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Will I get astrology into my head?

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Prashanth, Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this combination will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge.

Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learn Jyotish better. Till the time you get confidence you can continue reading Dr. BV Raman's Books and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely solely on Rishiis in your learnings.

Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tell you about Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details).Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress in Dhi Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controls a certain aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time controls your Dhi Shakti.

The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi Shakti,1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi.2. Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegence for the Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and protects the native. For 3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge, Jupiter is higher cycle of Sun. Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your progress in your Dhi shakti,

+--------------+|Ke | | |JuR |

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|HL Md | |Ma ||Gk | | |

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|-----------| Rasi |-----------|| | |Sa |

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|As Mo |Me |Su Ve |Ra GL |

| | | |AL || | | | |

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+--------------+Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Maha Dasas: Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am)

Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) - 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm)

Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm)

Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm)

In your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a very important role for your intelligence development,Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important,

Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives tremendous change in person's intellegence. The person goes rapid change in thinking and opinions about the world.

Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to understand Dharma. The person tries to learn various scriptures and implement them. The person could take some dharmic habits. Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural Atmakaaraka, Hence the person may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers everything and hence causes the Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A person may read Bhagavata geeta in this period.

For other signs understand the intelligence development using the Lord of the Sign and Bhaava.Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since 2000 to 2009. Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashi aspects the Gemini. Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This is a very good time for you to continue learning.

The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and Temproary Atmakaaraka in your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is will be very good. This is for sure.Warm RegardsSanjay P

On 5/30/06, praskam <praskam

> wrote:Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha.Dandavat pranaams.I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a

learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question.Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to mycousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to the subject.Since then I have purchased and read a number of books including

Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be veryadvanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of factscollected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope - andthis after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I

have seen with awe some things, which could never have been guessed,being read from a horoscope.In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too), thelate Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making

correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine, butintuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance on mathematicaltechniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he relies almost

solely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts -without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbala etc.He however doesn't say anything about how to develop intuition -except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify) mantras

will help the process.Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury should bestrongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Meshould be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in the second

house.I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have anychance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12house in both rasi and navamsa.14/11/1977Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13)

Time: 10:35 amI apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be blessedby any guidance.Warm regards,Prashanth

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| om gurave namah |Dear Prashant

To add to Sanjay Prabhakaran, I can state that you wre under the AK in 11th house Sun dasa when you started and as soon as the 8th lord Moon dasa started you are not keen anymore. So you see the dasa is able to *change your mind* and you need to fix your mind to the learning so that no dasa or any joker of a planet can do this monkeying around with your mind. The only way I know this can be done is through a mantra. So what you need is a mantra that will keep you focused in the path of learning jyotish and get you the knowledgeof Surya.


Another thing, your navamsa chart is wrong. Study and correct it.

Saturn in the 12th house shows that you should start by taking the name *Narayana* constantly. I have Mercury in 12H from my Karakamsa and before I got into the big mantras and all that I was only taking the name *Vishnu* as a kid. It does not matter when we start, what matters is that we start and keep going. Frget those big mantras, they will follow - just start by taking that one name constantly and see the changes it makes. Your mind will calm and you will unconsciously start understanding and enjoying jyotish, the puranas and the Vedas. Slowly and *naturally* you will start doing other mantras as time passes and after 10 years when you look back, you will wonder how the 8th lord dasa was so nice. It will be nice because it cannot misguide the intellect due to the protection from that one name *Narayana*.

For others who are still searching for their Ista Devata (including me?), take the names suggested by Jaimini Maharishi

Sun -Shiva, Moon - Gouri, Mars - Skanda, Mercury - Vishnu, Jupiter - Sambashiva, Venus - Lakshmi, Saturn -Narayana (also Vishnu), Rahu - Durga and Ketu - Ganesha. It is through this name that the rest of the names will become *friendly* for you. Then one day you will want to do big mantras and finally one day all the names will merge into one name and you will realise that there was never a name in the first place. This will not and cannot happen in one day.Best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay RathPersonal: WebPages ¡ü Rath¡Çs Rhapsody SJC WebPages: Sri Jagannath Center ¡ü SJCERC ¡ü JIVAPublications: The Jyotish Digest ¡ü Sagittarius Publications----




sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Sanjay PrabhakaranWednesday, May 31, 2006 8:37 PMsohamsa Subject: Re: Will I get astrology into my head?

|| Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Prashanth, Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this combination will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge. Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learn Jyotish better. Till the time you get confidence you can continue reading Dr. BV Raman's Books and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely solely on Rishiis in your learnings. Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tell you about Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details).Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress in Dhi Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controls a certain aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time controls your Dhi Shakti. The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi Shakti,1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi.2. Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegence for the Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and protects the native. For 3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge, Jupiter is higher cycle of Sun. Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your progress in your Dhi shakti,+--------------+|Ke | | |JuR || | | | || | | | | | | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||HL Md | |Ma ||Gk | | | | | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------|| | |Sa | | | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |As Mo |Me |Su Ve |Ra GL || | | |AL || | | | || | | | || | | | | +--------------+Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Maha Dasas: Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) - 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm) In your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a very important role for your intelligence development,Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important,


Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives tremendous change in person's intellegence. The person goes rapid change in thinking and opinions about the world.

Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to understand Dharma. The person tries to learn various scriptures and implement them. The person could take some dharmic habits.

Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural Atmakaaraka, Hence the person may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers everything and hence causes the Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A person may read Bhagavata geeta in this period. For other signs understand the intelligence development using the Lord of the Sign and Bhaava.Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since 2000 to 2009. Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashi aspects the Gemini. Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This is a very good time for you to continue learning. The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and Temproary Atmakaaraka in your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is will be very good. This is for sure.Warm RegardsSanjay P

On 5/30/06, praskam <praskam > wrote:

Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha.Dandavat pranaams.I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question.Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to mycousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to the subject.Since then I have purchased and read a number of books including Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be veryadvanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of factscollected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope - andthis after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I have seen with awe some things, which could never have been guessed,being read from a horoscope.In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too), thelate Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine, butintuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance on mathematicaltechniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he relies almostsolely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts -without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbala etc.He however doesn't say anything about how to develop intuition -except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify) mantras will help the process.Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury should bestrongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Meshould be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in the second house.I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have anychance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12house in both rasi and navamsa.14/11/1977Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13) Time: 10:35 amI apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be blessedby any guidance.Warm regards,Prashanth



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Parnam Guru ji


" Excellent " these lines impressed me alot. And infact ultimate truth .



**Then one day you will want to do big mantras and finally one day all the names will " merge into one name " and you will realise that there was never a name in the first place. This will not and cannot happen in one day.**



Amit Puri


On 6/1/06, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:







| om gurave namah |Dear Prashant

To add to Sanjay Prabhakaran, I can state that you wre under the AK in 11th house Sun dasa when you started and as soon as the 8th lord Moon dasa started you are not keen anymore. So you see the dasa is able to *change your mind* and you need to fix your mind to the learning so that no dasa or any joker of a planet can do this monkeying around with your mind. The only way I know this can be done is through a mantra. So what you need is a mantra that will keep you focused in the path of learning jyotish and get you the knowledgeof Surya.



Another thing, your navamsa chart is wrong. Study and correct it.

Saturn in the 12th house shows that you should start by taking the name *Narayana* constantly. I have Mercury in 12H from my Karakamsa and before I got into the big mantras and all that I was only taking the name *Vishnu* as a kid. It does not matter when we start, what matters is that we start and keep going. Frget those big mantras, they will follow - just start by taking that one name constantly and see the changes it makes. Your mind will calm and you will unconsciously start understanding and enjoying jyotish, the puranas and the Vedas. Slowly and *naturally* you will start doing other mantras as time passes and after 10 years when you look back, you will wonder how the 8th lord dasa was so nice. It will be nice because it cannot misguide the intellect due to the protection from that one name *Narayana*.


For others who are still searching for their Ista Devata (including me?), take the names suggested by Jaimini Maharishi


Sun -Shiva, Moon - Gouri, Mars - Skanda, Mercury - Vishnu, Jupiter - Sambashiva, Venus - Lakshmi, Saturn -Narayana (also Vishnu), Rahu - Durga and Ketu - Ganesha. It is through this name that the rest of the names will become *friendly* for you. Then one day you will want to do big mantras and finally one day all the names will merge into one name and you will realise that there was never a name in the first place. This will not and cannot happen in one day.

Best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay RathPersonal: WebPages ¡ü

Rath's Rhapsody SJC WebPages:

Sri Jagannath Center ¡ü SJCERC

¡ü JIVAPublications:

The Jyotish Digest ¡ü

Sagittarius Publications----




sohamsa [

sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Sanjay PrabhakaranWednesday, May 31, 2006 8:37 PM

sohamsa Subject: Re: Will I get astrology into my head?


|| Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Prashanth, Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this combination will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge. Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learn Jyotish better. Till the time you get confidence you can continue reading Dr. BV Raman's Books and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely solely on Rishiis in your learnings. Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tell you about Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details).Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress in Dhi Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controls a certain aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time controls your Dhi Shakti. The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi Shakti,1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi.2. Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegence for the Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and protects the native. For 3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge, Jupiter is higher cycle of Sun. Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your progress in your Dhi shakti,

