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(To Supriti-ji) Curses +

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|| Hare Raama Krsna ||


Dear Supriti-ji,

Namaskar. In the matter of curses (afflictions in general) all grahas need to be carefully analysed. Saumya grahas do not give ill intentions or mistakes, instead reflects good intentions/emotions. On the other hand, kroora grahas represent a wrong intention/emotion or mistake. Surya-ego/selfishness/hurt, Sani-deep sorrow/pain, Rahu-cheating/shock/manipulation, Mangal-anger/violence, Ketu-headless rash behaviour/mistake. Hence when two or more kroora grahas aspect/conjoins a saumya graha or a house, a curse occurs. If 9th house is involved, then the curse is from past birth. If not, then possibly from present birth. If kroora grahas aspect other kroora grahas, lesser beings can be said to have given the curse. These are some of the basic guidlines in identifying the afflictions in a chart.


Now, let us question why two or more kroora grahas needed for 'curse', isn't one strong kroora graha suffice ? Also, is it that a curse has to be intentionally given to the native by the individual(s) who had suffered in the native's hand ? Or, is it just a dushkarma bouncing back onto the native, even if the sufferers didn't 'know' the involvement of the native ? Such questions can arise if we try to separate a 'curse' from other afflictions in the chart. Let us remind ourselves that every bad action will bear a bad effect, every good action will bear a good effect.


We should remember that a single strong malefic also may have the potential to damage as two weaker malefics. However, two or more malefics indicate a serious wrong-doing. The wrong-doing becomes more serious if both the malefics and the benefics are strong, if Ak is involved, if lagna lord is involved and if 8th lord is involved (nija-dosha). So we see that there is a graduated scale to measure the degree of wrong doing and the effect is commensurate with the cause.


Now, let us see what is meant by 'strong' ? Is higher benefic a sufficient indication of a stronger curse or is more number of malefics a sufficient indication instead. Yes, both should be considered. Suppose a native had stolen a small amount of money from a Brahmin and also caused severe mental and physical abuse to his/her spouse forcing the spouse to lose mental balance. If both give a curse each, which action do you think is stronger ? Is Brahmin's curse stronger or the spouses curse stronger ? I think we can safely infer that it is the spouses curse which is stronger in this case. Thus the severety of action can also be determines from the number & strength of malefics involved in the curse the position of the benefic under affliction, the avastha of the benefic and also how satvik the benefic graha is.


Having said that, let us also understand what happens when two curses are in a Rasi chart. If God has indicated that the native should take birth under this horoscope with multiple curses, then why would God indicate one operative curse and other defunct curses in this birth itself ? Thus I think it is not logical to say that the other curses are defunct. The main curse is the result of the gravest misdemeanor and should be identified as indicated in the previous paragraph. The other curse(s), either through alliance will be felt, or will be lesser afflictions which compound the severety of the results of the main curse. This is an 'additive' situation. Any affliction is an affliction which is bound to be felt if it is indicated in the chart. However, the main curse will deliniate the main course of events. So kindly do not ignore the 'other' curses.


Now in your chart, the data is:

September 18, 1970Time: 17:47:43Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 88 E 22' 00", 22 N 34' 00"Kolkata, India

Let us tabulate all the afflictions seen in the rasi chart. We will also see Dwadasaamsa and D-40, D-45 for some doshas.

1. Mangal and Rahu are aspecting the Lagna.

2. Lagnesh is in the 8th with 8th lord and Sani(V) with Rahu are aspecting Lagnesh. Here Guru is in inimical rasi and Sukra is stronger being in own rasi. Notice that Sukra is lord of janma nakshatra also. Sani is quite strong being retrograde and Rahu is also strong being in own house.

3. Rahu is aspecting Mangal and Ketu with retrograde Budha. Thus Budha is strong. Budha is in parivartana with Surya and is aspected by all other grahas either by rasi drishti or graha drishti. Curse of uncles/friends/relatives is also quite severe. This is compounded by the fact that Budha is Badhakesha and Surya is in Badhaka house.

4. 4th house is also aspected by Sani and Rahu. We just saw that 4th lord is also under heavy affliction. Hence this damages 4th house. 9th lord Mangal is also involved indicating that this is a curse from the previous birth.

5. Rahu is joining 12-th house and A9 and Mangal is aspecting 12-th house.


In final judgement, it seems that curse from Budha and Guru/Shukra are allied and will fructify. Further they are in dusthanas and involve AK, 8th lord and Lagnesha and hence the curse will be felt by you at a personal level.


The strongest of the malefics is Sani as it is karaka for the 6th, 8th and 12-th, aspecting 8th lord and is effectively exalted. Further, Sani is in Dhanush-navamsa which is 10th house and involves loss of jobs, money (arthatrikona) humiliation due to the same. Sani owns 12-th house of losses and 11th house of fulfillment. Of these, 12-th lordship is stronger as Rahu is posited. A9 conjoins indicating father will be involved and perhaps will be cheated which will add to your woes. Consider Budha-Surya parivartana which involves 7th house hence enmity with spouse had occurred. Consider lordship of Mangal the other strongest malefic. It is 2nd and 9th houses indicating grief from father and loss of finances.

You have mentioned that things have slowly come back to better phase. However you are running Rahu antar and things related to father and finances will still remain affected. Notice that you have started Mangal Mahadasa as per Vimsottari (Chandra Sphuta) scheme.Notice that next antar dasa is of Surya who is in parivartana with Budha. Thus the trend will continue and difficulty in marriage will also continue. HLis in the 7th house; so more than difficulties abotu father and about finances, marriage problems affect you at a deeper level as relationship is of high value to you. 8th has benefics so marriage will continue on its difficult course. Things will continue to improve because benefic Moola antar dasas will come thereafter. The difficulty with spousal enmity and sorrow from father will have a degree of permanence as malefics are conjoining or aspecting via rasi drishti.


Now let us see if these curses on Guru/Budha are in other vargas. In D-12, Chandra is afflicted by Rahu, Sani, Surya and Mangal constituting a Matri-Pitri Shaapa of which Matri Shaapa will dominate (higher number of malefics). Rahu is afflicted by Sani and Mangal. In D-40, Guru- Budha in a dusthana are afflicted by graha drishti from Rahu, Sani and Mangal. Surya is in exchange with Guru and thus gets involved. Isn't this a similar pattern just like in Rasi chart ? In D-45, Rahu-Ketu-Mangal conjoin in dusthana and Surya and Sani aspect. Surya has parivartana with Rahu. Thus there is definitely a dosha coming from maternal and paternal sides. This include Sarpa-dosha


You need to perform the remedies Guru's have suggested to you related to the curse, although the curse is strong due to vakri of Sani and Budha. The best remedy of the curse is not to waste energy is preventing; rather it is best to learn the defects that caused this situation and become firm on this knowledge. If we can assimilate this knowledge on our previous short comings, we can prevent future mistakes.


Now, I will end with mentioning a few lines about your query related to pisaca badhaka etc. In the 6th house Badhaka is placed with Mangal and Ketu and Rahu aspecting. This is sarpa dosha (Rahu) and preta-badhaka (Mangal-Ketu conjunction). Ketu associates with 4th lord and hence this is a pisaca who had been a member of family tree. Ketu is in male rasi and this indicates a male pisaca. Remedies include Parvana Sraddha, Tila Homa etc. You are already worshipping Sri Chandika. This is also help in this matter.

Further, 12-th from Budha is conjoined by Gulika and aspected by Rahu by rasi drishti. This indicates wrath of Deity (Budha - Sri Maha Vishnu) due to pollution from touching by snakes. Rahu is in the 12-th house this also needs propitiation. Surya is dispositor of Budha and indicates lamp to be lit. Budha is in the 6th house and this indicates that you must worship Vishnu by walking around the idol and making remedial offerings. You should also arrange for Kirtana (dancing & singing festivals). Dispositor of Rahu is Sani and associates with Chandra who has mutual rasi aspect with Rahu. This indicates dosha from evil-minded sarpas. Further, Guru is in dusthana and in mutual rasi drishti with Badhakesha and Gulika is in quadrant from Guru. Thus these are inferior serpents. The remedial measures indicated are compulsory.


For further references, please refer to Sri Sanjay Rath's Badhaka Lecture in his new book "Collected Papers in Vedic Astrology".


Take care and Best wishes,




|| Durga Smaranam ||







|OM GURAVE NAMAH|Dear SOurav,Thanks. I have read Guruji's lesson before, does it have a referenceto the curse due to Ju conjunct Ke? I think I missed that. I willgo through it again.Anyways, I think I got it now. You are considering it only becausethey are connected. You would not have considered the matri shaapaif it was a separate curse, right.One of the reasons for my question is this. I have been goingthrough Saturn Moola dasa and my brahmin curse is manifesting at thistime. Although, the pisacha badha in my chart is unrelated, I do notundertand why it being manifested at the same time.I am trying to do a chronology of my curse to understand it better.Its 10 years (Sa debilitated) so I need to break it up into:3+3+4 (Am I right?)2001-9-18 to 2004-9-18 -- All round Suffering, loss of job & positionof self, loss of job & position of

father, intense humiliation,misundersatnding and strife in marriage, total headless humiliation(pishacha badhaka manifesting - Why?), all my previous savings washedaway2004-9-19 to 2007-9-18 -- Got back job, slowly getting back position,Loss of father (not through death) - father drifted away from thefamily (he has suffered a lot too due his actions, his career and mymarriage), some more totally headless humiliation (pishacha badhakamanifesting - Why?), trying but hardly succeeding to build up savingsfor the next rainy day2007-9-19 to 2011-9-18 -- Waiting to see what else fate has in storefor me, but I feel spiritually and emotionally better equipped toprotest against injustice(??). Maybe because I have moved on from myMo vimsottari dasa (Mo in MKS to AK Sa) to my Ma dasa (Vargottama2nd/9th lord in 6th)Thanks

again.RegardsSupriti__________________SupritiNatal ChartSeptember 18, 1970Time: 17:47:43Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 88 E 22' 00", 22 N 34' 00"Kolkata, IndiaAltitude: 0.00 metersLunar Yr-Mo: Sadharana - BhadrapadaTithi: Krishna Chaturthi (Me) (50.40% left)Vedic Weekday: Friday (Ve)Nakshatra: Bharani (Ve) (97.46% left)Yoga: Vyaghata (Ve) (59.55% left)Karana: Bava (Su) (0.81% left)Hora Lord: Mars (5 min sign: Le)Mahakala Hora: Mars (5 min sign: Ge)Kaala Lord: Sun (Mahakala: Mercury)Sunrise: 5:27:27Sunset: 17:33:59Janma Ghatis: 30.8445Ayanamsa: 23-27-00.97Sidereal Time: 17:59:12Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi NavamsaLagna 6 Pi 17' 05.35" UBha 1 Pi LeSun - DK 1 Vi 43' 16.03" UPha 2 Vi CpMoon - PK 13 Ar 40' 21.26" Bhar 1 Ar LeMars - PiK 16 Le 17' 01.46" PPha 1

Le LeMercury ® - BK 21 Le 17' 44.60" PPha 3 Le LiJupiter - GK 12 Li 09' 39.58" Swat 2 Li CpVenus - MK 16 Li 26' 35.26" Swat 3 Li AqSaturn ® - AK 28 Ar 59' 56.45" Krit 1 Ar SgRahu - AmK 8 Aq 02' 32.73" Sata 1 Aq SgKetu 8 Le 02' 32.73" Magh 3 Le GeMaandi 22 Ge 09' 20.45" Puna 1 Ge ArGulika 12 Ge 11' 25.92" Ardr 2 Ge CpUranus 14 Vi 50' 45.75" Hast 2 Vi TaNeptune 5 Sc 05' 16.04" Anu 1 Sc LePluto 3 Vi 42' 09.11" UPha 3 Vi AqBhava Lagna 6 Pi 17' 12.20" UBha 1 Pi LeHora Lagna 11 Vi 21' 14.20" Hast 1 Vi ArGhati Lagna 26 Pi 33' 20.21" Reva 3 Pi AqVighati Lagna 12 Sg 33' 50.27" Mool 4 Sg CnVarnada Lagna 6 Le 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Le ViSree Lagna 15 Pi 26' 39.40" UBha 4 Pi ScPranapada Lagna 13 Ar 03' 56.11" Aswi 4 Ar CnIndu Lagna 13 Cn 40' 21.26" Push 4 Cn ScDhooma 15 Cp 03' 16.03" Srav 2 Cp TaVyatipata 14 Ge 56' 43.97" Ardr 3 Ge AqParivesha 14 Sg 56' 43.97" PSha 1 Sg LeIndra Chapa 15 Cn 03'

16.03" Push 4 Cn ScUpaketu 1 Le 43' 16.03" Magh 1 Le ArKaala 1 Le 35' 17.10" Magh 1 Le ArMrityu 16 Pi 33' 10.05" UBha 4 Pi ScArtha Prahara 14 Ar 54' 46.62" Bhar 1 Ar LeYama Ghantaka 9 Ta 57' 08.80" Krit 4 Ta PiPrana Sphuta 13 Aq 36' 52.66" Sata 3 Aq AqDeha Sphuta 1 Li 34' 16.01" Chit 3 Li LiMrityu Sphuta 27 Cp 03' 17.46" Dhan 2 Cp ViSookshma TriSphuta 12 Ge 14' 26.13" Ardr 2 Ge CpTriSphuta 2 Ge 08' 52.53" Mrig 3 Ge LiChatusSphuta 3 Sc 52' 08.56" Anu 1 Sc LePanchaSphuta 11 Vi 54' 41.30" Hast 1 Vi ArV2 6 Sc 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sc LiV3 6 Sg 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sg CpV4 6 Pi 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Pi AqV5 6 Ar 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Ar TaV6 6 Cn 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Cn GeV7 6 Le 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Le ViV8 6 Sc 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sc LiV9 6 Sg 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sg CpV10 6 Pi 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Pi AqV11 6 Ar 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Ar TaV12 6 Cn 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Cn GeKunda 29 Sc 04' 13.18" Jye 4 Sc

PiRasi+--------------+| \ SaR / \ / || \ Mo / \ Ra / || \ / \ / || \ / GL \ / || \ / \ / ||AL x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Gk \ 12 / \ || / \ / \ || Md x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / HL \ / || \ / \ / || x Su x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ma \ / Ju \ || / MeR Ke \ / Ve \ |+--------------+Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):Ven Ven 1970-03-13 Sun 1973-07-14 Moon 1974-07-15Mars 1976-03-12 Rah 1977-05-13 Jup 1980-05-12Sat 1983-01-13 Merc 1986-03-13 Ket 1989-01-12Sun Sun 1990-03-13 Moon 1990-07-02 Mars 1991-01-01Rah 1991-05-07 Jup 1992-03-30 Sat 1993-01-18Merc 1994-01-01 Ket 1994-11-09 Ven 1995-03-13Moon Moon 1996-03-12 Mars 1997-01-12 Rah 1997-08-15Jup 1999-02-11 Sat 2000-06-13 Merc 2002-01-13Ket 2003-06-14 Ven 2004-01-13

Sun 2005-09-15Mars Mars 2006-03-13 Rah 2006-08-12 Jup 2007-08-31Sat 2008-08-05 Merc 2009-09-15 Ket 2010-09-12Ven 2011-02-05 Sun 2012-04-06 Moon 2012-08-15Rah Rah 2013-03-13 Jup 2015-11-27 Sat 2018-04-18Merc 2021-02-23 Ket 2023-09-16 Ven 2024-10-03Sun 2027-10-04 Moon 2028-08-27 Mars 2030-02-23Jup Jup 2031-03-13 Sat 2033-05-01 Merc 2035-11-15Ket 2038-02-17 Ven 2039-01-25 Sun 2041-09-27Moon 2042-07-15 Mars 2043-11-15 Rah 2044-10-22Sat Sat 2047-03-13 Merc 2050-03-16 Ket 2052-11-26Ven 2054-01-04 Sun 2057-03-04 Moon 2058-02-14Mars 2059-09-19 Rah 2060-10-28 Jup 2063-09-03Merc Merc 2066-03-13 Ket 2068-08-12 Ven 2069-08-09Sun 2072-06-07 Moon 2073-04-12 Mars 2073-09-15Rah 2074-09-13 Jup 2078-03-28 Sat 2080-07-05Ket Ket 2083-03-14 Ven 2083-08-13 Sun 2083-10-13Moon 2085-02-14 Mars 2084-09-18 Rah 2086-02-12Jup 2087-03-02 Sat 2088-02-06 Merc 2089-03-16sohamsa , "Sourav" <souravc108 wrote:>>> || Hare Raama Krsna ||>> Dear Supriti-ji,>> namaskar. Please find the File inthe> Files section of this group entitled "curses+_+ Serbia...pdf" . Iquote> the following from the lecture:>> " Although there is only one operative curse in one life time(generally> believed to be so), it is advisable check for allied `curses' or> suffering indicated by the evil Müla daçä planet. All the allied> suffering will also happen during this time. It is well said thatwhen> it rains it pours. The Müla daçä planet which is to deliver the> results of the curse will also activate allied curses of

otherrelatives> during its daçä thereby ensuring all round suffering and torment.">> So we should consider the allied curses as they are related here.Notice> the strong matri shaapa which will dominate as AK and 8th lord are> involved.>> Best wishes,>> Sourav>>

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Just pondering over these words in your message:

" If 9th house is involved, then the curse is from past

birth. If not, then possibly from present birth. "

Now the past life a different life, speaking of

present life curses obviously the birth chart would

indicate that in this life, the person is going to get

a " curse " and that he/she is going to do such things

in future which bring about this curse. Should then it

really be termed as a " curse " .





