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Ethical dilemma of a Jyotish (Was: Why should fasting ... native angry?)

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Dear Reema, namaste


I read your long email as well as the original discussion thread with great interest. I would like to chip in with some comments here based on what you wrote.


1) I strongly disagree with Sourav in that " ...we are playing God... " . As jyotisas, we are always second (perhaps 'inferior' is a better word here) to God and should always remember that God has the power to decide otherwise. It is in this context that we should impart our advice. If the advice fructifies, it is the will of God and if the advice does not fructify, again it is the will of God. A jyotisa only opens up a channel of communication between God and the client.



2) The blessings of the istadevata are not only limited to writing what you feel about the topic! They include being able to say the right thing at the right time irrespective of your state of knowledge. Generally, if you say a sincere prayer to your istadevata before starting the reading/consultation, the ista will ensure that what is said is meant to be said.



3) Definitely whatever negative indications are there in the chart can be overcome. That is what remedies are for else astrology would be of no use to us. So if the person wants to save the marriage, then guide him along the path but leave the rest to God. If there are negative indications, gently hint about this and counsel remedies for these negative indications. Freedom stressed on kumbha vivaha more than once in his mail.



4) Where is the karmic debt coming from? Constant prayer to your istadevata is the only way of protecting yourself. Saravali says that jyotisa sastra is a boat to help us cross the ocean of birth/rebirth. Simply because one is a jyotisa, why should he/she stop evolving spiritually?



best regards




On 7/21/06, reema_sriganesh <reema_sriganesh wrote:







|| Om Namo Narayanaaya ||Namaste,With the blessings of my Ishta, I herewith write my understandingabout the " ethical dilemma " of a Jyotisha, which is currently underdiscussion. I hope I am not being misunderstood and not being

presumptuous in doing so.First, I want to thank Bojan, Freedom and Sourav for giving me a pieceof their mind on this chart. True that I have spent hours on thisnative and his wife's charts in the hope that I could be of little

help to him in his most difficult time. Nonetheless, your advise andthoughts on the chart helped a lot for my knowledge is very limitedcompared to yours.Now, something had to be said about the liberty that we as Jyotisha

have and that we should take in advising the native on such sensitiveissues as marriage. Freedom is right in advising me to stay unaffectedby native's personal desires since it could color my understanding of

the chart. But I find it very hard to do so, especially when thenative is seeking advise on something as quintessential to dharma asmarriage. Granted that all of us are born with our own karma, and thatwe have to reap what we sowed. But then, God has also given us a

little bit of free will. In a matter as dharmic as marriage, whywouldn't God his this native to exercise his limited free will to savehis marriage? A chart only shows that the circumstances surroundingthe marriage are bad. However, the native's reaction to his

circumstances is a function of his buddhi, his limited will, and mostimportant of all, his invocation of all that is Divine to guide him,to bestow him with the sad-bud-dhi and fortitude, so that he can act

in a righteous manner no matter how difficult the circumstances are.Hence, if a native's buddhi says that he should save his marriage -that he should do his best to save it - then who am I to suggest himnot to do so? That his first marriage is miserable is very clear. Not

just to me but also to the native. So there is no surprise there. Butlook what the native wants to do of it! He wants to keep going withthis marriage. Whatever his reasons of doing so are, but as aJyotisha, why should I advise him not to do so given that marriage is

the highest dharma for an uninitiated human being? It is his freewill, and I am only helping him so that he gets Divine help inexercising that free will.Sourav so wisely said - either way we are " playing God " . So if I am

anyway taking the karmic burden of my advise, good and bad, to thenative then I'd rather do so by imparting an advise that aligns withwhat I consider to be God's word on dharma. More so, since that iswhat native's limited free will wants too. Whether something good

comes out of my advise or not, my soul will incur the cost and I amfully aware of that.The question is whether my soul has the capacity to undertake all thiskarmic debt. That is where John's advise is so pertinent. As a