+--------------+|Ke | | |JuR |

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| | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

|HL Md | |Ma ||Gk | | | | | | |

| | | || | | |

|-----------| Rasi |-----------|| | |Sa | | | | |

| | | || | | |

| | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |As Mo |Me |Su Ve |Ra GL |

| | | |AL || | | | |

| | | | || | | | | +--------------+Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Maha Dasas: Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) - 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm) In your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a very important role for your intelligence development,Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important,



Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives tremendous change in person's intellegence. The person goes rapid change in thinking and opinions about the world. Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to understand Dharma. The person tries to learn various scriptures and implement them. The person could take some dharmic habits. Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural Atmakaaraka, Hence the person may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers everything and hence causes the Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A person may read Bhagavata geeta in this period. For other signs understand the intelligence development using the Lord of the Sign and Bhaava.Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since 2000 to 2009. Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashi aspects the Gemini. Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This is a very good time for you to continue learning. The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and Temproary Atmakaaraka in your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is will be very good. This is for sure.Warm RegardsSanjay P


On 5/30/06, praskam <praskam > wrote:

Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha.Dandavat pranaams.I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question.Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to mycousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to the subject.Since then I have purchased and read a number of books including Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be veryadvanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of factscollected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope - andthis after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I have seen with awe some things, which could never have been guessed,being read from a horoscope.In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too), thelate Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine, butintuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance on mathematicaltechniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he relies almost

solely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts -without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbala etc.He however doesn't say anything about how to develop intuition -except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify) mantras will help the process.Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury should bestrongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Meshould be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in the second house.I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have anychance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12house in both rasi and navamsa.14/11/1977Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13) Time: 10:35 amI apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be blessedby any guidance.Warm regards,Prashanth*tat savitur varenyam*



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Pranam Guruji,


this letter may be addressed to Prashanth, but this is for me!






Sanjay Rath


Thursday, June 01, 2006 11:49 AM

RE: Will I get astrology into my head?





| om gurave namah |Dear Prashant

To add to Sanjay Prabhakaran, I can state that you wre under the AK in 11th house Sun dasa when you started and as soon as the 8th lord Moon dasa started you are not keen anymore. So you see the dasa is able to *change your mind* and you need to fix your mind to the learning so that no dasa or any joker of a planet can do this monkeying around with your mind. The only way I know this can be done is through a mantra. So what you need is a mantra that will keep you focused in the path of learning jyotish and get you the knowledgeof Surya.


Another thing, your navamsa chart is wrong. Study and correct it.

Saturn in the 12th house shows that you should start by taking the name *Narayana* constantly. I have Mercury in 12H from my Karakamsa and before I got into the big mantras and all that I was only taking the name *Vishnu* as a kid. It does not matter when we start, what matters is that we start and keep going. Frget those big mantras, they will follow - just start by taking that one name constantly and see the changes it makes. Your mind will calm and you will unconsciously start understanding and enjoying jyotish, the puranas and the Vedas. Slowly and *naturally* you will start doing other mantras as time passes and after 10 years when you look back, you will wonder how the 8th lord dasa was so nice. It will be nice because it cannot misguide the intellect due to the protection from that one name *Narayana*.

For others who are still searching for their Ista Devata (including me?), take the names suggested by Jaimini Maharishi

Sun -Shiva, Moon - Gouri, Mars - Skanda, Mercury - Vishnu, Jupiter - Sambashiva, Venus - Lakshmi, Saturn -Narayana (also Vishnu), Rahu - Durga and Ketu - Ganesha. It is through this name that the rest of the names will become *friendly* for you. Then one day you will want to do big mantras and finally one day all the names will merge into one name and you will realise that there was never a name in the first place. This will not and cannot happen in one day.Best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay RathPersonal: WebPages ◠Rath’s Rhapsody SJC WebPages: Sri Jagannath Center ◠SJCERC ◠JIVAPublications: The Jyotish Digest ◠Sagittarius Publications----




sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Sanjay PrabhakaranWednesday, May 31, 2006 8:37 PMsohamsa Subject: Re: Will I get astrology into my head?

|| Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Prashanth, Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this combination will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge. Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learn Jyotish better. Till the time you get confidence you can continue reading Dr. BV Raman's Books and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely solely on Rishiis in your learnings. Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tell you about Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details).Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress in Dhi Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controls a certain aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time controls your Dhi Shakti. The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi Shakti,1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi.2. Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegence for the Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and protects the native. For 3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge, Jupiter is higher cycle of Sun. Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your progress in your Dhi shakti,+--------------+|Ke | | |JuR || | | | || | | | | | | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||HL Md | |Ma ||Gk | | | | | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------|| | |Sa | | | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |As Mo |Me |Su Ve |Ra GL || | | |AL || | | | || | | | || | | | | +--------------+Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Maha Dasas: Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) - 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm) In your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a very important role for your intelligence development,Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important,


Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives tremendous change in person's intellegence. The person goes rapid change in thinking and opinions about the world. Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to understand Dharma. The person tries to learn various scriptures and implement them. The person could take some dharmic habits. Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural Atmakaaraka, Hence the person may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers everything and hence causes the Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A person may read Bhagavata geeta in this period. For other signs understand the intelligence development using the Lord of the Sign and Bhaava.Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since 2000 to 2009. Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashi aspects the Gemini. Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This is a very good time for you to continue learning. The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and Temproary Atmakaaraka in your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is will be very good. This is for sure.Warm RegardsSanjay P

On 5/30/06, praskam <praskam > wrote: Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha.Dandavat pranaams.I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question.Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to mycousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to the subject.Since then I have purchased and read a number of books including Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be veryadvanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of factscollected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope - andthis after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I have seen with awe some things, which could never have been guessed,being read from a horoscope.In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too), thelate Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine, butintuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance on mathematicaltechniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he relies almostsolely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts -without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbala etc.He however doesn't say anything about how to develop intuition -except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify) mantras will help the process.Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury should bestrongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Meshould be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in the second house.I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have anychance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12house in both rasi and navamsa.14/11/1977Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13) Time: 10:35 amI apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be blessedby any guidance.Warm regards,Prashanth



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Om Brihaspataye Namah


Dear Sanjay P,


Thankyou very much for this enlightening

post. May I ask how you see Navamsha and Karakamsha, and Ishta with what you

have written here?i.e.Lagnamsaka dasa, Jupiter, Lord of sign and Sun. Is this

finer progress of Dhi?


Kind regards








sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Sanjay Prabhakaran

Thursday, 1 June 2006 3:07



Re: Will I get

astrology into my head?



|| Om

Gurave Namah ||


Dear Prashanth,

Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning

jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this combination will

help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge.


Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learn Jyotish better.

Till the time you get confidence you can continue reading Dr. BV Raman's Books

and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely solely on Rishiis in your



Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tell you about

Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details).


Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress in Dhi

Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controls a certain

aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time controls your Dhi


The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi Shakti,

1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi.

2. Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegence for the

Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and protects the

native. For

3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge,

Jupiter is higher cycle of Sun.


Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your progress in your

Dhi shakti,





|JuR |




| |




| |




| |




| |


|HL Md


|Ma |



| |



| |



| |



| |


Rasi |-----------|



|Sa |



| |



| |



| |



| |


|As Mo |Me

|Su Ve |Ra GL |




|AL |




| |




| |




| |



Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Maha Dasas:


Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am)

Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm)

Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am)

Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am)

Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) -

2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm)

Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm)

Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am)

Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm)

Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am)

Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm)

Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am)

Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm)

Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm)

Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm)





your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a very important

role for your intelligence development,


Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important,


Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives

tremendous change in person's intellegence. The person goes rapid change

in thinking and opinions about the world.

Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to

understand Dharma. The person tries to learn various scriptures and

implement them. The person could take some dharmic habits.

Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural

Atmakaaraka, Hence the person may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers

everything and hence causes the Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A

person may read Bhagavata geeta in this period.


For other signs understand the

intelligence development using the Lord of the Sign and Bhaava.



Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since 2000 to 2009.

Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashi aspects the Gemini.

Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This is a very good time

for you to continue learning.

The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and Temproary Atmakaaraka in

your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is will be very

good. This is for sure.



Warm Regards

Sanjay P





















On 5/30/06, praskam

<praskam > wrote:

Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo



Dandavat pranaams.


I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a

learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question.

Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to my

cousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to the subject.

Since then I have purchased and read a number of books including

Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be very

advanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of facts

collected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope - and

this after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I

have seen with awe some things, which could never have been guessed,

being read from a horoscope.


In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too), the

late Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making

correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine, but

intuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance on mathematical

techniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he relies almost

solely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts -

without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbala etc.

He however doesn't say anything about how to develop intuition -

except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify) mantras

will help the process.


Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury should be

strongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Me

should be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in the second



I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have any

chance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12

house in both rasi and navamsa.



Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13)

Time: 10:35 am


I apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be blessed

by any guidance.