--- Sourav Chowdhury <souravc108 wrote:


> || Hare Raama Krsna ||


> Dear Supriti-ji,

> Namaskar. In the matter

> of curses (afflictions in general) all grahas need

> to be carefully analysed. Saumya grahas do not give

> ill intentions or mistakes, instead reflects good

> intentions/emotions. On the other hand, kroora

> grahas represent a wrong intention/emotion or

> mistake. Surya-ego/selfishness/hurt, Sani-deep

> sorrow/pain, Rahu-cheating/shock/manipulation,

> Mangal-anger/violence, Ketu-headless rash

> behaviour/mistake. Hence when two or more kroora

> grahas aspect/conjoins a saumya graha or a house, a

> curse occurs. If 9th house is involved, then the

> curse is from past birth. If not, then possibly from

> present birth. If kroora grahas aspect other kroora

> grahas, lesser beings can be said to have given the

> curse. These are some of the basic guidlines in

> identifying the afflictions in a chart.


> Now, let us question why two or more kroora grahas

> needed for 'curse', isn't one strong kroora graha

> suffice ? Also, is it that a curse has to be

> intentionally given to the native by the

> individual(s) who had suffered in the native's hand

> ? Or, is it just a dushkarma bouncing back onto the

> native, even if the sufferers didn't 'know' the

> involvement of the native ? Such questions can arise

> if we try to separate a 'curse' from other

> afflictions in the chart. Let us remind ourselves

> that every bad action will bear a bad effect, every

> good action will bear a good effect.


> We should remember that a single strong malefic also

> may have the potential to damage as two weaker

> malefics. However, two or more malefics indicate a

> serious wrong-doing. The wrong-doing becomes more

> serious if both the malefics and the benefics are

> strong, if Ak is involved, if lagna lord is involved

> and if 8th lord is involved (nija-dosha). So we see

> that there is a graduated scale to measure the

> degree of wrong doing and the effect is commensurate

> with the cause.


> Now, let us see what is meant by 'strong' ? Is

> higher benefic a sufficient indication of a stronger

> curse or is more number of malefics a sufficient

> indication instead. Yes, both should be considered.

> Suppose a native had stolen a small amount of money

> from a Brahmin and also caused severe mental and

> physical abuse to his/her spouse forcing the spouse

> to lose mental balance. If both give a curse each,

> which action do you think is stronger ? Is Brahmin's

> curse stronger or the spouses curse stronger ? I

> think we can safely infer that it is the spouses

> curse which is stronger in this case. Thus the

> severety of action can also be determines from the

> number & strength of malefics involved in the curse

> the position of the benefic under affliction, the

> avastha of the benefic and also how satvik the

> benefic graha is.


> Having said that, let us also understand what

> happens when two curses are in a Rasi chart. If God

> has indicated that the native should take birth

> under this horoscope with multiple curses, then why

> would God indicate one operative curse and other

> defunct curses in this birth itself ? Thus I think

> it is not logical to say that the other curses are

> defunct. The main curse is the result of the gravest

> misdemeanor and should be identified as indicated in

> the previous paragraph. The other curse(s), either

> through alliance will be felt, or will be lesser

> afflictions which compound the severety of the

> results of the main curse. This is an 'additive'

> situation. Any affliction is an affliction which is

> bound to be felt if it is indicated in the chart.

> However, the main curse will deliniate the main

> course of events. So kindly do not ignore the

> 'other' curses.


> Now in your chart, the data is:

> September 18, 1970

> Time: 17:47:43

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 88 E 22' 00 " , 22 N 34' 00 "

> Kolkata, India


> Let us tabulate all the afflictions seen in the rasi

> chart. We will also see Dwadasaamsa and D-40, D-45

> for some doshas.

> 1. Mangal and Rahu are aspecting the Lagna.

> 2. Lagnesh is in the 8th with 8th lord and Sani(V)

> with Rahu are aspecting Lagnesh. Here Guru is in

> inimical rasi and Sukra is stronger being in own

> rasi. Notice that Sukra is lord of janma nakshatra

> also. Sani is quite strong being retrograde and Rahu

> is also strong being in own house.

> 3. Rahu is aspecting Mangal and Ketu with retrograde

> Budha. Thus Budha is strong. Budha is in parivartana

> with Surya and is aspected by all other grahas

> either by rasi drishti or graha drishti. Curse of

> uncles/friends/relatives is also quite severe. This

> is compounded by the fact that Budha is Badhakesha

> and Surya is in Badhaka house.

> 4. 4th house is also aspected by Sani and Rahu. We

> just saw that 4th lord is also under heavy

> affliction. Hence this damages 4th house. 9th lord

> Mangal is also involved indicating that this is a

> curse from the previous birth.

> 5. Rahu is joining 12-th house and A9 and Mangal is

> aspecting 12-th house.


> In final judgement, it seems that curse from Budha

> and Guru/Shukra are allied and will fructify.

> Further they are in dusthanas and involve AK, 8th

> lord and Lagnesha and hence the curse will be felt

> by you at a personal level.


> The strongest of the malefics is Sani as it is

> karaka for the 6th, 8th and 12-th, aspecting 8th

> lord and is effectively exalted. Further, Sani is in

> Dhanush-navamsa which is 10th house and involves

> loss of jobs, money (arthatrikona) humiliation due

> to the same. Sani owns 12-th house of losses and

> 11th house of fulfillment. Of these, 12-th lordship

> is stronger as Rahu is posited. A9 conjoins

> indicating father will be involved and perhaps will

> be cheated which will add to your woes. Consider

> Budha-Surya parivartana which involves 7th house

> hence enmity with spouse had occurred. Consider

> lordship of Mangal the other strongest malefic. It

> is 2nd and 9th houses indicating grief from father

> and loss of finances.

> You have mentioned that things have slowly come back

> to better phase. However you are running Rahu antar

> and things related to father and finances will still

> remain affected. Notice that you have started Mangal

> Mahadasa as per Vimsottari (Chandra Sphuta)

> scheme.Notice that next antar dasa is of Surya who

> is in parivartana with Budha. Thus the trend will

> continue and difficulty in marriage will also

> continue. HLis in the 7th house; so more than

> difficulties abotu father and about finances,

> marriage problems affect you at a deeper level as

> relationship is of high value to you. 8th has

> benefics so marriage will continue on its difficult

> course. Things will continue to improve because

> benefic Moola antar dasas will come thereafter. The

> difficulty with spousal enmity and sorrow from

> father will have a degree of permanence as malefics

> are conjoining or aspecting via rasi drishti.


> Now let us see if these curses on Guru/Budha are in

> other vargas. In D-12, Chandra is afflicted by Rahu,

> Sani, Surya and Mangal constituting a Matri-Pitri

> Shaapa of which Matri Shaapa will dominate (higher

> number of malefics). Rahu is afflicted by Sani and

> Mangal. In D-40, Guru- Budha in a dusthana are

> afflicted by graha drishti from Rahu, Sani and

> Mangal. Surya is in exchange with Guru and thus gets

> involved. Isn't this a similar pattern just like in

> Rasi chart ? In D-45, Rahu-Ketu-Mangal conjoin in

> dusthana and Surya and Sani aspect. Surya has

> parivartana with Rahu. Thus there is definitely a

> dosha coming from maternal and paternal sides. This

> include Sarpa-dosha


> You need to perform the remedies Guru's have

> suggested to you related to the curse, although the

> curse is strong due to vakri of Sani and Budha. The

> best remedy of the curse is not to waste energy is

> preventing; rather it is best to learn the defects

> that caused this situation and become firm on this

> knowledge. If we can assimilate this knowledge on

> our previous short comings, we can prevent future

> mistakes.


> Now, I will end with mentioning a few lines about

> your query related to pisaca badhaka etc. In the 6th

> house Badhaka is placed with Mangal and Ketu and

> Rahu aspecting. This is sarpa dosha (Rahu) and

> preta-badhaka (Mangal-Ketu conjunction). Ketu

> associates with 4th lord and hence this is a pisaca

> who had been a member of family tree. Ketu is in

> male rasi and this indicates a male pisaca. Remedies

> include Parvana Sraddha, Tila Homa etc. You are

> already worshipping Sri Chandika. This is also help

> in this matter.

> Further, 12-th from Budha is conjoined by Gulika and

> aspected by Rahu by rasi drishti. This indicates

> wrath of Deity (Budha - Sri Maha Vishnu) due to

> pollution from touching by snakes. Rahu is in the

> 12-th house this also needs propitiation. Surya is

> dispositor of Budha and indicates lamp to be lit.

> Budha is in the 6th house and this indicates that

> you must worship Vishnu by walking around the idol

> and making remedial offerings. You should also

> arrange for Kirtana (dancing & singing festivals).

> Dispositor of Rahu is Sani and associates with

> Chandra

=== message truncated ===







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|| Hare Raama Krsna ||

Dear Rishi-ji,

namaskar. Curse can be had from previous or present actions. All actions produce results. Some produce immediate results also. 9th house links one to the previous lives as 9th house is past (5th is future and lagna is present). It indicates the dharma (or lack of it) that one had maintained and the results that will come to him/her. Hence the involvement of 9th lord/house in the curse picture indicates previous connections.

Yes for curses from present life, one can do certain actions in present life and reap the fruits. It still is a curse. Malefics can make you do certain bad actions in present life. Rahu is the chief problematic graha for this reason as it tries to perpetuate the viscious circle of life. That is why Rahu afflicts the luminaries and Guru.

The subject of curses is interesting as it shows root causes of difficulties and if this knowledge is well learnt then we can get out of this viscious cycle.

Please refer to Sanjay-ji's lecture on Curses (in this groups Files section).

Best wishes,



sohamsa , rishi shukla <rishi_2000in wrote:>> Sauravji,> Just pondering over these words in your message: > "If 9th house is involved, then the curse is from past> birth. If not, then possibly from present birth."> Now the past life a different life, speaking of> present life curses obviously the birth chart would> indicate that in this life, the person is going to get> a "curse" and that he/she is going to do such things> in future which bring about this curse. Should then it> really be termed as a "curse".> regards> rishi> > > --- Sourav Chowdhury souravc108 wrote:> > > || Hare Raama Krsna ||> > > > Dear Supriti-ji,> > Namaskar. In the matter> > of curses (afflictions in general) all grahas need> > to be carefully analysed. Saumya grahas do not give> > ill intentions or mistakes, instead reflects good> > intentions/emotions. On the other hand, kroora> > grahas represent a wrong intention/emotion or> > mistake. Surya-ego/selfishness/hurt, Sani-deep> > sorrow/pain, Rahu-cheating/shock/manipulation,> > Mangal-anger/violence, Ketu-headless rash> > behaviour/mistake. Hence when two or more kroora> > grahas aspect/conjoins a saumya graha or a house, a> > curse occurs. If 9th house is involved, then the> > curse is from past birth. If not, then possibly from> > present birth. If kroora grahas aspect other kroora> > grahas, lesser beings can be said to have given the> > curse. These are some of the basic guidlines in> > identifying the afflictions in a chart.> > > > Now, let us question why two or more kroora grahas> > needed for 'curse', isn't one strong kroora graha> > suffice ? Also, is it that a curse has to be> > intentionally given to the native by the> > individual(s) who had suffered in the native's hand> > ? Or, is it just a dushkarma bouncing back onto the> > native, even if the sufferers didn't 'know' the> > involvement of the native ? Such questions can arise> > if we try to separate a 'curse' from other> > afflictions in the chart. Let us remind ourselves> > that every bad action will bear a bad effect, every> > good action will bear a good effect.> > > > We should remember that a single strong malefic also> > may have the potential to damage as two weaker> > malefics. However, two or more malefics indicate a> > serious wrong-doing. The wrong-doing becomes more> > serious if both the malefics and the benefics are> > strong, if Ak is involved, if lagna lord is involved> > and if 8th lord is involved (nija-dosha). So we see> > that there is a graduated scale to measure the> > degree of wrong doing and the effect is commensurate> > with the cause.> > > > Now, let us see what is meant by 'strong' ? Is> > higher benefic a sufficient indication of a stronger> > curse or is more number of malefics a sufficient> > indication instead. Yes, both should be considered.> > Suppose a native had stolen a small amount of money> > from a Brahmin and also caused severe mental and> > physical abuse to his/her spouse forcing the spouse> > to lose mental balance. If both give a curse each,> > which action do you think is stronger ? Is Brahmin's> > curse stronger or the spouses curse stronger ? I> > think we can safely infer that it is the spouses> > curse which is stronger in this case. Thus the> > severety of action can also be determines from the> > number & strength of malefics involved in the curse> > the position of the benefic under affliction, the> > avastha of the benefic and also how satvik the> > benefic graha is. > > > > Having said that, let us also understand what> > happens when two curses are in a Rasi chart. If God> > has indicated that the native should take birth> > under this horoscope with multiple curses, then why> > would God indicate one operative curse and other> > defunct curses in this birth itself ? Thus I think> > it is not logical to say that the other curses are> > defunct. The main curse is the result of the gravest> > misdemeanor and should be identified as indicated in> > the previous paragraph. The other curse(s), either> > through alliance will be felt, or will be lesser> > afflictions which compound the severety of the> > results of the main curse. This is an 'additive'> > situation. Any affliction is an affliction which is> > bound to be felt if it is indicated in the chart.> > However, the main curse will deliniate the main> > course of events. So kindly do not ignore the> > 'other' curses. > > > > Now in your chart, the data is:> > September 18, 1970> > Time: 17:47:43> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)> > Place: 88 E 22' 00", 22 N 34' 00"> > Kolkata, India> > > > Let us tabulate all the afflictions seen in the rasi> > chart. We will also see Dwadasaamsa and D-40, D-45> > for some doshas.> > 1. Mangal and Rahu are aspecting the Lagna.> > 2. Lagnesh is in the 8th with 8th lord and Sani(V)> > with Rahu are aspecting Lagnesh. Here Guru is in> > inimical rasi and Sukra is stronger being in own> > rasi. Notice that Sukra is lord of janma nakshatra> > also. Sani is quite strong being retrograde and Rahu> > is also strong being in own house.> > 3. Rahu is aspecting Mangal and Ketu with retrograde> > Budha. Thus Budha is strong. Budha is in parivartana> > with Surya and is aspected by all other grahas> > either by rasi drishti or graha drishti. Curse of> > uncles/friends/relatives is also quite severe. This> > is compounded by the fact that Budha is Badhakesha> > and Surya is in Badhaka house. > > 4. 4th house is also aspected by Sani and Rahu. We> > just saw that 4th lord is also under heavy> > affliction. Hence this damages 4th house. 9th lord> > Mangal is also involved indicating that this is a> > curse from the previous birth. > > 5. Rahu is joining 12-th house and A9 and Mangal is> > aspecting 12-th house. > > > > In final judgement, it seems that curse from Budha> > and Guru/Shukra are allied and will fructify.> > Further they are in dusthanas and involve AK, 8th> > lord and Lagnesha and hence the curse will be felt> > by you at a personal level.> > > > The strongest of the malefics is Sani as it is> > karaka for the 6th, 8th and 12-th, aspecting 8th> > lord and is effectively exalted. Further, Sani is in> > Dhanush-navamsa which is 10th house and involves> > loss of jobs, money (arthatrikona) humiliation due> > to the same. Sani owns 12-th house of losses and> > 11th house of fulfillment. Of these, 12-th lordship> > is stronger as Rahu is posited. A9 conjoins> > indicating father will be involved and perhaps will> > be cheated which will add to your woes. Consider> > Budha-Surya parivartana which involves 7th house> > hence enmity with spouse had occurred. Consider> > lordship of Mangal the other strongest malefic. It> > is 2nd and 9th houses indicating grief from father> > and loss of finances. > > You have mentioned that things have slowly come back> > to better phase. However you are running Rahu antar> > and things related to father and finances will still> > remain affected. Notice that you have started Mangal> > Mahadasa as per Vimsottari (Chandra Sphuta)> > scheme.Notice that next antar dasa is of Surya who> > is in parivartana with Budha. Thus the trend will> > continue and difficulty in marriage will also> > continue. HLis in the 7th house; so more than> > difficulties abotu father and about finances,> > marriage problems affect you at a deeper level as> > relationship is of high value to you. 8th has> > benefics so marriage will continue on its difficult> > course. Things will continue to improve because> > benefic Moola antar dasas will come thereafter. The> > difficulty with spousal enmity and sorrow from> > father will have a degree of permanence as malefics> > are conjoining or aspecting via rasi drishti.> > > > Now let us see if these curses on Guru/Budha are in> > other vargas. In D-12, Chandra is afflicted by Rahu,> > Sani, Surya and Mangal constituting a Matri-Pitri> > Shaapa of which Matri Shaapa will dominate (higher> > number of malefics). Rahu is afflicted by Sani and> > Mangal. In D-40, Guru- Budha in a dusthana are> > afflicted by graha drishti from Rahu, Sani and> > Mangal. Surya is in exchange with Guru and thus gets> > involved. Isn't this a similar pattern just like in> > Rasi chart ? In D-45, Rahu-Ketu-Mangal conjoin in> > dusthana and Surya and Sani aspect. Surya has> > parivartana with Rahu. Thus there is definitely a> > dosha coming from maternal and paternal sides. This> > include Sarpa-dosha> > > > You need to perform the remedies Guru's have> > suggested to you related to the curse, although the> > curse is strong due to vakri of Sani and Budha. The> > best remedy of the curse is not to waste energy is> > preventing; rather it is best to learn the defects> > that caused this situation and become firm on this> > knowledge. If we can assimilate this knowledge on> > our previous short comings, we can prevent future> > mistakes.> > > > Now, I will end with mentioning a few lines about> > your query related to pisaca badhaka etc. In the 6th> > house Badhaka is placed with Mangal and Ketu and> > Rahu aspecting. This is sarpa dosha (Rahu) and> > preta-badhaka (Mangal-Ketu conjunction). Ketu> > associates with 4th lord and hence this is a pisaca> > who had been a member of family tree. Ketu is in> > male rasi and this indicates a male pisaca. Remedies> > include Parvana Sraddha, Tila Homa etc. You are> > already worshipping Sri Chandika. This is also help> > in this matter. > > Further, 12-th from Budha is conjoined by Gulika and> > aspected by Rahu by rasi drishti. This indicates> > wrath of Deity (Budha - Sri Maha Vishnu) due to> > pollution from touching by snakes. Rahu is in the> > 12-th house this also needs propitiation. Surya is> > dispositor of Budha and indicates lamp to be lit.> > Budha is in the 6th house and this indicates that> > you must worship Vishnu by walking around the idol> > and making remedial offerings. You should also> > arrange for Kirtana (dancing & singing festivals).> > Dispositor of Rahu is Sani and associates with> > Chandra > === message truncated ===> > > > > > >

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Dear Saurav ji




Yes, malefic (krur) planet is so cruel for karmic pursuits. But sage Parashar has allocated them yogakarka status for selective lagnas - say for tula - shani; for karka/simha - mars. and when rahu/ketu joins such yogakarka in trine/kendra - they are also assigned yogakarka. Now can yogakarka be party to curse. Extending the same example - say in tula lagna - shani is with ketu in trine; Now shani / ketu are afflicting the sign / house..but by definition, both are yogakarka. Now.. yogakarka can not really give bad karmas (or is not supposed to give) for native - as shubh result can not flow from bad deeds.