Jyotisha, we must undergo spiritual development. A Jyotisha shouldhave a spiritual guide. No wonder why Narasimhaji has found aspiritual master! Also, a Jyotisha should develop a capacity to seethe truth (separated from the maya) in a chart. A spiritually strong

soul that communions with God can never go wrong in guiding a man indistress.Finally, many thanks to Jesse (and Lakshmi) for making us all thinkupon this ethical dilemma that I am sure each and every God guided

Jyotisha faces today.I hope that my thoughts are not misconstrued as passing judgments onanyone. I have too much respect for SJC and the magnanimouscontribution it has made to the field of Jyotisha to be snide to any

of its members. I am just venting out my sentiments on how I'd behavewhen faced with such dilemmas. Sorry for such a long message.May Sri Vishnu bless us all,Reema.


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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||


Namaste Hari,


> Generally, if you say a sincere prayer to your istadevata before

> starting the reading/consultation, the ista will ensure that what is

> said is meant to be said.


Yes, I completely am with you here. I do follow this practice.


> 3) Definitely whatever negative indications are there in the chart

> can be overcome. That is what remedies are for else astrology would

> be of no use to us.


Precisely what I have been trying to say! To add to this, I also

believe that the faith with which the remedies are done will

ultimately decide the outcome.


> Freedom stressed on kumbha vivaha more than once in his mail.


Yes, he did. And I am very thankful to him for the interest he took in

the chart and the remedies that he suggested. His guidance in addition

to that given by the other members of this group is invaluable not

just for my personal learning but also to the native.


May Sri Vishnu bless us all,



sohamsa , " Jyotisa Shisya " <achyutagaddi wrote:


> |om|

> Dear Reema, namaste


> I read your long email as well as the original discussion thread

with great

> interest. I would like to chip in with some comments here based on

what you

> wrote.


> 1) I strongly disagree with Sourav in that " ...we are playing

God... " . As

> jyotisas, we are always second (perhaps 'inferior' is a better word

here) to

> God and should always remember that God has the power to decide


> It is in this context that we should impart our advice. If the advice

> fructifies, it is the will of God and if the advice does not

fructify, again

> it is the will of God. A jyotisa only opens up a channel of


> between God and the client.


> 2) The blessings of the istadevata are not only limited to writing

what you

> feel about the topic! They include being able to say the right thing

at the

> right time irrespective of your state of knowledge. Generally, if

you say a

> sincere prayer to your istadevata before starting the


> the ista will ensure that what is said is meant to be said.


> 3) Definitely whatever negative indications are there in the chart

can be

> overcome. That is what remedies are for else astrology would be of

no use to

> us. So if the person wants to save the marriage, then guide him

along the

> path but leave the rest to God. If there are negative indications,


> hint about this and counsel remedies for these negative indications.


> stressed on kumbha vivaha more than once in his mail.


> 4) Where is the karmic debt coming from? Constant prayer to your


> is the only way of protecting yourself. Saravali says that jyotisa

sastra is

> a boat to help us cross the ocean of birth/rebirth. Simply because

one is a

> jyotisa, why should he/she stop evolving spiritually?


> best regards

> Hari





> On 7/21/06, reema_sriganesh <reema_sriganesh wrote:

> >

> > || Om Namo Narayanaaya ||

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > With the blessings of my Ishta, I herewith write my understanding

> > about the " ethical dilemma " of a Jyotisha, which is currently under

> > discussion. I hope I am not being misunderstood and not being

> > presumptuous in doing so.

> >

> > First, I want to thank Bojan, Freedom and Sourav for giving me a piece

> > of their mind on this chart. True that I have spent hours on this

> > native and his wife's charts in the hope that I could be of little

> > help to him in his most difficult time. Nonetheless, your advise and

> > thoughts on the chart helped a lot for my knowledge is very limited

> > compared to yours.

