maoists. Astrologer's should come up

with an attitude for studying implications of mundane astrology, then

only world is going to recognize them,unless, it happens they will

remain trapped in their small world, and this is the duty of

astrologer's as well to warn people and giving a name to astrology.



, " utkal.panigrahi "

utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:



Entire world is suffering in malific fire, As known about erruptive

force of Ketu, who is on Mithun is a sure shot reason for fire mishaps

and further to add fuel, Saturn the significator of air has turned retro

and started causing plane crashes, It's transiting fiery Mesha

navamsa,aspects Ketu on Mithuna from Kanya, Ketu and Saturn are in


positions, both the signs related to travel and locomotion, Ketu is on

Mithuna and on Vrishabha Navamsa and navamsa lord Venus is aspected by

Mars who is debilitated and transiting fiery Dhanu navamsa, Rahu is

transiting fiery Dhanu and on Vrischika navamsa, Most of the malific

planets are transiting distructive fiery signs or nakshhatras,

Savior Jup is transiting Saturnian sign Kumbha and on Dhanu navamsa,

There is no respite to world, Have a look at deadly incidences occured

in Jan 2010, apart from Haiti earth quake. Explosions, Volcanic

Activities, Lightening etc are the result.


Ethopian Plane Crash







Iranian Plane crash




Masco Fire









Hoover(USA) Fire









Philippines Fire









Kashmir Fire









Mumbai Fire










Mumbai Fire



Though the agents of various schools and groups are out in the group to

negate firy prediction, but fire is fire, it eliminates darkness of




Got an opportunity to update you with latest massive fire events









New Delhi Fire









TiruAnantPuram Fire









In daily life also we can experience that those who have got Mithuna in

their 3rd, 6'th, 8'th and 12'th house are frequently tasting electric

shocks, also no shocking to see how some people are passing cheap

remarks on everything valued, even remarks on those great saints who

built not only nation but helped whole of humanity also, Ketu also

represents loneliness at home, Saturn is old age, lack of self

respect results in disrespect to everything respected, Mithun is related

to communication, As it's afflicted and we see what they are doing in

Jyotish group, just busy letting down themselves.



, " utkal.panigrahi "

<utkal.panigrahi wrote:



> I w'd like you to notice degree of accuracy in vedic mundane


> as openly predicted in


> * Message #26243, March 9, 2010


> earth quakes are to loose it's intensity, two earth quakes recorded

> after the prediction and both the earth quakes are in lesser



> Look at the Data -


> * Punjab Earth Quake - March 14, 2010.

> http://www.zeenews.com/news611142.html

> <http://www.zeenews.com/news611142.html>


> * Los Angeles Earthquake March 16, 2010 -




> -2010/881408




> 6-2010/881408>


> Forget KN Rao's BVB or BVR's ICAS , even best scientists of world


> never predict anything with so high degree of accuracy, KN Rao's


> failure is that he produced Mouji like students.


> I will review the transit time to time and will let you know when a

> change in the earth quake pattern is likely to come. You can read

> Message #26243, March 9, 2010.


> //

> We in the domain of astrology have lost the opportunity to establish

> Jyotish as a proven science, Kind of significant transit we have today

> w'd be rare to repeat for a decade or so.


> Well, for the remaining period of Mar's debilitation, least that we


> say is after Mars crosses Saturn by 5-6 degrees, Earth quakes are to

> loose it's current intensity and finally are to be stopped and but


> will be accidents and disasters in more frequency in water and air,

> violence and explosions will be continue.... till the transit changes.

> //





> , " utkal.panigrahi "

> utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Accurate Predictions - To Establish Jyotish Is a Science !!

> >

> > Jyotish can find place of a most perfect science (vigyaan) only by

> > correct principles and accurate predictions, That I am doing to open

> > eyes of you astrologers. You have seen so called those greats ,ho

> lacks

> > the capability to recognize true principles and therefore they can't

> > predict, It's upto you if you follow them and their useless false

> > theories or follow the sages's correct jyotish, which reflects in

> > predictions that I openly do in the groups. Let them do post event

> > analysis as this is required for their survival, read following and

> > realize power of true vedic mundane astrology.

> >

> >




> \

> > ----------

> >

> >

> >

> > Note -

> >

> > On 30'th March, Smt Sonia Gandhi has taken the chair of National


> > Advisory Board as predicted -

> >

> > · Message #25750, 18 Jan 2010 of

> >

> > Jup is Kumbha wants performance, govt must perform, expect some


> > in team, time for new induction in next couple of months, keep

> watching

> > Jup and Retro Saturn along with retro Mars in debility.

> >

> > · Message #22005 of Sohamsa, 27 March, 2010

> >

> > Jup in Kumbha always puts lots of pressure on the govt to work


> > even brings changes in the governing team in case, concerns of

> > performance goes beyond, we have seen two former foreign secretaries

> of

> > India looking Nuclear and Environmental affairs have resigned.

> >

> > · Read More : Message #22005 of Sohamsa, 27 March, 2010

> >

> > Govt has not done any survey, but with the power of Mundane Vedic

> > Astrology, It's predicted in groups, note down it and cross check

> after

> > period of few months when Govt will publishes it's results.

> >

> > ******** Predicting Future ******

> >

> > 1. One thing that can give relief to people is, Jup in Kumbha as

> > crossed the first 15 degrees, now, moves towards Meena, will give


> > yield of food grains, vegetables, We will have wheat, pulses and


> > food grains in abundance, so, prices may go down in the market when

> Jup

> > moves to Meena Rashi.

> >

> > ******** For Your Knowledge ********

> >

> > 2. Sun - Saturn alignment (Sambandh), pushes Govt heads to make

> > policies in people's favor - Tax Benefits, Subsidies etc come to

> floor,

> > whereas, Mars- Jup, Mars - Sun alignment brings dearness, It's seen

> > worldwide, When Sun - Saturn were togather in Sept-Oct, Govt took a

> > policy of austerity for it's ministers.

> >

> > And in Jan-Feb When Sun transited Saturnine sign, US govt finalized

> it's

> > health insurance plan, It happens everytime when Sun - Saturn makes


> > contact.