So is yoga karka an exception for this afflcition/curse (whether from past life / current life)?


Also in my understanding, for a curse to operate - 8th house (being pinda) is crucial. Unless that is hammered / spoiled - such curse will postone to next life.



regards / Prafulla GangOur circumstances answer to our expectations and the demand of our natures.************************************************


souravc108Sent: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 05:17:24 -0000sohamsa Subject: Re: (To Supriti-ji) Curses +





|| Hare Raama Krsna ||

Dear Rishi-ji,

namaskar. Curse can be had from previous or present actions. All actions produce results. Some produce immediate results also. 9th house links one to the previous lives as 9th house is past (5th is future and lagna is present). It indicates the dharma (or lack of it) that one had maintained and the results that will come to him/her. Hence the involvement of 9th lord/house in the curse picture indicates previous connections.

Yes for curses from present life, one can do certain actions in present life and reap the fruits. It still is a curse. Malefics can make you do certain bad actions in present life. Rahu is the chief problematic graha for this reason as it tries to perpetuate the viscious circle of life. That is why Rahu afflicts the luminaries and Guru.

The subject of curses is interesting as it shows root causes of difficulties and if this knowledge is well learnt then we can get out of this viscious cycle.

Please refer to Sanjay-ji's lecture on Curses (in this groups Files section).

Best wishes,



sohamsa , rishi shukla <rishi_2000in wrote:>> Sauravji,> Just pondering over these words in your message: > "If 9th house is involved, then the curse is from past> birth. If not, then possibly from present birth."> Now the past life a different life, speaking of> present life curses obviously the birth chart would> indicate that in this life, the person is going to get> a "curse" and that he/she is going to do such things> in future which bring about this curse. Should then it> really be termed as a "curse".> regards> rishi> > > --- Sourav Chowdhury souravc108 wrote:> > > || Hare Raama Krsna ||> > > > Dear Supriti-ji,> > Namaskar. In the matter> > of curses (afflictions in general) all grahas need> > to be carefully analysed. Saumya grahas do not give> > ill intentions or mistakes, instead reflects good> > intentions/emotions. On the other hand, kroora> > grahas represent a wrong intention/emotion or> > mistake. Surya-ego/selfishness/hurt, Sani-deep> > sorrow/pain, Rahu-cheating/shock/manipulation,> > Mangal-anger/violence, Ketu-headless rash> > behaviour/mistake. Hence when two or more kroora> > grahas aspect/conjoins a saumya graha or a house, a> > curse occurs. If 9th house is involved, then the> > curse is from past birth. If not, then possibly from> > present birth. If kroora grahas aspect other kroora> > grahas, lesser beings can be said to have given the> > curse. These are some of the basic guidlines in> > identifying the afflictions in a chart.> > > > Now, let us question why two or more kroora grahas> > needed for 'curse', isn't one strong kroora graha> > suffice ? Also, is it that a curse has to be> > intentionally given to the native by the> > individual(s) who had suffered in the native's hand> > ? Or, is it just a dushkarma bouncing back onto the> > native, even if the sufferers didn't 'know' the> > involvement of the native ? Such questions can arise> > if we try to separate a 'curse' from other> > afflictions in the chart. Let us remind ourselves> > that every bad action will bear a bad effect, every> > good action will bear a good effect.> > > > We should remember that a single strong malefic also> > may have the potential to damage as two weaker> > malefics. However, two or more malefics indicate a> > serious wrong-doing. The wrong-doing becomes more> > serious if both the malefics and the benefics are> > strong, if Ak is involved, if lagna lord is involved> > and if 8th lord is involved (nija-dosha). So we see> > that there is a graduated scale to measure the> > degree of wrong doing and the effect is commensurate> > with the cause.> > > > Now, let us see what is meant by 'strong' ? Is> > higher benefic a sufficient indication of a stronger> > curse or is more number of malefics a sufficient> > indication instead. Yes, both should be considered.> > Suppose a native had stolen a small amount of money> > from a Brahmin and also caused severe mental and> > physical abuse to his/her spouse forcing the spouse> > to lose mental balance. If both give a curse each,> > which action do you think is stronger ? Is Brahmin's> > curse stronger or the spouses curse stronger ? I> > think we can safely infer that it is the spouses> > curse which is stronger in this case. Thus the> > severety of action can also be determines from the> > number & strength of malefics involved in the curse> > the position of the benefic under affliction, the> > avastha of the benefic and also how satvik the> > benefic graha is. > > > > Having said that, let us also understand what> > happens when two curses are in a Rasi chart. If God> > has indicated that the native should take birth> > under this horoscope with multiple curses, then why> > would God indicate one operative curse and other> > defunct curses in this birth itself ? Thus I think> > it is not logical to say that the other curses are> > defunct. The main curse is the result of the gravest> > misdemeanor and should be identified as indicated in> > the previous paragraph. The other curse(s), either> > through alliance will be felt, or will be lesser> > afflictions which compound the severety of the> > results of the main curse. This is an 'additive'> > situation. Any affliction is an affliction which is> > bound to be felt if it is indicated in the chart.> > However, the main curse will deliniate the main> > course of events. So kindly do not ignore the> > 'other' curses. > > > > Now in your chart, the data is:> > September 18, 1970> > Time: 17:47:43> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)> > Place: 88 E 22' 00", 22 N 34' 00"> > Kolkata, India> > > > Let us tabulate all the afflictions seen in the rasi> > chart. We will also see Dwadasaamsa and D-40, D-45> > for some doshas.> > 1. Mangal and Rahu are aspecting the Lagna.> > 2. Lagnesh is in the 8th with 8th lord and Sani(V)> > with Rahu are aspecting Lagnesh. Here Guru is in> > inimical rasi and Sukra is stronger being in own> > rasi. Notice that Sukra is lord of janma nakshatra> > also. Sani is quite strong being retrograde and Rahu> > is also strong being in own house.> > 3. Rahu is aspecting Mangal and Ketu with retrograde> > Budha. Thus Budha is strong. Budha is in parivartana> > with Surya and is aspected by all other grahas> > either by rasi drishti or graha drishti. Curse of> > uncles/friends/relatives is also quite severe. This> > is compounded by the fact that Budha is Badhakesha> > and Surya is in Badhaka house. > > 4. 4th house is also aspected by Sani and Rahu. We> > just saw that 4th lord is also under heavy> > affliction. Hence this damages 4th house. 9th lord> > Mangal is also involved indicating that this is a> > curse from the previous birth. > > 5. Rahu is joining 12-th house and A9 and Mangal is> > aspecting 12-th house. > > > > In final judgement, it seems that curse from Budha> > and Guru/Shukra are allied and will fructify.> > Further they are in dusthanas and involve AK, 8th> > lord and Lagnesha and hence the curse will be felt> > by you at a personal level.> > > > The strongest of the malefics is Sani as it is> > karaka for the 6th, 8th and 12-th, aspecting 8th> > lord and is effectively exalted. Further, Sani is in> > Dhanush-navamsa which is 10th house and involves> > loss of jobs, money (arthatrikona) humiliation due> > to the same. Sani owns 12-th house of losses and> > 11th house of fulfillment. Of these, 12-th lordship> > is stronger as Rahu is posited. A9 conjoins> > indicating father will be involved and perhaps will> > be cheated which will add to your woes. Consider> > Budha-Surya parivartana which involves 7th house> > hence enmity with spouse had occurred. Consider> > lordship of Mangal the other strongest malefic. It> > is 2nd and 9th houses indicating grief from father> > and loss of finances. > > You have mentioned that things have slowly come back> > to better phase. However you are running Rahu antar> > and things related to father and finances will still> > remain affected. Notice that you have started Mangal> > Mahadasa as per Vimsottari (Chandra Sphuta)> > scheme.Notice that next antar dasa is of Surya who> > is in parivartana with Budha. Thus the trend will> > continue and difficulty in marriage will also> > continue. HLis in the 7th house; so more than> > difficulties abotu father and about finances,> > marriage problems affect you at a deeper level as> > relationship is of high value to you. 8th has> > benefics so marriage will continue on its difficult> > course. Things will continue to improve because> > benefic Moola antar dasas will come thereafter. The> > difficulty with spousal enmity and sorrow from> > father will have a degree of permanence as malefics> > are conjoining or aspecting via rasi drishti.> > > > Now let us see if these curses on Guru/Budha are in> > other vargas. In D-12, Chandra is afflicted by Rahu,> > Sani, Surya and Mangal constituting a Matri-Pitri> > Shaapa of which Matri Shaapa will dominate (higher> > number of malefics). Rahu is afflicted by Sani and> > Mangal. In D-40, Guru- Budha in a dusthana are> > afflicted by graha drishti from Rahu, Sani and> > Mangal. Surya is in exchange with Guru and thus gets> > involved. Isn't this a similar pattern just like in> > Rasi chart ? In D-45, Rahu-Ketu-Mangal conjoin in> > dusthana and Surya and Sani aspect. Surya has> > parivartana with Rahu. Thus there is definitely a> > dosha coming from maternal and paternal sides. This> > include Sarpa-dosha> > > > You need to perform the remedies Guru's have> > suggested to you related to the curse, although the> > curse is strong due to vakri of Sani and Budha. The> > best remedy of the curse is not to waste energy is> > preventing; rather it is best to learn the defects> > that caused this situation and become firm on this> > knowledge. If we can assimilate this knowledge on> > our previous short comings, we can prevent future> > mistakes.> > > > Now, I will end with mentioning a few lines about> > your query related to pisaca badhaka etc. In the 6th> > house Badhaka is placed with Mangal and Ketu and> > Rahu aspecting. This is sarpa dosha (Rahu) and> > preta-badhaka (Mangal-Ketu conjunction). Ketu> > associates with 4th lord and hence this is a pisaca> > who had been a member of family tree. Ketu is in> > male rasi and this indicates a male pisaca. Remedies> > include Parvana Sraddha, Tila Homa etc. You are> > already worshipping Sri Chandika. This is also help> > in this matter. > > Further, 12-th from Budha is conjoined by Gulika and> > aspected by Rahu by rasi drishti. This indicates> > wrath of Deity (Budha - Sri Maha Vishnu) due to> > pollution from touching by snakes. Rahu is in the> > 12-th house this also needs propitiation. Surya is> > dispositor of Budha and indicates lamp to be lit.> > Budha is in the 6th house and this indicates that> > you must worship Vishnu by walking around the idol> > and making remedial offerings. You should also> > arrange for Kirtana (dancing & singing festivals).> > Dispositor of Rahu is Sani and associates with> > Chandra > === message truncated ===> > > > > > >

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Dear Rishi ji,


Even Prasna Marg - while discussing various curses - have always hinted at past life. Might be then, such curse native is going to get in present life for some deeds.. and then they give effects in current or next life.


regards / Prafulla GangOur circumstances answer to our expectations and the demand of our natures.************************************************


rishi_2000inSent: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 21:52:51 -0700 (PDT)sohamsa Subject: Re: (To Supriti-ji) Curses +




Sauravji,Just pondering over these words in your message: "If 9th house is involved, then the curse is from pastbirth. If not, then possibly from present birth."Now the past life a different life, speaking ofpresent life curses obviously the birth chart wouldindicate that in this life, the person is going to geta "curse" and that he/she is going to do such thingsin future which bring about this curse. Should then itreally be termed as a "curse".regardsrishi--- Sourav Chowdhury <souravc108 > wrote:> || Hare Raama Krsna ||> > Dear Supriti-ji,> Namaskar. In the matter> of curses (afflictions in general) all grahas need> to be carefully analysed. Saumya grahas do not give> ill intentions or mistakes, instead reflects good> intentions/emotions. On the other hand, kroora> grahas represent a wrong intention/emotion or> mistake. Surya-ego/selfishness/hurt, Sani-deep> sorrow/pain, Rahu-cheating/shock/manipulation,> Mangal-anger/violence, Ketu-headless rash> behaviour/mistake. Hence when two or more kroora> grahas aspect/conjoins a saumya graha or a house, a> curse occurs. If 9th house is involved, then the> curse is from past birth. If not, then possibly from> present birth. If kroora grahas aspect other kroora> grahas, lesser beings can be said to have given the> curse. These are some of the basic guidlines in> identifying the afflictions in a chart.> > Now, let us question why two or more kroora grahas> needed for 'curse', isn't one strong kroora graha> suffice ? Also, is it that a curse has to be> intentionally given to the native by the> individual(s) who had suffered in the native's hand> ? Or, is it just a dushkarma bouncing back onto the> native, even if the sufferers didn't 'know' the> involvement of the native ? Such questions can arise> if we try to separate a 'curse' from other> afflictions in the chart. Let us remind ourselves> that every bad action will bear a bad effect, every> good action will bear a good effect.> > We should remember that a single strong malefic also> may have the potential to damage as two weaker> malefics. However, two or more malefics indicate a> serious wrong-doing. The wrong-doing becomes more> serious if both the malefics and the benefics are> strong, if Ak is involved, if lagna lord is involved> and if 8th lord is involved (nija-dosha). So we see> that there is a graduated scale to measure the> degree of wrong doing and the effect is commensurate> with the cause.> > Now, let us see what is meant by 'strong' ? Is> higher benefic a sufficient indication of a stronger> curse or is more number of malefics a sufficient> indication instead. Yes, both should be considered.> Suppose a native had stolen a small amount of money> from a Brahmin and also caused severe mental and> physical abuse to his/her spouse forcing the spouse> to lose mental balance. If both give a curse each,> which action do you think is stronger ? Is Brahmin's> curse stronger or the spouses curse stronger ? I> think we can safely infer that it is the spouses> curse which is stronger in this case. Thus the> severety of action can also be determines from the> number & strength of malefics involved in the curse> the position of the benefic under affliction, the> avastha of the benefic and also how satvik the> benefic graha is. > > Having said that, let us also understand what> happens when two curses are in a Rasi chart. If God> has indicated that the native should take birth> under this horoscope with multiple curses, then why> would God indicate one operative curse and other> defunct curses in this birth itself ? Thus I think> it is not logical to say that the other curses are> defunct. The main curse is the result of the gravest> misdemeanor and should be identified as indicated in> the previous paragraph. The other curse(s), either> through alliance will be felt, or will be lesser> afflictions which compound the severety of the> results of the main curse. This is an 'additive'> situation. Any affliction is an affliction which is> bound to be felt if it is indicated in the chart.> However, the main curse will deliniate the main> course of events. So kindly do not ignore the> 'other' curses. > > Now in your chart, the data is:> September 18, 1970> Time: 17:47:43> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)> Place: 88 E 22' 00", 22 N 34' 00"> Kolkata, India> > Let us tabulate all the afflictions seen in the rasi> chart. We will also see Dwadasaamsa and D-40, D-45> for some doshas.> 1. Mangal and Rahu are aspecting the Lagna.> 2. Lagnesh is in the 8th with 8th lord and Sani(V)> with Rahu are aspecting Lagnesh. Here Guru is in> inimical rasi and Sukra is stronger being in own> rasi. Notice that Sukra is lord of janma nakshatra> also. Sani is quite strong being retrograde and Rahu> is also strong being in own house.> 3. Rahu is aspecting Mangal and Ketu with retrograde> Budha. Thus Budha is strong. Budha is in parivartana> with Surya and is aspected by all other grahas> either by rasi drishti or graha drishti. Curse of> uncles/friends/relatives is also quite severe. This> is compounded by the fact that Budha is Badhakesha> and Surya is in Badhaka house. > 4. 4th house is also aspected by Sani and Rahu. We> just saw that 4th lord is also under heavy> affliction. Hence this damages 4th house. 9th lord> Mangal is also involved indicating that this is a> curse from the previous birth. > 5. Rahu is joining 12-th house and A9 and Mangal is> aspecting 12-th house. > > In final judgement, it seems that curse from Budha> and Guru/Shukra are allied and will fructify.> Further they are in dusthanas and involve AK, 8th> lord and Lagnesha and hence the curse will be felt> by you at a personal level.> > The strongest of the malefics is Sani as it is> karaka for the 6th, 8th and 12-th, aspecting 8th> lord and is effectively exalted. Further, Sani is in> Dhanush-navamsa which is 10th house and involves> loss of jobs, money (arthatrikona) humiliation due> to the same. Sani owns 12-th house of losses and> 11th house of fulfillment. Of these, 12-th lordship> is stronger as Rahu is posited. A9 conjoins> indicating father will be involved and perhaps will> be cheated which will add to your woes. Consider> Budha-Surya parivartana which involves 7th house> hence enmity with spouse had occurred. Consider> lordship of Mangal the other strongest malefic. It> is 2nd and 9th houses indicating grief from father> and loss of finances. > You have mentioned that things have slowly come back> to better phase. However you are running Rahu antar> and things related to father and finances will still> remain affected. Notice that you have started Mangal> Mahadasa as per Vimsottari (Chandra Sphuta)> scheme.Notice that next antar dasa is of Surya who> is in parivartana with Budha. Thus the trend will> continue and difficulty in marriage will also> continue. HLis in the 7th house; so more than> difficulties abotu father and about finances,> marriage problems affect you at a deeper level as> relationship is of high value to you. 8th has> benefics so marriage will continue on its difficult> course. Things will continue to improve because> benefic Moola antar dasas will come thereafter. The> difficulty with spousal enmity and sorrow from> father will have a degree of permanence as malefics> are conjoining or aspecting via rasi drishti.> > Now let us see if these curses on Guru/Budha are in> other vargas. In D-12, Chandra is afflicted by Rahu,> Sani, Surya and Mangal constituting a Matri-Pitri> Shaapa of which Matri Shaapa will dominate (higher> number of malefics). Rahu is afflicted by Sani and> Mangal. In D-40, Guru- Budha in a dusthana are> afflicted by graha drishti from Rahu, Sani and> Mangal. Surya is in exchange with Guru and thus gets> involved. Isn't this a similar pattern just like in> Rasi chart ? In D-45, Rahu-Ketu-Mangal conjoin in> dusthana and Surya and Sani aspect. Surya has> parivartana with Rahu. Thus there is definitely a> dosha coming from maternal and paternal sides. This> include Sarpa-dosha> > You need to perform the remedies Guru's have> suggested to you related to the curse, although the> curse is strong due to vakri of Sani and Budha. The> best remedy of the curse is not to waste energy is> preventing; rather it is best to learn the defects> that caused this situation and become firm on this> knowledge. If we can assimilate this knowledge on> our previous short comings, we can prevent future> mistakes.> > Now, I will end with mentioning a few lines about> your query related to pisaca badhaka etc. In the 6th> house Badhaka is placed with Mangal and Ketu and> Rahu aspecting. This is sarpa dosha (Rahu) and> preta-badhaka (Mangal-Ketu conjunction). Ketu> associates with 4th lord and hence this is a pisaca> who had been a member of family tree. Ketu is in> male rasi and this indicates a male pisaca. Remedies> include Parvana Sraddha, Tila Homa etc. You are> already worshipping Sri Chandika. This is also help> in this matter. > Further, 12-th from Budha is conjoined by Gulika and> aspected by Rahu by rasi drishti. This indicates> wrath of Deity (Budha - Sri Maha Vishnu) due to> pollution from touching by snakes. Rahu is in the> 12-th house this also needs propitiation. Surya is> dispositor of Budha and indicates lamp to be lit.> Budha is in the 6th house and this indicates that> you must worship Vishnu by walking around the idol> and making remedial offerings. You should also> arrange for Kirtana (dancing & singing festivals).> Dispositor of Rahu is Sani and associates with> Chandra === message truncated ===