> >

> > Now, something had to be said about the liberty that we as Jyotisha

> > have and that we should take in advising the native on such sensitive

> > issues as marriage. Freedom is right in advising me to stay unaffected

> > by native's personal desires since it could color my understanding of

> > the chart. But I find it very hard to do so, especially when the

> > native is seeking advise on something as quintessential to dharma as

> > marriage. Granted that all of us are born with our own karma, and that

> > we have to reap what we sowed. But then, God has also given us a

> > little bit of free will. In a matter as dharmic as marriage, why

> > wouldn't God his this native to exercise his limited free will to save

> > his marriage? A chart only shows that the circumstances surrounding

> > the marriage are bad. However, the native's reaction to his

> > circumstances is a function of his buddhi, his limited will, and most

> > important of all, his invocation of all that is Divine to guide him,

> > to bestow him with the sad-bud-dhi and fortitude, so that he can act

> > in a righteous manner no matter how difficult the circumstances are.

> >

> > Hence, if a native's buddhi says that he should save his marriage -

> > that he should do his best to save it - then who am I to suggest him

> > not to do so? That his first marriage is miserable is very clear. Not

> > just to me but also to the native. So there is no surprise there. But

> > look what the native wants to do of it! He wants to keep going with

> > this marriage. Whatever his reasons of doing so are, but as a

> > Jyotisha, why should I advise him not to do so given that marriage is

> > the highest dharma for an uninitiated human being? It is his free

> > will, and I am only helping him so that he gets Divine help in

> > exercising that free will.

> >

> > Sourav so wisely said - either way we are " playing God " . So if I am

> > anyway taking the karmic burden of my advise, good and bad, to the

> > native then I'd rather do so by imparting an advise that aligns with

> > what I consider to be God's word on dharma. More so, since that is

> > what native's limited free will wants too. Whether something good

> > comes out of my advise or not, my soul will incur the cost and I am

> > fully aware of that.

> >

> > The question is whether my soul has the capacity to undertake all this

> > karmic debt. That is where John's advise is so pertinent. As a

> > Jyotisha, we must undergo spiritual development. A Jyotisha should

> > have a spiritual guide. No wonder why Narasimhaji has found a

> > spiritual master! Also, a Jyotisha should develop a capacity to see

> > the truth (separated from the maya) in a chart. A spiritually strong

> > soul that communions with God can never go wrong in guiding a man in

> > distress.

> >

> > Finally, many thanks to Jesse (and Lakshmi) for making us all think

> > upon this ethical dilemma that I am sure each and every God guided

> > Jyotisha faces today.

> >

> > I hope that my thoughts are not misconstrued as passing judgments on

> > anyone. I have too much respect for SJC and the magnanimous

> > contribution it has made to the field of Jyotisha to be snide to any

> > of its members. I am just venting out my sentiments on how I'd behave

> > when faced with such dilemmas. Sorry for such a long message.

> >

> > May Sri Vishnu bless us all,

> > Reema.

> > .

> >

> >

> >


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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||

Dear Sri Hari,

Namaskar. Thank you for understanding.

