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Correct dates of festivals for 2010

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Shri Darshaney Lokeshji,


Jai Shri Ram!


Pl. accept my congratulations for preparing the list of correct dates of

festivals for 2010 well in advance. I am forwarding copies of the same,

together with your “covering note†to several other forums, so that they

mull on the same and decide to celebrate festivals on correct dates as against

Lahiri or Raman or Muladhara etc. etc. prescriptions.


Jai Shri Ram





Message #6436 in Hinducalendar forum



Features of Shri Mohan Krity Aarsh Tithi Patrak


1- This Aarsh Tithi Patrak is based on Geocentric Principle

and for the purpose of festivel celebration is generally acceptable for the

whole of India. Both Vishuv (Equinoxes) and both Ayan (Solicits) points are 4

basic peg stones of a calendar. Shri Mohan Krity Arsh Tith Patrak (SMKATP)

exactly maintains these peg stones with either zero or maximum N orth or South

S declinations of Sun. These points are accepted as Vishu and Ayan samkrantis

with their foundation basis of Equator (Bhumadhya Rekha), Tropic of Cancer (Kark

Rekha) and Tropic of Capricorn (Makar rekha) on the Earth (Bhoogol) and zero or

max. N/S declinations of sun on the Sky..


Planetary details i.e daily Longitude, Latitude, Distance form Earth, Right

Ascension, Declination and apparent diameter of the planet are on the

topocentric basis for 05:30 AM IST and are fairly acceptable for horoscopial

purposes, if desired. Unlike previous year, the Planetary Longitudes (Grah

Sphut) are given in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS). Other values are given

in Decimal System up to 4 decimal places, which can be easily converted in the

same pattern of DMS / HMS as applicable. For example –


For 1st day of Madhu Maas (Ist month of Vasant Ritu or Spring Season)

details of Sun are shown as


Longitude 331° 7' 2.94 '' Latitude -0.0016° Declination



Distance 0.9855 A.U R.A 22.2180 Hrs Bimbmaan



For Latitude and Declination the ’ –ve’

sign shows the southward direction of the said value.


Planetary details for any other time of the day can be worked out using



2- The rising time of Lagan (Ascendant), Sun and Moon along

with Sunset and Moonset timings are calculated for Geographical Latitude and

Longitudes of Delhi (28N39 and 78E30) on topocentric principle . However,

applying the corrections as per the table given in the Patrak, these timings can

be taken for other stations also. Here the principle that is maintained, is that

Bhogamsha of Lagan and Sun both are the same at Sunrise time. All timings in the

Patrak are given up to nearest minutes only.


3- Along with Vedic Months, in the grammatical sense the word

“GATEY†is accepted for “DATEâ€Â.


Lunar months have been pegged to Solar Samkrantis and the fortnights have been

accepted as beginning form bright fortnight e.g Chaitra Shukla Paksh and then

Chaitra Krishna Paksh. I feel it very proper for the sake of cultural and

calandrical uniformity of whole of India. The IST Timings have been given

against Tithi and Nakshtras in hours and minutes everywhere. For example



4- For 26 GATEY of Madhu maas i.e Wednesday 17th March 2010

tithi is shown as chaitra shukla dwitiya, and the time shown is 29 Hrs 22 Min.

Which means the tithi is extending upto 05:22 AM of next day i.e 18th March

2010. Timings after the midnight and prior to the sunrise of next day have been

taken to as ‘ + ‘ to 24 Hrs.


For the same day Poorva Bhadrpad Nakshtra is shown with 06 Hrs 14 Min i.e

poorva Bhadrapad nakshtra ends at 06:14 AM and after that Uttra Bhadrapad

Nakshtra begins the ending time of which is shown in the last coloumn i.e 17 Hrs

19 Min. After that begins the nakshtra known as Rewti. (Here three nakshtras are

coinciding in the same day, hence a unique day) Moon rises at 07 Hrs 10 Min

while sets at 19 Hrs 55 Min.


5- Number of days in a Month have been decided as per the

directions of Report of Calendar Reform Committee 1952. Prominent and dominating

fact is that the Gregorian Calendar has been shown as secondary while national

calendar of SHAK SAMVAT with Madhu Madhav etc. Vedic Months have been given

importance. Yes, You can call it a fair VEDIC CALENDAR.