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|| OM Sri Durgaaya Namah ||

Although I am addressing this to Sourav alone. Any input will be highly appreciated.

Dear Sourav,

First of all thank you so much for taking the time to engage in this discussion.

I am listing my general queries.

1. What if a native has a curse in D12, D40 and D45 and no graha shaapa in Rasi. But he/she does have bhava shraapa. Can we say that the native has a curse?

2. In Sri Rama's chart, the third part of his Moola Dasa represented fighting evil in battle. How does this show up in ordinary mortal (like myself) charts?

3. How do we decide on what effects are permanent and what is transitory (curse moola dasa only)

In Shri Raama chart, his throne/kingdom was returned to him but he had to live in patni-viyog all of his life.

I am listing my additional comments/questions below. All your predictions are correctly, I am highlighting them in green.


Thank you once agin.




|| Hare Raama Krsna ||

Dear Supriti-ji,

Namaskar. In the matter of curses (afflictions in general) all grahas need to be carefully analysed. Saumya grahas do not give ill intentions or mistakes, instead reflects good intentions/emotions. On the other hand, kroora grahas represent a wrong intention/emotion or mistake. Surya-ego/selfishness/hurt, Sani-deep sorrow/pain, Rahu-cheating/shock/manipulation, Mangal-anger/violence, Ketu-headless rash behaviour/mistake. Hence when two or more kroora grahas aspect/conjoins a saumya graha or a house, a curse occurs. If 9th house is involved, then the curse is from past birth. If not, then possibly from present birth. If kroora grahas aspect other kroora grahas, lesser beings can be said to have given the curse. These are some of the basic guidlines in identifying the afflictions in a chart.

Now, let us question why two or more kroora grahas needed for 'curse', isn't one strong kroora graha suffice ? Also, is it that a curse has to be intentionally given to the native by the individual(s) who had suffered in the native's hand ? Or, is it just a dushkarma bouncing back onto the native, even if the sufferers didn't 'know' the involvement of the native ? Such questions can arise if we try to separate a 'curse' from other afflictions in the chart. Let us remind ourselves that every bad action will bear a bad effect, every good action will bear a good effect.

We should remember that a single strong malefic also may have the potential to damage as two weaker malefics. However, two or more malefics indicate a serious wrong-doing. The wrong-doing becomes more serious if both the malefics and the benefics are strong, if Ak is involved, if lagna lord is involved and if 8th lord is involved (nija-dosha). So we see that there is a graduated scale to measure the degree of wrong doing and the effect is commensurate with the cause.

Now, let us see what is meant by 'strong' ? Is higher benefic a sufficient indication of a stronger curse or is more number of malefics a sufficient indication instead. Yes, both should be considered. Suppose a native had stolen a small amount of money from a Brahmin and also caused severe mental and physical abuse to his/her spouse forcing the spouse to lose mental balance. If both give a curse each, which action do you think is stronger ? Is Brahmin's curse stronger or the spouses curse stronger ? I think we can safely infer that it is the spouses curse which is stronger in this case. Thus the severety of action can also be determines from the number & strength of malefics involved in the curse the position of the benefic under affliction, the avastha of the benefic and also how satvik the benefic graha is.

Having said that, let us also understand what happens when two curses are in a Rasi chart. If God has indicated that the native should take birth under this horoscope with multiple curses, then why would God indicate one operative curse and other defunct curses in this birth itself ? Thus I think it is not logical to say that the other curses are defunct. The main curse is the result of the gravest misdemeanor and should be identified as indicated in the previous paragraph. The other curse(s), either through alliance will be felt, or will be lesser afflictions which compound the severety of the results of the main curse. This is an 'additive' situation. Any affliction is an affliction which is bound to be felt if it is indicated in the chart. However, the main curse will deliniate the main course of events. So kindly do not ignore the 'other' curses.

[supriti] I think I get your point. Thank you.

Now in your chart, the data is:

September 18, 1970Time: 17:47:43Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 88 E 22' 00", 22 N 34' 00"Kolkata, India

Let us tabulate all the afflictions seen in the rasi chart. We will also see Dwadasaamsa and D-40, D-45 for some doshas.

1. Mangal and Rahu are aspecting the Lagna.

2. Lagnesh is in the 8th with 8th lord and Sani(V) with Rahu are aspecting Lagnesh. Here Guru is in inimical rasi and Sukra is stronger being in own rasi. Notice that Sukra is lord of janma nakshatra also. Sani is quite strong being retrograde and Rahu is also strong being in own house.

3. Rahu is aspecting Mangal and Ketu with retrograde Budha. Thus Budha is strong. Budha is in parivartana with Surya and is aspected by all other grahas either by rasi drishti or graha drishti. Curse of uncles/friends/relatives is also quite severe. This is compounded by the fact that Budha is Badhakesha and Surya is in Badhaka house.

4. 4th house is also aspected by Sani and Rahu. We just saw that 4th lord is also under heavy affliction. Hence this damages 4th house. 9th lord Mangal is also involved indicating that this is a curse from the previous birth.

5. Rahu is joining 12-th house and A9 and Mangal is aspecting 12-th house.

In final judgement, it seems that curse from Budha and Guru/Shukra are allied and will fructify. Further they are in dusthanas and involve AK, 8th lord and Lagnesha and hence the curse will be felt by you at a personal level.

The strongest of the malefics is Sani as it is karaka for the 6th, 8th and 12-th, aspecting 8th lord and is effectively exalted. Further, Sani is in Dhanush-navamsa which is 10th house and involves loss of jobs, money (arthatrikona) humiliation due to the same. Sani owns 12-th house of losses and 11th house of fulfillment. Of these, 12-th lordship is stronger as Rahu is posited. A9 conjoins indicating father will be involved and perhaps will be cheated which will add to your woes. Consider Budha-Surya parivartana which involves 7th house hence enmity with spouse had occurred. Consider lordship of Mangal the other strongest malefic. It is 2nd and 9th houses indicating grief from father and loss of finances.

You have mentioned that things have slowly come back to better phase. However you are running Rahu antar and things related to father and finances will still remain affected. Notice that you have started Mangal Mahadasa as per Vimsottari (Chandra Sphuta) scheme. Notice that next antar dasa is of Surya who is in parivartana with Budha. Thus the trend will continue and difficulty in marriage will also continue. HL is in the 7th house; so more than difficulties about father and about finances, marriage problems affect you at a deeper level as relationship is of high value to you. 8th has benefics so marriage will continue on its difficult course. Things will continue to improve because benefic Moola antar dasas will come thereafter. The difficulty with spousal enmity and sorrow from father will have a degree of permanence as malefics are conjoining or aspecting via rasi drishti.

[supriti] Sa/Rh Moola Dasa is ending in a few weeks and I will be in Sa/Su Moola Dasa till Jun-2007 and then only benefic antardasas will ensue. Will the benefic antardasas improve the situation?

To summarise your analysis, you concur that A9/12th house – father/Financial losses and spousal enmity will be permanent. Also can you explain why, in spite of my best intentions enmity with mother in law is at the root of spousal enmity?

Do you really think marriage will continue on the difficult course. Ju placed in 8th house is debilitated in D9. It is lord of 2nd from UL. (Guruji asked me to consider Sc as my UL). It is debilitated in D9 and hosts Sa and debilitated Rh in D9.


Now let us see if these curses on Guru/Budha are in other vargas. In D-12, Chandra is afflicted by Rahu, Sani, Surya and Mangal constituting a Matri-Pitri Shaapa of which Matri Shaapa will dominate (higher number of malefics). Rahu is afflicted by Sani and Mangal. In D-40, Guru- Budha in a dusthana are afflicted by graha drishti from Rahu, Sani and Mangal. Surya is in exchange with Guru and thus gets involved. Isn't this a similar pattern just like in Rasi chart ? In D-45, Rahu-Ketu-Mangal conjoin in dusthana and Surya and Sani aspect. Surya has parivartana with Rahu. Thus there is definitely a dosha coming from maternal and paternal sides. This include Sarpa-dosha

You need to perform the remedies Guru's have suggested to you related to the curse, although the curse is strong due to vakri of Sani and Budha. The best remedy of the curse is not to waste energy is preventing; rather it is best to learn the defects that caused this situation and become firm on this knowledge. If we can assimilate this knowledge on our previous short comings, we can prevent future mistakes.

Now, I will end with mentioning a few lines about your query related to pisaca badhaka etc. In the 6th house Badhaka is placed with Mangal and Ketu and Rahu aspecting. This is sarpa dosha (Rahu) and preta-badhaka (Mangal-Ketu conjunction). Ketu associates with 4th lord and hence this is a pisaca who had been a member of family tree. Ketu is in male rasi and this indicates a male pisaca. Remedies include Parvana Sraddha, Tila Homa etc. You are already worshipping Sri Chandika. This is also help in this matter.

Further, 12-th from Budha is conjoined by Gulika and aspected by Rahu by rasi drishti. This indicates wrath of Deity (Budha - Sri Maha Vishnu) due to pollution from touching by snakes. Rahu is in the 12-th house this also needs propitiation. Surya is dispositor of Budha and indicates lamp to be lit. Budha is in the 6th house and this indicates that you must worship Vishnu by walking around the idol and making remedial offerings. You should also arrange for Kirtana (dancing & singing festivals). Dispositor of Rahu is Sani and associates with Chandra who has mutual rasi aspect with Rahu. This indicates dosha from evil-minded sarpas. Further, Guru is in dusthana and in mutual rasi drishti with Badhakesha and Gulika is in quadrant from Guru. Thus these are inferior serpents. The remedial measures indicated are compulsory.

[supriti] I am performing the remedies.

For further references, please refer to Sri Sanjay Rath's Badhaka Lecture in his new book "Collected Papers in Vedic Astrology".