> >

> > 3. Saturn in Virgo, creates dis-satisfaction among people at raw,


> > a sign that gives justice to " Aaam Aaadmi " , Saturn is afflicting


> > sign, so, Labour problem has to increace manifold, I predicted in


> > 2009 that India w'd see strikes, bandhs, road blocks, rallies.

> >

> > Understand the rediscovery of the forgotten principle of Vedic


> > Astrology - Planets, Places and People are linked togather, i.e,

> Saturn

> > works differently for India than how it works for USA and Europe.

> > Countries chart doesn't have much significance, It's merely a


> > chart.

> >

> > Can anybody among you answer - Which classic said to use countries

> > chart in mundane astrology, You talk about Mahrshis, Who was the

> > Maharshi that suggested to use countries birth chart ?

> >

> > As most astrologer's don't read classics therefore Don't have

> capability

> > to understand classics, while some other's have already identified

> this

> > and they found a an opportunity to dump all sort of garbage, all

> > D-Charts which no Sage ever gave importance.

> >

> > And they now trying to become a Guru .... Kindly Learn and then do

> > astrology, learn like a good student ask those who knows a thing.


> > Ramdev is Doing Dis-Service to You .... How much Yoga you do and

> > understand ?

> >

> > You know you are wrong, Therefore you can't fight, what logic you


> > give, Will you debate on Yoga, I am always ready ... Utkal.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Same-old-same-old repeated many times over to increase the 'N';

Stay away from diStractions;

Including Internet, particularly if you are a BEGINNER!




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As predicted in Jan- Feb 2010 with Title " Ketu's Warning to World " ,

world is burning in Ketu's fire - More Fire Accidents, It shows the

accuracy of Vedic Jyotish in predicting events well before they occur,

Critics should review themselves -




Delhi Fire Accidents -


11'th April





10'th April - Rs 100 crore asset loss.







Vaishao Devi Forest Fire


http://news4u.co.in/?p=58712 <http://news4u.co.in/?p=58712>


Haridwar Fire - spread in around 2 km's area








Gujrat Fire







Jalandhar Fire




Karachi Fire




Lahore Fire







, " utkal.panigrahi "

<utkal.panigrahi wrote:



> (Note : proofreading of mail is not done, If someone is more


> in spellings, pls correct spelling mistakes and repost this mail)




> Vedic Jyotish has tremendous potential to predict disasters before


> occur, we have got an edge to predict events well before they occur by

> following and re-discovering true path shown by sages whereas they are

> still engaged gossips and post event Jugar type misleading researches

> since last 2 decades but now we are here to bring millanium shift.


> As forseen on message #25770,#25892 in Jan - Feb 2010, when nobody of


> called great schools of astrology could even realize the threat of

> fequent huge fire accidents, A fire that's set by Ketu.


> Agents and dummy members of astro schools and other groups are out to

> negate the predictions as they survive on fear that

> 1. people will get educated

> 2. their reality w'd come out in public.


> Accuracy can be established in two ways - 1. Predicting obvious 2.

> Predicing what's not obvious, both are equally important and


> Predictions of earth quake has been recorded successfully, obviously


> scope of prediction was limited to identify pattern of reducing

> intensity of disasterous earth quakes, and that prediction is of

> historical importance.


> That prediction underlines the capability of vedic mundane jyotish


> small or big quakes can be predicted, a single person can not do it


> if there is a team, predictioins can be made with more accuracy along

> with name of the affected region or country.


> I said - People, Places and Planets are connected, It's said by our

> sages including Parashara, Parashara had written another scripture oon

> the praise of Lord Hanuman Ji, he gave some clues in that scripture in

> which he states how to identify convenient places for Sri Hanuman

> Sadhana.


> Two - three day's back, I watched a news being telecasted that at some

> place fire accident happend in ice, but, I missd to note down the

> accident.


> Well, We have seen how fire snatched 25-30 lives at Calcutta building,

> Pls Note latest Fire Accidents of last 4- 5 days.


> San Manuel Devstating Fire.


> http://www.firefightingnews.com/article.cfm?articleID=77751

> <http://www.firefightingnews.com/article.cfm?articleID=77751>



> Mumbai Fire :





> Mumbai-Petro-Chemical-Factory-News-Timepa




> -Mumbai-Petro-Chemical-Factory-News-Timepa>


> Kanpur Fire ( half a dozen fire incidents in last 5 days) :





> ses-panic/articleshow/5764219.cms




> uses-panic/articleshow/5764219.cms>



> Kanpur Fire :


> http://www.deccanherald.com/content/57870/fire-thermocol-factory.html





> Kanpur Fire :





> r-fire/articleshow/1629185.cms




> ur-fire/articleshow/1629185.cms>



> Kanpur Fire (March,19) :

> http://www.newkerala.com/news/fullnews-73445.html

> <http://www.newkerala.com/news/fullnews-73445.html>


> Delhi Fire :


> Massive Fire In a SLUM :





> crpf-camp-in-delhi-14875/




> -crpf-camp-in-delhi-14875/>


> Another Fire in a diff Slum :

> http://www.siasat.com/english/news/two-children-killed-delhi-slum-fire





> Fire at ITO Building, New Delhi :



http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t & source=web & ct=res & cd=6 & ved=0CBMQFjAF & ur\






lls-four-children.html & rct=j & q=fire+at+delhi+IT+building & ei=TIO7S87YPMjC\


> rAf2oaygBw & usg=AFQjCNHONwDKGcelBWAceyXPasoX0KZxrw


<http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t & source=web & ct=res & cd=6 & ved=0CBMQFjAF & u\






ills-four-children.html & rct=j & q=fire+at+delhi+IT+building & ei=TIO7S87YPMj\


> CrAf2oaygBw & usg=AFQjCNHONwDKGcelBWAceyXPasoX0KZxrw>



> Fire at RamVilas paswan's house, New Delhi.


> http://www.thehindu.com/2009/05/14/stories/2009051461050300.htm

> <http://www.thehindu.com/2009/05/14/stories/2009051461050300.htm>



> Bangladesh Fire, 21 killed :

> http://www.industryweek.com/ReadArticle.aspx?ArticleID=21196

> <http://www.industryweek.com/ReadArticle.aspx?ArticleID=21196>



> Afganistan Fire:

> It's no bomb blast but in a celebration 6 troops are killed.





