Guest guest Posted February 10, 2009 Report Share Posted February 10, 2009 Dear Bhaskarji "What matters is are we able to use these concepts effectively, withoutcorrupting what has been given to us by KSK ?" I am not able to come to a conclusion what actually Mr.KSK given to us. So I am searching the root where he has taken."If his conclusions are good, then we are supposed to use them" I have used his conclusions but I could not give correct prediction. Not only by me but many. So I doubt his conclusions. Dhanabalan--- On Mon, 2/9/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 6:24 PM Dear Punitji and Dhanbalanji,Does this matter that from where this concept came ?What matters is are we able to use these concepts effectively, withoutcorrupting what has been given to us by KSK ?Life is too short to search and spend time for which stalwart has gainedwhat from where ? If his conclusions are good, then we are supposed touse them and try to contribute by giving more such concepts to the newgenerations.regards/Bhaskar.@gro, "Punit Pandey" <punitp wrote:>> Dear Dhanabalan ji,>> The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> astrology, as far as I know.>> The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> taken from these two texts.>> Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> planets for judging destiny of a native ->> 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located>> Thanks & Regards,>> Punit Pandey>> @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> >> > Dear Punitji> > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> to the sage are:> > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > * Moon signlord> > * Navamsa lagna lord> > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagnalord> >> > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> as japanese style.> > Dhanabalan> >> >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 10, 2009 Report Share Posted February 10, 2009 Dear TinWinji Pre-natal-Epoch is a theory invented by a foreigner(I will give the details afterwards). Mr.KSK tested that theory and found not suitable for BTR. Refer Reader III 2004 edition page 496 to 502 under the heading Pre-natal-epoch, "very briefly let me state how it is not useful to one and all", "Then how far we can boldly declare this to be a method for rectification is to be judged by the readers.","will this method of rectification be useful?" Dhanabalan--- On Tue, 2/10/09, tw853 <tw853 wrote: tw853 <tw853 Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:08 AM Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:(1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. Thanks and regards,tw@gro, "Punit Pandey" <punitp wrote:>> Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> astrology, as far as I know. > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> taken from these two texts. > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> planets for judging destiny of a native -> > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > Thanks & Regards,> > Punit Pandey> > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> >> > Dear Punitji> > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> to the sage are:> > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > * Moon signlord> > * Navamsa lagna lord> > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> as japanese style.> > Dhanabalan> > > >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 10, 2009 Report Share Posted February 10, 2009 Dears TW & Punit, I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove... Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology...the name of the Nadi is also given by him... But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati... Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP).. What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis...and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how,borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered... Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology. I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves... I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise... With kind regards, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK ! tw853 <tw853 Sent: Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:(1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. Thanks and regards,tw@gro, "Punit Pandey" <punitp wrote:>> Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> astrology, as far as I know. > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> taken from these two texts. > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> planets for judging destiny of a native -> > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > Thanks & Regards,> > Punit Pandey> > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> >> > Dear Punitji> > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> to the sage are:> > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > * Moon signlord> > * Navamsa lagna lord> > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> as japanese style.> > Dhanabalan> > > >> Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 10, 2009 Report Share Posted February 10, 2009 Dear L.Y.Rao If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz? Dhanabalan--- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 wrote: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi , "Tin Win" <tw853Cc: "Punit Pandey" <punitpTuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM Dears TW & Punit, I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove... Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him... But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati... Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP).. What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis...and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. . Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology. I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise... With kind regards, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK ! tw853 <tw853 >@gro ups.comTuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:(1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. Thanks and regards,tw@gro, "Punit Pandey" <punitp wrote:>> Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> astrology, as far as I know. > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> taken from these two texts. > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> planets for judging destiny of a native -> > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > Thanks & Regards,> > Punit Pandey> > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> >> > Dear Punitji> > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> to the sage are:> > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > * Moon signlord> > * Navamsa lagna lord> > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> as japanese style.