6- The same tithi, prevailing to two sunrises is known as

Tithivridhi (Extrended Tithi). Such a tithi is to be recognized as poorv-vidha

or para-vidha basis for the purpose of fixation of festivals so that the

festivals could be fixed as per the shastras. The tithi starting after the

sunrise and ending before the sunrise of next day is known as Kshaya Tithi

(Decayed Tithi).


For example – On 1st Gatey of Madhav maas i.e 22nd March 2010 sixth tithi

is shown to extend upto 06 Hrs 06 Min which is befor sunrise. This tithi started

after the sunrise of the previous day i.e at 06 Hrs 34 Min. Hence the sixth

tithi is a Decayed Tithi or Kshya Tithi. Such tithis are not accepted as

auspicious muhurts like a Vishti Karan etc.


7- In a full lunar months if there is no Samkranti of Sun,

then that lunar month is known as Adhimaas (extra month)or Intercalary Month.

This way on every third year there are thirteen lunar months with one extra as

an intercalary month. Solar month in a year are always twelve. As already

clarified in para 1, the Samkrantis are always acceptable on the vedic

principles i.e. principle of the nature, Ignoring which, the present calander

makers are misguiding the Hidu Community by keeping them in dark. Regarding

these Adhimaas and Malmaas. For example in Samvat 2066 there was Shravan

Adhikmaas from 02 Gatey Nabhas maas i.e Tuesday 23rd June2009 to 31 Gatey Nabhas

maas i.e wednesday 22 July 2009 there existed an Adhimaas. This was ignored by

all other calander makers which was not a simple calandrical mistake but on the

cultural background it was a serious crime too., Plz. do remember, ther is No

intercalary months during samvat 2067. As given in previous years the Aarsh

Tithi Patrak of 2067 also reveals you the most important information regarding

future intercalary months and the real Kumbh fares ought to be celebrated.


8- When there are two Solar Samkrantis in one lunar month than

the lunar month is known as Kshya Maas (Decayed Month). Kshya Maas is always

Paush, Maagh or Margsheersh only and it happens to occur either in 19th or in

141st year. Detailed mathematical explanations for the same will be given in



9- Half duration of a tithi is known as Karan which I have

ignored because along with Yogas there is no Zodical existence of these karans.

Even then for the benefit of sincere readers it is to be brought in Notice that

the first half of 4th,8th and 15th tithi of bright fortnight and 7th and 14th

tithi of dark fortnight , second half of 11th tithi of bright fortnight , 3rd

and 10th tithi of dark fortnight are known as Vishti karan. Lets us know that

the Bhadra or the Vishti karan of first half begins with the tithi while that of

second half ends with the concerning tithi..


10- According to imaginary acceptance of Rashis on the day of

Makar Samkranti we have longest neight in the Northern hemisphere of earth

because Sun attains the maximum southward declination, while on the day of kark

samkaranti the maximum north declination of sun causes longest day duration in

th northern hemisphere of earth. On these days Sun leaves the 270th and 90th

degree of Zodiac respectively. With this phenomenon of Sun passing the 270th

degree Uttrayan, Shishir Ritu and Vedic month Tapah begins and With the

phenomenon of Sun passing the 90th degree Dakshinayan, Varsha Ritu and Vedic

month Nabhas begins.


11- On the day of Vernal equinox or vasant sampaat and Autumn

equinox or sharad sampaat Sun attains zero declination and thus causes equal day

and night durations. Bhogamsha of sum fo vaishakh samkranti is Zero degree while

that for Kaartik samkranti it is 180 degrees. In accordance to the imaginary

rashi system these two days are also known as Mesh and Tula samkranti

respectively. These facts can not be segregated from the relations in between

them and for any panchanga it is very necessary to maintain these relationships

of the Bhogamsha, Declinations, Month, Ritu and Ayans. In view of these all

Factors Aarsh Tithi Patrak is a Fully acceptable Vedic Tithi Patrak.


12- Therefore even to imagine a Makar (Maaghi) samkranti during

Jauary and Mesh (Vaishakhi) samkranti in April is a total Delusion and non vedic

acceptance which has been a total reason of almost all wrong panchangas of our

society and almost all wrong fixation of our festivals. I request all learned

people to accept it as a ’BRAHM VAAKYA’ (words spoken by Bhrama)

and come out of the delusion as I have.