Take care and Best wishes,


|| Durga Smaranam ||


> > |OM GURAVE NAMAH|> Dear SOurav,> > Thanks. I have read Guruji's lesson before, does it have a reference> to the curse due to Ju conjunct Ke? I think I missed that. I will> go through it again.> > Anyways, I think I got it now. You are considering it only because> they are connected. You would not have considered the matri shaapa> if it was a separate curse, right.> > One of the reasons for my question is this. I have been going> through Saturn Moola dasa and my brahmin curse is manifesting at this> time. Although, the pisacha badha in my chart is unrelated, I do not> undertand why it being manifested at the same time.> > I am trying to do a chronology of my curse to understand it better.> > Its 10 years (Sa debilitated) so I need to break it up into:> 3+3+4 (Am I right?)> > 2001-9-18 to 2004-9-18 -- All round Suffering, loss of job & position> of self, loss of job & position of father, intense humiliation,> misundersatnding and strife in marriage, total headless humiliation> (pishacha badhaka manifesting - Why?), all my previous savings washed> away> > 2004-9-19 to 2007-9-18 -- Got back job, slowly getting back position,> Loss of father (not through death) - father drifted away from the> family (he has suffered a lot too due his actions, his career and my> marriage), some more totally headless humiliation (pishacha badhaka> manifesting - Why?), trying but hardly succeeding to build up savings> for the next rainy day> > 2007-9-19 to 2011-9-18 -- Waiting to see what else fate has in store> for me, but I feel spiritually and emotionally better equipped to> protest against injustice(??). Maybe because I have moved on from my> Mo vimsottari dasa (Mo in MKS to AK Sa) to my Ma dasa (Vargottama> 2nd/9th lord in 6th)> > Thanks again.> Regards> Supriti> __________________> > Supriti> > Natal Chart> > September 18, 1970> Time: 17:47:43> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)> Place: 88 E 22' 00", 22 N 34' 00"> Kolkata, India> Altitude: 0.00 meters> > Lunar Yr-Mo: Sadharana - Bhadrapada> Tithi: Krishna Chaturthi (Me) (50.40% left)> Vedic Weekday: Friday (Ve)> Nakshatra: Bharani (Ve) (97.46% left)> Yoga: Vyaghata (Ve) (59.55% left)> Karana: Bava (Su) (0.81% left)> Hora Lord: Mars (5 min sign: Le)> Mahakala Hora: Mars (5 min sign: Ge)> Kaala Lord: Sun (Mahakala: Mercury)> > Sunrise: 5:27:27> Sunset: 17:33:59> Janma Ghatis: 30.8445> > Ayanamsa: 23-27-00.97> Sidereal Time: 17:59:12> > Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa> > Lagna 6 Pi 17' 05.35" UBha 1 Pi Le> Sun - DK 1 Vi 43' 16.03" UPha 2 Vi Cp> Moon - PK 13 Ar 40' 21.26" Bhar 1 Ar Le> Mars - PiK 16 Le 17' 01.46" PPha 1 Le Le> Mercury ® - BK 21 Le 17' 44.60" PPha 3 Le Li> Jupiter - GK 12 Li 09' 39.58" Swat 2 Li Cp> Venus - MK 16 Li 26' 35.26" Swat 3 Li Aq> Saturn ® - AK 28 Ar 59' 56.45" Krit 1 Ar Sg> Rahu - AmK 8 Aq 02' 32.73" Sata 1 Aq Sg> Ketu 8 Le 02' 32.73" Magh 3 Le Ge> Maandi 22 Ge 09' 20.45" Puna 1 Ge Ar> Gulika 12 Ge 11' 25.92" Ardr 2 Ge Cp> Uranus 14 Vi 50' 45.75" Hast 2 Vi Ta> Neptune 5 Sc 05' 16.04" Anu 1 Sc Le> Pluto 3 Vi 42' 09.11" UPha 3 Vi Aq> Bhava Lagna 6 Pi 17' 12.20" UBha 1 Pi Le> Hora Lagna 11 Vi 21' 14.20" Hast 1 Vi Ar> Ghati Lagna 26 Pi 33' 20.21" Reva 3 Pi Aq> Vighati Lagna 12 Sg 33' 50.27" Mool 4 Sg Cn> Varnada Lagna 6 Le 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Le Vi> Sree Lagna 15 Pi 26' 39.40" UBha 4 Pi Sc> Pranapada Lagna 13 Ar 03' 56.11" Aswi 4 Ar Cn> Indu Lagna 13 Cn 40' 21.26" Push 4 Cn Sc> Dhooma 15 Cp 03' 16.03" Srav 2 Cp Ta> Vyatipata 14 Ge 56' 43.97" Ardr 3 Ge Aq> Parivesha 14 Sg 56' 43.97" PSha 1 Sg Le> Indra Chapa 15 Cn 03' 16.03" Push 4 Cn Sc> Upaketu 1 Le 43' 16.03" Magh 1 Le Ar> Kaala 1 Le 35' 17.10" Magh 1 Le Ar> Mrityu 16 Pi 33' 10.05" UBha 4 Pi Sc> Artha Prahara 14 Ar 54' 46.62" Bhar 1 Ar Le> Yama Ghantaka 9 Ta 57' 08.80" Krit 4 Ta Pi> Prana Sphuta 13 Aq 36' 52.66" Sata 3 Aq Aq> Deha Sphuta 1 Li 34' 16.01" Chit 3 Li Li> Mrityu Sphuta 27 Cp 03' 17.46" Dhan 2 Cp Vi> Sookshma TriSphuta 12 Ge 14' 26.13" Ardr 2 Ge Cp> TriSphuta 2 Ge 08' 52.53" Mrig 3 Ge Li> ChatusSphuta 3 Sc 52' 08.56" Anu 1 Sc Le> PanchaSphuta 11 Vi 54' 41.30" Hast 1 Vi Ar> V2 6 Sc 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sc Li> V3 6 Sg 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sg Cp> V4 6 Pi 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Pi Aq> V5 6 Ar 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Ar Ta> V6 6 Cn 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Cn Ge> V7 6 Le 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Le Vi> V8 6 Sc 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sc Li> V9 6 Sg 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sg Cp> V10 6 Pi 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Pi Aq> V11 6 Ar 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Ar Ta> V12 6 Cn 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Cn Ge> Kunda 29 Sc 04' 13.18" Jye 4 Sc Pi> > Rasi> +--------------+> | \ SaR / \ / |> | \ Mo / \ Ra / |> | \ / \ / |> | \ / GL \ / |> | \ / \ / |> |AL x As x |> | / \ / \ |> | / \ / \ |> | / \ / \ |> | / Gk \ 12 / \ |> | / \ / \ |> | Md x |> | \ / \ / |> | \ / \ / |> | \ / \ / |> | \ / HL \ / |> | \ / \ / |> | x Su x |> | / \ / \ |> | / \ / \ |> | / \ / \ |> | / Ma \ / Ju \ |> | / MeR Ke \ / Ve \ |> +--------------+> > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):> > Ven Ven 1970-03-13 Sun 1973-07-14 Moon 1974-07-15> Mars 1976-03-12 Rah 1977-05-13 Jup 1980-05-12> Sat 1983-01-13 Merc 1986-03-13 Ket 1989-01-12> Sun Sun 1990-03-13 Moon 1990-07-02 Mars 1991-01-01> Rah 1991-05-07 Jup 1992-03-30 Sat 1993-01-18> Merc 1994-01-01 Ket 1994-11-09 Ven 1995-03-13> Moon Moon 1996-03-12 Mars 1997-01-12 Rah 1997-08-15> Jup 1999-02-11 Sat 2000-06-13 Merc 2002-01-13> Ket 2003-06-14 Ven 2004-01-13 Sun 2005-09-15> Mars Mars 2006-03-13 Rah 2006-08-12 Jup 2007-08-31> Sat 2008-08-05 Merc 2009-09-15 Ket 2010-09-12> Ven 2011-02-05 Sun 2012-04-06 Moon 2012-08-15> Rah Rah 2013-03-13 Jup 2015-11-27 Sat 2018-04-18> Merc 2021-02-23 Ket 2023-09-16 Ven 2024-10-03> Sun 2027-10-04 Moon 2028-08-27 Mars 2030-02-23> Jup Jup 2031-03-13 Sat 2033-05-01 Merc 2035-11-15> Ket 2038-02-17 Ven 2039-01-25 Sun 2041-09-27> Moon 2042-07-15 Mars 2043-11-15 Rah 2044-10-22> Sat Sat 2047-03-13 Merc 2050-03-16 Ket 2052-11-26> Ven 2054-01-04 Sun 2057-03-04 Moon 2058-02-14> Mars 2059-09-19 Rah 2060-10-28 Jup 2063-09-03> Merc Merc 2066-03-13 Ket 2068-08-12 Ven 2069-08-09> Sun 2072-06-07 Moon 2073-04-12 Mars 2073-09-15> Rah 2074-09-13 Jup 2078-03-28 Sat 2080-07-05> Ket Ket 2083-03-14 Ven 2083-08-13 Sun 2083-10-13> Moon 2085-02-14 Mars 2084-09-18 Rah 2086-02-12> Jup 2087-03-02 Sat 2088-02-06 Merc 2089-03-16> > > > sohamsa , "Sourav" souravc108@ wrote:> >> >> > || Hare Raama Krsna ||> >> > Dear Supriti-ji,> >> > namaskar. Please find the File in> the> > Files section of this group entitled "curses+_+ Serbia...pdf" . I> quote> > the following from the lecture:> >> > " Although there is only one operative curse in one life time> (generally> > believed to be so), it is advisable check for allied `curses' or> > suffering indicated by the evil Müla daçä planet. All the allied> > suffering will also happen during this time. It is well said that> when> > it rains it pours. The Müla daçä planet which is to deliver the> > results of the curse will also activate allied curses of other> relatives> > during its daçä thereby ensuring all round suffering and torment."> >> > So we should consider the allied curses as they are related here.> Notice> > the strong matri shaapa which will dominate as AK and 8th lord are> > involved.> >> > Best wishes,> >> > Sourav> >> >>

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|| Hare Raama Krsna ||

Dear Supriti-ji,

namaskar. Please find brief responses below.

Best wishes,


---sohamsa , "supriti108" <supriti108 wrote:>> > || OM Sri Durgaaya Namah ||> > Although I am addressing this to Sourav alone. Any input will be> highly appreciated.> > Dear Sourav,> > First of all thank you so much for taking the time to engage in this> discussion.> > I am listing my general queries.> > 1. What if a native has a curse in D12, D40 and D45 and no graha shaapa> in Rasi. But he/she does have bhava shraapa. Can we say that the> native has a curse?

[sourav]: In my opinion, an affliction of a bhava should be considered a dosha and not curse as there is no intelligence (graha) involved in this. It shows that the dharma related to that bhava has been neglected and should be taken up in right ernest. If the curse doesn't show up in your chart, still the remedies should be performed on your parent's and forefather's behalf, unless they had done it. So please inquire. This is a part of kula dharma.

> > 2. In Sri Rama's chart, the third part of his Moola Dasa> represented fighting evil in battle. How does this show up in ordinary> mortal (like myself) charts?

[sourav]: You can study the three-parts rule. Alternatively, for a given birth time you can use the antar-dasas for better judgement.

> > 3. How do we decide on what effects are permanent and what is transitory> (curse moola dasa only)

[sourav]: Some permanent effect of the troubles arising out of a curse can be had if the malefics involved are also aspecting by 'rasi' drishti or conjoining the subha graha. Rasi drishti shows permanent control of the malefics on the house.

> > In Shri Raama chart, his throne/kingdom was returned to him but he had> to live in patni-viyog all of his life.> > I am listing my additional comments/questions below. All your> predictions are correctly, I am highlighting them in green.