Warm regards,


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|| Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Rosemary,On 6/1/06, rf.innes-jones <rf.innes-jones wrote:




Thankyou very much for this enlightening

post. May I ask how you see Navamsha and Karakamsha, and Ishta with what you

have written here?i.e.Lagnamsaka dasa, Jupiter, Lord of sign and Sun. Is this

finer progress of Dhi?Each Special Dasa, has a specific purpose of timing a particular aspects in life. I use Lagnamasaka dasa mostly from Rashi chart. Since it is a dasa calculated by taking the Navamsa Lagna rashi in Rashi chart. Specifically see the dasa for Dhi shakti progress. I do not use much of Navamsa Lagna, but other considerations of Graha's from Navamsa can be experimented on Rashi chart.

Warm RegardsSanjay P

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Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha


Respected Rath ji and Prabhakaran ji,


Thank you very much for your encouragement. It means a lot to me. I

will persist with my efforts. I will quietly watch the conversations

on this group. With your good wishes and guidance, I hope to be able

to make useful contributions soon.


- Prashanth



sohamsa , " Sanjay Rath " <guruji wrote:





> | om gurave namah |

> Dear Prashant


> To add to Sanjay Prabhakaran, I can state that you wre under the AK

in 11th

> house Sun dasa when you started and as soon as the 8th lord Moon


> started you are not keen anymore. So you see the dasa is able to


> your mind* and you need to fix your mind to the learning so that no

dasa or

> any joker of a planet can do this monkeying around with your mind.

The only

> way I know this can be done is through a mantra. So what you need

is a

> mantra that will keep you focused in the path of learning jyotish

and get

> you the knowledgeof Surya.


> Another thing, your navamsa chart is wrong. Study and correct it.


> Saturn in the 12th house shows that you should start by taking the


> *Narayana* constantly. I have Mercury in 12H from my Karakamsa and

before I

> got into the big mantras and all that I was only taking the name

*Vishnu* as

> a kid. It does not matter when we start, what matters is that we

start and

> keep going. Frget those big mantras, they will follow - just start

by taking

> that one name constantly and see the changes it makes. Your mind

will calm

> and you will unconsciously start understanding and enjoying

jyotish, the

> puranas and the Vedas. Slowly and *naturally* you will start doing


> mantras as time passes and after 10 years when you look back, you


> wonder how the 8th lord dasa was so nice. It will be nice because

it cannot

> misguide the intellect due to the protection from that one name



> For others who are still searching for their Ista Devata (including


> take the names suggested by Jaimini Maharishi


> Sun -Shiva, Moon - Gouri, Mars - Skanda, Mercury - Vishnu, Jupiter -

> Sambashiva, Venus - Lakshmi, Saturn -Narayana (also Vishnu), Rahu -


> and Ketu - Ganesha. It is through this name that the rest of the

names will

> become *friendly* for you. Then one day you will want to do big

mantras and

> finally one day all the names will merge into one name and you will


> that there was never a name in the first place. This will not and


> happen in one day.

> Best wishes and warm regards,

> Sanjay Rath


> Personal: <http://srath.com/blog/> WebPages ¡ü


> Rath¡Çs Rhapsody

> SJC WebPages: <http://.org/> Sri Jagannath Center ¡ü

> <http://sjcerc.com/> SJCERC ¡ü <http://jiva.us/> JIVA

> Publications: <http://thejyotishdigest.com/> The Jyotish Digest ¡ü

> <http://sagittariuspublications.com/> Sagittarius Publications

> --





> _____


> sohamsa [sohamsa ] On

Behalf Of

> Sanjay Prabhakaran

> Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:37 PM

> sohamsa

> Re: Will I get astrology into my head?



> || Om Gurave Namah ||


> Dear Prashanth,

> Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning

> jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this


> will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge.


> Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learn


> better. Till the time you get confidence you can continue reading

Dr. BV

> Raman's Books and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely

solely on

> Rishiis in your learnings.


> Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tell

you about

> Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details).


> Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress

in Dhi

> Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controls


> certain aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time

controls your

> Dhi Shakti.

> The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi


> 1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi.

> 2. Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegence

for the

> Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and


> the native. For

> 3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge,

Jupiter is

> higher cycle of Sun.


> Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your

progress in your

> Dhi shakti,

> +--------------+

> |Ke | | |JuR |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |HL Md | |Ma |

> |Gk | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> | | |Sa |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |As Mo |Me |Su Ve |Ra GL |

> | | | |AL |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Maha Dasas:


> Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am)

> Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm)

> Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am)

> Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am)

> Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) - 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm)

> Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm)

> Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am)

> Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm)

> Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am)

> Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm)

> Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am)

> Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm)

> Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm)

> Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm)




> In your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a very


> role for your intelligence development,


> Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important,




> 1. Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives tremendous change in


> intellegence. The person goes rapid change in thinking and opinions


> the world.