13- With Sun and Moon in same Ayan and equal Declinations, occurs

the Yoga known as Vyatipaat. With Sun and Moon in different Ayans and equal

Declinations, occurs the Yoga known as Vaidharti. Except these two, all of the

vishkumbha etc. yogas have been eliminated from this Aarsh Tithi Patrak. I feel

all these yogas as useless and hence I have discarded them. None of the yoga is

seen from anywhere in earth or sky. Erudite person knowing about the utility and

significance of these yogas may enlighten me. Remember that, though nirayana so

called panchangas also produce these two yogas, it may be worth knowing that

like Solar and Lunar Eclipses, these two Yogas also can not be evaluated with

Niryana Sun and Moon.


14- The beginning of nakshtra has been accepted at the conjunction

of moon and the ‘yoga tara ‘ of the nakshtra. All 28 nakshtras

including Abhijit are considered with their actual longitudinal span. Definitely

it is a unique effort that reveals the fact that no Nakshtra is of 13° 20'

span and secondly none of nakshtra is equal to any of the other. Though this

fact may give a shock to all of the predictive astrologers even then I request

them to come united and welcome the truth since this is their moral duty so for

the respect of vedic culture is concerned.


15- On the request of some readers the Bhogamsha of Yoagtara of

nakshtras are being given. For the deities of tithes and nakshtras please see

the chapter of Naming Ritual in Samskaar Vidhi. Abbreviated words are used for

nakshtras and tithis.


16- I will ensure expansion of the tithi patrak depending on the

demads of our learned readers. Some people asked for Rahu kaal timings be

given. I don’t feel any muhurth based concerning utility of Rahu kaal.

Even then those who may be in need, may note that by about 1Hr 30Min of Rahu

kaal begins at about 16:30 07:30, 15:00,12:00,13:30,10:30 and 09:00 Hrs on

Sunday, Monday etc respectively. I would like to put forward my view that

rahukaal, kaalsarp dosh and Mangli dosh, all are only the creation of cunning

minds. To disburse the fear in innocent society and collect the money from

them, seems the only moto here. All learned are requested to excuse me for my

“ apriysya but pathsyaâ€Â.


17- This, Shri Mohan Krity Aarsh Tithi Patrak is being given from

Madhu Maas of 1932 Saka era to Madhu maas of 1933 saka era. My basic aim is to

enlighten the public about the real Tithi, N akshtra , Festivals and not to

provide them the material for janmpatrika.


18- Since the whole of the SMKATP is prepeared by self typing

there may be some printing/typing mistakes even after great precaution taken.

Readers are requested to take the mistakes as corrected at their own.


19- SMKATP is the result of our sincere and regular efforts in

the direction of providing a Correct and True Vedic Tithi Patrak to the whole of

the nation. Thus, in the end I would quote the late prime minister Sh. Jawahar

Lal Nehru, who reminds us, “. . .. .it is always difficult to change a

calendar to which people are used to, because it affects social practices but

the attempts have to be made even though it may not be as complete as desired.