[sourav]: Those weren't predictions. You have already given the data to me before. I was attempting to explain through Moola dasa only.> > > > Thank you once agin.> > Regards> > Supriti> > ______________________> > || Hare Raama Krsna ||> > Dear Supriti-ji,> > Namaskar. In the matter of curses (afflictions in general) all grahas> need to be carefully analysed. Saumya grahas do not give ill intentions> or mistakes, instead reflects good intentions/emotions. On the other> hand, kroora grahas represent a wrong intention/emotion or mistake.> Surya-ego/selfishness/hurt, Sani-deep sorrow/pain,> Rahu-cheating/shock/manipulation, Mangal-anger/violence, Ketu-headless> rash behaviour/mistake. Hence when two or more kroora grahas> aspect/conjoins a saumya graha or a house, a curse occurs. If 9th house> is involved, then the curse is from past birth. If not, then possibly> from present birth. If kroora grahas aspect other kroora grahas, lesser> beings can be said to have given the curse. These are some of the basic> guidlines in identifying the afflictions in a chart.> > Now, let us question why two or more kroora grahas needed for 'curse',> isn't one strong kroora graha suffice ? Also, is it that a curse has to> be intentionally given to the native by the individual(s) who had> suffered in the native's hand ? Or, is it just a dushkarma bouncing back> onto the native, even if the sufferers didn't 'know' the involvement of> the native ? Such questions can arise if we try to separate a 'curse'> from other afflictions in the chart. Let us remind ourselves that every> bad action will bear a bad effect, every good action will bear a good> effect.> > We should remember that a single strong malefic also may have the> potential to damage as two weaker malefics. However, two or more> malefics indicate a serious wrong-doing. The wrong-doing becomes more> serious if both the malefics and the benefics are strong, if Ak is> involved, if lagna lord is involved and if 8th lord is involved> (nija-dosha). So we see that there is a graduated scale to measure the> degree of wrong doing and the effect is commensurate with the cause.> > Now, let us see what is meant by 'strong' ? Is higher benefic a> sufficient indication of a stronger curse or is more number of malefics> a sufficient indication instead. Yes, both should be considered. Suppose> a native had stolen a small amount of money from a Brahmin and also> caused severe mental and physical abuse to his/her spouse forcing the> spouse to lose mental balance. If both give a curse each, which action> do you think is stronger ? Is Brahmin's curse stronger or the spouses> curse stronger ? I think we can safely infer that it is the spouses> curse which is stronger in this case. Thus the severety of action can> also be determines from the number & strength of malefics involved in> the curse the position of the benefic under affliction, the avastha of> the benefic and also how satvik the benefic graha is.> > Having said that, let us also understand what happens when two curses> are in a Rasi chart. If God has indicated that the native should take> birth under this horoscope with multiple curses, then why would God> indicate one operative curse and other defunct curses in this birth> itself ? Thus I think it is not logical to say that the other curses are> defunct. The main curse is the result of the gravest misdemeanor and> should be identified as indicated in the previous paragraph. The other> curse(s), either through alliance will be felt, or will be lesser> afflictions which compound the severety of the results of the main> curse. This is an 'additive' situation. Any affliction is an affliction> which is bound to be felt if it is indicated in the chart. However, the> main curse will deliniate the main course of events. So kindly do not> ignore the 'other' curses.> > [supriti] I think I get your point. Thank you.> > Now in your chart, the data is:> > September 18, 1970> Time: 17:47:43> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)> Place: 88 E 22' 00", 22 N 34' 00"> Kolkata, India> > Let us tabulate all the afflictions seen in the rasi chart. We will also> see Dwadasaamsa and D-40, D-45 for some doshas.> > 1. Mangal and Rahu are aspecting the Lagna.> > 2. Lagnesh is in the 8th with 8th lord and Sani(V) with Rahu are> aspecting Lagnesh. Here Guru is in inimical rasi and Sukra is stronger> being in own rasi. Notice that Sukra is lord of janma nakshatra also.> Sani is quite strong being retrograde and Rahu is also strong being in> own house.> > 3. Rahu is aspecting Mangal and Ketu with retrograde Budha. Thus Budha> is strong. Budha is in parivartana with Surya and is aspected by all> other grahas either by rasi drishti or graha drishti. Curse of> uncles/friends/relatives is also quite severe. This is compounded by the> fact that Budha is Badhakesha and Surya is in Badhaka house.> > 4. 4th house is also aspected by Sani and Rahu. We just saw that 4th> lord is also under heavy affliction. Hence this damages 4th house. 9th> lord Mangal is also involved indicating that this is a curse from the> previous birth.> > 5. Rahu is joining 12-th house and A9 and Mangal is aspecting 12-th> house.> > In final judgement, it seems that curse from Budha and Guru/Shukra are> allied and will fructify. Further they are in dusthanas and involve AK,> 8th lord and Lagnesha and hence the curse will be felt by you at a> personal level.> > The strongest of the malefics is Sani as it is karaka for the 6th, 8th> and 12-th, aspecting 8th lord and is effectively exalted. Further, Sani> is in Dhanush-navamsa which is 10th house and involves loss of jobs,> money (arthatrikona) humiliation due to the same. Sani owns 12-th house> of losses and 11th house of fulfillment. Of these, 12-th lordship is> stronger as Rahu is posited. A9 conjoins indicating father will be> involved and perhaps will be cheated which will add to your woes.> Consider Budha-Surya parivartana which involves 7th house hence enmity> with spouse had occurred. Consider lordship of Mangal the other> strongest malefic. It is 2nd and 9th houses indicating grief from father> and loss of finances.> > You have mentioned that things have slowly come back to better phase.> However you are running Rahu antar and things related to father and> finances will still remain affected. Notice that you have started Mangal> Mahadasa as per Vimsottari (Chandra Sphuta) scheme. Notice that next> antar dasa is of Surya who is in parivartana with Budha. Thus the trend> will continue and difficulty in marriage will also continue. HL is in> the 7th house; so more than difficulties about father and about> finances, marriage problems affect you at a deeper level as relationship> is of high value to you. 8th has benefics so marriage will continue on> its difficult course. Things will continue to improve because benefic> Moola antar dasas will come thereafter. The difficulty with spousal> enmity and sorrow from father will have a degree of permanence as> malefics are conjoining or aspecting via rasi drishti.> > [supriti] Sa/Rh Moola Dasa is ending in a few weeks and I will be in> Sa/Su Moola Dasa till Jun-2007 and then only benefic antardasas will> ensue. Will the benefic antardasas improve the situation?> > To summarise your analysis, you concur that A9/12th house –> father/Financial losses and spousal enmity will be permanent. Also can> you explain why, in spite of my best intentions enmity with mother in> law is at the root of spousal enmity?> > Do you really think marriage will continue on the difficult course. Ju> placed in 8th house is debilitated in D9. It is lord of 2nd from UL.> (Guruji asked me to consider Sc as my UL). It is debilitated in D9 and> hosts Sa and debilitated Rh in D9.> > > > Now let us see if these curses on Guru/Budha are in other vargas. In> D-12, Chandra is afflicted by Rahu, Sani, Surya and Mangal constituting> a Matri-Pitri Shaapa of which Matri Shaapa will dominate (higher number> of malefics). Rahu is afflicted by Sani and Mangal. In D-40, Guru- Budha> in a dusthana are afflicted by graha drishti from Rahu, Sani and Mangal.> Surya is in exchange with Guru and thus gets involved. Isn't this a> similar pattern just like in Rasi chart ? In D-45, Rahu-Ketu-Mangal> conjoin in dusthana and Surya and Sani aspect. Surya has parivartana> with Rahu. Thus there is definitely a dosha coming from maternal and> paternal sides. This include Sarpa-dosha> > You need to perform the remedies Guru's have suggested to you related to> the curse, although the curse is strong due to vakri of Sani and Budha.> The best remedy of the curse is not to waste energy is preventing;> rather it is best to learn the defects that caused this situation and> become firm on this knowledge. If we can assimilate this knowledge on> our previous short comings, we can prevent future mistakes.> > Now, I will end with mentioning a few lines about your query related to> pisaca badhaka etc. In the 6th house Badhaka is placed with Mangal and> Ketu and Rahu aspecting. This is sarpa dosha (Rahu) and preta-badhaka> (Mangal-Ketu conjunction). Ketu associates with 4th lord and hence this> is a pisaca who had been a member of family tree. Ketu is in male rasi> and this indicates a male pisaca. Remedies include Parvana Sraddha, Tila> Homa etc. You are already worshipping Sri Chandika. This is also help in> this matter.> > Further, 12-th from Budha is conjoined by Gulika and aspected by Rahu by> rasi drishti. This indicates wrath of Deity (Budha - Sri Maha Vishnu)> due to pollution from touching by snakes. Rahu is in the 12-th house> this also needs propitiation. Surya is dispositor of Budha and indicates> lamp to be lit. Budha is in the 6th house and this indicates that you> must worship Vishnu by walking around the idol and making remedial> offerings. You should also arrange for Kirtana (dancing & singing> festivals). Dispositor of Rahu is Sani and associates with Chandra who> has mutual rasi aspect with Rahu. This indicates dosha from evil-minded> sarpas. Further, Guru is in dusthana and in mutual rasi drishti with> Badhakesha and Gulika is in quadrant from Guru. Thus these are inferior> serpents. The remedial measures indicated are compulsory.> > [supriti] I am performing the remedies.> > For further references, please refer to Sri Sanjay Rath's Badhaka> Lecture in his new book "Collected Papers in Vedic Astrology".> > Take care and Best wishes,> > Sourav> > || Durga Smaranam ||> > > > > > >> > |OM GURAVE NAMAH|> > Dear SOurav,> >> > Thanks. I have read Guruji's lesson before, does it have a reference> > to the curse due to Ju conjunct Ke? I think I missed that. I will> > go through it again.> >> > Anyways, I think I got it now. You are considering it only because> > they are connected. You would not have considered the matri shaapa> > if it was a separate curse, right.> >> > One of the reasons for my question is this. I have been going> > through Saturn Moola dasa and my brahmin curse is manifesting at this> > time. Although, the pisacha badha in my chart is unrelated, I do not> > undertand why it being manifested at the same time.> >> > I am trying to do a chronology of my curse to understand it better.> >> > Its 10 years (Sa debilitated) so I need to break it up into:> > 3+3+4 (Am I right?)> >> > 2001-9-18 to 2004-9-18 -- All round Suffering, loss of job & position> > of self, loss of job & position of father, intense humiliation,> > misundersatnding and strife in marriage, total headless humiliation> > (pishacha badhaka manifesting - Why?), all my previous savings washed> > away> >> > 2004-9-19 to 2007-9-18 -- Got back job, slowly getting back position,> > Loss of father (not through death) - father drifted away from the> > family (he has suffered a lot too due his actions, his career and my> > marriage), some more totally headless humiliation (pishacha badhaka> > manifesting - Why?), trying but hardly succeeding to build up savings> > for the next rainy day> >> > 2007-9-19 to 2011-9-18 -- Waiting to see what else fate has in store> > for me, but I feel spiritually and emotionally better equipped to> > protest against injustice(??). Maybe because I have moved on from my> > Mo vimsottari dasa (Mo in MKS to AK Sa) to my Ma dasa (Vargottama> > 2nd/9th lord in 6th)> >> > Thanks again.> > Regards> > Supriti> > __________________> >> > Supriti> >> > Natal Chart> >> > September 18, 1970> > Time: 17:47:43> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)> > Place: 88 E 22' 00", 22 N 34' 00"> > Kolkata, India> > Altitude: 0.00 meters> >> > Lunar Yr-Mo: Sadharana - Bhadrapada> > Tithi: Krishna Chaturthi (Me) (50.40% left)> > Vedic Weekday: Friday (Ve)> > Nakshatra: Bharani (Ve) (97.46% left)> > Yoga: Vyaghata (Ve) (59.55% left)> > Karana: Bava (Su) (0.81% left)> > Hora Lord: Mars (5 min sign: Le)> > Mahakala Hora: Mars (5 min sign: Ge)> > Kaala Lord: Sun (Mahakala: Mercury)> >> > Sunrise: 5:27:27> > Sunset: 17:33:59> > Janma Ghatis: 30.8445> >> > Ayanamsa: 23-27-00.97> > Sidereal Time: 17:59:12> >> > Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa> >> > Lagna 6 Pi 17' 05.35" UBha 1 Pi Le> > Sun - DK 1 Vi 43' 16.03" UPha 2 Vi Cp> > Moon - PK 13 Ar 40' 21.26" Bhar 1 Ar Le> > Mars - PiK 16 Le 17' 01.46" PPha 1 Le Le> > Mercury ® - BK 21 Le 17' 44.60" PPha 3 Le Li> > Jupiter - GK 12 Li 09' 39.58" Swat 2 Li Cp> > Venus - MK 16 Li 26' 35.26" Swat 3 Li Aq> > Saturn ® - AK 28 Ar 59' 56.45" Krit 1 Ar Sg> > Rahu - AmK 8 Aq 02' 32.73" Sata 1 Aq Sg> > Ketu 8 Le 02' 32.73" Magh 3 Le Ge> > Maandi 22 Ge 09' 20.45" Puna 1 Ge Ar> > Gulika 12 Ge 11' 25.92" Ardr 2 Ge Cp> > Uranus 14 Vi 50' 45.75" Hast 2 Vi Ta> > Neptune 5 Sc 05' 16.04" Anu 1 Sc Le> > Pluto 3 Vi 42' 09.11" UPha 3 Vi Aq> > Bhava Lagna 6 Pi 17' 12.20" UBha 1 Pi Le> > Hora Lagna 11 Vi 21' 14.20" Hast 1 Vi Ar> > Ghati Lagna 26 Pi 33' 20.21" Reva 3 Pi Aq> > Vighati Lagna 12 Sg 33' 50.27" Mool 4 Sg Cn> > Varnada Lagna 6 Le 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Le Vi> > Sree Lagna 15 Pi 26' 39.40" UBha 4 Pi Sc> > Pranapada Lagna 13 Ar 03' 56.11" Aswi 4 Ar Cn> > Indu Lagna 13 Cn 40' 21.26" Push 4 Cn Sc> > Dhooma 15 Cp 03' 16.03" Srav 2 Cp Ta> > Vyatipata 14 Ge 56' 43.97" Ardr 3 Ge Aq> > Parivesha 14 Sg 56' 43.97" PSha 1 Sg Le> > Indra Chapa 15 Cn 03' 16.03" Push 4 Cn Sc> > Upaketu 1 Le 43' 16.03" Magh 1 Le Ar> > Kaala 1 Le 35' 17.10" Magh 1 Le Ar> > Mrityu 16 Pi 33' 10.05" UBha 4 Pi Sc> > Artha Prahara 14 Ar 54' 46.62" Bhar 1 Ar Le> > Yama Ghantaka 9 Ta 57' 08.80" Krit 4 Ta Pi> > Prana Sphuta 13 Aq 36' 52.66" Sata 3 Aq Aq> > Deha Sphuta 1 Li 34' 16.01" Chit 3 Li Li> > Mrityu Sphuta 27 Cp 03' 17.46" Dhan 2 Cp Vi> > Sookshma TriSphuta 12 Ge 14' 26.13" Ardr 2 Ge Cp> > TriSphuta 2 Ge 08' 52.53" Mrig 3 Ge Li> > ChatusSphuta 3 Sc 52' 08.56" Anu 1 Sc Le> > PanchaSphuta 11 Vi 54' 41.30" Hast 1 Vi Ar> > V2 6 Sc 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sc Li> > V3 6 Sg 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sg Cp> > V4 6 Pi 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Pi Aq> > V5 6 Ar 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Ar Ta> > V6 6 Cn 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Cn Ge> > V7 6 Le 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Le Vi> > V8 6 Sc 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sc Li> > V9 6 Sg 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Sg Cp> > V10 6 Pi 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Pi Aq> > V11 6 Ar 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Ar Ta> > V12 6 Cn 17' 05.35" Aswi 1 Cn Ge> > Kunda 29 Sc 04' 13.18" Jye 4 Sc Pi> >> > Rasi> > +--------------+> > | \ SaR / \ / |> > | \ Mo / \ Ra / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / GL \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |AL x As x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Gk \ 12 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Md x |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / HL \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x Su x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Ma \ / Ju \ |> > | / MeR Ke \ / Ve \ |> > +--------------+> >> > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):> >> > Ven Ven 1970-03-13 Sun 1973-07-14 Moon 1974-07-15> > Mars 1976-03-12 Rah 1977-05-13 Jup 1980-05-12> > Sat 1983-01-13 Merc 1986-03-13 Ket 1989-01-12> > Sun Sun 1990-03-13 Moon 1990-07-02 Mars 1991-01-01> > Rah 1991-05-07 Jup 1992-03-30 Sat 1993-01-18> > Merc 1994-01-01 Ket 1994-11-09 Ven 1995-03-13> > Moon Moon 1996-03-12 Mars 1997-01-12 Rah 1997-08-15> > Jup 1999-02-11 Sat 2000-06-13 Merc 2002-01-13> > Ket 2003-06-14 Ven 2004-01-13 Sun 2005-09-15> > Mars Mars 2006-03-13 Rah 2006-08-12 Jup 2007-08-31> > Sat 2008-08-05 Merc 2009-09-15 Ket 2010-09-12> > Ven 2011-02-05 Sun 2012-04-06 Moon 2012-08-15> > Rah Rah 2013-03-13 Jup 2015-11-27 Sat 2018-04-18> > Merc 2021-02-23 Ket 2023-09-16 Ven 2024-10-03> > Sun 2027-10-04 Moon 2028-08-27 Mars 2030-02-23> > Jup Jup 2031-03-13 Sat 2033-05-01 Merc 2035-11-15> > Ket 2038-02-17 Ven 2039-01-25 Sun 2041-09-27> > Moon 2042-07-15 Mars 2043-11-15 Rah 2044-10-22> > Sat Sat 2047-03-13 Merc 2050-03-16 Ket 2052-11-26> > Ven 2054-01-04 Sun 2057-03-04 Moon 2058-02-14> > Mars 2059-09-19 Rah 2060-10-28 Jup 2063-09-03> > Merc Merc 2066-03-13 Ket 2068-08-12 Ven 2069-08-09> > Sun 2072-06-07 Moon 2073-04-12 Mars 2073-09-15> > Rah 2074-09-13 Jup 2078-03-28 Sat 2080-07-05> > Ket Ket 2083-03-14 Ven 2083-08-13 Sun 2083-10-13> > Moon 2085-02-14 Mars 2084-09-18 Rah 2086-02-12> > Jup 2087-03-02 Sat 2088-02-06 Merc 2089-03-16> >> >> >> > sohamsa , "Sourav" souravc108@ wrote:> > >> > >> > > || Hare Raama Krsna ||> > >> > > Dear Supriti-ji,> > >> > > namaskar. Please find the File in> > the> > > Files section of this group entitled "curses+_+ Serbia...pdf" . I> > quote> > > the following from the lecture:> > >> > > " Although there is only one operative curse in one life time> > (generally> > > believed to be so), it is advisable check for allied `curses' or> > > suffering indicated by the evil Müla daçä planet. All the> allied> > > suffering will also happen during this time. It is well said that> > when> > > it rains it pours. The Müla daçä planet which is to deliver> the> > > results of the curse will also activate allied curses of other> > relatives> > > during its daçä thereby ensuring all round suffering and> torment."> > >> > > So we should consider the allied curses as they are related here.> > Notice> > > the strong matri shaapa which will dominate as AK and 8th lord are> > > involved.> > >> > > Best wishes,> > >> > > Sourav> > >> > >> >>

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Dear Sourav,


Thank you so much for your insight.





sohamsa , " Sourav " <souravc108 wrote:



> || Hare Raama Krsna ||


> Dear Supriti-ji,


> namaskar. Please find brief responses

> below.


> Best wishes,


> Sourav





> ---------

> sohamsa , " supriti108 " supriti108@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > || OM Sri Durgaaya Namah ||

> >

> > Although I am addressing this to Sourav alone. Any input will be

> > highly appreciated.

> >

> > Dear Sourav,

> >

> > First of all thank you so much for taking the time to engage in this

> > discussion.

> >

> > I am listing my general queries.

> >

> > 1. What if a native has a curse in D12, D40 and D45 and no graha

> shaapa

> > in Rasi. But he/she does have bhava shraapa. Can we say that the

> > native has a curse?


> [sourav]: In my opinion, an affliction of a bhava should be considered


> dosha and not curse as there is no intelligence (graha) involved in

> this. It shows that the dharma related to that bhava has been


> and should be taken up in right ernest. If the curse doesn't show up


> your chart, still the remedies should be performed on your parent's


> forefather's behalf, unless they had done it. So please inquire. This


> a part of kula dharma.



> >

> > 2. In Sri Rama's chart, the third part of his Moola Dasa

> > represented fighting evil in battle. How does this show up in


> > mortal (like myself) charts?


> [sourav]: You can study the three-parts rule. Alternatively, for a


> birth time you can use the antar-dasas for better judgement.



> >

> > 3. How do we decide on what effects are permanent and what is

> transitory

> > (curse moola dasa only)


> [sourav]: Some permanent effect of the troubles arising out of a curse

> can be had if the malefics involved are also aspecting by 'rasi'


> or conjoining the subha graha. Rasi drishti shows permanent control of

> the malefics on the house.



> >

> > In Shri Raama chart, his throne/kingdom was returned to him but he


> > to live in patni-viyog all of his life.

> >

> > I am listing my additional comments/questions below. All your

> > predictions are correctly, I am highlighting them in green.


> [sourav]: Those weren't predictions. You have already given the data


> me before. I was attempting to explain through Moola dasa only.

> >

> >

> >

> > Thank you once agin.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Supriti

> >

> >



> >

> > || Hare Raama Krsna ||

> >

> > Dear Supriti-ji,

> >

> > Namaskar. In the matter of curses (afflictions in general) all


> > need to be carefully analysed. Saumya grahas do not give ill

> intentions

> > or mistakes, instead reflects good intentions/emotions. On the other

> > hand, kroora grahas represent a wrong intention/emotion or mistake.

> > Surya-ego/selfishness/hurt, Sani-deep sorrow/pain,

> > Rahu-cheating/shock/manipulation, Mangal-anger/violence,


> > rash behaviour/mistake. Hence when two or more kroora grahas

> > aspect/conjoins a saumya graha or a house, a curse occurs. If 9th

> house

> > is involved, then the curse is from past birth. If not, then


> > from present birth. If kroora grahas aspect other kroora grahas,

> lesser

> > beings can be said to have given the curse. These are some of the

> basic

> > guidlines in identifying the afflictions in a chart.

> >

> > Now, let us question why two or more kroora grahas needed for


> > isn't one strong kroora graha suffice ? Also, is it that a curse has

> to

> > be intentionally given to the native by the individual(s) who had

> > suffered in the native's hand ? Or, is it just a dushkarma bouncing

> back

> > onto the native, even if the sufferers didn't 'know' the involvement

> of

> > the native ? Such questions can arise if we try to separate a


> > from other afflictions in the chart. Let us remind ourselves that

> every

> > bad action will bear a bad effect, every good action will bear a


> > effect.

> >

> > We should remember that a single strong malefic also may have the

> > potential to damage as two weaker malefics. However, two or more

> > malefics indicate a serious wrong-doing. The wrong-doing becomes


> > serious if both the malefics and the benefics are strong, if Ak is

> > involved, if lagna lord is involved and if 8th lord is involved

> > (nija-dosha). So we see that there is a graduated scale to measure


> > degree of wrong doing and the effect is commensurate with the cause.

> >

> > Now, let us see what is meant by 'strong' ? Is higher benefic a

> > sufficient indication of a stronger curse or is more number of

> malefics

> > a sufficient indication instead. Yes, both should be considered.

> Suppose

> > a native had stolen a small amount of money from a Brahmin and also

> > caused severe mental and physical abuse to his/her spouse forcing


> > spouse to lose mental balance. If both give a curse each, which


> > do you think is stronger ? Is Brahmin's curse stronger or the


> > curse stronger ? I think we can safely infer that it is the spouses

> > curse which is stronger in this case. Thus the severety of action


> > also be determines from the number & strength of malefics involved


> > the curse the position of the benefic under affliction, the avastha


> > the benefic and also how satvik the benefic graha is.

> >

> > Having said that, let us also understand what happens when two


> > are in a Rasi chart. If God has indicated that the native should


> > birth under this horoscope with multiple curses, then why would God

> > indicate one operative curse and other defunct curses in this birth

> > itself ? Thus I think it is not logical to say that the other curses

> are

> > defunct. The main curse is the result of the gravest misdemeanor and

> > should be identified as indicated in the previous paragraph. The


> > curse(s), either through alliance will be felt, or will be lesser

> > afflictions which compound the severety of the results of the main

> > curse. This is an 'additive' situation. Any affliction is an

> affliction

> > which is bound to be felt if it is indicated in the chart. However,

> the

> > main curse will deliniate the main course of events. So kindly do


> > ignore the 'other' curses.

> >

> > [supriti] I think I get your point. Thank you.

> >

> > Now in your chart, the data is:

> >

> > September 18, 1970

> > Time: 17:47:43

> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 88 E 22' 00 " , 22 N 34' 00 "

> > Kolkata, India

> >

> > Let us tabulate all the afflictions seen in the rasi chart. We will

> also

> > see Dwadasaamsa and D-40, D-45 for some doshas.

> >

> > 1. Mangal and Rahu are aspecting the Lagna.

> >

> > 2. Lagnesh is in the 8th with 8th lord and Sani(V) with Rahu are

> > aspecting Lagnesh. Here Guru is in inimical rasi and Sukra is


> > being in own rasi. Notice that Sukra is lord of janma nakshatra


> > Sani is quite strong being retrograde and Rahu is also strong being


> > own house.

> >

> > 3. Rahu is aspecting Mangal and Ketu with retrograde Budha. Thus


> > is strong. Budha is in parivartana with Surya and is aspected by all

> > other grahas either by rasi drishti or graha drishti. Curse of

> > uncles/friends/relatives is also quite severe. This is compounded by

> the

> > fact that Budha is Badhakesha and Surya is in Badhaka house.

> >

> > 4. 4th house is also aspected by Sani and Rahu. We just saw that 4th

> > lord is also under heavy affliction. Hence this damages 4th house.


> > lord Mangal is also involved indicating that this is a curse from


> > previous birth.

> >

> > 5. Rahu is joining 12-th house and A9 and Mangal is aspecting 12-th

> > house.

> >

> > In final judgement, it seems that curse from Budha and Guru/Shukra


> > allied and will fructify. Further they are in dusthanas and involve

> AK,

> > 8th lord and Lagnesha and hence the curse will be felt by you at a

> > personal level.