Best wishes,


===============================================================sohamsa , "Jyotisa Shisya" <achyutagaddi wrote:>> |om|> Dear Sourav, namaste> > Well, good that you clarified your position. At the feet of the Lord, we,> humble jyotisas, must remain...tiny glittering dust on the feet.> > best regards> Hari> > > > On 7/21/06, Sourav souravc108 wrote:> >> > *|| Hare Rama Krishna ||*> >> > Dear Sri Hari,> >> > Namaskar. I will comment to one portion of> > your reply below. You have said:> >> > 1) I strongly disagree with Sourav in that "...we are playing God...". As> > jyotisas, we are always second (perhaps 'inferior' is a better word here)> > to> > God and should always remember that God has the power to decide> > otherwise.> >> > What I wrote is in response to Lakshmi-ji's message in which she mentioned> > about playing God. I wanted her to understand the logic fully. If> > intervention is "playing God" according to her that non-intervention is too.> >> >> > When a jyotisha understands that he/she is *not* playing God, but instead> > God is playing him/her, so to speak, he/she becomes a real bhakta and> > instrument. That is the most desirable thing to be, in my opinion. Let this> > be understood. If jyotisha knows everything he or she says is under God's> > prompting then the matter is closed. Even if you are not jyotisha, it still> > is important - i.e. to become God's instrument ( in thought, word and> > deed) so that whatever karma is performed with this instrument its God's> > karma and not adding to yours !> >> > Whether marriage/divorce or abortion or euthanasia etc are in question,> > it is a question or ethics and ethics is a very subtle subject and entirely> > different branch. It is not solved by exchanging few messages in this group> > and it needs sufficient depth of heart. We rather not get it mixed. As I> > said too much talk generates heat and not the divine light of jyotish. It is> > suffice to emulate Parasara's teachings on who should be a perfect jyotisha,> > instead of trying to settle this is good or that is bad sitting here right> > now. Do things with your heart, things will fall in the right place. OK that> > what all I have to say. It is better to read the full thread before> > responding. Thank you.> >> > Best wishes,> >> > Sourav> >> > =================================================================> >> >> > sohamsa , "Jyotisa Shisya" achyutagaddi@ wrote:> > >> > > |om|> > > Dear Reema, namaste> > >> > > I read your long email as well as the original discussion thread with> > great> > > interest. I would like to chip in with some comments here based on what> > you> > > wrote.> > >> > > 1) I strongly disagree with Sourav in that "...we are playing God...".> > As> > > jyotisas, we are always second (perhaps 'inferior' is a better word> > here) to> > > God and should always remember that God has the power to decide> > otherwise.> > > It is in this context that we should impart our advice. If the advice> > > fructifies, it is the will of God and if the advice does not fructify,> > again> > > it is the will of God. A jyotisa only opens up a channel of> > communication> > > between God and the client.> > >> > > 2) The blessings of the istadevata are not only limited to writing what> > you> > > feel about the topic! They include being able to say the right thing at> > the> > > right time irrespective of your state of knowledge. Generally, if you> > say a> > > sincere prayer to your istadevata before starting the> > reading/consultation,> > > the ista will ensure that what is said is meant to be said.> > >> > > 3) Definitely whatever negative indications are there in the chart can> > be> > > overcome. That is what remedies are for else astrology would be of no> > use to> > > us. So if the person wants to save the marriage, then guide him along> > the> > > path but leave the rest to God. If there are negative indications,> > gently> > > hint about this and counsel remedies for these negative indications.> > Freedom> > > stressed on kumbha vivaha more than once in his mail.> > >> > > 4) Where is the karmic debt coming from? Constant prayer to your> > istadevata> > > is the only way of protecting yourself. Saravali says that jyotisa> > sastra is> > > a boat to help us cross the ocean of birth/rebirth. Simply because one> > is a> > > jyotisa, why should he/she stop evolving spiritually?> > >> > > best regards> > > Hari> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > On 7/21/06, reema_sriganesh reema_sriganesh@ wrote:> > > >> > > > || Om Namo Narayanaaya ||> > > >> > > > Namaste,> > > >> > > > With the blessings of my Ishta, I herewith write my understanding> > > > about the "ethical dilemma" of a Jyotisha, which is currently under> > > > discussion. I hope I am not being misunderstood and not being> > > > presumptuous in doing so.> > > >> > > > First, I want to thank Bojan, Freedom and Sourav for giving me a piece> > > > of their mind on this chart. True that I have spent hours on this> > > > native and his wife's charts in the hope that I could be of little> > > > help to him in his most difficult time. Nonetheless, your advise and> > > > thoughts on the chart helped a lot for my knowledge is very limited> > > > compared to yours.> > > >> > > > Now, something had to be said about the liberty that we as Jyotisha> > > > have and that we should take in advising the native on such sensitive> > > > issues as marriage. Freedom is right in advising me to stay unaffected> > > > by native's personal desires since it could color my understanding of> > > > the chart. But I find it very hard to do so, especially when the> > > > native is seeking advise on something as quintessential to dharma as> > > > marriage. Granted that all of us are born with our own karma, and that> > > > we have to reap what we sowed. But then, God has also given us a> > > > little bit of free will. In a matter as dharmic as marriage, why> > > > wouldn't God his this native to exercise his limited free will to save> > > > his marriage? A chart only shows that the circumstances surrounding> > > > the marriage are bad. However, the native's reaction to his> > > > circumstances is a function of his buddhi, his limited will, and most> > > > important of all, his invocation of all that is Divine to guide him,> > > > to bestow him with the sad-bud-dhi and fortitude, so that he can act> > > > in a righteous manner no matter how difficult the circumstances are.> > > >> > > > Hence, if a native's buddhi says that he should save his marriage -> > > > that he should do his best to save it - then who am I to suggest him> > > > not to do so? That his first marriage is miserable is very clear. Not> > > > just to me but also to the native. So there is no surprise there. But> > > > look what the native wants to do of it! He wants to keep going with> > > > this marriage. Whatever his reasons of doing so are, but as a> > > > Jyotisha, why should I advise him not to do so given that marriage is> > > > the highest dharma for an uninitiated human being? It is his free> > > > will, and I am only helping him so that he gets Divine help in> > > > exercising that free will.> > > >> > > > Sourav so wisely said - either way we are "playing God". So if I am> > > > anyway taking the karmic burden of my advise, good and bad, to the> > > > native then I'd rather do so by imparting an advise that aligns with> > > > what I consider to be God's word on dharma. More so, since that is> > > > what native's limited free will wants too. Whether something good> > > > comes out of my advise or not, my soul will incur the cost and I am> > > > fully aware of that.> > > >> > > > The question is whether my soul has the capacity to undertake all this> > > > karmic debt. That is where John's advise is so pertinent. As a> > > > Jyotisha, we must undergo spiritual development. A Jyotisha should> > > > have a spiritual guide. No wonder why Narasimhaji has found a> > > > spiritual master! Also, a Jyotisha should develop a capacity to see> > > > the truth (separated from the maya) in a chart. A spiritually strong> > > > soul that communions with God can never go wrong in guiding a man in> > > > distress.> > > >> > > > Finally, many thanks to Jesse (and Lakshmi) for making us all think> > > > upon this ethical dilemma that I am sure each and every God guided> > > > Jyotisha faces today.> > > >> > > > I hope that my thoughts are not misconstrued as passing judgments on> > > > anyone. I have too much respect for SJC and the magnanimous> > > > contribution it has made to the field of Jyotisha to be snide to any> > > > of its members. I am just venting out my sentiments on how I'd behave> > > > when faced with such dilemmas. Sorry for such a long message.> > > >> > > > May Sri Vishnu bless us all,> > > > Reema.> > > > .> > > >> > > >> > > >> > >> >> > > >>