In any event the present confusion in our own calendars in India is ought to be








Gatey / Date


Some of the Major Festivals od Samvat 2067





01 Gatey Madhu, Sat 20-02-2010


Sak samvat 1932 and Vasant ritu starts





25 Gatey Madhu, Tue 16-03-2010


Gudi Padva, Vaasanti Navratra- Krodhi samvatsar starts





29 Gatey Madhu, Sat 20-03-2010


Vasant Sampat,Vernal Equinox, Meshark at 23:03 Hrs





30 Gatey Madhu, Sun 21-03-2010


Vaishakahi, Vasant Panchami





03 Gatey Madhav, Wed 24-03-2010


Shri Ram Navmi





27 Gatey madhav, Sat 17-04-2010


Akshya Tritiya, Parsuram Jayanti





30 Gatey Madhav, Tue 20-04-2010


Vrishabhark at 10:01 Hrs





01 Gatey Shukra, Wed 21-04-2010


Grishm ritu begins





31 Gatey shukra, Fri 21-05-2010


Mithunaark at 09:06 hRS





02 Gatey Shuchi, Sun 23-05-2010


Shri Ganga Dushehra





31 Gatey Shuchi , Mon 21-06-2010


Karkaark at 17:00 Hrs, Dakshinayan Begins





01 Gatey Nabhas, Tue 22-06-2010


Varsha Ritu Begins





01 Gatey Nabhashya, Fri 23-07-2010


Singhaark at 03:53 Hrs





03 Gatey Nabhashya, Sun 25-07-2010


Raksh Bandhan, Shravani Parva starts





11 Gatey Nabhashya, Mon 02-08-2010


Shri Krishna Janmaashtmi





22 Gatey Nabhashya, Fri 13-08-2010


Shri Ganesh Chaturthi





01 Gatey Eesh, Mon 23-08-2010


Sharad Ritu begins, Kanyaark at 10:59 Hrs





02 Gatey Eesh, Tue 24-08-2010


Poornima Shradha





17 Gatey Eesh, Wed 08-09-2010


Pitra visarjani Amawasya





31 Gatey Eesh, Wed 22-09-2010


Sharad Poornima





01 Gatey Oorj, Thu 23-09-2010


Autumn Equinox,Sharad Sampat, Tulaark at 08:41 Hrs





05 Gatey Oorj, Mon 27-09-2010


Karva Chauth





09 Gatey Oorj, Fri 01-10-2010


Ahaoi Ashtami





13 Gatey Oorj, Tue 05-10-2010


Dhan Teras





15 Gatey Oorj, Thu 07-10-2010







17 Gatey Oorj, Sat 09-10-2010


Bahiya Dooja, Yam Dwitiya





21 Gatey Oorj, Wed 13-10-2010


Surya Shashthi, Chhatha





01 Gatey Sahes, Sat 23-10-2010


Kaartik Snaan, Hemant Ritu Begins, Vrischikaark at 18:07 Hrs





26 Gatey Sahes, Wed 17-11-2010


Geeta Jayanti





01 Gatey Sahasya, Mon 22-11-2010


Dhanwaark at 15:46 Hrs





30 Gatey Sahasya, Tue 21-12-2010


Maagh Snaan, Lohiri





01 Gatey Tap, Wed 22-12-2010


Shishir ritu, Uttrayan, Pongal, Makraark at 05:10 Hrs





30 Gatey Tap, Thu 20-01-2011


Kumbhaark at 15:50 Hrs





12 Gatey Tapsya, Tue 01-02-2011


Mahashivraatri, Rishi Bodhotsav





29 Gatey Tapsya, Fri 18-02-2011


Holi Dehan, Navanneshti





30 Gatey Tapsya, Sat 19-02-2011


Holi (Rang), Meenark at 17:57 Hrs





01 Gatey Madhu, Sun 20-02-2011


Sak samvat 1933 and Vasant ritu starts





14 Gatey Madhu, Sat 05-03-2011


Gudi Padva, Vaasanti Navratra- Vishwavasu samvatsar starts




Note 1:- During the year there is no malmaas/adhikmaas or Intercalary month and

also there is no Kumbha parva or Kumbha Mela. Kumbha parva of 2010 is the

fixation of false panchanga.


Note 2- In a nut shell, Shree Mohan Krity arsh Tithi Patrak is neither a SayanA

nor a NirayanA one. It intimates you about correct Samkrantis, unequal division

of all the prominent 28 nakshtras and also the correct dates of the festivals,

muhurtas and adhi-masas etc. Besides the daily sunrise - Sunset timings, daily

Moonrise – Moonset, for all 12 lagna (Ascendants) riseing times are

shown along with the Tithi and Nakshtra ending times. A correction table for

time applicable to 54 major cities is also givn in this Arsh Tithi Patrak. User

people of this Patrak are assured for getting a separate coorection table for

the city of their desire or belonging by contacting the editor with a request,

enclosing an appropriately stamped and self addressed envelop.






(Acharya Darshaney Lokesh)


Sampadak & Ganitkarta


Shri Mohan Krity Aarsh Tithi Patrak


C-276, Gama-I, Greater Noida (U.P)-201310


Ph. No – 01206544628,+919412354036















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