> ire-incident-452526.html




> fire-incident-452526.html>





> An underwater volcano erupted Wednesday morning about 5 kilometers

> north-northwest of Iwo Jima (Iwo To).Interestingly, this erruptions

> happend underwater, might be in indication of retro mar's in


> I m doing predictions is to re-establish true principles of vedic

> jyotish, not the Rahu but Jup predicts, key is Jup - Sun

> comination,alignment, aspect or any relationship in chart.





> \ke-e-41f21e0.html




> o\ke-e-41f21e0.html>


> http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20100204p2a00m0na017000c.html

> <http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20100204p2a00m0na017000c.html>


> I w'd like to mention that there also has been a Major Coal Mines Fire


> Nagpur, India as predicted in same post.





> -Majri-coal-mine/articleshow/5521333.cms




> n-Majri-coal-mine/articleshow/5521333.cms>


> Again saying, Astrologers are loosing their opportunity to learn


> they spend their energy in leg pulling, let's work togather to


> reputation of jyotish as a proven science that can save the world.


> -----------

> Utkal.




> < , " utkal.panigrahi "

> utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:



> It's remained continue even today, giving a striking validity to

> following astrological study done yesterday.


> It's continued even today


> Pune Fire :





> php




> .php>



> 25 children injured in Pune when hydrogen cylinder is exploded


> Mumbai Airport :


> Iran Air Line's jet does emergency landing as rear tire bursts.


> Calcutta :





> \n-abducted-Maoists-West-Bengal.htm




> n\n-abducted-Maoists-West-Bengal.htm>


> 5 policemen injured, 7 abducted by Maoists. Astrologer's should come


> with an attitude for studying implications of mundane astrology, then

> only world is going to recognize them,unless, it happens they will

> remain trapped in their small world, and this is the duty of

> astrologer's as well to warn people and giving a name to astrology.


> Utkal


> < , " utkal.panigrahi "

> utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:



> Entire world is suffering in malific fire, As known about erruptive

> force of Ketu, who is on Mithun is a sure shot reason for fire mishaps

> and further to add fuel, Saturn the significator of air has turned


> and started causing plane crashes, It's transiting fiery Mesha

> navamsa,aspects Ketu on Mithuna from Kanya, Ketu and Saturn are in

> Kendra

> positions, both the signs related to travel and locomotion, Ketu is on

> Mithuna and on Vrishabha Navamsa and navamsa lord Venus is aspected by

> Mars who is debilitated and transiting fiery Dhanu navamsa, Rahu is

> transiting fiery Dhanu and on Vrischika navamsa, Most of the malific

> planets are transiting distructive fiery signs or nakshhatras,

> Savior Jup is transiting Saturnian sign Kumbha and on Dhanu navamsa,

> There is no respite to world, Have a look at deadly incidences occured

> in Jan 2010, apart from Haiti earth quake. Explosions, Volcanic

> Activities, Lightening etc are the result.


> Ethopian Plane Crash





> ies-no-s.html




> dies-no-s.html>


> Iranian Plane crash

> http://news./s/ap/20100124/ap_on_re_mi_ea/l_iran_plane

> <http://news./s/ap/20100124/ap_on_re_mi_ea/l_iran_plane>


> Masco Fire






> re/4791569.html




> ire/4791569.html>



> Hoover(USA) Fire






> ccident/zGSAx84roUqTQDFC1MdYZw.cspx




> Accident/zGSAx84roUqTQDFC1MdYZw.cspx>



> Philippines Fire






> /es/4753855.html




> e/es/4753855.html>



> Kashmir Fire






> use-gutted-in-Kashmir/5004050.html




> ouse-gutted-in-Kashmir/5004050.html>



> Mumbai Fire






> Industrial-Estate/4986421.html




> -Industrial-Estate/4986421.html>




> Mumbai Fire



> Though the agents of various schools and groups are out in the group


> negate firy prediction, but fire is fire, it eliminates darkness of

> ignorence.



> Got an opportunity to update you with latest massive fire events






> ntial-building-in-south-Mumbai/4993201.html




> ential-building-in-south-Mumbai/4993201.html>



> New Delhi Fire






> n.html




> en.html>



> TiruAnantPuram Fire






> sive-probe-into-tanker-fire/4843572.html




> nsive-probe-into-tanker-fire/4843572.html>



> In daily life also we can experience that those who have got Mithuna


> their 3rd, 6'th, 8'th and 12'th house are frequently tasting electric

> shocks, also no shocking to see how some people are passing cheap

> remarks on everything valued, even remarks on those great saints who

> built not only nation but helped whole of humanity also, Ketu also

> represents loneliness at home, Saturn is old age, lack of self

> respect results in disrespect to everything respected, Mithun is


> to communication, As it's afflicted and we see what they are doing in

> Jyotish group, just busy letting down themselves.


> Utkal

> , " utkal.panigrahi "

> utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > I w'd like you to notice degree of accuracy in vedic mundane

> astrology,

> > as openly predicted in

> >

> > * Message #26243, March 9, 2010

> >

> > earth quakes are to loose it's intensity, two earth quakes recorded

> > after the prediction and both the earth quakes are in lesser

> intensity.

> >

> > Look at the Data -

> >

> > * Punjab Earth Quake - March 14, 2010.

> > http://www.zeenews.com/news611142.html

> > <http://www.zeenews.com/news611142.html>

> >

> > * Los Angeles Earthquake March 16, 2010 -

> >




> \

> > -2010/881408

> >




> \

> > 6-2010/881408>

> >

> > Forget KN Rao's BVB or BVR's ICAS , even best scientists of world

> could

> > never predict anything with so high degree of accuracy, KN Rao's

> another

> > failure is that he produced Mouji like students.

> >

> > I will review the transit time to time and will let you know when a

> > change in the earth quake pattern is likely to come. You can read

> > Message #26243, March 9, 2010.

> >

> > //

> > We in the domain of astrology have lost the opportunity to establish

> > Jyotish as a proven science, Kind of significant transit we have


> > w'd be rare to repeat for a decade or so.

> >

> > Well, for the remaining period of Mar's debilitation, least that we

> can

> > say is after Mars crosses Saturn by 5-6 degrees, Earth quakes are to

> > loose it's current intensity and finally are to be stopped and but

> there

> > will be accidents and disasters in more frequency in water and air,

> > violence and explosions will be continue.... till the transit


> > //

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " utkal.panigrahi "

> > utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Accurate Predictions - To Establish Jyotish Is a Science !!