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SARVAM GYANANANDAMAYAMAUM GURUBYO NAMAHDear Reema,Namaste. i think the thread has come to an end. Never too late is it not?! May i write in this regard?!The Atma Karaka is Buda who is placed in unfavourable 4th in rasi diagram alongwith Mrityupada. He occupies bhrasta shastyamsa. The karaka lagna therefore is scorpio and the karakamsa/karakamsaka is Meena. We find Sani the darakaraka is placed in Meena alongwith UL & HL. HL in 8th indicates that there is something special in the destiny of the native. Buda has also exchanged signs with Vakra Guru in navamsa. This means Buda will give the effects of Guru during his periods. As the lagna happens to vargottama the position of Buda in 8th in navamsa indicates the dharma Rna/debt. If you see the D-60 diagram you will find that there is a powerful sakthi yoga operating in 5th from Atmakaraka Buda which gives the scope for destruction of discrimination power.

From the above we understand that the AK is not only closely linked to DK but also indebted to DK. We can also see that the vision through the glasses of Buda(AK) may not give the correct picture. The atma needs to be freed from the grahana of Buda.Let us see the rasi diagram. The lagna is Simha which houses Mandi & Gulika. The lagna is aspected by the nodes(rasi dristi) which means that the dhi sakthi is naturally influenced by 7th & 4th houses(lordship of nodes). As the native indulges in applying his intelligence(paka lagna - Sun in Dhanu) the curse of Venus becomes immeadiately operative. The dhi karaka guru who is also the lord of paka lagna is badly placed in 8th from paka lagna and 12th from lagna. This Guru is placed in pushya which is veda to Poorvashada which houses Venus.On account of the charakaraka replacement between GK & PK Buda the AK has to play the additional role of GK too. The karakamsa and

