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Shiva worship & Corrected Birth Tim

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Namaste Sri SouravAre you aware of Panchamahabootha Sthala of Lord Shiva? She can also conduct prayers at the place where Lord Shiva manifests in the mahabootha represented by Jupiter.Thanks and Regards

BharatOn 11/15/06, Sourav Chowdhury <souravc108 wrote:





|| Hare Raama Krsna ||


|| Durgaa Saranam ||


Dear Soul Saadhaka-ji,

namaskar. Your birth time is approximately correct for the purpose at hand. Your Navaamsa, Dasaamsa, Vimsaamsa and Siddhamsa lagnas are correct and hence we can proceed.


First, let us look at Rasi chart. My main concern is not your bhakti towards Lord Siva, however I will touch upon that later. The main problem is the three taamasik grahas in the 2nd house. Sani and Rahu are co-lord's of your lagna and indicates the kind of intelligence driving your thoughts and the way you react. Mangal joins this combination and this is an Unmaada Yoga combination and have been dominating your life all along especially since 1999 when your Sani Mahaadasa started. Guru is lord of paakesha and is ill-placed from the Paakalagna. Guru is kaaraka for intelligence and Paakalagna being the seat of intelligence, Guru's placement in the 6th or 11th therefrom indicates imbalance. Now Guru conjoins A5 and here is the key for solution -- mantra-japa. You will have strong conviction in mantras as Guru and Surya are strongly influencing the mantrapada. Further Guru is also influencing A9 along with two benefics and indicates strong faith.


5th house indicates bhakti/taste and 9th from the 5th i.e. lagna-bhava indicates the nature of the taste and what you like. Surya is posited here and you prefer a deity who is radiant like Surya and father-like in nature. Now, 5th house being empty, 5th lord and aspects on the 5th house, need to be investigated to find the deity-form that interests your most. This can change with the dasaa. Now 5th lord is Budha and is placed in the 12-th with Sukra. This definitely indicates Lakshmi-Naaraayana form. The graha joining the 5th lord indicates the reason for worship. Sukra here indicates reason is desire for relationship/long life/ luxuries/healing and rejuvenation. Notice that your Reiki practices are also related to these ideas. Lets not walk around logic and try to prove that Lord Siva is the only deity form in your interest. Now, Guru strongly aspects this combination and conjoins A5 and indicates that during Guru Mahaadasa (which is past)

Siva bhakti will be preferred. However, Budha is placed 8th from own house and his influence on the 5th house is limited- although Budha is Ak and in retrogression. As Sani Mahaadasa came, the three grahas in your paakalagna having aspect on the 5th from the 2nd house starts your concern for other deities. This is also related to your fears and sanity issues which you want relief from. Family concerns become utmost as they dwell in your 2nd house of families. They are also 12-th from AL and indicate bad expenses and issues with the same. Rahu in the 12-th from AL however promote spirituality but with a penalty of losing taste in material struggle and life.



Now, let us take a look at Navamsaa. In Navamsaa, Budha is placed in exaltation and being in retrogression shows debility status. AK in debility in navaamsa indicates that native finds distaste in usual pleasures of life and has a deep seated desire for renunciation and living simple life with few articles of use. Now to find Ishtadevataa, we must see 12-th from AK. This is in Simha rasi and is empty. It is not aspected by any graha by rasi drishti. Its lord and his assocations are to be considered. Now lord is Surya and is with Sani. Surya is stronger here as he is in mitra-rasi and Sani is in satru rasi. Hence stronger influence on the 12-th from KK is of Surya or Lord Siva. Now 9th from KK is empty again and unaspected. Its lord is Sukra and indicates that Dharmadevataa is Lakshmi Maata. So you must worship Lakshmi-maataa along with Lord Vishnu as indicated in your Rasi chart.



We see the same in the Vimsaamsa Chakra. Sani is present in Lagna in MKS and indicates that you will have strong issues with your identity in spiritual struggle and this will be through doubts. Both 9th house and 9th lord has affliction and indicated unhappiness in getting guidance from a Guru. Alternatively, you will have much more faith in your own bhakti. 5th house is empty and 5th lord from Lagna is Sukra and in the 2nd house. Sukra is

in the 2nd house and indicated that Lakshmi has been worshipped in your family (family deity). 7th and 10th lord Guru in the 12-th aspected by 12-th lord Sukra indicates very good meditation and experiences especially on Lord Siva.



In rasi chart, Surya is in trines to lagna and indicates spiritual merit. But Surya is not in trines to lagna lord so some corrective approach needs to be taken. Guru is the only graha connecting Surya to lagnesha. So I would advise worship of Lord Siva in guru-form (Lord Dakshinaamurty). Now, you are running Sani dasa-Sukra antardasa and during this Budha's results are given. You will do a lot of saadhana and worship during this period. However, you have first address the issues with your bhakti and the malefic combination in your paakalagna. Your problems are not with your actual bhakti (as already said) but your thought-process and what your intelligence imposes on your heart.