> > Dhanabalan> > > >> Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish (AT) (DOT)> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish (AT) (DOT)> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Dear Dhanabalan ji,Ramani ji,I appreciate your valulble thoughts.I am interested in participating such Quiz for which I have benn waiting for others to post. But no one comes forward to do so due to many reasons. As you said only practical experience will be helpful in the practical predictions. I do get such expeirences. I feel I can learn only if do mistakes.You can my analysis on my quiz might be pretty good. It does not mean that I am always correct. Having known the answer finding the reason is always easy. Thats what I have done. Still I want to learn every day. So I want to participate in other quiz. I dont want to be reluctant in participating or never feel embarrassed if my answer fails.Only in such failures will lead me to fill the gap in my analysis. Whenever is possible I try to post such Quiz or even comparatively easier one.I will be the happiest person if my initiation in this Forum is more informative and useful to all in attaining more exposure in practical experience.. Thanks and RegardsAdith On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, " Tin Win " tw853 Cc: " Punit Pandey " punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, " Punit Pandey " punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in " Satya Jatak " that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > " Satya Jatak " , I don't find " determination of any moment " using these> > planets. " Satya Jatak " deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from " Brihat Jatak " > > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of " Jatak Satyacharya " , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article " Ruling planets " by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, " The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun,Ketu,Rahu,Moon,Mar,Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon,Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramaniRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun,Ketu,Rahu,Moon,Mar,Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon,Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani > wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani >Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramaniRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Dear Dhanabalan ji,in my practical experience, I have seen even when a node represents a planet. but if the planet is more stornger, that also plays role along with the node.Sun is close conjuction with Ketu and also it is aspected by Rahu too. So both nodes can give the results of sun. Also we can think the other way, Sun is strongly influenced by these nodes and becoming stronger. Also if we see SUN is in its own star . Ketu is in Sun' star but it is closer to Sun only. Moreover Sun is the star lord of both IV and VIII cusps. Hence it is becoming stronger and gave the results in its Maha Dasa. Though Venus is also a good signficator of the event, it is a good signnificator of IV only. But it has played a role as Andra.Otherwise Venus in her Dasa would have given the accident!! But he has not met with such ! Thanks and RegardsAdithn Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan wrote: Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun,Ketu,Rahu,Moon,Mar,Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon,Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramaniRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz? > Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi > @gro, " Tin Win " tw853 Cc: " Punit Pandey " punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove... > Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati... > Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. . > Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise... > With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 > > @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows: > > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life. > > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three. > > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star...... > > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope > > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw > @gro, " Punit Pandey " punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in " Satya Jatak " that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In > > " Satya Jatak " , I don't find " determination of any moment " using these> > planets. " Satya Jatak " deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from " Brihat Jatak " > > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling > > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of " Jatak Satyacharya " , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful) > > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote: > > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article " Ruling planets " by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, " The determinants of any moment according > > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken > > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Dear Adith //in my practical experience, I have seen even when a node represents a planet. but if the planet is more stornger, that also plays role along with the node.// Mr.Bhaskaran has taken both the planet and the node when the node represents the planet in cuspal interlink. I thought that Mr.Bhaskaran gave wrong picture. Now it seems that Mr.Bhaskaran is correct. According to you, with reference to this chart, Sun is stronger than Ketu. Mercury has no planets in its star. So Mercury is also stronger. How mercury is weaker than Rahu? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinathRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 1:01 PM Dear Dhanabalan ji,in my practical experience, I have seen even when a node represents a planet. but if the planet is more stornger, that also plays role along with the node.Sun is close conjuction with Ketu and also it is aspected by Rahu too. So both nodes can give the results of sun. Also we can think the other way, Sun is strongly influenced by these nodes and becoming stronger.Also if we see SUN is in its own star . Ketu is in Sun' star but it is closer to Sun only. Moreover Sun is the star lord of both IV and VIII cusps. Hence it is becoming stronger and gave the results in its Maha Dasa.Though Venus is also a good signficator of the event, it is a good signnificator of IV only. But it has played a role as Andra.Otherwise Venus in her Dasa would have given the accident!! But he has not met with such !Thanks and RegardsAdithn Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ > wrote: Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > --- In @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani > wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani >Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2009 Report Share Posted February 11, 2009 Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramaniRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani.. - Dhanabalan R Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani > wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani >Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear Ramani jiI do agree with your statement of Nodes replacing the signlord they occupy.And they are capable of giving the qualities of the planets which aspect them. Also as I have said why dont we think of the any importance of the Sun being star lord of 4 and 8 th cusps??.Though Ketu is in Sun star. Ketu is with close