> > >

> > > Jyotish can find place of a most perfect science (vigyaan) only by

> > > correct principles and accurate predictions, That I am doing to


> > > eyes of you astrologers. You have seen so called those greats ,ho

> > lacks

> > > the capability to recognize true principles and therefore they


> > > predict, It's upto you if you follow them and their useless false

> > > theories or follow the sages's correct jyotish, which reflects in

> > > predictions that I openly do in the groups. Let them do post event

> > > analysis as this is required for their survival, read following


> > > realize power of true vedic mundane astrology.

> > >

> > >

> >




> \

> > \

> > > ----------

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Note -

> > >

> > > On 30'th March, Smt Sonia Gandhi has taken the chair of National

> Govt

> > > Advisory Board as predicted -

> > >

> > > · Message #25750, 18 Jan 2010 of

> > >

> > > Jup is Kumbha wants performance, govt must perform, expect some

> change

> > > in team, time for new induction in next couple of months, keep

> > watching

> > > Jup and Retro Saturn along with retro Mars in debility.

> > >

> > > · Message #22005 of Sohamsa, 27 March, 2010

> > >

> > > Jup in Kumbha always puts lots of pressure on the govt to work

> better,

> > > even brings changes in the governing team in case, concerns of

> > > performance goes beyond, we have seen two former foreign


> > of

> > > India looking Nuclear and Environmental affairs have resigned.

> > >

> > > · Read More : Message #22005 of Sohamsa, 27 March, 2010

> > >

> > > Govt has not done any survey, but with the power of Mundane Vedic

> > > Astrology, It's predicted in groups, note down it and cross check

> > after

> > > period of few months when Govt will publishes it's results.

> > >

> > > ******** Predicting Future ******

> > >

> > > 1. One thing that can give relief to people is, Jup in Kumbha as

> > > crossed the first 15 degrees, now, moves towards Meena, will give

> huge

> > > yield of food grains, vegetables, We will have wheat, pulses and

> other

> > > food grains in abundance, so, prices may go down in the market


> > Jup

> > > moves to Meena Rashi.

> > >

> > > ******** For Your Knowledge ********

> > >

> > > 2. Sun - Saturn alignment (Sambandh), pushes Govt heads to make

> > > policies in people's favor - Tax Benefits, Subsidies etc come to

> > floor,

> > > whereas, Mars- Jup, Mars - Sun alignment brings dearness, It's


> > > worldwide, When Sun - Saturn were togather in Sept-Oct, Govt took


> > > policy of austerity for it's ministers.

> > >

> > > And in Jan-Feb When Sun transited Saturnine sign, US govt


> > it's

> > > health insurance plan, It happens everytime when Sun - Saturn


> a

> > > contact.

> > >

> > > 3. Saturn in Virgo, creates dis-satisfaction among people at raw,

> It's

> > > a sign that gives justice to " Aaam Aaadmi " , Saturn is afflicting

> this

> > > sign, so, Labour problem has to increace manifold, I predicted in

> July

> > > 2009 that India w'd see strikes, bandhs, road blocks, rallies.

> > >

> > > Understand the rediscovery of the forgotten principle of Vedic

> Mundane

> > > Astrology - Planets, Places and People are linked togather, i.e,

> > Saturn

> > > works differently for India than how it works for USA and Europe.

> > > Countries chart doesn't have much significance, It's merely a

> muhurta

> > > chart.

> > >

> > > Can anybody among you answer - Which classic said to use countries

> > > chart in mundane astrology, You talk about Mahrshis, Who was the

> > > Maharshi that suggested to use countries birth chart ?

> > >

> > > As most astrologer's don't read classics therefore Don't have

> > capability

> > > to understand classics, while some other's have already identified

> > this

> > > and they found a an opportunity to dump all sort of garbage, all

> > > D-Charts which no Sage ever gave importance.

> > >

> > > And they now trying to become a Guru .... Kindly Learn and then do

> > > astrology, learn like a good student ask those who knows a thing.

> Baba

> > > Ramdev is Doing Dis-Service to You .... How much Yoga you do and

> > > understand ?

> > >

> > > You know you are wrong, Therefore you can't fight, what logic you

> can

> > > give, Will you debate on Yoga, I am always ready ... Utkal.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear Utkalji,

The laws of probability is always there. Unless we know the definite reason of a

certain event,we can at the most attribute the cause to prabability. There has

never been the appreciable scientific causes directly related to the effects of

other planets except the sun, moon and the lunar nodes or Rahu and Ketu.

Psychologically, there is every possibility of the effets of Rahu and Ketu since

they are directly related to the sun-moon gravitation. The sun as Narayan is

related to our heart and the moon as Shiva to our brain, Rahu and Ketu may be

said to be to their interlink.but of other planets, the gravigaional evffets is

minimal and thus non existant, unless some other cause is found which has not

been done so far.

Hari Malla


, " utkal.panigrahi " <utkal.panigrahi




> As predicted in Jan- Feb 2010 with Title " Ketu's Warning to World " ,

> world is burning in Ketu's fire - More Fire Accidents, It shows the

> accuracy of Vedic Jyotish in predicting events well before they occur,

> Critics should review themselves -




> Delhi Fire Accidents -


> 11'th April

> http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?679171

> <http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?679171>



> 10'th April - Rs 100 crore asset loss.


> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/Tughlakabad-fire-Most-of-d\

> estroyed-goods-not-insured/articleshow/5784624.cms

> <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/Tughlakabad-fire-Most-of-\

> destroyed-goods-not-insured/articleshow/5784624.cms>


> Vaishao Devi Forest Fire


> http://news4u.co.in/?p=58712 <http://news4u.co.in/?p=58712>


> Haridwar Fire - spread in around 2 km's area


> http://news.indiainfo.com/article/breaking-news-fire-broke-out-at-haridw\

> ar-860139/1050095.html

> <http://news.indiainfo.com/article/breaking-news-fire-broke-out-at-harid\

> war-860139/1050095.html>



> Gujrat Fire


> http://www.deccanchronicle.com/latest-news/9-injured-chemical-factory-bl\

> ast-285

> <http://www.deccanchronicle.com/latest-news/9-injured-chemical-factory-b\

> last-285>


> Jalandhar Fire

> http://news.webindia123.com/news/articles/India/20100406/1479754.html

> <http://news.webindia123.com/news/articles/India/20100406/1479754.html>


> Karachi Fire

> http://tagally.com/main/post_list/firebrokeoutinachemicalfactory

> <http://tagally.com/main/post_list/firebrokeoutinachemicalfactory>


> Lahore Fire

> http://www.trendpk.com/blaze-ravages-chemical-factory-in-industrial-stat\

> e-at-lahore/27402.html

> <http://www.trendpk.com/blaze-ravages-chemical-factory-in-industrial-sta\

> te-at-lahore/27402.html>



> , " utkal.panigrahi "

> <utkal.panigrahi@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > (Note : proofreading of mail is not done, If someone is more

> interested

> > in spellings, pls correct spelling mistakes and repost this mail)

> >

> >

> >

> > Vedic Jyotish has tremendous potential to predict disasters before

> they

> > occur, we have got an edge to predict events well before they occur by

> > following and re-discovering true path shown by sages whereas they are

> > still engaged gossips and post event Jugar type misleading researches

> > since last 2 decades but now we are here to bring millanium shift.

> >

> > As forseen on message #25770,#25892 in Jan - Feb 2010, when nobody of

> so

> > called great schools of astrology could even realize the threat of

> > fequent huge fire accidents, A fire that's set by Ketu.

> >

> > Agents and dummy members of astro schools and other groups are out to

> > negate the predictions as they survive on fear that

> > 1. people will get educated

> > 2. their reality w'd come out in public.

> >

> > Accuracy can be established in two ways - 1. Predicting obvious 2.

> > Predicing what's not obvious, both are equally important and

> difficult,

> > Predictions of earth quake has been recorded successfully, obviously

> the

> > scope of prediction was limited to identify pattern of reducing

> > intensity of disasterous earth quakes, and that prediction is of

> > historical importance.

> >

> > That prediction underlines the capability of vedic mundane jyotish

> that

> > small or big quakes can be predicted, a single person can not do it

> but

> > if there is a team, predictioins can be made with more accuracy along

> > with name of the affected region or country.

> >

> > I said - People, Places and Planets are connected, It's said by our

> > sages including Parashara, Parashara had written another scripture oon

> > the praise of Lord Hanuman Ji, he gave some clues in that scripture in

> > which he states how to identify convenient places for Sri Hanuman

> > Sadhana.

> >

> > Two - three day's back, I watched a news being telecasted that at some

> > place fire accident happend in ice, but, I missd to note down the

> > accident.

> >

> > Well, We have seen how fire snatched 25-30 lives at Calcutta building,

> > Pls Note latest Fire Accidents of last 4- 5 days.

> >

> > San Manuel Devstating Fire.

> >

> > http://www.firefightingnews.com/article.cfm?articleID=77751

> > <http://www.firefightingnews.com/article.cfm?articleID=77751>

> >

> >

> > Mumbai Fire :

> >

> >

> http://timesofindia.hotklix.com/Hotklix/content/News/India/Fire-in-Navi-\

> \

> > Mumbai-Petro-Chemical-Factory-News-Timepa

> >

> <http://timesofindia.hotklix.com/Hotklix/content/News/India/Fire-in-Navi\

> \

> > -Mumbai-Petro-Chemical-Factory-News-Timepa>

> >

> > Kanpur Fire ( half a dozen fire incidents in last 5 days) :

> >

> >

> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kanpur/Fire-near-CSMU-hostel-cau\

> \

> > ses-panic/articleshow/5764219.cms

> >

> <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kanpur/Fire-near-CSMU-hostel-ca\

> \

> > uses-panic/articleshow/5764219.cms>

> >

> >

> > Kanpur Fire :

> >

> > http://www.deccanherald.com/content/57870/fire-thermocol-factory.html

> >

> <http://www.deccanherald.com/content/57870/fire-thermocol-factory.html>

> >

> >

> > Kanpur Fire :

> >

> >

> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Three-dead-one-injured-in-Kanpu\

> \

> > r-fire/articleshow/1629185.cms

> >

> <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Three-dead-one-injured-in-Kanp\

> \

> > ur-fire/articleshow/1629185.cms>

> >

> >

> > Kanpur Fire (March,19) :

> > http://www.newkerala.com/news/fullnews-73445.html

> > <http://www.newkerala.com/news/fullnews-73445.html>

> >

> > Delhi Fire :

> >

> > Massive Fire In a SLUM :

> >

> >

> http://calamities.gaeatimes.com/2010/04/05/fire-breaks-out-in-slum-near-\

> \

> > crpf-camp-in-delhi-14875/

> >

> <http://calamities.gaeatimes.com/2010/04/05/fire-breaks-out-in-slum-near\

> \

> > -crpf-camp-in-delhi-14875/>

> >

> > Another Fire in a diff Slum :

> > http://www.siasat.com/english/news/two-children-killed-delhi-slum-fire

> >

> <http://www.siasat.com/english/news/two-children-killed-delhi-slum-fire>

> >

> >

> > Fire at ITO Building, New Delhi :

> >

> >

> http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t & source=web & ct=res & cd=6 & ved=0CBMQFjAF & ur\

> \

> >

> l=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.oneindia.in%2F2010%2F01%2F06%2Ffire-in-delhi-slum-ki\

> \

> >

> lls-four-children.html & rct=j & q=fire+at+delhi+IT+building & ei=TIO7S87YPMjC\

> \

> > rAf2oaygBw & usg=AFQjCNHONwDKGcelBWAceyXPasoX0KZxrw

> >

> <http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t & source=web & ct=res & cd=6 & ved=0CBMQFjAF & u\

> \

> >

> rl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.oneindia.in%2F2010%2F01%2F06%2Ffire-in-delhi-slum-k\

> \

> >

> ills-four-children.html & rct=j & q=fire+at+delhi+IT+building & ei=TIO7S87YPMj\

> \

> > CrAf2oaygBw & usg=AFQjCNHONwDKGcelBWAceyXPasoX0KZxrw>

> >

> >

> > Fire at RamVilas paswan's house, New Delhi.