> 2. Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to understand Dharma.


> person tries to learn various scriptures and implement them. The


> could take some dharmic habits.


> 3. Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural Atmakaaraka, Hence the


> may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers everything and hence

causes the

> Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A person may read Bhagavata geeta

in this

> period.



> For other signs understand the intelligence development using the

Lord of

> the Sign and Bhaava.



> Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since

2000 to

> 2009. Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashi

aspects the

> Gemini. Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This is

a very

> good time for you to continue learning.

> The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and Temproary


> in your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is will

be very

> good. This is for sure.



> Warm Regards

> Sanjay P















On 5/30/06, praskam <praskam > wrote:


> Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha.


> Dandavat pranaams.


> I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a

> learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question.

> Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to my

> cousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to the


> Since then I have purchased and read a number of books including

> Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be very

> advanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of facts

> collected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope -


> this after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I

> have seen with awe some things, which could never have been guessed,

> being read from a horoscope.


> In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too), the

> late Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making

> correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine,


> intuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance on mathematical

> techniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he relies


> solely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts -

> without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbala etc.

> He however doesn't say anything about how to develop intuition -

> except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify)


> will help the process.


> Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury should be

> strongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Me

> should be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in the second

> house.


> I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have any

> chance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12

> house in both rasi and navamsa.


> 14/11/1977

> Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13)

> Time: 10:35 am


> I apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be blessed

> by any guidance.


> Warm regards,

> Prashanth

*tat savitur varenyam*






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Prashant, See the V Partha Sarathy Guru Ji , who well learnt he is , It repents me as he is now more connected with list , in last mail he told he has relinqushed tag of SJC Guru but I hope he is still on web. He actaually told the key of intution , do read his aricle when you get time . He has done tapassya to learn so u know one should work hard to become good astrologer. do go thru his website when u get time. as friend of urs, jl Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote: | om gurave namah |Dear Prashant To add to Sanjay Prabhakaran, I can state that you wre under the AK in 11th house Sun dasa when you started and as soon as the 8th lord Moon dasa started you are not keen anymore. So you see the dasa is able to *change your mind* and you need to fix your mind to the learning so that no dasa or any joker of a planet can do this monkeying around with your mind. The only way I know this can be done is through a mantra. So what you need is a mantra that will keep you focused in the path of learning jyotish and get you the knowledgeof Surya. Another thing, your navamsa chart is wrong. Study and correct it. Saturn in the 12th house shows that you should start by taking the name *Narayana* constantly. I have Mercury in 12H from my Karakamsa and before I got into the big mantras and all that I was only taking the name *Vishnu* as a kid. It does not matter when we start, what matters is that we start and keep going. Frget those big mantras, they will follow - just start by taking that one name constantly and see the changes it makes. Your mind will calm and you will unconsciously start understanding and enjoying jyotish, the puranas and the Vedas. Slowly and *naturally* you

will start doing other mantras as time passes and after 10 years when you look back, you will wonder how the 8th lord dasa was so nice. It will be nice because it cannot misguide the intellect due to the protection from that one name *Narayana*. For others who are still searching for their Ista Devata (including me?), take the names suggested by Jaimini Maharishi Sun -Shiva, Moon - Gouri, Mars - Skanda, Mercury - Vishnu, Jupiter - Sambashiva, Venus - Lakshmi, Saturn -Narayana (also Vishnu), Rahu - Durga and Ketu - Ganesha. It is through this name that the rest of

the names will become *friendly* for you. Then one day you will want to do big mantras and finally one day all the names will merge into one name and you will realise that there was never a name in the first place. This will not and cannot happen in one day.Best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay RathPersonal: WebPages ¡ü Rath¡Çs Rhapsody SJC WebPages: Sri Jagannath Center ¡ü SJCERC ¡ü JIVAPublications: The Jyotish Digest ¡ü Sagittarius Publications---- sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Sanjay PrabhakaranWednesday, May 31, 2006 8:37 PMsohamsa Subject: Re: Will I get astrology into my head? || Om Gurave Namah ||Dear

Prashanth, Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this combination will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge. Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learn Jyotish better. Till the time you get confidence you can continue reading Dr. BV Raman's Books and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely solely on Rishiis in your learnings. Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tell you about Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details).Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress in Dhi Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controls a certain aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time controls your Dhi Shakti. The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi Shakti,1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi.2.

Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegence for the Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and protects the native. For 3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge, Jupiter is higher cycle of Sun. Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your progress in your Dhi shakti,+--------------+|Ke | | |JuR ||

| | | || | | | | | | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||HL Md | |Ma ||Gk

| | | | | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------|| | |Sa | | | | || | | || |

| || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |As Mo |Me |Su Ve |Ra GL || | | |AL || | | | || | | | || | | | | +--------------+Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Maha Dasas: Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) - 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm) In your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a very important role for your intelligence development,Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important, Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives tremendous change in

person's intellegence. The person goes rapid change in thinking and opinions about the world. Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to understand Dharma. The person tries to learn various scriptures and implement them. The person could take some dharmic habits. Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural Atmakaaraka, Hence the person may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers everything and hence causes the Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A person may read Bhagavata geeta in this period. For other signs understand the intelligence development using the Lord of the Sign and Bhaava.Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since 2000 to 2009. Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashi aspects the Gemini. Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This is a very

good time for you to continue learning. The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and Temproary Atmakaaraka in your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is will be very good. This is for sure.Warm RegardsSanjay P On 5/30/06, praskam <praskam > wrote: Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha.Dandavat pranaams.I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question.Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to mycousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to the subject.Since then

I have purchased and read a number of books including Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be veryadvanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of factscollected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope - andthis after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I have seen with awe some things, which could never have been guessed,being read from a horoscope.In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too), thelate Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine, butintuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance on mathematicaltechniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he relies almostsolely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts -without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbala etc.He however doesn't say anything about how to

develop intuition -except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify) mantras will help the process.Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury should bestrongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Meshould be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in the second house.I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have anychance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12house in both rasi and navamsa.14/11/1977Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13) Time: 10:35 amI apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be blessedby any guidance.Warm regards,Prashanth avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean. Virus Database (VPS): 0622-2, 05/31/2006Tested on: 6/1/2006 11:49:44 AMavast! - copyright © 1988-2006 ALWIL Software.

Regards, JL

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Guest guest

Dear Sanjay,

Thanks a lot for this enlightening explanation. You

mentioned " Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for

Learning jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this

combination will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge. "


What if the atmakaraka is the ruler of 11th House? I have had similar

experience as Prashanth. I have read books and referred to several

articles and all I have in my head is a set of rules but no

intuition. Please see my birth details



Time: 11:45 am

Place: Bombay, India.


Jai Guru Dev!!


sohamsa , " Sanjay Prabhakaran "

<sanjaychettiar wrote:


> || Om Gurave Namah ||


> Dear Prashanth,

> Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning

> jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this


> will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge.


> Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learn


> better. Till the time you get confidence you can continue reading

Dr. BV

> Raman's Books and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely

solely on

> Rishiis in your learnings.


> Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tell

you about

> Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details).


> Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress

in Dhi

> Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controls


> certain aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time

controls your

> Dhi Shakti.

> The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi


> 1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi.

> 2. Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegence

for the

> Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and


> the native. For

> 3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge,

Jupiter is

> higher cycle of Sun.


> Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your

progress in your

> Dhi shakti,

> +--------------+

> |Ke | | |JuR |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |HL Md | |Ma |

> |Gk | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> | | |Sa |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |As Mo |Me |Su Ve |Ra GL |

> | | | |AL |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Maha Dasas:


> Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am)

> Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm)

> Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am)

> Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am)

> Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) - 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm)

> Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm)

> Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am)

> Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm)

> Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am)

> Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm)

> Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am)

> Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm)

> Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm)

> Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm)




> In your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a very


> role for your intelligence development,


> Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important,



> 1. Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives tremendous change in


> intellegence. The person goes rapid change in thinking and

opinions about

> the world.

> 2. Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to understand Dharma.


> person tries to learn various scriptures and implement them. The


> could take some dharmic habits.

> 3. Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural Atmakaaraka, Hence the


> may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers everything and hence

causes the

> Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A person may read Bhagavata

geeta in this

> period.


> For other signs understand the intelligence development using the

Lord of

> the Sign and Bhaava.



> Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since

2000 to

> 2009. Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashi

aspects the

> Gemini. Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This is

a very

> good time for you to continue learning.

> The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and Temproary


> in your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is will

be very

> good. This is for sure.



> Warm Regards

> Sanjay P














On 5/30/06, praskam <praskam wrote:

> >

> > Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha.

> >

> > Dandavat pranaams.

> >

> > I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a

> > learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question.

> > Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to my

> > cousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to the


> > Since then I have purchased and read a number of books including

> > Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be very

> > advanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of facts

> > collected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope -


> > this after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I

> > have seen with awe some things, which could never have been


> > being read from a horoscope.