> >

> > The strongest of the malefics is Sani as it is karaka for the 6th,


> > and 12-th, aspecting 8th lord and is effectively exalted. Further,

> Sani

> > is in Dhanush-navamsa which is 10th house and involves loss of jobs,

> > money (arthatrikona) humiliation due to the same. Sani owns 12-th

> house

> > of losses and 11th house of fulfillment. Of these, 12-th lordship is

> > stronger as Rahu is posited. A9 conjoins indicating father will be

> > involved and perhaps will be cheated which will add to your woes.

> > Consider Budha-Surya parivartana which involves 7th house hence


> > with spouse had occurred. Consider lordship of Mangal the other

> > strongest malefic. It is 2nd and 9th houses indicating grief from

> father

> > and loss of finances.

> >

> > You have mentioned that things have slowly come back to better


> > However you are running Rahu antar and things related to father and

> > finances will still remain affected. Notice that you have started

> Mangal

> > Mahadasa as per Vimsottari (Chandra Sphuta) scheme. Notice that next

> > antar dasa is of Surya who is in parivartana with Budha. Thus the

> trend

> > will continue and difficulty in marriage will also continue. HL is


> > the 7th house; so more than difficulties about father and about

> > finances, marriage problems affect you at a deeper level as

> relationship

> > is of high value to you. 8th has benefics so marriage will continue


> > its difficult course. Things will continue to improve because


> > Moola antar dasas will come thereafter. The difficulty with spousal

> > enmity and sorrow from father will have a degree of permanence as

> > malefics are conjoining or aspecting via rasi drishti.

> >

> > [supriti] Sa/Rh Moola Dasa is ending in a few weeks and I will be in

> > Sa/Su Moola Dasa till Jun-2007 and then only benefic antardasas will

> > ensue. Will the benefic antardasas improve the situation?

> >

> > To summarise your analysis, you concur that A9/12th house –

> > father/Financial losses and spousal enmity will be permanent. Also


> > you explain why, in spite of my best intentions enmity with mother


> > law is at the root of spousal enmity?

> >

> > Do you really think marriage will continue on the difficult course.


> > placed in 8th house is debilitated in D9. It is lord of 2nd from UL.

> > (Guruji asked me to consider Sc as my UL). It is debilitated in D9


> > hosts Sa and debilitated Rh in D9.

> >

> >

> >

> > Now let us see if these curses on Guru/Budha are in other vargas. In

> > D-12, Chandra is afflicted by Rahu, Sani, Surya and Mangal

> constituting

> > a Matri-Pitri Shaapa of which Matri Shaapa will dominate (higher

> number

> > of malefics). Rahu is afflicted by Sani and Mangal. In D-40, Guru-

> Budha

> > in a dusthana are afflicted by graha drishti from Rahu, Sani and

> Mangal.

> > Surya is in exchange with Guru and thus gets involved. Isn't this a

> > similar pattern just like in Rasi chart ? In D-45, Rahu-Ketu-Mangal

> > conjoin in dusthana and Surya and Sani aspect. Surya has parivartana

> > with Rahu. Thus there is definitely a dosha coming from maternal and

> > paternal sides. This include Sarpa-dosha

> >

> > You need to perform the remedies Guru's have suggested to you


> to

> > the curse, although the curse is strong due to vakri of Sani and

> Budha.

> > The best remedy of the curse is not to waste energy is preventing;

> > rather it is best to learn the defects that caused this situation


> > become firm on this knowledge. If we can assimilate this knowledge


> > our previous short comings, we can prevent future mistakes.

> >

> > Now, I will end with mentioning a few lines about your query related

> to

> > pisaca badhaka etc. In the 6th house Badhaka is placed with Mangal


> > Ketu and Rahu aspecting. This is sarpa dosha (Rahu) and


> > (Mangal-Ketu conjunction). Ketu associates with 4th lord and hence

> this

> > is a pisaca who had been a member of family tree. Ketu is in male


> > and this indicates a male pisaca. Remedies include Parvana Sraddha,

> Tila

> > Homa etc. You are already worshipping Sri Chandika. This is also


> in

> > this matter.

> >

> > Further, 12-th from Budha is conjoined by Gulika and aspected by


> by

> > rasi drishti. This indicates wrath of Deity (Budha - Sri Maha


> > due to pollution from touching by snakes. Rahu is in the 12-th house

> > this also needs propitiation. Surya is dispositor of Budha and

> indicates

> > lamp to be lit. Budha is in the 6th house and this indicates that


> > must worship Vishnu by walking around the idol and making remedial

> > offerings. You should also arrange for Kirtana (dancing & singing

> > festivals). Dispositor of Rahu is Sani and associates with Chandra


> > has mutual rasi aspect with Rahu. This indicates dosha from

> evil-minded

> > sarpas. Further, Guru is in dusthana and in mutual rasi drishti with

> > Badhakesha and Gulika is in quadrant from Guru. Thus these are

> inferior

> > serpents. The remedial measures indicated are compulsory.

> >

> > [supriti] I am performing the remedies.

> >

> > For further references, please refer to Sri Sanjay Rath's Badhaka

> > Lecture in his new book " Collected Papers in Vedic Astrology " .

> >

> > Take care and Best wishes,

> >

> > Sourav

> >

> > || Durga Smaranam ||

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >


> > > Dear SOurav,

> > >

> > > Thanks. I have read Guruji's lesson before, does it have a


> > > to the curse due to Ju conjunct Ke? I think I missed that. I will

> > > go through it again.

> > >

> > > Anyways, I think I got it now. You are considering it only because

> > > they are connected. You would not have considered the matri shaapa

> > > if it was a separate curse, right.

> > >

> > > One of the reasons for my question is this. I have been going

> > > through Saturn Moola dasa and my brahmin curse is manifesting at

> this

> > > time. Although, the pisacha badha in my chart is unrelated, I do


> > > undertand why it being manifested at the same time.

> > >

> > > I am trying to do a chronology of my curse to understand it


> > >

> > > Its 10 years (Sa debilitated) so I need to break it up into:

> > > 3+3+4 (Am I right?)

> > >

> > > 2001-9-18 to 2004-9-18 -- All round Suffering, loss of job &

> position

> > > of self, loss of job & position of father, intense humiliation,

> > > misundersatnding and strife in marriage, total headless


> > > (pishacha badhaka manifesting - Why?), all my previous savings

> washed

> > > away

> > >

> > > 2004-9-19 to 2007-9-18 -- Got back job, slowly getting back

> position,

> > > Loss of father (not through death) - father drifted away from the

> > > family (he has suffered a lot too due his actions, his career and


> > > marriage), some more totally headless humiliation (pishacha


> > > manifesting - Why?), trying but hardly succeeding to build up

> savings

> > > for the next rainy day

> > >

> > > 2007-9-19 to 2011-9-18 -- Waiting to see what else fate has in


> > > for me, but I feel spiritually and emotionally better equipped to

> > > protest against injustice(??). Maybe because I have moved on from


> > > Mo vimsottari dasa (Mo in MKS to AK Sa) to my Ma dasa (Vargottama

> > > 2nd/9th lord in 6th)

> > >

> > > Thanks again.

> > > Regards

> > > Supriti

> > >


> > >

> > > Supriti

> > >

> > > Natal Chart

> > >

> > > September 18, 1970

> > > Time: 17:47:43

> > > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > > Place: 88 E 22' 00 " , 22 N 34' 00 "

> > > Kolkata, India

> > > Altitude: 0.00 meters

> > >

> > > Lunar Yr-Mo: Sadharana - Bhadrapada

> > > Tithi: Krishna Chaturthi (Me) (50.40% left)

> > > Vedic Weekday: Friday (Ve)

> > > Nakshatra: Bharani (Ve) (97.46% left)

> > > Yoga: Vyaghata (Ve) (59.55% left)

> > > Karana: Bava (Su) (0.81% left)

> > > Hora Lord: Mars (5 min sign: Le)

> > > Mahakala Hora: Mars (5 min sign: Ge)

> > > Kaala Lord: Sun (Mahakala: Mercury)

> > >

> > > Sunrise: 5:27:27

> > > Sunset: 17:33:59

> > > Janma Ghatis: 30.8445

> > >

> > > Ayanamsa: 23-27-00.97

> > > Sidereal Time: 17:59:12

> > >

> > > Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa

> > >

> > > Lagna 6 Pi 17' 05.35 " UBha 1 Pi Le

> > > Sun - DK 1 Vi 43' 16.03 " UPha 2 Vi Cp

> > > Moon - PK 13 Ar 40' 21.26 " Bhar 1 Ar Le

> > > Mars - PiK 16 Le 17' 01.46 " PPha 1 Le Le

> > > Mercury ® - BK 21 Le 17' 44.60 " PPha 3 Le Li

> > > Jupiter - GK 12 Li 09' 39.58 " Swat 2 Li Cp

> > > Venus - MK 16 Li 26' 35.26 " Swat 3 Li Aq

> > > Saturn ® - AK 28 Ar 59' 56.45 " Krit 1 Ar Sg

> > > Rahu - AmK 8 Aq 02' 32.73 " Sata 1 Aq Sg

> > > Ketu 8 Le 02' 32.73 " Magh 3 Le Ge

> > > Maandi 22 Ge 09' 20.45 " Puna 1 Ge Ar

> > > Gulika 12 Ge 11' 25.92 " Ardr 2 Ge Cp

> > > Uranus 14 Vi 50' 45.75 " Hast 2 Vi Ta

> > > Neptune 5 Sc 05' 16.04 " Anu 1 Sc Le

> > > Pluto 3 Vi 42' 09.11 " UPha 3 Vi Aq

> > > Bhava Lagna 6 Pi 17' 12.20 " UBha 1 Pi Le

> > > Hora Lagna 11 Vi 21' 14.20 " Hast 1 Vi Ar

> > > Ghati Lagna 26 Pi 33' 20.21 " Reva 3 Pi Aq

> > > Vighati Lagna 12 Sg 33' 50.27 " Mool 4 Sg Cn

> > > Varnada Lagna 6 Le 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Le Vi

> > > Sree Lagna 15 Pi 26' 39.40 " UBha 4 Pi Sc

> > > Pranapada Lagna 13 Ar 03' 56.11 " Aswi 4 Ar Cn

> > > Indu Lagna 13 Cn 40' 21.26 " Push 4 Cn Sc

> > > Dhooma 15 Cp 03' 16.03 " Srav 2 Cp Ta

> > > Vyatipata 14 Ge 56' 43.97 " Ardr 3 Ge Aq

> > > Parivesha 14 Sg 56' 43.97 " PSha 1 Sg Le

> > > Indra Chapa 15 Cn 03' 16.03 " Push 4 Cn Sc

> > > Upaketu 1 Le 43' 16.03 " Magh 1 Le Ar

> > > Kaala 1 Le 35' 17.10 " Magh 1 Le Ar

> > > Mrityu 16 Pi 33' 10.05 " UBha 4 Pi Sc

> > > Artha Prahara 14 Ar 54' 46.62 " Bhar 1 Ar Le

> > > Yama Ghantaka 9 Ta 57' 08.80 " Krit 4 Ta Pi

> > > Prana Sphuta 13 Aq 36' 52.66 " Sata 3 Aq Aq

> > > Deha Sphuta 1 Li 34' 16.01 " Chit 3 Li Li

> > > Mrityu Sphuta 27 Cp 03' 17.46 " Dhan 2 Cp Vi

> > > Sookshma TriSphuta 12 Ge 14' 26.13 " Ardr 2 Ge Cp

> > > TriSphuta 2 Ge 08' 52.53 " Mrig 3 Ge Li

> > > ChatusSphuta 3 Sc 52' 08.56 " Anu 1 Sc Le

> > > PanchaSphuta 11 Vi 54' 41.30 " Hast 1 Vi Ar

> > > V2 6 Sc 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Sc Li

> > > V3 6 Sg 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Sg Cp

> > > V4 6 Pi 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Pi Aq

> > > V5 6 Ar 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Ar Ta

> > > V6 6 Cn 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Cn Ge

> > > V7 6 Le 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Le Vi

> > > V8 6 Sc 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Sc Li

> > > V9 6 Sg 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Sg Cp

> > > V10 6 Pi 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Pi Aq

> > > V11 6 Ar 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Ar Ta

> > > V12 6 Cn 17' 05.35 " Aswi 1 Cn Ge

> > > Kunda 29 Sc 04' 13.18 " Jye 4 Sc Pi

> > >

> > > Rasi

> > > +--------------+

> > > | \ SaR / \ / |

> > > | \ Mo / \ Ra / |

> > > | \ / \ / |

> > > | \ / GL \ / |

> > > | \ / \ / |

> > > |AL x As x |

> > > | / \ / \ |

> > > | / \ / \ |

> > > | / \ / \ |

> > > | / Gk \ 12 / \ |

> > > | / \ / \ |

> > > | Md x |

> > > | \ / \ / |

> > > | \ / \ / |

> > > | \ / \ / |

> > > | \ / HL \ / |

> > > | \ / \ / |

> > > | x Su x |

> > > | / \ / \ |

> > > | / \ / \ |

> > > | / \ / \ |

> > > | / Ma \ / Ju \ |

> > > | / MeR Ke \ / Ve \ |

> > > +--------------+

> > >

> > > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

> > >

> > > Ven Ven 1970-03-13 Sun 1973-07-14 Moon 1974-07-15

> > > Mars 1976-03-12 Rah 1977-05-13 Jup 1980-05-12

> > > Sat 1983-01-13 Merc 1986-03-13 Ket 1989-01-12

> > > Sun Sun 1990-03-13 Moon 1990-07-02 Mars 1991-01-01

> > > Rah 1991-05-07 Jup 1992-03-30 Sat 1993-01-18

> > > Merc 1994-01-01 Ket 1994-11-09 Ven 1995-03-13

> > > Moon Moon 1996-03-12 Mars 1997-01-12 Rah 1997-08-15

> > > Jup 1999-02-11 Sat 2000-06-13 Merc 2002-01-13

> > > Ket 2003-06-14 Ven 2004-01-13 Sun 2005-09-15

> > > Mars Mars 2006-03-13 Rah 2006-08-12 Jup 2007-08-31

> > > Sat 2008-08-05 Merc 2009-09-15 Ket 2010-09-12

> > > Ven 2011-02-05 Sun 2012-04-06 Moon 2012-08-15

> > > Rah Rah 2013-03-13 Jup 2015-11-27 Sat 2018-04-18

> > > Merc 2021-02-23 Ket 2023-09-16 Ven 2024-10-03

> > > Sun 2027-10-04 Moon 2028-08-27 Mars 2030-02-23

> > > Jup Jup 2031-03-13 Sat 2033-05-01 Merc 2035-11-15

> > > Ket 2038-02-17 Ven 2039-01-25 Sun 2041-09-27

> > > Moon 2042-07-15 Mars 2043-11-15 Rah 2044-10-22

> > > Sat Sat 2047-03-13 Merc 2050-03-16 Ket 2052-11-26

> > > Ven 2054-01-04 Sun 2057-03-04 Moon 2058-02-14

> > > Mars 2059-09-19 Rah 2060-10-28 Jup 2063-09-03

> > > Merc Merc 2066-03-13 Ket 2068-08-12 Ven 2069-08-09

> > > Sun 2072-06-07 Moon 2073-04-12 Mars 2073-09-15

> > > Rah 2074-09-13 Jup 2078-03-28 Sat 2080-07-05

> > > Ket Ket 2083-03-14 Ven 2083-08-13 Sun 2083-10-13

> > > Moon 2085-02-14 Mars 2084-09-18 Rah 2086-02-12

> > > Jup 2087-03-02 Sat 2088-02-06 Merc 2089-03-16

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > sohamsa , " Sourav " souravc108@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > || Hare Raama Krsna ||

> > > >

> > > > Dear Supriti-ji,

> > > >

> > > > namaskar. Please find the File in

> > > the

> > > > Files section of this group entitled " curses+_+ Serbia...pdf " .


> > > quote

> > > > the following from the lecture:

> > > >

> > > > " Although there is only one operative curse in one life time

> > > (generally

> > > > believed to be so), it is advisable check for allied `curses' or

> > > > suffering indicated by the evil Müla daçä planet. All the

> > allied

> > > > suffering will also happen during this time. It is well said


> > > when

> > > > it rains it pours. The Müla daçä planet which is to


> > the

> > > > results of the curse will also activate allied curses of other

> > > relatives

> > > > during its daçä thereby ensuring all round suffering and

> > torment. "

> > > >

> > > > So we should consider the allied curses as they are related


> > > Notice

> > > > the strong matri shaapa which will dominate as AK and 8th lord


> > > > involved.

> > > >

> > > > Best wishes,

> > > >

> > > > Sourav

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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That there are past lives and that there are karmik

payments in other lives including the present life and

that they are defined as curses is well accepted.

It is the " curses " to be accumulated in future which I

was wondering upon. It would imply , if we take a

simplistic illustration that in this life in the

future a person is to recieve a " curse " .

Of course, this logic will slip in the freewill vs

destiny debate if carried forward.

The word " curse " however carries generally frightening





--- Prafulla Gang <jyotish wrote:





Dear Rishi ji,


Even Prasna Marg - while discussing various curses -

have always hinted at past life. Might be then, such

curse native is going to get in present life for some

deeds.. and then they give effects in current or next



regards / Prafulla Gang


Our circumstances answer to our expectations and the

demand of our natures.