Swamsa are in 6/8 relationship which means there is a mismatch between the dharmic ideals and the views of atmakaraka. Sun the dharmavan/the rasi lagnesh is in MKS in navamsa diagram.The native was born in Sukla tryodashi thithi which comes under the classification of Jaya. The thithi defined by Darakaraka Sani from AK Buda is Sukla Astami which also comes under the Jaya groupings.As per the lagna kendradi graha dasa the native is currently running the dasa of Guru. This Guru is placed in 2nd in navamsa diagram and is subject to the aspects of Sani & Mars. We know from the above that Guru will bestow the effects of AK Buda and that will intervene, nay pierce the Kalatrakaraka Venus on account of nakshatra veda during its period.i am suggesting the following remedial measures:-1. To remove the grahana of Buda to Atma chant the following the mantra after lighting a lamp."OM HRIM DURGATI NASHINYAI NAMAH" - 540 times after

sunset.2.Chant this mantra daily"OM HRAUM MALLIKAARJUNAAYA NAMAH" - 432 times after sunrise3.On a Friday during Rahu Kala - between 10hrs & 30 mts and 12 hours offer mangal Sutra(to be purchased) to Srimata Lakshmi. This is a one time activity. Similarly on a Sunday offer (1) umbrella (2) walking stick (3) foot wear (4) Bhagawad Gita to any elderly person. This is also one time activity. Also make arrangements to fund the marriage of some poor/needy.4.Chant "Tat savitur varenyam...." (Savitur Gayatri) and offer water before sunrise . Make it a regular practice.At sunrise do Lakshmi astotara lighting a lamp. After Sunrise chant Brihaspati Gayatri if it is known or "OM GHRINI SURYAYA NAMAH" - 108 times daily.5.Last but not the least worship of Lord Siva during Pradosha(attend atleast 5 pradoshas) will help a great deal. Chanting of Rudram during Monday Rahu Kalas and Pradosha periods is very effective

indeed.i hope this helps.May Mother Bless.Best wishes.Astrologically & spiritually yours,p.s.ramanarayanan.reema_sriganesh <reema_sriganesh wrote: || Hare Rama Krishna || Namaste Hari, > Generally, if you say a sincere prayer to your istadevata before > starting the reading/consultation, the ista will ensure that what is > said is meant to be said. Yes, I completely am with you here. I do follow this practice. > 3) Definitely whatever negative

indications are there in the chart > can be overcome. That is what remedies are for else astrology would > be of no use to us. Precisely what I have been trying to say! To add to this, I also believe that the faith with which the remedies are done will ultimately decide the outcome. > Freedom stressed on kumbha vivaha more than once in his mail. Yes, he did. And I am very thankful to him for the interest he took in the chart and the remedies that he suggested. His guidance in addition to that given by the other members of this group is invaluable not just for my personal learning but also to the native. May Sri Vishnu bless us all, Reema. sohamsa , "Jyotisa Shisya" <achyutagaddi wrote: > > |om| > Dear Reema, namaste > > I read your long email as well as the

original discussion thread with great > interest. I would like to chip in with some comments here based on what you > wrote. > > 1) I strongly disagree with Sourav in that "...we are playing God...". As > jyotisas, we are always second (perhaps 'inferior' is a better word here) to > God and should always remember that God has the power to decide otherwise. > It is in this context that we should impart our advice. If the advice > fructifies, it is the will of God and if the advice does not fructify, again > it is the will of God. A jyotisa only opens up a channel of communication > between God and the client. > > 2) The blessings of the istadevata are not only limited to writing what you > feel about the topic! They include being able to say the right thing at the > right time irrespective of your state of knowledge. Generally, if you