> >

> > http://www.thehindu.com/2009/05/14/stories/2009051461050300.htm

> > <http://www.thehindu.com/2009/05/14/stories/2009051461050300.htm>

> >

> >

> > Bangladesh Fire, 21 killed :

> > http://www.industryweek.com/ReadArticle.aspx?ArticleID=21196

> > <http://www.industryweek.com/ReadArticle.aspx?ArticleID=21196>

> >

> >

> > Afganistan Fire:

> > It's no bomb blast but in a celebration 6 troops are killed.

> >

> >

> http://www.breakingnews.ie/world/five-afghan-troops-killed-in-friendly-f\

> \

> > ire-incident-452526.html

> >

> <http://www.breakingnews.ie/world/five-afghan-troops-killed-in-friendly-\

> \

> > fire-incident-452526.html>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > An underwater volcano erupted Wednesday morning about 5 kilometers

> > north-northwest of Iwo Jima (Iwo To).Interestingly, this erruptions

> > happend underwater, might be in indication of retro mar's in

> cancer,Why

> > I m doing predictions is to re-establish true principles of vedic

> > jyotish, not the Rahu but Jup predicts, key is Jup - Sun

> > comination,alignment, aspect or any relationship in chart.

> >

> >

> http://uk.news./4/20100204/twl-underwater-volcano-erupts-in-smo\

> \

> > \ke-e-41f21e0.html

> >

> <http://uk.news./4/20100204/twl-underwater-volcano-erupts-in-sm\

> \

> > o\ke-e-41f21e0.html>

> >

> > http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20100204p2a00m0na017000c.html

> > <http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20100204p2a00m0na017000c.html>

> >

> > I w'd like to mention that there also has been a Major Coal Mines Fire

> @

> > Nagpur, India as predicted in same post.

> >

> >

> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nagpur/-Major-fire-breaks-out-in\

> \

> > -Majri-coal-mine/articleshow/5521333.cms

> >

> <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nagpur/-Major-fire-breaks-out-i\

> \

> > n-Majri-coal-mine/articleshow/5521333.cms>

> >

> > Again saying, Astrologers are loosing their opportunity to learn

> beause

> > they spend their energy in leg pulling, let's work togather to

> establish

> > reputation of jyotish as a proven science that can save the world.

> >

> > -----------

> > Utkal.

> >

> >

> >

> > < , " utkal.panigrahi "

> > utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > It's remained continue even today, giving a striking validity to

> > following astrological study done yesterday.

> >

> > It's continued even today

> >

> > Pune Fire :

> >

> >

> http://www.ndtv.com/news/cities/pune_25_kids_injured_for_r-day_balloons.\

> \

> > php

> >

> <http://www.ndtv.com/news/cities/pune_25_kids_injured_for_r-day_balloons\

> \

> > .php>

> >

> >

> > 25 children injured in Pune when hydrogen cylinder is exploded

> >

> > Mumbai Airport :

> >

> > Iran Air Line's jet does emergency landing as rear tire bursts.

> >

> > Calcutta :

> >

> >

> http://www.mid-day.com/news/2010/jan/260110-Five-policemen-injured-seven\

> \

> > \n-abducted-Maoists-West-Bengal.htm

> >

> <http://www.mid-day.com/news/2010/jan/260110-Five-policemen-injured-seve\

> \

> > n\n-abducted-Maoists-West-Bengal.htm>

> >

> > 5 policemen injured, 7 abducted by Maoists. Astrologer's should come

> up

> > with an attitude for studying implications of mundane astrology, then

> > only world is going to recognize them,unless, it happens they will

> > remain trapped in their small world, and this is the duty of

> > astrologer's as well to warn people and giving a name to astrology.

> >

> > Utkal

> >

> > < , " utkal.panigrahi "

> > utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Entire world is suffering in malific fire, As known about erruptive

> > force of Ketu, who is on Mithun is a sure shot reason for fire mishaps

> > and further to add fuel, Saturn the significator of air has turned

> retro

> > and started causing plane crashes, It's transiting fiery Mesha

> > navamsa,aspects Ketu on Mithuna from Kanya, Ketu and Saturn are in

> > Kendra

> > positions, both the signs related to travel and locomotion, Ketu is on

> > Mithuna and on Vrishabha Navamsa and navamsa lord Venus is aspected by

> > Mars who is debilitated and transiting fiery Dhanu navamsa, Rahu is

> > transiting fiery Dhanu and on Vrischika navamsa, Most of the malific

> > planets are transiting distructive fiery signs or nakshhatras,

> > Savior Jup is transiting Saturnian sign Kumbha and on Dhanu navamsa,

> > There is no respite to world, Have a look at deadly incidences occured

> > in Jan 2010, apart from Haiti earth quake. Explosions, Volcanic

> > Activities, Lightening etc are the result.