Wed, 27 Sep 2006 21:52:51 -0700 (PDT)


Re: (To Supriti-ji) Curses +





Just pondering over these words in your message:

" If 9th house is involved, then the curse is from past

birth. If not, then possibly from present birth. "

Now the past life a different life, speaking of

present life curses obviously the birth chart would

indicate that in this life, the person is going to get

a " curse " and that he/she is going to do such things

in future which bring about this curse. Should then it

really be termed as a " curse " .




--- Sourav Chowdhury <souravc108 wrote:


> || Hare Raama Krsna ||


> Dear Supriti-ji,

> Namaskar. In the matter

> of curses (afflictions in general) all grahas need

> to be carefully analysed. Saumya grahas do not give

> ill intentions or mistakes, instead reflects good

> intentions/emotions. On the other hand, kroora

> grahas represent a wrong intention/emotion or

> mistake. Surya-ego/selfishness/hurt, Sani-deep

> sorrow/pain, Rahu-cheating/shock/manipulation,

> Mangal-anger/violence, Ketu-headless rash

> behaviour/mistake. Hence when two or more kroora

> grahas aspect/conjoins a saumya graha or a house, a

> curse occurs. If 9th house is involved, then the

> curse is from past birth. If not, then possibly from

> present birth. If kroora grahas aspect other kroora

> grahas, lesser beings can be said to have given the

> curse. These are some of the basic guidlines in

> identifying the afflictions in a chart.


> Now, let us question why two or more kroora grahas

> needed for 'curse', isn't one strong kroora graha

> suffice ? Also, is it that a curse has to be

> intentionally given to the native by the

> individual(s) who had suffered in the native's hand

> ? Or, is it just a dushkarma bouncing back onto the

> native, even if the sufferers didn't 'know' the

> involvement of the native ? Such questions can arise

> if we try to separate a 'curse' from other

> afflictions in the chart. Let us remind ourselves

> that every bad action will bear a bad effect, every

> good action will bear a good effect.


> We should remember that a single strong malefic also

> may have the potential to damage as two weaker

> malefics. However, two or more malefics indicate a

> serious wrong-doing. The wrong-doing becomes more

> serious if both the malefics and the benefics are

> strong, if Ak is involved, if lagna lord is involved

> and if 8th lord is involved (nija-dosha). So we see

> that there is a graduated scale to measure the

> degree of wrong doing and the effect is commensurate

> with the cause.


> Now, let us see what is meant by 'strong' ? Is

> higher benefic a sufficient indication of a stronger

> curse or is more number of malefics a sufficient

> indication instead. Yes, both should be considered.

> Suppose a native had stolen a small amount of money

> from a Brahmin and also caused severe mental and

> physical abuse to his/her spouse forcing the spouse

> to lose mental balance. If both give a curse each,

> which action do you think is stronger ? Is Brahmin's

> curse stronger or the spouses curse stronger ? I

> think we can safely infer that it is the spouses

> curse which is stronger in this case. Thus the

> severety of action can also be determines from the

> number & strength of malefics involved in the curse

> the position of the benefic under affliction, the

> avastha of the benefic and also how satvik the

> benefic graha is.


> Having said that, let us also understand what

> happens when two curses are in a Rasi chart. If God

> has indicated that the native should take birth

> under this horoscope with multiple curses, then why

> would God indicate one operative curse and other

> defunct curses in this birth itself ? Thus I think

> it is not logical to say that the other curses are

> defunct. The main curse is the result of the gravest

> misdemeanor and should be identified as indicated in

> the previous paragraph. The other curse(s), either

> through alliance will be felt, or will be lesser

> afflictions which compound the severety of the

> results of the main curse. This is an 'additive'

> situation. Any affliction is an affliction which is

> bound to be felt if it is indicated in the chart.

> However, the main curse will deliniate the main

> course of events. So kindly do not ignore the

> 'other' curses.


> Now in your chart, the data is:

> September 18, 1970

> Time: 17:47:43

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 88 E 22' 00 " , 22 N 34' 00 "

> Kolkata, India


> Let us tabulate all the afflictions seen in the rasi

> chart. We will also see Dwadasaamsa and D-40, D-45

> for some doshas.

> 1. Mangal and Rahu are aspecting the Lagna.

> 2. Lagnesh is in the 8th with 8th lord and Sani(V)

> with Rahu are aspecting Lagnesh. Here Guru is in

> inimical rasi and Sukra is stronger being in own

> rasi. Notice that Sukra is lord of janma nakshatra

> also. Sani is quite strong being retrograde and Rahu

> is also strong being in own house.

> 3. Rahu is aspecting Mangal and Ketu with retrograde

> Budha. Thus Budha is strong. Budha is in parivartana

> with Surya and is aspected by all other grahas

> either by rasi drishti or graha drishti. Curse of

> uncles/friends/relatives is also quite severe. This

> is compounded by the fact that Budha is Badhakesha

> and Surya is in Badhaka house.

> 4. 4th house is also aspected by Sani and Rahu. We

> just saw that 4th lord is also under heavy

> affliction. Hence this damages 4th house. 9th lord

> Mangal is also involved indicating that this is a

> curse from the previous birth.

> 5. Rahu is joining 12-th house and A9 and Mangal is

> aspecting 12-th house.


> In final judgement, it seems that curse from Budha

> and Guru/Shukra are allied and will fructify.

> Further they are in dusthanas and involve AK, 8th

> lord and Lagnesha and hence the curse will be felt

> by you at a personal level.


> The strongest of the malefics is Sani as it is

> karaka for the 6th, 8th and 12-th, aspecting 8th

> lord and is effectively exalted. Further, Sani is in

> Dhanush-navamsa which is 10th house and involves

> loss of jobs, money (arthatrikona) humiliation due

> to the same. Sani owns 12-th house of losses and

> 11th house of fulfillment. Of these, 12-th lordship

> is stronger as Rahu is posited. A9 conjoins

> indicating father will be involved and perhaps will

> be cheated which will add to your woes. Consider

> Budha-Surya parivartana which involves 7th house

> hence enmity with spouse had occurred. Consider

> lordship of Mangal the other strongest malefic. It

> is 2nd and 9th houses indicating grief from father

> and loss of finances.

> You have mentioned that things have slowly come back

> to better phase. However you are running Rahu antar

> and things related to father and finances will still

> remain affected. Notice that you have started Mangal

> Mahadasa as per Vimsottari (Chandra Sphuta)

> scheme.Notice that next antar dasa is of Surya who

> is in parivartana with Budha. Thus the trend will

> continue and difficulty in marriage will also

> continue. HLis in the 7th house; so more than

> difficulties abotu father and about finances,

> marriage problems affect you at a deeper level as

> relationship is of high value to you. 8th has

> benefics so marriage will continue on its difficult

> course. Things will continue to improve because

> benefic Moola antar dasas will come thereafter. The

> difficulty with spousal enmity and sorrow from

> father will have a degree of permanence as malefics

> are conjoining or aspecting via rasi drishti.


> Now let us see if these curses on Guru/Budha are in

> other vargas. In D-12, Chandra is afflicted by Rahu,

> Sani, Surya and Mangal constituting a Matri-Pitri

> Shaapa of which Matri Shaapa will dominate (higher

> number of malefics). Rahu is afflicted by Sani and

> Mangal. In D-40, Guru- Budha in a dusthana are

> afflicted by graha drishti from Rahu, Sani and

> Mangal. Surya is in exchange with Guru and thus gets

> involved. Isn't this a similar pattern just like in

> Rasi chart ? In D-45, Rahu-Ketu-Mangal conjoin in

> dusthana and Surya and Sani aspect. Surya has

> parivartana with Rahu. Thus there is definitely a

> dosha coming from maternal and paternal sides. This

> include Sarpa-dosha


> You need to perform the remedies Guru's have

> suggested to you related to the curse, although the

> curse is strong due to vakri of Sani and Budha. The

> best remedy of the curse is not to waste energy is

> preventing; rather it is best to learn the defects

> that caused this situation and become firm on this

> knowledge. If we can assimilate this knowledge on

> our previous short comings, we can prevent future

> mistakes.


> Now, I will end with mentioning a few lines about

> your query related to pisaca badhaka etc. In the 6th

> house Badhaka is placed with Mangal and Ketu and

> Rahu aspecting. This is sarpa dosha (Rahu) and

> preta-badhaka (Mangal-Ketu conjunction). Ketu

> associates with 4th lord and hence this is a pisaca

> who had been a member of family tree. Ketu is in

> male rasi and this indicates a male pisaca. Remedies

> include Parvana Sraddha, Tila Homa etc. You are

> already worshipping Sri Chandika. This is also help

> in this matter.

> Further, 12-th from Budha is conjoined by Gulika and

> aspected by Rahu by rasi drishti. This indicates

> wrath of Deity (Budha - Sri Maha Vishnu) due to

> pollution from touching by snakes. Rahu is in the

> 12-th house this also needs propitiation. Surya is

> dispositor of Budha and indicates lamp to be lit.

> Budha is in the 6th house and this indicates that

> you must worship Vishnu by walking around the idol

> and making remedial offerings. You should also

> arrange for Kirtana (dancing & singing festivals).

> Dispositor of Rahu is Sani and associates with

> Chandra

=== message truncated ===




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Dear SOurav and Learned Members,


I am trying to apply all that I learnt to the chart I am posting.


1. There is matri shaapa in this chart.

Since Sa, Ke are in conjunction with Mo and Ma is in exchange with

Sa and Rh has rasi drishti, the effects of this curse will be

permanent. Here Ma is the strongest malefic, but it is in exchange

with Sa, so I think sometimes strongest Ma house will be the focus

(4th house, AL) and sometimes strongest Sa house will be the focus

(1st house, A5). This curse will cause mental blocks, after

relationship with children, mantra pada and own public image. It is

an active curse, since native is going through Rh Moola dasa.


2. The shraapa will cause permanent emotional blockage.


3. Native also has Shakti Yoga both in D1 and D9. I think the

shakti yoga is negative as Mo is conjunct Rh in D9.


4. The curse is not related to 9th house, hence the curse is from

present birth.


I have the following questions:

1. How will the shakti yoga be used?

2. The 8th house is not involved, so why did the native incur this


3. Most of the planets are in malefic shashtiamsa, how does this

manifest in life?

4. How do we time the curse, since all the malefics are involved?


Thanks in advance.








Natal Chart


October 2, 1939

Time: 14:00:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 88 E 12' 00 " , 22 N 42' 00 "


Lunar Yr-Mo: Pramathi - Bhadrapada

Tithi: Krishna Chaturthi (Me) (44.76% left)

Vedic Weekday: Monday (Mo)

Nakshatra: Krittika (Su) (91.04% left)

Yoga: Vajra (Mo) (51.79% left)

Karana: Balava (Mo) (89.51% left)

Hora Lord: Saturn (5 min sign: Cn)

Mahakala Hora: Saturn (5 min sign: Ge)

Kaala Lord: Mercury (Mahakala: Mercury)


Sunrise: 5:32:14

Sunset: 17:21:14

Janma Ghatis: 21.1572


Ayanamsa: 23-01-05.02

Sidereal Time: 15:03:27


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna 12 Cp 13' 24.78 " Srav 1 Cp Ar

Sun - PiK 15 Vi 13' 58.04 " Hast 2 Vi Ta

Moon - AK 27 Ar 51' 42.98 " Krit 1 Ar Sg

Mars - PK 10 Cp 17' 51.13 " Srav 1 Cp Ar

Mercury - AmK 22 Vi 41' 57.83 " Hast 4 Vi Cn

Jupiter ® - GK 10 Pi 08' 13.23 " UBha 3 Pi Li

Venus - MK 22 Vi 19' 47.08 " Hast 4 Vi Cn

Saturn ® - DK 6 Ar 18' 15.38 " Aswi 2 Ar Ta

Rahu - BK 7 Li 20' 16.04 " Swat 1 Li Sg

Ketu 7 Ar 20' 16.04 " Aswi 3 Ar Ge

Maandi 6 Cp 43' 09.76 " USha 4 Cp Pi

Gulika 25 Sg 17' 29.22 " PSha 4 Sg Sc

Uranus ® 28 Ar 27' 42.57 " Krit 1 Ar Sg

Neptune 0 Vi 37' 32.28 " UPha 2 Vi Cp

Pluto 9 Cn 39' 56.87 " Push 2 Cn Vi

Bhava Lagna 21 Cp 49' 45.84 " Srav 4 Cp Cn

Hora Lagna 28 Ta 46' 22.15 " Mrig 2 Ta Vi

Ghati Lagna 19 Ge 36' 11.10 " Ardr 4 Ge Pi

Vighati Lagna 3 Li 45' 15.83 " Chit 4 Li Sc

Varnada Lagna 12 Aq 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Aq Vi

Sree Lagna 14 Aq 29' 45.11 " Sata 3 Aq Aq

Pranapada Lagna 4 Aq 06' 04.35 " Dhan 4 Aq Sc

Indu Lagna 27 Vi 51' 42.98 " Chit 2 Vi Vi

Dhooma 28 Cp 33' 58.04 " Dhan 2 Cp Vi

Vyatipata 1 Ge 26' 01.96 " Mrig 3 Ge Li

Parivesha 1 Sg 26' 01.96 " Mool 1 Sg Ar

Indra Chapa 28 Cn 33' 58.04 " Asre 4 Cn Pi

Upaketu 15 Le 13' 58.04 " PPha 1 Le Le

Kaala 0 Pi 36' 00.20 " PBha 4 Pi Cn

Mrityu 15 Li 09' 34.59 " Swat 3 Li Aq

Artha Prahara 4 Sc 45' 50.48 " Anu 1 Sc Le

Yama Ghantaka 24 Sc 16' 12.95 " Jye 3 Sc Aq

Prana Sphuta 26 Sc 24' 33.11 " Jye 3 Sc Aq

Deha Sphuta 8 Le 11' 13.02 " Magh 3 Le Ge

Mrityu Sphuta 12 Sc 16' 22.58 " Anu 3 Sc Li

Sookshma TriSphuta 16 Sc 52' 08.71 " Jye 1 Sc Sg

TriSphuta 5 Sc 22' 36.97 " Anu 1 Sc Le

ChatusSphuta 20 Ar 36' 35.02 " Bhar 3 Ar Li

PanchaSphuta 27 Li 56' 51.06 " Visa 3 Li Ge

V2 12 Ta 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Ta Sg

V3 12 Ge 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Ge Ta

V4 12 Vi 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Vi Ar

V5 12 Li 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Li Ta

V6 12 Cp 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Cp Sg

V7 12 Aq 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Aq Vi

V8 12 Ta 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Ta Sg

V9 12 Ge 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Ge Ta

V10 12 Vi 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Vi Ar

V11 12 Li 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Li Ta

V12 12 Cp 13' 24.78 " Aswi 1 Cp Sg

Kunda 0 Li 06' 27.02 " Chit 3 Li Li




| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ Gk / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / Ma \ / |

| \ / \ / |

|JuR x As x |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ Md / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / SaR \ 10 / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| AL Mo x Ra |

| \ / \ / |

| \ Ke / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / Ve |

|HL x x Me Su |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / GL \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |



Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Sun Sun 1939-03-16 Moon 1939-07-05 Mars 1940-01-04

Rah 1940-05-09 Jup 1941-04-03 Sat 1942-01-21

Merc 1943-01-04 Ket 1943-11-12 Ven 1944-03-15

Moon Moon 1945-03-15 Mars 1946-01-15 Rah 1946-08-18

Jup 1948-02-14 Sat 1949-06-16 Merc 1951-01-15

Ket 1952-06-16 Ven 1953-01-15 Sun 1954-09-18

Mars Mars 1955-03-16 Rah 1955-08-15 Jup 1956-09-02

Sat 1957-08-08 Merc 1958-09-18 Ket 1959-09-15

Ven 1960-02-08 Sun 1961-04-09 Moon 1961-08-18

Rah Rah 1962-03-16 Jup 1964-11-29 Sat 1967-04-22

Merc 1970-02-26 Ket 1972-09-18 Ven 1973-10-06

Sun 1976-10-06 Moon 1977-08-30 Mars 1979-02-26

Jup Jup 1980-03-15 Sat 1982-05-04 Merc 1984-11-17

Ket 1987-02-20 Ven 1988-01-28 Sun 1990-09-30

Moon 1991-07-18 Mars 1992-11-17 Rah 1993-10-25

Sat Sat 1996-03-15 Merc 1999-03-19 Ket 2001-11-29

Ven 2003-01-07 Sun 2006-03-07 Moon 2007-02-17

Mars 2008-09-21 Rah 2009-10-31 Jup 2012-09-06

Merc Merc 2015-03-16 Ket 2017-08-15 Ven 2018-08-12

Sun 2021-06-10 Moon 2022-04-15 Mars 2023-09-19

Rah 2024-09-15 Jup 2027-04-01 Sat 2029-07-08

Ket Ket 2032-03-16 Ven 2032-08-15 Sun 2032-10-15

Moon 2034-02-17 Mars 2033-09-21 Rah 2035-02-15

Jup 2036-03-04 Sat 2037-02-08 Merc 2038-03-19

Ven Ven 2039-03-16 Sun 2042-07-18 Moon 2043-07-19

Mars 2045-03-16 Rah 2046-05-17 Jup 2049-05-16

Sat 2052-01-16 Merc 2055-03-17 Ket 2058-01-16

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