> >

> > In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too),


> > late Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making

> > correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine,


> > intuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance on


> > techniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he relies


> > solely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts -

> > without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbala


> > He however doesn't say anything about how to develop intuition -

> > except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify)


> > will help the process.

> >

> > Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury should


> > strongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Me

> > should be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in the


> > house.

> >

> > I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have any

> > chance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12

> > house in both rasi and navamsa.

> >

> > 14/11/1977

> > Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13)

> > Time: 10:35 am

> >

> > I apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be


> > by any guidance.

> >

> > Warm regards,

> > Prashanth

> >

> >


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Guest guest

|| Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Pratik,>What if the atmakaraka is the ruler of 11th House? I have had similarYes, Ak lording the 11th gives good Jyotish abilities. See that now Jupiter, sun, Ketu also help in jyotish. rahu also gives jyotish thru research etc. >experience as Prashanth. I have read books and referred to several>articles and all I have in my head is a set of rules but no>intuition. Please see my birth detailsJust reading will not help, Regular mantra recitation is necassary to experience/learn the Subtle graha influences. Jupiter blessings are needed. Try to learn from any Jyotisha's around your place.

Warm RegardsSanjay P On 6/8/06, pratik_jagad <pratik_jagad

> wrote:Dear Sanjay,Thanks a lot for this enlightening explanation. Youmentioned " Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for

Learning jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence thiscombination will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge. " What if the atmakaraka is the ruler of 11th House? I have had similar

experience as Prashanth. I have read books and referred to severalarticles and all I have in my head is a set of rules but nointuition. Please see my birth details30/11/1977Time: 11:45 amPlace: Bombay, India.

Jai Guru Dev!!sohamsa , " Sanjay Prabhakaran " <sanjaychettiar wrote:>> || Om Gurave Namah ||>

> Dear Prashanth,> Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning> jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence thiscombination> will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge.

>> Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learnJyotish> better. Till the time you get confidence you can continue readingDr. BV> Raman's Books and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely

solely on> Rishiis in your learnings.>> Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tellyou about> Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details).>> Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress

in Dhi> Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controlsa> certain aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Timecontrols your> Dhi Shakti.> The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi

Shakti,> 1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi.> 2. Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegencefor the> Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and

protects> the native. For> 3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge,Jupiter is> higher cycle of Sun.>> Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your

progress in your> Dhi shakti,> +--------------+> |Ke | | |JuR |> | | | | |> | | | | |

> | | | | |> | | | | |> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|> |HL Md | |Ma |

> |Gk | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |

> |-----------| Rasi |-----------|> | | |Sa |> | | | |> | | | |

> | | | |> | | | |> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|> |As Mo |Me |Su Ve |Ra GL |

> | | | |AL |> | | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |

> +--------------+>> Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):>> Maha Dasas:>> Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am)

> Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm)> Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am)> Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am)> Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) - 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm)

> Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm)> Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am)> Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm)> Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am)

> Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm)> Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am)> Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm)> Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm)

> Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm)>>>> In your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a veryimportant> role for your intelligence development,

>> Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important,>>> 1. Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives tremendous change inperson's> intellegence. The person goes rapid change in thinking and

opinions about> the world.> 2. Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to understand Dharma.The> person tries to learn various scriptures and implement them. Theperson> could take some dharmic habits.

> 3. Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural Atmakaaraka, Hence theperson> may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers everything and hencecauses the> Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A person may read Bhagavata

geeta in this> period.>> For other signs understand the intelligence development using theLord of> the Sign and Bhaava.>>> Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since

2000 to> 2009. Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashiaspects the> Gemini. Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This isa very> good time for you to continue learning.

> The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and TemproaryAtmakaaraka> in your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is willbe very> good. This is for sure.>>

> Warm Regards> Sanjay P>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 5/30/06, praskam <praskam wrote:

> >> > Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha.> >> > Dandavat pranaams.> >> > I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a> > learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question.

> > Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to my> > cousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to thesubject.> > Since then I have purchased and read a number of books including

> > Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be very> > advanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of facts> > collected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope -

and> > this after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I> > have seen with awe some things, which could never have beenguessed,> > being read from a horoscope.> >

> > In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too),the> > late Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making> > correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine,

but> > intuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance onmathematical> > techniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he reliesalmost> > solely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts -

> > without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbalaetc.> > He however doesn't say anything about how to develop intuition -> > except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify)

mantras> > will help the process.> >> > Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury shouldbe> > strongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Me

> > should be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in thesecond> > house.> >> > I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have any> > chance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12

> > house in both rasi and navamsa.> >> > 14/11/1977> > Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13)> > Time: 10:35 am> >> > I apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be

blessed> > by any guidance.> >> > Warm regards,> > Prashanth> >> >>

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