conjucntion with Sun itself. Having all these qualities would have caused Sun to give the result?? Also both Mercury and Sat are in Sat sub. Hence Sat is not dropped ??RegardsAdithOn Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani.. - Dhanabalan R Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramaniRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, " Tin Win " tw853 Cc: " Punit Pandey " punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, " Punit Pandey " punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in " Satya Jatak " that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > " Satya Jatak " , I don't find " determination of any moment " using these> > planets. " Satya Jatak " deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from " Brihat Jatak " > > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of " Jatak Satyacharya " , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article " Ruling planets " by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, " The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear Adith ji,There seems no need to introduce confusion by considering cuspal star lord as significator. Sun is strong significator of 12th house based on standard KP four fold signification mechanism and this is good enough reason of happening this event in Sun's mahadasa. Having said that, accident is not one time event and it can happen again. Next time, Ketu may be there in place of Sun, as Ketu also strongly signifies 12th and connected with 8th apart from being agent of Sun. We don't know the future yet. Thanks & Regards,Punit PandeyOn Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:27 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: Dear Ramani jiI do agree with your statement of Nodes replacing the signlord they occupy.And they are capable of giving the qualities of the planets which aspect them. Also as I have said why dont we think of the any importance of the Sun being star lord of 4 and 8 th cusps??.Though Ketu is in Sun star. Ketu is with close conjucntion with Sun itself. Having all these qualities would have caused Sun to give the result?? Also both Mercury and Sat are in Sat sub. Hence Sat is not dropped ??RegardsAdithOn Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani.. - Dhanabalan R Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramaniRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, " Tin Win " tw853 Cc: " Punit Pandey " punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, " Punit Pandey " punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in " Satya Jatak " that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > " Satya Jatak " , I don't find " determination of any moment " using these> > planets. " Satya Jatak " deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from " Brihat Jatak " > > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of " Jatak Satyacharya " , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article " Ruling planets " by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, " The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear Ramaniji //. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it looses whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong.// Mr.KSK is very clear that Rahu/Ketu is ever stronger than all planets including Sun. Mr.KSK has not given any exemption to his concept. Because of Rahu/Ketu only Sun and Moon eclipse occur. Unless one shows evidence in KP Readers, I cannot accept Sun and Saturn are stronger than Rahu/Ketu. Dhanabalan--- On Thu, 2/12/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramaniRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 12:48 AM Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani. . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear Adith I want supporting evidence in KP Readers that Sun is stronger than Rahu/Ketu. Dhanabalan--- On Thu, 2/12/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinathRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 6:57 AM Dear Ramani jiI do agree with your statement of Nodes replacing the signlord they occupy.And they are capable of giving the qualities of the planets which aspect them. Also as I have said why dont we think of the any importance of the Sun being star lord of 4 and 8 th cusps??.Though Ketu is in Sun star. Ketu is with close conjucntion with Sun itself. Having all these qualities would have caused Sun to give the result??Also both Mercury and Sat are in Sat sub. Hence Sat is not dropped ??RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani. . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > --- In @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear Punit ji,I understand and accept your points. It was just my thought. That may not be correct also.But let me analyse for any such signfications in any future charts .If so, we can discuss on that in the forum. Hope that will be better as you said. ThanksAdithOn Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote: Dear Adith ji,There seems no need to introduce confusion by considering cuspal star lord as significator. Sun is strong significator of 12th house based on standard KP four fold signification mechanism and this is good enough reason of happening this event in Sun's mahadasa. Having said that, accident is not one time event and it can happen again. Next time, Ketu may be there in place of Sun, as Ketu also strongly signifies 12th and connected with 8th apart from being agent of Sun. We don't know the future yet. Thanks & Regards,Punit PandeyOn Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:27 PM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: Dear Ramani jiI do agree with your statement of Nodes replacing the signlord they occupy.And they are capable of giving the qualities of the planets which aspect them. Also as I have said why dont we think of the any importance of the Sun being star lord of 4 and 8 th cusps??.Though Ketu is in Sun star. Ketu is with close conjucntion with Sun itself. Having all these qualities would have caused Sun to give the result?? Also both Mercury and Sat are in Sat sub. Hence Sat is not dropped ??RegardsAdithOn Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani.. - Dhanabalan R Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramaniRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, " Tin Win " tw853 Cc: " Punit Pandey " punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, " Punit Pandey " punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in " Satya Jatak " that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > " Satya Jatak " , I don't find " determination of any moment " using these> > planets. " Satya Jatak " deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from " Brihat Jatak " > > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of " Jatak Satyacharya " , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article " Ruling planets " by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, " The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear Dhanabalan,We dont have such answers also for Sun is weaker than nodes in this case. Here we have the example with the result. Also the strength does not depend just as Nodes or the Planets. As you know many points to be considered. Also in this case , as first cum first. Sun has come first