> >

> > Ethopian Plane Crash

> >

> >

> http://in.news./43/20100125/896/twlethiopian-plane-crash-28-bod\

> \

> > ies-no-s.html

> >

> <http://in.news./43/20100125/896/twlethiopian-plane-crash-28-bo\

> \

> > dies-no-s.html>

> >

> > Iranian Plane crash

> > http://news./s/ap/20100124/ap_on_re_mi_ea/l_iran_plane

> > <http://news./s/ap/20100124/ap_on_re_mi_ea/l_iran_plane>

> >

> > Masco Fire

> >

> >

> >

> http://www.24dunia.com/english-news/shownews/0/4-dead-in-Russian-ship-fi\

> \

> > re/4791569.html

> >

> <http://www.24dunia.com/english-news/shownews/0/4-dead-in-Russian-ship-f\

> \

> > ire/4791569.html>

> >

> >

> > Hoover(USA) Fire

> >

> >

> >

> http://www.cbs42.com/content/localnews/story/Fatal-Fire-in-Hooverruled/A\

> \

> > ccident/zGSAx84roUqTQDFC1MdYZw.cspx

> >

> <http://www.cbs42.com/content/localnews/story/Fatal-Fire-in-Hooverruled/\

> \

> > Accident/zGSAx84roUqTQDFC1MdYZw.cspx>

> >

> >

> > Philippines Fire

> >

> >

> >

> http://www.24dunia.com/english-news/shownews/0/3-dead-as-fire-guts-store\

> \

> > /es/4753855.html

> >

> <http://www.24dunia.com/english-news/shownews/0/3-dead-as-fire-guts-stor\

> \

> > e/es/4753855.html>

> >

> >

> > Kashmir Fire

> >

> >

> >

> http://www.24dunia.com/english-news/shownews/0/Fire-in-forest-4-shops-ho\

> \

> > use-gutted-in-Kashmir/5004050.html

> >

> <http://www.24dunia.com/english-news/shownews/0/Fire-in-forest-4-shops-h\

> \

> > ouse-gutted-in-Kashmir/5004050.html>

> >

> >

> > Mumbai Fire

> >

> >

> >

> http://www.24dunia.com/english-news/shownews/0/Minor-fire-breaks-out-at-\

> \

> > Industrial-Estate/4986421.html

> >

> <http://www.24dunia.com/english-news/shownews/0/Minor-fire-breaks-out-at\

> \

> > -Industrial-Estate/4986421.html>

> >

> >

> >

> > Mumbai Fire

> >

> >

> > Though the agents of various schools and groups are out in the group

> to

> > negate firy prediction, but fire is fire, it eliminates darkness of

> > ignorence.

> >

> >

> > Got an opportunity to update you with latest massive fire events

> >

> >

> >

> http://www.24dunia.com/english-news/shownews/0/Fire-breaks-out-in-reside\

> \

> > ntial-building-in-south-Mumbai/4993201.html

> >

> <http://www.24dunia.com/english-news/shownews/0/Fire-breaks-out-in-resid\

> \

> > ential-building-in-south-Mumbai/4993201.html>

> >

> >

> > New Delhi Fire

> >

> >

> >

> http://news.oneindia.in/2010/01/06/fire-in-delhi-slum-kills-four-childre\

> \

> > n.html

> >

> <http://news.oneindia.in/2010/01/06/fire-in-delhi-slum-kills-four-childr\

> \

> > en.html>

> >

> >

> > TiruAnantPuram Fire

> >

> >

> >

> http://www.24dunia.com/englishnews/shownews/0/Kerala-CM-orders-comprehen\

> \

> > sive-probe-into-tanker-fire/4843572.html

> >

> <http://www.24dunia.com/englishnews/shownews/0/Kerala-CM-orders-comprehe\

> \

> > nsive-probe-into-tanker-fire/4843572.html>

> >

> >

> > In daily life also we can experience that those who have got Mithuna

> in

> > their 3rd, 6'th, 8'th and 12'th house are frequently tasting electric

> > shocks, also no shocking to see how some people are passing cheap

> > remarks on everything valued, even remarks on those great saints who

> > built not only nation but helped whole of humanity also, Ketu also

> > represents loneliness at home, Saturn is old age, lack of self

> > respect results in disrespect to everything respected, Mithun is

> related

> > to communication, As it's afflicted and we see what they are doing in

> > Jyotish group, just busy letting down themselves.

> >

> > Utkal

> > , " utkal.panigrahi "

> > utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > I w'd like you to notice degree of accuracy in vedic mundane

> > astrology,

> > > as openly predicted in

> > >

> > > * Message #26243, March 9, 2010

> > >

> > > earth quakes are to loose it's intensity, two earth quakes recorded

> > > after the prediction and both the earth quakes are in lesser

> > intensity.

> > >

> > > Look at the Data -

> > >

> > > * Punjab Earth Quake - March 14, 2010.

> > > http://www.zeenews.com/news611142.html

> > > <http://www.zeenews.com/news611142.html>

> > >

> > > * Los Angeles Earthquake March 16, 2010 -

> > >

> >

> http://www.worldcorrespondents.com/los-angeles-earthquake-today-march-16\

> \

> > \

> > > -2010/881408

> > >

> >

> <http://www.worldcorrespondents.com/los-angeles-earthquake-today-march-1\

> \

> > \

> > > 6-2010/881408>

> > >

> > > Forget KN Rao's BVB or BVR's ICAS , even best scientists of world

> > could

> > > never predict anything with so high degree of accuracy, KN Rao's

> > another

> > > failure is that he produced Mouji like students.

> > >

> > > I will review the transit time to time and will let you know when a

> > > change in the earth quake pattern is likely to come. You can read

> > > Message #26243, March 9, 2010.

> > >

> > > //

> > > We in the domain of astrology have lost the opportunity to establish

> > > Jyotish as a proven science, Kind of significant transit we have

> today

> > > w'd be rare to repeat for a decade or so.

> > >

> > > Well, for the remaining period of Mar's debilitation, least that we

> > can

> > > say is after Mars crosses Saturn by 5-6 degrees, Earth quakes are to

> > > loose it's current intensity and finally are to be stopped and but

> > there

> > > will be accidents and disasters in more frequency in water and air,

> > > violence and explosions will be continue.... till the transit

> changes.

> > > //

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " utkal.panigrahi "

> > > utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Accurate Predictions - To Establish Jyotish Is a Science !!

> > > >

> > > > Jyotish can find place of a most perfect science (vigyaan) only by

> > > > correct principles and accurate predictions, That I am doing to

> open

> > > > eyes of you astrologers. You have seen so called those greats ,ho

> > > lacks

> > > > the capability to recognize true principles and therefore they

> can't

> > > > predict, It's upto you if you follow them and their useless false

> > > > theories or follow the sages's correct jyotish, which reflects in

> > > > predictions that I openly do in the groups. Let them do post event

> > > > analysis as this is required for their survival, read following

> and

> > > > realize power of true vedic mundane astrology.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> ------\

> \

> > \

> > > \

> > > > ----------

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Note -

> > > >

> > > > On 30'th March, Smt Sonia Gandhi has taken the chair of National

> > Govt

> > > > Advisory Board as predicted -

> > > >

> > > > · Message #25750, 18 Jan 2010 of

> > > >

> > > > Jup is Kumbha wants performance, govt must perform, expect some

> > change

> > > > in team, time for new induction in next couple of months, keep

> > > watching

> > > > Jup and Retro Saturn along with retro Mars in debility.

> > > >

> > > > · Message #22005 of Sohamsa, 27 March, 2010

> > > >

> > > > Jup in Kumbha always puts lots of pressure on the govt to work

> > better,

> > > > even brings changes in the governing team in case, concerns of

> > > > performance goes beyond, we have seen two former foreign

> secretaries

> > > of

> > > > India looking Nuclear and Environmental affairs have resigned.