You had a CK-transformation betweek BK-Chandrama and MK Mangal which happened around 28 years of age which is after 1996. Between 1996-2000, you were running Drig Dasa of Vrischika which is aspecting your AL. Further Vrischika aspects A9 and AK. Have you have any spiritual initiation during this period ? In any case there was definitely some spiritual association during this period. Ketu in the 8th in the rasi chart indicate possibility of sudden Kundalini awakening. Guru and Chandra from Subhakartari and Rahu-Sani-Mangal form malefic aspects on Ketu. So some negative emotions may be generated during this period (arounf 45-47 years age) but you will be protected. Did you have inimical relationship with a father figure or an old lady ?



Sarvam Durgaarpanamastu.


Best wishes,









































Hello Sourav,Thanks for your kind interest.This TOB is mentioned on my birth certificate, probably it would be+/- 5 min at the most.I completed my medical studies in jun 1993, was married in mar1993,

joined job as medico teacher in 1995, changed job in 1999 in apharma company hwere i was teaching medical reps, then moved to UKin nov 2004, came back in dec 2005. in the meanwhile i completed aPost Graduate Diploma in Psychological counselling in 2001, and MD

(Alternative Medicine) in 2003 also.I am no more than a bathroom singer, i would rate myself on a scaleof 6 on 10, i use to sing while in medical college at b'day paties,i do play a couple of musical instruments too - but as an amateur

only.You are very right in pointing out that as per my karakamsa, myprimary bhakti should be towards Lakshmi-Vishnu. But my attachmentto Shiva has been from the very childhood (~ 7-8 yrs old) (when

Ifelt my transition happening from Lakshmi-Vishnu towards Shiva).It's more of a deep attachment (and pull) than ritual worship. Imeditate on Shiva - sometimes it's like I feel that I am Shiva,sometimes I crave being with Shiva, sometimes I weep because the

world (illusion) separates me from Shiva...I feel the Universe asmanifestation of Shiva and Shakti. As for mantras, they help me sailthrough the world when I am at more mental planes rather than indeep meditation/dhyana. So I listen to various compositions of

Shankaracharya while working on my PC, etc. (like Suvarnamala Stutisung by Pt. Jasraj, Rudra-Rudra from jyotirling, Panchakshari andShadakshari storas by Ashit Desai - to nme a few of my favorites)otherwise repitition of Ganesha, Hanuman and Durga mantras (and

chalisas) keeps me going through the physical levels,for Shiva, just His name/image is sufficient to send me into theflow (please read:

torrent).Of course I do remember to chant Lakshmi-Vishnu mantras too...butthen all these are to keep me sane in this world. Were it only forShiva worship, I would have run away into the jungles by now.

Best Regards,Soul Sadhak

sohamsa , " Sourav " <souravc108 wrote:>>> || Hare Raama Krsna ||> || Durgaa Saranam ||>> Dear Soul Sadhaka-ji,

>> namaskar. Please tellus what> accuracy of your birth data is (+/- how many mins). When did youend> your education and at what level ? When you were married ? Do yousing> well ? Your primary bhakti is to Lakshmi-Naaraayana and also to

Lord> Siva ? Which mantras are your doing for Lord Siva and when did

youstart> this worship ?>> Sarvam Durgaarpanamastu.>> Best wishes,>> Sourav>> =================================================================


sohamsa , " soulsadhak " <soulsadhak@> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil,> >> > Many thanks for the details you have so kindly provided.

> >> > Well, I have advised MAntras to my younger brother veryrecently, am> > not really aware how are benefitting him for now...I've leftthat to> > between him and God. I have been " recieving " mantras and beej

mantra> > directions (as to which one to adapt) by " Shiva " (through> > meditation) (i dont know if this

sounds crazy!) and I becameaware> > of energy aspects of Ganesha, Skanda, Hanuman and Durga evenbefore> > I started the Astro-dissection of my life. These deities in turn> > have guided me immensely (so I still stay sane). I would like to

> > state that I recieved inspiration for MAha Mrityunjaya Mantra too> > like this, but was " guided " " not " to divulge it to my mom who at> > that time was going through her battle with breast cancer (she

lost> > that battle in Dec 2005) - as you have pointed out during saturn> > retro in 2005, moreover I have been going through SaturnMahadasa.> >> > In Sept 2005, I lost 2 of my maternal uncles (one died of

> > hypertension, one was murdered!), moreover, my husband wentthrough> > a drastic change at his workplace, my son attacked by racists inUK,> > and we flew back to India and I heard the

news of mom'stransition a> > day before I was to fly back (Dec 2005) - so couldnt attend evenher> > funeral, what to talk of being by her side (that was God's Will,> > maybe). All through Aug'05 to Feb'06 I've gone through sleepless

> > nights, waking up and sitting in meditation, knowing not betterwhat> > to do!> > I left my job there too, but I feel more comfortable at home now.> >> > Though I was born at Ludhiana, I have lived in Ajmer since

infancy> > and my house was near a Shiva Temple, where I stayed till 1982.> > Shiva fantasies have been there since childhood.> > It almost feels insane to me that when I start analysing astro

> > aspects of my life, I always end up looking at my spiritualpursuits> > and whether " Shiva " comes into picture or not! Sometimes I wonder> > whether Shiva guides me or I follow Him.