as dasa Lord prior to Nodes .For instance , if I have not given the Sub as Dasa lord and asked the question " when he will meet with accidents in his life time? " , then the answer will be quite different. Many answers would have come. But may be some would have not chosen Sun dasa also. So how to do the correct predictions? Here we have the answer,from which why cant we try to find some points which we might have missed also. Thats my opinion only to my my little knowledge. Dear Dhanabalanji, I do respect your expertise. Also you consistent questions on the results is always good to make the importance of such points embedded in the minds. Definitely your queries are valuable. I duly appreciate your thoughts!RegardsAdithOn Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan wrote: Dear Adith I want supporting evidence in KP Readers that Sun is stronger than Rahu/Ketu. Dhanabalan--- On Thu, 2/12/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinathRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 6:57 AM Dear Ramani jiI do agree with your statement of Nodes replacing the signlord they occupy.And they are capable of giving the qualities of the planets which aspect them. Also as I have said why dont we think of the any importance of the Sun being star lord of 4 and 8 th cusps??.Though Ketu is in Sun star. Ketu is with close conjucntion with Sun itself. Having all these qualities would have caused Sun to give the result?? Also both Mercury and Sat are in Sat sub. Hence Sat is not dropped ??RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani. . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz? > Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi > @gro, " Tin Win " tw853 Cc: " Punit Pandey " punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM > > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him... > But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. . > Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . . > I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro > Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak. > > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to: > (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger. > > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star...... > > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope > > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, " Punit Pandey " punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji, > > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in " Satya Jatak " that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In > > " Satya Jatak " , I don't find " determination of any moment " using these> > planets. " Satya Jatak " deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from " Brihat Jatak " > > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection > > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of " Jatak Satyacharya " , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa > > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey > > > > --- In @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article " Ruling planets " by Dr.Satya Prakash > > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, " The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord > > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord > > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear Adith My another doubt in the quiz3 is, the house 8 is also for chronic diseases. 6th house is disease. If the first cuspal sublord signifies 1,6,8,12 then the native may be admitted in the hospital due to chronic disease and need not be due to accident. Another doubt is for occuring accident, the houses 4,8,12 have to be considered. Mr.TinWin has given a table "House grouping -part 4". In that table, whether he will met accident or not, he asked to look into the houses 8,12 mainly with 6 as supporting house. What way 6th house is related to accident? Why not he taken 4th house as supporting house for accident? In the same table, he asked to consider houses 8,12 mainly and houses 4,6 as supporting houses to arrive Dasa Bukthi Antharam for accident. Why he included the houses 4, 6 here?Dhanabalan--- On Thu, 2/12/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinathRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 9:14 AM Dear Dhanabalan,We dont have such answers also for Sun is weaker than nodes in this case. Here we have the example with the result. Also the strength does not depend just as Nodes or the Planets. As you know many points to be considered.Also in this case , as first cum first. Sun has come first as dasa Lord prior to Nodes .For instance , if I have not given the Sub as Dasa lord and asked the question "when he will meet with accidents in his life time?", then the answer will be quite different. Many answers would have come. But may be some would have not chosen Sun dasa also.So how to do the correct predictions? Here we have the answer,from which why cant we try to find some points which we might have missed also. Thats my opinion only to my my little knowledge. Dear Dhanabalanji, I do respect your expertise. Also you consistent questions on the results is always good to make the importance of such points embedded in the minds. Definitely your queries are valuable. I duly appreciate your thoughts!RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ > wrote: Dear Adith I want supporting evidence in KP Readers that Sun is stronger than Rahu/Ketu. Dhanabalan--- On Thu, 2/12/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comThursday, February 12, 2009, 6:57 AM Dear Ramani jiI do agree with your statement of Nodes replacing the signlord they occupy.And they are capable of giving the qualities of the planets which aspect them. Also as I have said why dont we think of the any importance of the Sun being star lord of 4 and 8 th cusps??.Though Ketu is in Sun star. Ketu is with close conjucntion with Sun itself. Having all these qualities would have caused Sun to give the result??Also both Mercury and Sat are in Sat sub. Hence Sat is not dropped ??RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani. . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > --- In @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear Dhanabalan ji,4th house is for driving/ vehicle. So if 4th house is involved accident will happen while driving. If 3rd house is involved, it will happen during a journey and so on. That is the reason these are just supporting house and not the primary house. 6th house is for injury, so I cannot assume an accident without 6th house. In my opinion, taking sixth house just as an supporting house is not correct in the case of severe accidents. Minor accidents where there is no injury can happen without 6th house. Thanks & Regards,Punit PandeyOn Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan wrote: Dear Adith My another doubt in the quiz3 is, the house 8 is also for chronic diseases. 