say a > sincere prayer to your istadevata before starting the reading/consultation, > the ista will ensure that what is said is meant to be said. > > 3) Definitely whatever negative indications are there in the chart can be > overcome. That is what remedies are for else astrology would be of no use to > us. So if the person wants to save the marriage, then guide him along the > path but leave the rest to God. If there are negative indications, gently > hint about this and counsel remedies for these negative indications. Freedom > stressed on kumbha vivaha more than once in his mail. > > 4) Where is the karmic debt coming from? Constant prayer to your istadevata > is the only way of protecting yourself. Saravali says that jyotisa sastra is > a boat to help us cross the ocean of birth/rebirth. Simply because one is a > jyotisa, why

should he/she stop evolving spiritually? > > best regards > Hari > > > > > On 7/21/06, reema_sriganesh <reema_sriganesh wrote: > > > > || Om Namo Narayanaaya || > > > > Namaste, > > > > With the blessings of my Ishta, I herewith write my understanding > > about the "ethical dilemma" of a Jyotisha, which is currently under > > discussion. I hope I am not being misunderstood and not being > > presumptuous in doing so. > > > > First, I want to thank Bojan, Freedom and Sourav for giving me a piece > > of their mind on this chart. True that I have spent hours on this > > native and his wife's charts in the hope that I could be of little > > help to him in his most difficult time. Nonetheless, your advise and > > thoughts on the chart helped a lot for

my knowledge is very limited > > compared to yours. > > > > Now, something had to be said about the liberty that we as Jyotisha > > have and that we should take in advising the native on such sensitive > > issues as marriage. Freedom is right in advising me to stay unaffected > > by native's personal desires since it could color my understanding of > > the chart. But I find it very hard to do so, especially when the > > native is seeking advise on something as quintessential to dharma as > > marriage. Granted that all of us are born with our own karma, and that > > we have to reap what we sowed. But then, God has also given us a > > little bit of free will. In a matter as dharmic as marriage, why > > wouldn't God his this native to exercise his limited free will to save > > his marriage? A chart only shows that the circumstances surrounding

> > the marriage are bad. However, the native's reaction to his > > circumstances is a function of his buddhi, his limited will, and most > > important of all, his invocation of all that is Divine to guide him, > > to bestow him with the sad-bud-dhi and fortitude, so that he can act > > in a righteous manner no matter how difficult the circumstances are. > > > > Hence, if a native's buddhi says that he should save his marriage - > > that he should do his best to save it - then who am I to suggest him > > not to do so? That his first marriage is miserable is very clear. Not > > just to me but also to the native. So there is no surprise there. But > > look what the native wants to do of it! He wants to keep going with > > this marriage. Whatever his reasons of doing so are, but as a > > Jyotisha, why should I advise him not to do so given that

marriage is > > the highest dharma for an uninitiated human being? It is his free > > will, and I am only helping him so that he gets Divine help in > > exercising that free will. > > > > Sourav so wisely said - either way we are "playing God". So if I am > > anyway taking the karmic burden of my advise, good and bad, to the > > native then I'd rather do so by imparting an advise that aligns with > > what I consider to be God's word on dharma. More so, since that is > > what native's limited free will wants too. Whether something good > > comes out of my advise or not, my soul will incur the cost and I am > > fully aware of that. > > > > The question is whether my soul has the capacity to undertake all this > > karmic debt. That is where John's advise is so pertinent. As a > > Jyotisha, we must undergo spiritual development.

A Jyotisha should > > have a spiritual guide. No wonder why Narasimhaji has found a > > spiritual master! Also, a Jyotisha should develop a capacity to see > > the truth (separated from the maya) in a chart. A spiritually strong > > soul that communions with God can never go wrong in guiding a man in > > distress. > > > > Finally, many thanks to Jesse (and Lakshmi) for making us all think > > upon this ethical dilemma that I am sure each and every God guided > > Jyotisha faces today. > > > > I hope that my thoughts are not misconstrued as passing judgments on > > anyone. I have too much respect for SJC and the magnanimous > > contribution it has made to the field of Jyotisha to be snide to any > > of its members. I am just venting out my sentiments on how I'd behave > > when faced with such dilemmas. Sorry for such a long

message. > > > > May Sri Vishnu bless us all, > > Reema. > > . > > > > > > >

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