> > > >

> > > > · Read More : Message #22005 of Sohamsa, 27 March, 2010

> > > >

> > > > Govt has not done any survey, but with the power of Mundane Vedic

> > > > Astrology, It's predicted in groups, note down it and cross check

> > > after

> > > > period of few months when Govt will publishes it's results.

> > > >

> > > > ******** Predicting Future ******

> > > >

> > > > 1. One thing that can give relief to people is, Jup in Kumbha as

> > > > crossed the first 15 degrees, now, moves towards Meena, will give

> > huge

> > > > yield of food grains, vegetables, We will have wheat, pulses and

> > other

> > > > food grains in abundance, so, prices may go down in the market

> when

> > > Jup

> > > > moves to Meena Rashi.

> > > >

> > > > ******** For Your Knowledge ********

> > > >

> > > > 2. Sun - Saturn alignment (Sambandh), pushes Govt heads to make

> > > > policies in people's favor - Tax Benefits, Subsidies etc come to

> > > floor,

> > > > whereas, Mars- Jup, Mars - Sun alignment brings dearness, It's

> seen

> > > > worldwide, When Sun - Saturn were togather in Sept-Oct, Govt took

> a

> > > > policy of austerity for it's ministers.

> > > >

> > > > And in Jan-Feb When Sun transited Saturnine sign, US govt

> finalized

> > > it's

> > > > health insurance plan, It happens everytime when Sun - Saturn

> makes

> > a

> > > > contact.

> > > >

> > > > 3. Saturn in Virgo, creates dis-satisfaction among people at raw,

> > It's

> > > > a sign that gives justice to " Aaam Aaadmi " , Saturn is afflicting

> > this

> > > > sign, so, Labour problem has to increace manifold, I predicted in

> > July

> > > > 2009 that India w'd see strikes, bandhs, road blocks, rallies.

> > > >

> > > > Understand the rediscovery of the forgotten principle of Vedic

> > Mundane

> > > > Astrology - Planets, Places and People are linked togather, i.e,

> > > Saturn

> > > > works differently for India than how it works for USA and Europe.

> > > > Countries chart doesn't have much significance, It's merely a

> > muhurta

> > > > chart.

> > > >

> > > > Can anybody among you answer - Which classic said to use countries

> > > > chart in mundane astrology, You talk about Mahrshis, Who was the

> > > > Maharshi that suggested to use countries birth chart ?

> > > >

> > > > As most astrologer's don't read classics therefore Don't have

> > > capability

> > > > to understand classics, while some other's have already identified

> > > this

> > > > and they found a an opportunity to dump all sort of garbage, all

> > > > D-Charts which no Sage ever gave importance.

> > > >

> > > > And they now trying to become a Guru .... Kindly Learn and then do

> > > > astrology, learn like a good student ask those who knows a thing.

> > Baba

> > > > Ramdev is Doing Dis-Service to You .... How much Yoga you do and

> > > > understand ?

> > > >

> > > > You know you are wrong, Therefore you can't fight, what logic you

> > can

> > > > give, Will you debate on Yoga, I am always ready ... Utkal.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Shri Utkal Panigrahi ji,


Jai Shri Ram!


<Title " Ketu's Warning to World " , world is burning in Ketu's fire - More

Fire Accidents, It shows the

accuracy of Vedic Jyotish >


Would you kind quote the exact Vedic mantra that talks of Ketu as karaka

of fire, since you have labelled the predictive gimmick as Vedic jyotish

and attributed fires to Ketu!


Secondly, this Vedic Ketu (sic!) seems to be spitting more fire in

Icelanc volcanoes than anywhere else! Any special affinirty of " Vedic

Ketu " with Iceland?


Jai Shri Ram!


A K Kaul


, " utkal.panigrahi "

<utkal.panigrahi wrote:


Re: Accurate Predictions - To Establish Jyotish Is a Science !!


As predicted in Jan- Feb 2010 with Title " Ketu's Warning to World " ,

world is burning in Ketu's fire - More Fire Accidents, It shows the

accuracy of Vedic Jyotish in predicting events well before they occur,

Critics should review themselves -




Delhi Fire Accidents -


11'th April




<http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?679171> >



10'th April - Rs 100 crore asset loss.





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As predicted in Message #25765, Ketu's Warning to World - Deadly Then

Expected !! Ketu's Warning to World - Deadly Then Expected !!




The huge crater in Iceland has caused cancellation of 16,000 flights

world wide,


A volcanic reaction wad predicted in absolute clear terms




There is no respite to world, Have a look at deadly incidences occured

in Jan

2010, apart from Haiti earth quake.

Explosions, Volcanic Activities, Lightening etc are the result




What more is required to critics to change their mindset, respect

Jyotish, It's a guide to your's life, they want to know the place of

earth quakes, It can also be done, nothing impossible but who among you

will work with to identify what place is ruled by what planet, remember,

I re-estated forgotten vedic mundane principle - Place, Planet and

People are connected.











, " Krishen " <jyotirved wrote:




> Shri Utkal Panigrahi ji,


> Jai Shri Ram!


> <Title " Ketu's Warning to World " , world is burning in Ketu's fire -


> Fire Accidents, It shows the

> accuracy of Vedic Jyotish >


> Would you kind quote the exact Vedic mantra that talks of Ketu as


> of fire, since you have labelled the predictive gimmick as Vedic


> and attributed fires to Ketu!


> Secondly, this Vedic Ketu (sic!) seems to be spitting more fire in

> Icelanc volcanoes than anywhere else! Any special affinirty of " Vedic

> Ketu " with Iceland?


> Jai Shri Ram!


> A K Kaul


> , " utkal.panigrahi "

> utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:


> Re: Accurate Predictions - To Establish Jyotish Is a Science !!


> As predicted in Jan- Feb 2010 with Title " Ketu's Warning to World " ,

> world is burning in Ketu's fire - More Fire Accidents, It shows the

> accuracy of Vedic Jyotish in predicting events well before they occur,

> Critics should review themselves -




> Delhi Fire Accidents -


> 11'th April

> http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?679171

> <http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?679171>

> <http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?679171

> <http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?679171> >



> 10'th April - Rs 100 crore asset loss.





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