Soemtimes I'm on Durga> > mantra, but my focus is Shiva! (i could go on with thisforever...)> >> > Oh, and I forgot to mention, I am a qualified Reiki teacher andhad> > been imparting Reiki attunements for free in Reiki groups between

> > 2002 and 2004.> >> > Thanks for all your Time.> > Best Regards,> > Soul Sadhak> >> >

sohamsa , " suniljohn_2002 " > > suniljohn_2002@ wrote:> > >> > >> > > Om Datta Guru> > >> > > Dear Soul Sadhak,

> > >> > > Namaste> > >> > > Nice to see a mail on spiritual pursuits - most do not asksuch.> >

>> > > a) The Adhidevata of Sun is Shiva & Sun is ur PK which means 5H> > lord & > > > it is placed in the sign of its enemy Saturn in ur lagna -showing> > the

> > > discomfort, this Sun is exalted in ur D20 showing the exalted> > values & > > > affinity to Shiva thats bringing to u & aspects ur 5H of D20.See> > this> > > Jup is with A5 in D1

> > >> > > b) In COVA if i remember well Jup has been called Shiva & thisis> > > aspecting ur lagna & Sun too in D1 & is powerful being retrothat> > too in

> > > the 12H of meditation in D20 & is with GULIKA creating fearsetc.> > >> > > c) In D1 the obvious combination and fantastic is 5L & 9L> > combination in

> > > 12H with A9 (higher wisdom), but this Ven in D20,

hisdispositor> > is in> > > the neechasign of Ven which is significant & some say thiswill be> > good> > > & some astrologers would say it is better for such a thing in

D20> > would> > > give higher acheivements.> > >> > > Can you kindly share ur experience as to if u have given any> > mantra to> > > anyone and has the result been fruitful instantly to that

person?> > >> > > d) Has ur spiritual pursuits started from 1999 onwards facingmore> > > anguish (Mars & Rahu together) & simultaneously ur Drig Dasaof ur> > 12H

> > > Capcricorn has started from 2000 Feb, currently AD of Cn has> > started> > > from Oct & Moon is with A6 - both sign and lord are aspected by> > Sun & > > > Jup - shiva showing that ur

question re anguish is genuine (a6)> > >> > > e) From 2005 end has it intensified in any manner esp wouldlike> > to know> > > ur experience when Sat was retro> > >

> > > f) If u have noticed u have charakaraka replacement of Moon-Mars> > in ur> > > chart if we take ur time of birth to be exact> > >> > > I am quite sure there would be others who would be able to

explain> > to u> > > better, for me it was a long time since I saw a chart from this> > angle> > >> > > Regards> > >> > > Sunil John

> > >> > > Mumbai> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >

sohamsa , " soulsadhak " <soulsadhak@>wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear All,> > > >

> > > > Please can anyone advise me on my chart as to why am I so> > inclined to> > > > Shiva Worship, even though I tend to get kinda crazy after> > meditating> > > > solely on Shiva...(like fears re. my family crop up in my

mind> > like> > > > wild weeds) and I have to regain my balance after worshipping> > Ganesha,> > > > Subramanya, Hanuman and Durga. After which I again run toShiva!

> > > > For one thing I undestand, my AK is Me which might make merun> > to all> > > > devatas, but why

the off-balancing? Say, since my IshtaDevata is> > > > Ganesha (Ketu in Leo)- so what happens if I worship the> > corresponding> > > > Jyotirlinga instead? (Ganesha these days has opened my

channels> > > towards> > > > Astrology! though I am a medical doc by profession, but by> > occupation> > > > i've been teaching medicos, worked abroad for a while and am

a> > home-> > > > maker for past 1 year) all I aspire for now is being inShiva's> > abode> > > > eternally. It's not that i'm tired of the world or something,

> > it's> > > just> > > > a sincere deep wish.> > > > I would be grateful if you could share your experience and> > enlighten> > > me> > > > on this. All suggestions, remedies and discussions are

morethan> > > > welcome.> > > > My details are as follows:> > > > DOB: 19.Feb.1968> > > > POB: Ludhiana, Punjab> > > > TOB: 07:20 am

> > > >> > > > Thank You and Best reagrds,> > > > Soul Sadhak> > > >> > >> >>






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