6th house is disease. If the first cuspal sublord signifies 1,6,8,12 then the native may be admitted in the hospital due to chronic disease and need not be due to accident. Another doubt is for occuring accident, the houses 4,8,12 have to be considered. Mr.TinWin has given a table " House grouping -part 4 " . In that table, whether he will met accident or not, he asked to look into the houses 8,12 mainly with 6 as supporting house. What way 6th house is related to accident? Why not he taken 4th house as supporting house for accident? In the same table, he asked to consider houses 8,12 mainly and houses 4,6 as supporting houses to arrive Dasa Bukthi Antharam for accident. Why he included the houses 4, 6 here?Dhanabalan --- On Thu, 2/12/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinathRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 9:14 AM Dear Dhanabalan,We dont have such answers also for Sun is weaker than nodes in this case. Here we have the example with the result. Also the strength does not depend just as Nodes or the Planets. As you know many points to be considered. Also in this case , as first cum first. Sun has come first as dasa Lord prior to Nodes .For instance , if I have not given the Sub as Dasa lord and asked the question " when he will meet with accidents in his life time? " , then the answer will be quite different. Many answers would have come. But may be some would have not chosen Sun dasa also. So how to do the correct predictions? Here we have the answer,from which why cant we try to find some points which we might have missed also. Thats my opinion only to my my little knowledge. Dear Dhanabalanji, I do respect your expertise. Also you consistent questions on the results is always good to make the importance of such points embedded in the minds. Definitely your queries are valuable. I duly appreciate your thoughts!RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ > wrote: Dear Adith I want supporting evidence in KP Readers that Sun is stronger than Rahu/Ketu. Dhanabalan--- On Thu, 2/12/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro Thursday, February 12, 2009, 6:57 AM Dear Ramani jiI do agree with your statement of Nodes replacing the signlord they occupy.And they are capable of giving the qualities of the planets which aspect them. Also as I have said why dont we think of the any importance of the Sun being star lord of 4 and 8 th cusps??.Though Ketu is in Sun star. Ketu is with close conjucntion with Sun itself. Having all these qualities would have caused Sun to give the result?? Also both Mercury and Sat are in Sat sub. Hence Sat is not dropped ??RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani. . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz? > Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi > @gro, " Tin Win " tw853 Cc: " Punit Pandey " punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM > > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him... > But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. . > Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . . > I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro > Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak. > > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to: > (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger. > > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star...... > > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope > > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, " Punit Pandey " punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji, > > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in " Satya Jatak " that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In > > " Satya Jatak " , I don't find " determination of any moment " using these> > planets. " Satya Jatak " deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from " Brihat Jatak " > > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection > > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of " Jatak Satyacharya " , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa > > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey > > > > --- In @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article " Ruling planets " by Dr.Satya Prakash > > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, " The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord > > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord > > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear SirI have read somewhere and even my Guruji has said 4 is to be added along with 8 and 12. We can also take 4 for denoting Vehicles.6 can be taken as one of the unfavorable houses.RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan wrote: Dear Adith My another doubt in the quiz3 is, the house 8 is also for chronic diseases. 6th house is disease. If the first cuspal sublord signifies 1,6,8,12 then the native may be admitted in the hospital due to chronic disease and need not be due to accident. Another doubt is for occuring accident, the houses 4,8,12 have to be considered. Mr.TinWin has given a table " House grouping -part 4 " . In that table, whether he will met accident or not, he asked to look into the houses 8,12 mainly with 6 as supporting house. What way 6th house is related to accident? Why not he taken 4th house as supporting house for accident? In the same table, he asked to consider houses 8,12 mainly and houses 4,6 as supporting houses to arrive Dasa Bukthi Antharam for accident. Why he included the houses 4, 6 here?Dhanabalan --- On Thu, 2/12/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinathRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 9:14 AM Dear Dhanabalan,We dont have such answers also for Sun is weaker than nodes in this case. Here we have the example with the result. Also the strength does not depend just as Nodes or the Planets. As you know many points to be considered. Also in this case , as first cum first. Sun has come first as dasa Lord prior to Nodes .For instance , if I have not given the Sub as Dasa lord and asked the question " when he will meet with accidents in his life time? " , then the answer will be quite different. Many answers would have come. But may be some would have not chosen Sun dasa also. So how to do the correct predictions? Here we have the answer,from which why cant we try to find some points which we might have missed also. Thats my opinion only to my my little knowledge. Dear Dhanabalanji, I do respect your expertise. Also you consistent questions on the results is always good to make the importance of such points embedded in the minds. Definitely your queries are valuable. I duly appreciate your thoughts!RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ > wrote: Dear Adith I want supporting evidence in KP Readers that Sun is stronger than Rahu/Ketu. Dhanabalan--- On Thu, 2/12/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro Thursday, February 12, 2009, 6:57 AM Dear Ramani jiI do agree with your statement of Nodes replacing the signlord they occupy.And they are capable of giving the qualities of the planets which aspect them. Also as I have said why dont we think of the any importance of the Sun being star lord of 4 and 8 th cusps??.Though Ketu is in Sun star. Ketu is with close conjucntion with Sun itself. Having all these qualities would have caused Sun to give the result?? Also both Mercury and Sat are in Sat sub. Hence Sat is not dropped ??RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani. . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz? > Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi > @gro, " Tin Win " tw853 Cc: " Punit Pandey " punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM > > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him... > But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. . > Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . . > I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro > Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak. > > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to: > (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger. > > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star...... > > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope > > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, " Punit Pandey " punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji, > > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in " Satya Jatak " that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In > > " Satya Jatak " , I don't find " determination of any moment " using these> > planets. " Satya Jatak " deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from " Brihat Jatak " > > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection > > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of " Jatak Satyacharya " , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa > > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey > > > > --- In @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article " Ruling planets " by Dr.Satya Prakash > > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, " The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord > > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord > > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2009 Report Share Posted February 12, 2009 Dear punitji According to Mr.Kudanthai nathan 4-8-12 are accident trigons. 4,8,12 will support to each other. House 4 is permanent residence(grave pit). Mr.Adith did not tell how accident happened. One cannot assume themselves as through vehicles only. Dhanabalan --- On Thu, 2/12/09, Punit Pandey <punitp wrote: Punit Pandey <punitpRe: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 9:46 AM Dear Dhanabalan ji,4th house is for driving/ vehicle. So if 4th house is involved accident will happen while driving. If 3rd house is involved, it will happen during a journey and so on. That is the reason these are just supporting house and not the primary house. 6th house is for injury, so I cannot assume an accident without 6th house. In my opinion, taking sixth house just as an supporting house is not correct in the case of severe accidents. Minor accidents where there is no injury can happen without 6th house. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ > wrote: Dear Adith My another doubt in the quiz3 is, the house 8 is also for chronic diseases. 6th house is disease. If the first cuspal sublord signifies 1,6,8,12 then the native may be admitted in the hospital due to chronic disease and need not be due to accident. Another doubt is for occuring accident, the houses 4,8,12 have to be considered. Mr.TinWin has given a table "House grouping -part 4". In that table, whether he will met accident or not, he asked to look into the houses 8,12 mainly with 6 as supporting house. What way 6th house is related to accident? Why not he taken 4th house as supporting house for accident? In the same table, he asked to consider houses 8,12 mainly and houses 4,6 as supporting houses to arrive Dasa Bukthi Antharam for accident. Why he included the houses 4, 6 here? Dhanabalan--- On Thu, 2/12/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comThursday, February 12, 2009, 9:14 AM Dear Dhanabalan,We dont have such answers also for Sun is weaker than nodes in this case. Here we have the example with the result. Also the strength does not depend just as Nodes or the Planets. As you know many points to be considered.Also in this case , as first cum first. Sun has come first as dasa Lord prior to Nodes .For instance , if I have not given the Sub as Dasa lord and asked the question "when he will meet with accidents in his life time?", then the answer will be quite different. Many answers would have come. But may be some would have not chosen Sun dasa also.So how to do the correct predictions? Here we have the answer,from which why cant we try to find some points which we might have missed also. Thats my opinion only to my my little knowledge. Dear Dhanabalanji, I do respect your expertise. Also you consistent questions on the results is always good to make the importance of such points embedded in the minds. Definitely your queries are valuable. I duly appreciate your thoughts!RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ > wrote: Dear Adith I want supporting evidence in KP Readers that Sun is stronger than Rahu/Ketu. Dhanabalan--- On Thu, 2/12/09, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro Thursday, February 12, 2009, 6:57 AM Dear Ramani jiI do agree with your statement of Nodes replacing the signlord they occupy.And they are capable of giving the qualities of the planets which aspect them. Also as I have said why dont we think of the any importance of the Sun being star lord of 4 and 8 th cusps??.Though Ketu is in Sun star. Ketu is with close conjucntion with Sun itself. Having all these qualities would have caused Sun to give the result??Also both Mercury and Sat are in Sat sub. Hence Sat is not dropped ??RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Dear Dhanabalan, As I have said in my previous mail, it is Dr.Kar's theory of substitution of nodes for planets. I am not aware whether this is the finding of KSK. Planets aspecting node will give the aspected planet's qualities to the nodes and not vice versa. As Saturn is quite strong here being placed in 8th sign, place of accident along with its star lord Mars, karaka for accident is very strong with additional portfolio of Lagna signification, which is essential for accidents, I am not for dropping Saturn for Rahu. As regards to Mercury, sign lord in which the node is placed is Agent of Mercury and Mercury can be replaced for Rahu. This has been emphasised by late Dri K.S.K. strongly to include nodes in place of planets while selecting Ruling Planets and also while scrutinizing the Planets. As such inclusion of Rahu for Mercury and dropping the later is in accordance with Guruji's advice. While discussing about the main Dasa lord Sun, Kethu is in close conjunction with Sun. Kethu is burnt with the rays of Sun, it loosss whatever strength he has and the Sun emerges as strong. Hence Sun as prime Dasa lord is quite in order. ..With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani. . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:05 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Mercury has no planet in its star. So Mercury is stronger. Why the Mercury was dropped? Saturn has no planet in its star. Why Saturn was not dropped? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi @gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 3:53 PM Dear Dhanabalan, Among the two nodes Rahu and Kethu (Head & Tail of snake demonin Purana), Kethu is weaker than Rahu in strength according to traditional astrology. I am unable to quote the reference. Similarly, the aspects of node are not considered in K.P, though some use the aspects of 5th, 9th and 12th attributed to them. But other planets' aspecton them qill be there. It is only in Dr.K.R.Kar's sub sub theory, the theory of substitution for nodes have been introduced replacing the planet aspecting by the node. In the quiz 3, Rahu;s aspect on Sun need not be considered. Sun though in conjunction with Kethu is strong by its own constellation and he is in the sub of Mars in whoose steps Kethu is supposed to follow (Kujawat Kethu) In view of this Sun can be considered as prime Dasa lord, as it is the earliest Dasa concerning with all the relevant houses of accident and hospitalisation etc. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani I a - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:41 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani Sun may be in its own star but rapt conjunction with Ketu. So Ketu represents Sun. Ketu will give the result of Sun. The Sun has to be dropped from the sugnificator list. Is there any exemption? Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu represents Saturn. The Saturn has to be dropped from the significator list. Is there any exemption? Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:34 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalan, My observation is that the native was born in Kethu Dasa balance left was only few days. When we look tor lagna cusp for longevity, it is Rahu in the star of Jupiter at 9, lord of 11th and 12th Bhavam. Rahu is aspected strongly by the Karaka for Ayul Saturn and Rahu is not involved either with Bhadhaka or Maraka. Hence longevity is fairly good. Next Venus Dasa too has no strong connection with Maraka or Bhadhaka, though he is in the star of Moon, 7th lord, but feeble in strength, as Moon is not strong for 7th. So Venus is also ruled out as she is not significator of 8th too as 2 malefic planets are placed in 8th. Venus is S/L of 4th & 11th (not an evil house). Next to Venus Dasa, Sun comes in the picture. Sun is in his own star fairly strong. Sun with his own star (equivalent to self strength) is Star lord of 4th, 8th and 12th all the houses for accident. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 8tth (accident house) associatd with another natural malefic Saturrn lord of Lagna having connection to both 1 and 8th, being in his own sub. Thus S/L of Sun, Mars is strongly connected to 1 and 8th houses required for causing severe accident. Hence Sun Dasa is justified. Moreover, it is the earliest Dasa lord (Prime Minister) coming earlier than the other evil dasas of Mars, Saturn, Mercury etc. Thanking you for your sharing your obstacle with me. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani . - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:06 PM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Ramani I have tried this quiz3 according to KP but got struck. I request somebody to guide me and correct me to proceed. For accident: For DBA, houses to be considered 8,12,(6), (4) as per TinWinJi House Planets in the sub of planets occupied Planets in the star of planets occupied Planets occupied Planets in the sub of house lord Planets in the star of house lord House lord 8 Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu Sat Mar,Sat Moon, Mars, Jup Mer 12 Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sun, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mer, Ven, Ketu Rahu Jup (6) Ven Jup, Rahu Moon, Mars, Jup Mer (4) Venus Strong significators for House 8: Mer, Sat, Sun, Ketu House 12: Rahu, Moon, Mars, Jup, House 6: Venus House 4: Venus Planets close to the Cusp 6 within 3 degrees: Rahu Planets close to the Cusp 12 within 3 degrees: Ketu, Sun Saturn aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun is aspecting Rahu within 3 degrees Sun and Ketu are in rapt conjunction Badhaka lord:Mars. Saturn is in Mars star. Sun and Ketu are in Mars sub Maraka lord: Saturn/Jupiter, Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Moon star. Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn sub. Rahu is in Jupiter star Mer,Sat,Sun, Ketu,Rahu, Moon,Mar, Jup,Ven(All the nine planets have come as significators) In the normal practice, Rahu represents mercury. So I eliminated Mercury Ketu represents Jupiter. So I eliminated Jupiter Rahu represents Saturn. So I eliminated Saturn Ketu represents Sun. So I should have eliminated Sun also. But it is told that the accident happened in Sun dasa. Here I got struck. Significators are: Ketu,Rahu,Moon, Mars,Venus Ruling planets on 9-2-2009 at 17.47.35 PM in Vennandur, near Salem Day lord :Moon Rasi lord :Moon Rasi star :Mercury Lagna lord :Moon Lagna star :Mercury Moon aspects sun(opposition) Sun,Moon,Mercury are in RP. But Mercury and Sun are not in significator list. So I eliminated Mercury and Sun. Remaining common planet is Moon only. To pinpoint the event, I need 3 significators. So I have included lagna sublord and moon sublord in the RP list. Lagna sublord :Venus Moon Sublord :Rahu Common planets are :Moon,Venus and Rahu Dasa period is combination of Moon,Venus and Rahu. Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Ramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: Ramani <kadavasalramani@>Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comWednesday, February 11, 2009, 7:07 AM Dear Sri Dhanabalanji, My desie is also same as yours. Most seniors, who are considered as authentic and authoritative in the field may feel the quiz programme as childish and it is below their dignity to partake.. Professional astrologers may feel that their reputation will affect, if the answer given by them.goes wrong. Majority of beginners may feel shy to participate due to their ignorance or for study and understanding of astrology. In the absence of such majority members, only few members who have fair knowledge and study and who are really interested to improve their ability to gain practical experience will come forward to answer the quiz. Such numbers may be a dozen are slightly more. My suggestion is the quiz master should put about 6 simple questions daily and gradually increasing the standard. He may give the answers to the quiz next day. This w ill help a lot for beginners and interested persons to gain experience. In the mean time the quiz like 1 to 3 so far conducted may be continued giving 1 week time for solution. By this way, the debate will be lively and at the same time acquire more knowlege by way of discussion with members. I wish that you should initiate this with your abundant knowledge. With best wishes, K.S.V.Ramani goes wrong. - Dhanabalan R @gro Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:44 AM Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi Dear Bhaskarji If experienced astrologers are participating and sharing in the quiz, it would be more lively and useful to other members. Because I read so many books, books confused me. I hope this quiz program will guide me. Dhanabalan --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote: Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi@gro ups.comTuesday, February 10, 2009, 5:12 PM Dear Dhanabalanji, Such responses to those who have not participated in the Quiz, would prove to be a deterrant and aversion to further members from participating in the quiz. Participation in the quiz is unot a measure or scale of measurement or yardstick to judge whether one knows KP or not. There could be many reasons for one not participating, including lack of time, other pre-occupations, some bad memories associated with cases such as accidents, a feeling of imcompetency, suspicions of the quiz being fabricated to downsize certain astrologers , not wishing failures, embarassment at the prospects of not arriving at the clear answer, and so many other such reasons looming , from individual to individual. Which reason is linked to which astrologer, we are not anyone to judge. You seem to be a knowledgable person. Shri Raoji is a elderly person and they must be allowed their eccentricities if any , dont you think ? After all he has proved himself over and over again on innumerable occasions that he is knowledgable in KP. He does not require certificates from passing in Quizzes. Or does he ? Indian culture teaches us to respect Gnana(Knowledge) and Umra (Age) both which Shri Rao Sahab possesses. Please take this positively. best wishes, Bhaskar. @gro, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L.Y.Rao> If you understand the KP correctly, why cant you participate in the quiz?> Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 2/10/09, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. . wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@.. .> Re: Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> @gro, "Tin Win" tw853 Cc: "Punit Pandey" punitp Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:11 AM> > > > > > > > > Dears TW & Punit,> I just cannot comprehend as to just what people like Dhanabalan et al,are trying to prove...> Krishnamurthi Padhdhati clearly says that KSK derived inspiration from Nadi Astrology... the name of the Nadi is also given by him...> But what is the hullabuloo about ? Does it matter as to from which Nadi KSK derived his Padhdhati...> Unless of course, the objective seems to be, to prove how knowledgeable one is...about the history of the development of K.P.(FULL STOP)...> What is more important,to my mind, is the useful application of K.P., to practical prognosis... and not wasting the groups' time over fruitless discussuions and semantics about who discovered what,when,how, borrowed this knowledge from where and whom ?...and for example,raising Newton's theory even ater the Quantum theory has now taken over...and in time to come many more theories are bound to be be discovered.. .> Improvements in the existing Padhdhati in order to enable it to deliver more accurate results should be the objective of all inquiring students of astrology.> I hope more and more students of astrology curb their desire for instant fame... or even notoriety just to draw attention towards themselves.. . .> I am sure that you both and Kanak Bosmia certainly believe likewise...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > tw853 tw853 >> @gro> Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:38:16 AM> Re: KP Ruling planets concept from Naadi> > > > Dear Punit ji, Dhanabalan ji,> > 1. It seems Dhanabalan ji has switched from Brihat Jatak to Satya Jatak and Punit ji prefers Brihat Jatak. > > 2. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary has given two posibilities. First one is similarity to Satya Jatak and second one is as follows:> > Krishnamurthi himself doesn't tell where he got the idea of Ruling planets from. But other astrologers who interacted with him, suggest that he got the idea from his researches on prenatal epoch, that certain ruling planets of the prenatal epoch, become ruling planets at the birth time, and also dominate the individual's life.> > 3. This second one seems getting the idea of connection between the planets ruling at birth and at the moment of major life events from Brihat Jatak.> > 4. Such kind of connection idea is not found in Satya Jatak as mentioned by Punit ji, but some similar RPs are mentioned in sloka 6: > > 6. The fortunes of a native are to be studied with reference to:> (1) the ascendant lord; (2) the lord of the ascendant in the navamsa diagram (3)The lord of the birth star; and (4) the lords of the rasis occupied by the above three.> > 5. In sloka 7, it is said to choose the birth star, Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger.> > 7. Birth-star : Consider the strengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendant is Stronger than the Moon, the lord of the star in which the ascendant falls, is to be taken as the birth star. If, on the other hand, the Moon is stronger than the ascendant, the lord of the star in which it is posited is to be taken as the birth star......> > 6. The birth time to take is mentioned in sloka 5:> > 5. There are three different moments which can be taken as the tune of birth and for which the horoscope can be cast. These are(1) Adhana lagna i.e. the moment of conception. (2) Siro-darshma lagna i.e., the moment at which the head of the child is first sighted. (3) Bhupatana 1agnathe moment at which the child leaves the body of the mother and touches the earth. As it is difficult to determine the first two moments accurately, the third one should be taken for preparing the horoscope> > 7. In Satya Jatak there are similar RPs and the idea of taking Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger (which Guru ji KSK had used at early stage) and in Brihat Jatak, idea of connection between but similar RPs. > > 8. Therefore in my opinion, it is possible that the RPs are the combined idea of both Brihat Jatak and Satya Jatak, whatever Dhanabalan ji may call. > > Thanks and regards,> > tw> @gro, "Punit Pandey" punitp@ wrote:> >> > Dear Dhanabalan ji,> > > > The quoted text seems a little misleading to me. What Satyacharya said> > in "Satya Jatak" that these planets should be used for determining the> > destiny (or may be general nativity by common interpretation) . In> > "Satya Jatak", I don't find "determination of any moment" using these> > planets. "Satya Jatak" deesn't talk about rectification or horary> > astrology, as far as I know. > > > > The application of ruling planets came, I believe, from "Brihat Jatak"> > of Varahmihira where Varahamihira told that there is connection> > between the planets ruling the moment of question and planets ruling> > the moment of birth. It seems that Shri KSK improvised upon the ideas> > taken from these two texts. > > > > Also, from the Hindi edition of "Jatak Satyacharya" , following are the> > planets for judging destiny of a native -> > > > 1. Lord of Ascendant Sign> > 2. Lord of Ascendant Navamsa> > 3. Lord of Ascendant or Moon Nakshatra (whichever is powerful)> > 4. Lord of the signs where are all above planets are located> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > Punit Pandey> > > > --- In @gro, Dhanabalan R r.dhanabalan@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Punitji> > > Please go through the article "Ruling planets" by Dr.Satya Prakash> > Choudry. He stated that the RP concept is Naadi concept. I am> > reproducing the sentences, "The determinants of any moment according> > to the sage are:> > > * Birth lagna (ascendant lord) lord> > > * Moon or lagna star lord (whichever is stronger)> > > * Moon signlord> > > * Navamsa lagna lord> > > * Lord of rasi (in the rasi chart) occupied by the Navamsa lagna lord> > > > > > Mr.KSK has taken both starlord of moon and lagna. He has taken> > daylord instead of Navamsa lagna lord. It is what I told you already> > as japanese style.> > > Dhanabalan> > > > > >> >> > > > Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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